(2007/02) February

maybe different provinces lor. then u everymonth 1 mc meh?? cannot right? oso got to work wat? chey, after have bb, i still have terrible cramps. if not worse... the bleeding for the first 2 days, must change pads within 1.5hrs like that...

smurfy, ya almost everry mth i take mc becos of tat. till my boss also hint y i always take mc at least a mth... u see la... then i can't tell him this rgt... so rather jialat lor. cos i simply feel my back breakin so how can i work?

wau... u scaring me ley... i just keep bf... ;p
I used to be quite jealous actually, until i realise that with my condition now i.e so heavily pregnant, i appreciated them being around. I realised it when my hubby was away for 3 weeks in January.

Really hope ryan can "accept" the existance of meimei. So far, he's happy when we tell him that meimei will sleep in her own cot while he will sleep with us on the same bed...
Thanks for info on ON!
In that case I will hold back my invoice for Dermalogica, cos Dermalogica ships so quickly!

hee, ok, duing my labour pain, I will tell myself to endure it so I can go shopping sooner!

You're looking good, esp. the pics taken at Jurong Birdpark!

Eh, yours and garfield's cramps sounds scary! Mine is bad, but I don't really faint.... I puke. Actually I'm quite pukey... hee, like Catz' Timo!
huskie, wat photos? in the blog?

ya last time dunno maybe huge blood loss so v whitish n fainting... haha

ya some of my frens do puke when PMS came... it rather bad too ley.
Yes, smurfy's blog

She looks sexy in her Jurong Birdpark halter-top outfit!

Eh, this time I don't feel hot during pregnancy... in fact always feeling cold esp. at night, so haven't brought out my sleeveless clothes to wear at all! Maybe not enough iron...

Tomorrow going NUH for OSCAR... a bit kan cheong!
me more concerned abt the amt of blood flowing out and whether i soak thr via the pad... no back pain.. then.

dermalogica.. u get frm where? whatgreatskin.com?strawberrynet?

ehh i started eating better in wk 17.. now more energetic than pregnant at QY's time... sometimes forget i am carrying a bb inside.. wanna run and chase after QY leh... then i remembered when i feel my tummy bouncing..horrible right?
Yes, I ordered my Dermalogica thru' whatgreatskin.com
Is strawberrynet cheaper?

Usu when I pte spree with another friend, the usual sites are ON, whatgreatskin and iherb
Have not spree-ed other sites before cos lazy to do homework on those sites in case they give me problems.

Eh, I also hope I can start eating better soon... sometimes I get so busy with Soph that I got no time to eat, then my hands and legs will tremble and will start feeling nauseous.
Really dunno how SAHMs like PVL and Catz handle their subsequent pregnancies!

Eh, you'd better leave all the running to your hubby! Yesterday I also forgot and ran after Soph, but no choice, cos the silly girl was almost running onto the road liao!
i think whatgreatskin cheaper... but dun have sooo much to order for myself at one go... strawberrynet. i just order 1-3 items as their fees is inclusive of direct shipping to sg.

i think differnt pregnancy symtpoms really differnt lor... hope that u have a equally easy time once u clear ur 1st trimester.. me oso not feeling warm yet.. still cold n best of all i still take cold drinks -_-'
sunsweet, i not very sure. i think after 28 wk, need doc approval or something. then dunno at which stage wun allow liao.

ask gynae bah
huskie, yeah can't beat whatgreatskin for Dermalogica! Yes please eat better hor...

smurfy, wah you faint ah? eh where's your blog huh?

sunsweet, you can travel until 30+ weeks.. in fact, I flew back from US at 38 weeks.. haha.. but got doctor's letter lah.

so tired now. have been out since morning. brought kids for brekkie at mac's, ran errands at PO, went for car wash, topped up petrol, fetched my friend for playdate at sembawang shopping centre.. let the kids go splashpark for about 2 hours, lunch, rubber art painting.. *phew* shaaaaack

hehe have not got pump yet.. cos still got time...

latest to get 1 mth after delievery.. keke cos intially will latch on and maybe add on with manual pump.
Sunsweet, u still havent decide on the breastpumps? okie, my responses to your qns

You use the batt or direct from electric point?

Is adaptor difficult to buy? how much is adaptor?
- for freestyle, u only need to plug into those travel plug that u use when travelling. I dun know how much, my hb bought for me. In any case, its good for travelling so not a waste of money.

BTW the sucking motion is both breast at the same time of alternate sides?
- the sucking is both sides. Its the same for PISA. Only the cheaper pumps are alternate.

