(2007/02) February

ck - they can't sack u when u r preggie cos they hv to pay u 1mth notice + 3mths ML.

Lychee & Longans I also take bt lychee I take less. Most of the fruits hb & I will share 2gether. He's lazy of peeling them nwadays so I hv to spoonfeed him - remv all the shell/ skin then put in the fridge. As & when he wanna eat can eat liao. Same as watermelon & honeydew when we bring back frm PIL hse.

During preggy - nose is especially sensitive. Ha ha ha, I can't tahan until I told hb it's so frustrating.

Detergent no small??????? erm I dunno leh - maybe dun put so much? or u dun do the hanging? My gf also same as u bt she just tahan lor - until nw she's in her 2nd tri gng into 3rd tri bah cos due in Sep - she's better nw.

ah ger,

ic ic .. but still will be jobless le ...

my hubby also same same ..
lazy one .. i dun feel like peeling for him ..
so i peel for myself .. ha ha ..
only sometimes i peel for him while he's at the computer ..

i put little already ... but still can smell le
i think is my MIL who is putting lots ..
now my MIL dun wash clothes in the nite liao ..
so at least the smell not so great ...
but i still cannot really tahan lo ..
smell already feel giddy ...
i dun do the hanging nowadays .. me hubby do ..
is the smell when the wind blow it upwards .. i can smell inside the room itself ...
ck - they wun take the risk one - skali they go on TV like las time got 1 incident. ha ha ha......

no lah when we bring the fruits back, I will usually cut all 1st.......

tat time when MIL cooks w/ alot of mushrooms - I also can't tahan. ha ha ha........... then nwadays she nv cook so much mushrooms @ 1 shot.
pekochan - try to swallow saliva then maybe can help clear ur ears? or else sometimes maybe (I dunno lah), u r getting heaty tats y ears are starting to get blocked?

me also having a little of block ears ..
like can't hear properly ...
i guess will be alrite if u yawn .. or swallow saliva ?
mine will be slightly better if i do tat ..

ah ger,

okie .. i hope for the best ..
else me hubby gotto foot for bb plus my school fees .. ha ha ..

u so hardworking le ...
cut all 1st ..
me will only wash the shells ...
stuff all in the fridge ..
when wanna eat .. take out a plastic bag .. and slowly peel off while watching tv ..

ya .. me too got a bit of phobia of mushrooms ..
use to like mushrooms lots ..
now i passby food court .. i also can't ...
so i'll detour and take a longer path .. via the suntec fountain to carrefour side ...

recently i got yammi yogurt craving ..
and just recently i know that they sell frozen yammi yogurt in a tub ..
14oz or 16z (can't remember) for 8 bucks ...
last weekend i bought a tub back ..
and bought a can of peaches ..
ate so much of the peaches on weekends..
ended up nite time .. MS .. vomit all out ..
all the bb chubby!!! so chubby and cute!!!!

I understand, I had been feeling miserable for the past week, and we know that we have to be strong but just cant help it.
ck - no lah - suffer 1st time then eng the rest of the time mah. Since already washing liao then might as well cut them all.

oh my god - the peaches - all wasted. ha ha ha........
Ah ger,

not sure where I read this... but pre-cut fruits is a no-no for preggies leh. Something about food bacteria lodging in the fruits or something. So ladies, when our appetite improves in the next trimester and we start gorging ourselves at buffets, avoid the pre-cut fruits section ya.

sama sama. Use to like mushrooms too. But am really scared of it nowadays. Use to like durians too but when hubby bought some back last week, the smell made me really sick. Preggies very troublesome hor?

So envious of those of you who's MS is starting to wear off... Last night craved for claypot rice so we went to the new Chinatown market to eat the famous claypot rice. Had to wait so long for it but was still happy when it came. But after a few mouthfuls feel so bloated already. Worse, once our car move out from the parking lot everything came back out. So sad... felt so miserable I started crying

Ladies, when you throw up, what do your hubbies do ar? Do they rub your back to help ease the discomfort? Or do you prefer they stay away? Not sure if I am just being overly sensitive... but I think my hubby seems disgusted by my throwing up leh... so always try to hold until I'm away from him. Anyone else feels this way?
huh? FIL buy the whole fruit then he cuts into a few portions for each son to bring back hme.

Then when I rch hme then I cut & put in the frige.

Winnie - if like tat say - then everytime we can't buy frm those fruit stores liao lor.........

