(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Mrs Lai/ Cherry
The 'dolling up' saying is provided you are those like to doll up kind, than during preggie dun doll up anymore. Or the opp will be, you dun like to doll up normally, but during preggie, suddenly doll up, will be galgal .. hehe, i oso dunno true anot lah :p I am no doll up during normal days, no doll up during preggie, bb is boi.

Same same on bf. I am really like a desert, juz dry up tho' I did try & pump frequently. Was soooo depressed back than coz everywhere it says bf is good for the bb. I myself was breastfed till 4.5yrs old, imagine that. I really envy & admire all mummies who bf till now.
Mrs Lai
i understand how u feel. actually my ss dip till very miserable like 20ml per session.
but i bu she de give up.
so at night i still let him latch on even though i know he only use me as human pacifier. but i kinda enjoy the bonding leh.
Talking abt old wives' tales,
remember sometime back we were talking about having the whorls on the top/back of the head?

I heard old pple saying if the whorl is right smack (or about there) in the middle of the head, the next bb will be a boy. otherwise it's a girl.

Can mummies with more than 1 kid confirm this?

Also if bb's eyebrows very long, means many siblings. In the old times with no contraception.
Understand your unhappiness over bf-ing. I wasn't breastfed so I didn't feel as bad.not that I didn't want to do my best for my bb. I tried my best to no avail.
Ya lor .. but I cmi. Dats y I was so depressed. I rmbr I was even pumping & tearing at the same time during those period. My HB see le also dunno how to console me .. haha. Now it's over le lah, but still feel kind of guilty when I hear other bb still breastfeeding .. like bbJ missing out something. Sometimes when he is sick, I also will tend to tink dat his immune could had been better if he was breastfed.

Jialat lah, my bb kinda botak .. even the eyebrow oso not visible .. no siblings? Btw, what's whorl?
it's the spot of almost bare scalp where the hair spirals out in a direction... sorry my explanation very jialat :p
cherry: my gal got 2 whirls then how ? :p

Min and cherry : actually i didn't feel so guilty until she was hospitalised. Then i wonder, is it becuz i cut down then she start falling sick (about the same time) so it's really a guilt trap lor ... I know that exposed to kids who are in childcare more likely to get sick, but my gal was healthy all along, no sniffles nothing ... then the moment i cut down on pumping, she start falling sick, and like over a period of 3 weeks. I felt that I did my best (afterall i BF for 6 months already!) but then she suddenly like that, I wonder if I really did my best at all ...
Mrs Lai,

according to Kelley (if my fuzzy mind remembers correctly),
Means your gal is mischievous? I also dunno how
twins? Anyhow say one...

there are periods in the child's life where he/she will be more exposed to germs and illnesses. heard another time is about 1 yr old. Cannot be helped I guess. Dun feel so bad, you're already a great mum. *pat pat*
Augleo: yes.. cut hair so my gal cant pull mummys hair anymore..hahha.. now I look like MAID!

Cooldaughter: all these myths so nt true loh.. when I had ashlyn.. pple see my tummy so sharp.. see I got gal.. my MIL even ask me grab rice n count.. it was odd.. see I still hv gal..hahaha..

Mrs Lai: hvnt.. cos everything go in.. comes out.. it gets worst.. my gal wakes up for nite feed.. she slp at 10 so I slp at 10.30 or so loh.. wat to do.. 2 zheng means very noti next time!! Old folks tale la.. beware!!!

Cherryteq: I only take folic acidmayb my body hvnt adjust to hving another bb yet.. haiz.. my gals zheng is rite in the middle loh.. lets see if I get a boy.. cos everyone say if this bb look like boy next one boy.. if ur bb look like gal.. next one gal.. we shall see!!! Pls wait for next episode ok??

Michelle: wah.. u happy la.. I miss u..hahah.. jst wondering hw come u nv yak at nite ah..kekeke.. u so ji ja!!

Darbebe: not yet.. I will slap whoever that says tat..hahaha

Kris: u bring little me go where??kekeke
mrs lai , they say 2 whorls = very very notti
than those wif 1 .
my son had 2

kelley , last time when i was preggy wif son , also very tired , vomitted alot until 21 weeks . jialat jialat . last tri , feet swollen like elephant . i guess diff babies , diff symptoms though .
the part about hving small pointed tummy mite be true for bb boys though ... anyway , they are all ur babies , i dun dare to think too much , as long as baby is healthy and smooth delvy i happy liao.
for breast milk , i am a low supply ALL THE WAY . my milk used to be 1 bottle 120ml a day . now dropped to just 20ml -30ml per pump ( sob sob )
demoralizing , but i cannot bear to stop yet . i kept telling myself , push on :D
Mrs Lai: wah. she chewing on xmas ornaments ah.. that material hor.. mst wash often or nt.. so "mao mao"??

