(2007/02) February

actually, can't ur mum drop by once or twice a day? or get tim to memorise some speed-dial numbers? coz u really dun strike to me as someone wanting a maid.. later u get more headaches n fustrations trying to deal with maids problem

garfield, yah half a year really no joke.
Normal posting bad enough.. this one in warzone, not funny. Yes absolutely no shame in bfeeding.. anyway the more practice you get at latching discreetly, it becomes so much easier on the go.

smurfy, my mum is absolutely at her full capacity with my sister's kid already.. and I've got nobody else to rely on. As it is, I have a feeling that I will really need to give the kids 150% attention since they will be missing their Dad. That's why I want a maid who's reliable.. my friend and I are in discussions how to fit in the deployment timing with her present maid's home leave arrangements.. one glimmer of hope cos both her maids are excellent. I only want a maid to take care of housework which I detest anyway.. haha.. so that I can fully give the kids the attention they need. Foresee Bethany will be really difficult to handle without my hubby's stabilising presence. Hubby and I discussed it at length over the weekend, don't see what other choice I have since when the kids are ill at night (like over this weekend) it would be good to have someone help with the pukey sheets. Usually hubby and I are a v good tag team dealing with 2 sick kids..
oh so u r getting ur friend's maid to be transferred over after going for home leave? yah more safe if u seen how she worked with ur friend...always good to have a pair of helping hands.. but do remmeber to "lower" down ur expectations oso k? her quality of work will never surpass ur hb
smurfy,when I heard her maids were available for tf, I was so happy cos both are soooooo good... now just a matter of confirming the deployment and gelling our schedules. Yah I know.. but I'm sure their housekeeping will be better than mine. As it is, hubby is barely at home save for the weekends so I am on for 24/5.. when he's gone, it will be 24/7 with a lot of emotional strain so I would welcome the help with the housework.
Yah I know about expectations.. I'm an easy employer I think.. hehe.. just that we are a messy family.
ohh ur EM should have those maid's room right at besides the front door right? good for u if u have, then the maid can easily sleep there without invading too much of ur privacy and personal space... kekeke maybe with the maid around, u can have a better quality of life ;)
i can understand your worry... hope you can manage the 2 kiddos.

For me I'm not looking forward to hubby leaving in 3 months time too. He is going for a year

But at least can visit him and perth is much safer than teliban.

Hope i can manage a 2+ yr old toddler and a 3 mth plus infant by then....
Hi Cherry, my doses are high. I have to take 2 tablets of 2mgs 6 times a day and this will last for 2 weeks. And on top of that, I am still taking ADALAT prescribed by the gynae, cough syrup and anti-inflammatory tablets for my throat. So, you see my worries? So many different drugs into my body...

Catz, understand what you are going through but really, a maid is an extra pairs of helping hands. At least with her around, you can still spend time with your kids
Half a year will pass very quickly if you dont think about it.

Chocbabe, due soon? How many weeks in advance did you take leave and wait for the arrival of your princess? In my situation, I might go on leave pretty soon. Maybe end April to rest before my edd in the mid may.
Taitai Catz,
I can understand your apprehension about your hb going to Afghanistan. I would be dead worried too. But I guess we have to go by faith and prayer. 6 months will pass quite quickly. I don't know how you will do it. I think I wouldn't be able to survive if my hb had to go away for such an extended period. It would be SOOOO lonely, esp at night

Can't you go with your hb? Perth would be so nice!
I'm on ML from Term 2 onwards, so i'm actually resting now.. hehe, though not much cos Ryan is really sticky to me. I'm going for my c-sect this saturday 7am.

Of course i would really love to go with him if possible but financially, I have to support the family and staying there would mean alot of extra cost.