When I throw up - hb is outside. Sometimes he doesn't know wat I was doing inside also. Bt if he knew then he will pat my back to let me throw everything out lor. Bt usually I will ask him to go out cos I know it's yucky. Then he will ask me if I m ok or nt.......

Winnie - dun think tat way lah........ if u think tat way u will feel very upset one. Wat makes u feel he's disgusted?
ah ger,

ya wasted .. so now i stopped for a while ..
i still have half a can of peaches in a container..


r u sure ? maybe is just not that fresh as instant cut .. but should be okie rite ..
cause all along i've been eating carrefour cut fruits .. u know the mixed one ..
kiwi, honey dew and watermelon .. 1 pack at 1.50

my MS is not getting better ... this week itself i vomitted 2 times liao ..
morning no breakfast before i go out of house .. will be giddy .. can't wait till reach office also ...
why u feel like crying after vomitting ?
dun your tummy feels much better after the vomitting ?
sometimes i feel relieved .. so i just re eat ..

my hubby never disturb me when i puke ..
he'll wait for me to come out ..
then ask me if i'm okie ..
then ask me wat came out ?
tat weekend over the peaches ..
i told him i dunno .. told him something orangy ..
then he said ... oopss .. all the peaches ...
then only i recall .. ha ha ..

he shouldn't feel disgusted ..
should be normal la ..
is normal for preggy to have MS ...
ah ger,

not sure where I read this already leh. But I remember the article said fruits should be consumed once cut cause a certain bacteria thrives well in fruits especially once fruits are left at room temperatures. This bacteria can cause miscarriage in pregnant women. Don't quote me hor, but I think the bacteria was "listeria" or something like that. Anyone else knows of this? Anyway, for myself, I only clean my fridge once every 6 months so I'm sure my fridge is not very clean lor. So unless I've stored the food in tupperwares, I don't think I want to risk eating them.

Cause I think my hubby tends to keep a distance or turn away when I throw up... Actually I prefer that cause very ugly and disgusting when throwing up so I don't want him to see. But on the other hand, I'll be upset if he is turning away cause it disgust him leh
hahaha, just cannot win hor?
When hb saw me in tat condition, he also dare not say anything. I will just grumble "c lah - u want bb lah! Make sure nx time u pamper me more than the bb."

Then he just kip quiet.

Hv to drill tat inside his brain, if nt many fathers nx time sayang bb then the wife hor - one side liao. Ha ha ha..........
hello....wah u all very scary leh.....just one day & got 1 page of archive liao....

u wake up earlier than me leh... today i almost 12 noon then manage to crawl out of bed...haha...
ya lor... i ate soupy stuff for lunch also....mee sua... actually more like tea time...cos ate at 3 plus... as got MS feel like puking when first wake up....so only ate some biscuits & drank milk....
i hope my appetite comes back soon man...then can eat all the nice nice food..... ;p

so pao sheng etc cannot take during 1st trimester ahh.. cos my mum was asking can take or not.... so 2nd trimester onwards then can take?
not much symptoms now is good lar.....i wish my MS wld go away soon since approaching 2nd tri .....these few days very jia lat....

i wld be throwing up in the toilet... that time when i throw up is halfway thru my dinner.... so i just quickly dash to the bathrm & puke... hubby came & ask if ok or not.... i just wave him away leh.... cos like wat ah ger said, it's yucky lar to see someone vomit...
oh ya ...

to all ..
tat day i called drypers hotline ..

asking if their diapers got expiry ..
they said dun have ...

have u all started looking at diapers and which brand to buy when closer to EDD ?
ladies i am from the Mar MTB thread but saw you gals talking about puking and just want to vent my frustration here too....the nausea feeling is too terrible. i just puked in the toilet, feeling slightly better now....simply no appetite to drink or eat anything....how?? what to do? if don eat the small little one dun have nutrition but i simply get bring myself to think of food. I feel like puking when i think of food...sound anorexic
Winnie I dun clean my friedge one - anyway - inside is empty also. Then my fridge has the dunno wat lah - anti-bacterial thing? I hv the F&P fridge mah. I just put in those metal bowls then use a cover to cover over it or use the *arh shit* the wat wrapper - the transparent one (suddenly 4get,) to wrap the top.

ha ha ha, maybe when ur hb sees it he also dunno hw to help u? Then rather then kip asking if u r ok (obviously then u were nt ok mah) so he just let u b lor.
ck - still a long way leh............... I wun chk all these things so early lor........ wait till I m in my 3rd tri bah.......

belle - tat was hw I felt initially. Then once I talked to my boss then his wife is also preggy. Then he said the gynae prescribed some anti-nause pills for her. Bt if possible - take something more nutritious like vegs & soupy things. Things tat r nt nutritious they tend to throw all out.

