(2007/01) Jan

Hi hi, Icy, me back from my lunchtime karaoke at K-Box liao!!
Shall I fill u in on the songs I sang just now?! *Heehee* Sorry, can't resist!

Bluegrapes, fwah, 3D is so clear!! So cute, BB smiling at you!
Has it taken a more BB-like look? The last time Dr Chan used her 3D scan at Hougang, I was only in my 17th week, so BBs looked puny. How heavy is Carys at week (24 or 25?)

Eh, but now I'm a bit worried about the noise level at the karaoke just now. Think I shall google 'karaoke' and pregnancy' now. BRB.
alethea "ah bish"!! me normally sings yan cheng lin, fish leong, a mei, tanya chua, sun yan zi, sandy lam, jacky cheung & zhou hua jian de songs... next time jio me hor.. maybe our next outing.. kekeke...

The other time when I went cruise I sang karaoke sang till siao... coz very cheap... My ger seemed to like the KTV room leh. She's quite active when she's inside. kekekekekekeke
wow K-LUNCH somemore.. i have been avoiding ktv since i preg... ytd i go watch rob-b-hood, my bb kicking me thru out the movie non-stop.. dunno is it the volume in cinema too loud.. hmmmmmm
<font color="0000ff">Sherl,</font> I take your word for it, hor. Couldn't find anything on pregnancy+karaoke on the web. Was telling Bluegrapes just now that my BBs were kicking violently during karaoke, but the session came with lunch and during mealtimes, the BBs are usually kicking up a storm anyway.

<font color="ff0000">Icy,</font> hmmm...did Rainie Yang, Sammi Cheng, Kit Chan, Candy Lo, Stef Sun, Jay Chou, Sandy Lam &amp; A-Mei
But hor, I tell u, I was short of breath, couldn't really hold my notes for long. Performance dipped big time.

<font color="119911">Janey,</font> yah I've been avoiding karaoke since I knew I was preggers, but today, tawt of going with my colleagues. Last time, I did ask gynae and she said it was ok to go sing. But, but, yah lah, now a bit worried.

<font color="aa00aa">Bluegrapes,</font> no matter how I try to recall, I don't have any recollection of your nose being flat, ok. Good that your girl looks like u, can be Korean actress!
janey, haha..my nose not considered sharp so i called it FLAT...keke..

AletheaT, yah...the scan was rather clear but baby's eye looked swollen though closed. Dr Chan says cos there was shadow cast and might not resemble the exact baby's feature. She captured 6 shots and ask me to choose one. I was greedy. Very tempted to ask if she can print all 6 for me..hee...but didn't. Anyway, I ask for the weight of baby but Dr Chan didn't tell me. Yours going to be even more exciting tomorrow!! Update us uh!!! Your babies sure very handsome and pretty since both you and your hubby are so pleasant looking!!

K-Lunch!! *envy*
AletheaT, once again, i must correct you that korean actress is another Michelle!!!

How how? Found anything over google about 'karaoke' and pregnancy'??
Bluegrapes, how come she didn't tell u the weight? Tawt that's quite impt, leh. If not, how do we track BBs' progress?
blue_genie, my friend says that rob-b-hood is nice cos the baby is super cute. Ha

Anyone watched World Trade Centre yet? Me thinking of watching.
alethea is like tat one. we not preggie mah.. more or less not enough breathe like tat lor.

bluegrapes ya lor.. agree.. alethea's hubby so ham. alethea so chio. their kids next time oso very chio &amp; ham de...
AletheaT, yah lor.
I wonder too. I asked and Wendy (her nurse assistant) replied "should be around half a kg. Dun worry, ur detail scan reflects that baby is ok"

I going for blood sugar test in my next checkup.
bluegrapes i oso tot of watching WTC. but i scare i cannot take it la. coz the scene i saw on the news ppl jumped down from WTC to escape for life.. i still remember every single scene leh.. very sad leh. dunno how this movie WTC going to be filmed. will it be the same as wat we saw in the news or not. sad sad sad....
icylemon, YAH LOR YAH LOR!! Maybe alethea's boy boy looked like daddy, daughter looked like mummy. Wah!! BEST OF BOTH WORLD!!
I have finally decided to use the Piglet blogskin for Shania.. Kekeke.. Haiz bt i dun have time to update the blog.. Sob sob..
bluegrapes ya lor.. kekeke...

serrich great!! me oso using the skin liao.. yet to do any updates. tat skin very sweet hor..
bluegrapes: my gynae also nv tell me the weight of bb too..i ask him every visit abt my weight and bb weight...his reply is "ok, acceptable range."

ic, then i shall pester my hb to go watch rob a bb *lols*
Bluegrapes, how come like that one? But almost every mummy here gets updated on their BBs' weight leh. Tomorrow I shall ask them.

