(2007/02) February

Moodymum and Priveledged, I read from a women's health book that the key to healthy breasts that will not sag after pregnancy and breastfeeding is to ensure good support throughout.

This means we must change our bras as our breasts grow bigger. Now, it is our breasts that are growing, which means the cup size increases. Those extensions will not change the cup size of the bra. Inappropriate cup size will result in lack of support or inadequate support for the growing breasts.

There is a technique to wear the bra to ensure that the bra is providing enough support.

Believe or not is up to you gals, I rather believe cos my mum did change her bras every 2 months while she was preggie with me and my siblings. And now she is 51, her boobs are still perky and not sagging even though she breastfed us for more than a year each. She said those bras bought during pregnancy can be worn during breastfeeding when the breasts start to grow smaller when start to wean off BM.

I got those without wires cos it is more comfy than those with wires. Only 1 set I bought has wires, the strapless one.

Was adviced to buy nursing bra only in week 35. For nursing bra the told me buy 1 size bigger, but don't wear immediately. Only bring to hospital in the hospital bag.

Autum, I called in to enquire. The nurses were busy so they took my number to call me back to explain in detail to me.
When I was there, I spoke to the pregnant nurse. She was the one who said that in case of M/C, they will refund the unused portion of the package. And I did sign on my first visit, so did a few other mummies-to-be that went there.

I've been to the Tiong Bahru clinic, personally prefer Northern Hope cos the U/S machine there is newer and much clearer. Plus I prefer the nurses at Northern Hope.

Cherryale, size of baby corresponds with mummy's size at time of conception. If you are petite, it is alright is baby is slightly smaller now.
Don't worry

Starlite, it is alright to drink some powdered drinks. Eg. once a day.
Try to drink warm milk, cold milk just makes the stomach more uncomfy.
If you got alot of wind, try cooking steamed chicken with ginger. Just slice up alot of ginger, sprinkle of top of chicken, add 1 tsp of soysauce and steam. Dun eat too much of the ginger though. This helps get rid of the wind that causes the bloatedness.

Sometimes I drink gassy drinks just to burp out the gas. 1-2 mouthfuls a day.

BTW, some mummies here are quite rude. Your 'tone' in your replies are v upsetting when I'm just trying to share what I learnt, read and advices I recieved.
I will not be coming into this thread anymore. Hope my baby will be a Jan 2007 baby instead.

Hi Mrs wong,

think i will combine both the extension thing and new bras with bigger cups....

i really hope dont have to change every 2 months as that will cost a lot of money....

see how it goes...now i already plus one size already....
hi gals

i bought the Palmer's stretch mark lotion at Guardian at $24.90 (250ml). i saw the Galenic stretch mark cream, wow, very expensive, around twice the price compared with Palmer's...

Can anyone advise besides the tummy, where else should i apply the stretch mark cream?
Chloe, how do u find the palmer stretch mark lotion? is it oily?

heard from others that they apply on the tummy as well as breast cos for some pple their breast enlarged by quite a lot during pregnancy. but for me not true leh.
Btw ladies,

I have called my CL yesterday. Unfortunately, she told me that she doesnt work on CNY. Thats her practice from long time ago.

Anyway, she told me most CL dont work on CNY especially those who are Buddhist.

If they work, they will be charging normally 1.5 times. So if their normal charge is $1800, they will charge $2,700.

Now I'm only hoping that i will give birth 2 weeks earlier so that she can help me out for the 1st two weeks. Then during CNY period see how.

Anyone checked already whether got caterer for confinment food during CNY?
Hi icy,
oh yar, Dr Yeoh and Dr Chia shared the same clinic. Dr Yeoh is very experienced. My auntie had her second bb with no heartbeat at wk8, Dr Chia needed another expert opinion to confirm, she asked Dr Yeoh for help. With just one scan, she confirmed no heartbeat. Due to my last m/c caused by "infection", I need to take culture scan. The report came back saying the deadly bacteria is not there but YEAST is present. Dr Chia prescribed NYSTATIN to insert into virgina for 10 days. She said it is mild for initial stage, won't hurt bb. After wk12, may take oral medication...sigh..

