(2007/02) February

16 kids?! *faint* Think about having 2 already getting very frightened that I won't have enough time to spend with them.

Barbara, not sure whether you mean your mum cooked liver for you in the past when you are not pregnant or now. But pregnant women should avoid liver because although it is strong source of iron, it is also very high in Vit A (I think its Vit A, read from this book What to expect when you are expecting but very forgetful nowadays) which is not good for pregnant woman. But vit A from green veg are good. So, make sure you gals dun eat liver and when ordering bah chor mee, must tell them no liver. Better to be safe.

Also read from the same chapter that orangey/yellow food is good and papaya is one of them leh, that's why I have been eating papaya. But now, I scare to eat papaya, maybe wait till second trimester to be safe. Ultimately, our chinese practice can be quite different from ang mohs.
back from lunch....so tired. Always feel tired, need to sit down. Can't walk too long ...my legs will feel very tired.....feels like a sick person... u know.........

eating strawberry now....wowww...so good. Think now my preference is veg & fruits.....fruits really can keep the "errr" feeling away.

Barb.....factory difinely closed after tis one. Too old by then also age wise....body feel extremely tried.
Too old to feed the kids...still need to slot till very old age. Better stop & can retire early & can hv "er ren si jie" again...
oh really, heeehee I very mountain turtle. wah u must have great patience to teach your children. I registered my boy to go playgroup next year coz he is very 'si hun' (doesn't like to mix with stranger).

oh, tat's a good advise. Thanks! I dun really like liver actually but sometime force to take.. now got excuse dun take liao... ;p I just ate orange and papaya. Fruits craving now.

wait till children all grow up, can relax one corner liao.. and YES! Er Ren Si Jie.
16 really cannot make it. but 2 or 3 sure fun one. heehee.. I had the same thought as you before i had one. Then now he is 19mth old.. everyday i'm thinking of how to make his life better, to better educate him.. that's how mother's life begin. u will enjoy it. U will definitely spend more time with ur children, and dun mind sacrificing own activity. ;)
My coll all say I'm auntie liao..
Hi JC..

Yup..Im into fruits now..it curbs my 'sugar' need. Stawberries, kiwis, green apples..suddenly they are all my favourites..I never really like fruits previously..

Hi barbara..

Home-school is a good option for us..cos it does help to save money..childcare is really costly now compared to last time I think..and since Im formerly a childcare teacher, well I can use my knowledge to teach my kids..My friend also ask me if I want to take in her pre-school kids teach them at my home..then can earn some income..
Jc, yah, should just take screening test first, if high risk then can consider amnio, if not, better not do it cos there is a risk element. Anyway, we should take things one step at a time, think the best thing we can do for our babies now is to eat nutritious food and rest well, then all our babies will grow bigger soon!! So happy to see baby growing huh from the u/s. My baby was moving quite a bit this morning, so cute! Like what my colleague said, I will keep replaying that image in my mind until the next visit. When I see the baby, it makes all the pain from the jab worthwhile.

Im also back from gynae visit this morning. How was your visit? Was your bb 2cm as u have hoped?

My bb is now at 10 wks measuring 2.95cm. Asked my gynae whether is it ok, he said ok. Then i told him that some of the girls here around 10 wks measuring around 3.5cm. He said difference only a little so need not worry too much.

Regarding eating of oranges, believe most of u have heard that orange will cause phelgm right?

For me, i have strong cravings for oranges in my 1st pregnancy and so is this current one. So i ate quite a fair bit of orange and orange juices during my 1st pregnancy. And true enough, my bb has alot of phelgm during the 1st few months. I felt so guilty when i knew abt it and told myself that i shouldnt indulge on too much oranges when im pregnant again.

So now that Im pregnant again, i will try to curb my cravings for oranges. Like i will take on alternate days and the rest of the days will eat others like pears, apples, bananas, dragon fruits, etc.

