(2007/02) February

hee.. i also take a quick nap aft lunch. so sleepy recently even if i sleep early.

barb, ve a good rest. hee.. if u cn get mc on thur & fri thn can rest long long weekend.

ah ger, i try to eat cai fan cos i wan to ve a balance meals w vege. i don take much fruits only once a day or once every two days.

ladies, do u knw wher to get maternity burmudas?

Hi Catz and Starlite,
sorry to hear that both your kids are ill. Hope they will get well soon.

JC, Ah ger,leomom, I had my fishball soup for lunch but not very full. Think I definitely need tea break later if not cannot survive till end of the day. Pregnancy really make us very hungry..
Catz, starlite, my son got rotavirus when he was 8mth old and it was really contagious. Me, hb & fil all ganna the virus.. luckily mil didn't get it else nobody to take care all of us liao.. Really heartpain, see him so small vomitting, losing weight(he oledi very thin). He couldn't take milk or water, just the dehydrated water prescribed by doc.. took him 2wks to recover.
You must take good care of your health too.. drink more water.
leomum - oh.............. me so far still nt eating pork - I hate PORK! Beef - start to take abit bt also dun like cos of the taste. *yucks*.

anyway - u hv 3 meals a day then sure can get all the watever nutrients one mah........

Fruits - must try to take everyday. Las time I heard take Fuji apple u get rosy cheeks - dunno hw real.

Maternity bermudas? Hmm........... I dunno leh - bt I think when I was browsing Modern Maternity I saw. Bt yest @ the shop I din c. I wear 3/4s instead.......

9 mois also hv - wah - they also hv hot pants wor *whistle* then they also hv those nwadays intrend one, the edge has 1 fold up? Nice lah bt quite pricey - I think I saw was $79 or $89.
cherryale - ur fishball noodle, ha ha, just nw I also saw ppl eating. Bt I tot walk all the way to LPS liao can't b eating fishball noodles again. Cos I can buy frm the brige here (they hv stalls).

Usually I buy 2 slices of fruits then add on to my lunch then will be super duper full! Nw I can feel my stomach exploding liao. Ha ha ha.........
Barb - yeah - every parent also will feel tat. Like my hb's niece (also my niece in law lah. ha ha ha), she eats alot one, then always stomach pong pong fat fat one. Then once sick - all go dwn.

Then my coll's son was once admitted to hospital also (can't rem over wat) then wah also lost so much weight......... the parents c liao also heartpain.
9 mois url - can't c much. Lately their range nt very nice. Bt I hear they cme in new stock rather regularly.

otherwise u go Perfect Mum c lor. Tat day I got no mood to browse thru their shop. Bt this one I think no url - can't find.

Cloud 9 also quite nice. Spring also hv - I saw @ their Suntec shop tat day, bigger & more, or else Century Sq & Causeway Pt also hv. www.springmaternity.com
Hi Ladies,
long time no visit. Hope you are all doing well. Have been feeling a little depressed lately (MS really getting me down) so don't want to post and affect everyone.

Ah ger,
I'm the opposite leh. Been taking a lot of curry puffs lately. Keep craving for potatoes. 1st choice is usually KFC's whipped potato. But because there is a very good curry puff shop opposite my place, more convenient to settle for curry puff instead. I know tuna is a no-food but I can't help it leh... just had tuna puff 2 days ago. The puff pastry is so good. Light, buttery and flaky *drool*

Leomom, barb,
Ginger soup is suppose to be good for MS cause it's soothing to the stomach. Read this in a few books. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me leh. But you can try. Some places sell sweet potato soup or aboleng with ginger soup.

Feeling so eeky again just now, I went to get a bottle of coke (500ml kind). Cham... keep craving for the no-no-food leh. After eating feel guilty and will apologise to baby. But if I don't take them the bad taste in my mouth won't go away... sigh.
Winnie - is it the A1 curry puffs u r talking abt? I simply love their sardine puff - eat while it's hot!

Winnie - it's very natural - my gyane said just eat watever u feel like eating & so long as it can ctrl/ curb ur MS. If nt u will feel even worse........ so heng mine was fruits. Ha ha ha........
Wah, this thread really moves so fast!

