(2007/01) Jan

I also bought Karmy nighties, indeed very comfy and convenient for breastfeeding.

Disposable panties is good. As one of the mommies mention, paisei to let others wash panties especially if stained. And since we gotta avoid water as much as possible, we also won't wanna wash ourselves. Just wear disposables.

Re : Baby powder
I didn't use baby powder for my gal. I have read in books, as well as told by PD, best not to use powder coz may cause asthma for the babies when they breathe in the baby powder. When I'd my gal 2.5 years back, it was actually reported in the news that it's not advisable, especially if use those powder puff to apply the powder on babies.

Dunno abt this brand cadi.. I am also using Braun for my first gal.. So far so good.. Comes in handy.. Even me and my hubby use it to test our own tempt.. Hahaha..
Re Thermometer-
I've used the Braun one all along.

Something to share. Today Watsons got promotion for Kodomo wet wipes. 70 piece pack for only $1.99. Think it's very cheap coz I pay $3 for 2 packs of 30pieces Pigeon wet wipes.
ashley_mom, that's the wipes I always buy. Need to stock up more cos I only about 10+ packs...thanks for the info. If no promo it's 3 packs for $9.90.
Aquarius - Can advise me if the lotion is to apply all over body, in cluding face?

The wet wipes really very cheap. Must stock up more
Saw a lot of women buying at Watsons during lunch
Zenn - I can't remember what brand but it's a green box with a baby in front. I think cost about $79.90 or $89.90 back then. Now dunno. Can go Kiddy Palace to check out.
alethea i oso want the checklist. ya is a nitght gown for karmy brand. is abt $16.90.

serrich JL & robinsons got XXL disposable panties ah??
Icylemon - I remembered paying about $13.90 for the nightie only lei. At JL.

Zenn - I think if left unopened can still keep for a long while since won't dry up. I check the expiry at the Watsons I went to. It's Sept 2007.
Icylemon - Actually not very good to put powder on the butt coz sometimes get wet, the powder coagulate against the skin. I think lotion or nappy cream is good.
zenn, not too early...as long as you dun open it the wipes will not dry up one.

Ashley_mom, I like that Kodomo one cos it's non-fragrance type...always sell out very fast...I better go today or tomorrow. The lotion I also apply little bit on the face.

icy, ya I apply lotion on my son's butt when I change diapers for him.
I dun use powder.
ashley mon, zenn & aquarius

ya i oso heard is not too good to use powder for the bb's butt. either nappy rash cream or lotion will do.
Icy, sent u aldy.

Snow, sending u shortly.

Karen, could u PM me your email addy?

Ashley_Mom, thanks for the lobang. Will pop by to load up on it. But buy so early, will the wipes dry up by next year?
Icylemon - Anyway babies smell so good, no need to use powder
Only something for the butt coz they shs shs. SOmetimes you smell your own baby, you feel like eating them up coz really very nice to smell. And believe it or not, when my gal was an infant, one day hubby and I got back late and when we step in the house, the whole house is full of baby's smell...

Alethea...actually the wipes use up very fast one...now till delivery probably another 3 months. I use it even at home...maybe you can buy some to stock up...then when they have the promo next time, stock up again. Prob is sometimes very fast they will have the promo sometimes got to wait quite long.
ok, great! Aqua, how much is enough? Should I go get 10 packs? It's to clear the poo from BBs backside, right? Do we also use it to wipe their faces?
ashely mom argh!!! run ah... ashley mom eat bb ah!!


babies smells good esp their head. last time my mum used to be nanny. whenever their parents brought the kids back. i will hide the pillow & claimed tat was lost. coz the smell very nice leh. kekeke..

btw i heard nappy rash cream oso pretty harmful to babies. izzit true??
Good Afternoon Ladies,
On MC today cos leg cramp now my lower calf still very pain. walk like penguin now. and my backache is getting from bad to worse. I very scare, haven even reach 3rd tri like tat liaos.....
Icylemon - I know I know, my mum used to be nanny also so I love baby smell
My hubby is addicted to my gal's little pillow. When goes home from work, he will take the pillow and smell and smell like a kid
and everytime my gal cannot find her smelly pillow, she will ask if daddy has taken it AGAIN...

Not sure if nappy rash crean is harmful, never hear before. I've been using it on my gal's butt till she was toilet trained. I heard also can use J&J baby oil, just apply a bit and the butt will be very smooth also.
Zenn, ear thermometer basing on infrared technology, I feel any brand will do. Of course, if you want more functions, then it'll cost more. Get one with memory, better, so can monitor past few readings when child have fever.

AletheaT, if you want to use powder, try to minimise the powder from flying around (by gently applying on neck & armpit area, etc, & not tapping the puff around). That's what I was taught.
ashley mom hehehe.. same here lor..

wat is the brand of the nappy rash cream u used?

piscean33 ya i was oso told not to tap the puff ard. the powder can stay in the bb's breathing tube.. not too good.
Hi mummies - may i noe wats the materila of the karmy night gown?? is it long or short? i've bought two knee length gowns but my MIL still wants me to wear pants cos she said i've to "cover up" my legs.

As for the disposable maternity panties, do they come in diff size or they r free size n stretchable?

Oso for the pad, wonder if the sofy brand 33" pad gd enuff or we really need to buy maternity pad?
Alethea...ya maybe get 10 packs first...I think dun use on face cos baby still very young...I use it on my son's mouth and sometimes face when we are outside. But that's only when he's coming 2 yo. Baby better not.
Use to clean butt ok.
eeeer..... mummies fyi. i m still keeping my bb pillow.. count & count... 29 years liao.. still smell so good. hahaha... my hubby love to hug it oso. so is my dog. hahaha...
pinky, Karmy night gown has both above knee length and below knee length...I got both type. Long ones for hospital stay cos scared cold.
pinky the karmy brand one is up to knee length. i wont suggest wearing pants de coz after delivery esp c sect hor.. the wound mah.. so troublesome to wear the pants. get whole piece one is better,
Thanks for the info on Kodomo wipes promo at Watsons! $1.99 is indeed a good buy. I usually buy 10 pkts cos can get another 1 pkt for free! Kekeke...

