(2007/02) February

wow Winnie, tat good news! keke

smurfy, congrats on confirmin it a gal! dun worry too much. try to rest more n hope everything turn out fine.

stella, ya my grandma use to behave abit like wat the show grandma except that she not so noti la. but there r times when she claim she haven't eat.
then when u say she senile but then there times when she can tok correctly.

for zz, he use to like to stand on escaltor. then recently his latest craze is to hold onto the rails so poor mummy had to carry him lor cos he too short... *faint

Congrats on a girl! Your wishes have been granted. The low lying placenta is nothing. It will usually move up by the 3rd trimester. Don't worry. As long as your girl is healthy. All my 3 had low lying placentas at their 20 week scan.
congrads smurfy!

I too have low lying placenta..

Hoping it will move up soon.

I'm trying to avoid carrying Lil J or anything >10kg as the gyne advise.. any special advise from your gyne other than walking less? keke

ghess today i find my tummy smaller then last week i wonder why..

Can we do anything to help the placenta move upwards? keke
thanks thanks gers

err gynae say can onli hope that placenta gets pushes up as pregnancy progresses.. meanwhile, dun do anything to aggravate the situation... no sexual intercourse, slow down pace of life.. rest more, walk lesser.. dun carry heavy things.. squatting etc...

do u feel bb's movements besides ur tummy gets smaller? i tell u hor, me paranoid abt bb's movements lor. one of my colleagues felt her tummy gets smaller oso.. then turned out bb died in bb at 22 wks... she onli know when she go for her regular checkup at 24wks.
Better take care of FIL's stomach ulcer problem - can be quite uncomfortable for old folks.

Hope your placenta will move up soon. Yeah, the solution is to rest more and walk lesser.
My sis had low lying placenta for her 2nd kid, but because she couldn't rest much and walked so much, her kid came out at 29 weeks.

fat babe,
Thanks thanks.
Hope the retrenchment will not affect you - market is really bad now...
gd day to all....

this wk - bz week cos all the jacket ppl here for Biz mtg.... then I m gng to b like mad woman running ard...

Smurfy - congrats on having a princess... dun worry, usually I heard low placenta will go up de... dun think too much. think of hw u can go broke w/ buying girly stuff.....
I was just reading the two young mommies' blogs you posted earlier... wow, they're really young. The second one didn't mention how old she is though, but she's already got 2 kids!
And wow, when she found out she was pregnant with #1, she was already in her 21st week!
Gig, i ordered my pump thru a spree. Website is addalittlelove. Think many bought their pumps from this website too. THey have both PISA and freestyle.
garfield/smurfy, I just started my blog

garfield, can i have the link to your blog??
Hi mummies!

Hope all is well
So sorry, havent been posting cos so busy with my marking and last week holiday was spent cleaning up my study room to make room for no. 2...

Thanks for all your advice regarding sending kids to childcare centre and special thanks to Charis for sharing much insights with me. After much observation, my hubby and I concluded that the school does have good programmes for nursery, K1 and K2. It's just that, like what Charis said, they do very simple stuff with Julian and I need to lower my expectations a little. Julian has more or less settled down in his childcare centre and he seems to be enjoying himself. Found a girlfriend called 'Nicole' (Hahaha). Always, Ni Cole, Ni Cole. It's really funny. I cant send him to school as he will cry when I drop him at the entrance but with his dad, he is perfectly fine. Am glad that everything is going on smoothly and perhaps I should be happy that his main teacher in charge is one from China and speaks fluent mandarin. At least he gets some exposure to Chinese language.

This morning, woke up with some pinkish discharge. Had a shock of my life cos it has never happened to me. It must have been carrying Julian and coughing too much. See, Julian has been sick (vomiting)since Friday after taking some peanut soup (he had peanut butter and everything was ok). Saw dr but he couldn't really diagnose anything, just prescribed some anti-vomit medicine for him. The whole of Sat, he threw up every single bit of food and water he took. Sunday was a bit better, only in the day but he vomited in his sleep last night. So poor thing. Think I got to monitor him today and if he is still the same, will seek 2nd opinion. Throughout these 2 days, he only wanted me to carry him, not anybody else and I could feel that my body was giving way... So this morning, went to gynae to check. Gynae said possibly tired out taking care of sick Julian but detailed check shows what they called irritable uterus, threatened contractions and short cervix. Don't know whatever these are but must be on medication to stablise the situation. Given Ventolin (which helps in my cough as well) to help with the contractions but I am so so reluctant to eat it.
Cherryale, I remember you eating this right a few months back right? The medicine really ok with pregnancy? I am very very paranoid about it.