Like catz said, u wouldnt be wrong with top of the range medela model. Even their bottles quality is much higher than the other brands. Btw, it come with 4 BPA free bottles.

I am damn sick of going to PD. Brough A to PD on Monday, brought Ashley to PD yesterday, just now brought Ashley to PD again, and later this evening bringing A there. Suspects A is having HFMD and not flu and has infected meimei as she is having rashes and kept vomiting her milk. Wah liao and hb not in Singapore some more.
cherry, omg. hope it not HFMD...

A still attending cc? if it is, then they shld check rgt? since he able to get in, it means not HFMD? how detail is their checking?

wat PD says? take care...
i just found another webbie selling dermalogica products.. mango (Regular spree organiser in overseas thread) seems to buy frm there recently... so might be cheaper.. http://www.dermaskincare.com

my blog ar?http://lilsmurfy.blogspot.com/

i'm going to faint. i just chanced upon a group of young mummies blogs after following some links.. these girls are soo young...something like 21yrs old.. and oredi mummies? some of the hbs even serving ns still... faint big time...

ai yoh... poor kids. did the PD suspects HFMD or u? when's hb coming back?
You poor thing! Hope it's not HFMD, otherwise it'll be so torturous for meimei!

Eh, you flew back at 38wks?!
I think the crew on board must have been quite kan cheong in case you go into labour on flight!

Hey, is Sembawang Shopping Centre nice after the reno? I saw the advert and wanted to go... the Splashpark looks like the Vivo type, and it's got that yummy steakhouse Ashtons!

I just checked the website you posted... I think what greatskin is still cheaper... by quite a fair bit too.
Special Cleansing Gel 16.9oz is $48 here but I paid only $39.95

Hey, those blogs are the young mommies one yeah? Think I saw them featured in ST some time back?
What do they mostly blog about?
Hi Doreen..
Is your gal attending childcare?
Anyway sometimes toddlers get sick often cos of the germ and viruses being passed around.
Yes it's likely viral..but it could be related to the bronchitis..or a upper tract infection..which needs a course of anti-biotics.
Do go for a 2nd opinion if the fever keeps up for more than 3 days.
Cherry, oh shoots, I hope you guys don't have HFMD on your hands. So painful and poor meimei!!! Awful, awful!

huskie, hehe.. I was certified safe for travel by my US OBGYN and cos of my SQ connections, I was greeted with wheelchairs at Incheon and Singapore airports.. haha
SSC Splash Park is still new and nice.. they only switch on the water from 11am-2pm, 5-8pm hor. Got shower area but it's cold water. The kids had a lot of fun.. BUT parking is really really really limited.. the Q can stretch for 20-30 cars by 5.30pm. Be warned
Best to go early in the morning, say 10am, chiope space in the carpark. Hehe. Aston's yum.. the nearest for me is at AMK Central but no aircon la. Love their steaks.. better than Botak Jones!

smurfy, hehe, thanks, will check out your blog

Think the young mommies blog is about being young mums and also they have blogshops right? Like selling (illegal) contact lenses and stuff.
smurfy, just checked out your blog
QY so cute lah, with his wavy hair.. and u look v radiant being pregnant with #2!
smurfy, also check out yr blog. u finally update? cos u also been some time rgt? me too hehe in fact, still upoading hk 1 n i too bz to update.

ya qy is so cute. if yr nxt is a gal, goin to be v pretty w curly hair! u look great!
brought A to the PD, suspected as HFMD. Really unlucky, I stopped him from going cc for more than 1 week, then last week just let him resume and now got HFMD. Both he and meimei have rashes on their bodies. A has two ulcers in mouth, no blister, no fever for both of them but I have to monitor. Hopefully its the mild version. Meimei's appetite is super low, drinking about 40ml only. so sad
cherry, OMG poor you! So how?????? Aiyoh, I so stressed for you! Meimei so small.. poor little girl. You better take care of yourself hor, adults can also suay suay get HFMD.
exactly, I am damn stressed, hb away for 1 week in Aust some more. Plus I am still having flu, immunity also super low. I dun know how I am going to take care of two sick kids. now no mood to do anything, dun even feel like pumping milk.
cherry, hang in there.. you can survive! Us moms are superhumans when the situation calls for it. See if your hubby can return earlier but at least you have your helper, yeah? Will keep you and the kiddos in prayer. Take care dear!
dear huskie..

my fil arh.. having those old aged illness lah..i guess age is catching up..


u look great and QY looks v grown up liao.

re:sembawang shopping center.

I find that the car park is really lousy..so small. The splash park is v crowded on weekends and it is smaller than the one at IMM.

