(2007/02) February

garfield, my little gal also likes ppl to talk to her. When i walk into the room, she will stop eh eh eh. And the moment i walk out, she start making noise again. She can fall asleep easily when been carried, but i dun want to inhibit such habit on her. So these few nites I will swaddle her using swaddle me and surprisingly she slept faster and better.

cherry, ya, hdb flat at clementi area can still fetch pretty good price. But hubby not intend to sell lei. He prefer to rent it out and we can use the rental to pay for the new house's instalment. Currently the rental for our 4 room flat is around $2k-$2.5k, quite good i think.

Nowadays Xi likes to ask "What" questions to everyone! Like "What is he/she doing?", "What is he/she looking at?" etc, sometimes one question can ask many many times lei, quite funny yet frustrating at time. Now only ask "What", i wonder how to answer her when she start asking "Why" and 'How".

Sunsweet, yah lor St James is v prestigious.. like Nanyang kindy... the waiting list starts from when the birth cert is issued. Hehe. Jurong Calvary should be OK lah.

jelly, yah they can ask questions until go siao. Bethany always asks why why why why.. aiyoiiii sometimes I really have no patience.

SAHM ah, it's not easy lah but somebody's gotta do it

Charis, hey are you OK? Saw Jason's posting on FB.. steroids?? Hmm.. I like Central.. NICE! Parking not too bad too. Hehe. Might be quite popular esp with Jap expats right? The other bunch of enrichment centres in that area are at UE Sq.. ask Milkie, that's her area.

GOG, the disadvantage of cc is that their curriculum is not as strong as kindy or those branded cc like Pat's etc.. but if you're contented, then just leave Julian as it is. Should be OK lah.. I mean, at this age, most of their learning is through play plus it's mainly for socialisation right?
an alternative is put them in cc for 1-2 yrs then switch to a better cc with stronger curriculum.

jelly, 2.5 rental is v good for 4rm flat. Then u shouldnt have any problem servicing the loan for the new plc. U looking for job now? Which area in finance? FP&A?

Ah ger, did u sell the medela swing the last time or kept it?

like to ask you how u find your freestyle so far?

any comments compared to your other electrical pumps?


Lil J's CC was also quite bored i feel.. but i think mainly at this age if were to put in CC its the childcaring part more then the learning.. so actually i did not reget withdrawing her from it as i dun think she'll learn much there... only reason i put her in cc was to relieve grandma's stress of having to look after 2 kids loh..

I considering enrichment kidn of classes if necessary

keke though still early, I'm looking out for Kumon/ mindchamps kind of positive life learning for her and possibliy for Lil one too..
sunsweet, before this, I was using swing which is a single electric pump but the mechanism is the same as PIS/Freestyle. Now that I am using a dual pump, it is faster,got more milk. I think I mentioned before there there are two features that I like v much which is the timer and memory. THe timer allows u to know how long u have been pumping and memory basically let u store the best pumping schedule for yourself eg. U can have 2mins of stimulation, then 8mins of expression, followed by another 2mins of stimulation and so on. Once u set this into memory, each time u only need to press the button and it will auto generate this mode for u. Of cos, there is also the handsfree thing which is v secure. built quality is good. Overall, 10/10
satisfied customer.

maybe cos A only plays when he was at home and he is quite a late starter so I feel that he has learnt a lot after attending cc. He talks more, vocab expanded, plus very sociable now. AND best of all, relieved stress on all his caregivers so when he comes home we all love him very much as compared to being angry with him when he stayed at home throughout.
just checked my Vpost status, my BR stuff already at courier, so I should be receiving it today/tomorrow
My new clothes for work. I think got to buy some pants to wear to work before I can fit into my pre-pregnancy pants.

understand that the Freestyle runs on battery? what kinda batteries? easy to replace them?

It run on normal electricity as well right? just we need an adaptor?
Wah Catz... so fast Beth asking Why oredi! Xi only ask What and we are like quite amused oredi. Haha..

Cherry, ya, open for job opportunity now but not very actively seeking. ;p My strength is on Acc & Fin for local listed company though i hope can find a job in a MNC which give better benefits. I dun mind lower position or pay cut in order to exchange for more time wif my kids.

Hei, is BR's clothing really nice??? What size do you order for bottom? Need to get some new clothes too...
these kids are sooo adorable now hor????... QY finally differentiate between "i" and "me"... every sentence he starts with "i climb up".. "i go there"... "i run every fast".... soooo cute..

alot of posts these few days read all....

u girls r so funny, with ur definite "no" for a SAHM's job..

ekekeke one day u got potential for SAHM with maid leh kekkeke :p

boss's flying again. independence day again kekeke :p
Catz..I was having flu, cough wheezing..so may have to take a course of steriods..But I seem to be recovering..Im well enough to sit here to use the comp..so think I dont need to take the steriods hehe..jus on the usual inhalers.

