(2007/02) February


Yeah I work in Tg Pagar area. actually I would say in betwn RP & TP lor. Me near LPS area - clear hint enuff? ha ha ha..........

me arh - I will think of alot of things to eat bt when it comes to eating, no appetite again. So poor hb said sooner or later he'll b the one putting on more wt & suffer frm indigestion rather than me.

Anyway I hv very bad indigestion prob leh. my fooc can stay in my body for so many hrs.......... bt then while on the way hme, very automatically will feel hungry. Dunno y. Bt when I c food I feel very bored.

chews - I dun hv gd appetite arh.......... I can only think. Think only mah - free one! I can't eat much, my portion still same as b4. Worse thing is eat already feel nausea the whole day. Bt dun eat inside kips rumbling.

Actually I think it's heng lor. Cos I managed to find out tat fruits can help me curb the nausea. Tats y everytime I will eat main food then + fruits. Then I try to eat those ci ji food. Wah I tell u gals - spicy & sour food - my favourite! Mee siam! *slurp*

Giggler - if u wk near ware I m wking - the coffeeshop next to Bank of India (or Bangkok) their mee siam is very nice & cheap $2.20 only.

Then when I go mum's plc for dinner - she will try to cook curry or spicy chkn to spice up my appetite.

Las Sat MIL also tried to cook something spicy & sour tat tat I hv appetite to eat, My appetite improved las wk, then I could eat well. Bt these fw days again nausea thru'out, go out & shop also torturing.
JC, i take chicken essence every morning before i go to work. after drinking will not feel tired easily. gyne said chicken essence is heaty so if my gums start to bleed then hv to cut down.

giggler, ya spring maternity clothings are nice and got quite a variety.

anyone thot of posting their bb scan here? i tink will be interesting!
Oh Giggler,

U r looking for CL? Initially my mum volunterred to help me out bt my niece will then b 1yr+ by the time my bb is out, then nobody can help my mum much cos my dad is a taxi driver also.

Then my 2nd option is - look for CL. Bt I heard/ read the fees went up to $3k! OMG! so Exp! Hence I decided to get a maid. w/ $3k - I can hv a helper for almost 6mths liao leh.

Then I can ask her to cook confinement food. my gf says it's actually very easy only. Then @ least there is someone else to help do housechores then also cook & help look after my bb.

We intend to hv the maid look after our bb when I rtn to wkforce. Bt again during tat fw mths I will monitor her & c hw she's progressing. If still nt very ok, will put her under observance @ my SIL hse during the day cos SIL lives nearby. If really the maid is beyond help, then I think I would hv changed her long time ago le.
Hi giggler..


Hi ah ger..

I have generally a good appetite too..but Im eating small meals cos of my MS..

Im told to put on weight..cos gynae was concerned I was too skinny at my 1st pregnancy..so could be reason why I miscarried that time..

Well..now Im at better weight..but got MS..so cant eat much also..the previous time I had no MS so my appetite was much better. But I told the ladies I have very severe hunger pangs..but I only need to munch a piece of biscuit or fruit then I very full already.
My coll has discount card for Spring, Theme. So I m gng to borrow frm her. Hee hee......

I will also do some shopping @ Perfect Mum & Cloud Nine. They hv sale right nw. Think 10%.

Then I will go The Arcade & chk out Modern Maternity. Their capris are very comfy. My gf lent me hers then I like it so much. Can wear thru'out cos the elastic band @ the back is w/ adjustable band w/ a button to lock.
I still rem initial stage - whe suddenly my MS came. I looked @ my plate of lontong &
cos I was very very hungry bt then I can't eat. Hb also shocked. Then I forced myself to eat bt end up when I rch hme - everything came out.

Then the very night, I had no appetite bt I saw fruits inside then I ate then indeed I felt much better lor. So tats hw I know.

Bt the nausea thru'out the day was still terrible.

I dun like biscuits, cos I find it very dry....... I hate bread also.

