(2007/02) February

omg, how can the PD not do anything? The parents should also send the child to hospital if the fever still doesnt go away. Poor boy, so young.

I dun think it prevents. There are quite alot of strains and i think the jab only prevents a certain type. My friend's son has the jab but son was actually hospitalised for pneumonia. Quite poor thing, cos has to do op and all, was quite serious.

Tomorrow is my last day of freedom.... gonna watch a movie and maybe go for my favourite foot massage. Gonna admit on Sat 5am for my c-sect...
huskie, i didn't see the msg... oh dear... but wun the mum go for another opinion if the fever dun go away by 5th day as wat cherry say?
Enjoy yourself tomorrow and all the best for your C-sect and recovery!
Look forward to seeing your baby's pics soon

garfield cherry,
Seems like the PD was the dismissive kind and the mother was probably intimidated by PD.
I tried to forward the msg to you, but could only send to cherry cos cannot find garfield in my FB list.
Hi mummies, i would like to share this with you..
would you hope to get an extra pocket money/ income at your own flexible free time?
At the same time, would you want to use organic and healthier household items for the house and your kids?
If your answers are YES like mine, contact me..
email me at [email protected]
huskie, i just read it. must really be more careful when its persistent fever. poor child and parents. the PD should be told to stop his medical practice.
huskie, after this incident, I have decided to bring my children only to YY yip. Actually just came back from another nearby PD and she really cannot make it. Ashley has some dry mucous stuck in her nose and I couldnt get it out using the nose cleaner so the previous time she told me to put illadin. so yesterday I put illadin and she started to sneeze non-stop, and sometimes she will sneeze out wet mucous. think it irritated her throat so she was coughing a little.

I told the PD it started yesterday and she can tell me she will put Ashley on antibiotics cos it has been a week (Ashton saw her last week). Then she was very inconsistent, she said baby is young, cannot give cough mixture. In my mind I was thinking "then can give antibiotics??" Anyway, we left the clinic with no medication. My hb said she really come across as having no idea how to treat the babies. And she can ask me to bring my gal to her again next week for review. I am so not going back to her anymore.
ya not all PD are good. I rem goin to 1 three times and finish all the med n yet zz still sick. in the end, i gave up, n zz recover by himself.

in fact they charge the med so ex... some GP also giving the same med but cheaper price.

huskie, i think i didn't add u in... r u Yxx MXXx?
Yes, I am Yxx Mxx

I also stick to my fav Kinderclinic PDs... I tried one other PD near my place before. She is quite good in the sense that she really examines Soph, but attitude-wise, not very friendly to babies... could see the then 13-mth old Soph was terrified of her, whereas when Soph goes to see out usual Kinderclinic PDs, she will pull PD's ties, and play with the PDs... more at ease cos they smile more and really talk to the babies!

I think this nearby PD got your 2 kids mixed up?! Just one day and she wants to put kid on antibiotics? My PD usually will not give antibiotics unless there is fever (and usu if high fever for more than 2 days), cos too much antibiotics is not good for kids too.
MIA these few days..so busy lately.

Catz..Sorry to hear tat yr hubby have to go Afgan for so long. Hope u get a good maid. U need the help..truly understand!

Huskie..My fren forwarded to me..Really sad. We must be more firm with the docs nowadays..some of them can "bully" us..esp some of those I encountered in polyclinics.

Garfield..U didn't get the message? U want me to forward to u. But think u read sure feel very sad some more got pic of the lil' boy..so sometimes I rather not read this kind of news..hear from others beter..I will feel so sad n cry if i read myself.

Sap..Congrats! Have a good rest.
Im still bf Yael.
PVL was bf her daughter when she was preggy with Ben..for a few months before she stopped..if I recall correctly.

