(2007/02) February

hi Ah Ger,

Sorry to intrude.The marina bak chor mee has moved to Blk 466 Crawford lane.Just ate there 2 sats ago still long q!

Hi Carol - take care. Every pregnancy is diff - bt all boils dwn to only 1 similarity - LAZY! ha ha ha.............

for me - I dun resign cos of the 12wks. Besides if I m really suffering frm tat I will request for rest days frm the gynae - rest well enuff then go back to work. My gf's sis - was on unpaid leave for 4mths then she went back after tat. Cos she has 2 or 3 m/c b4........ so tis time round she's very careful.

u can find nice maternity dresses from cloud9 & perfect mum in suntec..... not that cheap though...


anyone know what chinese herbs cannot take har? pao sheng ok or not?
Hi Carol,
it is not wrong to resign so that you can rest at home esp since your hb is supportive. I am working and I think will continue to work even after I have a kid. maybe will stop work only if I have 2 or 3 kids.

AH Ger, some of my colleagues also took 1 to 2 months mc due to threatened abortion and need bed rest. Guess usually employers are sympathetic, no one wants to be blamed for causing a baby's life right? But also got some bad sheeps,last year when I was resting at home due to spotting, my ex-boss called me almost everyday to check this and that and kept asking me when I will be going back. Eventually I m/c and went back after resting for 1 week. When I went back, I was white as sheet cos still very weak. Needless to say, I tendered shortly after that.
nana - nw they r having sale - 10%. Then Perfect Mum 3rd pc 50%.

cherryale - yeah some employers very bad one......... these kind of employers - they dun understand mah........... let them suffer once then they will know.
hi chews,
i'm currently not working also.......so wld nua at home man...... these few days MS got worse....totally dun feel like doing anything at all..... yesterday hubby came home early so got home cooked meal.... mee hoon soup... at least this time nvr puke out my dinner....guess gotta eat someting pipping hot when having MS...makes me feel better....
nvr even iron my hubby's clothes yet...sighz... gotta iron tonite....cos i realise he got nothing to wear liao...hahaaa

lazy is the most common symptons among preggy woman....it's also a good time for us to take a break & rest completly

Cherryale....oopsss keep spell ur name wrongly...sorryyy
i read abt u all having maggi mee....i also got craving for it..but didnt eat since know preggy....until sun.... hubby said since so long didnt eat liao....can eat lor..
i guess as long as we dun eat it every wk or so...shld be ok rite?
hubby said let me eat once every 3 wks...
then i decided no need so frequent maybe every mth or one & a half mth lor... haha

nowadays i no craving for fast food leh.....even though i used to love LJS.... long time nvr eat liao.....wonder when my normal appetite wld be back.....
hi ladies,
*sigh* i discovered more red spotting /bleeding yesterday and I panic and start sobing like crazy and start calling everyone. I just see gynae on monday and everything was well. I called gynae and she say she had already gave me all the medication for my condition and I could only just wait and see. I had to go for bed rest as advised by mil.

This morning I went to my gynae for scan. Gynae just say I need more rest. There is a 1.3x 1.4cm blood cot beside the featus. The baby is still doing well. while I trying to keep sane. I am sick of all the walk in and calls and rush down to gynae for the past 2 weeks.. *sigh* Now I can only stay put and wait for my Thalassmia and Ferritin blood test and then go for the NT scan.

Just not long ago, my mil commented that I din have snack in the afternoon. And why I never feel hungry... I told her I dun have appetite and I thought extra diet is not necessary for the first 3 mth. She said I am weak and I should just have something...must keep remind myself to stay strong.
hi icy

*hug hug* dun worry too much......ur baby wld be fine.... try to rest & rest alot....
this fri i going for my appt..abit scared also... my last appt was when baby was 8 wks... from the u/s, gynae said got something beside bb also...dunno if is blood clot or wat...but she said as long as no spotting...shld be fine... so i just prayed hard...
hope everything wld be well....

nowadays i also not much appetite.....cos got MS.. i just ate normal meals..... unless feel hungry or mouth itchy then wld munch someting...
dun worry too much......just eat when u feel like eating....dun force urself...
hi nana,
my MS has oso gotten worse too, specially in the evenings. i oso feel very lazy, no energy to even lift my finger!
my wardrobe oso in a mess. sigh!