Hi MrsWong,
Pls dun be upset or misunderstood. We hv been on this thread for sometime. Gradually the virtual closeness is there lor. So while chatting we tend to be like friends; dun need to be too polite.. everybody is sharing their own experience. We are really glad that you are here to share your thoughts. Nevertheless, wish all of us a smooth/safe pregnancy.

I oso haven't apply any stretch mark cream, maybe will try Galenic. Previously I used Mothercare, no good leh.. still got stretch mark. Aiyah, yesterday I told my mil I wanted to eat banana, she went to buy del monte banana though it from philipine. I told her, friends from forum said too cooling.. better get "ang ba jio". She said izzit?! haha.. then she finished the whole bunch. Tis morning she got ang ba jio for me liao... Thanks mummy for sharing.

may i know wats the symptoms for infection?

i do have some discharge that looks clumpy and white but it is not itchy.

few years ago, i got yeast infection that causes itchiness
ur baby is 15.3mm at 8 weeks, mine is only 15mm at 7wk 6 days (ie 8 wks if you round up), hmm.. make me kinda worry also leh. But like what Mrs Wong said, if mummy is petite.. I am quite short in height standing at 1.5m only, maybe that's why?? * Puzzled?? *

starliet/giggler, hb bought 2 durians home last night leh, how I gubble up almost 1 durian leh jialat. Cannot control. Wonder if he did peep into our forum har (haha..) Well no I don't think so, juz surprise how come he buy durians when we girls here did talk about durian jus one day before?

Recently had those tinkling feeling on the breast already, anyone else felt the same? Can feel like abit "fuller"! My tummy is showing liao, so fast man I can;t fit into my working pants anymore, really scare what I am going wear next week? I have not get ready my maternity wear and not intending to wear before I reach 3 months leh. How you all coping with showing tummy and bigger breasts (so paisay with big breasts)?

barbara, what is "ang ba jio" actually? Is it red skin or yellow skin one?? I quite confuse I thought the ang ba refering to red meat banana, so it's refering to red skin or red meat actually? Anyway to play save I dare not eat del monte, but eat those short short bananas.
Hi all MTB,

I'm using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Stretch Mark Cream too. I bought this brand becos my gyne's clinic is selling this brand so i guess it should be safe to use. When i went to Gurdian Pharmacy, the sales girl of Galenic recommended me this Elancyl Stretch Mark Cream. She told me many preg ladies are using this and it's very effective. I did not buy as i've no review/feedback from people I know.

chole, u can apply the cream around your breast and your butt.

Anyone started shopping on maternity clothings yet? Most of my skirts are very tight oredi, i just went shopping at suntec this afternoon, it's so fun to shop for maternity clothes and i can't wait to shop for bb clothes!
Hi Mrs Wong, thanks for taking the effort to call Northern Hope to ask them again. Maybe I need to ask the right person there. The nurse who explained to me basically read all the details from the brochure. Perhaps she's not very clear on antenatal package.

Hey, don't get upset with the comments here, okie. I am sure nobody means to be rude lah. Maybe sometimes when people "talk" they talk like that, but when you actually type out what you say, it may come across as being rude, because the written word and speech is different.

Be happy
Hi Stella,
I didn't have any symptom at all, no itchy feeling but the culture scan result shows I got Yeast. She said yeast is quite common in women and so to play safe, gynae prescribed tat medication lor. I oso have white sticky mucus.. I think so long didn't have tat foul smell.. shldn't be a problem...

