(2007/02) February

I think got new law, cannot ask maid to pay you back for things they have broken... that can be considered an offence?
But woah, to have things constantly spoiled is very heartache.
I thought yours is Filipino should be better.

Good to hear that QY's fever is OK.

Re. maid, yeah, I told her when things are done, she can rest while Soph and I take our afternoon nap. Gave her a Bahasa malayu-English dictionary and told her she can feel free to read my recipe books.
So far she seems ok, but a bit xiao-jie... I wanna laugh when she fries the veges... kept stirring every second without giving the veges/garlic some time to get cooked and settled down in the wok!
I asked if her mom does the cooking at home and she sheepishly replied yes :p

But she is OK so far... in fact, I am finding it hard to give her enough tasks to do.
Maybe she will be more busy when #2 arrives.

My sis had a maid who was a glutton! She will hold on to some food (fruits, biscuits) while doing work, so quite icky... even though my mum tells her to finish eating then do the work.
And she will open up my mum's pot of stew to "pick" on food even though it's not meal times.
And mind you, she eats a lot during meal times... so much so she couldn't wear her pants after 3 weeks!
In the end have to send her back too.

Wow, I just walked out to living room, and my maid is reading my Montessori library book!
Think she's probably keen to read about it for her own kid too!
pvl, u very onz. u bring all 3 yrself n still do mkting? ya some times ple outside also comment n i just say ok ok... hehe

huskie, wow the maid too much la... or maybe at home, nothing to eat?

ah ger, cod fish so ex, dun think need to share w her everytime bah.
ya new maid need to say clearly most times. dun assume they understand. my mum kenna many times. ask her to make curry, she say she ok. then my mum come back n realise she go n fry the coconut until very dry. end up my mum had to cook dry curry (redang style)
but there r few times when she make a mistake but cook something else which turn out nice.

cherry, zz will always wan me to carry so not ez for me to bring the two kids out. but nowadays he better. i will explain to him tat i need to carry things. or maybe neg n tell him tat i carry him later on... but he will rem 1 lo... once reach the time, he will say "hug"
She is quite big sized and plumpish leh... if in her Indo hometown nothing to eat, how to become this size? ;)
Then another of my mum's previous maid is a real classic case... my mum came home in the night after her mahjong session, cannot find maid... my mum woke my whole family up, went downstairs and all over, cannot find her, in the end made police report.
Then 2 hrs later, she came out of my neighbour's flat and came home. Apparently my Indian neighbour rented out a room to some Indian bachelor, and they were having some tryst in his room!

You're my idol! I really really peifu you for having the energy to look after 3 kids all by yourself!
err initially wanted to extend her, then she played us out :p.. anyway better for us lar, new start... can reinforce more things hahhaha.. i can faintz if i bring 2 to the market.. let alone 3...

eeeks.. having a tryst.. kenna trashing frm ur mum thereafter ar? :p.. ehh talking abt reading ur library books..

do u girls mind if ur maid reads ur magazines/books/newspapers etc? or is tat a strict no as well? what if they spend too much time on that?
huskie, its not a new law, has always been there. She has never paid before for all the things she has damaged. We said it so that she knows the stuff are expensive and she may have a liability to pay if she spoils it. Sometimes I even leave the price tag there for her to see. Mine is indonesian, super cannot make it in terms of housework, she is the chin chye type. after she claimed that she has wiped the floor I can still find many rice bits..can faint right?

Nowadays maids can be quite xiaojie cos they may not be doing the household chores at home or even if they come from big family, they may not have taken care of young children.

garfield, sometimes A will want us to carry him but I just have to tell him that I am carrying meimei as she cant walk yet so no hands to carry him. Usually he will be ok, anyway, there are so many things to see outside, he will be distracted. Kids very clever hor, will remind u whatever u have promised them.

huskie, omg, the maid is so daring. it really takes a lot of getting used to having a stranger staying with u. Hb and I didnt like it initially too, even till now we are hoping for the day when we can do without stay-in maid
My mom was too shocked to say anything... just sent her back to the agency immediately the next day. She doesn't want to risk maid getting pregnant!
And... this maid is a married auntie... not some young pretty maid hor.