I'll be visiting him during my school hols, so far, i'v booked 1 week in sept and 5 weeks in nov/dec hols. I'm waiting for the CNY tickets to be on sale. Next year CNY will also be a long weekend and then 1 week during the March hols.
PVL, GOG, thanks.. yes we're going by faith and prayer. My hb feels very called to go, in fact last week in church, he met someone who put him in touch with a mission worker from church doing tentmaking as a nurse in Afghanistan. Yah nights are the worst.. nobody to really talk to.. and I don't know what the internet is like over there, whether we can even talk weekly or not. I know that I will be very upset so it's good that the maid takes all the menial (haha) chores off my hands so I'll be less of a frustrated housewife.

chocbabe, yah we sama sama, almost in the same boat lah. It's nice that you can go visit.. and wow, you'll have a newborn to keep you really busy. So your ILs will be under your roof?
GOG, wah a lot of medicine huh! Yah I know you're concerned but honestly I think as compared to premature labour where you're unprepared, it's better to have these medicines helping you. Trust that the doctors God put there for you are doing their best
All will be fine, just do rest well! Find that a lot of my teacher friends have a lot of pregnancy woes 'cos of the hectic nature of the job. My good friend just lost both babies from IVF

chocbabe, yah living in Perth no joke... plus no job also right?
catz, ya at least get a helper to help w chores u wouldn't go mad! hehe agree that yr kids will need u more as daddy wun be around. strange tat though my hb is around, he doesn't really help but if he is not around, also feel bored. haha

cherry, add yr blog liao! I just updated G blog w more photos finally... haven't have much time... can't really do during work too...
catz, omg, your hb will be away for so long. when i saw that u looking for maid in fb i was wondering why. Yes, u definitely need an extra pair of hands esp when kids are ill. really no joke. last week when Ashton was ill, and spread to Ashley, I really thank God that i have a maid since hb is not in town. Even then it was hard to tear myself to attend to both kids. So I become fully in charged of Ashley while maid took care of Ashton and I will hug or carry Ashton whenever he needed me.

Gog, hmm, your dosage is really on the high side. Did gynae explain why u have to take so much ventolin? I did have very bad cough during my pregnancy too if u still remember. My gynae refused to let me take cough mixture. He just asked me to gargle with salt water frequently and sucked a lozenge after that. It helped. But if u really need to take the medication then it is better for u to continue cos at the moment the focus should be on keeping baby in the womb for as long as possible since that's the best environment for them. Take care!
btw, Ashton has been given the all clear to attend school tomorrow. Thank GOd that apart from the two ulcers, body rash, fever on 1 night, plus a lot of 'lau gai' the last week, his condition did not worsen. Meimei is gradually drinking more and has put on about 100gms although still not back to her 5.5kg yet. She is 5.32kg today.
yah.. IL has been staying with me all these while, good and bad. I dun have the luxury of having a maid but at least i know the kids will be well taken care of when i'm at work. can't complain cos got no choice anyway....
chocbabe, yah at least you got the help of your FIL.. hehe.. of course, given the choice, maybe I'd prefer a maid over staying with anybody.. kekekekek.. esp my PIL. Dunno what they are gonna say when my hubby finally tells them. :p Scared my MIL go hysterical and start crying in her crazy manner.. dramaaaaaaaa..

cherry, yah lor, the kids were sick this weekend. Saturday night, Beth puked 4 times.. I changed bedsheets and waterproof sheet until ran out.. luckily got hubby to help out. End up he had to sleep with beloved daughter as we had no more sheets to put on her bed.. haha... and I went to sleep with Timo.. which was a blessing in disguise 'cos he woke up at 11pm with a high fever. So both of us were half dead on Sunday.
catz, wat caused the high fever and vomiting? i think you mil will react that way loh...its really nice to have parents/inlaws help. my fil sent us to the doc everyday for 3 days last week as I really hate to drive the manual car and esp with 2 sick kids in the car
cherry, thxs i bought the clips tat time from Rachel's BP. catz, u rem? let me check which website...

btw, is any of yr kids lose appetite recently? zz dun really eat lunch n dinner
he still drinks milk but not eating well other things... when i force him, he spit out... i worried he not eating n putting on enough weight. do u think he might have sore throat or gum pain?? he doesn't say too.

