(2007/02) February

I think mc or leave depends if u got a lot of leave then jus take..cos MC must see doc, etc..
But if its really a concern health or pregnancy wise, then better see doc or gynae..

Hi Charis,
Think u mistaken...only ck is on course....me can't afford ...already give up my dancing class..once know i preggy. So now every night my duty is go home & coach the girls on school work...very tired....every night at 10pm will lie flat on the bed....till the next am.
JC...Oic..sorry for mistake..I have to give up my marathon n exercise clases too..my gynae say pilates also cant do..But I think he doesnt know wat pilates is..haha.
HI ck..

i stopped my night class (acca) since i got preggie. cant imagine if i were to continue, the journey is real torturing . for me is woodlands-tuas-orchard-woodlands.

hope u r getting better now..

for us who got spotting , better to stop all exercise and sex..heehee
Hi autumn..Not saying he's no good..but he's average..he appears to be not so 'hardworking'..heard most of his patients do c-section..so maybe he's not so pro-natural..

Stella..Im ok..Im not spotting anymore so far..but im resting a lot too..
Hello to all MTB,

I'm new to this thread. Currently, I'm 9 weeks now and EDD will be 14/2/07. Went for my 2nd scan on tue and bb is now 26mm, during the scan the bb was moving...wow it's so amazing to see that!

Wishing all of us a smooth and happy 40 weeks!
Starlite, wow... that means it maybe more than $2k during CNY period.

ck, what brand of olive oil are u using?

cherryale, I take mc if I'm not feeling well. You rest more and take care.

Charis, I'm considering if I shd change gynae too. Anyone got recommendations on gynae who is more ks? My current gynae is very experienced, so experience that he's quite bo chap type. So me thot of getting one who is more ks this time round.
hi mtb,

I am back from my yest scan. i will update the table later too.

I had pass the first hurdle. Gynae says that the baby is fine and we can see the heartbeat (but didn'y hear it yet). I am 8 weeks exactly today. Gynae estimated my EDD as 17/2/06 but it had since changed after he did the u/s scan. The machine changed the EDD after detacting the size of the fetous. It's 15mm at 7week 6 days. My EDD had thus changed to 22/Feb/07. JC, We hit the same day now!

Yesterday scan could even see the umbilical cord swinging around in the sac, heehee...

Wow pekochan you 9 wqeek already 26mm, so fast leh!!

giggler, I had brought the whole pack of medicine I ate to showmy gynae, he said that those medication are fine and don;t worry too much. i am very much relief now.

I don;t have much m/s or sympton too, juz abit constipated and alot of bathroom visiting. Evey night I have to wake up at least 3 / 4x. In the clininc I go to the loo at least 6 x in an hour plus time! Crazy right wonder where are all the "water" from..
here is the updated table as of 13/7/06 - 1.45pm:

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Curr Preg No#</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hosp </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>liling</TD><TD>2-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan</TD><TD>ESH </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloe</TD><TD>5-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Wong</TD><TD>5-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Woo Bit Hwa </TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>starlite </TD><TD>9-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>icy</TD><TD>10-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Yeoh Swee Choo</TD><TD>MEH </TD></TR><TR><TD>koi</TD><TD>10-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr SL Low</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>chews</TD><TD>13-Feb-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggy</TD><TD>14-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>ck</TD><TD>15-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tan</TD><TD>MAH/TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>PVL</TD><TD>15-Feb-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Dr H.C. Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>charis</TD><TD>16-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr. Goh Y.C. </TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>lawpei</TD><TD>17-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr SY Chew</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rae</TD><TD>20-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>cherryale</TD><TD>20-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Tan Hang Yang</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>natty</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>thenuahcouple</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tun Lan</TD><TD>ESH </TD></TR><TR><TD>barbara ong</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr Chia Yee Tien</TD><TD>MEH </TD></TR><TR><TD>bitbit</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr H.C. Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>JC</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin </TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>winnie</TD><TD>23-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Wong Mun Tat</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>leomom</TD><TD>24-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Ben Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>moodymum</TD><TD>26-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin </TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi gals,

just to ask, does shape of individual foetus look different?

cos mine its like lying flat, cannot see the cord leh.
PVL did Dr Han told you not to carry your child? He ask me not to carry heavy thing including my son leh. I am very sad coz my son is very close and sticky to me.