Re. maids reading: no, I actually don't mind her reading my books or magazines, but I actually don't read fashion magazines at home. Don't think she's very interested in my Time magazine :p
My schedule says she can rest for 30mins in the afternoon when she's done with her tasks, so she can use this time to either make her phonecalls, write letter or read anything.
So basically, she only spends a max of 30mins/day doing these stuff.

Today I really had nothing for her to do after lunch till Soph wakes up ard 2:30pm, so I told her she can rest... she read my book for abt 30mins, then went to wipe windows herself.
I just always remind myself expectations cannot be too high, else I might as well do everything myself.

Yeah, Soph needs a bit of time to warm up to strangers. Today she gave my maid her raisins, so it's a good sign

Also first day of school for her today - she couldn't wait to queue up to go into class. But after sitting around for about 15mins, teacher said she cried... only a short while though, then when teacher carried her, she was OK.
cherry, i also forgot abt maid damagin our stuff... my maid too... she sometimes can forget where she put it, or spoilt something easily n say the thing lousy. sometimes i bua tahan also scold her.

last nite, wanted to let mei mei sleep w us again since she woke up at 10 plus. cos we know maid sure play w her 1 n we dun wan it to be habit. when i went to collect her stuff n ask maid wat time her next feedin, she abit jealous n tell me to let mei mei sleep w her. i insist n she say if i tired my problem.. wow my gal or her gal noe??

huskie, wow the maid is so daring! my mum also got 1 maid who flirt w a chinese man n took photos (so silly rgt?) so we discover those photos n send her back immed. soemmore the maid is very plump.

but yr maid funny rgt, dare to read yr book at this early stage... for me, i also dun mind for them to read but then there r certain articles like maybe some maid issues or Indonesian unrest, i will keep so that she can concentrate on her work than to wonder her mind.
back! can't seem to find the thread.

Well, she has to settle 3 meals a day for herself at hme also kind of bored leh.... The cod fish - I didn't buy alot, maybe like 2 slices, then the rest of the days r salmon. Hb once seen her eating the fish, bt he said hardly any left cos she gave A all. Bt I dunno for nw... & I dun wanna b always suspecting.

I looked frm the camera, I can c tat A is eating, until when he's too engrossed in playing, she will feed him until he pushed her away. But I can't c clearly hw much exactly did she gv him.

Smurfy - she is already eating rice w/ us in the night, hence day time eat something diff. If ask us to eat rice thru the day also bored right?

Bt she's making varieties during lunch - like stirfried macaroni, soup macaroni, porridge, and maybe fried mee or porridge. Then other than fish, would be veges which we started introducing to A cos he's bn rejected veges las time until recently. So at lunch they will hv maybe long beans omelette, stir fried carrots w/ veges like spinach, long beans, meatballs, bean sprouts & etc.

Young tods this stage hardly want to eat, so must try to add variety and colours to their food.

Ask u all - if we wanna replc salmon, any other fish can they take then is nutritious enuff?

Luckily so far till now, she has yet broken anything...

it's nt tat mine is nt gd, bt jus tat really sometimes they do w/o thinking, just follow blindly.
maids abusing children again

someone forwarded this link, not able to open you tube here.. think is in malaysia

my maid told me her hometown, she even eat rice for breakfast leh???????..tot rice is their staple food 3x a day type?...

try threadfin or ngoh fish.. the one we take during confinment.. QY simple food chunk machine... everything oso eat.. disgusting stuffs like bittergourd oso can give him..brinjal oso..curry oso can... eekss.. everday disgusting food.. i think my mum just dump some huai shan in his porridge yesterday :x

i wanan see ur scheduleeeeeeeeeeeeee
threadfin is more exp.. tats y we switched A to eating salmon.

