(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs


Just came back from the fair. YES!!! Finally out w/o Reyna and enjoyed my buffet lunch. *Yummy*

Very DISAPPOINTED!!! Nothing much at the fair. Not many Fisher Price toys too. Most of us did not get anything except for the few Shopping Queens

Sad man, Reyna didn't look for me when I came home.
But that means I gain more or less abit of my freedom back

Glad you and ur hb enjoyed it.

U had slimmed down soooo much man!! U looked abit down, so cheer up, k!! ;)
Oh Ya, finally get to see Meg, I haven't seen her since after the Globetrotter meets. Pretty gal and handsome boy (Philison).

Meg on Dumex since day one. not the fastest lah.

my plc always hv swim coach drop advert into my mailbox. so wen the time is up, i will "interview" them one by one.....hee heee

i am also starting to bake.
juz got my mixer. hopefully can bake a decent cake for Meg's first bday


die liao....u said i look down, Dey said i looked pale!!!

must top up my birdnest intake liao. heee heeee
(oooops, wats tat gotta do with being happy??!)

guess wat? after feeding Meg, i went back to the fair and shop. ended up with some junks.
like din buy a ting waste my trip down, so die die grab some toys
was still thinking of going to taka fair this wkend.. but since not much fisherprice, think i will give it a miss..

new job is really tiring... 10.30pm can't tahan.. sleep while i pat PH to sleep.. dun care whether he slept anot.. i juz hug him beside me.. den i fell asleep.. hb said PH fell asleep not long aft.. :p

new job v tiring.. :p but tiring is better than zuobo-ing... at least i dun hav to act bz.. :p

hannah is so cute..

sian leh.. no let down... no kick.. hahaha.. :p

i can't rem the exact pricing for bellamy.. think it's between $5.50 and $6..

i oso dunnoe aunty visit us gd or bad.. gd tt it shows my hormone r returning to normal.. meaning all my preg induced pain etc will be gone soon.. bad bcoz i got to "play" the mthly waiting game again.. :p

haha.. so cute.. PH juz sit up straight now.. :p
Ladies who are looking for FP toys during the toy sale..this is what i observed from previous years i went. Usually they won't take out all the toys all at once...the duration of the fair is a few weeks during this period on and off they will take out new things to sell. I managed to buy FP doll, telephone and walking pooh from preivous years. What i do is that i went to the sale at least 2 times during the sale period

Mbb, me like you "bu gan yan" so end up bot some toys to make the trip worthwhile..but hor i lazy to bring the things home..end up top up till 100+ for free delivery. Most of the toys are for my elder gal only got soft toys for Evee. Kenna scolding from hb as we still have many unopened toys at home :p
u very "can". still can grab $100 worth of toys!!
bravo! bravo!

how's the shoulder? better after seeing e physio?
hi mummies
What brands are on sale at the toy sale?
My baby has been sick this week, started with flu last Friday so couldn't meet with roo and nana then developed into mild bronchitis so I had to stay home from work for 2 days. She had to go to clinic thrice for nebuliser treatment. Sigh, I'm so tired, I think I'm going to fall sick soon!
Mbb, sad news, 5 out of 6 points of cervical spine denegerated, physio said low back may have similar condition, nerves are being compressed hence got numbess. He said if condition din improve may end up having weakness in limbs and may affect normal tasks
He said may need about 5-6 more sessions to see improvements and must do exercises. But i dunno how to find the energy and time to do the exercises. Everyday so busy by the time i put the kids to bed, express BM (sometimes i even doze off while expressing) i just wanna sleep. Felt moody i not that old already like that next time old already dunno how.