In between opening the thread, scanning through a few posts and adding in my own post, there's like another 10 posts already
halo Winnie,
yar, most of ur craving are no-no food. Dun eat too much whipped potato coz heard they put alot of dunno what ingredient that make it taste good.
mil does cook ginger sweet potatoe soup frequently. She bought cut well sweet potatoe from Sheng Shiong Supermarket.. very convenient now..

haha, i managed to get time off later at 5pm to go hm rest.. cant go now coz still hv work.
Ah ger,

not sure what's the brand. But it's the one that's very famous in Ang Mo Kio. They have an outlet in Bukit Batok opposite my place also. Endorsed by Taufik and Fiona Xie one. Very yummy. Got chunky chicken and eggs inside. Is it A1? Haven't tried there sardine puff before leh.

Ya, ah ger, you are very lucky that fruits does it for you. So healthy. I've been having the most unhealty diet. Keep craving for sugary drinks, canned food, instant noodles and fast food. Hubby just let me eat lor cause he's scared I'll cry if I keep feeling so miserable. Use to really like green vegetables and drink at least 6 glasses of water daily in the past. Now I can't stand the taste of vege and water leh. Last night hubby scare me some more... say if I don't start to drink more water again, later doctor will catch me to be put on the drip

Lucky you. Get to go off early... rest well later.

The cut sweet potatoes can buy from Sheng Shiong? Do you know if NTUC/ Cold storage has them? Can share the recipe? Feel like trying to cook some this weekend leh.
Heard from mil, Sheng Shiong sells cheap and good, dunno abt other supermarket. I know nothing abt cooking.. a failure wife. ;p I will check with mil tonite n post it here.

I know which one liao - yeah the AMK one I tried b4 - nice! I think the las time I tried was 80cents.

A1 - I know S-11 @ Centrept has, then Pearl Complex has then another outlet @ Chinatown - tat one the skin is those crisy ones - very nice. Hw I wish I can eat.

Hey - u hv to drink water arh, my gf - drink water will puke then end up the las time I heard abt her chk up was - if she doesn't make herself drink her bb may b premature leh. U wouldn't want ur bb to b premature either right? So wat they did was - drop those dissolvable Vit C into the water then she drink. Also she drink Ribena lor - bt dun make it so sweet.

Nothing beats the natural plain water. I def drink more than 6 glasses a day. My is a 'water gallon' in title. ha ha ha.......

Sweet potatoes - wat col? Red purple one? The NTUC one I bought b4 nt very nice.
cham I tell u all. Me lazy to the extreme. I told u gals fruit of the wk is Sugar Plum right? I haben even wash then I m lazy to walk to the pantry - so guez wat I did? Use a tissue & dab w/ my drinking water & clean it!

Nw eating the fruit lor. Wahahahahahaha
Barb, Ah ger,
Nevermind. Can give birth to healthy baby, SuperWife already.

Ah ger,
Ya, I know. so today 2 mouthful of water then 1 sip of coke lor. Incentive to make myself drink water haha... very jialat hor.
haha.. ahger, u really can take the title of lazy queen liao... ;p
I oso onli know how to eat & sleep.. even household chores oso never touch.. think got to find cooking lesson at RC. Mil love cleaniness, so not possible teach me, i sure make a mess in the kitchen.
Winnie - I told bb dun let mummy put on so much weight, all the wt must go to him/ her.

Ha ha ha.............

Then I always complain FAT then hb said "it's like tat one lah.......... if preggy yet dun put on much wt then mah very funny."
Brb - just 1 plum only leh - gotta walk all the way to the pantry.......... waste of time. Ha ha ha........

Cook arh - erm, me tried once lah - masak masak like tat lor......... bt end up edible bt nt very tasty. Ha ha ha...... there was once I was sick on MC, then I tot of eating marcoroni then I cook lor. Told hb. Then my taste bud tastless mah cos sick, then I added 2 cubes on ikan bilis stock. Then when hb came back - we both ate then felt so salty.......... *puke* Bt hb still eat lah - we just din take the soup only.