I hv a schedule for the helper also... as a guide... frm there she tries to follow. So far still quite alright. usually by lunch tima bt 1pm she's done liao. Actually if A wakes up later like 9am, she would hv possibly finished everything incl vacc & mop. Bt A always wake up at 7+am... hw to do?
ah ger, my boy doesn't eat fish everyday like yrs. in fact, like i say b4, he like plain rice. he do like prawn though but we dun always give.

act u r a good mummy. buy salmon n cod fish... me buy once a while nia... haha anyway he like to reject meat stuff. so normally we boil soup n let him drink so tat he get some nutrients hopefully...
i oso wanna ur schedule.. email me at [email protected]

QY eats alot of fish leh? he takes either codfish or threadfin on monday/wednesday/friday/sat/sun.. then when we are eating our meals... he will eat with us again.. and he wanna somemore fish (that is any other kinds - promfret.kuning.seikla.grouper.anything)??? scarly right? i tell my mum not to give him soo much fish.. later all the mercury added up to a substantial amt.
smurfy!! the maid in the video v scary... i thot of my kids when i saw that. cos though blur, can tell the kid was like zz age and there another bb like G age...

she actually step on the toddler body??! aiyo luckily i know my maid if not, i sure worry sick noe.
Garfield, cos tats the cheapest to gv him wor... cos I dun gv him many dishes, & mum usually also pan-fry salmon & it's a meal already.

If we hv porridge w/ salmon/ cod, he will take both. Bt if the maid cooks rice, he will dig away the salmon & just eat plain rice.

I dun always buy cod bt again if I can find I will buy. NTUC fish is cheaper. U know in the mkt - salmon is 2.50/100g, but NTUC is selling at only 2.19/100g. As for cod, I think is 2.99/100g, so once or 2x a week is nt too much. Threadfin is more exp, hence we nv buy tat. We still spend like abt $20/wk on his fish for his lunch, usually like $15+ only. Cos for $8+, u can get a big pc of salmon & can slice into 2 or 3pcs, not forgetting nowadays there's 2 dishes at lunch, so no need to hv big pc of fish.

Cod fish easily sold out leh... I hardly can find.

Any SAHM knows the timing for displaying fresh fish at NTUC? :p I went early in the morning, the one at BPP also dun hv, salmon also limited. SIL told me 9+am, we tried also dun hv. Until las wk, I had to go JP Hypermart @ abt 8am to search, then I found like 4 or 5pks there. Bt SIL told me they usually bring out new ones at 9+am.

we hardly boil soup, cos if hv soup then dishes end up too much. Hb & I wanna 减肥, so nw wanna eat lesser. I hv a wedd dinner in Sep, & I wanna b a meimei mummy. LOL....
smurfy, u another good mama... i never really buy fish now cos seldom go mkt lo. then got some time i bought from supermkt n maid complain she had to clean the intenstines... hiaz. anyway, not so much fish variety there too.

normally we give him chicken or pork and vegi... even then, he doesn't eat much of them except the main noodle and rice... enough? no wonder he skinny...
LOL... the maid is teaching A to identify colours... & making him repeating after her. I put the vol to earphone & is listening at all times.
Garfield, I can c bt I hardly c, nwadays only listen lor... cos if I on too soft I can't hear, if too loud & suddenly A screams, the whole ofc knows I m watching over the camera.

I dunno if she knows bt she nv asks. & she nv fakes... so I guess if she doesn't really bother. She can sing "total eclipse of the heart" to A while packing tpys w/ him.... *faint*
Mummies who need a schedule template, I think I attach here, for everybody's ref. Easier. Everything is based on your preference and priority, no hard & fast rules.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

schedule template.xls (21.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
thanks thanks.. u girls r sooo good.. let me consolidate these together with what my maid has penned down...then i show u girls what my maid do everyday.. like taitai like that.. onli thing is need to travel 2 houses..
ok. this may sound funny... but anyone keen to share gymboree? hahahaha my eyes my eyes... some1 help me...

anyway, i got 1 fren now who might buy so if u keen let me know n we share.
maid's schedule
i think my maid's got good life leh.. except she got to "work in 2 houses"..see:

1)monday clean my mum's place common toilet
2) tuesday clean my mum's place mrb toilet
3) wednesday clean window / window grilles
4) thursday iron clothes
5) friday ad-hoc..

other things r only prepare QY's food, prepare lunch and dinner.. clean dishes/kitchen stoves after cooking.. use magic clean clean floor then mop floor every morning... change QY's diapers. bath QY... she dun help out with laundry at my mum's side nor help my mum change the bedsheets.. my house bedsheets change once in a mth onli... floor magic clean and mop onli on saturdays and sundays.. toilets washed once a week nia.. dun need to prepare our breakfast coz we eat bread and instant drinks...just that ironing and washing clothes get stuck coz everyday at my mum's place.. now tat i read all ur schedules, i think my quality of life did not improve with her existence., good! GREAT! NEW START FOR ME THIS WEEKEND!
Hope u can understand mine.

wah... Smurfy, gd luck to ur new maid. U know wat I did? I printed out in col &amp; pasted it on the fridge, so tat she knows wat is expected of her to do. I also stuck some contact numbers on the fridge incase she need to call someone.

