(2007/02) February

Liling - during pregg - many things change one. 1wk PS already very little liao (bt tats my body) let alone 1mth! all the shit dunno stored ware. Ha ha ha ha............

Me also can't take milk leh......... nwadays I drink liao I feel like puking. So maybe instead of 1 full glass u try for 1/4 glass? Take abit better than nothing. Tats hw I started. Then slowly 1/2 glass.

If sometimes u dun feel like taking tat then maybe drink milo? @ least it's abit of chocolate flavour then maybe wun b so jer lat. Bt make sure u dun pao so sweet leh.

Maybe u can tell ur gynae abt tis. I take calcium, Iron & folic since I c my gynae. Bt he said still hv to take milk. Bt I drink @ times only.

Or maybe u try to switch timing. Eg day time u drink u feel like puking, u change to night time drink. Mine is those UHT milk - so I will take out & pour 1/3 glass then let it cool for 20mins then I drink so tat it's nt so cold. Bt my gf's mum heated up HL milk for her SIL when she was preggie. Still the same one - u can try.

I drink @ night (at times) cos I could b hungry at wee hrs then I dun wanna take supper - so I pour milk & drink. Until one during the World Cup - so hungry until milk also can't stop, I had to pao milo + a few pcs of sor tar piah & eat then can.

Icy - u just hv to b firm, tell her u dun want anything to happen again - cos it's very tiring & texing to run up & dwn.

hi everyone!

sigh! some of u are up so early! i have so much difficulty sleepg at nite and in the morning, cant seem to get out of bed.

i oso have this worry abt miscarriages w/o symptoms. its really scary. i keep wanting to go c my gynae earlier just to check if bb is ok.

yah! my daily intake is always something soupy. and it takes me such a long time to finish one bowl! haha lets hope our appetite comes back sooner!

btw to all mummies, do u all have headaches at all? i seem to have headache throughout the day and it is worse at nite! anyone has any remedy?

yours and mine edd very close leh. so when did u last see your gynae. Mine was Tue. BB around 2.95cm....how about yours?

my last checkup was 3 weeks ago..when i was 7w4days. that time bb only 1.32cm.

dunno now grow by how much..
ah ger, mine around 10 wks when 2.95cm.

think 12 wks shd be 5 cm?

Stella, when i 7 wk 6 days bb around 1.53cm. Your next appt when? u see him once a month?
chews - I start wk @ 8.30am leh......... & usually I get in by 8.20am, so I just park my car here lor. ha ha ha.......

My headache started nong nong ago le.......... nw on/ off still hv. Like migraine kind of pain. If I really can't tahan then I will eat med. Afterall when I was sick in early Jun - I had some flu & fever/ headache med w/ me.
stella, starlight.
My edd also 15 Feb. Maybe the 1st trimester symptoms are going away as we near the 2nd trimester!! Try not to worry. I guess it should be a good thing.

Take care of yourself. Drink lots of water. Try not to get sick. No fun, yah?

Your MIL story is scary. I'm also scared that my MIL might accidentally 'poison' me in her well-meaning efforts. She trusts the chinese doctor so much , and is always 'prescribing' Chinese medicine to us. She can't explain anything. Just do as chinese doc says. Chinese doc told her from week 6 onwards can take this concoction. Once a month. "An tai yao". If we don't take her concoctions, she treats us like we don't respect her etc etc. And when she makes the concoctions, very strong type. Extra strong. I don't think she follows the doctor's instructions. Even her bak kut teh is super-strong. Can't drink the soup. Never follow instructions. I'm sure I could taste dang gui in the goo I drank last night.

1st pregnancy, she sent over the herbs to make this concoction, with instructions. I made myself, but that was from 7th month only. And it didn't taste half as foul. Mine was more like a drink leh. Dunno why hers so yucky. Hope I will be OK. We dare not go against her cos she will make a black face forever and scream at everyone.

You never PS for 1 month? Urrr that's quite serious leh. If I don't PS for more than 1 day, I don't feel comfortable already.

