(2007/02) February

I saw the brand Galenic in guardian but very costly leh.....$46. Think I will wait till National day...maybe the dept store will hv some kind of sale then I will buy....
Anybody using Galenic....any feedback ???

My MIL also said cannot eat the Del Monte bananas. But anyway, I don't usually buy those sorts of bananas to eat. She said will have "hong". But so what if we have "hong"? Can anybody enlighten me on what happens if we have this wind thing?
Tell you secret, I had my 1st child in the USA. MIL said not to eat Del Monte bananas also. But over there, they have Chiquita, and many other brands. But to me, they are all the same sort of bananas as Del Monte!! And I did eat them reasonably regularly because they are a good source of potassium and also help me with my constipation. What am I supposed to be suffering from now that I've done that??

Also I asked my gynae last week about the bananas. He said "huh? Bananas? All bananas are OK. Can eat".

So I'm confused.

<font color="0000ff">starlight</font>
I have SO many stretch marks from my 1st preg, even though I used stretch mark cream religiously.

<font color="0000ff">bitbit</font>
I also still have to carry my girl short distances. From the cot to my lap/floor etc. Sometimes to the toilet. Up the high chair. Up the pram etc etc. I also have to carry mopping buckets, laundry etc etc. How not to carry heavy weights??
my mil also say dun eat Del Monte bananas, she said too cooling like pineapple. haha

I always have lots of wind in my tummy.. i guess only can wait for gas to be passed out.. heehee most of the time I get tummy ache I will get hb apply medical oil for me.

talking abt medical oil.....eh....last time my aunt ever told me not to apply any medical oil.

she said something like when pregnant, there's always this something that moves around our body. so its better to avoid any type of oil like axe oil, ru yi oil, even plaster like the "tou ku hai".

so now, i dare not apply anything even when i have very severe wind problem in my stomach and cannot pass out wind.
ya..ya...talking abt tummy ache....I hv tummy ache quite often too. Esp after lunch.....dcos of this it stop me from drinking milk.

Hi Priviledged,
you gave birth in USA....is it very difficult. Was there anybody looking after you after u discharge from the hospital? DO you do confirment there?
Actually, my hb might need to go there to work so am not sure if i follow him there i can cope with my 2 girls &amp; this baby in my tummy &amp; deliver there. That's why maybe go after birth...
However, things are pretty unsure yet. since you been through thought I could ask you for some personal experience.
Priviledged, Icy,

Last time, i also ever did use stretch mark cream (aiya just cant remember the brand). its a pink cover with a pregnant woman figurine on it).

But of course, i din apply it religiiously lah....so in the end still kanna the stretch mark...but its not that terrible lor.

Do u think its save to use those cream during 1st trimester?
Hi Starlite,
Oh no......is it?. I always apply axe oil on the head, nose &amp; chest cos the nausea feeling is really uncomfotable. And also I paste the "Saloma patch" for my ankle cos fell down few mths back till now still hv not fully recovered.......
i heard before, but i feel so terrible that i heck care liaos.. :p but my hb only dare to apply a little bit for me.

same same, I intend to delivery here then join my hb to wherever he is.. after all for me, it is better to do confinement here with mil.

yeah, thats wat my aunt ever advised me. Not sure whether its a myth thingy. but i think i prefer to play safe lor.
Hi starlite..

No more durians ok..cos its super high sugar content..since u had pregnancy diabetes..the most take 1-2 seeds..My girlfriend has it too..n her gynae warn her not to take durians..seriously..also cut down on pastries, cakes, even ice-blended coffees or fruit juices..
I'm watching my diet too although I dont have but I dont want to get it..cos pregnancy diabetes can be very dangerous.

i think xiang ya jiao is the same as del monte banana aint it? my mil always call it "ya jio" in hokkien?

Oh u also got gestational diabetes? sigh....how unfortunate for us hor. Not sure why i kanna cos i got no family history of diabetes. but think it could be attributed to me eating too much during my pregnancy. I ate so much that i gain 3 kg every month when i visited my gynae leh.

Do u restrain your diet alot when u know u got GD? I did cos i very sad over this. I almost got depressed and felt very pitiful when comes to eating cos can only eat little bit everytime and stomach always feel empty.
Hi jc..

