(2007/02) February

Woah, your hubby is soooooooooooooooo sweet!

Definitely cannot tell from his very beefy looks!

Yeah, dosc nowadays like to use scary terms... I was wondering how come Soph can still run around if she is having pneumonia?!

Thanks for the cot arrangement tips. Hubby wants to put baby in its own room, but I thought that could be a bit difficult if I cannot hear the baby at night. I thought of putting baby in the same room till 3-4 mths, then hopefully once baby can sleep well, can put er to share a room with Soph, cos I don't have enough rooms at home to split the kids. Just worried cos Soph is a light sleeper.

Giggler..Ya lor..that's a few surgeries leh..anyway u have 3 lovely kids now!

Catz..Yup think he do vasectomy better..my gf did ligation when she was only 28 yo leh..she asked her hb but he wasn't too keen..so she just went ahead with her ligation..hb didnt bother much about it..dont know why..made me a lil upset about it too..cos she's a gd friend..feel she suffer but hb dont care.

Huskie..Wah must have been scary for u. Glad tat she's much stronger now.
I will try my very best not to put him in school till he's 4 or 5. I hope he doesnt have to go school at all..really want to home-school..but I don't know if I can manage.
Catz, so sorry to hear that you need to do a op to remove the cyst. Yes, like what Charis has mentioned, do let us know when is the op and will pray for you. Wow! Your hb is really sweet to offer to go for vascectomy.

Huskie, you could use a baby monitor to hear the baby cries but my younger one screams so loudly, I don't bother to switch on the monitor. Seriously, all the neighbours know that I have a baby in the house. They are old neighbours who know us for a long time - hence, very nice and accepting. Thankfully, he is getting better by the day... else, my new neighbours at the condo may really complain.

Smurfy, the MOM rules says that if children need to be brought to a caregiver's place, the maid can do household chores there but not the full load. My maid only does some very light housework at my parents' place... i thought it is only fair to my parents as they look after Timothy (she looks after Jeremy) and her meals are prepared by my parents. My maid has no prior experience but she is the smart type... evrything also know how to do and is a fast learner. Last night, we allowed her to call home and aiyoh! she cried so much after that as her children are sick. She then revealed to me that another reason why she chose to come here is to help pay for her sickly daugher's medical bills. Really do pity her....

my mil is doing well.. led a normal life although she is on chemo pills.. really thank god that she is ok now.

not planning for #2 now, too many commitments on hand.


wow ur hb is really nice to you.
So glad to know your MIL is OK now!

I'll like to use a baby monitor too... in fact, I have one lying around at home. But my old fashioned uncle hubby doesn't feel comfortable with the radio waves, although Catz the EE expert has confirmed that it is totally safe

Wow, you'll try to homeschool Yael? Do you intend to do it till Pri Sch then? Read in the papers that there are different standards for homeschool kids and the normal school-going kids for PSLE... seems not very fair.
Catz, wow... your hb really dote on you.
So when you schedule for your op?

Huskie, yup, went thru lots with cysts and fibroids. That why my 3 darlings are miracles to us. I only send Sher to sch ard 4yrs old.

Charis, what you do to home sch Yael?
You take care! I had a keyhole surgery too before 1 had ryan to remove afew fibroids and cyst. In fact, I find my recovery for c-sect for ryan was faster than the keyhole surgery. My gynae also injected steroids when he was closing my c-sect wound, didn't know cannot take when breastfeeding. Anyway, it's too late.

what brand of multivits do you give soph? where do we get those multivits and grapeseed? any particular brand?

I know it sounds funnie but my hubby and I have decided to withdraw Ryan from CC. Reason is cos he kept falling sick since Nov 08. Every month, he will be falling sick and for a long time. This month, he was away for 2 weeks, then when we brought him back, he fell sick after 1 week. So we decided that we dun want him to bring back the germs to meimei. Hope we are making the right choice. Then next year, I'll enrol him in a proper kindy. Thinking of St James now, need to find out cos i know they have a long waiting list.
Giggler and Jazzcy, yah thank goodness my hubby is enlightened. IN fact, i'm ok to take the pill 'cos it controls my PCOS symptoms but he'd rather i go pill-free as don't know the long term effects of taking contraceptives. Op ah, prob June. I thought Dec 'cos my hubby is on NDP EXCO this year but he says dun push too long, can definitely take a week off to be with me when I recuperate.

