(2007/02) February

Huskie..Hehe..CONGRATS!!! Ya lor can't hide too long from this gals!
Do get lots of rest. Think if u can of cos get maid will best for u..since no support system nearby.
I also got similar problem..both my parents n in laws stay so far away. When Im not well, I have to ride it out on my own..only twice I asked my MIL to come cos I was only almost bedridden due to asthma..Asthma sucks bigtime..
Yup grapeseed I heard is really good..my family takes Cenilton and Monavie juice which is a antioxidants-packed health drink.
By the way, Are u still bf? Or u stopped for sometime already?

huskie, which montessori in siglap which u found is of pure montessori?

Hehe... finally can congrat you officially!

jazzcy, PSSMK got school bus rite? Where ur parents stay? We are also thinking of getting a place near marine parade area, the best is near Tao Nan. Hehe... kiasu parents.
Hey Charis,
Yeah, I heard grapeseed is really good for respiratory system, maybe you can try to take it too.
Recently I forced my hubby to take it too, cos he's always sniffing and got drippy nose in the mornings, then if he goes to dusty places, he'll start coughing and get infected then antibiotics etc etc. I'll use him to confirm if grapeseed has any effect on the respiratory system in a few mths' time.
We take the USANA ones that your MIL used to sell (if I remember correctly yeah?

I've stopped bf at 19mths already... hee, went to Darwin for a week by myself to prevent Soph from seeing me and wanting the breast... hubby stayed at home to watch her for a week by himself.
But actually I didn't really need to go on that trip, cos Soph weaned off quite willingly... I actually talked to her a lot about weaning, then on the last day of bf, I told her it's the last, then I sobbed while bf-g her, and she sort of knew, and didn't wanna let go... very heartpain to wean off!
After that whenever I asked her to suckle at my breasts again, she'll just smile coyly, suck then spit out the nipple!
My friends say I've got withdrawal symptoms, so should have a #2 to start bf-g


Siglap... it's behind Siglap Centre... called Great Beginnings.
But you do know that pure Montesorri are mixed age groups, do not have worksheets etc yeah?
Some parents do not like this style cos they're afraid it may not prepare kids well for Pri Sch curriculum, but I like it

You're interested in pure Montessori method too?
i never know u gotta bring maid over to both grandma's places oso.. yeah, very tricky right? is urs a EX-SIN maid? learnt recently that most EX-SIN don't like these kinda arrangement coz they can easily find an employer who dun need to bring them to grandma's place with their experience.. my current maid is EXSIN... even when she knows this arrangement prior hand, she is not happy, can see that from her face at times.. tis time round, mine's ex-kuwait.. but i keep stressing on the point that must go grandma's house and inside grandma's house must do housework.. our house weekdays do basic onli (magic clean wipes to clean the floor, occassionally laundry using the machine if the clothes piled up and making sure there is hot water in the house).... so in this way, she is onli working one household per day.... if suai suai she wanna complain to MOM right? errr her work permit address still is my mum's address (dun ask me why, just happened that i have not changed my ic since i moved to my new unit and i dun intend to change it in order to protect my own backside now kekekee).... so most probably will be able to get over with the law lor.. the loopholes in the systems lor kekekeke... my current smart aleck wakes n sleeps the same time as we do.. nothing more, nothing less..
pvl mentioned something that everyone forgets.. yeah!! u r the tai tai now.....SAHM with a maid kekekee... but err i think with the extra help, u would be able to do more things with sOp..

err i would love to exposed QY to different nationalities at a young age if possible... at least he would know there r different ppl in his surroundings.. but end of the day, depends on what parents what... curriculum... sch env.... teachers... classmates...distance from home etc...

proximity to the sch ain't the onli factor hor... i got a feeling that u got to do voluntary work as well as fiancial contributions these days to secure a place kekkee.. actually i have given up the tot oredi... just give him the best in pre-sch while i can and let him go to a neigbourhood pri sch (Coz we got no afflilation or near to any branded PRI schools and i am soo darn lazy, dun think i will either volunteer :p)..

health supplements for kiddos
is that a must?? do they really get more sick n more frequently once they enter ccs or playgrps or preschools??? u girls are scaring me off leh....or has it got to do with individual kids own immunity?

i know i'm naggy.. but after going to the taka baby fair i'm torn btw which pump to buy.