Hi bitbit,
Actually "ang ba jio" was first mentioned by Starlite. It is those normal yellow skin short short banana, if not sure, got to go market and ask the fruit seller. That was how my mil got it. ;p My tummy is oso showing liao with bigger breast. I started wearing maternity pants 1 wk ago coz most of my pants couldn't fit. I may not have the luxury time to go shopping coz gynae said NO. I can only wear back those old one.. sigh.. want to be beautiful mummy oso so difficult. I'm short in height too 1.53m, and my hb oso not tall, my son height is only 78cm at 18mth.. any idea how to make him taller?
Ha ha....sorry, just passing by and can't help myself but again to pass comment on the infamous Mrs Wong....Her being 21 years old certainly caused her to make some childish remark liao.....(her posting - 'BTW, some mummies here are quite rude. Your 'tone' in your replies are v upsetting when I'm just trying to share what I learnt, read and advices I recieved.
I will not be coming into this thread anymore. Hope my baby will be a Jan 2007 baby instead.')

Mrs Wong, gals here know you are kind and just wan to share your knowledge etc....but just as you are entitled to yours, others also entitled to theirs...esp. when, do you realise, several posters here aren't 1st preggies??? They are already experienced mommies......so they will tend to quetion your definitive tone in postings...

Sorry...not to offend you lah, but Mrs Wong, you really classic lor....posting in here and there ...me sure now most gals know can PM you or go Jan 07 to look for you lah as and when they hv queries
K you take care!
Thanks for the confinement food recommendations. I will give them a call later and post a report here, OK? Is here anything else that we want to know besides whether they are OK for CNY?
Do you happen to know where can I get nice comfy maternity pants for people with big bums and big thighs like me? Did your gynae disallow you to go shopping?? Sorry I didn't understand your statement about your gynae and shopping.

Don't worry about the size of your baby lah. As long as the heartbeat is there, I'm sure there are variations in sizes of different babies and mothers at this young stage. Afterall, we are talking about LESS than 1 mm difference here! Be positive! I also still worry that my baby may die before 12 weeks and I'll have another missed m/c. Have to pray very hard.

bitbit, pekochan,
My tummy is a little rounder too, esp in the afternoons and evenings. Getting bloated. After my 1st pregnancy, I had a round tummy (sob sob, no more flat tummy) already. Now it's just getting rounder and protruding. I'm a SAHM, so I don't worry so much about work clothes. But yesterday had to go to church.... no clothes to wear!! Time to launder the maternity clothes. But it seems too early to wear maternity. How are you working mummies to-be coping with expanding waistlines? Last time with my #1 I only started really expanding in the 5th month. Any good and cheap recommendations on maternity clothes in SG?
barbara, ur son 18 mos already 78cm? My son 19 mos liao still around 75cm, sob sob... how har he is quite short also and ppl say he big head. At least your son slightly taller. barbara, you can "fang xin" liao.

My son's head follow daddy coz daddy's head also big and that is also y I cannot deliver normally, muz open up my tummy and then suffer the pain for almost half a year..

I really hope current baby can be delivered normally and safely, but if follow daddy's head again, then really no chance. Hope you all don't laugh at me although I have a son already but I have never know what is contraction and labour pain. I don't have all those before my son is out. Hmm..

PVL, u don;t say like that, very scary leh. I also hv the same thought but dare not say out. I also have thought of DS baby, defect baby etc...due to my age, I very scare everyday and fear I will suffer depression one day if I continue like that. I really hope for the best for everything. The rest I don't want to think much.

scare scare..
anyone knows about "ang gong jio", it's banana with RED skin, is that consider cooling?

Sorry keep talking about banana, juz want to make sure, hehe

i also scared alot of things... esp mine was not a good start. and before 12 weeks, alot of pple already knew abt my preg liao.

each time go for checkup, i feel so stressed up while waiting for my turn.

* pat pat * think we better hand each others hand from now..

mine is 2nd preg and my tummy shows up so FAST leh, I am 8 weeks only already showing a round pop-out on my clothes, I also difficult to hide liao.

i thok only HR and my superior knows about my pregnancy but someone told me almost the whole office noes liao, duno how true.. Gossips & grapevine are really scary leh. Now ppl pretend duno, they might thought that I dun want to say. I hope they can understand. One thing I dun like is, whosoever spread my news, why take away my chance of announcing the good news myself??
Starlite, aiyo so even we willing to pay, we may not even got a CL during CNY period lah.