Charis, a lot of men don't take responsibility for contraceptives. In fact, my SIL both kids are accidents 'cos my BIL didn't wanna use protection. :p Go figure. Homeschooling.. wah you are indeed v dedicated. And yep, seems like homeschooled kids are at a disadvantage at national level. They have more stringent rules right?

chocbabe, thanks for sharing!! I didn't really recovery quickly from my c-sect though.. and I too had steroid jabs into the wound.. somehow they can do it when closing the wound but I cannot go for the monthly steroid jabs when bfeeding... dunno why also :p Oh as for falling sick, it's normal. Timo spent most of last year being sick.. this year, thankfully it's so much better!!! And yes, he did spread the germs to Beth too! It's just part and parcel of introducing our kids into community (and its germs).. sigh.. St James, v v long waiting list wor. Better call asap!

huskie, hahahhahaha.. your hubby is really cute lah. Get the AngelCare for peace of mind.. they're also v reliable as compared to the lousy CORE or Philips Avent ones.

Stella, glad to hear your MIL is doing better.. chemo can take orally? Thought must go for those infusion type. Anyway, as long as she is responding well. Poor you, gotta put #2 on hold for now.. anyway, you really got too much on your plate lah.. better just focus on family right now.
so much posting...

catz, hope u recover fast from yr wound n not much scar...
yr hb is v understanding.

chocbabe, ya they tend to get sick more often. zz got sick after onyl 1 wk in cc. now... (shhh) hardly got sick.

huskie, zz school also no makeup lesson but their school allow them to produce MC and get refund for that class.
Huskie, Giggler, Catz..Yup I dont know why MOE have separate criteria for the home-schooled kids. But guess it could be because most home-schooled curriculum are from US..project-based and thinking kind of curriculum rather than our classroom based approach. Not sure if chocbabe n GOG knows why.
For pre-school age, I'll teach Yael whatever he needs to know, alphabets, numbers, writing, reading, math concepts, science, excursions, outdoor play. Will also try to let him go for gym class n parent-accompanied playgroup.
Now we just doing reading, flashcards, learn while play.
But for primary school, don't think Im qualified to teach him. If I can't afford to get gd tutors to teach him then think he has to go school.
I think it's a wise choice you made to withdraw Ryan for now.
I give the brand USANA. It's a MLM brand and therefore not available in shops. And no, I do not sell it i.e. in case you think I am a distributor and am promoting it online here.
Will share with you why I like it though:
1. It's pharmaceutical grade (most vits are food grade only i.e. approved at FDA standards).
2. And also cos it's cheap for kids... the multivits are only $26/bottle and 1 bottle can last a 2-yr-old 2 mths so it's only $13/mth. I think some GNCs ones are more expensive?
3. Plus, it's not as sweet as the GNC gummy bear that my sis bought for my nephew. It doesn't use additional sweeteners, just coated with honey. Downside of this is that if the kid (like my nephew) is already used to very sweet stuff, they may find this multi-vit too sour and will not take well to it.

As for grapeseed, it's also the USANA brand, but more expensive at $50+/bottle of 56 tablets I think. My neighbour says dosage goes by child's weight... for Soph's weight, she takes only half a tablet every day, so one bottle can last her quite long too.

You know what ME guys are like lah... super old fashioned cos they only tinkle with nuts and bolts and gears... heh, it's gonna take a lot to convince that uncle!

SM is well-known to be stingy, so definitely no refunds! :p
huskie, Yael,
Yes, at PSLE homeschooled kids are expected to get a minimum of about aggregate 191 to 'pass' PSLE. Since PSLE is compulsory for homeschooled kids, if they fail to make this grade, then they must re-sit the exam the next year. What's unfair is that for schooled kids, an aggregate below 191 still qualifies the kids for secondary school. Maybe N(A), but it's still a pass.
The reasoning given is very unclear.
The public doesn't usually realise that many homeschooled kids are
1) Withdrawn from school because of mild learning disabilities
2) Not drilled for the PSLE exam exclusively
3) Are not going back to mainstream secondary school and therefore are not following the regular school curriculum
So the PSLE results for homeschool children reflects these factors. And last year was the first year for compulsory PSLE, so I think this year, some homeschooling parents are wisening up and going to organise a mock PSLE as a group just to give their kids experience in exam situations.
PVL, so you're part of the homeschooling group?

huskie, teehee.. ME guys.. yeah I guess they are toot.. but then again, aren't all engineers? ;) My hubby included. Haha. USANA good huh? Mmm.. will definitely look into that.