Haiz, me nw even hv problem making myself to drink milk which used to b my fav.
ah ger, u mean u won't feel horrible when u puke out spicy food?
because my mom told me not to eat hot spicy food cos when vomitting out, it will be very sing ku. so i refrain from that totally.

charis, i think i'm losing weight too. simply no appetite at all.

to all SAHMs, what do u all do at home? i feel terrible cos i dont do anything except sleep and i feel lousy by the end of the day. but i simply don't have the energy to go out at all. anyone have the same prob?

i'm really crossing my fingers and hoping this MS will end soon...
ah ger, it's good to hv MS, meaning ur body got enough hormones. i told my gyne i feel nausea almost everyday and throw up my food. he said this is a good sign, meaning the pregnancy is healthy. moreover i hv PCOS so it's good that i behave this way. eating dried apricot n raisin help to ease MS.
chews - I took spicy food wun feel so bad leh. The only time when I puke after taking spicy food was the plate of lontong lor.

nwadays I try nt to puke then I ren ren ren. So everytime I will drink alot of water. Then I must hv fruits lor.

Recently I took anti-nause pills frm my gynae, bt I try nt to take them, cos I dun wanna depend so much on pills.

Ha ha ha, me a wking MTB also feel lazy. Hb always drag me to go out, bt end up I give him lame excuses like too sunny, troublesome hv to bathe then do make up & blah blah blah......... always kena scolding one.

I aldo no energy to even try on clothes - like suddenly very nua. The salesgirl ask me to try bt I said I m lazy + tired. jia lats.... ha ha ha.... Hb also gave up.

@ the beginning, I had very sensitive nose - many of the things I smelt were smelly. Then worse - every morning dunno y, I smelt my hse got those big onions smell. *faint* So wat I had to do was to on the fan & blow the living rm for the nx 20mins until when I m out & leaving the hse.

Yeah, I read frm a mag tat having MS is gd, it shows the pregnancy is healthy. Bt then to feel nausea thru the day is horrible lor. Imagine sometimes I take bus also will feel tat then my journey to the ofc is abt an hr.

Wats PCOS?

Then I cannot miss my hunger time. If I m hungry - I must eat if nt I will go haywire. Esp b/f. Ha ha ha.......

bt bcos I cant take very heavy meals - morning I will eat like chee cheong fun or chkn porridge which is lighter. Lunch time I try to take something spicy to excite my appetite. Night time something light again.
Wah............ I realised I tokked alot leh......... can c frm tis page.

ha ha ha..... can imagine hw stinko my mouth is for the whole day liao.
Hi Chews...I am not a SAHM but hv the same problem....lazy & with no energy. Other then coming to work & bringing my 2 others kids for extra activities...i would rather stay at home & sleep....I am even lazy to sort out my mails & doing some simple filing at home. Bills & letters has stacked up high...wonder r they overdue !!!!

Hi Ah ger... i was like you ...like to drink fresh milk prior to preggy. But now i dun even want to touch it...but chocolate milk not so bad lah....
I was a meat eater....but now dun quite like meat .......
Hungry but when see food got the "err" feeling. but still eat lah....no choice !!!

I hope all of us can quickly get over this MS real soon.
ah ger, u can read abt PCOS in this website.

y don't u eat hv a few pcs of jacob cracker or a fruity bar before you leave the house, at least got something in your stomach. bring tiger balm along with you, i like to apply it when i feel nausea in the office. i advise you not to take so much spicy food, as it contain coconut milk.
JC - same here! my mails @ hme also piling up! just dun feel like touching anything. Bt I still try to help out in housework lah like washing vacumming & washing laundry bt hb will hand them out.

They all say must drink pao guni leh....... I dare nt even dare to start, I scared I will end up wasting the guni hoon only. Choc milk - very heaty leh, make sure u drink plenty of water.

I m a vege eater all along, nw I still eat vege, then my fav meat is chkn - I seldom touch. Haiz........ heng I still like fish. Any of u gals hate fish?

yeah yeah, I c the food was like "haiz......... gotta eat again." Bt if I dun eat then I will get very hungry.