So then I followed - I ate bee tai mak soup + NO OIL for I think 1wk+. Even during ofc time I had chkn porridge in the morning, lunch time bee tai mak or kway teow soup or fish soup. Then it really worked for me.

Bt there was one day I BTH, I went to eat Beppy ramen - then so shiok! Bt of cos cme bac the nauseous feeling came also lah, then I just eat sng bueys to ctrl lor.

Then I realised I dun fancy my minty sweets anymore. Instead I wanted something more flavoured. So I bought those gummi bears individually packed then put 1 - 2 packs in my bag. Then if I dun feel gd - I will open a pack and eat. bt eat slowly bcos u will finish them so fast cos it's so small pack.

@ the beginning stage - u just hv to do alot of trial & errors to c what suits u.

U take care!
Did a quick search. Couldn't really find a direct article but you ladies might want to check this our http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/health-public-affairs/mhcs/publications/7145.html

Sorry, don't mean to scare anyone... but better to take note as a precaution lor.

No leh. Feel so yucky all the time nowadays not interested to do all those research leh. I guess when I am bouncing off the wall again in my 2nd trimester I will start doing more reading up and shopping lor.

I know what you mean. Was worried too and told gynae abt my concern during the 2nd visit. Gynae says not to worry leh. The baby will take what it needs from us. So unless we are not keeping anything down at all then it will be a problem. Even then, it's not so much mal-norish problem but dehydration problem woah. Anyway, tell your gynae that your MS is very bad lor. He can give you some medication that will help. I didn't want the medication but took the VIT B Complex. It's suppose to help a little too.
ah ger,

me just look see the diapers at ntuc ..
the more i see the more exciting i feel ..
cheapest is ntuc brand .. but i wonder if got smaller pack to try first..
who knows if bb got sensitive skin then whole pack of like 50's to 60's all wasted ..

i was also looking at maternity pads ...
kotex comes with one tat got loop and adhesive type ..
wondering which is good ..


hope your MS will go off soon ...
cause for me i tend to eat sour or spicy stuff to curb the MS ...
your gynae got give u the anti-vomitting pill ?
it should help if u can't stand it ..
i think is a yellow small pill ..
but this pill will cause drowsiness ...

ah ger,

same leh .. me too .. dun like minty sweets liao ..
i prefer no sweets at all now ..
lucky now tongue dun have the sourish taste anymore ..
winnie and ah ger, thanks for ur advice. i also bought gummy bear, peppermint, tic tac, sng muay, all also no use...so i should go to doc to ask for anti nausea pill? i feel so sad now that i lost my appetite even for my favourite food
i need to eat something very flavourful too, so try to add chilli to everything i eat. no choice. if eat plain stuff feels yucky. SO may preg can actually lose weight leh.
when they say unpasteurised milk - wat do they mean? My coll did tell me to drink pastuerised milk.

Wats the diff? Then my UHT is considered pasteurised or unpasteurised? I chk the pking b4 bt I dun c the word.
pasteurised milk is those that expires in about 2 to 3 weeks ... normally selling at 1 litre at the freezer side .. like those fresh orange juice and soya milk ..

your UHT milk is those packed in a square box ?
milk is treated = UHT = Ultra Heat Temperature ..
so got lesser vitamins then pasteurised milk ..
cause pasteurised milk only got a shelf life of 2 to 3 weeks ..
ck - my niece uses PetPet. bt again nw u c al these things - still a long way to look 4ward leh.........

I also like to take spicy sour things to curb my MS. Shiok!

Sweets - I dun carry them anymore tat was history.

Belle - ask frm the gynae - bt that is to b take b4 food bt will feel drowsy.

go hme le - bye!
dun worry...is normal......when i got MS i also dun feel like eating or even drinking anything... if u find u cant take plain water...drink something sweet like ribena or glucose (the blue tin one)... cos if u puke alot... glucose wld help to supplement ur enery also... but in moderation lar hor... dun drink too much...
sometimes i also got the weird taste in my mouth... sian leh....
i no sng bueys now leh... which type is nice? i like sour one...
eh u all har better duntake too much salty things like french fries, chips, hotdogs etc... Coz we preggy easily gets water retention. The reason for water retention becos our body's taking too much salt (ie sodium).