Great..thanks! At least 1 person here replied rgd the Central location. Its the best location I can find so far..its really nice..plus the rent now has gone down.

By the way, will any of u be interested if I have open house in April (earliest), intro to the program n facilities around? Program will mainly be music and movement and playgroup for now. Have not decided how I'm going to conduct open house. But I just need some numbers..then I can see how things go.
gd day to all...

finally got a chance to come in. a new asst came in & I on/off hv to guide her in our work process. She still has a long way to learn bt it's ok, slowly lor....

Smurfy - to ans u, mine is a fresh one, no experience back in kampong. She is #2 in the family of 6 siblings, + she isn't very old, so she can cope w/ the activeness of A & still can play like a kid at times. No choice, hv to entertain mah. Y do u ask?

Jazzcy - u must hv tolerated to the max already, otherwise you wouldn't have made this decision to move out. But I do not understand wat u meant by no childcare no maid. U mean ur MIL wans maid bt dun wanna help out & wanna push all to the maid to handle? *confused*

Cherry - my Swing went to sell salted duck eggs liao. Told u I hardly use right? Then I passed ard to my gfs to use when they popped. Well, I also dunno wat exactly happened. When it came back to my sis, suddenly the thing doesn't work. Has motor sound bt no suction. I brought down to the service centre & they told me beyond repair. Cos las time when milk got stuck inside the tubing I did not clear. Bt my tube was so clean & clear lor... she even tot mine was a replaced tube. Bt anyway the whole pc of sponge inside was 'soaked' with dried milk. If I wanna repair might as well get new one.

They offered a trade-in, bt then the purchase must b of a higher grade than Swing. I dun hv child, I buy also useless right? + buying there has no promo price also, so I left the ctre.

Now I only have the tube, the bottles & caps left. The whole device I threw away already.

GOG - glad u got a confinement lady... Hope this one is reliable.
ah ger, huh, then u 'wasted' your swing? I have passed my swing to sil to try since i dun need it. But actually its a v good pump, only pity is its a single pump.

smurfy, yah I can consider SAHM with 2 maids when hb strike it rich

jelly, hmm more time for kids, then definitely cannot join my company, we work till no day no night
hope u find a suitable job that can balance both work and family.
sunsweet, freestyle can be used on batteries but the difference from PIS and other pumps is that it uses rechargeable batteries that come with the kit. Once charged up, can use for 3 hours. U can buy the batteries from Medela or distributors that sell their products.

As for electricity, all u need is to buy an international adapter (those that u use when travelling). The voltage is supported.
Sunsweet, I quite like Jurong Calvary Kindi curriculum. I prefer JCK environment compare to St Francis leh. Actually I sent Vane to SFA for pre-nursery then switch her to JCK lah.

cherry, you getting ready to get back to work? So fast.... What's BR?

Charis, I'm interested in your open house.

Ah ger, so you more free now since you got new col? Aiyo... sounds like you bot the Swing for your frens to use leh. Generous
hi gals...

recently receive some news at work. not too good... will somehow affect my pumping too, which might force me to stop pumping... hiaz... had wanted to bf G for as long as I have but situation doesn't allow sometimes...
asking abt the maid coz wonder what was ur initial selection criteria that lets u have such luck..

i would be interested to join in the trial.. but problem is dunno able to provide constructive feedbacks or not (guess that is what u need most now)...

for me the purpose of putting QY in half day CC 1) coz new kid coming, mum might not be able to cope with 2 even with maid... 2) to let him know there r other kids out there...
... err soo far he's onli been to weekend classes with us/maids.. but he's very positive abt it...everytime we ask him whether he wanna go to school. he will nod his head happily... i think highly energized and motivated teachers play an impt role in the selection of cc/enrichment class lor, especially for those quiet/clingy kids..

ah ger. while u have a new colleague coming in.. my manager tendered resignation on his own, coz he cannot clear part 1 of his extended probation... sianz.. must cover his work temporarily and worst of all, dunno whether they will be finding someone to replace him when market is so bad now ..
.... in my 3yrs in this place.. 2 guys had oredi left suddenly due to poor performance within 3-4mths ... and my team onli got me, my boss and the new manager/part time help. dunno problem lies in them or my boss now ..
Gig - free? Yes & no.... my boss's load is increasing... unlike the v first boss... then anything tat has his involvement - the other Dirs asked me to do... Bt the R&D dept is also getting more work cos of new studies coming in & I surely can't handle all at the same time. I still hv 1 big project going-on when end mth I m expecting abt 30 guests on/ off coming for mtgs.. I m req to do all logistics.