The main draw for me is Daiso.
stella, you staying Sembawang area? Yah I like Daiso too.. and Aston's.. for me, I dun really like Splash Park.. just go along 'cos it's just freshly opened and got kaki to go with
Else I would not dare.. too many germs once there are a lot of kids. Haha. Your FIL is having dementia? Or depression? 'Cos a lot of old people get depression from seeing their bodies getting so frail and 'useless'.

OK heading out now for brekkie and Beth's ELC class... with Timo in tow 'cos it's school hols. Argh. Like a crazy woman schlepping 2 kids around..
Hey, careful... don't say you're a crazy woman just because you drag 2 kids around. What about me? I'm a demented old woman, dragging 3 about.
no lar, u must add into the cart first,, then the actual price will show: it's $36.00 (dermaskincare) vs $39.95 (whatgreatskin).. oh tat time i asking abt calcium supplements coz at least ur sop drinks 50-70ml of milk, QY totally zero leh.. the young mums blogs they talk abt their bbs.... but gosh... they r like so young still... tis one is onli 20: http://x33shadan.blogspot.com/, this one mummy of 2 oredi: http://youme-them.blogspot.com/ oh well,at least they found a support grp within their agegrp.

i really hope, it's a mild case... so sad to hear that, especially when ur girl is still so young.. please hang on there.

thanks for the comments on the blog.. actually iniitally i tried to conserve energy alot (like tortoise hiberating lor), work do minimal, at home move ard minimal.. spends whatever energy left to play with QY.. nite time after we bathed, i just nua on the bed and play with QY on the bed until he fall asleep.. hb helped out alot initially by bringing the boy out on his own while i slept or rested a home.thankfully now more energetic

Ghees HFMD.. will take abt 10 days for the germs to go away.. have to be extra clean with the towels, blankies...

u got help from anyone? have to keep the toddler enterntained at home with colouring, DVDs, sing song (that's how i keep Lil J enterntained the last time).. and sooth the young one not sure what will sooth the lil one maybe sucking on to something?

U stay strong ok ?
cherry, oh dear! just hope it a mild one... mei mei is so pitiful so young! guess she no appetite bah. once clear, she will gain back her appetite.

it v diff not to spread among family. zz pass virus to mei mei too. take care.
PVL, think you look a lot cooler than me.. I have quite a hot temper with Bethany especially.. she's always trying to run away from me at shopping centres

smurfy, in a way it's good to have a helper.. lucky you, can conserve energy.. hehe.
hey girls,
Thanks for the info on SSC - will try to go on offpeak hours to avoid carpark craze then.

Not easy dealing with old age illnesses!
I'm currently addicted to the 9pm Channel 8 show about housewives... it's quite shocking what dementia can do to an old person! (Ann Kok's MIL)

How much milk does QY drink now?
I give Soph Osteocare Liquid Calcium, but I only give half the daily recommended dosage so she gets about 150mg from it daily. For this age, they need about 500mg, so she gets the rest from milk, yoghurt and the occasional cheese... and veges of course.

Soph is the same as Bethany! Always running away from me... doesn't care whether I follow her or go after her!
huskie, me too, watched both 7pm and 9pm shows on tv daily. it has been ages since i watched channel 8

mummies thanks for the encouragement. both of them so far doing ok, except that Ashley is not drinking much. her face has shrunken so much. used to look as if she has two huge fishball stuffed in her cheeks, now all gone. A is also not drinking milk but eating everything else so i am not as worried.
Hi Charis,
Thanks for the advice. i thought so too. once kids start attending school or childcare, they tend to fall sick easily. but my girl attends pre-nursery only, and now is school holiday, yet she still fall sick. that's why it got me worried.
it's been 2 days now. i think i'll bring her back to kk if she still unwell tomorrow, in case it's bronchitis again. hope it's not...
Doreen,my son practically spent the entire first year of pre-N being sick! Ended up in hospital for 4 horrible days after he swallowed some swimming pool water in school (after water play) and had lau sai and puking non-stop until he was severely dehydrated with ultra high fever. It's horrible but the immunity just isn't there for the first year of school. This year is soooooo much better! Hang in there! Oh and go for pneumococcal vaccination if you haven't already done so. It's a must if your kids is attending cc/kindy.

huskie, I bought Bethany a harness but she gets even more cranky when I put it on. Give up lah. Maybe next time get her a doggy leash that fires electric current when she wanders too far. Haha.. tempting thought

cherry, hang in there.. poor little Ashley
QY takes in zero milk. not FM, not Fresh.. nothing.. he gets his calcium mainly from cheese and yohgurt, add in some from taupok, tofu, once in a week ikan bilis stock and veges. he's a sucker for cheese though.. almost everyday or alternate days his porridge must have some cheese inside.. i got stock up different variety and brands of cheese lar.. just in case, one brand turns out got problem (like last time the bb yorghurt).. hey.. what brands of cheese u giving sop.