Go easy on the chocolate ok..cos of its caffeine content..dark chocolate has even higher caffeine content..So if need to eat..moderate. High amounts of caffeine is not good for the baby..it passes the placenta..its like a drug..so its not good lah..
i think apply now should be fine, after all the stretch cream is specifically for preggy woman. but I am not hardworking enough to apply everyday yet. :p I only heard a few brands, 1 is mothercare, another one is clarins one.

Yeah...will be 1st and last time. Its the only exception i made and i promise hubby and GP no more durians for the rest of the 9 mths!

In the 2nd last visit to gynae, i went straight after lunch and my weight went up by 500g and gynae already not happy say i put on too much and to reduce on sugar! Well, i already never take sugar after knowing preggie liao. drink everything like milo, horlicks all without milk or sugar.

But these days weather is super hot and i cant take plain water at times cos got the puke feeling. So i took Ribena light leh.
Hi icy,
You might be right...it's always more comfortable with familar places &amp; people. But i also worry whether we will be "blue" or not cos hb not around during last stage of pregnancy &amp; during cfment.......
Actually..its not easy to control our diets..can u imagine being hungry every hour..like I am..I really hav to control..although my gynae say I can afford the weight gain..I dont want to trust him in that sense..haha. Staying with mum-in-law makes it worse sometimes..she make sure I eat..I told her Im having small meals cos I'll be hungry an hour later..so i spread up my food intake so I wont overeat..she say no must eat cos baby must grow etc etc..oh no..so how..
Actually u dont really have to eat for 2..jus some extra calories a day..in 2nd n 3rd trimester increase calories a bit more..

So bitbit, starlite n ladies out there who find it difficult to control the eating etc..I have 2 tips..

Have small meals (so u can have more meals hehe)..
n make healthy food choices.

Right mrs wong? Any questions on nutrition, mrs wong can help us answer..she's the expert..
yeap, u are right. I had been worried that hubby cant be with me when I am in labour.. the only way is to update him whenever we are with gynae and make him come back when the bb is engaged.. and moreover we are very near cny.. so hb still have to come back to celebrate cny with family. here.. so actually it is not so bad.

I guess confinement not so bad bah, cos will have bb to keep us company. :D I keep saying hb, he will miss out impt stage of bb growth since I will be staing till bb at least 2-3mths.

Thanks, but sometimes its a bit to difficult for me to eat little cos i dont feel full and satisfied.

Mrs Wong,

For GD, i heard drink milo or horlick kosong also cannot cos they got sugar content. but ovaltine can. is it true?

Are u on progestrone pills or jab?

I'm on progesterone jab. the very painful jab and now im jabbing like twice a week. Gynae advised to jab till 12 week.

I not sure whether i sensitive or what. Everytime after the jab, i will feel that my breast is more painful.

Does the jab increase our HCG level? I ever ask my gynae that, he said no. It doesn't but just help to relax the womb so that more oxygen &amp; blood will flow to bb.
me got 3rd jab last week, i am not sure if i am getting anymore.. that depends on the gynae. I am on progesterone pills now. 3 times a day.

I find the jab given by bangkok nurse is less painful then sg nurse leh.. lol.. perhaps they jab more people there.. over here it is so painful that will last at least 30 mins or so. my breast not pain, or I din really notice.

Yah jab doesnt increase HCG, they are 2 different hormone.. like relax womb and open up more for bb to grow or something like that.
good afternoon everyone

i'm new here......though i lurk ard in the jan thread too....keke.... initially thought edd is end jan 07... but now might be feb 07 instead...
dun mind me joining in also?

this is my 1st preg... gynae dr yu suling from sgh...

i only got ms when ard 7 wks.......then on &amp; off till now.... my ms always ard or after meal times... esp dinner.... very chiam..

currently shld be in 10 wks plus... going for next appt next fri....

ehh....i have not started applying stretchmark cream yet... still dunno which one to use...
Wah! Suddenly so many posts.

So you gals don't eat the 'hong' bananas and you still have 'hong'? So how?? Haiz, just stick to the Pisang Mas (pang jio). So nice and cheap here.

