(2007/01) Jan

fariekim, do update us on Khatijah's massage. I read from another forum that she is not bad and have the strength. Thus posted her number here. Today trying Nisah...hope she is good too cos I read from that forum she is quite good.
hi everyone,

taking a break from doing spring-cleaning... right now at my mum's place cleaning up my room for gerger's arrival. Worried that if I delay it somemore I will have difficulty getting up and down liao. As it is, so hard to come up from the floor! Hubby says I darn lousy, five months machiam like eight months pregnant like that.
Hello <font color="0000ff">aqu</font>, i will definitely let you know when I get my virgin pre-natal massage next Sunday! Do share your experience with Nisah too!
Hey Jas, argh..i miss your posting before going for the class. My antenatal lesson started at 2pm today. Ended at 4.30pm. It was very enjoyable. How about yours?
Aqua - the disp panties I bgt is bigger than those from KP, I think can stretch till 48"..i need these to feel comfy lah.. i think the other mummies no prob.. my butt is big..haha!

Serrich - yes i agree with u, those ah cannot lah, haven pull up split oradi! haha!

zenn - my sis recommends those thermometers that u can read when u aim at forehead as the ear ones if not inserted properly not accurate as with babies not ez leh.. i saw one that can use both at forehead or ear but can't recall where. Mus go jalan jalan again..will let u know. Oops, jus saw your post... ya, something like wat ur gf recommended.

Alethea - don worry abt the powder puff.. jus don puff like making bread and u r fine. Oso, avoid face..the beta puff if from pigeon as it is more compact and wont 'puff' so much. As for Karaoke.. its ok as long no smoke, that is more damaging than the sound level. As long as not everyday, once in a while is fine lah.. I went for my wubai rock concert in Spore last mth.. baby slept so well, guess he was 'rocked' to sleep from my waving! haha!

Mildy - take care of the cramps! Take some calcium pills, heard it can help.

Pinky - actually there are pad which are 35cm long which can oso be used but i bgt as looked interesting. Guess I will buy those I normally use too.. guess everything mus try as every1 may develop or have their own preferences. Pinky, if ur MIL is v insistent u cover ur legs, mayb wear socks as our soles is wear we lose heat fastest. Karmy is a v good brand which I have been using for very long time. Firstly, its cos the cutting is generous (around my hips) and secondly their materials are v soft.. I don like those from pasar malam as have to wash many times b4 the mat becomes comfy.

Icy - Karmy have diff ranges.. some 14.90 some 16.90. So no worries lah.. Icy, u can use Desitin or Drapolene. I think alot of mummies like Desitin (Creamy) beta. I bgt both as my sis told me Desitin is difficult to clean off and she prefers Drapolene. So far 2 of her girls never any rash on Drapolene. Believe we mus oso be conscientious to ensure bb get clean n dry diapers. I bgt both to try to see which I like. I heard Desitin Creamy easier to clean off than the ointment.

Sherl - we 6mths liao.. going into 7th oradi lair.. don say get up from floor.. i get up from bed or turn oso got prob.. Next time ask him strap on a sack of rice and ask him get up? kekek!

Sorry, super long post!
Good morning!

<font color="ff6000">sugar</font>, let me know issit the same brand of therometer as my gf recommended. will do my research too.

For those mummies using Bruan, issit thro ear only?

gals, issit true that we should hang the music mobile at bb cot oni when they are 3 mths old? cant remember wats the exact theory but something like so that they will not b too focus with the music mobile oni. -blur-
<font color="ff0000">mummies</font>, so glad that the haze is almost cleared.

<font color="119911">zenn</font>, am using Bruan thermometer. It is done thru ear.

Hey <font color="aa00aa">baby_milk, icylemon and janey</font>, a reminder to transfer postage charges to Mrs Piggy for the oh!baby purchase.

