(2007/02) February

oic, no complication previously so dun worry too much.. yes, now hot hot soup is the favourite intake.

cherryale, i dunno how true it is but to play safe maybe limit the soya bean intake lor..

and yes mummies, i do feel cold every now & then.. think when we go to 2nd trimester will wan full blast air-con. ;p

Ever heard preggie tried not to ganna fever? I had fever and diarrrhoea during my last preg, dunno whether m/c caused by tat.

Barb - yes - me also like to drink hot soup - very shiok. Then u drink already dun feel sinful. Anyway when I order soupy stuff or YTF, I also say w/o oil.

I tot preggies tend to b healthier like wun get sick so easily?

Barb - dun think abt the past liao, nw must look 2wards the future - Feb 2007!
ahger, yar i thought so tat preggies should be healthier.. but just happened to me...
But as what you said, We must think positively and look forward to feb2007. Must take good care of the health.
yes - all of us must look 4ward to Feb 2007 cos we wil hv a new life to clebrate the new year w/ us!

Has anybody thought of having a CNY Day 1 bb? Cos EDD usually is just an estimate............
hi gals, sorry, it's been a long time since yak here.... trying to catch on previous threads.
it's very active
Had my 2nd scan yest & BB measured at 27mm... norm according to gynae....

ah ger, i had Mac & pizza every week since found out am preggie...
btw, walked past Bugis fd court & felt nausea cos of the oil smell....
I read from my one and only preggie book that when a woman is pregnant, the immune system slows down so actually easier to get sick. But all the people around me told me the opposite, preggie dun get sick easily. I also dun know who to believe. Was thinking maybe when pregnant, even if we are sick, we dun like to see doc and take med so people start to think that we dun fall sick?? dun know, anyway, just need to rest more.

barb, I will cut down, maybe drink once or twice instead of daily. Thanks for your advice.

I think I want to eat nice fishball kway tiow soup for lunch later. Ah ger, can give me inspiration on what to have for dinner tonight?

I will nua until 6 plus today cos no mood to work.
Wah Rae - Mac & Pizza every week... hmm........ fats food stuff can take bt try to ctrl leh.........

So far I hv nt eaten KFC. Hee hee..........

Cherryale - I read someware is - stronger immunity leh.........

No Soya beans & nuts? I tot tats supp to b more? Cos all these give proteins right? Paiseh - me very bad in Science one. Ha ha ha.......

anyway - so long as everything moderatly then ca lah - very diff to follow everything.

Yest - I had sarawak pineapples. Wah.......... I tell u, so long nv eat liao leh & it's my fav fruit u know? Ha ha ha........ bt I ate abit lah then after tat follow by mango.

Wah - Cherryale - lunch haben pass u ask me for dinner menu liao arh?????? My dinner very dull one leh cos sick of the kopitiam food dwnstairs.

Me arh - hv bn thinking of eating lor mee bt bcos I hv bn having egg very often I hv to cut dwn. Then lor mee w/o egg like nt very nice leh... Or else erm...... Swensens salmon & mushroom baked rice? *yummy*

trying my best to squeeze some times out of my bzy work schedule, wah so long leh.

Ah ger, u really good can have a lot of time for posting, envy u!

Saying about Mc Donald and fries, I took harshbrown and Mac bf, I can't seems to take fish at this moment, ehh.. mayb the smell. My hb aso ks go and take the Mc discount coupon from newsapper and "jio" me for bf leh, hehe.. preg liao seems like different, last time keep saying I fat.

Recently I can't seem to go pass motion leh, constipted very jialat case. I had to be on that Labtose syrup. Drink for 2 days still no sign of "passing". Today already 3rd day. Eat fruits also no use leh, how.

You all talking about scanning makes me "xin yang yang" also. I have to wait till 10 Aug for the next scan leh, so long to wait and it's only 19 Jul today. Everyday keep wondering how is the baby?
my lunch time - either go search for mee sua or else buy bee tai mak - hv something light, if nt afternoon time very diff to pass.

Lately I went to find wanton noodles & eat bt then no nice ones. I miss the one @ S-11, in betwn Centrepoint & OG one - tat one very nice! even the fried wanton also freshly fried.