Gig - well, can't say buy to let frens use lah. Since bought already & I dunno when I will hv another one, frens happen to pop, & they need a pump, so let them use lor. Put at hme also turn white elephant right? Suan le lah... tell myself, @ least it's nt wasted rotting at home.

Smurfy - wow, seems like ur orgn has pretty high expectation. to resign at this moment is really risky man.... extended probation also cannot clear - as in still doesn't meet expectation? Hw do u find ur boss personally? easy or nt easy to work w/?

Garfield - Nt gd news - Dun b sad... if u really can't then tell urself u've done ur best. Nt tat u dun want, bt u can't.

Smurfy - I guess it really depends on luck bah... bt initially I told the agt the basic criteria"
- no off-day promised first
- no hp
- short hair
- must luv kids, spend time w/ them, teach them
- know how to clean up the hse
- cooking nt essential then

Bt I guess the agt also plays an impt part bah... cos I told her, the maid will b solely w/ my child. & being the first in both families to engage a helper, naturally we will hear lots of comments/ worries frm them. So I told the agt I need someone who really must b dedicated & committed, if nt I sure will be suan by my mum especially.

when the agt 1st talked to the maid (I let her do 1st round), she told the maid she has to b frank w/ her. If she is here to play ard, then dun consider. She must know her main purpose for coming & then wat she wants upon expiring of contract. Then the agt related her conv to me.

Perhaps I was also lucky bcos this helper is my gf's helper's neighbour back tare. So in a way I had someone to tell me hw the person is first b4 I ask agt to call her. I didn't get her bio-data frm the agt's list.
bt smurfy - anyway mine is still new lah...

I rem the las time u said when urs first came in, she was also v auto & guai right? slowly then bcme a devil?

Who knows mine will b like tat nx time leh?
i found one oredi... she's an ex-kuwait for 2 yrs.. which ageny u get urs though?

err my boss ar? if u do ur work and completes things on time, i dun think he bothers u lor (i mean i dun think he really dunno me surfing internet someeeeeeeeee times)... but if cannot meet job expectations, he will not let the person pull him down oso lor ..
but to see the onli 2 out of 3 guys he hired being let go suddenly due to what he called cannot expectation is always demoralizing lor.
Smurfy - I hope that you wun feel I am boasting abt my helper, which makes u feel sad.

If u (or anybody else) feel tat way, I apologise for that....

I was just sharing w/ u gals abt hw she helped us & trained A.....

Think I got to take a look at both JCK and SFA.

How's cirriculum compared btw these 2 Kindi?

was thinking letting Lil J gain independence at MMI 1st.. where 2.5 YO she got to upgrade to workgp with is not adult accompanied..

once she got use to being away from grandma.. then can consider those pre nursery..
Mine - I think is home based de...

erm, can reveal the agcy name here?

ex-kuwait - meaning higher pay? bt u've bn paying ur current one at $400 right?

I try to find fresh one, so tat I can tell her wat is our style & hw we do this/ tat. We worry if we get experience ones, they tend to implement wat they've learnt somewhere else into our family which we dun want.

Bt of cos having experience ones has advantage also, as in u dun hv to teach until u vomit blood lah...

tat was our criteria initially. Bt subsequently we decided to get a fresh frm oven one.
hb's bn blaming me for w/drawing A frm JG... He said he's secluded frm children other than his cousins...

Well, if we can handle financially, of cos I would b more than happy to send him for those classes. bt nw the issue is - we need to make sure we hv sufficient $$ to survive.. I dun wan A's acct to b 0 in no time..
no lar... i need all these advises during the search criteria mah :p.. no pay in kuwait lower than in sg... so that's why she oso wanna upgrade and work here... err i dun have the patience to train a totally new maid lor.. and ex-sin too much problems on the part going to grandma's house... so my next best alternative is ex-phil and ex-middle east.. tis one is $350 + 20 ... cheaper than the old one rgt frm the start and before the initialed agreed increment of the old one($430+20)
one lesson per week onli $50.. kekeke u dun go resturant eating or buy 1 or 2 clothes lesser, can make up oredi :p... but anyway A got a cousin ard his age right?
actually hor... base on wat my agt told me, so long as they r w/ experience, they will belong to $350 category. Bt of cos those ex-middle east ones can demand higher pay if they want cos they r so-called trained in terms of manners & attitude. Bt my 2 gfs who hv helpers frm Dubai also paying like $350+20 or $360+20 only leh... so nt exactly tat exp.