<font color="0077aa">Sherl</font>, I have the same problem as you. I felt so heavy when trying to pick myself from the floor. Hahaha..can't imagine when am in 3rd trimester :p
Alethea T,
Not all brands on sales, I saw NUK, Pigeon and some other on sales at Bugis Seiyu.

Thanks for sharing....

The website from dignus, u ever used b4? Cos I hardly buy online, can u advise?

zenn - ok, i go jalan jalan again n let u know. Hey, don forget abt our class comin wed.. m pretty excited leh..hehe, we got company liao!
Hi bluegrapes,

My class start at 4.30. So I have missed u. I do agreed that the class is very enjoyable.

Wanted to book the 2.30 class but already no more vancancy...
hi ladies

tried nisah's massage yesterday...not bad...very relaxing...she din use too much strength cos maybe pre-natal massage not supposed to. Her package for post-natal is $400 for 10 sessions with cloth wrap and also before the wrap she will apply those herbs on the tummy. She uses very light lemongrass oil during the massage. I will probably ask her to use the oil I am getting from littledreamers cos I dun like the lemongrass oil smell. kekeke...on the whole she is not bad but never try her post-natal before so cannot really tell whether she is as strong as my previous massage lady. Will be doing another session with her probably in another 2-3 weeks time. Btw, she is also approached by birth and beyond to do massage but she turned them down due to other commitments then. Btw each session is 1hr, if she is free that day she usually do longer...like yesterday she did total 1.5hr for me.

And yes, Khatijah is her sister.
AletheaT: thks for sending BB Checklist! it's v. useful.

icylemon: paiseh, i din know its u who msg me abt the PSI...now the PSI is already back to normal, but think the news said that it will be back soon if the wind direction changes..aiyo, when's indonesia gg to stop the burning????

iceblue: nice blog!! wow, ur bb sure got a lot of presents!!! i also bought the baby wipes but only 3 pkts cos no hands to carry back as we bought other things as well...think i will go and buy again to stock up..hehe
<font color="0000ff">icyblue</font>,
Wow! impress blog, like the part where u listed wat bb listen to. It will serve as a useful guide for any mtb.

talked to my mummy today &amp; guess wat, she told me that over the TV programme, she saw this guy who is supernice to his wife, do everything for the wife, she is so impress!!! C u really made an impression on everyone. Keep up e good job so tat our HB'll learn sthg from you.

<font color="0000ff">AletheaT</font>
Are u e one who once posted abt getting this terrible itch &amp; rash over your body? How did u manage to get rid of it?

I have being struggling over the past week w this irritable itch. it is all over my legs and thighs. Such an terrible itch tat i broken some of my skin due to excess scratching.

Now, I know how a doggie feel like when fleas bite them. sigh!!! any advices???

<font color="0000ff">bb_milk</font>

I would like to add on my order to your BP. thanks for organising it.

Confirmed Orders

1) Nick: babymilk
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 2 = $22)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 2 = $31)
item 5: Calendula Cream ($24.50 x 1 = $24.50)
Total: $121.40
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

2) Nick: Milderina
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

3) Nick: janey
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

4) Nick: aquarius
item 1: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $25
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

5) Nick: icylemon
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

6)Nick: blue_genie
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Total: $25.50
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

7) Nick: ashley_mom
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $43.90

8) Nick: Sherl
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11.00)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Item 3: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 4: Confinement massage oil ($12.50)
Total: $53.50

9) Nick: zenn
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

10) Nick: Msn_queen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

11} Nick: Snow
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50x1=$15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50x1=$14.50)
Pick-up location: Jurong from Icy/town

12) Nick: Bluegrapes
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Pick-up location: Town

13) Nick: Hui
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Postpartum Healing Salve ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total : $22
Pick-up location: Jurong

14) Nick: iceblue
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
Item 3: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total : $44.40
Pick-up location: Hougang/Sengkang/Punggol

15) Nick: sugarbean
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90 x 1 = $19.90)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 5: Nipple Salve($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
item 6 : Vein Treatment Cream ($13.50 x 1 = $13.50)
Total: $93.30
Pick up location: SengKang