Doggiebb, how is the karoke session ? next time you gals got go let me know hor? I not in dark side so not aware of what is happening.
I just read your post. I'm also a bf mummy and I hold my breast pump with one hand while I use the computer with the other hand. I can't handle using dual pump so I use a one side pump.
Do you pump at work too?
I'm trying to sell my Ameda breastpump, does anyone want to buy? I rarely used it because I found that Avent pump worked better for me.

the karaoke session was so fun!!! we just croaked and croaked LOUD LOUD! let off a lot of steam! it was a wonderful mummies' day out yesterday!
hey mummies,
my Hayley just turned 8 month yesterday.
Hee.. we bought a cake for her again since last month no cake for her. hee...

Sharing a happy pic of her taken last night

bobianah, aahha.never mind lah.i dont even have oven and hand beater.. ehehee.. so good excuse not to bake :p my sis also complain said her bb need face guard...eheheh kate also botak until pp can ask b or g though she is wearing pink romper

jackie super yummy as in how? sweet? not to sweet? childproof ur whole house :p

fizz, maybe check with pd if can increase to > 2 feeds a day loh... i have not started on porridge too..cos too lazy to cook:p

QSG... sighh..the hazard of having to take care of > 1 kid..

shihui, ooo..sitting up straight..tahts great!

to those mommies that are stil thinking of getting ergo..someone is testing water at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/896600.html?1185465838

me now itching itching leh.d.uno should buy or not..is there anyplace in SG where i can bring kate and try it out and see if she is willing..cos got a few concerns..
(i) she dont like back facing
(ii) will the sppt for hip carrying be as good as the back facing and back carrying (cos i suspect i might end up having to do alot of hip carrying)
(iii) is the strap short enuf? cos i got a carrier at home..but even after adjustment, the shortest strap is also too long for me so pocket is dangling which put alot of wgt on my shoulders..

or is there any mommies near woodlands willing to let me try their ergo for a while? :p

QSG, oh no.. at this stage if say exercise can help die die must do liao.. is there anything that u can outsource? eg, get a domestic helper so that u do less household chores and got time to exercise/ cos it will more cham if u got problem doing normal tasks...

happy 8 months to hayley.!!!!
my goodness, sounds very scary lei your condition. think u really should listen to what the pysio advice and find time to exercise. start simple exercise that is not so tiring n slowly add on to that. hai.. me oso been sayin wanna start exercising again, but like u no energy n no time. but for my case, just for exercise sake, not link to any condition, so still can procrastinate.

poor thing... hope your gal feeling better already.

i've pm u. ;)

nowadays very hard to put my gal to zzz, she will skip her afternoon naps.. and at nite, will wiggle n struggle n cry, not wanting to zzz. keep wanting to play only. anyone experiecing this? any tips to persuade her to zzz?
Hi ladies,
Really enjoy the mummies day out yesterday...We eat, shop and sing. So shiok

But the taka toy fair rather boring. Nothing much for bb our ages. More for toddlers.

Your condition sound scary leh, do take good care wor

I bought the pigeon magmag cup. It's actually like teats, soft and non-drip, just tat it's shaped like a spout. And also, bb dun have to suck, just bite the spout and the water will drip out. In the beginning, I will carry her like bottle feeding, but dun put the spout all the way in, just put the tip in. She will bite then water ill flow in. Then I see if the water is abt to overflow, I will take it out, then let her swallow, then I put back in. So every session have to take out and put back many times. Then now, she can drink with the cup sitting on her high chair, just have to tilt her head up. I think this is much better than spoon feeding, cos she always ended up having more water on her bib than her tummy when using the spoon. This one less messy.
Dunno if you gals want to try this sippy cup, cos at least this one dun need to spoonfeed, very tedious leh....
dont buy the spoon attached to the bottle! I bought that previously when JT rejected bottle. Ended up she was drenched in water cos very difficult to control the flow out the bottle. I think this one is more for those thickened liquid like cereal in milk type... if use water/milk, impossible to control!

Aiyo... sounds terrible leh... can find someone to help you out? Must take good care and somehow find time to exercise leh....

Hope your bb recovers soon... you must take care ok?