I also printed a Do's &amp; Dont's on the fridge. Maybe u can do up one on ur own.
Anyone interested in pelangi's books?
Doing a spree together with some regular mummies i know in punggol thread.
WE need another Ringgit 200 for 20% discount
Collection shall be via postage or in punggol? (coz mummy involved oso heavily preggie :p)

To send orders latest by thursday 1700hrs to smurfy at [email protected] or huajing (march/punggol thread) at [email protected]

Payment usually when CC bill arrives
Wah Smurfy - for convenience???????????? LOL

anyway tat one I hv to email to u.... cos resize liao if u print, will b v ugly.

Will use my ofc email send to u in a jiff.
wow u all v good, got schedule
Actually I also have and also put all these on the fridge to remind my maid.

smurfy, think your maid is really quite good life.

btw, I just showed my maid the youtube maid abuse. She got so scare and asked me to stop. That maid is horrible, how can she stand ontop of the toddler. She deserves the death sentence!
Pelangi books got hanyu pinyin inside?

I cannot remember if you asked for my schedule too, but if you did, can you PM me so I can reply and send to you?
It's the pregger hormones making me blur... that day told hubby wrong exit for CTE, luckily he was smart not to follow my directions.
i oso wanna see ur schedule.. especially whenu bring maid to ur mil's place oso.. where's jazzzy? is it her or someone else?
I think if u bring the maid to 2 houses, it also boils down to whether your parents allow the maid to touch their house or nt. Some folks v particular one. If they dun allow, then basically they will sit &amp; rot only.
smurfy, my schedule actually doesnt matter if she is at home or has to go to another plc cos she doesnt need to do hsework at mil's plc. in fact, she even has another maid to cook lunch/dinner for her. Her main job is to feed and bathe my two babies. But i do state what she needs to do on weekly or fortnightly eg. change bedsheet every two weeks, change towels every week. Polish door every two weeks etc. Will email u.
Thought the maid is not allowed to much work in any other household unless it's child-care related? 'Cos my friend's maid sabo her.. ran away and lodged a complaint to MOM saying she was forced to work 2 houses.. rubbish lor.. then now MOM keeps doing surprise spot-checks on my friend by going to her MIL's house. Cham man... she really kena sabo by this maid big time. And just days before the maid ran off, she told me she was very happy working with mam, just renewed contract.. and she ran off on the 1st day of her new contract. Adoi.

smurfy, timo my skinny boy ah.. he's tall lor, so he can take T-shirts in one size bigger (bigger also better, hides his skinniness) but pants, actually he can still fit 2T and some 3T are falling off. I just close one eye.

Now thinking good and hard about how I wanna do the timetable :p Like I said, I got low standards.. haha.. need to fill in the gaps.
gd morning to all

Yes, by right it shld b, bt then again shld infm the maid should u need her help in certain things. Bt nt to the extend of over-working.

Like if lets say I bring A &amp; maid over to mum hse, she can prob help to do sme simple stuff like tidying up the hse, nt to the extent of exhausting her. Or if there are little kids ard, then maybe she can help to jagar them also.

Like mine, whenever we go mum hse, she sure dash to carry my bb niece... then will play w/ my elder niece &amp; A lor. She no longer dare to sit tare &amp; read mags cos I told her off once. When my mum cooks, &amp; if all the kids r sleeping, she will just stand tare &amp; watch my mum cook &amp; ask her for recipe.

Mum wun ask her to do housework one lah cos she has her way of doing it. Unless she's tare for long hrs, then of cos she shld do something else, then cme back hme shld nt b doing too much till wkend comes. In this way, there is no way she can hold it against us.