Barbara, your mil so nice to you.

bitbit, my hb just bot 2 boxes of durian but I just dont have the mood to eat so now they're still in the fridge. Only my waist becomes wider but still can wear some of my skirts/pants. You had c-section for the 1st round too?

pekochan, you went to Spring Maternity? heard that it's cheap and gd.

PVL, thanks for volunteering to call the cf caterers. I may need to get caterer cos dun want to trouble my mom. Can check if they charge any surcharge during CNY period? I just went to Toa Payoh central to get cheap maternity pants/jeans. Got the jeans at $32.

aquarius, thanks...
How is your pregnancy so far?

Mummies, think most of us got the same feeling hor? For me, I'll check anxiously if I got any spotting when I go toilet.
sorry to scare you lah. I'm also scared. In the mornings, I don't feel pregnant. So I'm always scared. Afternoons, when I start getting tired, and a bit queasy, I feel a bit 'better'. I'm older than you. My hb and I constantly pray that everything will go smoothly and our baby will be full term and normal and healthy. But only the Lord knows lah. We're here to support one another. Do share if you're not feeling 'right'. Don't worry about not having labour pains. You didn't miss much. hehehehe. You wouldn't want my experience. :p

How's everything now? Better? At least you have had constant checkups. I think it's cos I still have a couple of weeks to wait before my next checkup, I'm anxious already. Yes, it's the waiting that seems more stressful, yah?
Bitbit, stella, PVL, dun be too worried ok? I know how it feels as I also feel scare. worse thing is many people in my office already know that I am pregnant and yesterday I realised that all my MIL's immediate relatives already know. I am only 9 weeks!! Still long way to go. I pray very hard everyday for God to protect my baby. I cried in church yesterday cos I was very touched that God has given me a gift that no money can buy. I wish I can have the faith that if the baby is from God, then if its his will, my baby will be alright and healthy. Guess at the end of the day, we just have to try to be positive and put behind all those unhappy past (m/c etc).

I tried calling some confinement ladies that my friends used previously. All didnt want to do during CNY. Luckily my hubby's aunt just gave birth and her CL has agreed. But have to pay a premium $2400 - $2500. No choice to get one as my MIL is so worried that if we dun, she will have to help and she is not willing. For gals who need to get confinement ladies, better call and book now. Kiasuism extend to expectant mothers in Spore.
Giggler, and other mummies,
I also won't be getting a CL. So I am actively looking for confinement food caterer cos I don't want to trouble my mum or MIL during the CNY period. Also I want to do confinement in my own home, so better to get caterer. Must also look into getting a PT cleaner to come in to help me soon.

I've called 4 caterers. Here's the round-up.
http://www.confinement.com.sg (aka natal essentials.com) - no delivery for at least the first 2 days

new baby - Closed from the eve to the 3rd day (4 days)

first delight - not closing at all during the period. BUT... can someone else please call and ask again. Cos when I called, the person who answered me sounded like he was still sleeping!!! His voice was raspy and low, and the first time I called, I got cut off. He was going "huh?" Didn't mention about any surcharges.

neo garden (my own contact) - cannot confirm now. Only about a month before CNY then can confirm.

Where exactly in Toa Payoh ah? Will go check it out.
Hi girls,
mind if I join in? I see a lot of interesting discussions about confinement
I have an 18.5 mth old boy and my EDD is 20Feb07. Delivering in TMC with Dr Yvonne Chan.

I'm suffering from extreme fatigue and horrible all-day morning sickness. ANYTHING can trigger - from a colleague's clothes smell to just walking past McDonalds.. hv already lost 1.5kg.. not good not good.. with my son, I dropped 5kg in the first tri.