16) Nick: AletheaT
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total: $29.90
Pickup location: Town or East

17)Nick: Li Yen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

18) Nick: Pinky
item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)

Total: $30.00
Pickup location: Town or East

19)Nick: KC
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)

Total: $34.40
Pick up location: Town
Hi KC,

Yah, it was poor 'lil me who suffered from the terrible rash in my 15th-18th weeks. It was so bad that I would wake up in the middle of the night by the horrid itch. Read up on the web about PUPPP, a type of pregnancy itch which would spread from the abdomen to the thighs, legs and hands. Thankfully, mine was only confined to the belly. Gynae prescribed me steroid cream which I used sparingly. After a couple of days, the angry blotches disappeared, But then hor, my rash does come back every now and then but it's quite minor, nothing compared to what happened then. Think yours may be PUPPP. U'd better go seek your gynae's advice and not buy off-the-counter creams.
<font color="ff6000">iceblue</font>, u really hardworking leh! i oni took a few pix of items bb ve heee

<font color="119911">sherl</font>, if its not too troublesome, perhaps u can add another column on the table n include bb blog?

<font color="0000ff">alethea &amp; kc</font>, lately i also started to feel itchy so i keep applyin stretch mark cream. hopefully mine will not b as bad.

<font color="ff0000">blue genle</font>, no problem!

<font color="aa00aa">aqu</font>, how much did u pay for the pre natal massage?
Morning all!

bb_milk, added two additional items to my shopping list. Thanks again for organizing the BP!

Confirmed Orders

1) Nick: babymilk
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 2 = $22)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 2 = $31)
item 5: Calendula Cream ($24.50 x 1 = $24.50)
Total: $121.40
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

2) Nick: Milderina
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

3) Nick: janey
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

4) Nick: aquarius
item 1: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $25
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

5) Nick: icylemon
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

6)Nick: blue_genie
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Total: $25.50
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

7) Nick: ashley_mom
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $43.90

8) Nick: Sherl
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11.00)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Item 3: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 4: Confinement massage oil ($12.50)
Item 5: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90)
Item 6: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90)
Total: $92.30
Pickup point: Jurong

9) Nick: zenn
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

10) Nick: Msn_queen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

11} Nick: Snow
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50x1=$15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50x1=$14.50)
Pick-up location: Jurong from Icy/town

12) Nick: Bluegrapes
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Pick-up location: Town

13) Nick: Hui
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Postpartum Healing Salve ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total : $22
Pick-up location: Jurong

14) Nick: iceblue
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
Item 3: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total : $44.40
Pick-up location: Hougang/Sengkang/Punggol

15) Nick: sugarbean
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90 x 1 = $19.90)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 5: Nipple Salve($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
item 6 : Vein Treatment Cream ($13.50 x 1 = $13.50)
Total: $93.30
Pick up location: SengKang

16) Nick: AletheaT
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total: $29.90
Pickup location: Town or East

17)Nick: Li Yen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

18) Nick: Pinky
item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)

Total: $30.00
Pickup location: Town or East

19)Nick: KC
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)

Total: $34.40
Pick up location: Town

I haven't managed to clear everything yet...
But managed to clear at least 4 big bags of rubbish! Going to be hen xin and throw out some more things... Quite funny that day because normally my mum will be nagging at me for keeping so much rubbish, and that day while I was throwing out stuff she was going through them aand picking things up... "This one still can use... that one dun want can give away, no need to throw..." *pengz*

good idea! But think I gotta make it a small side table liao because think our present table cramped too full of info! kekekekekkekekekeke.... if anyone wishes to add in blog address to the table, pls leave a msg for me, and I'll get to it later!
Good morning ladies!

Zenn, I paid $50 per session...not intending to take package for this. If package I think cheaper. Got to check with her.
<font color="ff6000">Zenn,</font>
I started hanging the musical mobile on the bb cot when my gal was abt 1mths plus... Didn't hear any tales abt only being able to put it up when bb is 3 mths old ley..