Btw, couldn't find anything on karaoke during pregnancy.

Think WTC not very good for us, cos' quite depressing. Watched the documentary on cable, and it was already very depressing.
<font color="ff6000">good afternoon gals</font>

wah... i nvr log in since last tue.... now so many pages of archives.... @_@

icylemon / bb_milk
i also interested in the BP for the products...
how to add on??
Nick: nana
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 3: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)

Total: $41.00
Pick Up Location : Town
icylemon, u r right. My friend says the show is quite overwhelming. I am the type who will feel affected by shows :p Alethea, since it is depressing..think i better give it a miss. Watch after I have delivered.

Alethea, yah lor
dunno why they refuse to tell me the weight. Haiz. Make sure you ask tomorrow!!
i slowly read thru archives &amp; respond accordingly .... keke...

zenn, i prefer estelle...

serrich, i prefer shania...

wait till i come to the latest vote score...then i post &amp; update hor...
Actually i still prefer my elder gals' Pooh blogskin ley.. Kekeke.. The Piglet blogskin is to complement her blogskin also.. Since the design is the same.. Only the cartoon characters and bkgd colors different.. DH also commented that its better to use similar skin templates lah..


But Shania's blog empty now cos i have no time to update ley.. Think it's gonna be real taxing for me to maintain blogs for bth of them!! Argghhh...
nana ur item has been added.

bb milk, boss updated liao.

bluegrapes ya lor.. tats why i m hestitated to watch or not. maybe will buy dvd.

serrich ya sherilyn's blog very nice. i like the pooh bear. very sweet.<center><table border=1><tr><td>

BP by bb milk.xls (17.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
haha...i realised that serrich already decided on Shania for her gal gal.... heehee

wonder what abt zenn?? decided yet? i still reading past archives...so not updated yet... pai seh...
Icylemon - slight error for my orders. It should be 2 bottles of massage oil, instead of 1. The total amount is correct. Collection should be either town or jurong.

Serrich - Sorry to bug you on the Neurogain again but my last bottle is finishing in a week's time and I didn't get any from my gynae during the last visit. May I know when you will be distributing the 2nd batch? Thks and paisei for chasing.
Thanks Icy for updating Nana's purchase.
The list include Ashleymom purchase of 2 bottles of massage oil.

I have updated the list on the discounted rate.
Yellow col entitled for 20%, Green col entitled for 15%.

Please check your amount. Thanks
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
BP_by_bb_milk.unk (22.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Err..baby milk and icylemon, sorry...I noe i very troublesome but can I add "Smoothing Nipple Oil" to my order? Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi all

Went chk-up last sat.. my ger weighs 1082g at exactly 27th wk, wonder if she is small?? Gynae said she is within the normal range.

Btw, thanks baby_milk and icylemon for the updates. arigatoo!!
icylemon - me a bit contradicting leh... on one hand wanna a chubby baby, best is ard 3.5kg.. so i ate lots of durian during last two months, on the other hand scared tt will hv prob in normal delivery if she is too big. sigh!!

baby_milk - forget to confirm tt my order is correct. tks again!
Pinky &amp; Icy, how did your gynaes derive your BBs' weight? Curious, cos' mine supposedly doesn't advise on the weight (she didn't update Bluegrapes today during her scan). I mean, does it take rocket science or something?
Oh the supplier has just delivered her baby boy.. She will be passing me the final batch either this evening or tomorrow evening latest.. U should be able to collect from my latest by this weekend.. I am still waiting for her call to confirm the collection.. Not to worry, i will keep u posted via email on the collection date once I have received the stocks.

Alethea / Icy / Bluegrapes,
Thanks... I like the Pooh bear very much too.. Kekeke..

How i wish my hubby can help! But he's a total cmpt idiot, even worse than me!! And he dun have the patience to learn so he def wont be able to help.. Hahahaa.....

Alethea - I suppose the measurement is based on the cirumference of the baby's head cos i saw my gynae took the reading of my ger's head circumference and tt on the ultrasound screen, it showed the weight of the baby.