For bras, the best nursing bra I got was the lacy one (QT brand I think) from Moms in Mind - at least it didn't give me weird lumps and bumps and although it was underwired, it wasn't uncomfortable in any way. Ended up buying 5 of those and chucking all the other bras aside. The lace is stretchy so it can accomodate engorged boobs. As for changing bras, I used bra extensions as my bra sized went crazy btw 2nd - 3rd tri and again after delivery.
cherryale, yap, I've been hanging around Chin Leng's forums for a looong time.. did you post in SB too?
Actually, I'm considered slow already.. 'cos we took 1.5 years to conceive our first baby.
Barbara, bitbit,

Ang ba jio is actually yellow in colour lah. Hee...i dont know how come they call it that name cos i not hokkien also. but since my son is young she will buy that for him to eat as she said its not liang compared to the del monte one.

So since then everytime i go market, i will just buy that one lor.

bitbit, when u go market just tell the stall owner u want ang ba jio and they will point to u. It's quite easy to recognise one so after a few buys, u shd be able to differentiate liao.
You're the one who used to live in the US also, am I right?
Congrats! Thanks for the tip on the bra. I bought 3 good nursing bras from the States last time, Bravado brand. They were very easy to use and comfy. And I also bought 4 more looser, cheaper types for at home use. But I seem to have lost one of my Bravado bras, probably in transit back home to SG. I keep thinking that I left it in some hotel room!! So with your tip, I might go and buy some more
starlite, barbara, bitbit,
Is ang ba jio different from pang jio? I like pang jio. But my girl has been off bananas lately, so I haven't bought bananas for a few weeks.

i have the same feeling as u. Seems that my whole office is now aware that im preggie. Dont know who is the one who go and spread this.

i feel the same as u. everytime when about to see gynae, i will be very nervous. Worst, my gynae is those type that need to queue for at least 1 hr to see him one. so while waiting, it adds up to the stress. Then when i lie down to wait for him, i will be so nervous that my heart will beat very fast.

Now, i always try to tell myself not to be so gan cheong. It helps sometimes.
Hi priviledged, yup yup, I actually only returned to S'pore when I was 8 months pregnant... just those few months of prenatal care cost me US$5k, not including my insurance premiums! So are you back for good? BTW, are you an airforce wife? I never tried Bravado bras 'cos I wasn't sure about the sizing but yeah, I think you will definitely like the MIM ones.. the cup unbuttons from the centre which I thought is easier to handle than the ones that drop from the strap.

Has anyone told their bosses? I need to tell my boss as my workload is too killer and I have no physical strength to work OT. Just not sure how they will react :p
Hi gals,
wow...so many posting during the weekends....nearly couldn't catch up. For I am extremely sleepy these dayss...think i can sleep for a full day if i hv a chance. Can't cope up with the girls revision ...feel abit guilty.

Hi bitbit, stella & PVL,
I guess the scare feeling will always be in our mind till the day our baby is born. Me also scare too....It has been 2 wks since i last visited my gynae...also like you mummies...suddenly can feel not preggy so scare..only when some of the uncomfortable feeling starts showing again then feel at ease.
I have to wait for 3 more weeks for my next visit. How i wish that can visit weekly just to ensure & re-assure.
Well...guess we are all very insecure now...don't worry probably we shd chat more online with each other exchange or share info & feeling so will feel better.

Bitbit....my also c-section. why dun we go for another c-section for this one? Why want to try natural? Already got cut on the tummy so just let it be....dun cut bottom lah.......
For me i had 2 c-section so this one definely another C. I am like you never experience contraction & labour pain. I salute to those mum that deliver natural .....think must be very pain.
hi mummies,
well, all my coll knew abt my pregancy as well! Wonder who told them too... there is 1 coll pretend to be nice said so much sarcastic remarks while pretending to ask how am I!!!! I really wonder why such pple exist and cause so much unhappiness. Sorry, just to vent some anger while suffering so much on MS and yet such colleague!