Then arh, I told hb I m nt gng to stay up late again le. Or even wake up in the middle of the night like during the World Cup Fever. Cos I will feel hungry. Then even drink milk also doesn't help. Me all along also dun eat supper one so I also dun wanna make it a habit. So end up I drank some water & force myself to slp. Bt I will wake up very early cos inside rumbling mah.

Then I hv to wake hb who's still in dreamland to go eat w/ me lor.
Hi Pekochan,

crackers - I find it dry, then I personally dun take those museli bars kind - very sweet leh.

I bring inhaler w/ me lor. When I feel nausea then I will bring out & inhale abit.

Thanks for the advice.

Spicy food - depends on wat kind. My mum cook those dry spicy chkn is w/o coconunt one - so no worries. Then my MIL cook is those assam bt I think she put milk & spice powder & nt coconut leh. I also dunno hw she cook lah....... bt I also dun really take the gravy just want the taste only.

tats y if I know they will cook all these for me to eat, I will reduce my own intake during my own meals lor. Bt mee siam is no coconut one mah..... isn't it so?

another food tat can excite me - Spicy & Sour soup or noodles in it. Crystal Kitchen Laz Mian - their spicy/ sour soup noodle - is nice! Very shiok! Or else can try The Asian Kitchen - one @ RP 1 @ Marina Sq (others I dunno le) - the Spicy Sour Soup is also sedap! *drooling*
wow...i just went for 1 hr + nap and there's so many postings already.

I not sure whether they have dresses leh...cos that time i was very tired when i found out about the shop so i just look look see see outside and din really have a real good look.

Seems like Giggler has bought something there. Maybe Giggler can share with us?


Sorry, i really dont know whats the block no. If i have the opportunity to go there again, think i knew how to walk to the shop only. Where did u buy yours? Maybe u can share with us what u seen there as seems quite alot of pple interested leh.

Yes, think if u are using whitening product now, can try to stop for a while if u are ok with it.

Deodorant also got whitening one. At least for Nivea brand cos im using that brand. Now im still using that but i use the one that is mild version and alcohol free.

For anti-acne, its medically proven and a no-no to use during pregnancy. So ladies u may want to watch out for this and if going for facial better tell your beautician in advance.

Ah ger,

What i meant was to play safe no facial for 1st trimester lah. Actually i intend to go for facial when im in 2nd trimester.

For my 1st pregnancy, i super kiasu, din go facial at all. So all in all i din go for facial for one whole yr including my confinment period since confined at home. So u can imagine how horrible i feel with all the black heads on my face for 1 yr!
Starlite - my fault cos I too chatty already so I posted alot lor.

Oh............... actually I think facial - so long as u think u can do w/o it then dun go. For me is I ren ren ren so many mths liao then my face kip having breakouts + my pimples when they r out they hv no heads - end up all scarring my face leh. Sobs............................

I actually intend to do the Kose nose mask @ hme bt then lazy. Since I hv package then ask ppl do for me lor. Then so long as no massage then ok already.

I will nv allow blackheads to sign up as PR for tat 1 yr. So I will still use tissue paper & sqz them out! ha ha ha.......
hi gals

wow, the thread is moving sooo fast.

thanks gals for sharing on stretch mark cream. Me using Palmer's for the past 3 days. i find it ok, not oily. i think one of the gals mention to apply at the buttocks as well. Will do that, but must wait for my progesterone jabs to complete in week 12. The jabs cause lots of itchness at my buttocks, so will have to wait for the itch to go away before apply the stretch mark cream.

mrs wong, not sure whether u are reading this thread... but like wat the gals said, communications over the forum can sometimes bring about misunderstanding becos the words may not represent the actual tone of the person. This is wat happens over emails too. Sometimes, msgs are not meant to be hostile, and it is really up to individual readers to interpret. One suggestion to avoid misunderstanding is to use emoticons in the msgs for the true "tone" to be reflected.
So far, i find the pple here very friendly and helpful (including u) with my queries.
Hi Chloe

Yeah I apply the cream on the whole stomach area, then the buttocks joining the thighs then also the thigh area & also breasts surrounding cos they wil get stretch also. then if my hand stil feel abit creamy then I also massage them on my arms. ha ha ha............

wow, u are talking about the NT scan too. me going for NT scan next week, at week 12. i am expecting triplets so my dr has asked me to go for the scan to make sure that all my babes are ok. Should any intervention be done to terminate an abnormal fetus, my dr prefers to get it done by week 12 to avoid complications to the rest of the siblings. Of cos, if all three are healthy, we will keep all of them.
Wish us good luck!
Chloe - urs still chkn wings arh? Mine is drumstick liao lor. ha ha ha................