last nite brought him out n buy cake n ice cream. He saw the cake n wan to eat. I so happy n give him. After a while he spit out and then i ask him wan ice cream, he say dun wan,...
I am PREGNANT!!!! Just found out today. Didn't plan for it so this a big surprise for us. According to gynae baby is lees than one month old so no heart beats yet. Bad news is I have been having brown discharge for one month and 2 blood discharge. To day is the second time. Anyone with the same experience? I am now worried if baby will be fine. Gynae just gave me some hormone pills, a jab and a week off. He said if brown discharge don't stop within 10 days, it's not a very good sign. So worried now.
cherry, think we went to the Sembawang Shopping Ctr splash park and picked up something nasty there.. cos the water seems to be recycled.. erks.. Boys always seem to have fever, girls seldom hor?

garfield, the clips are from princessbowbow? Or something Bowtique? You can get from Etsy too.

As for loss of appetite, I find kids go through phases.. sometimes they are not feeling too well, they reject food. Then after that they will get their appetites back, don't worry! Maybe he has a molar coming out?

Saphira, congratulations! I had brown discharge too.. implantation spotting but only for 3 days I think. Got pain too.. but no miscarriage.

Gotta do maid employment test soon.. luckily I talked to the maid agency and realised that I can employ the maid even though no income. Less headache if not imagine hubby sent off last minute and we gotta scramble to do paperwork.. else how to get him to do paperwork from Afghanistan? :p
I had reddish brown discharge on the day my period was supposed to be due... for about 2 days, so I think that was implantation spotting too.
Then at 5th week, I had a bit of red spotting, but took Duphaston and rested a lot on bed, which really helped a lot.
Do rest well and not carry heavy things or even Xinfaye too much.

Your hubby going to Afghanistan in a month's time?!
Then what will happen to your op in June?
I think you made a correct move to get a helper - otherwise if you have another fainting incident, that will be terrible.

Eh, for the maid employment test, if they have those silly links that link you externally, try not to click them. I clicked one to find out if the agency I went to was blacklisted, and after a few more clicks, it closed off the page I was at, and I had to start the silly course all over again... and I was already at Slide No. 20+!

btw, I employed the maid under my own name, also zero income. But I submitted both our income tax assessments for last year.

Hope your kids get well soon... think I will not bring Soh to the Splashpark at SSC!
huskie, thanks for the tip!! OK will not click on any links.. haha. Afghanistan still up in the air. Now they say he's the reserve for May and will go up in Nov BUTTTTT if the May guy backs out for whatever reason, he'll have to go up with less than a week's notice. Sucks, right??? But whatever it is, I do prefer that he leaves in May.. then there isn't this awful stone hanging over our heads and he won't miss Dec hols, Christmas and the kiddos birthdays in Jan.
Yeah, quickly get the 6mths over and done with and then spend Xmas with family.
I know it's a peacekeeping mission, but will it be very dangerous?
As in, will he be roaming a lot of the streets?

Sorry for my silly questions... I'm a bit suaku when it comes to military stuff!
catz, yah i think may is better then back in time for christmas. Its worse when its a major holiday/events and he is not around.

Garfield, thanks for the website. My meimei no hair yet but will buy some and wait for the day to come

actually those splash parks not very hygenic hor, I dun even dare to bring my kids to playground now.

i can understand your worries with regards to hb going to afghanistan. my hb is in uniform grp too, and i do worry abt his safety when he is at work.


congrats on yr pregnancy.. i also have spotting when i am with cherish..just remember not to exert yourself too much .

cherish also got food strike and milk strike at times. sometimes i can find out the reason.like lesser activities, or too much junk etc.

there was once she was on milk strike. then i suddenly recalled there was once the milk sprayed out from the bottle and kena her eyes..then she got phobia of drinking milk..

anyway, now i worry less abt her food intake.cos toddlers are v smart, wont starve themselves

i was browsing thr the blog of teenage mums.. well..no comments ..but i cant imagine if that happens to my daughter..faint big time
Hee, I was showing the blog to my hubby... and asked him what happens if it happens to his daughter... I think he almost fainted at that question!
Eh, the 2nd blog (girl with 2 kids)... if you calculate their age, the girl was only 15+ when pregnant and the guy 18+!