Ur this coming new one - hw old is she? Sgl w/ or w/o kids, or married?
smurfy - 1 lesson $50 to us is alot leh...

we already hardly go restaurant & eat & I dun buy new clothes unnecessary...

My sis's kids - 1 is 3yr+ 1 is the nb lor. Hb side 2 boy cousins in pri sch, 1 gal cousin 5yrs old & 1 giant bb who just turned 1yr old.
err if u mix A with his young cousins regularly, then it shldn't be that bad, at least he knws there r other kids around...or u try bringing him where toddlers play, playgroung etc oso can..

this one is 25yrs old single..urs? actually i wasn't that sure of the market rate lor, coz we sillyly pay $400 for the first one though she had 2yrs ex-sin experience... but she frm Nation then lar..
Ah ger,

if you have maid why not bring your boy to those playgroup session near your blk?

good to mix ard and learn new skills/ words/ songs...

mainly to socialise

I'm keeping Lil J to MMI bi-weekly playgp since i've w/draw her from CC.
I dun like to bring A to playground. Cos I kiasi. 1) all those kids arh, they play v rough, then mine like made of toufu. If kena hit will cry de. Those kids can climb frm the opp side of the slide & then play catching knock here/ tare.
2) HFMD usually is contracted tare, so I wanna minimise all these.

We dun allow the maid to bring him tare also cos it's commonly known as a gathering area for all helpers.

Mine is turning 28 nx mth, sgl mum. Are nation maid supp to b more exp? Talking abt this, I didn't realise there will b agencies who charge fees as high as $7 - 800. *faint*
Sunsweet - tat was my tot also, to send A to the RC playgrp. Bt we hv nt signed up lah. I've bn to the door step, looks funny to me leh... door & gate shut, just like typical RC room. I can't even c wats happening inside.

I dun think he can learn alot other than socialising. Maid is teaching him all these everyday. She is entertaining him by dancing w/ him The Backyardigans, Hi-5, Funsong Factory, WordWorld & other edu dvds we hv at hme.
Ah Ger,

i think i'm treating my gal like a boy haha.. I let her get toughen up at playgrounds.. as long no bad injury will do..

she falls once a while but i just get to her.. let her stand up on her own and ask her you ok?
usually she'll be ok and just run off and carry on..

BTW i was told HFMD have various traits.. so if u kanna one virus, you'll have immunity for that but of cos there are like 5-8 kinds of virus.. so chances of getting other virus of HFMD is unavoidable.

But are you planning to send your boy to some pre-nursery?

I was thinking abt that... that's why asking Gig for advise
mine arh... we dun hv to say anything. Once he falls, he will auto cry. U go & sayang him he will cry louder, & his tears r like running tap.

I will v much try to avoid HFMD as much as possible.

Pre-Nursery - probably bah... my sis sends my niece to the Tm Jurong church, think is wat Gig was saying. She's enjoying lah, & always the las to leave the class. Bt when she came back, she kept singing "i luv u jesus jesus jesus..." LOL....

Then everyday cme back tell my mum "po po, i m v happy". My mum asked her y is she happy? She can't tell, bt just say Happy lor... mum says must b the sch always tell them to say they r happy then they will feel happy.
as for my area - pre-nursery I dunno ware I shld send him to.

either those pcf types, or maybe like Bt panjang methodist church or St Joseph church type. Bt I haven't find out more info on these...
Thanks Giggler and Smurfy..for yr response..its good enough for now Smurfy..cos important its the location and if people are interested to come n see.
Hope more mummies will respond..Im almost there getting the place!

Ah ger..Ex-Kuwait higher pay? Why?
Anyway, my friend's maid worked in Dubai for 2 years too..her pay is higher too..anyway she's Filipino..so usually higher pay than the rest right?
Charis - u set up ur own biz? I briefly read the abv threads only.. bt ready something abt u & ur partner thingy.

urs is cc or playgrp? where? west?

no lah.. i nv say ex-kuwait higher pay lah.. generally so long as they hv experience out frm their country, they are considered experienced maids. So it doesn't matter where they get their experience from.

Bt those who work in Middle East like Dubai kind, they fetch higher salary cos the women tare r tamed, well-behaved, & trained to clean up big houses. So in a way - they are usually a better catch. Bt on the other hand, they are more demanding in terms on their $$ & off-days cos I think when they were tare, most of them hv off-days.

I've encountered one - though she said ok to no off on her bio, she told my agt she xpects $370 + 2 off days. I told the agt - sorry lor, me no ang moh, no way.