U excited or nt? Having triplets? Then hw r u gng to handle them? Who's gng to help look after?

@ 1st I tot if I can hv twins then can zip up & close factory.......... bt who knows saw one & only one .
jc & ah ger, yah doing simple things like sorting out mail or making a phone call seems to take a lot of effort. sigh....!

now my hb not only has to work, but when he comes back, he also has to do do laundry and attend to me. poor thing..

do u all find that the hunger pangs that we get now are somewhat different from the usual hunger pangs? that is, these particular hunger pangs must do something abt it one, if not, really can be unbearable! especially if its in the middle of the nite!!
hey gals..

my eyes almost closed.. so tired..

i just talked to my boss, he told me to eat prawns , which is good for bb brain development. but do watch the cholestrol level.

BTW, how do u all settle ur dinner? eat outside or homecook meals? find it hard to have a balance diet when eating out.
hi ah ger

Most likely my parents will have to look after my kids... i also not sure how i can handle them but will try my best lor. i like to play with other pple's kids, aiyah, but when come to ur own hor, different story. When they cry, u cannot just push them to other pple cos they are ur own kids...

Even if i expecting 1, i will be equally excited! Can't wait to shop for baby clothes! But that will have to wait till their genders are known.
chews! yes I totally agree w/ u. Las time if I m hungry during midnights when I stay up late, I can tahan. I can drink water then tats it. Bt nw the more water I drink, the worse it gets. Then go toilet all out liao lagi jia lats.

Then I hv to eat something one, if nt I will start to feel nause again - tats y I say haywire lor.

Stella - all our 3 meals are outside. Cos by the time rch hme already 2 late then just 2 persons, lazy to cook also lah. By the time dinner is done - it's supper lor. Ha ha ha......

Yes - everything just eat moderately. I m still taking most of the food I used to eat bt as usual no PORK! I hate pork! Tats y MIL shake head lor....... ha ha ha....
JC, I shd be putting on wt liao cos hb keep feeding me with supper these few nites.

Ah ger, you take your wt so many times a day? Hehehe.... Me too, feel hungry but dun feel like eating once I see the food. But I still force myself to take lah. I dun work near you, my ofc is at Tg Pagar mrt. I cant take spicy food while I preggie leh, not sure why cos I'm chilli queen. Getting maid is a good idea, thanks I'll keep that as one of the option. Luckily I'm ok with fish this time round. Me gg for check-up this Wed, so excited abt it but keep having nightmare these few nites cos of it. My gynae's package incl Vit supplements.

chews, I still got to take care of my gal when at home.

Charis, I dun see any dresses there but I was looking for pants so didnt notice lah. Must keep in mind that their quality so-so only hor?

Starlite, that means I got to buy new range of facial pdts cos I'm using whitening ones. I also not sure how to give directions leh. It's near to Toa Payoh library lah.

Chloe, so fast you gg for the scan liao. You'll do it at your gynae's clinic or elsewhere?
I had been trying to look for Palmer stretch mark cream at two Guardian pharmacy but couldnt seems to find.

Tomorrow i going for my gynae appt again, will try the Guardian there.

Btw, anyone here who is around 10 wks or 10 wks plus and just went for gynae visit? Just want to check the size of your bb at this stage.

Yeah lor, tats y I had bn pushing away the idea of having a little one. Cos I gets paranoid when bbs start to scream & etc......... I like to play w/ my niece bt when she cries, @ least I can pass bac to my sis or my mum to handle. Bt nt when is my own kids lor.