School hols now.. more hectic than ever. Bethany seems hellbent on driving me nuts.
Yeah, the different min aggregate is what I find unfair for the homeschooled kids. Think there was an article last year on this homeschooled boy who got 180+. Under homeschool arangement, he failed, but if he was attending a primary school, he would have made it to the Normal stream.

Sometimes I wonder if this seggregation of Express and Normal stream is really good/effective? Cos some kids could be really late bloomers.

Mommies-of-Steel who didn't use epidural,
Are contraction pains very very painful and unbearable?
I saw gynae last Sat, and he asked me if I wanted to go for VBAC. Said I have to decide soon - guess he wants me to be prepared and psyche myself for it from now till then.
And of course I wouldn't be able to use epidural or have an induced birth... think the only thing he allows is the pethidine injection on the thigh.
Hee, so bad, call The ME guy toot!
You're an engineer by training too, aren't you? :p

Yes, USANA for kids is not bad and affordable, altho I find their adult multivits too expensive. You can check it out on their website.
And if you just want a few tablets of multivits to try it out on your kids first, pop over to my place and I can pass a few to you. No point even spending $26 on a bottle if they end up not eating it.
huskie, yes I am.. that's why I know best
Er.. wait wait.. so you either go for VBAC or non-epidural natural birth? I'm a bit confused...

Nah I overstocked on Animal Parade and Sambucol.. gotta finish those up first! I always forget to dose the kids daily.. hehe.

Find that yes, it's quite terrible to impose all these labels on the kids so young..end up with kids who have such elitist attitudes (e.g. elite school girls calling neighbourhood school kids waste of govt funds.. saw on stomp).. and yes, there ARE late bloomers.. esp guys, I guess. Aiyah terrible lah.. but what to do?
The VBAC that my gynae allows is a non-epidural natural birth.
Thing is, he would prefer me not to use epidural during the VBAC cos epidural causes stronger contractions and therefore chances of uterine rupture is higher.
So my choice is either a planned C-sect again or a non-epidural VBAC.

Did the elite school girls really call the neighbourhood kids waste of givt funds?
So sad!
My cousin-in-law migrated to Perth cos of the education system... her kids are doing pretty well over there now! Wish I have the option of doing that too.
I think contraction pain differs from person to person. Mine were certainly very painful esp at the last stage when the bb was descending.
You know what? My gynae allowed one of his VBAC patients (a lady I know) to use epidural and she was also induced! He said that the monitors would indicate if there was a problem. I was thinking maybe becos KKH has the fastest response rate for e-c-sect, that's why he had the confidence to do the VBAC like that. They can deliver your bb in distress in under 12 mins or something like that. She was very happy to have had a VBAC. The gynae told her that though there is a chance of rupture, the %age is quite low.
Anyway, the gas is quite helpful, so you can use that I think.

Aiyoh, Sarah's bottom tooth became loose and fell out today!!! Morning she was eating toast and told me her tooth was really loose. Just now she bit a banana, and it fell out! No root. Wonder what's happening. Too early to loose her baby teeth leh. She's not even 5 yet. Must bring her to the dentist soon.
PVL, wow, 5 years old and she's lost a tooth? Better get her to a good dentist ASAP!

huskie, ohhhh no wonder.. was wondering why so barbaric, no epidural. OUCH.

Yah it's on STOMP.. but erm, that elite school girl's english is quite terok lei. :p

I also wish to migrate.. but my hubby's bond is only finishing in 2015.. haha.
huskie, i think diff have diff pain threshold. just a good qn: do u have bad mensual cramp when u have menses? if u have, what do u do? if u say u choose to endure most of the time, then you can 80% agree to natural w/o epi.

I use to have bad cramps, n i always endure cos ple say it no good to keep eating panadol. so i survive both births w/o epi.... i kind of use to the pain... but of cos this is more pain la.
but second time round, i actually feel more pain when the bb has descend to my v n coming out...
Thanks for the advice.
I also heard lots about KKH's facilities and did consider your gynae Dr. Han before, but I still can't bring myself to step in there.

Yes, I have very bad mentrual cramps and sometimes really sore badache. Most of the time I just endure... hardly take Panadol cos of that.
I also hiked 12 days of Nepal with an injured knee, but with the help of a walking stick... walked average 5hrs daily. Only towards the last few days when the knee was swollen then no choice, I took Panadol to reduce the inflammation in the knee.

