(2007/02) February

Now that Sunsweet mentioned Central is quite dead, maybe you'll want to reconsider the location?
Sometimes it is also better to have it in malls with lots of other enrichment schools/shops so that parents can shop, or older siblings can go for other classes.

btw, do you know of any pure Montessori schools in Bishan area?

hey hey, u have not answered our questions... are u preggie?????? ekekekeke u have not denied n onli gave a wink to jas in one of the posts leh kekekekeke
huskie, wru? haha winnie spotted on u...

ah ger, i just had to take things at a time. mkt is bad now.

charis, i seldom go central but there seems to have many eateries there rather than shopping. i be interested in yr trial but i be more busier soon...

smurfy, in hk, I was shocked tat my fren actually wash the cutlery in hot water... now u second one to do it... hehe
my hb.. not me. i just follow.. anyway do one xtra step make him happy oso will not die right? :p

huskie soo quiet now kekekkeee
charis, i been to Central once just last week. Like cherry, i hate the go round and round carpark, until hubby and me dizzy. We didn't do any shopping there. Just had dinner in a Jap restaurant then left. But ya, the place quite dead, not sure izit due to it's a weekday evening. But location wise is convenientlah either by car or mrt. Let us know when is ur open house. If timing allow, i dun mind to join too.

smurfy, hehe... actually in msia, most of the time before we use cutlery, we will rinse with hot or warm boiled water cos the tap water there not as clean as sg.
tat is when u eat outside in malaysia right?.. at home u oso do it meh? yah lar, my hb got the idea frm malaysia.. where else???????? hahahhahaaa
Sunsweet..Thanks for feedback.

Yup I notice not much of a crowd too..but my customer base have to be from everywhere so the central location is quite good plus the MRT..so hope this helps.

The good thing about this place, if parents find not much to shop they can use the facilities at this place, pool n gym mainly..there's also areas to rest n do their work.

However, most of the classes will be parent-accompanied..except for the older age-group.

Ah ger..Not cc..enrichment..Music movement, playgroup, edu gym..at the Central Clarke Quay.
My partner not decisive enough and she doesn't have the know-how but she wants to input a lot, too much tat may interfere with the operations..a bit hard to work with her..I have to move on..So have asked my hubby and another friend to be my partner-investors.

Cherryale..Haha..Round round carpark? Is SOHO side same as the Central parking?
Anyway, hope u support me..*wink wink"..intro friends too! I will sure have discount if bring friends..this kind of things lah.

Still in the planning..because with the place then can start right..I better launch website soon..so u all can see what's in store. Hehe.

Jelly..Thanks! I'm still trying to get the place..hope it turns out..If not just have to move on and find another place.
Sunsweet, JCC provide sch bus, I may enrol Sherwin there next yr. still cant decide whether to let sher attend cc or church kindi. I switch from SFA to JCK cos I prefer JCK's environment
i was reading Kiasuparent forum (http://www.kiasuparents.com/kiasu/forum/viewtopic.php?t=302&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0) .. and got stress on the expectations of schools theyhave for P1 and even K1 students..

I was thinking maybe i should start a diary with my gal.. now i write for her and draw then she adds on the colour.. when she grows older she can handle her own diary.

this would entice more words for her in a pratical way reflecting her daily life..

Charis.. being a educator.. what you think abt kids keeping a dairy.. even as such young age?
Sunsweet..Diary-keeping is good tool to express oneself..improve written language skills too.
I started keeping a diary at K2.
At late K1 age usually kids will have enough vocab to write one plus some helping words given..start early! Think its a great idea to encourage creative writing skills.
But I think now the trend is blogs..its an online diary! Of cos u may not be able to share secrets there.
Maybe u can start a blog for Lil J with pictures, then show it to her daily..next time she can write her own entries.
PVL, keke.. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Haha.

Aiyah my poor Bethany is sick.. she threw up in her sleep today... and she was so tired that she just slept in the puddle of vomit. I tried to clean it up but she was just so KO.. so I had to wait till she woke up to wash the sheets up. Hope she's better tomorrow.

Haha.. I'm guessing congratulations are in order for huskie.
Winnie, you are just plain eerie lah.

Charis, I will try to support as much as I can! Some of the toddlers here will be starting school next year so not so many will be going for enrichment already, no? But it sounds like it's so difficult to work with your friend.. better to stake it out on your own even though there's more risk I guess. I still like Central.. to me, I can browse in the clothing shops.. haha.
PVL..Jialat hor..nowadays even K1 already got stress! Can't believe it..when I was in Primary school I was going to the playground every evening! No stress. Haha.