Aiyo, take care of your injuries. I also tend to have recurring injuries. Easily injure myself (age also plays a part). Right now I feel as if I have strained my ankle, though I don't know how.

I haven't delivered in Singapore, so I really can't compare. I think your experience in the US will depend on where exactly you are. I was in the mid-west (Indiana). Over in the town where I was, we had a choice of seeing a Ob/Gyn or a CNM. I used a CNM for my whole pregnancy and delivery. She's a Certified Nurse Midwife. It's more pro-natural. The whole pregnancy and delivery experience was wonderful (apart from the fact that I had a very long and painful labour under induction). They don't pressure you to do anything you don't want to. At one point I was asking for epidural, but the nurse reminded me that I had said I didn't want epidural if possible. So she suggested something else for me and it worked well. I had the option of various birth and labour positions. I laboured on hands and knees, squatting etc etc. My labour room had a jacuzzi if you wanted a water birth.

My MIL and mother could not fly over (thank God), but my mum's old friend loves to travel and has done confinement for her own daughter. Also, she could drive. She came to help me to cook and clean. We 'imported' a whole chinese medicine shop of all sorts of herbs for 'confinement'. But I was not very strict lah. Just eat those ginger/sesame oil stuff, bathe in the tea, drink the longan red-date drink and occasionally some other herbs. Baby &amp; I went out from day 9. We had to do many admin things for my baby cos we were flying back when baby was just 6 wks old.

One major issue you need to be aware of when delivering in the US is insurance. The cost of my entire pregnancy care and delivery was about US$10 000. And this was in a small ulu town in the midwest. Insurance paid it all. I paid about $2000 for the insurance and some $250 excess. That's all. But if you go when you are ALREADY pregnant, most insurance companies don't cover you. You might have to check that.
PVL, my stretchmark is still with me until now. Like what you say, I applied the cream religiously, but I still get stretchmark. Duno why? Maybe the cream cannot heal the tummy expanding speed.

icy, dun feel yourself weak, have some courage. After my m/c last time, I strike again and that preg I also hav spotting on and off. I was prescribed with those hormone pills - white colour one (quite expensive 1 pill around $1.20). I take it and I go through the 12 weeks
hi icy,
me too..was given such pills to take esp after my m/c last time. Be strong and press on ! Me was spotting on &amp; off too and yes, i hvae already seen my gynae for 5 times tho i'm at 8 werks pregnant
guess we have no choice but just to make sure bb is fine....
bitbit, doggy,

just to check. is the white colour pill called gestinin? cos i also on the pill and have to take 3 times a day. but that time i ask the nurse, she told me its 60cents per tablet.
When does your gynae allow you to sign up for the package? My gynae provides package but he has never ask me to sign up so I am still paying per visit. He also didnt talk about doing any test? Maybe its cos I am only 8 weeks plus?
Starlite, for me, my breasts didnt grow much the other time so I just got bra extension from JL. Didnt buy any bras. Think you better try to control your durian intake since you got GD. I still dun have the desire to eat durians leh.

icy, why dun u call your gynae to check with him abt your condition?

JC, guess you got to try to drink more water since choc is heaty? I used Galenic for my 1st preg, got no stretchmarks. So thot of using back this brand but Mrs Wong recommended olive oil, which is cheaper.

PVL, have 'hong' means your tummy have wind and you'll feel very uncomfy. Wow, medical fees is so high in US! Lucky you have insurance covered.

nana, I'm also considering which stretchmark cream to get. I used Galenic and got no stretchmark for my 1st preg. But heard that olive oil is a much cheaper choice.

cherryale, some gynae only start package after the 1st trimester when your preg has stabilised.
hi JC, yes it is my 1st time. did u see Dr Lisa for all your other pregnancies too? how is she?

nana, my MS is not any better. in fact, i think it has gotten worse lately. feeling so miserable. and the hunger pangs are terrible also.

guys, do any of u all feel terrible after sitting in a car?
Hi all,

Got a suggestion for all. For my case, I bought those bra extensions at the back as I really dont know how much it will grow or till when. It's cheap and good. Only cost about S$2.50 for those 2 hooks one. Can help till it's time to wear those nursing bras.....