Kris: wah.. quick.. i wana see!!! like so fun!! so cold!!
darbebe: hhmmm.. i was nt pretty with ashlyn also..guess it's the mummy..hahahah... i cut hair already look ugly.. hw to differentiate sia.. if u going gathering u see for me loh..hahah..
hi kris..... finally made the payment to u...

had pm u also.. pls chk if u rcv the money in order! thanks!

hi *michele*... saw ur big PIG HEAD!! haaa...
FUNNY!!! :p:p:p
i si ji ja meh ???
this morning, my mummy left go back home.
so last nite need to Ko earlier as well, coz need to drop K off and then my Mum.
SIGH!!!!!!! ERP on CTE is way too costly !! $4.50 just down the CTE

when u going again to malacca ?? let me know leh, coz might want to go in Dec, if got another car driving, I feel safer
Kelley, I shall judge whether u ugly or not with short hair at the gathering. heehee..Come intro yourself when u see a gong gong "auntie" standing 1 side looking shy. thats me! :D
dun tink gg malacca so soon, coz nothin much to do. im interested to go gentin again, coz nw got nice weather. any mummies wanna go, we organise a small group
ooh... looks like you enjoyed yourselves... so cool! (pardon the pun)

they say if having bb boy, the mummy's nose will become fleshier and redder. Which was wat happened to me. guess uglier in that sense. Then if expecting gal, mummy's complexion will be better also. Gals sayang the mummy more...
Hi cherryteg,

err... dis was wat most of the ppl saying. but not for me... when i was pregnant wit my boi...
i didnt ahve any fleshier and redder on my noise le.
the trip seems fun. Cool weather. shiok! BB can take it ah?

ya, my friend's nose is bigger and she is expecting boy.
apple red,
Hee it's all for fun la. Like other mummies said, diff pregnancies different 'patterns'. As long as bb healthy, anything is fine. right?

Hmm, why are we discussing abt preggie times? Maybe we're missing the privileges then.
cherry/ Mrs Lai,
My boi has 2 whirls too & all my relative also said 2 means notti notti.

Mrs Lai,
Dun guilty le, you had already done very well breastfeeding for 6mths (as compared to me). Afterall, dats e recommendation period isn't it ;) If can continue juz continue, if not, than it's still ok de.
wat pun??

kelly scare of hot, so cold weather is alrite for her. hb n i sat outdoor to have coffee n muffin, but kelly onli can try a bit of muffin, tink after a while it got too cold for her n she got angry.

we organise 1 ourselves n get a coach if thrs enough ppl
Mrs Lai,
I'm not sure if you want Fenugreek from GNC. I still have some left. Or even nursing herbal tea. Can give you

You wanna drive up to Malacca? Hee. temptation!
michelle..... u driving up to mcca??? hmm...
im yearning for a trip to mcca... BUT daddy dun want...

Kris.... arrange can.. but main thing is, daddy dun want.. cos he worry abt bb. cos my little prince.. cannot do w/o sarong....
*rock.. rock.. rock...*
*yao... yao.. yao...*
I do miss my preggie days
It's kinda fun carrying my bb ard & doing whatever I am doing TOGETHER .. hehe. Minus all the sickness & swells of coz.
actually, i wanna go penang to visit my father's side of the family who's staying there. but maybe visit them next year when kaizer is close to a year old.

michelle, you planning to bring keira back to penang?
Kris, few days back, hubby was still suggesting to our friends to organise a drive-up to Genting. But I told him no, cos I cant bear to leave bb behind.

Now see that, kelly and you are coping well, maybe I can consider bringing her along too.
I do miss my preggie days
It's kinda fun carrying my bb ard & doing whatever I am doing TOGETHER .. hehe. Minus all the sickness & swells of coz.

i also miss preggie days.. coz everyone treat u like queen. and hubby also give in to me all the time. Now?? sigh..

my nose was very red at my last tri. and i look super ugly lor but tummy very small and compact