K, catch up again.
when r u supposed to be due? urs not cervix shortening right? u oso must try to rest more, k?

i oso want the link to ur blog~~~ i bet u will be writing more abt ashley ;) kekekkee

i got a premonition that i might deliver early this time round leh.. suai suai the last time i kept on reading mc threads, then it happened, this time round, i kept on reading premmies threads.. ai yah, will try to keep bb inside me as long as i can oso... but i oso find it hard to slow down during this pregnancy... so energetic.. :x hey, i went to taka bb fair 3x oredi, gliding thr the sales while QY naps in the car or at home :p
keke smurfy u are full of energy..

I was out and running on over the long weekend i had (Fri (co. off) - Sun) cos hubby not in town so went shopping with my mum haha..

Poor lil J must have tired herself out with me.. well at least she should be sleeping/ napping well today..
No lah, you should be fine if you're just home with Lil' J.

My sis' case was different. Her hubby was not very responsible towards her and #1, so even though she had a super low lying placenta and not working, she still had to run around to give tuitions to so many kids just to feed her #1
Think it's also the stress that added on to it, plus never eat well.
Very sad for my sis, but I was so young at that time and couldn't help much.
Now I am just happy that she has remarried a very good man and has a #3 2.5 yrs ago

Eh, you don't read those threads lah! It can make us a bit paranoid, esp. if our pregnancy hormones are already wrecking havoc on our system.
I was also reading about the VBAC thread - woah, so sad leh, a few mommies' babies didn't make it thru'... now making me worried, wondering if I should just play safe and go for a planned C-sect!
OMG, yes, now I see that she is under 16!
I read that page, but probably missed that part cos her page got a lot of other moving items, makes me distracted!
No wonder she's got such a baby face! Her face is so smooth.
It's amazing that she never got any reprimand from her parents at all!
she's seems to be from a rich family lar... so many LVs, Coach n Guccis flooding her blog somemore kekekee.. i guess at times being financial well-off makes it easier for these young mummies lor... one major load off their mind.
If don't make it through VBAC, then emergency C-sect.
But if emergency C-sect not in time i.e. old scar has already ruptured, then baby could be in danger due to lack of oxygen.
Usually either mother or baby will die. If mother is saved, then tubes may be affected, or maybe womb will be so thin that have to be very careful during next pregnancy.

Scary hor? I get the jitters just thinking about it.
Last Sunday, I walked down 32 floors cos the lightning struck and short-circuited all 3 lifts.
Then while walking down the 32 floors, I asked my hubby - if so suay kenna contractions and all lifts short circuited again, cannot get to hospital in time, how?
Hee, really getting paranoid!
Oh yeah, now hubby and I are skimming thru' her blog by the month, and I see that her parents dote on her a lot, buying her branded bags and laptop!
Think my hubby spotted a part where she is still "claiming" money from her dad!

GOG..Glad that some of my info helped and that Julian has more or less settled in to the cc.
Do take care. If u need to, take MC..teacher's job very stressed leh.

Smurfy..Take care too. But like PVL said usually placenta go up at later stage.
With Yael placenta was a little low lying just 2 weeks before due date! But gynae said natural is fine some more.

Huskie..I was also thinking if I want to go for VBAC, I think I will consider going to KKH, maybe see PVL's gynae..Cos KKH have fastest response to e- csect..so lowers the risks for both mum n baby.
As much as I am confident of my gynae in Gleneagles, I think the hospital is a little short-handed. My gynae is very thorough n competent..but he's not very pro-VBAC..he usually recommends csect if mother cannot proceed without epi or if he finds baby too big.
Oh Smurfy, yah, it's also shortening of cervix which I dont quite understand what that is. Gynae did mention this... My EDD is 15 May, still a while to go...

Charis, thanks. MC? yah, gynae asked me to rest more but you know... apart from work not done, teachers still must help with the relief... feel bad about that.

Sunsweet, I got my freestyle at about $530 from one of the mummies. She cant post cos not a member yet so we only communicate via email.
where do u stay ? got 32 storeys?

why u all still keen on VBAC with the risks involved? or afterall C-section more risky and healing takes more time? dun need to have a "feel" of actual labor right? err i have also read alot on how fast kkh can response for emergency c-sec

what happened to u ar? why was there a need for C-section the first time round? sorry i cannot remeber

cherry n jas
tat time u girls bought the obuba nursing wrap right? how how?? nice? hot for the weather? what colors u girls chose ar? i wanna pink dots, but read that always oos.