I think it's OK if you don't drink milk. Perhaps take some calcium, like some of the others say. I take activated calcium. I also don't quite like milk, so I take milo with my milk. Last time in the US, I used to take Nesquik, which can dissolve in cold milk, and is nicer than milo. But it's expensive here. And of course, sweet, so for those with GD, it's a no no.
is one month ler nt one week.. don know why like that.. i drink lots of plain water leh...haiz.. maybe should see a doctor liao...
i am 12 weeks yesterday liao.. baby measure at 5.5cm... so stupid me... yesterday went to gynae den forgot to ask bout the constipation thing...
i crave for durians leh.. does any mummies crave for that? but my HB don let mi eat.. he say too heaty liao... haiz...
ah ger,
no worries la... mine at 9w 3 d onli 2.37cm leh...
now just turn 12 weeks got 5.5cm.. i think urs would be bout 6cm liao...
Mine 10 weeks 2 days still 3.6cm.. bb was bouncing away. lol

Yah, i was calling hb and telling him why everyone knows and my mil dunno. Anyway I will not drink anymore tonic.

woah.. do u know what is inside this concoction? but since it is from chinese doc then should be so bad, my mil add on her own one.. sianz.. i am considering moving to my mum place to stay a few days and avoid all these stress stuff.
koh - me already bn taking durians liao.......... Bt I take maybe alt weeks lor - if every wk I think FIL will b broke by then. ha ha ha......... anyway nt just me eat - everybody also eat.

When I was 1mth+ FIL suddenlt buy durians, then I ate 3 seeds only. Then tat very night I got fever, sore throat then cough & flu all came. So I tot wah - can't b durian so li hai bah.... maybe was just my body was on the way to getting sick. Took me 2 wks+ to recover then abt 3 full wks to fully recover. Then I dare nt touch for the nx fw wks.

Then in Jul - FIL started buying again liao. Then I boh chap I also eat. Cos I noticed I eat fruits I wun b nauseous, so I ate - tis time round I ate almost 1 full durian - & it's those 1 durian $14 - si u can imagine hw thick & goody the durian is! *yummy* Bt of cos after tat I couldn't eat much of my dinner, then I drown myself w/ lotsa of water lah to prevent my body frm being heated up again.

Icy - dun worry - ur bb measurement is perfectly normal. I chk liao. 10wk is 3cm, 11wk is 4cm.

ur MIl is being overly kan cheong - she has her own typical old generation thinking. So actually need someone to tell her tat nt all women r the same.

Koh - 6cm??????????????? GIANT bb!!!!! *faint* ha ha ha......... bt suan le lah....... it's ok........ hope the bb tall & healthy
hi ladies, busy morning.

icy, i heard its a no no for chinese herb now. so do take care.

i nowadays take fruits, prune. its help my constipation too. drink a glass of glass in the early morning. its will help to clear yr bowels.

last nite, i don feel like eating rice. in the end, i took mei hoon kwek (the fine noodles type) feel so much better w hot soup.
ah ger, u ver to control don take too much durian. no good wor.. heard its "sugar" level quite high.

so envy most of u. i juz stepping into 9wks tomorrow. i stl ve to wait for 3wks+ for my nxt scan. mizz my bb... oh bb measuring 1.86 @8wks 2days.
size of bb is secondary, most important is healthy.

u all start to paste cute bb pics in bedroom already?
Wah koh..yr baby is big..the rest of u your babies quite big also..Mine at 8 weeks is 1 cm..but gynae say ok. My next appointment is next week, which will be around 11 weeks..hope that baby have grown big n strong hehe!
icy, pls take care and rest well, don't walk around too much and try to relax yourself. i guess you have to ask you mil you can't take chinese herbs at this moment.

all mtb, recently i've bought this calcium-d-redoxon. each tablet is formulated with calcium, vitB6,vitC and vitD. Just dissolve 1 tablet into a glass of cold water to enjoy a a delicious orange flavour drink. the packaging is yellow colour with a elephant pic. i always want to drink soft drink which is no good so i bought this to drink.
I was told last time to eat durians so baby would grow big big

I used to take redoxon too. Love it. A fizzy drink with vitamins. Makes me want to go out and buy some. Hehehehe.

Your MIL makes her own concoction ah? That's different I suppose. Maybe it's a good idea to go live with your own mum for awhile. Is your MIL OK with this?
hi hi.. thanks for the advise. I will be more firm abt all these now.

yah I am having 'bedrest' and more nap in the afternoon. I just counting down to my hb return from New York. It makes me feel happier.

yah yah, in a way lor.