As for stretch cream, I was told to apply once you know you are pregnant. I'm using Mustela (France product), cost around S$50...heard from NTUC healthcare that it's quite good?..but it's a bit greasy...smell ok...dont apply so much then will not feel that greasy....
Hi chews,

whenever you feel bad sitting in a car, let your head rest on the seat, relax and will feel better...I'm having the same problem but doing that will minimise the effect......

Guess everyone having hunger pangs now....

I'm having trouble with my colleagues all asking why I'm always so hungry nowadays when they caught me eating several times a day....hai... can't tell them i'm pregnant now....
Hi ladies..

Im dont know which stretchmark cream to use..Im thinking olive oil is to oily to put on the skin..a bit uncomfortable..

I'm currently using normal moisturising cream, Vit E type..I heard it helps prep the skin for the stretching but it may not prevent totally..anyway, usually stretchmarks are unavoidable during pregnancy cos the skin will stretch a lot esp at tummy..hence the stretchmarks will appear..but some women dont get it so obvious on the skin..

Hi chews..

Ya..I feel very nauseated after a car ride..but usually if I take the ride when I starting to get my MS, that is afternoon or evening time.
Charis, preggies onli need extra 300 calories per day. Compared to the normal 2000 calories we need pre-pregnancy, 300 is v little.

Small meals will help with the bloated and indigestion feeling.

For those who got alot of gas but it seems stuck, try getting a hot water bottle to put on your tummy.

FOr those who got craving for durians and worried about GD, just take a small mouthful to satisfy your craving can le
I also like, but my mum had GD so I'm quite worried about GD also.
High risk for GD: pple with borth weight above 3kg, family history of diabetes or GD and obesity.

Starlite, all powdered drinks contain sugar. Difference is only the amount of sugar. You can compare by looking at the label on the tin, search for sugar content per 100ml and compare.

Giggler, I signed package on first visit at 4-5 weeks
Saved alot of money. Hubby enquired about 'in case of M/C', nurse said they will refund remaining portion or we can hold on to it till next pregnancy.
Breakdown of how much I saved: Est each visit is S$150 (consult, urine tests, scan)
visits so far: week 4, 6, 8.
Package is S$800, so already 'saved' S$450!

Chews, I hate sitting in bus, no ventilation I will feel faint and wanna puke.
You gals should go get fitted with new bras. Have to buy new bras every 2 months from now on.

It is the appropriate cup size that matters. Extensions won't help.

If dun wear proper sized bra will have saggy breasts one lei...
Hi Priviledged,
many thanks in sharing the info with me.

Hi chews,
yes...i seen her for my previous 2 pregnancies.
overall she is skillful &amp; good.
hi hi,

last nite appointment was good ..
i saw the heartbeat very clearly ...
bb moved ... CRL = 21
is only 2.1cm .. soo small only ..
doc said scan first see for heartbeat then jab me ..
so last nite i kena jab for the 3rd time ..
next appointment is 3 weeks from now ...

i just started the package with my gynae ..
he brought it up and ask me if i'm interested ..
i said yup ..
so i started the package at my 3rd visit at week 9 now ..
but package doesn't include jab ..
each jab is 30 ..
he going to jab me till week 16 ..
yah looks like i have to start getting new bras now.

does anyone know if drinking ribena as a substitute for water
is ok long term? cos i hv been drinking only ribena since
i had that bad taste in the mouth.
Ck, the jab still afforable. I'm sure the baby is priceless

At least you start saving on ala carte pricing already lor.

Your baby's size is alright. Mine was 2cm at Week 8 day 3

Next appt is 2 weeks later at week 12 but heart-itchy wanna go back to gynae early to see baby, anyway already on package...heehee...
Chews, I only drink small quantities of ribena to get rid of the nauseous feeling. Not more than 1/4 cup a day
hi giggler

wah so good u dun have any strechmark at all in ur previous pregnancy? how u find Galenic? is it very greasy? any smell? i scared the smell might make me wan to puke....

hi chews

yeah me too.....ms getting worse these few weeks... praying hard it wld go away soon....
coupled with my ms, my nose always blocked nowadays too.....dunno is it becos of the ms lead to my blocked nose or wat.... xin ku man...
starlite, tat time I take it's not call gestinin. I think something like dupha...

giggler me also durian lover who is controlling my taste bud now.