Chocbabe..Pray u have a safe c-sect and speedy recovery!
charis, ya i hope can get the story so tat i will be more alert. cos most times we tend to believe wat PD advice so it rather scary.

cherry, strange tat pd suggest antibio for yr little gal... still v small ley.
hey Catz,
Can I find out where you get those one-piece thermal-like swimsuits for kids?
Soph is outgrowing her iPlay one. I only saw Liferacer ones in most shops... their thicker thermal ones are also not cheap at $59, and thinner non-thermal ones at $29.
Hey huskie, I paid through the nose for those stupid thermal wetsuit :p $59.90 per piece at Thomson Plaza lifestyle shop.. I now have VIP discount of 10% if you want..
Think there is a BP for it? Under $40 if I'm not wrong.. if not, can't find lah. V expensive :p :p :p But no choice, need it for the kids' swimming lessons else they'll be blue after half an hour. Haha.

Charis, so sad leh, the FB kid that died. So hard to find good and caring doctors.. that's why I stick with Ong EK no matter what... he's curt, yes but once you get to know him, he's actually quite chatty and humourous. Think gotta build rapport with doctors that you trust. If keep doctor hopping also no good.

cherry, I saw the Jan 09 babies' pix on FB. Ashley is so chubby! She's definitely doing well on your BM... think she's the chubbiest among the girls there. Hehe. Cutie pie.. hope she will get better soon and that she doesn't really need antibiotics.

Have found a indon tf maid.. interviewed her today and we liked her, the kids liked her so we'll be hiring her in May... just in case hubby gets deployed last minute. Wish us luck! She's Christian so that's one thing less to worry about.

I've given birth this morning at 0747hr

Baby is 3.04kg, 48cm long. Here is a pic of her. Her name is Sarah Ho. More pics on facebook.

Sarah is gorgeous... so much hair and so fair too!
I'm amazed that you can post up the pic so soon!

Is there a lifestyle shop at Thomson Plaza? What is the name and which floor is it on?
I'll check it out and see if the suits are suitable... If I'm going to buy it from that shop, I'll definitely borrow the card from you... thanks in advance!

BP for swimsuits: Think there is only an iPlay one going on by LJP, but no more suitable sizes left already. Plus iPlay ones are not very thermal, so Soph turns blue sometimes too.

Re Maid: Thought you're hiring your friend's Filipino maid? Heard the Indo Christian ones are good too.
huskie,garfield, yah I think she got both of them mixed up. In any case, I am also going to seek a second opinion for Ashton. She has put him on a 6 mth program for ventolin, flixotide and zytec. I will check with my usual PD at GlenE to see if it is necessary cos the last time he told me just have to let him build up him immunity rather than using medication.

Catz, good that u found a good maid. Is she one of your friend's maid? Good that she is christian at least she wouldnt feel uncomfortable going to church with u and the kids.

Really u think Ashley is chubby?? I thot she was quite small compared to some of the babies borned in the same month. SHe has lost so much weight recently as she is not feeding well and vomited couple of times. She is still trying to gain back the weight. She is now only about 5.5kg and 57cm. Some of the boys are already more than 6kg. maybe my babies tend to be more light weight?? Ashton is only 11.5kg at 2YO, sigh

chocbabe, congrats!!
And for once, cos she is not drinking much, I have 1 via cup to store per day. haha, never think it will ever happen to me. But I rather she drink up all the milk lah
that's the magic of netbook and digital camera...

I'm still in hospital, can only be discharged tomorrow. Sarah has slight jaundice today, so as a preventive measure, will be putting her under phototherapy and supplementing with glucose water cos she will dehydrate under light.

Milk still not in yet
this time seem a little late compared to Ryan. But nurses told me since she is pooing and peeing, means she's taking in colostrum though when i squeeze, i can't see anything.


Ryan was also suppose to be taking Loratidine (not sure if correct spelling), for long term, according to the docs at KK when we brought him there when he had long period of cough and runny nose. Then we brought him to the usual PD and she say just finish 1 bottle and monitor first. Now seems like he's fine already. Could be because we withdraw him from CC also lah.
huskie, yes the Lifestyle shop is right at the top of the escalators, next to amore and around where Yakun is. Let me know when you need the card

Yah hope this indon christian maid is good. My friend cannot release her helper until Nov so I kept on looking, found this one from this forum. Hope it goes well lah.