In the later part of preg, will get water retention in the feet also and will relise why you shoes cannot fit you. During my 1st one, my feet also "bloated" like fat foot, and it will be painful if the water is there and cannot flow. You gotta massage it else u will feel the pain (like skin expanding).

So from the start just eat for fun ok, but dun take too much salty food hor!
pekochan and ah ger

I go back to follow up the previous achive. U all staying in BP meaning Bt Panjang? me also staying there leh. so coincident!
agree with winnie about the pre-cut fruits.. highly likely to get listeriosis which causes miscarriage.. so I've only been eating whole apples, bananas.. never touch those pre-cut fruits, even if they are cut at home.

diapers - ok, if you don't mind me saying - petpet, NTUC is just too rough for newborn. NB go through A LOT of diapers but bopian, their skin is fragile and they can get diaper rash easily so I would go for something pricier e.g. Pampers cottoncare (NOT Pampers Baby Dry), Mamypoko and my fave Nepia. Nepia has NB and S if you call for delivery of 4 pk and above.. so that's what I will do - call for Nepia since my son also uses their pants and diapers

My friend didn't know and bought 10 pk of Pampers baby dry.. ended up use half a pack and her kid got severe diaper rash and cuts along the thigh.. Even for my son at 6 months, use Pampers baby dry also kena diaper rash. Yuck, will never touch that.
me nw hme reading all the previous posts.

CK - yeah - UHT milk is those in rectangular box one. Bt it's still safe to drink right? I've bn drinking that all along wor......... I just chk again - it did not say nt suitable for pregnant women wor........

nvm lah, if that's the case then I change to HL or Marigold the nx time lor. Bt must buy the small pack to try 1st - if can't drink - end up hb has to clear again.

nana - think yes I mentioned abt the sng bueys @ East Ocean. There is one 100g/ $2.40 - seedless then is very fleshy one. When u bite on it like got juice one. U can go & try. It's whitish cos coated w/ those powder - my coll helped me buy once & she said rather easy to recognise.

Bt again - sour plumes - dun eat so much arh cos it's preserved food afterall.

actually - I just eat wat I like - if everything also c 2 much - then there's alot of things can't eat liao.

Bitbit - thks for the concern. For me is - feel like eating then eat..... of cos will try to abstain frm salty food lah. 2 things to stay far far away is - 2 sweet or 2 sour mah........ To me is so long as I dun eat everyday + drink more water then can clear all the salt & sugar in the body.

Yes - I stay in BP. Which part of B r u staying @?

Catz - diff bbs hv diff sensitivity. My niece use tat & was alright. Like u said sme bbs use Pampers brand also can get diaper rash & etc bt some bbs wun. Therefore it's very individual.

Oh yeah - I heard abt Nepia frm my gf also. She said it's cheap and very gd also.
hihi ladies,
I happened to chance a website call "alife" and in the web, they sugguested eating dry bbq pork to ease MS and me tried, surprisely, yesterday night, didnt vomit!!! DUNNO is it conincidence or wat? But me have been vomiting so badly and I thot no harm trying lor.

Me going to get some again today and see if its really works! If not, I will be vomiting whatever comes in to my mouth esp at night
hb always quote...hmm, so giving birth is not easy! I will always stare at him and said "then, wat do u think?"

Oh yes, abt the pre-cut fruits, I heard abt it too. We should avoid pre-cut fruits esp Watermelon. Bacteria attach most i heard....just my 2c worth
Hi mummies, wow... this thread so over-whelmed with postings. Too bad, I didnt have time to read thru them.

Charis/PVL, the Toa Payoh shop is at Blk 185 if I'm not wrong. The plastic bag didnt show the full address.
Hi all,

I was on mc yesterday and so many postings!! I felt really tired cos of ms which seems worse this week and I felt this pressure at the lower abdomen/groin area. Called gynae and he said will be fine if I rest as its the uterus expanding. True enough, no more pressure today. Any of you got the same discomfort before?

Btw, I know why soy bean is not good cos it is a big culprit of causing bloatedness. So, I will stop soya bean milk from now cos I already got a lot of wind.
Hi gals,

Back to work today. Yesterday MC "no sick lah but just lazy" me sleep from 12.30noon to 6pm...then contnue to sleep again at 10pm. Wow....tell u gals ....very shiok man.......so lazy & nua at home. I find am more nua at home....