1) Ameda Dual
2) Avent Dual
3) Medela PSI
No lah, not tai tai. Mine is a non-experienced Indo maid, so I will need to spend a lot of time training her and walking her thru' lots of stuff. At one point in time, I was so tired out that I fell asleep while playing with her in the afternoons, and Soph'll get into all sorts of mischief like toppling the standing fan etc... so hubby reasoned that since we're paying $300/mth for Amah on Wheels, might as well pay $520/mth for a full-time helper for the next 2 years.
I was actually looking for "Ah Yi" type who will come to my place everyday to help cook and do light cleaning, but do not sleep over type. But cannot find this type in SG.

Re. health supplements:
I think it depends on individual kids' immunity, so you don't have to worry so much.
If Soph didn't fall sick so often last time during her playgroup and weekend classes, I also wouldn't have started her on the supplements.
u know what..my hb was initially thinking of this idea... those auntie who will come over to my mum's place to bath the kids...do some housework and prepare dinner.. then go home... i tell him where to find and given the fact that he work long hrs... i will die without live0in help..

i opt for #3 followed by #2... me thinking of getting freestyle somemore.. one pump put in office, the other pump put at home :p
Yeah, this kind of Ah Yi is very popular in Shanghai, but hard to find in SG.
Aunties in SG prefer to have babies put at their place so that they can do their own cooking and housework.

I haven't used Ameda before, so cannot comment on it.
But I own a Medela PIS Advanced, and have used the Avent Dual at TMC Lactation Dept before. Both are just as good, but the nurses told me Medela PIS has a better resale value, cos its motor is really long-lasting.

If you're not thinking of #3 (kids), then after you're done with it, can still sell it off?
Ladies..Ya lor..hard to find this kind of helpers nowadays..though I've heard of "mother's help"..those retired nurses or even retired infant care teachers but think they only help with baby, no cooking n cleaning..but also don't know where to find..maybe those household type employment agencies.

Huskie..I think that's good that the weaning wasnt' too tough. Yael is still bf cos he's just too attached..but he's almost weaning off too..cos he only drinks once to twice a day..n he loves cheese..so its a great subsitute. Hmm.. I think I may try the going away for a hol with a gf. Hahaha..cos as long as Im around during the sleeptimes..he'll want milk. But when I was away on course on nite, he was alright w/o milk though he cried for me awhile.
Congrats!!! Rest well and enjoy a smooth pregnancy yah?
Have u explained to soph that she's going to have a meimei/didi? Does she want meimei/didi?
Btw, which is the pure montessori you are referring to in the Bukit Batok area?

Are you eyeing the retail or office space at Central? I actually quite like the retail mix at Central. The little shops are quite interesting... kindda harajuku style? And lots of places to eat. But agree with cherry and jas that the car park sucks. On weekends evenings the car parks are usually full too cause people going clubbing in the area parks there and if there is a wedding at swissotel merchant court, guests park at Central when merchant court is full. Hmm, and don't think patrons and shoppers can use the pool and facilities. Just for the tenants I think? Just my input.

taka baby fair hor! Smurfy, you raided that place already? :ppP
Oh, I'm more than happy to relinquish my position as pregnancy radar to chocbabe
Think I've exercised my "power" for the last time on huskie. Hehe... no more tikam tikam leow.
Winnie..I'm looking at the SOHO units..Im quite sure the carpark is relatively full on weekends but probably not so much on the daytime but more at nite..but on weekdays quite ok leh..As for the facilities..its nice..and has ample patio area to relax and have outdoor activities. Its for residents but guests are allowed to use with the company of the resident..basically like a condo..though nobody really goes around to check anyway..hehe.
winnie, hehe. tat means no1 is detected this time bah... dun give up yr radar... special skill haha

charis, peifu u still bf yael... me now only reachin 8 mth but seems so long... also might need to stop earlier than expected becos of work.
actually i hope to bf min 1 yr. if not not fully utilise my pump haha... i think it me who can't stop bf... but guess now rather ez to wean off as G doesn't latch n also she has been takin some FM already.
Sunsweet, I heard very gd reviews on Medela PIS. Think cherryale rated it 10/10.

Charis, some of my frens' ofc are at SOHO units.

garfield, what pump are u using now? Me considering to get 2nd hand Medela PIS cos not sure if I can pump for long in ofc.
gigg, cherry using freestyle not PIS...

I using Ameda cos firstly I dun wan to spend bomb as I was still unsure if i could bf long, secondly I def wan dual as no loss and save time and thirdly is i stopping at 2 so no pt buying a very high end pump... i v econmical hehe...

Hee, I think you can continue with your designated position as pregger radar... there're only a few mommies left in this thread who are planning #2, so can't be that difficult?

Yeah, I've sort of told Soph about the baby in my tummy... now when I ask her where is baby, she'll point to my bellybutton and kiss my tummy.