I also do not feel preggie in the morning leh. Normally i will have good appetitie in the morning and not so good in the evening. Also when it comes to evening/night time, i will tend to get very tired its like a queasy and uncomfortable feeling and my taste bud will start to have that funny bitter taste again.
mummies who don't have all day MS.. YOU ARE SO LUCKY! I am feeling nauseous all the time, even when I am trying to sleep or if I wake up halfway in the night :p Waaahh.. terok man..

doggy, your colleagues are so nasty.. cannot understand why ppl can behave like this. So far I told 2 colleagues ('cos need their help to buy lunch) and they have been very nice.

I would want to try natural delivery too if everything goes well for this pregnancy. I had a emergency c-section for my 1st pregnancy due to fetal distress.

I had a colleague who like me first one deliver via c-section and 2nd one is natural. she said the feeling is very different. if we can, we shd opt for natural.

I think for natural, it shd be a good feeling. I mean having the opportunity to go thru the whole process of pushing the bb out from your vaginal, hearing the bb first cry and getting to hold him/her immediately after he/she is out of this world. I feel it should be a very wonderous feeling. Its something that a c-section wont give, esp. for my case where im totally knock out by GA!

For those whose tummy is already expanding but not comfortable to wear preggie clothes yet, actually can try to buy a few pieces of those skirts or pants with elastic band one.

Thats what i did last time and i think it helps during the initial stage when our tummy start protruding but yet not big enough to start wearing maternity yet.

Think pants should be more difficult to get. I got two casual knee length skirt for normal weekend wear. For work, I have a few elastic skirts which is comfortable enough.

Two weeks back, i also went to jalan at Toa Payoh central and came across a shop there that sells maternity clothing. Its like a neighbourhood type of shop, think the price should be quite reasonable. Think most pieces i glimpse thru is around $20+. Maybe some of u may want to go shop there sometime.
Hi Starlite,

Actually, you can opt for epidural c-section.
I had epidural c for the 1st born....it was such an experience whcih i never forget...
As for my 2nd born ...i went on for the GA C. Ya..just knock out & by the moment you wake up ..feels like shit. The feeling is horrible.
Well...frankly speaking natural birth never come acorss my mind after my 1st born.
I was thinking since already "kana" cut tummy so be it lah.....dun destroy the bottom...ha...ha....
So now for the no.3, definely have to be another C again. But now am thinking to go for epidural or GA C.......
Hi Catz,
I think i saw your names in other threads...guess you are very active here....

oh ya, my colleagues are all quite nasty and cold. Wonder is it the culture or wat! In fact, this is my worst co i ever in for having such coll. I always have nice coll except here...aiya, enough abt them.

So,you are having bad MS like me? Me has been vomitting non stop and everyday was like hell man...
Went to see my usual TCM...according to him, by drinking "an tai yao", the vomiting should be better...i will be brewing it to drink tonight, hopefully i will feel beta!
Great! 2 recommendations for Toa Payoh. I simply MUST go to toa payoh.

JC, bitbit,
yeah. Natural delivery is painful and you don't really want the pain. But like starlite said, after the pain is the sense of achievement and satisfaction. My hubby cut the baby's cord. They plonked the baby on my chest right after she came out, umbilical cord still attached and all. She felt surprisingly heavy then. I breastfed my baby in the delivery room, right after they cleaned her up. Recovery is faster than C-sect lah. But some gynaes may not be comfortable with VBAC. Have to check with your gynae.

No. I am not an airforce wife.
I was a poor graduate student's wife. hehehehe. Living in some ulu university town. Back for good. Almost 2 years already.

Nope i din have a choice the last time cos it emergency one. but i tot i remember my gynae telling me its only half body numb but dont know how come in the end knock out completely.

Yeah, agreed its a reall shitty feeling when wake up after the GA. My whole body was trembling very badly and till now i kept wondering whether is it normal or the anathestist have overdose me!