I'm very happy cos I finally found a way to make JT want to eat solids again!! I thickened the cereals a bit, then put 1 big blob on the spoon, then feed her with the spoon at an angle so that the spoon doesn't touch her gums at all, she actually ate!!! She ate almost 2.5 tbs of cereals (b4 mixing)!! So it's really her gums!!
And last nite she got diarrhea. She was happily jumping in her jumperoo when hubby suddenly shouted "There's poo on the floor!!?!" Wah I turned and saw I big puddle of green poo(fr the spinach) on the floor... so watery... and the miracle thing is that the jumperoo was not stained at all! Heng ah! If not dunno how to clean it to return. I think I read somewhere that bb will have diarrhea when teething? My MIL also said the same thing.

Taka Toy Fair
Sounded like you girls had lots of fun, altho there's nothing to buy... ok lah, I'll give it a miss! Maybe go the next weekend.

you are in serious need of retail therapy lah!! You look pale and down because nothing good to buy at the taka fair right?!

Congrats on your freedom! Dun feel sad that Reyna dun wan to look for you lah, JT also always like tat one.... I always console myself by thinking that they are independent liao

your new job sounds tiring! But I totally agree with you. Better to be busy and learn stg, rather than having to act busy... that's even more tiring!

Happy 8th mth birthday to Hayley!!
Have started my bb tx on porriage 1 mth ago. my mum will either place 1 scoop of brown rice into small bowl and placed in the rice cooker to steam. for me, I will placed 1.5scoop of brown rice into slow cooker to cook for 2hrs. then added in steam fish or veg or carrot or potatoe.

my mil steam a whole piece of cod fish (not slice but piece) or the dunno what that fish call every sat. bb tx managed to makan all with her porriage. am I overdose her with fish?

taking abt toy fair, any one know how big is the ABC foam mat?now, selling at $10.is it dobule size of play pen.

hmm..last time, I used single pump(for 1mth+ only) but then my cousin in law lend me her dual pump so I used it loh, much faster.but won't the other side drip if u use single pump? mine will drip so also need to hold a bottle to contain the ebm also so in the end, where got the free hand to do anything.

yup, I pumped during lunch time at work.what's abt u? with dual pump, it cut down my pumping time. eg, last time with single pump, a 100ml of ebm require 20-30mins(depending on that day milk flow) but now, only 5-10 mins sometimes, 15 mins can pump out 160ml.

wow...Hayley 's mummy loves cake but Hayley can only eye mummy eating the cake only.

ai-yo, dunno why our ah gar's hair grow so slow. rwally envy dora's JT. did u shave kate 's hair last time?

hai...on the bus, even bb tx wear fr head to toe all pink pink, auntie also ask boy or gal...wow piang...faintzz...

hmm what's the adv of having a ergo carrier compare to normal carrier which also can used to carry bb facing in front loh?seems everyone is buying it.
sneaking again.. :p

wah.. so nice.. u all hav outing now n then..
i want to go too...
now i MIA fr the dark side liao.. coz no msn at work.
muz rem me ahh!! :p rem to jio me for watever outing etc hor... i miss u all leh.......
me also sneaking in also.
Formula milk: is it a must to throw the tin of the fm within a mth if not able to consume finish? I have a tin of 400g of nan 2 only consume less than 5 times, still got 1 more wk to go before coming to 1 mth.
forget to mentioned, u want the recipe hor, can wait, cos I need to retype it out as i can't scan now, my scanner down.