Ashley is definitely bigger than most of the kids at her gathering lah!!! Even with weight loss.. wah you power lah. Ashton not light weight lah, he's average. Beth is now back to 11kg. :p
chocbabe, congrats on arrival of yr princess!

cherry, Ashton is not small too! zz still on 10. something kg! n Gemma is still small... so i guess both my kids on small frame, maybe like their dad. hopefully they can grow tall like their dad too haha

Huskie, read the story of Marcus... so sad
garfield, catz, I feel so much at ease after hearing from both of u that my kids are ok in terms of weight. Maybe a lot of the jan09 babies (boys esp) are super big sized, made me feel like my kids are not doing v well in terms of weight. And doesnt help when Ashton's pants keep slipping off. I also hope they grow taller. Ashton is only 86cm tall, when a lot of kids prob already hit 90cm. So, he is light and short!

catz, poor beth, hopes she recovers soon. I can understand the feeling having just spent the entire last two weeks nursing my children back to health. Ashley is still vomiting milk if she coughs, so sayang. I mean my gal, not the milk

Garfield, did u try giving bm to zz? Does he want to drink? Actually I am thinking of giving some bm to A instead of freezing it for Ashley.

chocbabe, i think withdrawing Ryan from cc does help cos my usual PD at GlenE said A just got to build up his immunity at cc, nothing to prevent. Will see him this sat so hopefully he says no need long term medication cos I hate to see the bottles of medicine on my dining table.

I told hb yesterday I want my kids to be healthy and happy. Its a bonus if they are smart, but all I want is happy children who are secure and like themselves.
Cherryale/ Chocbabe, just a suggestion, have you tot of TCM?

Ok i know some of us are skeptical on those herbal rememdy.. but i feel TCM will build the kids immunity better.

I am considering to bring Lil J to TCM to build up her immunity against runny nose and cough cos she frequently cough and have flu which is common among kids.... but now she's like looking fine so i might delay such treatment..

I'm just giving her multi-vit with cod liver oil + 2x per week codeceyp powder..

I remember for 2 weeks i did not give her the cordecyp powder + bad weather, she started her flu + cough.. so once she recovered from it, i started the routine again.. hoping to keep the germs at bay...
congratrs on ur delivery.. sarah looks like ryan ;)...

hope that u and timmy getting better.

wat marcus story? post link here leh..
sunsweet what multi vit and cod liver oil did u give lil j? Actually i wanted to give codecep powder too, but my mil went to this TCM who said that children should not take any tonic including codycep as this could make them hit puberty much earlier and when they are psychologically not ready yet. So she is quite against it.
smurfy smurfy,
May not be convenient to post the Marcus story here.
It's a msg on Facebook forwarded by Charis.
Do you have Facebook account? I send to you via Facebook?

cherry, garfield,
Soph is also a petite 10.3kg only, but I not worried as long as she is healthy.

Both you and hubby are quite slim and narrow built, so maybe that's why babies are generally lighter?
Plus boys usually catch up on height at a later age.

Technology is amazing! Hee, but this auntie here always cannot get my wireless broadband connected, even at home, so I am always deskbound :p

Like the nurse said, don't worry about colostrum as long as baby is pooping. I also couldn't squeeze out a single drop last time.
Are you having a cf lady this round? Lots of rest (esp. after C-sect) and fluids like soup should bring on the milk.
Good luck!

Thanks, think I know which shop it is.
Just went ot check Liferacer at Kiddy Palace... $69.90! But I remember seeing the same thick insulated one at the zoo for only $55.

My maid coming later... so excited!

There's one at my Mum place at clementi, i see many children and adults goes to him.

During my intial stage of pregnancy, i was feeling very unwell (no appitite + MS) so i went to him he gave me some herbal mixture and for that period of time i felt much better + less tired.