If u gals wanna eat laksa - Plaza Sin food court laksa is nice also. Esp w/ the chilli *slurp*. Oh nwadays when I eat laksa, I still eat cockles bt of cos only a few lah then the rest all give hb. Hee hee......... I still eat fried oysters then eat 1 or 2 oysters lah.

B4 I knew I was preggie in May, I still went for jab for Heps A then Heps B booster. Then when I knew I was preggie then doc say STOP! So stop lor.
ah ger, i had cut dwn liao... jus eat moderately ....
heard red apples gd for us too...
MIL said no kang kong cos the veins on legs will b very obvious in future....

but am hungry very easily... if hungry for too long, when food comes, will hv no appetite
jus take a few mouthfuls & full liao....
bitbit, i had consipation too for past few days.... managed to empty yest with a little difficulty....

ah ger, i find the wantan stall at hougang green not bad.... unless u staying ard tt area, ok lah.... :p will cook lunch later... cos not working now.... headache to tink of wat to cook...
but lucky tabao some leftovers from MIL last nite....

When I hv time I hv tonnes of time. Me arh nw pactice the boh chap policy liao ever since I found I m preggie cos I dun like here, so just passing my time.

I m usually busiest during the early wks of the mth. Other than tat hv things to do lah bt I finish them pretty fast. I can multi-task mah. Type fast fast (bt w/ alot of spelling errors lor ha ha ha) then can liao.

Bitbit - use coupon is nt ks leh....... is a way of scrimping $$. think of the $$ & cents u can save for ur bb guni hoon & diapers. ha ha ha.......

actually most of the fruits r gd for us. Bt again cannot take 2 much lah cos fruits by nature also hv alot of sugar so again MODERATELY is the word lor.

Kan kong? Aiyah is tat hearsay? Cos many old wives' tales one leh........ some ppl also say eat bean sprouts will kar neng (jelly legs) - hw to believe?

Veins - shld b caused by overwalking + wear heels - so once u start to feel aching & sore on the legs - pls change to flats! if nt veins will register w/ u permanently! For me I still wear low heels bt once into the ofc I change to slippers liao.
Wow...Ah ger...u really knom how to makes us hunger & eat more....wanton noodles...laske...wow.....mouth water already leh...how

HI bitbit...my next visit is the same date as you...so long hor.........

Cherrydale...me like you also no mood to work think also will nua till 6pm or simply just keep chatting.........
JC - if nt las fw days u all say no appetite mah......... ha ha ha...........

laksa all these can eat lah bt moderate lor cos alot of coconut inside.

Cos I know preggies nw esp same stage as me - crave for something more 'exciting' so let u all think of wat to eat for lunch mah.

Tis Sat I wanna ask hb bring me go eat Chkn Rice liao. Bn wanting to eat tat. If anybody lives in West are - Chinese Garden got 1 chkn rice stall very nice. *slurp* then boneless somemore, then the rice also very fragrant!

u are our foodie in this thread...hehee

dun take too much pineapple.. very "sharp" and cooling

i also took a jab before i discovered i am preg!! hope it does not affect bb
erm, me actually no food lover lah........ I just like to think only. Who knows sooner or later I run out of food ideas liao leh?

I also dun wanna spend so much $$ on food so the things I mentioned all w/in budget for lunch one.

Yeah lah - actually I was barred frm eating pineapples by my PILs & everybody bt las Sat it was them who gave me the green light. Cos the pineapples really very very ripe liao then it's sweet lor - just like those canned pineapples, so MIL said can eat abit then ask hb to finish the rest.

Me arh - since beginning hv bn eating durians liao. Cos FIL kip buying lor. Then he's a fruit buyer - every wkend sure got pears, orange, longans, lychees, apples, watermelon, honeydew & etc. So heng lah - me also a fruit lover.

Las time when my mum was preggie she also took alot of fruits then I inherited being a fruit lover also. I can take 1 whole bowl of cut fruits as my lunch leh..... bt nw cannot lah just depend on fruits I think bb will b malnutritioned lor. *LOL*
lolz...... hungry now.... i had craving for laksa too....then again, had cravings on other food as well.... chiam man....
my gynae even said can drink ginger tea - bt I 4got for wat purpose liao.

I noted dwn le - nx Sat gng to ask him.

Then rem I said can't eat mackerel? Bt I read frm the url can leh........ so gng to print out & ask him also.