Tell us when u take leave lah, then we will jio u when we got outings.
hello mummies!!

these 2 days alone with my boy, no time to come in.... wah...tired man!! i really admire the SAHMs who single handedly look after ur baby all the time.... for me, usually wkdays my dad wld come & hlep me out... now i wonder how i going to survive when my parents going to china for holiday in aug

wah...sounds like u all had a FUN time yesterday!! i still havent seen most of u yet...so far only seen lil & ruffybear....
next time any lunch gathering, pls let me know can??? wld try to join if possible...

roo, snowy,
so sorry that time was unwell cant get to meet u all.... let's arrange another day ya....

oh no...hope ur gal gets well soon.... u must take good care also.. nowadays weather not too good.... either rains like mad...or else wld be very hot... i still dun feel too good.....runny nose on & off...sianz....

i am drooling over ur choc molten cake... how much u selling?? that time u said wld be coming over tiong bahru maybe?? let me know...i wan buy the cake...kekekee... must see that day i wld be home or out paktoring with hubby... now we try to go out alternate sat...wld ask my parents over to babysit my boy, then we have our couple time...
for TOysrus star card member
Fisher price Musical Pop-Tivity Table
(Age: 9 months - up)
SKN# 571873
Orig (each): $49.95
Now (each) : $39.95
U gals looking for such a toy right??
kate's turn to reject fm today... morning drink abit..then i went to toa payoh leaving her with hb...came back at 3pm with him screaming and she crying... cos she refuses to drink milk but is hungry... like from 9-3pm no FM at all... luckily porridge in slow cooker (hb dump them into slow cooker before i left) was ready then feed her and she ate.now asleep..duno if she will reject FM again later.. hb said next time if i go out, we ALL go out :p

dora, but ur magmag cup will not 'teach' them how to drink since its still teat drinking right? yes my mom also said bb will have diarrhea when teething..and when diarrhea stops, viola the teeth will be out..so now i am waiting for diarrhea to stop ;)

afcai, yes i shave her twice.. 4th and 7th month..to stimulate hair growth... compared to JT, kate's hair is very sparse... like tat higher chacnen of going botak next time? :p ergo canot carry front facing... their 'front' will be bb facing u.... supposedly better sppt.. hb got back problem..so i am thinking if get one better get a good one else he wont help me carry her! :p try ur luck loh..my Nan 1 that time slightly > 1 month then finish... i think vanessa that time said afraid > 1 month will got air then bb get diarrhea.

gan..wah..first crawl then crawl from one end to the other... !!!! is the long pants slippery..look as if she got difficulty moving the legs cos of the pants..

anyway yesterday i took half day leave and bought the activity..but kate does not seem to like it alot leh... i wanted to buy the $10 ride on bus/train too but cannot find! and i see so many kitchen sets!
feeling sian + hand itchy so post a pix.

here's mandy playing w her fav toy: e tissue box!!! she'd turn n turn e box until she finds e opening n pulls e tissue out, then start tearing e tissue apart, creating a big mess!

Hi Mummies

Cae is drinkin fm...but...he has been drinkin oni abt 120ml at a time...he drinks more ebm tho...but I oni hv ss for once a day...

I made ikan bilis powder for Cae today...kept some in the fridge for his porridge next time...

We brot Cae to Sentosa yest...he seems to enjoy the outin tho it was rainin...I was so happy tat Cae likes mashed carrot yest...


How was yr first porridge preparation...

Starluster n Afcai

Thx for yr info on porridge...I tink I wil oni prepare porridge for Cae when he turns 8 mths...Im a lazy mommy...


3 solids a day sounds very time consumin to me...as I said...Im a lazy mommy...


Thanx for yr magmag cup suggestion...I wil look out for it...

Aiyo, these babies really got diff pattern everyday one.. Think maybe Kate really teething, so her gums uncomfortable that's why dun wan to suck. The mag mag cup not is a step closer to the real cup... it's not really teats cos you dun stick it all the way in like teats, so the water will flow into the throat from the tip of the tongu, unlike teats where the water is released near the throat direct. So its teaching them how to swallow water like normal cup. The only difference is that the water flow is more controlled compared to normal sippy cup, cos the water will only flow when they bite the spout so not as messy as normal sippy cup... and the water flow is much faster compared to teats. Anyway, I am happy that JT can drink abt 60ml of water per session using this.. and she can drink it on her high chair...
dun care what teats or what lah... as long as she's willing to drink from it, if not constipation again then jiat lat...

where did you go to buy the toys from?