Will u get a maid? Cos ur mum will hv prob taking care of all 3 right? Best if u can hv mixed genders tis pregnancy then can really zip up liao. Bt if all same gender will u still try again?
hi stella, my dinner is a mix. sometimes i go over to my MIL's but lately, i can't even do that cos of the constant nausea. as for lunch, i also have a prob cos i'm a SAHM but i cant cook much or go out to buy food, so its tough. now my MIL brings lunch over everyday. its so troublesome but no other choice cos i'm alone at home all day.

do any of u know if there are any good lunch caterers that i can use for these couple of months? i heard most of them do two meals a day, seldom one.
hi stella

Although my mom can cook for me, i prefer to eat out. Dunno why, ever since pregnant, i start to feel nausea whenever i see the food my mom cooks... Supposed to be better than outside food lar... But my taste buds just won't listen to me!

I hv a weighing scale in my bedrm mah.

then I will usually c wats the diff cos by noon/ evening I can feel my stomach like jin full, so wanna c the diff lor. Hee hee....

My gynae pkg doesn't incl Vits supplements.

Starlite - if u saw the link I sent out just nw - u can c the est measurement of fetal development. I just went in & chk. 10wks is abt 3cm, 11wks is abt 4cm, 12 wks abt 5.5cm.

Nah - tis is the ref guide. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/
hi starlite

Last week, i went for my scan at week 10. My babies are about 3.5 cm.

ah ger, nope, not getting maid. i offered but my mom did not agree. She read too much in the papers about maids throwing kids down the flats... so she kind of scared lor. i also dun wanna push her too hard on this cos if later she cannot get along with the maid, i lagi more headaches...
stella, my mil is really nice to do that, but i feel bad cos she oso very bz. dats why i hope i can find another alternative, like a caterer or something. otherwise so tiring for her lah..

and hopefully, this MS goes off soon so i can settle my own meals!
Ok, hope my bb is around 3cm in tomorrow scan.

btw, anybody here craving for maggie mee? i have been craving for my myojo maggie mee for the past few days but dont dare to eat since maggie mee not very healthy....

Anybody still eating that?
Hi starlite,
Me still eating maggie mee.. beside fruits, i craved for hot hot soup. When eat out, i chose bee hoon soup/korean ramen/fishhead noodle etc.. all must eat while very hot then shiok. ;p
hi starlite

me even more sinful than u. i eat fast food and drink coca cola! Prob is i really cannot stand the smell of cooking oil... so a lot of food i dare not touch. Told my dr and he advised me to drink 100plus or decaf non-sugar coke if i really cannot swallow plain water. Now i take one glass 100plus everyday, and then i between try to sip plain water lor... As for fast food, i limit myself to once a week. i think it is better to eat something than to not eat anything at all. And if u puke watever u eat, then also no use lor. Best if u can keep the food inside u for about 2 hours before vomiting. So far, i vomited 3 times, now week 11. Hopefully my MS will end soon...
yes...i have craving for maggie mee ...somemore is the curry flavour. I eat a packet yesterday. cannot tahan just go cook & eat it...I ate it dry...wow....so delicious at least can tahan for a few weeks b4 the next crave.
hee...so that means i can still satisfy my cravings??? Aiyo i in two minds leh...


Fast food is more sinful than maggie mee meh? I think not leh....as for gassy drinks, yeah...i will take coke light or pepsi light instead. Last time use to have 7-up light which is better cos no caffeine but now no more already

For dry one, there is this brand 100 ramen...its very shiok cos quite spicy. My hubby like it too. But after eat already very thirsty one.
think better dun drink so much of the gassy drinks...coke ...pepsi....will put on weight leh... later fat fat how.... ?????

I'm a SAHM. I cook about 4 days a week. 2 days I go to my MIL's, and 1 day to my mum's. But these days, I have no appetite to eat, and no inclination to cook. Have to force myself to do so. We like to eat home-cooked food cos I include more veges. I also have to cook lunches, so you can imagine... no energy, and no appetite. Just have to plan ahead and DO IT!

OK. Now got to finish mopping floor and take care of a rumbling in my tummy.