If u intend to use cloth diapers for first mth, u will prob still need at least 10-20 pieces of diapers incase there is need for u to bring bb out during that 1 mth.. For my case, my gal had jaundice so we have to bring her to hospital and polyclinic to have regular checkup.. Diapers will definitely comes in handy..

<font color="aa00aa">aquarius,</font>
Nisah really tat good? I consider to give it a try since its really affordable as compared to others tat i know of..

I went to Rustic Nirvana last Sat for the pre-natal massage at $48 for trial. The massage was really relaxing and i even fell asleep. Was woken up by some pain when she massaged my lower back.. But the package is $60/session for 12 sessions. Am considering to try others before I decide whether to sign up or nt..
<font color="aa00aa">Mor</font><font color="ff0000">nin</font>blue{g!!}

<font color="ff6000">Serrich</font>, $60 per session is quite cheap. How long is each session? Do you need to sign up for ALL 12?

<font color="119911">Zenn</font>, what stretchmark cream do u use? My Clarins oil is only left with the last few drops, got to invest in alternatives already. Is Mustela or Cetaphil good enough cos' don't want to invest in another bottle of Clarins. Heard that J&amp;J baby oil is also not too bad. If your rash is getting bad, better see gynae cos' there was a period I was advised to lay off the Clarins oil by my gynae.

<font color="0000ff">Sherl</font>, u're very 'good lat' leh. When I'm at home, I either read, sleep, eat, watch TV or surf the net. Hardly have the energy to pack the stuff, just leaving everything to my hubby, much less starting a blog! The room meant for BBs is now packed with stuff we've recently bought, but it's still yet to be decorated. Been wanting to get wall paper or stickers to adorn the room, but can't find any.
serrich, can't say she is really good becos so far only tried one pre-natal massage. But can really relax and almost fall asleep. Maybe you can give her a try then give feedback? I only know she did ask me if I need her to use more strength just let her know. Mine totally no pain at all so it's relaxing even though I am at home with zero ambience. kekeke
Hi All

Apologise for the late reply. Did not get to access the net for 3 days....poor son is very sick.

Anyway, like what ashleymum mentioned earlier on, supplier is giving a 15% for $500 to $700 order. I am trying to ask her for at least 20%.
In the mean time, pls go through the list below and double check on the items that you have indicated. I will close the BP by today evening and send the order out to supplier by tomorrow morning.

<font color="ff0000">For those who did not indicate the pick up location, pls do so .... 1) Sengkang/punggol, 2) Jurong, 3) Town. Thanks</font>

Confirmed Orders

1) Nick: babymilk
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 2 = $22)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 2 = $31)
item 5: Calendula Cream ($24.50 x 1 = $24.50)
Total: $121.40
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

2) Nick: Milderina
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

3) Nick: janey
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

4) Nick: aquarius
item 1: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $25
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

5) Nick: icylemon
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

6)Nick: blue_genie
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Total: $25.50
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

7) Nick: ashley_mom
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $43.90

8) Nick: Sherl
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11.00)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Item 3: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 4: Confinement massage oil ($12.50)
Item 5: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90)
Item 6: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90)
Total: $92.30
Pickup point: Jurong

9) Nick: zenn
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

10) Nick: Msn_queen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

11} Nick: Snow
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50x1=$15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50x1=$14.50)
Pick-up location: Jurong from Icy/town

12) Nick: Bluegrapes
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Pick-up location: Town

13) Nick: Hui
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Postpartum Healing Salve ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total : $22
Pick-up location: Jurong

14) Nick: iceblue
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
Item 3: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total : $44.40
Pick-up location: Hougang/Sengkang/Punggol

15) Nick: sugarbean
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90 x 1 = $19.90)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 5: Nipple Salve($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
item 6 : Vein Treatment Cream ($13.50 x 1 = $13.50)
Total: $93.30
Pick up location: SengKang