I agree with stella - toddlers won't starve themselves.
Soph is not exactly a foodie, but when she is hungry, she will climb and get biscuits etc from the table herself.
She also had food strike at times, and usually it is due to teething, and sometimes just bored with same old food.
So I give her different kinds of food like macaroni, baked potatoes etc.
huskie, he'll be in a staff appt, prob following NATO general or chief around.. BUT also quite dangerous la, I feel. Since where he's going is a hot zone. Got quite a lot of deaths.

stella, I didn't know your hubby was also in SAF.. Navy?

cherry, yahhh I am lagi paranoid about splash parks now.. haha.. I didn't like the zoo one to begin with.. so DIRTY! You see the water, wah lau, puke!
cherry, u can get those bb non-slip ones if mei mei little hair. tat time i also bought those b4 she born cos i also not sure if mei mei got hair

stella, catz,huskie thxs. ya I feel he just wanna biscuits n chocolates but I will never give him b4 a meal. like yesterday, we cook rice n minced pork. we do cook varieties for him. then he ate like maybe at most 3 scoops then sub spit out again lor. v heart ache to see him eat like this. then i no choice ask him whether he wanna eat bread n he ate 1 slice. last time he used to ask for food but now all he ask for is milk n biscuits...

so of cos he wun starve himself but is he gettin enough nutrients from all these? he really picky eater. but now worse...

i also suspect some molar coming out again... btw, how many teeth shld be in bottom? i counted 8...

Sap, congrats! i dun have spotting so can't advise.
garfield, i think zz and A sama. Also only want to eat biscuits (stars) and the other tibits. But always spit out his food. And he started drooling like mad. I suspect his molars the biggest one at the back is coming out.
Sap, Congrats! Think all should be alright after taking the hormone pills

Cherry, like the clips as well... if ordering, pls jio me can? Sigh... this morning called up gynae again to ask why so much discomfort experienced - fast heartbeat, perspiration, headache, vomiting, bloatedness etc. She said it's cos I am fighting a flu and cough bugs as well... thats why the body is not functioning well. Otherwise, if just Adalat and ventolin should be fine for all pregnant ladies. Must continue with the medication... I am worried sick i tell you! My poor baby is eating my medicine as well.

Yup, Catz! Guess I really need to trust God to protect the little one... Really feeling guilty about pumping myself with drugs...

Drooling toddlers: Julian also...
gog, fast heartbeat could be due to ventolin. My gynae was monitoring me for fast heartbeat when I was on it. Dun think too much, just get well faster. take care. Ok, will let u know when I order the clips. I find myself falling ill easily too this time round (perhaps cos I am bfg and i didnt do a proper confinement cos i kept going out). When A fall sick, I tend to get it from him too.
tat day, i act bought the stars for G but G still dun knwo how to eat.... so zz was so happy n helpin himself lo.

i realise nowadays zz dun really snatch toys form mei mei liao n i so relieved. yesterday i saw him snatching a toy laptop from mei mei hands. I told him cannot snatch n return to mei mei. he return her back n go n play other toys. hopefully he will stay this way.
the final 4 molars shoudl be out by or before 30 mths... thats what i read from the health booklet..

hopping that the 4 monster teeth will not cause too much discomfort.

Any idea where i can buy I Can Read series books?

I got 1 from popular and finds it quite nice. Lil J like it too.. so was thinking where can i buy it in a series?
dot dot dot.. i heard my colleague's wife delivered a premmie at wk 26 recently... just found his story in the premmie's thread.. reading it now.. hb will scold once he find out me reading that thread again.. but i just seems to get away frm that thread.. bad bad omen..
smurfy, ayoi, dun read anymore lah, scared yourself only.

sunsweet, got BP for the wo hui du at BP section..
I'm thinking of getting but wah lau, so expensive. Cos both my kids eating potato :p

garfield, hehe, zz so cute.. yah those stars appeal to kids of all ages, except maybe those in pri sch lah.. haha. Total teeth for childhood = 20.. 10 above, 10 below. I know those last 4 molars gave Timo hell.