Hmm... maybe I should give VBAC-no-epidural a try... if really cannot tahan the pain, then tell gynae to cut me up with an emergency C-sect.
Good thing is that he said there is no risk to the baby in an emergency C-sect.
garfield, you really v champion leh!! I think us women are capable of taking a lot of pain. Actually thinking back on it, the labour pain not as bad as the c-sect recovery pain.. labour pain is short and finite.. whereas recovery pain ah.. sigh.. ok I'm getting paranoid again. Just don't like this op looming over my life.

huskie, yah lor, her English cannot make it lor.. shocking eh?

VBAC no epidural.. if you're not induced, I believe you can take the pain.. 'cos induction just causes your contractions to be so intense and non-stop. Same rgd KKH.. UNLESS I knew my baby was going to be born with some major birth defect. TMC v comfortable for me.
huskie, I got terrible menses cramp and I think labour pain sthing like menses cramp. I able to bear labour pain though it's really very painful. Ya, managed to feel how labour pain is like for this #3. Prev 2 kids I had scheduled c-section so never feel any pain.

Catz, I dun like our edu system too. Find it very unfair for late bloomer. Now my cousin stressing me with Vane's study and she's only 4yrs old leh. Sigh...

PVL, huh? Sarah's tooth got no root? Got such thing?

regarding epi, my labour is short, thats y i can go w/o epi. For me, i feel that penditine and laughing gas helps, esp lauging gas. But..but but if my labour is long, i doubt i can tahan without epi.


my issues never ending lah..now fil is not well too..so i forsee more issues to come. I shall take things as it comes.
stella, hope u coping well... dun stress yrself.

my labour is also short so maybe tat y i endure too... i rem asking the nurse how much dilate for zz, when i knew it 7 cm, i told myself stilla bit more haha...

the mask help a little but i was praying too lor. trying to think of other things.

catz, i had induced birth for zz and like u say it more intense n faster. I keep feeling pain every 2 min towards the end.

for G, it was like 5 min an interval so I feel more managable.
for mum with 2nd time natural birth experience, is the process faster?

i remembered i admitted the hosp with 3 cm dilation, then 1 hr later only 4cm.. then was v. pain...so gave in to Epi.

Hoping 2nd time rnd no need to take epi.. so was scary.. that's wat my hubby says lah cos he help the midwife to hold on to during the epi procedure loh..
morning everyone...

i wanna ask if anybody has sent or heard frm anybody sending their kids to Tots House Playgroups? Wat r ur comments abt them?

I felt A is v lonely at hme, so tot of sending him to Playgrp & mingle w/ some other children. The one nearest to me is just dwnstairs and is Tots House. Not so sure wat he can do there though...

we felt tat wkend ones r nt enuff to make him b more open... cos once a week only...
Your FIL not well now? Is it anything serious?

stella, garfield,
You girls are so lucky to have such short labour! Reminds me of my mum who said her labour when giving birth to me is like going to toilet to poop... so quick that she didn't even know I was out! Not so complimentary to me though, hee.

So with #3, your C-sect was a little like emergency?

How is your cousin stressing you with Vane's studies? Vane is only 4 yrs old!

Your words are so comforting - that labour pain is lesser than C-sect recovery pain! OK, I'll give VBAC-no-epidural a try!
Hey Catz,
Just checking with you - is ON always very slow when processing sales order during discount period?
Cos I ordered some stuff during the recent 30% off, but they have not processed my order yet? The status is just "In Process" for 2 days already!

ya for me is faster. for zz, i have induced as I 0% dilate. then for G, I was already 7cm dilated when reach hospital... haha so fast or not?
sunsweet, for me by the time I reached hospital I was 5 or 6cm dilated, gave birth in 3hrs. My first one took 12hrs.

recently very busy as I have been down with flu, then spread to A, and last night Ashley had a bit of fever but was gone this morning. Nevertheless, I still brought her to PD. THe nurses at the clinic know me damn well already
huskie, yes, ON processing is sloooow during sales.. esp if you suay suay got some items OOS.. might take 6-7 days to see it shipping out. My second batch hasn't shipped out yet! As for c-sect recovery, it was helllll... my natural birth recovery was super speedy. The episiotomy healed in 3 days and I was shopping at Robinsons.. haha

garfield, you are v lucky with both that no epidural. SOLID LAH!

cherry, no wonder never see you around. Aiyoh, poor Ashley.. how come she got fever? My friend today mentioned something I find v true - boys get higher fever than girls.. wonder why!

Day 2 of school hols.. argghhh.. split my body into 2!

Like to ask you abt the freestyle...

You use the batt or direct from electric point?

Is adaptor difficult to buy? how much is adaptor?