16) Nick: AletheaT
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total: $29.90
Pickup location: Town or East

17)Nick: Li Yen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

18) Nick: Pinky
item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
Total: $30.00
Pickup location: Town or East

19)Nick: KC
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $34.40
Pick up location: Town

20) Nick: faeriekim
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90 x 1 = $19.90)
Total: $49.80
Pickup location: Town

21) piscean33
item 1: Healing Bottom Spray, $15.50
item 2: Postpartum Healing Salve, $11
item 3: Intense Repair Cream, $17
item 4: Warming Body Wash for confinement, $18.90
item 5: Warming Shampoo for confinement, $19.90
Total: $82.30

No choice ah, my room and my rubbish mah... if I let my hubby clean he will throw everything away, so I gotta do it myself. hahahahahahahaha..

Started reading to my gerger over the weekend... I began reading when she was kicking quite furiously, and to my surprise, she seemed to really calm down, stopped kicking and listen to my voice! Really enjoy this bonding session with her, so will buy/borrow more books to read to her. Currently reading "Guess How Much I Love You" but my hubby keeps making fun of the book...
Morning mommmies
No update from supplier yet on whether she will give 20% off for above $700. Seems like we have no problem reaching $700.

Zenn - Once everything is confirmed from the supplier side, I'll get her direct number and pass the coordination to you. Can?
morning all!

bbmilk, thanks, hope malcolm will get better soon.

sherl, im slow with packing cos thr are too many books and they're v heavy.

iceblue, nice blog! u're so hardworking!!

Thanks! Me so far took a look at neo garden and new baby liao... I only need for lunch for about 1-2 weeks... Trying to see if any place got 1 week trial.. any other suggestions? kekekekeke
bb_milk, hope Malcolm feels better soon. Think my son also a bit feverish this morning so am taking half day pm leave to fetch him back from childcare.

neogarden only got 1 trial meal at $25 (??!!!) Their 1 week (7days) package for lunch is $190... very ex leh...
Sherl, your mom is helping you, right? That's why only need tingkat?

Bb-Milk, hope Malcolm boy is feeling better....
<font color="0000ff">Ashley mom, to aviod confusion... I am volunteering to be the coordinator for Littledreamers Products.

I have written to her to ask for more discount.
In the mean time, pls pm me her direct contact no.

Thanks so much for your help too.</font>

<font color="ff0000">For those mummies who have placed your order, pls ON your PM. I will be contacting you directly via email. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">(to ON PM, go to your Profile->Preference-> and unclick 'Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users')</font>
Thanks all for your concern.
Updates on Malcolm: he has been having bad cough &amp; running nose for the last few days. And on Sat &amp; Sun, he refuses to eat anything...only drink abit of water &amp; milk. Thus I'm guessing there might be discomfort in his throat. Brought him to doctor, then resliased there are alot of ulcer in his throat (Oh gosh). It is the same family as HFM disease.

So poor thing. Me so Xin Tong.... and I have not been sleeping for 2 nights liao. He is very sticky to me...can't even allow me to leave him for a moment.
<font color="0000ff">BB_Milk, don't kill me, but I'm adding 1 more item</font>

Confirmed Orders

1) Nick: babymilk
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 2 = $22)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 2 = $31)
item 5: Calendula Cream ($24.50 x 1 = $24.50)
Total: $121.40
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

2) Nick: Milderina
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

3) Nick: janey
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

4) Nick: aquarius
item 1: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $25
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

5) Nick: icylemon
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

6)Nick: blue_genie
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Total: $25.50
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

7) Nick: ashley_mom
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $43.90

8) Nick: Sherl
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11.00)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Item 3: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 4: Confinement massage oil ($12.50)
Item 5: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90)
Item 6: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90)
Total: $92.30
Pickup point: Jurong

9) Nick: zenn
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

10) Nick: Msn_queen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

11} Nick: Snow
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50x1=$15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50x1=$14.50)
Pick-up location: Jurong from Icy/town