GOG, I had heart palpitations due to Ventolin too.. just an unpleasant side effect. Dun think there's anything else they can prescribe that's safe though.
Thank you mummies for all she well wishes. Really means a lot to me. Hope all mummies and child are healthy and happy

Gynae gave me 7 days MC. So now got some time to chat with you gals. Resting at home.

Thank you so much for the sharing. Your experience is very close to mine. reddish brown discharge on the day my period was supposed to be due but I was having brown discharge almost the entire month. Now my 6th week, I had a bit of red spotting.

Started taking the hormone pills. How long did you take the last time? I am still bfeeding Xinfaye now but advice to stop when I am taking the hormone pills. Hope she will take it well. Have to pump the milk and trow them away. So sayang. Gynae advice me to take the pills for 10days. Hope I don't have to wait that long to bfeed my daughter again. I don't like pumping

Any mummies have the experience of bfeeding until new baby is born?

Maybe you can take a look at Peter and Jane (Ladybird)

Feel free to visit Xinfaye's pictures here http://www.flickr.com/photos/janewong

I am looking at the I Can Read english series.. the chinese ones i have some pass down from aunts from the Scroll series.

As for the ladybird peter and jane series, I have some books, but does lil J show mot much interest...
Catz, are the wo hui du series good? I am also trying to introduce chinese/mandarin to julian before he completely rejects it. Any other recommendations?
Oh, staff position not so bad, but in a place like Afghanistan with terrorist threats all the time, still have to be careful.
Will keep your family in prayers too!

I took one pack of Duphaston i.e. twice a day for 10 days (total 20 tablets).
But more importantly is rest. Cos after I finished the pills and no more spotting... then 2 weeks later, I had a slight tinge of red cos carried Soph too much, but this time I didn't take the pills, just rested in bed and it went off.
I called the gynae to ask if need to take... he asked me how much is the spotting, and how red is it. Basically if it's brownish, then it's not so serious cos it takes time for the blood to travel down from the womb, so if it's brown, means the spotting is not so serious i.e. not a heavy and fast flow, and that the brown stuff that comes out are old blood. If it's lots of bright red, then have to see him immed, even if it means going into A&E.

Think Xinfaye will understand - you can explain to her like how I explained to Soph when I needed to wean her... think she will understand, cos she is so mature!

You must stop reading those threads and think more positively!
Tell yourself you had no problems with QY's pregnancy last time, so this time will be smooth too!

Sunsweet, Catz,
I saw the You can Read series at Doscovery Corner at Thomson Plaza.
I was actually there looking at Oxford Reading Tree Series.... anyone has feedback on this vs Sunshine Readers?

Re. Wo Hui Du: my kiasu potato hubby just bought Stage 1 and 2 from Discovery Corner 2 days ago! Cos he's afraid Soph will end up handicapped in Chinese like him.
So far Soph is taking well to it.

Currently Soph is crazy over Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so I let her watch it in Chinese. The first time she saw the Chinese version, she was just frowning away and seemed a bit upset, but after a week, she doesn't mind Chinese version anymore... maybe cos she is a sucker for Mickey Mouse at this point in time.

I just saw the msg you sent on FB - I feel so sad for the 26-mth old Marcus!
I think the parents should sue the PD!
Mickey mouse club in chinese

Lil J was luffing at it while watching it on Ch8 last sunday morning..

Maybe she finds mandarin speaking mickey werid..

cos i find it werid too and difficult to understand haha..

Charis forwarded a FB msg on this boy who died of pneumonia after a few days of persistent fever... the PD at first thought the mom was over-reacting, and by the time the PD asked them to go for blood test at polyclinic, it was too late.

Hee, Mickey Mouse in Chinese is quite funny at first, but I myself learnt lots of useful Chinese words from it!