Pure Montessori in Bt Batok: It's called Innate Montessori... you can do a google and it should pop out. The principal is an Indian lady... I was quite impressed by what she explained to me over the phone. I also like the premises cos it looks like a terrace/bungalow non-aircon type of school. But I have not personally gone to take a look, cos it's really too far... unless I move in with my inlaws at Bt. Panjang! :p

I think if Yael didn't insists on having his breast when you're around, then you wouldn't need to go away, unless you really wanted a break by yourself.
For me, I booked it months earlier with my friends then realised that I actually didn't need the trip to wean her off... but it was a nice break, although I missed her tonnes.
I also had cabbage leaves with me wherever I go in Darwin, just to make sure my ss goes down.
garfield, freestyle not PIS??? I thot they're the same. I got Ameda too but it's retired liao after 3bb. So now I looking for new dual pump. But scared that I'll be so busy in ofc and no time to pump.
Good that Yael eats cheese... does he drink FM?
Soph doesn't drink much FM till now, so I give her liquid calcium to supplement her calcium intake... with PD's approval of course.
talking abt it.. i must ask whether to give QY calcium supplment during the next PD visit.

kekkekee me no raid the place lar. i lazy person, seldom goes sales one, unless got specific items to buy..
gigg, freestyle is also dual just that i think it can allow u to go hands-free when pumping. cherry was mentioning that it has timer n memory function. i not sure if PIS also have that as I dun use it.

so u use Ameda for the 2 kids? now spoilt liao? I only bought it when i have G. regretted not buying earlier for zz. hehe
Giggler..I like the units cos can cook there too..haha..basically a small home-like office.

Huskie..Nope doesnt like FM. Cheese is good enough. Im not going to buy anymore powdered milk..he doesnt mind packet milk but tends to get loose stools after drinking.
I tried weaning him off when he was around 18mos..but he cried n cried..I just gave up cos heart pain..so forget it la..let him naturally wean off..maybe next year I have to put him in short hour school if 2nd one comes along I really don't know wat r my plans though hope I can manage w/o having to put him in school..or when preggy hopefully he weans off.
Was told freestyle is a upgrad of PIS.

its has similar suction strenght but it has this memory function that allows u to program the massage then pump timing and sequence.

Freestlye has this new re-chargeable battery that can last 3-4 hrs an its like those mobile phone batt..so no need to worry too much on replacing rechargable battery often.

freestyle comes with the handsfree set that can be used on most nursing bras.

My idea is to buy a electrical dual pump for most of the time pumping.. then my old manual pump to standby in case i go out shopping and needs to pump. no need to lug motor mah..
yes, i think freestyle is upgrade of pis... if u dun need the memory function, then getting pis is good enough... the reason why i am thinking of freestyle is that it is soooo much lighter and smaller than PIS.. PIS and AVENT duo are soo bulky and heavy to carry especially if u need to take public trains n buses.. freestyle n pis both can run on recharageble batteries... whereas avent duo cannot... did not find out much abt amedeala
sunsweet, initially i was also thinking of getting pis but jelly told me that have to keep the motor in tha backpack, so i didnt like the idea of carrying such a big bag esp if i have to travel. For freestyle, u can take it out in any bag, very portable. Price wise only slightly higher than PISA.
just heard from my neighbour that she sent her son to kindi at pats, then when he is back from kindi, he will go to berries for chinese alternate with kumon for tuition in maths, science etc. Super stressful for a 6yr old.
ameda got to buy own re-charageble loh ..

freestyle is exp leh if locally buy..

if buy US set then no warrenty..

medela does not give international warranty.. unlike Avent duo.. :p
Ok i think i shortlist to Freestyle or Ameda..

For medela, how come milk will get in the tube? Design fault or assembly fault?
sunsweet, u really research so detail... hehe. so wat yr final pick? u still have time so slowly pick. wait for sales.

smurfy, Ameda also can run on rech. batteries. actually it not so bulky but i need to put them into box so that i can sterilise so end up bulky. but wat i dislike is i had to bring my FTG n it heavy but no choice... everywkday i carry these to-fro work... so tiring but i still doin it... haha

i was reading from www.kiasuparents.com i think your neighbour is not crazy cos there are other parents who does similar..

all the stress from adults goes to the kid..

so when does the fun begins for kids? or its over after toddler age or younger??
sunsweet, think if u wanna freestyle u can try to buy online like cherry... cheaper...

cherry, wow yr neighbour son v stress ley. i feel stressful already listening to this. it good tat he has fountation but then he just 6 yrs old... my sis also like to bring my nephew to many enrichment classes n courses... he is also now 6 yrs old. he even has nite classes after his normal kinder.
medela does servicing but u have to pay lar.. if warranty soo important to u, get it frm THE FIRST FEW years in KKH lor... kekekee more expensive nia but got ease of mind... i cheapo, will get overseas, if suai suai needs servicing, then pays lor.
Breast pump topic very on hor..Ya lor Sunsweet so detailed in her research.