I think i will just tell mil that I am bored and wanna stay a few days with my mum bah. I know some people will feel that it looks bad on her, but i already stayed here for like 3 weeks already. only if things improve at my mum place then I stay longer. :p actually I prefer my own mummy food.
Hi PVL..

Serious? Durians? Haha..but Im watching my sugar..dont want to get GD..never mind lah..as long as baby healthy..I trying to eat very well..so I'll put on healthy weight..
Anyone been to Maternity Exchange? They have sale until end of this week..U can rent outfits from them or take up a rental pkg from them..I think 3 months u can rent around 6 outfits..good for those who office work..must change clothes everyday so look pro n not 'aunty'..right?
back frm lunch. Had bee hoon soto - dunno wat to eat. then nw inside like nt 'accepting' the food. Dun feel gd.

Maybe will just cool myself dwn 1st.

Koh - my temper all along also very bad one. ha ha ha, bt tis time I try to ctrl my temper bt sometimes I can't tahan I will still vent it on hb. Anyway MIL already pre-ampt him liao, say preggies very temperamental. Tat day stil ask if I got throw my temper @ him or nt. ha ha ha......

Leomum - so long as I take alot of water to drain away the sugars in body is ok one. 1 wk once or 2wks once as compared to 6 days of fruits + plain water is nothing.

Yes - take durians bb will b big & strong. Of cos dun just take durians as ur meal lah - ha ha ha......... must watch out also.

Stella - I haben paste bt dun think I will paste bah............ Dunno leh........ No habit of pasting things in the hse.

Icy - nothing beats own mummy's food.
Charis - I've nt bn to Maternity Exchange. Bt then again - strange right? u rent the clothes, wash then u rtn the clothes - like it's bn worn by so many diff ppl.

Anyway hw much is the pkg? U know? Are the clothes tare nice? Or u just chk from the web?
Hi gals

just to vent some unhapiness.

i was talking to my coll, and i told her i feel moody and emotional. i understand she is out of goodwill, but she keeps telling me i should not be like that etc. keep telling me no need to worry so much . I almost wanted to say u r not preggie before, therefore dunno the feeling. but its so bad.

guess only u gals can relate to my feelings cos we are all mtb.
Hi ah ger..U may be right..It could hve been worn by a couple of people..but I heard the clothes are rather new..n more than enough to go around..

I've not been there..only checked out their website..Their clothes are nice..cos they are all imported from Aust, USA, Japan..more up-market. U can check out their website..jus type out maternity exchange on google..can find easily.

cos ur coll has nv bn preggie b4, thus the only comforting words she could say were those. dun b upset abt it...... when u r moody, u will affect the bb also. u also want bb to cme out then hv a smiley face right?

I feel moody & emotional also....... then my hb arh - he's nt sensitive enuff one also, so sometimes I get angry w/ him. Bt I told myself I hv to b happy. So when I m @ hme I will watch those variety programs like SCV Ch 52 @ 8pm or watever.

Or maybe u bring out the bb's scan films then c c again - maybe will bring some joy to u leh?

Then in the ofc - try to walk ard, tok to ur colls abt anything & everything under the sun...... Or else go to the washrm wash up abit. U might feel fresher.

if nt just cont talking to us on the web here lor.
Charis - I've bn to their websites b4, some of the clothes are rather nice. Some brands look expensive. So I supp their rentals may nt b cheap also.

Cramps - I dunno leh.......... I only know 2day my stomcach like chou jing. U know sometimes when u r very hungry then ur stomach wanna go 'grrrrrrrrrrrrrr' before u can feel the emptiness? I m having tat feeling lor - like pull feeling bt no menses like cramps.
oh gals - I just rem the shop ware I bought some tops like preggie clothes.

U know PepperPlus? They hv some tops like maternity wear yet like fashion wear - maybe u can try them out? & their prices are very cheap. $20+ only. Dresses - those t/shirt material like $30+.

I got 2 tops frm them. U know tat time on trend - infront V then long dwn then the young gals wear w/ either a pair of jeans or mini skirt? They r wide @ the stomach area so I wore them on Fris. Think $10+ or $20+ also.

They hv outlet at Jurong Pt, Wisma Atria, TPY Central - near the Teck Kee Pau shop or dunno wat pau shop.

Can chk them out tis wkend!
so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee recently I recv some emails frm my gf also - then got those ang moh kids - they r so adorable - c their eyelashes, their eyes......