Yesterday in the room, my hb carry him to look at the u/s monitor, instead of lookin at the baby, he keep looking and crying and pointing at me, want me to carrying because he saw me lying on the bed. I so heartbroken my tears were at my eyes already, almost drop when I can only lie there and ignore him and do nothing.

I am so clumpsy yesterday that I almost fell on the floor, me more and more fat &amp; clumpsy, really hate my figure now.. but can do nothing. Anyone had the same feeling?
r u okie now ?

is good to be less occupied ..
as it is working one task alone already very tiring .. is just tat i dun want to stop half way ..
so i carry on ..

great to hear u see bb moving ..
i'm getting excited ...
tonite is my turn to see doc ..
JC I jus realise you and me oink oink, and both of us baby might hit the same date, also oink oink, so funny!!

Just wanna ask u all again, anyone taking those tests and amino test??
hi bitbit, glad that your foetus is fine. hmm, i think your hubby must try to show more attention to your son now, so that he won't feel neglected. Maybe you can try to talk to him everyday about the new baby.. but i think it's tough, cos i see my sis-in-law with all her kids also like that.. the kids all get jealous when mummy carry either one of them, or when mummy "ignores" them. Quite tough to be a mummy.

I also keep going to the loo, but the thing is, each time i go, only a little urine comes out. and sometimes, i can feel the pressure to go peeing is so great, until it hurts, but when i rush to the toilet, only little bit of urine.. i think it's the pressure on the bladder.

dun be sad ... at least your 2nd bb u carrying is progressing ...

tonite is my turn liao ...
getting very excited ..

does it mean my EDD also would change ?
depends on the size ?
Dr Han said no carrying of heavy weights, above 8 kg. So I asked him how? Carry my daughter? He said can sit down and carry. Don't carry and walk distances. He said carry her across the road OK. I limit my carrying nowadays. Make her walk. If she asks, I'll tell her to walk. She's quite good about it.
Hi bitbit..
good...that everything is ok. I am not taking the amino test. I will take the other blood test called Nuchal Translucency scan + maternal serum test. which cost abt $320.
Actually, am quie scare abt the needle poking into the stomach.
I am going for c-section...so maybe my delivery date will be a week or 2 earlier.
You are c-sect too right ??
Pls be careful &amp; walk slowly.......
Wah..so many posts...me blur already!

JC the test you taking is called OSCAR right? it only measure the probability of DS and not confirm DS or not right?

I'm not going for any tests. Even NT scan I will tell doc to keep e result to himself. Me and hubby keeping this baby no matter what the outcome is, so not interested in the results.

CK, EDD will change depending on the fetus' development cos LMP might not be accurate, esp for those who ovulate late or early.

Bitbit, you should give your son hugs while you are sitting down instead of carry him. My couz hugs both her sons at the same time and she 'brain wash' them to accept the new baby.
Everyday she will tell them a nice story about them having a new baby to play with.
Then she will explain to them that they were once inside like the baby. Then bring them to see the ultrasound.

When my couz knew the gender, she brought her sons shopping and let them each choose something nice for their meimei and she bought presents for them for helping her choose something for meimei.

When the baby was born, both of them loved their new sister alot and were especially proud when meimei wore something they picked out. And they did not bug my couz to carry them alot. My couz give them hugs every morning and every night, just to reassure them that she still loves them
bitbit, happy for you that bb is ok and the med you took are fine.
Some of my preggie frenz still carry their child with their big tummy leh.

Charis, I'm seeing Dr KH Chan from Gleneagles.

PVL, Sarah is so guai leh... Vane is simply like koala bear, keep clinging to me. Sigh...

Mrs Wong, how old are your cousin's sons?
Hi bitbit..

My girlfriend has 2 year plus old twins n a 8 month old son..she carries them still..n they are super-active(the twins), 2 of us cant handle the 2 of them..haha. Her gynae didnt mention anything about that.

I guess yr gynae is quite concerned cos of yr previous history is it? If u are spotting or have spotted, most likely yr gynae will not tell u not to carry heavy stuff..including yr son.

I think for 1st trimester, should be more careful..after that I think should be ok..unless have other problems, eg incompetent cervix..then the whole pregnancy must be extra cautious. I read up that if u do need to carry, there's a proper way..this is what i got from Dr. miriam stoppard's book..

To pick up a toddler:
Keep yr back straight, and bend at the knees..lower yr back slowly..try not to make sudden movements, twists or turns.

Hi giggler..

