(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

mayb due to the super disturbed sleep in the nites for the past 2weeks.. Joanie keeps waking up in the nite.. I feel soooooooo.... TIRED... dunno when this is going to end..
ya me smtimes will cook instant noodle for myself.. very lazy..

wow darbebe,
so high fever.. muz watch her closely these few nites.. think all mums are going thru the same thing.. endless worries and deprivation of sleep!

Sori :p i got a pic of ur boy w d other bbs, wats ur email?

Cindy, Sandwich, Michele,
i've updated in my blog 2 pictures, got few more..
Whole morning in office couldnt work..just hope for 12pm to come before rushing back to bring her to the doc. Haiz..mummies zhen nan zhuo.

See her like that, so sad. She look kind of lethargic. Sponging helps? Ok, will do so when she wakes up.
next tx brg ur girl ok

Malcom is eating so well, so chubby, so cute.. tink he is tired, d last gathering, i got his pics, i email u??
take care, can undstd, bb sick, mummy most wori. c them unwell, mummy oso heartpain, remb to sponge her head, neck, armpit, groin area. af tat change to a new set of clothes n dun overdress them. it helps. 2wks ago, my girl has high fever of 39.5 n i rushed her to kk midnite as she was vomitting. my elder boy oso ever got high fever of 39.9. yr end flu bug is back, hoep ur bb gets well very soon..
wen bb is unwell, light diet or just milk wld do. else they may vomit if too much. jus like adult, wld hv poor appetite. feed her little water every half hr if she wan..
perhaps she is not ready for bbbite yet. or she dun like d texture or taste. try others or try it agn sometx later
pd advise once bb hit 38.5 degree C advise to bath bb w/lukewarm water.
take care.

u are welcome.
hope u've enjoyed it.
Darbebe / Kelley
This week you will 'see' me inactive coz I've got 3 events running this week... in fact, me just returned office from a event at the hotel.. :p

Better put on long pants & top for your gal...this period the event 'siao siao'...can rai heavy anytime.... like today for example.

Can feed her juices also increase her liquids intake and cool down her body.

Thanks for the nice compliments about my boy...but he very slow lei in development...still stuck at sitting only. No signs of going to crawl.

Actually I only managed to meet one mummy for lunch...the rest all can't make it.
Augleo, my mum against bathing bb. Sponging ok. Besides that, I also put her inside air con room or near a fan blowing at her to lower her temperature. Hopefully every little thing I do helps.

Springdance, year end weather always alot of ppl sick. Really must take care.

Sanrio, you are right. It affects her appetite. Cant even finish her usual amount of milk.
darbebe: I let me gal sleep on a water cushion - i also slap the kool fever - one on her head, and 2 or 3 on her back ;P cuz my gal refused to be sponged ;P
<font color="ff0000">Dear SpringDance,</font>

I don't think Kris is in Singapore now. Think she has gone to Malaysia for a short holiday already
Mrs Lai, what is the purpose of the water cushion? Sounds good. Yes, I put on the kool fever for her too but her itchy hands keep trying to peel from 1 corner of it. naughty girl!
i have a survey on hand that can earn urself some voucher for diaper for babies who wear mama poko or huggies.. but seems like a bit too late to sent her the names already..

never mind.. will let u all know abour any other survey if i have any..
min, cat,
emailed already

dun wori, their appetite wld b poor for few days, once bb is well, wld resume drking/eating.
Kris/ Michele
I've just transferred $15 to Kris' a/c. Pls check.
To POSB Savings 035-39592-0
Amount S$15.00
Trans Ref: 1455768392
morning darbebe,
if is temp. reading under armpit 37.8 Deg C consider fever.
is this consider viral infection?
wat did ur pd advise?
Morning mummies!
Yesterday brought Glynnis to see PD again. She has a lot of phelgm and could not sleep at night. Sunday night kept waking up crying.

Last night after the medicine, she's better. At least daddy and mummy could sleep. But daddy kept nagging throughout the evening as his little girl lose 200g over this 2 weeks.
Darbebe : Glynnis is also running slight fever since yesterday. Runny nose and flu has been on for 2 weeks le. Started having bad phelgm attack on Sunday night.
Augleo, the temp was taken from ear.
PD says partly might be due to teething or rather not. She is sick. SHe gave 2-3 days for the fever to subside.

If fever still around, then need to go back to her for further checks.
Oh dear dreamygal, any way to clear the phelgm?
Poor Glynnis, sick for 2 weeks. *sayang*
How is the fever this morning?
Hello mommies

Sorry, dun think i can join the xmas party on 8th dec cos my hub outstation... Hope to join u all another time okie..~

Darbebe : Fever up and down loh. Her first fever attack was 2 weeks ago on Sunday night 11 Nov, hit 39 degree. So monday took urgent leave to bring her to PD. Monday fever subsided, Tuesday temperature rises again, but slightly feverish only.