:p u go type those "symptoms" shortening of cervix, irritable uterus, threatened contractions " in google.. and see what u get :x.. take more rest oso lor..

seems like 2nd pregnancy harder for most ppl
I stay in Bishan.
I'm not the kind dying to have a vaginal birth type lah... but just that C-sect recovery is really quite painful and slow... milk ss also takes a long time to come in, so I was toying with the idea of a VBAC.

Think I remember you tried going thru a natural labour first round right?
I also can't remember why you had to have a C-sect, but remember you said something about contractions being painful (no epi right?), then the nurses shook your tummy and Yael went into distress?
Gog, yes i took ventolin during 3rd tri cos of contractions. hmm, i think its safe, I mean ventolin is just to relieve the muscles and dosage given to pregnant women is very low so should be fine. I took 2mg once a day. Initially took 2, then cut to 1.

Gig, I paid $477 for the pump, $23 for the shipping. Total $500. Think we got a good deal cos the seller under declared the cost so we saved a bit on GST.

Smurfy, I pm u the link okie? I will write about the two kiddos, hb, inlaws, maid...blah blah haha
My fil now wants me to help him to create his blog, so funny right
he got facebook account wan leh, dun play play.

actually like u, I was super energetic during my second pregnancy, so much so that my gynae told me to slow down when I had early contractions. But cant be helped, I wanted to do more with A, plus kept going shopping.

nursing cover, its a bit HOT to use in non-airconed plc cos lately the weather sometimes v hot. Aircon is fine, double up as blanket. I used it when in restaurants cos lazy to go nursing room.

mummies, actually what are your views on nursing babies in public without nursin cover but wearing nursing tops? U see with nursing tops, actually with the baby blocking the breast, very little can be seen. Will u do it in public?

act I did try nursing G outside but think my clothes was able to cover her head... haha. anyway it was not successful as G refuse to suck lar.

act i still wouldn't dare cos my 2 kids ah v noti 1... they might keep playing w my n* n it will be exposed! unless yr A can keep sucking

just last wk, we saw one ang moh nursing in public. my maid say she saw her whole boob...

smurfy, underage can marry meh?? i rem 1 classmate got preg after leavin sec school... i saw her preg while i attending JC. think her kids rather big noe liao...
garfield, Ashley does suck pretty consistently until she is full. Furthermore my boobs not very big lah, her head can more than cover. Just that I dun want to cause public outcry..haha
Actually I have been nursing Soph in public without nursing cover all the time.
Hmm... I think there is nothing wrong. In fact, once you're experienced at it, people do not even know I am nursing the baby.
I sometimes wear those spaghetti strapped nursing tops with clips, but later on, I didn't even bother... just wear normal tops, lift up and nurse Soph... and still, people do not even realise I was nursing her too.
I read from one of the thank you notes to Dr. Han that this lady moved to a pte hospital because of the queueing system in KKH.
What's the queueing system like?
Do you have to see him, then go another place (e.g. pharmacy) to pick up medications/vits, then go another place to make payment?
Huskie, Smurfy..Yup more or less how u described it Huskie..Though the contractions wasnt too painful yet..was only 2cm dilated when had to go for e-csect.
I will not allow any nurse to touch my tummy in future..she shook n shook so vigorously..my hubby was also quite concerned n she kept on saying that those things u stuck on the tummy to read the contractions were not detecting properly..odd lah..anyway I have some reservations about going back to Gleneagles.

Exact sentiments as Huskie..the recovery is way long n more painful than natural. Plus with another csect, then next baby will have to csect..then cannot have anymore babies..3 csects the most.

PVL..Thanks for info!

Cherry..I find nursing tops not so practical leh..I tried to use one last time..wah so difficult to lift flap, then lift bra etc..I used a shawl n pin up 2 sides (Huskie's tip)..best coverage!
But I think nursing tops quite modestly will cover up the area..almost can't tell that baby is feeding.
I think the nursing tops which you have to lift up or pull from the sides (armpits part) are more difficult to nurse.
The clip-down ones are the most convenient... I don't even need to wear a bra cos it's got inner support.
But downside is that you'll end up always in spag strap tops.... that's why in the end I just wear normal tops... don't even bother with nursing cover or shawl cos it actually attracts more attention.