Hmm......... maybe 29 eat marcoroni?????? Bt nothing to throw in & eat 2gether leh.......
hi winnie, do come in & pour what u want. we r here for ea other.

hey, i do ve craving for KFC's whipped potato bt ve nt tried yet. i am a kfc fan b4 pregi.

ahger, my office near somerset. once in awhile will go S11 near OG for lunch. Oh i like the curry puff there...potatoes&sardine.
leomum - I used to wk in Somerset Winsland Hse, bt then changed job liao so no more Orchard. Las time I will go shopping w/ my coll during lunch time. Run as far as Far East Plaza or PS to shop then walk back. Miz the good o' days.

The S-11 wanton mee is nice, try their fried one instead! Bcos I dun eat pork, I dun even take char siew - so all wanton! I also like the YTF. I only take those 2 in the past.
Potato - nt spicy, sardine is nice! Durian one I tried b4 - so so lor, original durian is still nicer.
wahahah...ahger, previous me frm robinsontower, near LPS. nw moved to oxley, a building nxt to winsland hse. seem like we switch working pl.
potatoes are my fav, both before pregnant and now. I was just thinking of buying curry puff from downstairs as teabreak then saw all thse postings on curry puff. wow, like that, cannot take it already, sure must go and buy.

I like the amk curry puff too, last time I used to buy from them every weekend cos MIL stays in hougang area. Maybe this weekend must ask MIL to buy curry puff and cook sweet potatoes soup also my fav!!
Thanks leomom. Aiyah, talk abt KFC now I crave for KFC already...

oxley got lotsa good food mah. There's Teck Kee pau at Kiliney road. Just had that for lunch today. My hubby likes the cheong fun and porridge food outlet too. Got to go to kiliney post office tonight. Maybe will have dinner there. But had congee for dinner last night already. Told hubby a few days ago that I have been craving for congee so yesterday he brought me to "chang cheng" porridge at Chinatown. But actually craving wore off already so only ate 1/4 of it
haha, sabo hubby hor?
leomum - nx time I wanna look for a job in Orchard liao.

Oh nx to Winsland Hse - nx to the Regency apt dunno wat one is it?

Pekochan - u also BP???????????? *shake hands* new estate? Me 600+.

Cherryale - I hope it's nt my fault again bah........

Sweet potato soup - is a dessert right? I think is Cantonese fav dessert.

Hey who's a Cantonese here?
hello gals

wah, so many postings...... these few days nvr log in... now i still doing catching up..

my ms got worse these few days.... mon when eating dinner halfway... puke out my dinner (chicken rice)... sighzz

thanks for info on galenic....wld go check it out... think i better start applying soon...haha

u also have blocked nose? mine still like that.... frm this morning till now... i been blowing alot of crap liao.... but like nvr ending... dunno is it becos of my nose...then got alot of crap in my throat also...so make my MS worse....

i dun find my breasts getting much much bigger too... i still wearing my normal bra but with bra extension....
Winnie - go Comcentre eat - very cheap! Their shredded chkn hor fun, dumpling noodles $2 for public only! Nice! Western food also $3.50, YTF also $2.50. Then their vegetarian food also nice! Cai fan also cheap cheap cheap! I think 1 meat 2 vege only $2.50 like out HDB flat coffeeshop price. Then if u ask for less rice las time still got deduct 10 cent. Fruits also cheap cheap cheap!

Then hor the corner coffeeshop near NTUC - their bak chor mee, hor fun, fried fish soup set is very very nice!

Then got OA Barey shop - their so-called Jap food also cheap! $5 for a set comes w/ soup, main + drink + small cakey dessert only $5.05 incl GST.

Hmm........ ware else......... Killiney tats all bah........ Their kaya toast @ Killiney kopitiam also nice bt my ex-coll say 2 sweet. Bt abit exp lah - 2 small pcs of roti already $1.40.

you very cute. Everything mentioned you start to think about eating it
Think all pregnant women like that one... Once we think of a food, we won't be able to get it out of our heads until we have it.
actually I also like to say out only lah cos I know I dun hv so much appetite to eat everything. C lah - by lunch time, I also lost in outer space.
winnie, i like the chicken rice set there too. yummy...

ahger, tht famous bak chor mee is zhou ren fa's favouriet. came spore before to makan bt i alway find long waiting time.
wow...u gals r really fast leh.... i just go see dtr for a while...already so many posting....
all talk abt food....aiyo...how to resist....