Wednesday no more fever but runny/blocked nose all the way till last Sunday 25 Nov, she got very bad phelgm attack but no fever, Monday morning temperature rises again to the higher end of 37 degree. This morning no fever le.

Fed her runny nose medicine last night and it causes her to be drowsy. At long last, i can sleep better.
dreamygal, my girl had cough and running nose 3 weeks ago. Then now kanna fever, so high somemore. Hope she can fully recover soon. Miss her bubbly self. She look better today than yesterday.
darbebe: u no there is one type of seat cushion? it's filled with water one ... Looks a bit like those float u lie on water, but it's square and the coloumns are filled with water instead.

Darbebe : My naughty girl huh, even when she is sick, she is still as playful.

Yesterday when we were at the PD, she's the only one hopping around. We said that she has a automatic rebounce system, once her butt touches flat surface, it will rebounce. She cannot keep still leh.
Pisces Gal
Thanks for updating me about Kris. Guess Ill PM her in that case.

You going for the gathering next Sat? Rainy day these few days.. hopefully the weather will be fine next week.

So you like the Gymboree class last Sunday? Planning to sign you boy for the class?

I believe Glynnis must be feeling very uncomfortable now with the phlegm Is her BM intake still the same? Any idea what caused the phlegm? Weather is really bad this period do let her put on some warm clothings.

That time my boy kanna cold & phlegm I see him like so poor thingcoz he dun know how to cough out the phlegm that like stuck in his throat then got 2 strings of pi ti flowing down his nose.
<font color="ff0000">Kindermusik lessons</font>: Hello Mummies! Anyone interested in enrolling their children in Kindermusik? After attending the trial class with some of you, I've decided to enrol Lele... Was told that if we can form our own class of 12, we can start lesson straight away on Sun 11am at Tanglin Mall with educator Shauna, the one in trial class...
<font color="ff0000">Kindermusik lessons</font>: Hello Mummies! Anyone interested in enrolling their children in Kindermusik? After attending the trial class with some of you, I've decided to enrol Lele... Was told that if we can form our own class of 12, we can start lesson straight away on Sun 11am at Tanglin Mall with educator Shauna, the one in trial class...
Springdance : I guess its the flu virus bah. Brought her to a number of places on the day she first ganna the virus attack.

Her intake gone down le. I think whole day she only drank 4 bottles of 150ml. Never take solid.

Really loh. The part where i see her coughing with alot of phelgm stuck inside, my heart is so painful. Yet can't do anything.
Springdance : I guess its the flu virus bah. Brought her to a number of places on the day she first ganna the virus attack.

Her intake gone down le. I think whole day she only drank 4 bottles of 150ml. Never take solid.

Really loh. The part where i see her coughing with alot of phelgm stuck inside, my heart is so painful. Yet can't do anything.
dreamygal, I understand the heartpain.

Mrs Lai, so that is the water cushion. I saw before. Btw, how is bb V after the doc visit?
Morning mummies,

Yesterday my boy fell backward while siting on the floor & his head hit onto the ground! I was so shocked!! He was very stable by siting on this own but dunno why yesterday he suddenly lost balance & fell. Luckily, after that, he was ok.

Hubby was telling me if our boy never vomit or behave unusual, it shld be all right. But I was quite worry & wonder is he all right or do i need to birng him to see doctor.

Any mummies encounter this problem ? pls advise.
my boi is 7 mths and 1 weeks and 4 days now. how come he still cant sit without support ????? any problems ? i worry le....

any new recipe for cooking porridge ???
Augleo & Michelle,

Sorrie.... i always missed the gathering !! i cldnt make it for the xmas gathering.. sorrie...
taro, ur boy very happy wor..Im always amused when they giggle and laugh. Its really cute.

Btw hor, if i rem correctly, we met before at Sun Plaza library. Not sure if u still rem me. We were at the parenting book shelves and u recommended a book to me. Even told me that you are active in the May thread in the forum.

Got any impression? hehe
I haven't slept yet! Haha.. I'm an owl. Hubby tabao mee goreng some more. Sighz.. How to lose weight leh?
Btw, hope your gal's feeling better.

What medicine did your PD prescribed to bbG? My gal also has runny nose and cough for about 2 weeks leh. But hers is more like on and off leh.
Gene, ai xin supper from hubbby.
Are you back to pre preggy weight? If yes, then nvm la. Pamper yourself once a while.