Haiz... think I have to stop giving JT NAN HA2 liao... her eczema got quite bad...haiz.... to think I only give her like 100ml 2x a day to go with her solids only... also will trigger her eczema to flare.... haiz....
think I'll go and buy the goat's milk FM.

We went to the goat's farm and organic veg farm today... it was quite nice... but the person say not much veg today cos kept raining the past 2 days. I liked the goat's milk very much, think I'll buy it often

actually solids is quite easy if you use cereals, just mix milk with the cereals.... it's easier than trying to force bb to drink milk if you ask me... that time JT was taking 1 hr to drink 150ml of EBM... really can go mad lor....

Mandy is so cute as usual!!

No prob.... take your time with the recipe.. now I have to go dig out my mooncake recipe and start practising liao, cos last year din make cos hubby din allow me to overtire myself cos preggie mah.. this year must try to make again!

Dun have to envy JT's hair lah.. it's just a matter of time.... your bb's will have hair one lah....
mandy din like it.
she took one mouthful, looked extremely disgusted n vomitted... when i tried again, she cried. so sad...q nice wat, in e end i ate them all up. hehehehe... i dunno y she din like it. this time i added only a tiny amt o fish n i cooked e fish seperately n added it only at e end... haiz..
i agree w dora, solids is easier, esp now tt i spoonfeed everything!

thx 4 e compliments.

1 hr drink 150 ml? tsk tsk.... me spoonfeed her milk 1.5hr drank 60ml... *shake head*
nowadays super tired cos she refused 2 latch, at times when she latch, she'd latch but nt suck, tink tink 4 a few sec n push my breast away. she'd then proceed 2 pluck n pinch my nipples! OUCH! then it's my turn 2 push her away... hehehe...
she doesn't take bottle n refuse e straw too. so now i spoonfeed her for every meal. milk, water, solids, ALL SPOONFED! wanna die liao... but i tried nt doing tt, she'd cry, cannot sleep... but still refuse 2 latch, take bottle/straw... bobian, dun wan her 2 lose any more wt. already underwt liao..
n WOW! u cab make mooncake! impressed impressed!

i'm feeding mandy 3 solid feeds per day. doc said it's ok n i've no choice anyway cos she refuse milk most o e time, esp her last feed. i haf 2 fill her tummy b4 she sleeps lah, so gotta feed her sthg.
problem is, she doesn't eat porridge. is 3 cereals a day too much?? i do add vege puree tho.

btw, i tink i can declare e end o my bfing career liao. she doesn't latch n my breasts aren't v responsive 2 e pump... i tink in no time, my ss wld hit nilch! but i'm fine w it lah... as long as i dun kena another engorgement fever can liao.

U can try other food besides porridge...

I steam then mash the following...apple, potato, pumpkin, sweet potato...for potato n sweet potato...I add some milk during mashin as well...

How much can u pump out now...Cae oso caused a decrease in my ss when he latched oni for 5 mins...tatz y I oni hv enuff to pump once a day now...

Mandy looked very chubby in the pix leh...
her face is chubby but body is not. in any case, she's only 63 com n 6.3kg (wat a coincidence) at 8mth+ so she's v small.
she doesn't like mash sweet potato leh. this girl hor, only likes bland bland stuff. taste stronger a bit she rejects. tt's y i always end up adding rice cereals 2 make e taste milder.i tink plain rice cereal is still her fav! haiz.... but i'll slowly make her accept more tastes lah, maybe it's only now, cos she's teething. wans comfort food ba.
now i pump thrice a day, each time only bt 60ml
kimi, i thot u will NEVER let her play with tissue box cos i rem u r quite envtl friendly.. btw, how did u make mandy sleep thru though her nappy cloht gets wet? kate will wake up so hb is p*ssed he wanted to stop using nappy cloth..sighh.. think u should try the magmag mug... u r tiring urself with all these spoonfeeding! alamat... mandy 6.3.liao ah? the last time kate measure during her neonat visit she was 6.29kg!