I stopped going to him after i felt better...
cherry, rest assure tat yr kids r fine in weight... haha. yup for me, as long as they r happy ok liao. last sat, brought them out n he ate the kids meal happily... hopefully his appetite slowly comes back.

I did give him some bm... the last time i gave him was in HK. keke. he does drink. but when i pumping, he always pt and say milk. n then say for mei mei... keke.

aiya my milk no power 1... u see mei mei so small build. at 6 mths, then pass 6 kg ;p
smurfy, thanks. I'm on a course of antibiotics 'cos got sinusitis and Timo is on nebuliser for 3 days 'cos he's got phlegmy airways.. review on Thursday. Today was already $220 for both of us combined. Erks.

garfield, cherry, ehh if you want to compare skinny ah, Timo is one of the worst cases. Born at a decent weight of 3.36kg (75%tile), after 6 months he dropped below 20thpercentile. Now at 4 years 3 months he is only 15.6kg.. depressing. Whereas his Jan 05 babies are weighing in at 18kg plus. Anyway, I've given up obsessing about his weight 'cos that day I saw a kid who was really painfully thin.. like those Ethiopian kids. As long as Dr Ong never say anything, then I just try to lalala be happy about it lah. Health is the most impt.. unfortunately my boy has never stopped falling ill after taking MMR :p

chocbabe, you very very good lah.. anyway,glad your hubby is with you this time round.

Sunsweet, for me, TCM not an option due to fear of allergies.. TCM dosage is not regulated and not quantifiable.. me very scared of triggering a reaction in kids. For adults I think it's bu but for kids prone to allergies, I'm quite frightened.

huskie, let us know how your maid is. Wil be quite an adjustment to have a stranger living under the same roof. I know it will be a huge adjustment too.. as long as Bethany doesn't tell her 'I DON'T LIKE YOU, YOU GO AWAY' like she did with her swimming instructor. :p When she was playing with the kids, Timo warmed up to her, Beth is more cautious so I think Beth is gonna be the one who will shy away from her. Anyway hubby doesn't want her bonding with the kids in any way.. no sharing room with the kids etc. Fine with me, I'm a paranoid mommy anyway.. haha.
huskieeeeeeeeee or anyone with maids..

u all standing orders/rules n regulations for maids?? i wanna oneeeeeeeeeeee please...

my timing sucks... my colleague the manager last day tomorow.. and i gotta take over all his job until they get a new manager in.. presumely in a few mths time.. then my new maid coming in this saturday... never know life sucks when 2 of the "closest work relation" ppl leaving ard the same time..
ur boy ill coz of MMR or coz of school?????

i got facebook. wait wait. let me go n find u laterrrrrr (or u come n find me :p)
I guess if kids are prone to food allergies then Herbal remedy is not really the choice..

but personally i feel somehow western medicine makes the body "san3" (how you put it? its like, yes you are recovering/ feeling better but actually your immunity got weaker. its until your recovers n start taking supplements then your body builds back the immunity)
he is not really with me. He still have to go flying college everyday from 8 to 5. He only visit me in hospital. I've made the decision to stay with my parents for a week after discharge and then go back to my own house where my MIL will take care of me. Reason is I scared Ryan does not understand and demands too much attention and with my c-sect wound, I dun think i can give in to him much.

No CL for me, due to space contraint.

I did consider TCM before. My sis also told me her experience with her younger daughter and TCM. seems quite good. Just worried whether Ryan is willing to take those stuff and also will prob take some action after i settle down with the new baby.
smurfy, one of the mums in SMH, Tamarind, set up a blog.. you can see her rules and regulations here.. got a few to choose from, some in Bahasa http://singaporemaid.blogspot.com/2007/07/selecting-maid-agency.html

My son ah, for the first 18 months of his life, hale and hearty, never fell ill a single time. Then after MMR, he had his first high fever then he got sick quite a fair bit. Then school, aiyoh, lagi worse.