dun worry, i'm sure everything will be alright. just get plenty of rest ya..
i oso realise i dun hv any appetite to eat anything. when i read all the food recommendations that was listed on this thread, i realise i havent been eating anything exciting at all. hahahha!

i'm also currently not working so i support u !! i dont think i can sustain at work, running to the toilet every other minute and being in this condition. hahah!
hi chews,
same same leh... when i read abt all the food cravings others got.....so envy.....i totally no craving at all now..... all i can stomach are soupy stuff or light stuff... just had pork porridge for dinner.....keke
i also not working now......actually been nuaing since mid feb.... thought rest a few mths then slowly look for another job....who knows preggy liao...so got excuse to keep nuaing...haha
wow... so many mummies here... one week never came in.. got so many new mummies... nice to meet all of you...
do some of you get frequent tummy cramp?
gynae says is normal.. but so painful till sometime really cannot tahan leh... any idea why mid nite always have tummy cramp?
another thing, anyone can help mi? i am having constipation for 1 month already... Help!!!
gals......... Me arh - nt say craving lah bt then since tok abt yummy food then just say everything out lor. Who knows something hit the jackpot then u feel like eating?

Just trying to help the gals here who r loss of wat to eat or no appetite to spice up something. C the way the fries worked for so many gals yest.... hee hee

I can tok abt them bt when u ask me to eat, erm...... diff lah........

Gals, wanna ask u all. Hv u all recently got those LS stomach pain arh? bt ran to the toilet end up nt exactly LS? For the past 1 wk I kip feeling like tat leh. Then I ran to the toilet - either just fart or nt much. It's nt exactly LS lor bt the pain is unbearable, until I think if I stay further in the toilet I will hv cold sweat.

Nana - wat u r facing nw was my past already. Bt till nw I also make sure I eat something light @ times. I still nausea thru the day esp straight after food & my *burp* - the feeling came thereafter & nv leaves.

I was lucky to found my so-called remedy to 'tong' for awhile. Bt recently nt as effective anymore. Guess I m gng to face another challenge - LS! Ha ha ha....... Bt anyway I m gng to ask my gynae also - cos it has bn daily routine.

LiLing - wats ur daily food intake like? Maybe ur tummmy can't take some of the food tats y it's reacting tis way? Or perhaps maybe u walked 2 much or do u wear heels still?

My feet getting more & more sored.......... when I m @ hme, I try to exercise my feet. My oh my........ worse than after a day's walk in HK or Bkk.

Maybe u can eat like Priviledged - prunes? Cos prunes can help in constipation. Or else I used to hear frm my mum Lady's fingers also cos of their starchy thing. Maybe you can try. Even if u ask the gynae - they will ask u to eat more fruits. Wonder if u can still take Fibregel - u know the dissolvable powder which u can get frm Guardian? Hmm......... gd qn - shall drop tat dwn for my gynae to ask also. Whoever gng to c gynae 1st maybe can help ask the gynae the same qns then we can c if all tally?

Icy - dun worry. Everything is going to be alright. Once the clot is gone - u will b happily enjoying the pregnancy world w/ us liao.

Tell ur mil - nt everybody is the same, if she conts to do tat, he will jus add more stress to u nia. Maybe u tell ur hb abt it then hv him indirectly hint them? Cos it's already very stressful tat ur hb is nt ard & u r w/ ur pils & nt own parents + such thing is happening & u hv to handle alone. I m sure ur hb can understand also.
hi chew...great to hear someone who cldn't tahan wking due to pregnancy...i really salute to all mothers and MTB who are wking, bec i really think it's no easy feat.

my MS was so bad and i was always on MC, my male boss wasn't very understanding either, so i decided to call it quits and bum at home.

i havent been taking regular meals...lost 3kg in fact, but my scan was normal and bb is healthy...

was reading some postings by others who have had miscarriages w/o any symptoms, it's freaky. i'm really afraid something bad is gonna happen...went to bencoolen st guanyin temple a couple of days ago, and prayed for bb and health (am normally not superstitious)...anyhow the lot was bad, so it's nagging in my mind these few days..sigh!!!

pao sheng is a big no no during the first trimester, as advised by tcm in chung hwa clinic. I was somehow "conned" by a chinese medical hall salesperson, he told me i hsould take the pao sheng + cordycep pills. Luckily i went to chung hwa and they told me cannot eat..but i ate a few already, and dunno it is a conicidence, i got some spottings.

i also keep worrying abt something bad..me too went to si ma lu and pray when i could not see anything during my first scan!

my coll wife also got the blood clot besides the foetus, but the clot disappears by itself after sometime. hope it happens the same to u
Hello mummies,
I was out yesterday, and there were so many postings, I didn't really read all of them. So sorry if I don't reply to anyone who has addressed me.

re: stomach discomforts
Past 2 evenings, I also have been having stomach discomfort. Mine feels like lots of wind, very bloated. Nights is worse. Yah, feel like going to PS, but fart fart only. Fart a lot. Must be the food I ate.