btw, interested mommies, there is a bp for ergo at http://www.bay*supplies.biz/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=16077 (replace * with b) raised by a SMH mommy (cos that side dont need to pay BP listing money :p). Min 15 to get 15% disct, > 25 carriers 20% disct.

fizz, dont worry , i am a lazy mommy too..always use instant add-water kind of cereal :p

dora..o i c... mmm.maybe keep a lookout during next JL sale... me was thinking of getting a sippy cup.. btw, how is the moisturiser? working or not? got the activity table from the Taka crazy toy sale. wah biang..even Nan HA gives eczema? i think beside goats milk can only try soy liao... how does the goat's milk taste like? only for adults? how much is the cost? can order and they deliver? :p

mommies, just now ILs come and i flare up at both MIL and FIL..ahahaa.. MIL cos she was so naggy... i feed kate using bowl then she keep repeating have to use big wide plate then i keep telling her big wide plate will make the brown rice cool very fast then she keep repeating.then cook green bean soup for them ask them to leave the dishes there for hb to wash but she want to do..so i tell her direct she spoil him i dont have money to hire maid. then FIL said kate like hb, bad temper, and guess what? bad temper is good cos can get things done. I directly tell him bad temper only lost temper when there are obstacles, cannot get things done. P*ssed. Can only tahan them half an hour each time. After that sure lose my temper.
BTW, I am so p*ssed (using this word very often!) cos the tiles in my living poppup over the weekend!

Now the length of the living got singapore alps liao...

Suspect that HDB will not pay for the whole repair. Anyone knows anything about that or how to argue to make them pay for the repairs or do it foc?
just a quick browse and post before gg for my pumping session. nowsdays, so busy and dead tired , hardly have time to log in. so every alternate fri, need to take leave to clear email , hsehold etc.... usually, log in wkend but will feel guilty if spending time on pc since bb tx only come bck wkend only (fri night came hm but slp and sun late noon then need to bring her back again...time is really limited man...) hai...motherhood really take up a lot of time...but not fatherhood leh...

saw mandy 's pic. wow, she got the deep 'jiu wo' wor...she quite chubby liao man...

wow, playing with tissue, won't mandy eat up the tissue?

oops, tot, my ss decrease so bad but now console myself that u are slightly 'worst' then me...oops no offence... me now, dun really have fixed timing to pump esp wkend. wkdays so tired, so pump a bit earlier before 12 midnight. so the least ss I got is 80ml within 4hr only(previous pump at 0740pm, been delayed for 1hr).

dun worry loh, as loh as mandy healthy can liao. one of the mummies, now her daughter(a premature also) is 1yr +(heard fr her 3 mth ago), her weight is still 6.6kg only.

hmm..that' will be on eve of national day loh when our bb (same birth date) turn 8mth. wow, u sah (if I dun remember wrongly), still lazy to cook huh....

did u ask the doc any cure for the eczema? maybe is it not bec of the FM she consume but more to the shampoo or bath thing she use which might be one of the reason to trigger the eczema?

yup, yup, got to wait for the time for bb tx 's hair to grow. today, hubyb and I took her to coffeeshop to makan. so we are on the lift down and one auntie said is bb tx a boy...ai-yo..wear pink from head to toe still ah boy...then I asked my mum, do bb tx look like ah boy huh...she told me yup, she reassemble my hubby more than me.

hmm..wow, I still find some body(that's u) still using nappy cloth wor...I also use nappy cloth when we bring bb tx home over wkend.

ai-yo, man hor, can't handle kid one...handle a bit making so much noise man...y'day, hubby was so angry and 'scold' bb tx that after talking to her so much, bb tx still won't listen and wail cos she was looking for me while I was pumping ebm. then I took over after pumping (nowsdays, pump only 20mins then quickly pack up liao, not like last time, wait for 2nd letdown, now dun care...very sian pumping), bb tx smile etc and hubby even 'nag' in sad tone (eye got tear) said bb tx why this and that. hai...