I duno what happen to my eyes, it's so red now, is it because high blood pressure? I so scare..

cherrdayle, maybe u r young taty ur gynae didn't suggest u any test. i am 35 liao. Test had to be done between 11 to 14 week, and my next scan is 12 week, so my gynae already ask me to do the test at my 2nd appt. I also find it so fast hor.. 1st appt already ask me to book for test.
hi mrs wong,

that serious! every 2 months need to change cup size?

you will reach cup F or more leh.....

are you getting those with wires? if not, think breast will still sag right?...
Mrs Wong, it's really quite strange but my experience with Northern Hope is very different from yours. When I went there 2 weeks back, the nurse there said I can only sign up the package on the 2nd visit. Then when I enquired about, what if the preg m/c or has to be terminated half way, she clearly told me there is NO refund.

As such, I am very apprehensive about sigining a package with Northern Hope. I will most likely go to Tiong Bahru to continue seeing Dr Woo.

In fact, during the consultation, I actually asked Dr Woo what is the difference in price between Tiong Bahru ($550) and Northern ($800) and Dr Woo himself told me, "There is no difference. The price is not set by me." Basically, he meant the only difference is price.

Of course, he didn't encourage me to go Tiong Bahru. I guess he can't do that, as he has to serve both sides.. he can't seem to be favouring any side. The price at Northern is set by Northern while the price at Tiong Bahru is set by Thomson.
bitbit, I am not young, 31 already so definitely need to do those tests. I think I better check with gynae the next time about test and package.

ck, my gynae gave me a jab weekly from week 4 to 8 (due to my past m/c) and said will stop from there as I didnt have any spotting. The baby/placenta will take over the pregnancy but I think I better do it till week 12 to be safe. why does your gynae jab you till week 16? I am very ks this time round as I really dun want to have any risk of losing my baby. Think my baby is measuring small, at 8 weeks, only 15.8mm, at least yours have 2.1mm. But gynae didnt say anything about the size being too small so I guess I am within the range. I am rather petite so perhaps baby also small?
Mrs Wong,
Who told you that every 2 months you must change cup size/bra size? I don't remember doing that with my first pregnancy. In fact, it was nearly delivery day when I went to buy new bras - nursing bras. The shop person advised that I should buy 1 cup bigger than currently cos once I started breastfeeding, the cup would probably increase about one size. She was quite right. Hehehe. Unless you like to wear your bras very tight tight one.
Underwire bras might be even more uncomfortable. But your own choice.

<font color="0000ff">nana</font>
My nose is more blocked these days too. First preg for me also the same. Esp while sleeping. Last night I repeatedly woke up with my whole mouth glued together - so dry. I used to use Flixonase for my nose regularly, but now pregnant, I decrease the usage. Don't know if that's the cause.
my doc package is 500 ...
so i find it very reasonable ..

i stopped spotting at week 5 ...
and each time i see him he jab me ..
maybe he think the jab is beneficial to me ..
i din ask him further over the jab ..
at 9 week i'm sure your bb will reach 21 .. he he ..
some bb grow faster some slower i guess ..

UR bb is not the smallest. mine is only 13mm at 7wweeks4days, which is coming to 8 weeks.

i am worried but i guess since doc never say anything, i just relax loh.. no pt gettng too stressed up
moodymom, you're following the 3-mth rule?

Charis, some said that it's the genes lah.... for me, I dun have any stretchmarks from my 1st preg.

Mrs Wong, ya some gynae starts their package very early, think the cheapest I heard of is Dr Adrian. I didnt change my bras at all during my 1st preg.

nana, Galenic is not greasy and I like the smell but it's quite ex lor.

bitbit, my 2nd appt is next week, we'll see what tests my gynae ask me to take. So you taking all req'd tests? Hb has been buying durians but I just dun feel like having leh.

PVL, you got sensitive nose?

mrs wong,

huh....all powdered drinks got sugar??? aiyo so sad if true. then what am i going to drink for the next few months.

remember last time i only drank milk, milk and milk. nowadays when i try to drink HL, my stomach will start growling after that and got a lot of wind.