I think today our thread sure very active cos so many of us want to nua and chat. yesterday hb bought a baby journal from kino about 37 bucks. Can put in baby scans, other important thing like the 'bracelet/ring' that baby wears after birth in hospital and the book have pages that go all the way up to two or three years old.

there are two things that I must buy this weekend: lower heel shoes (mine all at least 3 inches cos if not the length of my pants will be too long) and stretch mark cream.

I know you gals have been talking about which stretch mark cream is good, me lazy to scroll thru and read..can someone summarize?? Or which brand is the best?? thank you!!
Oh, I just went to read - eat mackerel is Wk 13 - 16 onwards, so maybe after 1st tri then can eat lor. Bt anyway I will ask & clear my doubts.
cherryale - many ppl say Palmer's Cocoa Butter - can b found at Guardian, tat time I saw promo was $18+ $19, bt UP I think is abt $20+, less than $25.

My SIL, same as Mrs Wong uses olive oil.
cherryale - yeah I m sure 2day the thread will b very active. Ha ha ha..........

me multi-tasking - nw also doing the thing my Dir wants.
Aiyoh, just now said cannot get sick, now i feel throat very dry, lips very dry, the symptom seem like going to get fever.. abit 'hung hung' liao... ahger, wondering if ginger tea can cure sore throat.. i dun feel like going to c GP coz not comfortable in taking any medication.
Barb - I dunno arh............. maybe u call ur gynae's nurse then ask them lor.

Or else u hv honey @ hme? Tat time I I got cough & flu & etc, very bad then drink honey bt w/ normal temperature. Then my gf advised me nt to drink 2 much cos afterall it's honey. Bt gynae said it's alright, bt of cos dun pao 2 sweet.
Then try to drink honey w/ warm water instead.

Usually I drink every morning bt lately I din drink. I pao abt 1/2 tablespoon w/ 1 whole glass of water so it's nt very sweet - agar lor - the metal tablespoon then abt 1/2. I pao for hb every morning also.
use salt with warm water (the book say water must be hot enough to make tea but think that will be quite hard for you to gargle). Gargle every two hours if possible, good for sore throat and cough. I tried this couple of times and it works.
Barb - no prob. If I can b of help I sure help - cos KPO mah. Ha ha ha.............

Then arh honey is nt xian dan leh... Must try to drink everyday then mayb u will feel it lor. Cos perhaps our body is heaty tats y.........

me sometimes also will feel tat - peeled lips, dry throat & etc........ so I just drown myself w/ water lor. In ofc - I make sure I finish 1.8L then @ hme drink again. Bt drink liao make sure go toilet lah............ dun tahan until buey tahan arh........ ha ha ha....
Ah ger...me drinks honey every morning too. Warm & not too sweet. I think it's quite good.

Barb....u can try honey & also drink plenty of water & take more rest. Ya...cherrydale is right gargle with salt water...natural remendy....i tried too it works........
waah.. this thread is really very fast..

cherryale, yah I heard about that particular chinese sinseh and dr fong/dr chen.. find it very fishy that every woman has PCOS and every guy has variocele. :p

my poor son is sick.. he woke up with a fever of 39deg. Faster adminstered the suppository to bring it down.. in the car, he vomitted all over me and the carseat (and himself of course).. aiyoh, such a horrible morning and I'm so busy at work. :p
ah ger, i kn y i took Mac when found out preggie cos tt time it's World Cup & the word "McDelivery" is always at top right hand corner at every match so very convenient.... :p ..... lolz
wah.................... u follow WC also? Me too! bt I din eat supper cos tat time no appetite - c anything also dun wanna eat.

Crazy until towards the semi finals & finals - I try to slp early then wake up at 3am to watch. Ha ha ha....... kena scolding by my boss. Then my coll who's also preggie also woke up to watch.

U know Old CHang Kee also has delivery?

Hmm.......... I think I can't eat curry puffs leh - bt I miss their curry & sardine puffs. Everytime I eat liao I feel like puking them out.
Catz, hurts me when news of children suffer illness/accident. Is he feeling better now? Tsunami strike again in Indonesia.. children r the most casualty.. sad..

ahger, I just had 'ban mian' for lunch..

I had YTF - full bt nt satisfying cos 1) nt very tasty, 2) I asked no oil she still put oil.