My MIL made this 'an tai yao' for me to drink last night. she made it SOO concentrated it was quite foul tasting. Hope it doesn't do my bb any harm. Maybe that was the cause of my bloated tummy ache at 2 am last night. I can't really refuse her cos she's a dowager, and hates my guts already. Always criticizing me and making sarcastic remarks abt me (esp cos I am a SAHM).

My hubby & I have decided NOT to do the NT or blood test. We'll leave all to God. Hubby doesn't feel comfortable knowing risk. He's a worrier. So he'd rather not know at all. Just be prepared for the worst.
Ah ger,

yup i do have this kind of pain , but mild one. sometimes like want to go to toilet, but nothing comes out.

recently i noticed that my symptoms are getting lesser and lesser, its like i have returned to pre-preggie days.

i am worried.. or is it we are reaching the 2nd tri, so symptoms start to taper off?
morning to all.........

wah tis morning I tried to make myself drink milk b4 I cme to wk. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!

Along the journey I kept thinking of puking. So nw hv to resort to eating sng bueys.

Priviledged: my MIL gng to make black chkn soup tis wkend.

Stella: dun think so much lah, maybe the bb think u suffered more than enuff so wanna let u start to enjoy liao leh? When is ur nx chk up?

Haiz, mine arh - always diarrhea pain leh - inside alot of wind. Haiz........

update abt las night's dinner - in the end I changed my mind to hv pasta instead. So hb bought pasta frm NTUC then the Prego tomato base sauce, cos tat time I got phobia of mushrooms.

Nice nice! added crabstick & hotdogs onto it.
Hihi ah ger...

yesterday my appetitite also very good.. my hb and i had tze char for dinner... yum yum

my next checkup is next monday. everytime counting down to see bb
oh........ then dun worry lah - wkend is approaching then soon it's ur chk up time.

Me las time also wkdays chk up, I meant 1st visit lah bt troublesome cos my hb has to apply AL if he wants to c. So end up 2nd visit onwards I ask for Sat lor.

Actually gd for me if I take wkdays cos I can take MC bt nt gd for him unless he doesn't wanna go.

actually i also felt the same as u. Seems like these two days, my symptoms also seems to have lessen alot. Breast also not very sore already. But sometime in the evening, i will still get the funny taste in the mouth.

Think im catching a flu soon cos my hubby and son are both sick. Was quite tired these two days cos worrying and taking care of my son who is having very high fever.
Hi ladies,
Thanks for the concern. anyway also dunno what cos the sudden bleeding becos it is almost like mense already.

I remember my mil gave me tonic to drink before that.. then later she told me she added gao li shen, when she previously told me just bao sheng only.. anyway I dunno if that cos bleeding. But i told her I wanna stop all sort of tonic until first tri.

i am in week 10-11 . yah my breast also not swollen , nausea feeling not so serious and less tired.
my breasts start to get itchy arh.......... bt I dare nt scratch.......... ha ha ha.......

*yawn* Me so tired, I feel like asking to wk frm hme 2day.

my gynae prescribed me this medication which he said is not a form of medication but a fruit extract call Senoko. It's very effective as it really helps with my bad constipation.

Not sure whether your gynae has that or not. U may want to ask him to prescribe u some medication for constipation. dont let it worsen else will have piles which will be very difficult to heal next time.

Or u can also buy "Lactus" from pharmacy. Its also quite effective but my constipation condition during my 1st pregnancy was so bad that it doesnt work at all.