u still breastfeeding ashley exclusively right?try not to give too much FM,now that she is sick.. direct latch onz would be the best so as to minimize nutrients lost
smurfy, yah, she is tbm and i latched her on most of the time except times when i need maid to feed her. my FM powder opened for too long cant finished so i threw away already.

catz, u damn sinister lah, want to give her electric shocks. A is also a big problem when I bring him out alone, loves to run away from me. Can u imagine in a busy shopping mall like taka???

A is also falling sick so often after attending cc. In a mth, he is prob attending school for maximum 50% of the time. For a kid who has not had cough, flu running nose until 18mnths, I can only attribute the cause to the school. I mean he was well and healthy when at home, so must be the germs in school and the hugging and kissing of his little friends.
7pm show is good? The local one or the Korean one?
I hardly get to watch the 7pm one cos I'm always busy at that time getting Soph ready for bed.
Me and hubby are also addicted to the 10pm Channel U show about plastic surgery (Perfect Cut 2).
Unfortunately it's such a short series... tonight is the last episode!

Hey, don't worry about Ashley's loss of weight. Remember babies put on weight really quickly once they have recovered. I'm sure she'll be chubby again in no time!

Catz you Nazi mommy!
I'm so glad Bethany has some sense of dignity to feel cranky when you put on the harness on her! :p

I didn't know QY is neither taking FM nor fresh milk. Thought he was OK with being spoonfed milk at one time.
I give Soph Chesdale sliced cheese - think of all the sliced cheese, this one's got the highest calcium content. I tried giving her the stick type, but she is not so keen on them... probably not "tasty" aka salty enough.
I also don't give her cheese everyday cos I find it quite salty.
Tofu has a lower calcium content than tau kwa, so maybe you can give more tau kwa instead. Unicurd has this "pressed tofu" in green packaging that has very high calcium content - texture is quite soft too.

Think next time you go PD can ask if QY needs to be put on liquid calcium then. My PD basically gives me free rein in whether I want to give the liquid calcium. She didn't ask me to buy any specific brand, but I got Osteocare cos my friend's PD recommended it. You can get it at most Guardian or Unity pharmacies... about $17+/bottle, but always out of stock. It tastes minty and Soph likes it - always asking me for her liquid calcium! Doesn't make her constipate also.
gd day to all...

cherry - jus pop in & read abt ur story. Dun b sad... stay strong.... hope both A & mei mei will get well soon...

Gig/ Sunsweet & anybody who live in Jurong area. My sis showed me this, she went to do flyer distribution for this centre. New one.. at Blk 963 I think. She told me, if she successfully bring in 1 kid, her wage will be increased.

fyi... bt if u wanna know more, let me know, then maybe I can ask my sis to tell u bah... hee hee.. let her earn some extra cash lor... thks.

Bt anyway even if nt letting her earn, I tot shld update u gals incase u r trying to hv options. she told me the surrounding is quite nice...


my fil is well mentally but physically not doing well.. he has got prostate/thyroid and some stomach ulcer problems..

dealing with demenmia patients really not easy. My great grandpa was one and he really threw tantrums like wat our todds are doing now.

re: going out with toddlers.

My timid gal will hold on to me w/o fail and ask me to carry when we need to use escalator. On the contrary, i would like her to be more independent w/o sticking to me all the time.
me went for detailed scan oredi.. confirmed is a girl.. but disappointing thing is that i got a low lying placenta... never tot will happen to me.. was told to rest more, walk lesser now.. and go to hospital at any signs of bleeding
... just hope as the pregnancy progress, the placenta would be pushed up, allowing natural delivery
Ah ger, thanks for the info on the new centre.

smurfy, Congrats of having gal!
Yo got a 'hao zi' Dun worry abt low lying placenta lah, it may move up one.

Cherryale, want to check with you abt PIS pump. My fren want to get it, which website do you recommend?

morning ladies..

haven been in for a long time!!..


and SMURFY..
CONGRATS on having a girl!!

company now restrict use of internet...not exactly cannot go in..but boss is "looking" at me...

plus having retrenchment exercise...so haf been on my toes...

pls take care...!!read about your fibroid...

had a nice suprise...bump into winnie yesterdae at the birdpark..


i really think you lost weight liao la...look so radiant!!>.hee