hmm shaving hair can stimulate growth meh...

wow...that's gd that Hayley can crawl so we have to keep a hawk eye on them now. bb tx can crawl a bit but hand co-ordinate not good, hand can't move, only legs and backside move (backside high up, legs like kneeing). so 'crawl' half way, then flatten herself on the surface.
Hi bloom,
withr regard to the tile pop up issue, you may like to write to yr areaa MP and then ask them to look into the issue loh. can give it a try.
wkend pass so fast.. last night PH slept at 2am!!! aiyo... kept pat pat pat oso dun want to sleep.. put him on the bed, he turn n turn.. den turn to me n smile so happily... kept playing.. aiyo... finally i can't tahan... carry him n pat n rock him.. finally slept... :p i was so tired tt i slept like a rock until 10am.. got woke up by PH's cries.. :p

dun think i able to take leave anytime soon lor... sian...
got any wkend gathering anot?? :p

u went to hay's goat farm? got bring JT along? i thinking of bringing PH for farm excursion leh.. dunnoe if the animal fur there will trigger any allergic reaction anot.. :p

aiyo.. sian hor... can't take it when parents or in laws nag too much.. :p u dare talk back to them ah.. i won't dare... esp after the washing basin incident.. i hav decided to keep mum in future.. juz be ke ke qi qi to them can liao.. :p

wah.. how come singapore alps in ur living room? so scary... any construction going on nearby?

recently, PH wean off my breast suddenly too...
all of a sudden, he reject my breast like it's poison.. i juz need to place his mouth near the nipple n he will wail... win liao lor... den if i managed to squeeze nipple into his mouth, he bite me!!! bad bad boy... i suspect tt it could be due to me "beating" him when he bite me during latch on... he was bitting me few days b4 he reject me.. i always use finger to tap on his cheeks n tell him no bitting.. guess he interpreted as no latching... hai~~ but at least, aft he wean off, he seems to accept bottle better... :p
Mandy looks so cute and chubby. Cannot believe she's not drinking well. Let's hope she gets over this teething period quickly.

The choc molten cake looks yummylicious. Is it difficult to make?

Oh dear, popping tiles... that's going to be troublesome. Think you better call hdb to check. Any idea if your neighbours experienced the same thing?

Heh, seems like a lot of babies are crawling already. Regina started crawling on her knees 1.5 weeks ago, and within a few days she's already following us around the house. No doubt, she sustained a few knocks on the head and a couple of hits on her cheek/chin during the initial period, but babies really learn so quickly from their mistakes. It's so amazing to watch her.

Hb is going away on a trip again, so Regina better behave herself over the next 4 days... hmmm, wish me luck.
Hi mummies
Nicole is well again. She finished her course of antibiotics yesterday
I'm so happy that she's eating and sleeping well again. My life is dictated by her these days so when she sleeps well at night, I also get to sleep

Nicole also loves to tear tissue!

Nicole's doctor prescribed he with a medication called elomet recently, her told me it's very mild steroid. When she's ill, her eczema usually flares up. So I used it on her once and she's ok again. There's also another cream for eczema that's not steroid based called protocpin, maybe you can try that? It's very expensive tho. Why don't you switch to Goat's Milk FM or Isomil? Nicole is drink BM and Isomil, so far so good. She was also ok on Goat's Milk but she grew tired of the taste because she started to reject Goat's Milk.