But the most relieving and reassuring thing after i woke up is the nurse telling me that bb is fine and bb is beautiful. thats all i want to know cos i want to ask but cannot find the strengh to even speak.

Came across this promotion in Motherhood website. 3 pieces for $75 meaning 1 piece for $25, sounds reasonable leh...but im not sure of the quality...

Get 2 Tops + 1 Bottom @ $75 only!

For details, visit www.sassymom.com.sg today!
Hi mummies,
Me too at time will think of the m/c and whether it will affect the current one. But always must remind ourselves to think positively. I believe as long as we got enough rest, remember to take any medication told by gynae, dun ganjong here & there. We definitely will cross this 9mth hurdle successfully. By then, we will have another thread on our babies.
I got my maternity wear from bendemeer (no brand one), near my workplace. I prefer wearing pants than dress but i admit when I wore dress, very comfortable and cooling from below.. haha.

Hi pvl,
Due to my last m/c, gynae said i got low placenta so advise me not to walk too much, if needed, walk slowly. So shopping is out of the question coz take longer walking time. Maybe got an adult stroller then can shop. ;p

Hi bitbit,
So coincidence! My son's head oso big. When he was in my tummy, gynae told us bb's head was big and he doesn't belong to the tall type (she determined by the bone thigh). Went to baby doc for past injections, I alway probe the question to the Doc how to make him taller. She thought he is a picky eater, encourage us to get PediaSure formula milk for him. Although he eats quite alot I oso bought for him, still the same leh... sigh... beside his height, he is thin oso.. weigh at 10kg.
.. Luckily he is a healthy boy else I gonna 'peng'. Your son was full term (40wks)? Usually contraction pain come at ard 37wk+ lor.. I delivered normally at 38wks.

Hi stella,
Me too waiting to see the scan make me feel tense up. I didn't have package until 20wks. But i intend to scan every 2 wks just to ease my mind. All my coll knew abt my preg. Had to let them know coz now office renovating, need to move this and that. So need their help. Dun worry, everything will go smoothly.

Welcome Catz,
Lost in weight is normal during 1st trimester. My friend who is 4mth preg now still hasn't put on much weight, instead she losts 3kg during first 3mths, gynae said bb is fine.

wah.. if possible i oso want to go Toa Payoh.
Hi mrs wong..

Thanks for the nutrition tips n bra tips..I havent really got new bras..yup better get them..except for 1 really comfy one from spring I bought for my previous pregnancy..those like tube bras can wear without support..But after wearing for 2 months..its wearing out already! Aiyah..I think cos I put in washing machine.

Btw, dont be upset..like barbara n autumn mentioned..we dont mean to be rude..we all here like friends like that n we really want to learn from each other's experience..sometimes u jus 'talk it out'..

Furthermore, cos u are good at nutrition, we can learn a lot from u..as much as I guess u may also able to learn from some of the 'veteran' mummies here..those who have raised 1 kid n more! Hehe.
I bought my maternity from Perfect Mum and Spring Maternity at Suntec. The price is reasonable. PVL, u are in US now?
Hi starlite..

What's the address of the shop u went at Toa Payoh Central? Or where is it near to? How to get there..if u are from the bus interchange?

Thats the problem, I dont exactly have the shop name leh. I happen to went to "xin fu yin cha" there to eat dim sum and walk around there. But i think the whole central only got 1 shop selling maternity one.

I only remember there's a Bata shop nearby, the rest of the shops are the normal shops selling clothing and household products.

I used to buy maternity wear from Perfect mum 3 yrs+ back when im 1st preggie. I feel the price then are much cheaper compare to now lor. Seems that they have up-market it quite a bit leh.

I got mine from International Plaza last time. Wonder whether they are still there now. I know they have a new outlet in Kovan.

Think nowadays they also quite particular about the discount card and will really check your ic b4 they give u the discount, is that right?

i bought a top and a skirt, total is $80+, after 10% discount when i use my suntec card. they hv 4 outlets, the one at international plaza is still around. so where do you intend to buy yours from?