Hmm..i think yr gynae is very senior right..
Ya..bitbit..I forgot to mention that my girlfriend with the twins..she's now expecting her 4th one! She's only 28 this year..already 3 kids n 1 more coming haha..She's 12 weeks preggie..jus 1 month difference from me..So we two preggies trying to handle super-active twins..chaos..Im tired out after I go out with them..
Mrs Wong, NT Scan is not compulsory. If you don't want to take, you don't have to, especially since you are not interested in the results.
Charis, your friend must really love to have a lot of kids! Having 4 is a rather big challenge now a days. All the best to your friend!
Autum, it is part of the package and my gynae will scan de. Routine check for him.

But I will request he keep the results to himself until we are ready to know lor.

glad that you've seen the bb heartbeat. Am happy for you.

Guess what, my last scan u/s also show bb is 7 wk 6 days. and the size is exactly like yours 1.53cm, so its 15mm...
Hi autumn..Well I guess she likes kids but..she cant really manage so many..her twins are growing up n they need a lot of attention, then she has a 8 month old, n she also needs time to rest cos she's preggie..only her twins were planned..her 3rd n now 4th are 'unplanned'..haha. She's a SAHM n she has a maid plus 2 mums to help out..but she say still very tough..But well have to manage..hav to rely on GOD for strength, grace n finances too.
Hi Charis,
Me have spotting and cramps yesterday too...hb so kan chiong, insisted of bringing me to see gynae. Check and everything ok...thank god! After 1 m/c, he tends to be very paranoid man.....
I believe the scan at 15+mm would show up as 7 wks 6 dys. I think the scan dates are usually based on statistics. Don't think the scanner is able to 'tell' exactly how old the bb is unless someone programmed it to. Mine was 16 mm and also 7 wks 6 dys.
Last time when I had the m/c, the baby was 4.5 mm, and measured in at about 6 wks even though I was 8 wks. The discrepancy is what rings alarm bells.

Rest and don't do too much active work and lifting etc. Try to stay off your feet.

hope u r ok now..

its good that ur hb is cautious. he did the right thing to bring u to gynae immediately, cos spotting and cramps very dangerous.

When it happened to me, i went to kkh and they din give me the jab. then i rush down to TMC again on the same night. guess i am more paranoid than ur hb..haha
Mrs Wong, your nephews are very guai.

Charis, my gynae very pro lor and I really like his stitching skill. I got no prob getting out from bed and dun feel much pain at all after my c-section. Wow, how your fren cope huh?

doggy, it's best that you see gynae once you have spotting. Take care....
Hi Doggy,
Take care, refrain yourself from pineapple/coconut, no lamb, no overnite papaya, heard from mil banana must be Philippine. Me got very sensitive on cramps. Now whatever myth, I oso believe.

Hi bitbit,
Great to know that bb is fine.
My gynae oso told me not to carry my son too often due to past history. When he said "Mummy bao bao", I would signal my hubby or mil to carry him, else I make sure I'm in sitting position to put him on my lap. Paiseh, I'm abit blur on what test to be taken during the pregnancy stage. Whatever gynae suggested any test, we will take it. There's this DS test on wk12. Heard that genetic disorder can't be detected until birth, izzit?

Hi Charis,
Your friend is superd. 4 children at age 28. Really tough at initial stage. But when children grow older, can see the fruit liao. Me too, love to have more children if financially allow.

Hi MrsWong,
This is your first bb and you looks the most experience here. Great to hv u ard.

My next scan is 24th July. 3 weeks from last scan. Usually how many weeks pending before next scan? I intend to request 2 weeks one scan after wk12 coz paranoid from last pregnancy. Wait too long to see bb make me feel uneasy lor.
Mrs Wong,

Want to check with you. Do you still constantly feel sore breasts/nipples these days?

I realise that lately, my breast only more painful in the evening and when I sleep. Cos can feel the pain more when i toss and turn in bed.

So just tot of just checking with u.
Starlite, I still have sore breasts/nipples. I bought new bras and went for proper fitting so during the day they still feel ok. But at night I can't sleep well cos my bust v sensitive.
Barbara, why cannot eat lamb? My mum say must take lamb to help increase blood circulation. My malay frens who are preggie or already gave birth also told me to take more lamb.

I know banana the del monte type you get at supermarkets is cooling. Must go market get the short banana (v sweet).
Mrs Wong,

So fast u bought new bras already? did u bought those for maternity ones?

Actually your breast will continue to grow, so how do u know what size to purchase?
I think Chinese say cannot eat lamb cos scare later got "Yang Dian Fong" right?