Sorry I can't comment much on pumps..
I used NUK electric for awhile..n its not too good..then switched to Medela manual pump which was rather good..much smoother suction and easy to assemble not too many parts..but also used a while only.

cos i was confuse lah.. i choose avent manual when i had Lil J cos its a all in one package and easy to use.. no need to borther abt motor spoil, milk getting in to tubes, less investment if no milk...

this time rnd i believe i can BF longer being there a proper nursing room near office (hee hee) so i want to buy a electric one to spend lesser time to pump.

Smurfy, ever ask if suay suay need servicing from medela, base cost is how much??
Hee, QY is so big and tall... why does he need calcium supplement?
GF book says tods at this age just need 350ml milk per day once they have solids, but Soph only takes 35ml a day and 70ml (if I am lucky), that's why need calcium supplement.

Soph also likes packet fresh milk, but she gets phlegmy easily after that, and she gets eczema patch if she takes too much cheese, so I try and cut down cow dairy product for her.
huskie, nice to see you posting more again
Wah Soph's had a pretty bad 2 years huh? Glad that things are getting better now that you've figured out her triggers and good supplements. What form is the grapeseed in? My hubby has sensitive nose too.. might try that. Already bought him a neti pot. Haha.

Sunsweet, think you can't go wrong with the top of the range Medela.. so far I've not heard of any Medela PIS/A failure. Whereas Medela I've heard of failure.
You also have not posted for quite sometime. Busy with sprees?
Wanted to ask you abt ON spree, but saw your reply to smurfy, so just did my own spree with a friend instead.

Actually Soph's first 2 yrs wasn't that bad. She mainly got sick from her Shichida class, cos fees are expensive, so no matter how sick the kids are, parents still take them to class.
But after I put her on the multivits and grapeseed extract, and after I changed her class to a not-so-popular timing (with more responsible parents), she is much better now. Hardly falls sick even though she does playgroups with the older neighbours who are always bringing some bug back, goes to playground everyday and eats from the floor.
Maybe it's also a matter of outgrowing and building her immunity.

The grapeseed is in tablet form. But eh, just in case your hubby may be on some blood-thinning agent like warfarin or aspirin, grapeseed is not recommended for those who are on such blood-thinning agents.
If your hubby really going to use the neti pot? I find it quite scary to use!

Talking about Medela not-so-top-of-the-range products, I have tried Medela Mini, but woah, the rhythm was so harsh and painful that I felt as if my nips were going to drop off after a pump session!
huskie, I read the posts but honestly, talk of babies really not my thing.. haha.. but yeah, quite busy these days with the kiddos. Today was Beth's final immunisation and also my pap smear. Not good news. I have an ovarian cyst currently 5cm (used to be less than 3cm last year) and it needs to be removed. Bad news is that the usual procedure is keyhole surgery but with my keloids, I would have 4 HUGE ugly keloids in a square formation on my tummy.. gynae suggested slicing out my huge massive ugly c-sect keloid and redoing it then following up with a plastic surgeon for regular steroid jabs to stop the keloids from forming. But that means major surgery - minimum 3 nights in hospital macham c-sect again. Shivers... If I gotta do it, then June or Dec hols lor. So depressing. Told my hubby he gotta come back from work early cos I'm v upset.

This grapeseed thing sounds good. Must really look it up. Hubby is allergic to aspirin so yep, no danger to take grapeseed. Heh.

Timo's first year at kindy was fraught with illness and expensive trips to the pd but thankfully this year is so much better. Beth's the one who seems to have a lowered immunity.

Pump - must definitely get top of the range la.
So so sorry to hear about the ovarian cyst!

You're seeing Dr. Chan for this? I must say she is very considerate and sensitive to women's feelings about scars and keloids, that she gives you the option of taking out previous C-sect keloid.
But such major surgery... *pat pat*
Maybe better to get the cyst out ASAP in June rather than take the chance that it may get bigger?

Do you give Beth any multivits?