Nwadays not much diff betwn Phil & Indo already. Only diff is, we compensate Phils for no off, Indos no off is still w/in the $XX. Both starting pay is $330 onwards. My neighbour's maid is $340 or $360 leh... heard is hv abit of experience one lah.

Y I rather hire a Phil than Indo: main reasons
- better Eng,
- better w/ kids
- cleaner in house-keeping.

I've seen my gf's Indo maid like gong gong type leh... nv play w/ the kid de... bt she is obedient lah..
my ke lian maid. Yest when she was sitting on the flr watching TV w/ us... suddenly hb saw 2 big patches of bruise on her leg. Then hb imm asked her, then she laughed & said she accidentally knocked onto our bed.

I asked her y? she said after bathing A, he was jumping on our bed, then she wanted to dress him up. Bt when she wasn't noticing her balance, A pushed her & she fell backwards. Afraid tat she may hit her head, so she covered her head first lor. Who knows kena the leg. aiyoh... 2 big patches leh...

I asked her pain or nt? She said abit. Then hb 'scolded' her lor, say, nx time if anything happen, must tell us. Cannot kip quiet. Then i went to test water & press onto the bruise, she was screaming. ha ha ha.... Then I taught her the correct way of rubbing away the bruise. Can only do 1 direction at on time, nt circling direction.
Congrats and all the best on your new business venture!
I am definitely interested in your trial if you have one
ah ger,

my aunt's maid was previously working in Kuwit.

She says they dun have off cos its not convenient for them to go out but employers will bring them out as and when.

As for her, she is in charge of meals such as washing up the dishes + keeping the kitchen and dinning area clean but she does not cook cos employer has chef.. there are a total of 3 maids in the house serving about 20+ pax in the family..

the standard there and here very different.. most of the kuwit employer are v. rich.. which could be quite different from SIN.
Charis, Central is the one with v circular carpark is it? Must go round and round? If I dun remember wrongly, that is the one. I dun like the carpark lah but in terms of the mix of shops I think still ok.
gig, BR is banana republic. I ordered online since no time to go and try at the boutique. I am returning to work early april so starting to buy some clothes to faciliate pumping milk. Most of those that I bought are button front so easier
Hi Charis,

Though I like to support you however Central is a little way out for us.

however, just my own opinion, i been there before on Friday afternoons, the place quite dead.. nothing much for adults to shop while they wait their kids there for classes...

United square at least have cold storage keke..

and the place was quite a maze.. i got a little fed up on my 1st visit there.. cos i couldn't get across the the shop i wanted to go which was rite oppo where i stood.. made on rnd realise its dead-end.. keke
middle east is a rich rich country... and some employers have afew maids in the house.. but in terms of certain things, they r stricter -eg. some places required the maids to wear like them (long sleeves, all covered up, coz islamic countriees), no off days, no mobiles.. do not join them to eat at the same table... but in other areas. i dun think as fussy as sg employers lar. must clean until clean clean type... must spot check, etc etc.i was told that 3 storey house there even got lifts leh... i am soo impressed hahahhaaa.. hope my new maid will not shock me even further.. :x
over there I think they are required to wear uniforms.

Smurfy - i think the hse so big, they dun even know which area is nt cleaned. They ware got so much time to go & spot-check? LOL.... think like our dwarf house meh?
Sunsweet, JCK doesnt have pre-nursery, only start from nusery. You can try Jurong Christian Church Kindi, just beside JCK. They have pre-nursery, my frens send their kids there.
kekeke i think the main reason lies in fussy singaporeans parents lar... u know how, last time QY uses sterilizer right? after sterizling the bottles, before putting in the milk powder for the next feed, maid is required to rinseeeeeee the bottle with cooled down boiled water ;)(to remove any resiudal tat got into the bottles after using the sterilzer).... and our chopsticks and spoons must be resoaked in a cup of hot water when serving meals (to remove any residual detergent) dun look at me... not me.. my hb... i just innocent party that goes along with the flow kekekekeee

wah smurfy... i m nt so particular leh...

infact lazy mum - ME, las time still bothered to use the Pigeon wash to wash his bottles one he finished his milk. After awhile I didn't even bother, just use tap water, rinse & maybe scrub (@ times) & then put back into the steriliser containers. When I need to use, then I will sterilise it again.

Nwadays I still use steriliser bt I only do it once a day. Other feeding times will be using hot water to agar rinse it then prepare the milk already.

for us - we r not so yim chim on our cutlery.... bt if I go roadside stalls, then yes. Cos I feel, Sin ok lah, nt tat dirty. Anyway old folks always say "lap sap jiak, lap sap dua". Not meh?