Sunsweet..Don't know if diary helps with relieving stress..it sure does help kids to express themselves..but with limited vocab sometimes its not easy..
Best is to establish good communication with yr kids..trust and respect..so they will want to share with u everything first.

Catz..Hehe..thanks. U maybe right there..though I hope enrichment is still a less stressful way for learning..I got "curriculum connectors" in my program..kids learn math concepts, language arts etc thru movement activities..Way fun esp for kiddos of Tim's age! Haha..Jus a little idea of what the program will be like.

Yup that particular partner has no experience in biz..so probably explains her indecisiveness.
The one we getting now are all my hubby's contacts..all businessman..so they know a good biz opportunity when they see one..hehe.
Though Im not in it for the profit-making part..I have to make profit..if not investors get nothing n how to pay rent etc..jialat right..Its more for the income and passion. I'm still supporting my dad, n my mum still pays for my insurance *paiseh*..so time I try to earn something to manage on my own. I don't have to work full-time some more..jus couple of hours a day or alternate days.
Huskie..Sorry missed out yr qn on Montessori..
There is a few right..but they are not pure ones?
Nowadays hard to find a pure Montessori..unless u don't look for childcare centre types..go for those enrichment types.
catz, hope Beth feeling better. stomach flu?

zz caught a cold yesterday too, thxs to air-con n his refusal to use blanket. but strangly whole day he is so energetic n happy. keep playin w mei mei. but this morn could not wake up.
Hi all.... been reading all the post but too busy to post. Tomorrow is my last day of work. My c-sect scheduled on 28th March at 7.30am. Hope she can stay in there till then.

Ryan has also been ill lately and has been at home the last 2 weeks. Just went back to school on Monday. He had cough and runny nose for a month followed by diarrhoea for 4 days and then vomitting for a couple of days. Poor thing. Brought him to KK and his PD. Now he's all recovered already. Was disgnosed with sensitive airways and have to go back for review and long term medication. Thanks to his father's genes.

I had a dream last night (which i thought it was real), I dreamt that you posted that you are 7-8 weeks pregnant. Then this morning, when i checked forum, the post was not there, then i knew it was a dream... hehe. So is my dream true?
smurfy, yes I do but already got 2 batches 'cos nowadays I do private spree. Sorry dear..

garfield, Beth got just a simple cold. Thankfully she is 90% well today save for a little drippy nose. Hehe.

Chocbabe, wah so fast. POor Ryan. Diarrhoea must be so horrible for him. So your hubby will be back for the c-sect?
buy? as in frm ON?

I went to peep lately, nothing much... bt anyway I still hv a box of tops, a box of bottoms for A. So I m chopping my fingers nt to buy anything for him till he outgrows them.
smurfy, oh I have quite a few friends sharing with me.. good things must share mah.. besides, dun forget I have to clothe my 2 kids plus myself and hubby... plus my sis just had a baby
garfield, i din let my girl wear diaper lor, then tell her when u wan to shee shee u must say shee shee. In the begining she will wet her pants la...becos she pee oredi then say 'shee shee, shee shee'. Now she's better, when wan to pee she will tell her then run to the toilet. But at nite she still have to wear diaper la.
Yeah, hard to find pure Montessori schools, cos I guess it's not very popular with local parents.
I found 2 - one in Bt Batok and one in Siglap, but both are really too far for me to travel to everyday.

Yikes, you're just as eerie as Winnie!

But yes, your dream as well as the girls' guesses is true. I am pregnant - should be about 10 weeks now going 11 weeks.

Last saw the gynae 4 weeks ago, going to see him again this Saturday.
MS is really bad this time round, maybe cos I am not constantly knocked out by progesterone... even puked out my dinner once.
Had a bout of rash a few weeks ago and had to take antihistamines... no choice, cos my eyes were swollen to only slits. Hope it wouldn't affect baby in any way.

I remember thehe last time you had a nagging pain at your C-sect wound area? It's alright? Did gynae say what it's all about?
EDD should be 1st week Oct.
Yeah, very tired... dunno how you girls cope with subsequent pregnancies... esp. those with 3rd ones!
At 5th week I had a bit of spotting, so was really worried and rested a lot in bed.
MIL was nice enough to stay with me for 2 weeks at that time to help me watch over Sophie too, cos the rash medication made me drowsy.

I have also succumbed to the maid/helper temptation, much as I didn't want to get one... cos my parents and in-laws stay so far, there is just not enough support.
My Indo maid should be coming ard 1st week April, so I am now trying to pick up some Bahasa!