And has Timo started his Shichida classes yet?
huskie, yah Dr Chan is really really good. But major surgery, really makes me v jittery la. Told her I wanted a ligation too. Haha. Yah looks like will do it in June. Hubby doesn't like the idea of putting it off too long. Beth ah, nope, no multivits.. hehe.. and Timo, no Shichida.. was put off by the long waiting time. Anyway, economy no good.. will hold off enrichment for awhile.
You serious about a ligation? So "sah yang" lah, you're still so young!

Yes, it's good that you'll probably do the surgery in June... I also don't like the idea of this foreign thing staying in your body for too long. Better start to boost your iron levels now... I remember you're always fainting!
dear ladies...

haven log in for so many days and so many post..

firstly,congrats to huskie!


so Lil J is not in cc already? Cherish also v sticky to grandma when she is in cc..cos grandma is the one who fetches her home aka her saviour while i am the villian. Even now , when she is sad or afraid , she will say "look for ah ma".

I am sure Lil J will be back to her cheery self soon.


so sorry to hear abt your cyst. Hope everything is all right and a speedy recovery after ur surgery.
huskie, stella, thanks! Yah not good news lah.. but yes, should get it done ASAP.. I also don't like this thing hanging over my head. :p Ligation ok lah... I think I feel safer not being able to get pregnant accidentally.
Catz..Im so sorry to hear about yr condition..thank GOD u go for regular check-ups n pap smear..n it was detected before causing major pain.
SO they can't do a keyhole? Anyway, from what my fren told me (she did a ligation), keyhole also super pain..after the procedure she said she was thinking about how I went thru the c-sect..cos it would have been double pain since the keyhole already so pain! Yes c-sect really sucks. But no choice if u have to do it..
I will be praying for u. Do tell us yr op. date.

One of my gf..just last year @ 26 yo..had 2 ovarian cysts n she didnt even know..she did expce some pain here n there for months..but then the pain started to escalate..so pain cannot sleep..so she rushed to A&E..they found out she had 2 big cysts..about 5 cm..thank GOD the surgeons managed to save her ovary.

Huskie..Didn't know Sop fell ill so often..I also heard tat abt Shichida..no make-up class..yup i think 50% of the kids are sick when they come for class..oh dear..poor kiddos..and poor parents too..so ex..but no make-up.
This is one of the main reasons why I don't want to put Y in school yet..dont want him to fall sick so often..his immunity has been relatively good thanks to bm too.
When I started work at the childcare ctr..I was sick so often too cos of the barage of germs n viruses from kids and surrounding..until I finally developed the immunity n that took almost a year.
Catz, I think keyhole surgery is better leh. I had keyhole surgery to remove 5cm cysts after I gave birth to Vane. It's just a day surgery and no pain leh. I still got strength to carry Vane to my lap after the surgery. Dun worry ok? I ever had 12cm big fibroids but still ok now and even managed to have 3 kids.
My fren went thru ligation and got ovary pain leh. Also most fren who ligated put on wt leh. I haven gone thru ligation lah but need to find other alternative. Sigh...
Didn't know you went through so much!

Yeah, Soph was falling ill once every 4-6 weeks at the beginning, till last June when doc said she had a near bout of pneumonia which scared me!
But actually later I found out doc was just referring to mycoplasma (termed walking pneumonia), not the traditional pnuemonia we know it as.
So actually in June, I started her on the multivits & grapeseed, then her last bout of illness was last Aug, which was a mild bout of flu... thank God.

What age do you intend to put Yael in school? I'm thinking of next year for Soph, but not sure if she will think that when baby comes along, she has to go to school and then feel jealous?

Experienced mommies, any comments on this?
Also, do you put the younger baby's cot in the same room as you? Would that make Soph feel jealous too?

Thank you

Are you also planning for #2 yet?
How's your MIL?

Charis and Gig, yah thank goodness for early detection. Giggler,thanks for sharing. For me, the reason my gynae is suggested reopening is 'cos my csect keloid is really v v bad so in this way she will remove the old scar tissue and this time i will have regular steroid jabs to control the keloid formation this time round. Last time I was bfeeding, cannot do steroid jabs mah. Cos for me, if I go for keyhole surgery, I will end up with 4 lumpy keloids all around my tummy. That's the reason not to go for keyhold. Ligation - not technically supposed to make you gain weight leiiii.. more like the freedom of ligation. Anyway my hubby says no ligation, he'll go for a vasectomy since it's easier and less dangerous. I love my hubby..

huskie, yah I thought you meant pneumonia too! For me, I put Beth in the same room as me until she was about 3-4 months old and doing well on Gina Ford. No jealousy 'cos Timo was in bed by that time. Hehe.