Anyone aware that Marigold juices got without sugar added one? Got apple and orange flavour.

I wonder if its alright to take? Will there be still sugar content though they claim no sugar added?
Hi Starlite,
yes, baby measuring 2.2cm at 9 weeks. I also asked gynae is my baby too small as when I compared to the gals here, it seems small. He said of cos some babies are longer, some shorter. But does not mean longer is better. He said there was increased fetus movement this week so this show that baby is healthy and should not worry. Think we dun have to worry about the size, just focus on eating well. Naturally that will translate into growth for baby. We must think positive ok??

But my gynae never really talk about bb movement during the scan leh....u mean u can see bb move when scanning the bb?
starlite, yes i saw them at the supermarket. shld be no problem for us, i even buy the normal ones like peach juice and guava juice. well i guess don't overdose can liao lor.
yah, at 8 weeks, my baby already moving the legs but hb didnt catch that. Today, moved both hands and legs and frequently too so even my blur hb also saw. maybe your gynae didnt point out to you? Some gynaes a bit more reserved and dun like to talk, so it is up to you to ask. During your visit, you should ask your gynae to point out to you when he see fetal movement. It is very very amazing, you sure will like it.
back frm lunch! Took a long lunch cos I went to Modern Maternity to get some capris. So I bought a black & white then also an A-line skirt then also a top. The top is rather normal bt is tee material then w/ slv. Me nw find my arms very meaty so I guess the nx time I will wear it lor. Bt it's very colourful so I bought.

Then I actually saw a few more tops bt then I told myself still got elseware.

Like tat 4 pcs already $200 leh. They nw hv promo buy 2 bottoms 3rd pc 50%. then my top is 20% off.

I m nw their member liao. 15% off all items on fixed price.

Charis - the family w/ 16 kids, I saw the email b4. It's true lor. Scary. Wonder hw can they afford.

I had my BK Big Fish Meal - bt the fries nt hot enuff cos I was in a hurry to cme back to ofc. Late already cos spent 2 much time @ the shop. Then I gobbled dwn my food lor.

29 no mee sua - mum say mkt wash, so all close.

tat time when I went for chk up the bb doesn't seem to b moving or perhaps I din c or maybe bb is slping.

bt I make sure the nx time round I will wake the bb up so tat I can c him/ her move.

Usually gynae will tell u ware's heart then let u hear the heartbeat then the head & lims & etc. then when the scan is printed out I will yan jiu myself lor.

yes - u r right - everythign just take moderately can le.

Yest I ask hb to order Pizza 2 for $19.90. then I told him Pepperoni is very nice! then he ordered then another one is chkn n' shrooms lovers. tat one also got pineapples bt I also eat. Anyway it's canned pineapples mah......... Bt I try nt to eat so much lah.....

yes - u r right - everything just take moderately can le.

Yest I ask hb to order Pizza 2 for $19.90. then I told him Pepperoni is very nice! then he ordered then another one is chkn n' shrooms lovers. tat one also got pineapples bt I also eat. Anyway it's canned pineapples mah......... Bt I try nt to eat so much lah.....
This thread is really moving fast. I went out with my girl, and came back, and can't catch up!!

I'll be 39 when this baby is born. Close factory? Well, we probably won't be actively trying, but the rest is God's will lah.

I'm planning to homeschool my children. I've already started with my daughter. She's 2. Planning to homeschool through Pri school. See how it goes.
gals, I need to go off for awhile cos my Dir is gng to sit dwn & ask me do something & will b beside me for the nx 1hr maybe.

I will cme in later.
I read from this forum somewhere, can't remember which thread. One of the gals said before she goes for scan, the night before she will ask baby to wave to daddy & mummy. So I just followed and asked my baby to wave for me to see and it works!! the book that I am reading also say that fetal movement starts around this time though we probably can't feel it until later.
hi Barb, oops sorry, i thk i confuse u.
now i am at 8wks and my scan is schedule 4wks later(12wk), 8wkslater (16wks) & 12wks later(20wks).