Ban Mian - I had tat I think las wk or the wk b4. Then got egg so I din eat. While Q-ing for my YTF, me still looking ard.... ha ha ha.........

2day's fruit of the wk - just 1 small sugar plum nt enuff! So just nw I walked dwn to get another slice of watermelon.
gals arh, my ex-coll once told me, during 7th mth dun eat watermelon cos all nt sweet one even if they r very red! Cos u know y???????????

cos those 'frens' frm the other side will eat them mah........

then indeed I tried a few times - all nt sweet one.

So tis yr I will nt eat. Bt if u gals try & it's sweet then tell me.

my son also sick. having fever since yesterday afternoon but fever never subside till before lunch just now. It went up to 40.6 the highest yesterday night.

So when realise that the fever is still there and he really very nua already, we quickly brought him to the GP again and he put the insert in his buttocks

At least now he better, fever down and now sweating alot. Was worried sick just now.
ladies, i read somewhere tht ginger helps ms. bt i thk its heaty. barb, so it won't help for yr sorethroat. better drink more water.

juz had rice, veg+dark soya w pork+fry toufu. mmm... ve to worry for dinner later. ladies, do u all ve tea-break? i get hungry easily. i had fried bee hoon @9am, thn 11am i am hungry. took milo+cookies. juz took my lunch bt i need to take tea-break at 4pm.
fatty mom mom.
me had rice too 2 ved+potato with curry gravy....

ya...need to hv tea break in between meals too.

but now very zzzzzzzzzz saw nobody so took a quick napppp.........
Starlite - did u buy the inserts frm the clinic? Tat thing wks very well cos las time when my sis when young had very high fever, put tat atomic bomb (ha ha ha, looks like mah) then her fever reduced rather fast. Bt tat one must b abv dunno hw old then can put one.

Leomum - heng I dun take tea-breaks. When I m hungry I just drink water. Then if I feel nausea - I will just take the sng bueys I hv here.

There is this sng bueys - very nice! I bought once then my gfs, my colls & even my hb all addicted to it. I've bn buying ever since, spent dunno hw much liao. Seedless is 1 most impt aspect + the meat is very juicy - nt flat flat one. Then $2.40 per 100g. Hee hee.........

Bought it @ East Ocean @ Bugis. Umeya - I went to find - dun hv. If u gals wanna try - can go East Ocean & buy. Then prob is - only 1 outlet lor.......
Bt heng I got coll staying nearby Bugis so usually I will ask her to buy for me.

Leomum - do u always take cai fan? Oh btw - my gf's gynae told her 1st tri - eat watever u want, u put on alot of wt also nvm cos it's the impt start pt. Then 2nd tr onwards, he actually restrict them in eating too much carbohs. So gals - after 1st tri - cut dwn on rice, noodles, pasta, potato & bread arh..........

Nt say dun eat lah bt eat lesser cos then tend to stick onto u! Eat more meat & vege + fruits instead. I asked my gynae he also said so. He said all along carbohs r nt gd mah.....

So I will try to follow it.
Thks leomom..
I just had a quick nap. No Government here.. think won't have teabreak but sleep again.. really dun feel well.. think i may take MC tomolo.

ahger, So scary on the watermelon story. think won't even try. ;p
starlite, it seems like this virus is very potent. My son had it one month back then recovered.. never expected him to fall ill again as he has always been very healthy. Sigh..Maybe 'cos we intro'ed him into playschool on the weekends... he must have picked up some germs.

barbara, yah lor, very heartpain.. When I first saw my son have high fever, I was crying (but must hide, didn't want to freak him out)..

Ladies, next time must always ask your paediatrician to let you standby with those anal suppositories.. once the fever hits 38.5deg must quickly adminster.

Now also feeling rather flu-ey myself... but paiseh to ask if I can go and see doctor. :p

just sharing w/ u all lah - I dunno lah - just hearsay..........

bt when I 4got abt it then I bought then my ex-coll stared hard @ me. Then she asked me "sweet boh?" I said "ok lor, nt very sweet". Then after I finish then she asked me if I 4got wat she said. Then I said oh yeah hor?????

Hmm.......... let me recall, dun rem my FIL bought watermelon also.

Cos watermelon grows frm the ground mah...........

no scared lah.......... u dun believe it just eat then can liao lor........