Wow....1 day din come in the thread already so long....aiyo...me need to take about 30min to finish where I stop on Wed evening.

Icy.....pls take good care of yourself. Dun need to take any chinese herb at this moment. Those vit given by gynae is good & sufficient enough. Your MIL mean well but probably over do it already...u shd go back to ur mum place to stay. It's always better to stay with ur own mum...at least if u dun want to drink those chinese herb...she won't force u.
Take good care ....rest well like me...sleep alot & dun walk so much at the moment.....

Stella.....cannot drink paosheng ya....oh no i drank too .... i thought I was feeling so no energy & tired. Thought it's ok to drink.....so now better stop. No wonder after I drink seems to have many white discharge.....
hi JC

Yeah - on MC or on leave then nua @ home is a shiok shiok thing to do. Just laze ard, watch tv then eat & slp. Bt will make u lazier for sure.

Tis wkend I also wanna catch some slp - hv bn slping like 11+ 12am everyday & wake up @ 6am just to go work. *yawn* 2day I almost wanna take MC also liao. ha ha ha......

Soy bean cause bloatedness? Who told u? I wanted the taste so I din care I will still drink bt drink lesser lah. I bought the Marigold Almond Soya bean one - quite nice bt I dun find the almond taste very strong though.
good morning ...

ah ger,

can la ... UHT milk also milk ma ..
got the calcium needed ...
but i prefer pasteurised one as i think it taste fresher ...

but recently i seems not to like milk so much ..
normally i mixed it with a bit of milo, tea or coffee ..

Daisy brand is yummy ..
recently i bought this marigold ...
with vitamin K & ..
dun really taste that nice ..

i try to cut down on cut fruits then ..


ya .. sometimes i wonder those company got small packs ... or free trial of a few pieces ...
so can test it out first ..
else wasted .. 1 big pack got lots inside ..
hi CK - Bt I think I will change to Marigold or HL after I finish my UHT milk, find it taste funnier & funnier.

If I reduce on cut fruits - then mah no fruits to eat? Everytime apple, orange, pear, kiwi - bt must self cut?
Blk 185. Got it. Thanks. Will try to dig out some time, dump Sarah on someone else and go shopping.

I drink Anmum 2 (leftover from my breastfeeding days). But I don't really like the taste very much, so I mix it in my milo.

Such luxury. How did you manage to sleep all afternoon with nobody disturbing you? Your kids?

My girl has been waking up in the middle of the night these past few nights. Very 'manja'. Fed up already. We left her to scream and cry last night. Mean mummy and papa. Hahaha.
Giggler...i bought the Dumex one. But hvn't open yet cos lately dun quite like to drink milk. Think will wait for the MS to clear then start drinking........
hi gals,

Later i going to suntec. which is the maternity wear in suntec that u are talking about huh? Just want to go and look see.
PVL....my elder one in pm & my youger one in am.
So settle their lunch & school. By the time in the pm only left my younger one. So i ask her dun disturb me & go play by herself....luckily she din disturb me much. Guess she played with my maid.....

I went to Toa Payoh last nite but can't find the shop. I saw Bata...then watson the...this Fashion....is it further down ????
Hi giggler, i don really like powdered milk so don thk i will be taking. might tot of taking calcium supplement.

oh last nite i had somethg sinful. don knw why i was really hungry at 12midnite & craving for instant noodles. hb has to cook for me at tht hr but i try to share w him.
feel so gd aft tht but ended nt enough sleep...zzz.
Giggler - I dare nt drink powdered milk so far.........

I agree w/ JC - I will prob try drinking them after my watever nausea is gone.

Starlite - Suntec - abv Carrefour - think L4 or 5, walk towards the end one. The corner are all maternity wear - Spring, Cloud 9, Perfect Mum. There is a Theme (or Thyme) Maternity - which is also @ Suntec near Mothercare & the closed down Harvey Norman - bt the clothes nt very nice & pretty exp. They are also having some sale.

u eat what brand one? do u crave for a particular brand or any maggie mee will do?

I still thinking of my maggie mee these few days also but trying to control a few more days b4 i indulge in it.

Actually i feel that i have not been eating that healthily these few weeks. I had always been taking chicken and very little fish though i know its good for bb.

A few weeks back i bought cod fish and steam myself. the next morning, i got hives and i blame it on the cod fish.