I heard abt tat also........... ok, nx Fri night I will start telling my bb. Then Sat while on the way dwn I will also tell the bb to make sure he/ she doesn't slp. Ha ha ha.......
hi bitbit, my nxt appt will be 15aug (12wks). I will be doing my NT scan & blood test tog. So the price shd be ard $315 if bth test do on the same day. but if bth test done separately, i thk will be ard $260+(can't rembr). I heard frm Dr tham tht only 3 gynae in kkh can do this test due to the license issued. so my test is done by Dr Kenneth kwek on tht day.
hey, i did tell my bb to wave to mommy & daddy few days b4 my scan last sat. bt i thk bb hand nt fully grown yet , so bb shake the whole body. hee... so funny.
wow...so many posting in just less then an hr.
just came back ...went to get some tea break to eat....eat pizza lah...cos saw ah ger talk abt pizza also feel like eating so go buy.....

Home school...is it only till k2. Then will enrol to P1 school when the kids is 7?

Hi PVL....is this ur 3rd or 2nd preggy?
JC - 2day nt alot of postings le cos I managed to get 1 report frm US so I m wking on it.

Pizza - as nice & piping hot as the one I had or nt? Ha ha ha.........
leomum - my ofc hrs is until 5pm. we start wk early........

pekochan - u read me saying I buy fries eat then u also wanna buy.

me gng off soon le. Bye!
i am eating apple pie instead with hot milo. felt hungry since after lunch. actually the pregnancy has turned me into a greedy pig. my hb said he has never seen me so hungry before and we have known each other since 17 yrs old. My hb's parents and grandma were initially worried that I will not eat as I am afraid to put on weight, now they never say already cos I am always saying that I am hungry.
wah so many posts.. Office is renovating and soon we are moving to UBI.. sian man.. the distance very far.. take bus to MRT, Clementi to Paya Lebar, MRT to bus, then walk another 10min before reaching office. Really got to take block leave or mc if possible.. can't tahan the distance. Me can only knock off at 6:10pm.

leomom..paiseh, my understanding power is low. ;p

yeah mummies, think positively on bb size ok. I think mine is not long too.. forget liao.. i will update next mon after the scan. by then, bb is ard 9wk 4days. I will try talking to him/her to wave at us.

can eat is 'fu' lah.. got excuse to eat more now.. the most go to MaryChia Bodyline.. ;p

pekochan, u wanna share ur scan?
Sorry, my last post didn't read quite right. This is my 3rd pregnancy, but my second <font color="ff0000">live</font> baby. 2nd pregnancy was a m/c :)
To those 2nd or 3rd time mommies,

Just want to check when do u intend to start washing your materntiy clothings?

I was just looking thru' my clothing just now and like counting how many pieces and then wonder when should i start washing and wearing them.

I remember i start to wear maternity when I was 4 mths pregnant during my 1st pregnancy.
nt sure if anybody is still ard..........

Just had dinner. Supp to meet mum for dinner bt as I was on my way to mtg her, she called me saying my niece just fell aslp. So I said nvm lor, I U-turn back hme lor.

End up I buy cai fan dwnstairs - nt nice lah bt boh bian, I dunno wat to eat liao.

Later gng to eat my fruits.
hi gals...

just wondering do u all experience pain in vagina area ? i got the cramps ard that area at times.

i checked with gynae, he told me is due to engorgement???

hi gals...i'm new to the forum n the whole motherhood thingy too. i'm exactly 10 weeks tomorrow (well, it's now actually since it's alrdy wed).

It's my first child, and i'm alittle paranoid, always checking for blood stains and all...i have cramps that feel like twitching pain that pulls at your tummy area now and then...do u think it's normal?

I read so much about the high risk of miscarriage during 1st trimester, it really freaks me out sometimes..

look forward to getting to know all of you...