Hey, you have not updated your blog for sometime too!
huskie dear
i'm just as half dead as u are leh. similar wise, i got spotting on wk 5 n 6. then for the rest of 1st trimester i was feeling tired most of the time.. just go to work (most of the time i dun even know what i am working abt, in dizzy sleepy state)... come home, play with QY, let him sleep, and i fall asleep oso. how to update blog? oso had bad MS and i onli start eating better in wk17. i lost 4kg in 1st trimester somemore :\. hey hey, my new maid oso coming in 1st week of april (4th) kekekee
You only started eating well at wk17?
Jialat, I was hoping MS will go away by wk12!

Thanks. Yeah, the Feb mommies' intuition very good!
yes yes... initially i oso tot MS will be over by wk 12.. but not for my case.. think winnie's MS throughout the pregnancy, save for a few weeks in 2nd trimester :p so which gynae u finally decided onz? u oredi preggie that time when u were sourcing for gynaes in this thread?
Woah, I hope my MS won't be like Winnie's one leh.

No, when I was sourcing for gynaes in this thread, I wasn't preggers yet... was just looking for one to do PAP smear.
Then remember once I told you my AF here liao? Actually later that didn't turn out to be AF... think it was implantation bleeding.

Now I am with Dr. TB Lim, a really old gynae (in his 60s easily) at Mt. E.
I actually like Catz' gynae very much, but she only operates at TMC, and I really really dislike TMC.
My current gynae can deliver at most hospitals so I am choosing Mt. A again.
Re: MS

I on off have MS feeling at 21 weeks..

like this morning.. cough cough. then have bad puky feeling..

Not happend for Lil J leh ...
chocbabe, seems like Ryan and my A have the same condition, sensitive airway. So he has to be ventolin and flixotide for 6 mths. His cough has also stopped but also thanks to his daddy's genes, he is very prone to cough and running nose. I am praying really hard that all these genetic conditions dun get passed down to the kids. So heartpain to see him coughed in his sleep and even vomited and slept in a pile of vomit once.
Congrats huskie.. yah when you mentioned your gynae was a guy, I was like huh? Hehe.. yah I know you don't like TMC. Anyway, do try to rest well k?
Huskie, congrats!!!

Thanks gals for all the support for hearing me out on the MIL issue. Today, I also went to check out a cc for Timothy in case I need to send him there. I like the place as it is a big house with large open spaces. I must say that the curriculumn look disappointing but I thought it is good for Tim to just go and socialise esp. with children from quite a few nationalities. It's not too expensive too but with the maid + rental of the apartment... I am still trying to come to terms with the exponential increase in monthly committed cash outflow.

jas, I will still like to put Tim at PSSMK but hor, for 2-3 days a week, I need to arrange transport to send him to my parents place. My MIL wouldn't care even if the cc or kindi is very near their house... cannot come over IF it is not their turn to look after the children that day. We are still interested to get Casa Merah but also keeping our options open to buy a place in East Coast.

Smurfy, I also have challenge in managing maid to keep her happy esp. given that she has to go to my parents place and in-laws place on weekdays. That means her household chores are only done in the evenings or weekends. Anyway, her day ends strictly by 9pm (that means me and hb take over if Jeremy wants to feed or to be carried). Thinking of pushing it to end at 9.30pm. What time do you maids wake up and go to bed?

Ah ger, my MIL don't want maid but also don't really want to help. Tim is 2 years old... she has NEVER prepared milk for him, bathe him or change his diapers. My FIL has to do all these while we are at work.
Huskie, CONGRATS!!!
Once winnie is out, there really got some gd news leh. Chocbabe, you can join winnie's gang too.

Re: MS
Sounds like most of you got really bad MS. Hope it'll be over for all of you soon.

Sunsweet, I stay opp The Frontier CC. Me most prob sending Sher to Zoophonics near Blk 500+ for weekends class. Feeling unfair to him for not bringing him for any exposure.
Jazz, omg, think your MIL is one pampered matriarch wannabe :p Thank goodness you are outta there! Yeah it's true that living out on your own is more expensive but for the privacy and independence, truly nothing like it
Your poor FIL!!!

Hi girls,
Thanks for all the congrats and well-wishes.
Yeah, trying to rest as much as possible.

cherry, chocbabe,
Soph also used to have sensitive airways, so much so that each time we go to a playgroup gathering or her weekend class, she'd come back sick... also inherited from my hubby as he used to have childhood asthma and still having sensitive sinuses.
Then I started giving her mutlivits and grapeseed extract daily since 18mths... she doesn't get bronchitis/bronchilitis that often now... in fact, she hasn't gotten it at all.
Now if and when she falls sick, it usually stops at the upper respiratory system and does not get to the lungs.