Think of eating wanton noodle or chay kuey tiao tnite. Sweet potato desert..hmmm..maybe shd ask my mum to cook for me ha...ha....

Barb, Ah ger....managed to get 1 day Mc for 2moro.....siok man 2moro can stay at home & sleep liao....
wanton mee - I can't think cos here nearby no nice ones to eat. Unless I pia dwn to Somerset S-11 to eat. ha ha ha........ crazy right?

Char kway teow - w/o cockles! if nt all give ur hb.

Me arh - maybe eating marcoroni, haben discuss w/ hb yet. Every dinnertime is headache time.

Y take 1 day only? Take 2 days mah.........
there is a very nice char kway teow in queenstown market...loooong Q. GOOD

ya lor....dtr so cat only give 1 day. nevermind lah rest 1 day then c how...if not enough call to extend...... so super long wkends
JC - it's @ Killiney Road - u know ware is Comcentre? Diagonally opp to ur right - towards Grand Court there is a corner coffeeshop. Bt lunch time very pack one.

las time Marina Sq - the open food court - the Hill Street Bak Chor Mee also very nice - must Q for like 15mins. Nw after reno - dunno ware they gone to le.
I am eating a small curry puff now. to counter all these unhealthy food, i also bought fresh apricots, cherry tomatoes and HL milk. going to put all these in office so that I can have healthy snacks.

I used to work near killiney too but now in a far far away office with limited food choices.
JC - actually all docs give 1 day only, bt nwadays I ask for 2 days rest. 1 day also $XX, 2 days also $XX so might as well take 2 days.

Wah imagine u cme back to wk on Fri - lagi sianz......

I miss Macpherson kopitiam's Fried Ngoh Hiang.

Oh yes - there was one day I went Hong Lim makan w/ my gfs on a Fri - then the fried carrot cake & the fried oyster very nice!

Fried prawn noodles - CHOMP CHOMP! the fat fat auntie sends to ur table one leh - tat one nice!

Oh yes - anybody Satay lover????? Clementi that Satay stall - very nice! Then Clementi - Ke Ai Ji? Sedap!!!!!!!

jc, its at somerset mrt. mrt exit to PUB or singtel building cos the street is opp singtel building. ask ard where is NTUC, u will find a old kopi shop. only one stall sell ba chor mee. thy also selling chay kuey tiao.
i know...where the marina bar chor mee go to. Suddenly can't remember ..me tnite go ask hb then tell u gals 2moro
Ah ger,

On Monday, I also had craving for macoroni at night. Couldn't tahan so I made macaroni cheese myself. Short cut type without egg/baking. Just cooked a small handful to curb my craving. So much work just for a few mouthfuls of macaroni. So silly hor?

Speaking of bah chor mee... for a while there, I was always satisfied after I have mee tai bak dry with lotsa vinegar
bak chor mee - w/ lotsa vinegar & chilli! Yummy Yummy!

JC - yeah - ask ur hb then let us know!

Later on the way hme I m gng to msg hb I wanna eat marcoroni 29!

Hi ah ger, JC and pekochan..thanks for the warm welcome.

i'm suffering fr insomnia too..dats y my late post last nite, is everyone wking here? i jus resigned from my job due to bad morning sickness and also have gotten super lazy in getting up early to go to wk..hehe. so hubby was pretty supportive in me leaving my job to rest at home...(i must sound like a supeeeer lazy bum!)

jus wondering if anyone of you isn't wking too?

my next gynea appt is 2 weeks fr now, and will b doing a blood test to ensure that bb is healthy and not suffering fr down syndrome, any idea how much this will cost? my gynea says it's not compulsory, but to have a peace of mind, i think i'd just go for it? wat do u guys think? i'm turning 28 end of this yr...