BTW the sucking motion is both breast at the same time of alternate sides?

Sorry so many question.

I was at Mums and babes (United Sq) price for freestyle was $1099 !! sigh but only thing is that it comes with warranty..

US set is $500++ but no warranty.. if were to send to our medela service center, its said to be 3x the cost of servicing fee.
sunsweet, zz labour was abt 12 hrs (from the time they insert pill) while G labour was less than 5 hrs.

For G, i waited for abt 2.5 hrs then go hospital. by then got contractions but still bearable. then while hb is doin admission, i gave birth haha... so the birt cert timing is earlier than admission time... irony rgt

catz, i count myself lucky cos not many r so fortunate. i also tell myself if can't make it, i will go thru epi lo...
cherry, little A has jab recently? how come kenna fever? I realised G every time jab also got mild fever. last at most 2 days. zz doesn't lo, only during the time the ku ku mummy gave him 2 jabs (1 is MMR) at 1 time lo.

u mean u started contraction then 2.5 hrs later go hospital.. u admitted already 7cm?


For lil J i had show then 5 hrs later then go to hospital.. only 3cm dilated..

took another 5-6 hrs to deliver her..

if this time might be earlier then i better be prep earlier..
sunsweet, i believe it will be earlier so better prep. yup for me, i didn't know contractions (cos 1st time got natural contraction mah)... till i start to count. then i try calling gynae ... me also paiseh cos middle of nite. then after gynae confirm then i go down... after delivering, gynae ask me y i hesistate to come down... haha heard i can easily give birth if i waited longer.
Hi Mummies,
finally got time to come in to post now that Ryan is taking his nap.

I'm having my school hols now and starting my ML officially next monday, but i seriously dunno if i can take it already. I have my maternity leave till 10 Aug. Think i'll rot at home.

Ryan has been super sticky to me the whole morning. Even when i go toilet, also will cry. Then when we watch tv, also must sit on my lap, cannot even be sitting next to me.

My sis say cos he knows meimei is coming. I'm worried about breast feeding meimei now. Dunno if he will allow me to.

How was timo when you breastfed beth last time?
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Ryan has any one else to "Stick" to?

Lil J is sticky to me though her #1 preference is still grandma..

i dun know how grandma is going to handle #1 and #2 when the time comes.. *thinking*
Both my in-lws are staying with me. In fact, last time, he loves to stick with my in-laws, particularly my FIL cos he loves to entertain him.
hehe Choc do you ever get jealous of your FIL (in your case) for being so close with ryan.

sometimes i secretly feel jealous of my MIL loh.
chocbabe, Timo was SOOOOOO jealous.. the first month, he didn't come near both me and Bethany.. it made no difference whether I was bfeeding her or not.. he was just miserable.. but it got better lah. Must make an effort to spend time with the older one.. like when bfeeding, can snuggle the elder one or read a story.. something like that. Just to make sure that they don't feel left out of 'mommy and baby's' world.
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I've a girl of 25mths and she has been down with fever and flu since before CNY. She was hospitalized 3 wks ago for bronchitis and now she's having fever again. She's been up and down, sometime with only fever, but no other symptoms. Doctors always said it's viral fever. Any mummies can advise what we can do?
so many posts... busy updating blog.

sorry to hear abt that condition... remember to get additional help from ur mum or sis if hb is not free for even a day.

arr? have not got the pump yet?

kekeke good luck for ur VBAC without epidural.. u still got many more mths to prepare urself mentally for it..

hope everyone in ur family is getting better.. remember to wash hands more frequently hor.

hang on there.. u will see lights at the end of the tunnel.. meanwhile, just try to spend more quality time with cherish and rest whenever u can.

arr? what election??? most probably she will be in her hometown oredi lar.. kekeekkeekee

pains during menstrual + labor pain
kekeke i definitely pop in panadols during period lor.. why make myself suffer the pain? in younger days.. will endure lor.. but mine's those very jialat case type.. will break out in cold sweat, w hole face turn white type... and oso nearly fainted in my own room before type..


my cramps can be like yrs too... haha i nearly fainted once in toilet... i mostly took MCs for 1st day. n i mostly endure haha... ya i siao 1 la. cos i scare eat too much med not good lo.
then my mum nag me to quickly go have bb then wun have this prob... dun knoe true cos i still no PMS yet.

aiya, u no idea too? me also clueless. my maid receive a letter but she check w her frens and most frens dun have it too... i wonder if it compulsory?? is there an election really goin on? no clues ley... sound fishy?