Aiyoh...... can't stand man! ha ha ha.....
ah ger,

yup they have some nice ones ..
but i think can fit only up to 4-5 months preggy ..
cause is pretty small piece the tops ..

the tops material also not as good ..
i have a few piece before and after a few wash will have some furballs ..

there's one at compass point too ...
ck - no leh - so far all my tops frm them were pretty alright.

I think width wise - can fit me up to pretty long bt then if breats kips growing bigger - then aybe in no time it will b tight le.

thanx for the cutie pix ...
soo cute ..

ah ger,

i think depends on the choice of the top..
so far maybe i din choose the correct type ...

u r rite .. if breast goes bigger then maybe can't .. he he ..

i went to spring maternity suntec just now ..
they having some offer ..
2 tops for 49
a little portion having this 30% discount ..
not bad ..
i pretty like this elastic skirt that cost 59
comes in white, blue jeans material and light brown ..
lady said can wear till full term ...
can consider ...
there's a button inside the skirt too ..
can lengthen and shorten the elastic band ..

up till now i still haven't buy maternity clothing yet .. just look see first ...
oh Spring Maternity arh............ hmm..... I wanna go look c also leh.......... bt hb nt free the nx fw wks.

Tat day I went tare - I saw the promo tops also bt I din quite like them. I saw the skirt they had on the mannequin though & also a bermudas I think - quite nice. Bt I was 2 lazy to go & try.
also went to guardian ..
surveying the anti stretch mark cream ..
the palmer brand one ..
there is the cream and the lotion ..
which 1 did u gals get ?
the cream one i think is 22, the bigger bottle lotion is 25 ..

currently i'm using the olive oil i gotten from mrs wong ..
is a little oily but nice ...
i only apply once in the nite ..


i do have a little cramps past 2 days ..
now i'm back to normal ..


please take more rest ... and relax ...
sometimes MIL can be troublesome ...
my MIL everyday call me to check up on me ...
now my office ppl started to know i'm preggy liao ..
I find it funny to use olive oil leh. Those meant for cooking one? I hv an NTUC brand - Extra Virgin Olive oil - nt opened for cooking yet - can use meh? *strange*

My ofc - nong nong ago many know liao........ bt I dun care, they also nv cme & ask me. I also hv alot of frens who know liao.

Heng my MIL wun call me & chk on me. Mum also wun, except initially when I had very bad appetite then also MS then she called & ask if I m better.
ah ger,

dun worry .. still have time ...
so far i still can fit into my clothing ...
this week is week 10 liao ..

if have suntec card, discount is 5%
if have the DBS woman card u get 10%
the lady was like debriefing me ..

the promo one is t-shirt material and mostly in spaghetti ..
but will be comfy to wear ...
put on a cardigan can go to office liao ..

i think i saw the shorts too ..
i din check out the price yet though ..

only today i got mood to look see ..
previous weeks i was not in the mood at all ..
he he ..
Oh I hv DBS Woman's card. I also borrowed my coll's Spring Member's card.

Yeah yeah - prev wks me also no mood - totally sianz + tired + lazy.
ah ger,

yup yup .. can use ..hehe .. ya is use for cooking ..
ha ha ...
mine is extra virgin olive oil too ..
dun worry no smell ..
my doc also said put olive oil ...

i just hope that once my boss know .. he would be happy and not sac me
u know la .. small co .. not sure if willing to give maternity benefit ... although is our rite .. they can choose to terminate at any time ..

i had french fries during class last nite ..
ha ha ...

my MIL ah ...
everyday call me ..
ask me wat i want to eat ..
like wat fruits ...
every week buy 1 durian for me to eat .. i also scared i'll have GD
i think durian a bit too heaty .. cause i was having lychee, longan .. all the heaty fruits ..
ended up having sore throat and flu ..
just went to see gynae for medication ..
only took the flu tablet but seems like not helping ..from one blocked nose .. today is two .. i can only breath with my mouth ..
i shall stop all this heaty fruits from now ..

nowadays ... my nose like very sensitive to this type of smell ... a bit phobia ...
even washing clothes detergant ...
i smell already .. especially in the nite ..
feel like puking ..

i use to like kao attack floral ..
now ... i hate it ..
i changed to dynamo anti bacterial ..
but still cannot le ..
any detergent got no smell ?
really need help on this ..