Hey, I am reading Dr. Han's thread here... the girls generally quite good reviews of him. But sigh, a bit paiseh to change gynae for me now?
huskie, how do u wear normal top and nurse sophie in public without people noticing? I mean by lifting up the top u will reveal your tummy right?

charis, huskie, I am using nursing tops that opens from the bottom (under bust) so u just push up from there, unclick the nursing bra then baby can latched onto breasts. I have two other nursing tops that are V-shaped neckline and basically its just moving them to the side and unclick the bra to feed. Just that I am abit paisay to do that in public, not so much about myself but how people will react when they see me.
Huskie, Cherry..OIC..I tried using only the lift type..not the clip down ones.
Actually I feel more awkward using nursing tops.. But I feel at ease with the shawl..cos of the coverage..although it may attract some attention at first but many times I notice most people dont even give 2nd look..maybe cos I use those pashmina shawls not those floral nursing covers..so it looks part of my outfit.
I feel assured tat my boobs are never exposed! Hahaha!!!
cherry, Charis,
I place my handbag strategically at the part where my fatty waist is being exposed

Then baby is in an inclined position mah i.e. I don't have to worry about the other part of my waist cos only one side is lifted up.
It looks as if I am just sitting there holding a sleeping baby... in fact, a few kaypoh aunties asked me if baby sleeping and peeped, then I told them baby is nursing and they looked surprised.

Don't worry about people reacting! I am immune to them. In fact, when the men try and stare, I stare at them back, then they feel so paiseh they will turn the other way.

If you ever buy the clip-down spag tops, buy from Moms in Mind cos that one can slip down with one hand. The motherhood.com ones are not so easy to clip down with a single hand.

Jialat.... I cannot sleep... I think I am worrying about VBAC too much *sigh*
hehe on subject of breastfeeding, I gave up on bfeeding tops and wore longer (slightly looser) tees with nursing bra inside.. me and Timo bfed everywhere.. in front of Taka fountain, at buffets, restaurants, fast food restaurants.. haha.. like huskie says, it looks more obvious if you try to hide under a shawl. Just discreetly unhook, and latch baby.. baby's body will hide the tummy exposure and you just make sure that your back is facing some sort of wall (or ask hubby to sit on that side.. or put a diaper bag there).. it's so discrete people won't even notice! I still remember so many dinners out with my parents/friends/hubby when I finished feeding on both breasts and everyone thought I hadn't fed Timo yet! Same with Bethany but since I had to pump a lot more for her, it was not so much public latching cos we didn't go out a whole lot when she was born.

huskie, don't worry about the VBAC ok? C-sect is not the end of the world.. just that the healing takes longer :p

Me having nightmares about Taleban. My hubby is being deployed to Afghanistan for peacekeeping, possibly in a month's time and for half a year.. sighhh ... now looking for a good tf maid to come help out. Cos if I have another drama fainting spell, it would be great if someone was at home.
taitai oso.. whahhaah so many ppl get promoted to taitai's life now.. :p .. during the midst of my search, i found one agency that specialise in transfer maids.. one of the most efficient agencies i found so far...best of all, it doesn't belongs to those clusters of maid agencies u find in bukit timah shopping centre..katong shopping central. hougang green.. it's in Orchard! u might wanna give it a try? their webbie is.. just find their numbers there and call.. http://www.hyperlink.com.sg/maid_index.php .. it's highly recommended by my boss, just that i wasn't looking for transfer then..
smurfy, oh trust me, I don't wish to have a maid.. but this time really no choice. If I hadn't had my fainting spell, I would probably gungho, carry on as normal... thanks for the link. Was hoping to get someone I know who wants to give up their good and reliable maid 'cos with hubby in warzone I already have enough heartpain as it is.
At TPS, everything is done at the clinic, including the standard pharmacy items. The queues are quite good these days. Of course, if the gynae had to go off for a delivery then you might have to wait. But that's the same everywhere. Maybe because they schedule patients every 5 mins or so, the queues can get quite long when there's a holdup.
cherry, mei mei got blog too... u wan? I pm u... act in zz blog, got her link too

bf in public: I also dun mind if mei mei like latching lo. of cos when the time require lo. I also prefer to wear more loose clothes n then just slide her in n unhook nursing bra. rather than have nursing shawl to cover n then she hot she struggle more...

anyway to us is ok. like rem i say the other day, my maid saw n exclaim tat the mummy was exposing the entire boob out. some ple is still v curious lo. for me, i just treat it tat bb havin a meal too. nothing wrong.