And u know what, my constipation got so serious last time that I was once admitted to hospital due to bleeding after i stay in toilet bowl for 1 hour plus and yet the motion still cannot come out. I was so scared and later gynae said the bleeding is from the vaginal area but bb is ok...

then we are in the same week leh....i also 10 wks plus now. when is your edd? according to u/s, mine is 14 Feb. but according to gynae calculation its 9 FEb.

dun take any tonics at the moment esp pao sheng and other types of ginseng!!!

according to tcm doc, ginseng helps in blood circulation. in early preg, our foetus is like a blood clot in our body. ginseng will "mistook" it as blood clot and will try to "liquidfy" it.

Stella has just posted saying to pao sheng is a no no leh.....could it be due to that?

Ya, I would rather play safe and not take any chinese medication for the 1st trimester at least cos those medication are not medically proven leh.

Your mil agreed to stop?
ah ger,

your breast enlarging by alot is it?

aiyo, hope mine will be bigger during pregnancy and breastfeeding period cos me very small breasted, only cup A, so think no matter how big also could turn to b or c! hee hee..

U better start applying the stretch mark cream leh.
icy - I heard all the chinese herbs 2nd tri onwards then can take. U told her then wat did she say?

Dun think so much - soon it will b over.

Me 2mr end of Wk 11 lor........... Yippee!

My breasts - bigger abit only, then still nausea + more tired arh.......

Bt Stella - nt everytime is the same one. My gf - she was so fine until Wk 10 then started all the symptoms like MS & tiredness. So not to worry lah......... u will b ok. *wink*
Starlite - my EDD also 9 Feb bt 2nd scan wrote 7 Feb so I wonder 3rd scan will b wat date. ha ha ha - getting earlier & earlier.

My breasts arh - nt alot lah..... abit only....... Me also small breasted mah..... can b 2nd airport liao. Ha ha ha.......... nt all flat chested women has no milk & nt all 'Pamela Anderson' has milk.

I apply liao. Then lately I realise nipple tare abit drying........ Haben start to apply alo vera gel yet.........
yeap, i heard abt it too.. i thought baosheng still nto so bad but i never know she added gao li sheng. I thought it just simple tonic and my mil added the gao li sheng, I drink liaos then she told me!!

My Mil asked me again today whether I dare to drink the baosheng , and I told her NO already.. buay ta han.
Icy - just tell ur MIL - gynae say - ALL CHINESE HERBS CANNOT DRINK. If still drink + ur body is abit weak nw - nt gd!

C she scared boh.........

sometimes eldery very funny one.. but for the sake of bb, just reject when u dont feel safe.

my mil also sometimes lile that.. she will keep insisting me to take this & that even though i dont want. she will stop only went hb scolds her
starlite and ah ger,
thanx for all the advises.. luckily i have u all... haha.. ask my HB he say normal one.. but i still think is abnormal leh.. 1 month never PS leh.. very uncomfortable ... maybe i will try prunes first den see wat i can do.. by the way wat is lactus? a medcine or powder to make drinks...
oh ya 1 more question,
is it ok not to drink milk? the moment i see milk i feel like puking... how? i scared baby don have vitamins leh...
ah ger,
she had her school of thoughts.. also asked me if I wanna essense of chicken... ahh.. keep stressing me.

My hb support my mil school of thought.. weak = need to eat more and have more meals!!

icy if ur mil dont believe wat gynae says..tell her tcm also say cannot eat tonics during first tri
hi icy,
I happen to "peep" into this thread. I think I used to speak with you in the m/c thread. Got a bit worried when I saw that your MIL gave you gao li sheng (Korean Ginseng). Korean Ginseng is super heaty, even more so than the normal ginseng, and like what stella said, could have caused a lot of blood circulation. Danggui is also a no-no for preggies, not even if your MIL says the "head" of the danggui is good for the womb.

Do take care and not take any Chinese tonics anymore ok? Not even simple red date drinks or chicken essence for now, cos heaty... my gynae believes heaty food causes blood vessels to dilate more, hence cause more bleeding. Maybe today just eat more fruits as Vit C in fruits speeds up healing? Take care!


u mean u 1 month never PS? Is it one week? If really one month then i dont think its normal leh....maybe u can do something abt it quick.

Lactus is a form of liquid medication for pple with constipation problem. Its quite mild and sometimes i give it to my 3 yr old son when he constipate. The other alternative for u is Fybogel which may taste better...

regding milk, think its ok not to drink if u really wanna puke afater drinking. Maybe get gynae to prescribe u some calcium pills? I also taking calcium pills but i can drink milk also.