12) Nick: Bluegrapes
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Pick-up location: Town

13) Nick: Hui
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Postpartum Healing Salve ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total : $22
Pick-up location: Jurong

14) Nick: iceblue
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
Item 3: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total : $44.40
Pick-up location: Hougang/Sengkang/Punggol

15) Nick: sugarbean
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90 x 1 = $19.90)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 5: Nipple Salve($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
item 6 : Vein Treatment Cream ($13.50 x 1 = $13.50)
Total: $93.30
Pick up location: SengKang

16) Nick: AletheaT
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement
($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
<font color="0000ff">item 3: Warming shampoo for Confinement ($19.90 x 1)</font>
<font color="0000ff">Total: $49.80</font>
Pickup location: Town or East

17)Nick: Li Yen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

18) Nick: Pinky
item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
Total: $30.00
Pickup location: Town or East

19)Nick: KC
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $34.40
Pick up location: Town

20) Nick: faeriekim
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90 x 1 = $19.90)
Total: $49.80
Pickup location: Town

21) piscean33
item 1: Healing Bottom Spray, $15.50
item 2: Postpartum Healing Salve, $11
item 3: Intense Repair Cream, $17
item 4: Warming Body Wash for confinement, $18.90
item 5: Warming Shampoo for confinement, $19.90
Total: $82.30
<font color="ff6000">Alethea,</font>
Yup, will have to sign package of 12 sessions to get the price of $60/session. Each session is 1 hr.. The usual price is $120 for 90mins. If we are nt able to utilise the 12 sessions of pre-natal massage, the outstanding ones can convert to post-natal massage so quite reasonable ley.. As least they are nt as pushy as their fellow colleagues in Cuppage outlet.. Make me feel much more comfortable..

Think i better try out Nisah before i decide whether to take on their package or nt.. They allow me to confirm the package within a week mah..

On my PM liao....

Oh no... Malcolm must be feeling very miserable, sounds very tong ku, ulcers in throat...
Good morning mummies,

<font color="aa00aa">sherl</font>, can try out these websites:
<font color="119911">these two seems to cater for 2 meals a day, but u can still call them to check if price feasible:</font>

<font color="ff0000">bb_milk</font>, thanks for volunteering to co-ordinate, xing ku ni le.

<font color="aa00aa">alethea, zenn</font>: thanks for forwarding the list n brochure info, very very thoughtful of u to not forgetting us who din have time to login!

<font color="ff6000">faeriekim</font>, i also just booked my antenatal class for November at Mt A. hopefully can see u there! i'm opting for the sat class from 4-6pm.
Wat's Nisah's contact huh??

How's ur massage session wf Khatijah?? Care to share ur exp wf her service??
BB milk - So sorry to hear that your boy is not well. Hope he recovers fast fast.
I realised I put down Zenn instead of you as the coordinator. Paisei, my mistake. Below is the latest email from Grace, the person I'v been emailing.
I'm out of Singapore at the moment, so emailing is fine but you can
contact Lily at 81131280 if you need more direct assistance. She is
aware of the 15% discount offer to you.


always thought that Rustic Nirvana was very expensive, but the deal they offer to you sounds quite good, esp when can convert to post natal (no extra cost right?) But is the post-natal massage inclusive of jamu wrap, or is that separate item?

long story. My mum is currently working part-time, two half-days a week. She's doing accounts for a small Chinese business, so apart from being busy during that period she will also lugi if she quits before CNY (the kiam-siap boss will of course probably refuse to give her her bonus, which is given out just before CNY). So she talked it over with me and I think I'll be able to handle two half days a week of looking after gerger and myself on my own lo. But I will need two lunches a week for at least the first two weeks when my mum is not allowing me to cook leh, so she suggest we order tingkat for me. But think worst come to worst I will ask her to cook for me in the morning, then I'll warm it up myself during lunch. She'll be back by two anyway... Eng of long story.