For banana, even when i not preggie, my mil always say dont eat del monte as its too cooling.

So everytime, i will buy the "ang ba jio" read in hokkien, it means "red meat banana"
btw ladies,

I got something to share.

Yesterday, i ate a very sinful thing. That is "DURIAN". Y i said its sinful cos i got getational diabetes during my 1st pregnancy. So i know i not suppose to eat any durians at all. But u know these days durians got great harvest and everywhere u can find. It's selling as cheap as $2 per durian. how to resist?

So yesterday i ask my hubby to buy two and we shared. The one i ate is super nice. and all in all i ate 9 seeds! In the end, felt so guilty and kept thinking about it.
hi ladies,
so sianz, my spotting stop after 2-3 days and it is back again yesterday.. feel something watery at the bottom.. seemedd like it flow out like a teaspoon..then this morning stop again. *sigh* Only can wait and see what happened.. my appt with gynae is next monday
Still feeling slightly uncomfortable....keep wanting to burp....burp....
As i am a chocoloate lover...I crave even more on chocolate this time....esp dark ones...my favourite. Wonder is it ok ????
JC, yes I opt for that 2 tests also. When my gynae asked me to go home and think about it, my hb already told him, no need to think choose the 2 tests.

I agreed coz already told him the amino test, risk too high for me even though is 1% and it's too expensive for us to compare our $ situation. We are barely consider average family, every cents spend must be considered.

Mrs wong, my boi still cannot understand what's happening when I lie on the bed. That's why he was taken aback when I couldn't even touch him because he was with my hb away from me at the screen while gynae examine me.

There was once my mum carry my brother's newborn, he was so jealous that his face changes and wail out loud. My mum took care of him everyday and I think it was too much for him then. My mum has to put down the baby to carry him.

Charis, thanks for the tip! Sometimes I still hv to carry him for eg, putting him on pram or into the car seat etc.. No choice leh. Sometimes he juz sit on the ground throw tantrum and refuse to walk. I can;t jus pull him away so i hv to carry him while he struggles. He is quite a "fat" boy, 12kg plus now.

Starlite, most fetous progress quite the same size that's why EDD detected by machine earlier is more accurate than detect later.

PVL, same here... My previous m/c also, 7 wk still small and wait till 8th week still no heartbeat, thus result = m/c

Starlite, me also asking HB to buy Durian leh! Me also kenna gestation diabetes in previous preg, uhmm... I think i still anot resist.

By the way anyonw know whether the babana with red skin can eat or not? "Xiang4 Ya2 jiao1"

think u should go and see gynae immediately.dont wait till monday. thats wat my gynae told me, once see spotting, go immediately as urgent case.
Hi MrsWong,
My mil said lamb is 'Yang'. Base on her, there were a few cases from her relative tat after taking lamb, bb tend to get 'fit' easily. This happened on my big auntie. She took lamb for her first child and the girl got fit now &amp; then, after much chinese prescription, she finally recovered. I know all this are myth, I just take precaution lor..

Hi Starlite,
Yeah, u r right.. that "yang dian fong". oh, now i know 'ang ba jio'.. heehee.. thks. I love durian too.. I think they said better consume durian from 2nd trimester onward, i dunno whether it true. If feel unease, why not give a call to ur gynae to ensure everything ok.

Hi icy,
dun wait, call ur gynae tell her abt it. She may ask u to see her now.

Hi JC,
Me oso burp every now and then. Heard that eating chocolate will have a happy bb. Dunno what danger it may cause. :/

just to check whether has anyone started to use any stretch mark cream?

any particular brand to recommend?

There's this brand, Palmer's Coca Butter Formula soothing oil. Not sure anyone has tried here? My concern is whether will it be very oily?? I hate that oily feeling.
stella and barbara,
I already seen my gynae abt the spotting last thursday where I just rushed down and wait for an empty slot.. so I kind of feel very tired or paranoid that I have to rush down again. *sigh* I thought it is either scan and continue with the progesterone pills or.... it going to give me the same result as what I will see on monday. Becos the spotting stops already, I waiting to see what happened. feel so sianz that I have to go through this after my previous M/c.. like I am so weak.

we actually went to the same clinic but different gynae. :D

I am using Palmer's Coca Butter Formula Massage cream for stretch marks. It seemed okie, the smell is quite light and the cream get aborbed after a while, so not oily at all. But seemed like it is not the soothing oil u talking abt. It cost ard $18 at guardian.