I am also using TollyJoy travel pack wipes. Find it wet enuf to clean the sticky poo off very easily..

The disposable cotton panties are free size, i think.. I bgt from Watsons XL one also cannot use hor!! Imagine the sides tore when i tried to squeeze it up my butt!! My hubby was laughing all the way... Saying my BIG butts are real HUGE lor.. So paiseh and depressing.. Imgaine tat was after I have given birth!!

My backache also getting worse.. Luckily I am gg for my pre-natal massage tomorrow am.. Phew.. Really looking forward for a shiok and relaxing massage!!
Thanks aquarius - will go down to hv a look one of these days... mayb buy a few below knee length one... hopefully she wont demand me to wear pants then, else look "tu tu" leh.
aquarius u manage to get below knee length one ah.. i couldnt leh..

btw to refesh my memory.. bigger sizes disposable panties can get @ OG, JL & Robinsons hor??
Hi BB milk,

Izzit too late to include me in?
I am staying at Jurong west, how do I collect & make payment?
Thanks alot...pls advise....

Confirmed Orders

1) Nick: babymilk
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 2 = $22)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 2 = $31)
item 5: Calendula Cream ($24.50 x 1 = $24.50)
Total: $121.40
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

2) Nick: Milderina
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

3) Nick: janey
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

4) Nick: aquarius
item 1: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $25
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

5) Nick: icylemon
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

6)Nick: blue_genie
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Total: $25.50
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

7) Nick: ashley_mom
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $43.90

8) Nick: Sherl
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11.00)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Item 3: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 4: Confinement massage oil ($12.50)
Total: $53.50

9) Nick: zenn
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

10) Nick: Msn_queen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

11} Nick: Snow
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50x1=$15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50x1=$14.50)
Pick-up location: Jurong from Icy/town

12) Nick: Bluegrapes
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Pick-up location: Town

13) Nick: Hui
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Postpartum Healing Salve ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total : $22
Pick-up location: Jurong

14) Nick: iceblue
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
Item 3: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total : $44.40
Pick-up location: Hougang/Sengkang/Punggol

15) Nick: sugarbean
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90 x 1 = $19.90)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 5: Nipple Salve($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
item 6 : Vein Treatment Cream ($13.50 x 1 = $13.50)
Total: $93.30
Pick up location: SengKang

16) Nick: AletheaT
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total: $29.90
Pickup location: Town or East

17)Nick: Li Yen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

Has anyone try the dry confinement powder b4? Look like no one is interested in this.
aquarius hmmm.... next 2 weeks i will be going compass point.. there got metro hor. maybe go there & buy. kekekeke...
aquarius thank you...

today forum abit quiet quiet... some regulars not here... bb milk, janey, sherl seems MIA...
Wld like to join the BP spree... hee!

Confirmed Orders

1) Nick: babymilk
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 2 = $22)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 2 = $31)
item 5: Calendula Cream ($24.50 x 1 = $24.50)
Total: $121.40
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

2) Nick: Milderina
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

3) Nick: janey
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

4) Nick: aquarius
item 1: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $25
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

5) Nick: icylemon
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

6)Nick: blue_genie
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Total: $25.50
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

7) Nick: ashley_mom
item 1: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 2: Confinement Massage Oil ($12.50 x 2 = $25)
Total: $43.90

8) Nick: Sherl
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11.00)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Item 3: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 4: Confinement massage oil ($12.50)
Total: $53.50

9) Nick: zenn
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total: $11
Pick up Location: Sengkang/Punggol

10) Nick: Msn_queen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick up location: SengKang/Punggol

11} Nick: Snow
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50x1=$15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50x1=$14.50)
Pick-up location: Jurong from Icy/town

12) Nick: Bluegrapes
Item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50)
Pick-up location: Town

13) Nick: Hui
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Postpartum Healing Salve ($11 x 1 = $11)
Total : $22
Pick-up location: Jurong

14) Nick: iceblue
Item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
Item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
Item 3: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total : $44.40
Pick-up location: Hougang/Sengkang/Punggol

15) Nick: sugarbean
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
item 3: Warming Shampoo for Confinement($19.90 x 1 = $19.90)
item 4: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 5: Nipple Salve($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)
item 6 : Vein Treatment Cream ($13.50 x 1 = $13.50)
Total: $93.30
Pick up location: SengKang

16) Nick: AletheaT
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Warming Body Wash for Confinement ($18.90 x 1 = $18.90)
Total: $29.90
Pickup location: Town or East

17)Nick: Li Yen
item 1: Soothing Nipple Oil ($11 x 1 = $11)
item 2: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
Total: $26.50
Pick Up Location : Jurong

18) Nick: Pinky
item 1: Healing Bottom Spray ($15.50 x 1 = $15.50)
item 2: Afterbirth Treatment ($14.50 x 1 = $14.50)

Total: $30.00
Pickup location: Town or East
Serrich - you very funny

Icylemon - I just can't recall the brand now that you ask me.... It's a pink box with an angmoh baby face on it... Aiyah, why I can't recall...
Hi All,

Any good milk bottle to recommend and how many to get to start off?
Getting those bb wipes, & diapers izzit too early now?
I saw pigeon product on sales at Bugis junction, any items from pigeon that can be buy during the sales?