Catz, u may want to use our templates &amp; frm there fine tune.
garfield, i did my own gymboree spree cos cant resist the clothes for meimei so cant share. I agree, i think really cant see, once see cannot stop
Luckily the boys clothes not so nice..haha. Anyway, i bought a lot of thomas stuff for A, then nothing for meimei, so thot buy clothes for meimei. Do u buy more things for zz or G?

catz, some maids are very mean, say one thing and do otherwise. Your friend poor thing. Luckily my maid doesnt do hsework at mil's hse, so she cant complain. But she does 'work' long hours cos can only sleep at 11.30pm. But thru out the day quite eng cos she only need to take care of Ashley which means when she is sleeping, maid has nothing to do. She only gets busy when Ashton comes home.

Ah ger, can u share with me the cost of your home cameras and brand? I know u shared sometime back but cos I didnt need so didnt pay attention. Asking on behalf of my sil. She is going back to work soon, then the whole family will move back to inlaws plc so that my inlaws can jaga the new maid. But they will move home after 2 mths when my sil takes the balance of her leave. DUring these 6mths, she will monitor the maid and see if she is ok to look after baby alone. But I still worry cos baby is so young and its really not a good idea to leave them with maid alone.

I showed the maid abuse video to inlaws yesterday and honestly sometimes as mummies we will also get angry with our children, what more the maid is not the mummy. But of cos she is too much to do that to a little gal.
i can onli say the maids getting more clever. and our government tot they r protecting the rights of the maids.. without knowing the actual situation..

i mean, it's a fact that most working mum send their kids and maids to grandparents place for them to supervise the maids when the parents r working, so as to have a peace of their mind.

and u don't expect the maid to do pure bb-care and sit there and shake legs for the rest of the day while the old grandparents tidy/clean the house right? but then of coz we do not expert the maids to do full loads of 2a household in one single day and they have ample rest 6-8 hrs..

i think ur friend really suai lor, to be played out by the maid.. if she know she's not illtreating the maid, let MOM investigate lor, and send the maid a flying ticket back home when the whole situation cools down...

ur situation is u r visiting ur mum's for a few short hours and not every day situation... even for my once in a week visit to the mil's place.. my maid really sits there, watch TV and read newspapers, and eat lor..

hahhaa i visited enough agenices during the past one mth to know what are the appropriates and inappropriates.. ohh i got a loophole in my case, the work permit address is my mum's address.. hahaha, so wat if she complains to the MoM, she's indeed working for the adddress stated in her work permit...
one more comment on boys' clothes, why is it that for boys, spring just means wear shorts when gals have butterflies, flowers, all kinds of stuff...poor boys...
cherry, same... i buy more clothes for mei and more toys for gor gor... hahaha

wait till mei grows bigger, then i buy more toys for her cos now my house full of toys!
cherry, I agree with you on boy's clothings leh. Nothing fanciful to buy.

Catz, I shd consider myself very lucky. My maid does housework at both my mom and my place leh. She very 'auto' to ask for things to do at my mom's place lah.

all with #2 girls.. haah hope u dun end up like me with bags of clothes that she had outgrown.

i cannot resist buying her new a new dress/ skirt/ pants/ top.. everytime i go shopping on/offline haha
smurfy - i've deposited maid &amp; A at mum hse 2x b4.... bt tats wat she does. So I m relating to wat happened those 2x, not base on my wkend visits.

1) camera costs - rotating one is $300+, one angle is $100+. overall we spents abt $500.

2) Installation - u just need a power point &amp; plug in, if dun hv, call an electrician and cme and do a point.

3) Connection - all instructions are on the box or the insturction manuals. I dunno cos it was hb who did it. Bt if u dunno, can always call their Technical helpdesk and they will do eveything in 1hr via remote acess to ur pc.

Ah ger, thanks for sharing. which brand? is it Dlink?

garfield/gig, that's why we buy toys for boys loh

gig, hw are u? u said u were unwell? Flu?

smurfy, even MM said recently that parents bring their maid to inlaws/parents plc so that their elderly parents can supervise the maid. So our govt definitely know but i think just want to protect some maids against abuse. I think most of us will not overwork our maids. Sometimes I dun even tell my maid to do certain things, I just do it myself. When she see me tidy stuff, clean stuff then she auto will help.