Sunsweet, I'm personally OK with western medicine except that need to take probiotics to build back your gut flora after you take antibiotics.

Chocbabe, aiyoh poor thing poor thing.. yes it's a good idea to stay with your parents so that they can take care of you. C-sect don't strain it.. end up like me, my c-sect wound all bruised until got purple, yellow, green :p
Eh smurfy,
What is a standing order/regulations?
Eh, I don't have that, but I do have a schedule though.
Schedule just tells what she is supposed to do from what time to what time that's all.
As for rules etc, I do lay it down verbally... simple ones like wash hands after going toilet, must wash her own clothes every night etc.

My maid is OK so far. My hubby is better at Malays, so he gives instructions better.
Today only picked her up at 4+pm, then ate out, so the real test will come tomorrow when she is doing a full day's work.

And yes, no sharing of room with kids... her job is mainly to cook and do housework. Agency has offered to translate my schedule into Bahasa Indonesia for me, so hopefully after looking at the schedule, she will know that her job is not to bond with kids

At the agency, I thought I smelled something, bt thought it was my pregger hormones. Then hubby whispered to me in Mandarin that he smelled BO! So we asked the agency lady to tell her... and agency lady told her to keep herself hygienic etc. Then we brought her to NTUC and bought her some toiletries, including a deodorant.
But funny thing was, after dinner and when she reached home, there was no more smell!
Hee, so hubby said maybe the smell came from the agency lady herself!

No CL? But do try to rest as much as possible. It's not gonna be easy handling Ryan plus a new baby, but must remember your C-sect wound!
Staying with your parents is good... hope yoru inlaws will be able to take care of you too, cos one week is quite a short time for C-sect wound to recover completely.
Forwarded the msg to your FB Inbox.
Think I previously couldn't find you cos I was searching under "S" for a smurfy, but forgot your real name was Mxx Lxxx :p
Hi Chocbabe!

Congratulations to you and hubby on the arrival of your little princess
Rest well and take good care!

I am waiting for my turn... getting real uncomfortable and tired...
huskie, LOL.. BO is one thing that makes me gag.. luckily mine no BO.. haha. That's the first thing my sister asked! Hmmm so you won't let her wash her clothes with yours? Is that a standard thing? Can let me see the schedule when you're done with it? I saw some of the schedules.. alamak, so inhumane, cannot eat lunch until 3+, cannot eat dinner until 9+. Er.. how can??
Come to think of it, some ppl BO is bad no matter whether they bathe / change clean clothes or not.. like my PILs and BIL. Erks.. terrible.. but that's one thing that the biodata won't tell you. Haha.
standing orders = rules n regulations in the house :p

i am gonna ask the current maid to pen down her daily schedule... tell her to make things easier for the new maid kekeke :p.. then i revise from there...

QY just went for jab yesterday.. now 13.6kg @ 88cm.. 80% percentile.. but he came back with a fever n running nose.. guess he caught it when he's playing at the slide in ikea over the weekend.. sianz.. might have to make another trip to the doc
I think my maid got not much BO... I suspect the smell could be from her mouth, cos when I was teaching her cooking this morning, and when she replies me, I could smell something weird... maybe buy her Listerine. Hubby's been telling her to drink lots of water too.

OK, when I'm done with my trial of my timetable and fine-tuned it, I'll pass a copy to you.
And no, she eats lunch and dinner at the same time as us... the most 15mins after us if she is busy cleaning dinner preparation stuff. It's like we eat, then she eats, then she clears and wash dinner cutlery. I'm not so evil

But heh, this morning I just found out she's only brought jeans and shirts... no T-shirts and shorts. And when I asked if she has slippers, she said yes, and whipped out a pair of sandal heels! So we had to go out and buy her some shorts and pass her my old Tshirts. Gotta buy her a pair of slippers later.

It's a good idea to get your maid to write down her schedule, but I think Filipinos are generally quite smart, so they shoud not have a problem knowing what to do.