I don't like duo pump because I need to hold both sides and if I slip, the suction will not be good. Besides I found that tho it saves time but the amount of milk I get is not more than using the single pump. So now I use the single pump while sitting in my cubicle at work. I cover up with a nursing cover and continue working while holding the pump with one hand. I can express between 120-150ml. But I take pretty long, cuz I'm not in a hurry since I'm at my desk so I just leave the pump running for maybe 20 mins each side.

i love mandy photo.. she look so cutie pie n her dimple. ur mandy tear tissue paper. my javier eat tissue paper. one of his favourite toy is tissue box so whenever he get to see a tissue box, he grab it. try to take out the tissue n start biting.. we will try to put the tissue box of his sight.
anyting he grab it, he will put into his mouth.
hi mummies...

went c the first PD on last sat as Ivan didnt sleep well at nite..kept wake up at nite to play...me n hubby very very tired...he put on 300gram in 3weeks!!
finally 7.4kg! but i really wonder if cos the weighing scale at the 2nd PD clinic is spoilt hehe

anyway PD said he is at 25percentile but as long as he is healthy can liao.n his recent sleeping pattern is just a phase ..
i dun know how long it is going to last...now he dun really nap during day time..n nite time still dun want sleep n wake up to play.

sat nite/sun wee morning is the worst...he slept at 9pm..wake up 930pm..then 1130pm...245am...445am...6am..till i really dun know if i had sleep or not..hubby very nice woke up bring him over to his room to sleep bt Ivan stil dun wan sleep..he is very very tired but dun know how he just cant sleep...so the whole of sun...we were jsut so tired..bt at MIL hse..we handed him to her ...so tired...

but i really prayed hard n last nite he only woke up twice which is normal routine..i cant ask tat he sleep thru but as long as he can just wake up twice n can nurse to sleep i am most happy liao..

n guess wat..my first PD said ivan didnt gain much weight for past two months might be my BM quality drop...quite upset hor? plus he said bbis shd gain weight only on milk n not on solid??i not sure if it is true...bt i started ivan on porridge n he gain weight for last 3weeks..


if only ivan can take bottles...after trying for almost 2mths he still cant fully accept...sigh..like Kimi, i also have 4mths plus to wean him off totaly off breasts....4mth more mths to go...
hi mummies,

mi next friday on leave. any mummies care to join mi n jav for lunch outing n shopping?

dee, dora, ruffy okay wif u gals???
ivy pls join mi.. i kinda of miss u n ivan.

Lunch outing on 10th Aug (Fri)
serene & javier
oops! caught in e act o being envtally unfrenly. ya, i'm q envt frenly one, so i only allow her 2 play w 1 piece o tissue at a time. dun wanna deprive her o it cos it's texture is q unique n i wan her 2 touch n feel 4 her sensorial devt. n well, it's really a cheap toy n she likes it!

eh, i tink hor, e PD's weighing scale nt v accurate. just a few days bk, she was weighed at e GP n she was only 6kg... gained 300g in a few days?? hmmm... but i hoped it's e GP's scale tt's spoilt!

oh, btw... ya, she's still fully on cloth nappy unless at nite time or going out. she's nvb been one 2 fuss over wet nappies so i've no prob w tt!

no, she doesn't really put things into her mouth. i dunno y...

y hor? suddenly dun wan breasts. even when mandy is VERY hungry, she oso won't latch. she wld hit my breast n cry... haiz... maybe this is wat they mean by self-wean.
oso gd lah, since i've wanted 2 wean her off 2 regain some freedom, just nv tot it'd b so early.

serene, sylk,
thx 4 e compliments on mandy. she does indeed look chubbier. maybe it's bcos i'm spoonfeeding her now n can trick her 2 drink a bit more each time. altho total intake is still low but io suspect she might b taking even less when she was latching.. sigh...

mandy's weaned off my breasts lor, no need 2 wait 4 mths! how's ur bottle feeding. must dilligently try everyday hor, or try cup, straw or anything. cos if one day, u really need to wean him off ur breasts bcos ur BM quality drop or like mandy n PH, he suddenly wanna self wean... u must b able 2 feed him milk. or else u'll end up like me, spoonfeed milk every feed. v siong!
i tried bottlefeeding, cupfeeding n strawfeeding mandy since she was 6 mths. she cld take them sometimes but now tt she's teething, she's refused all o them. hope it doesn't happen 2 u.
Hi ladies,
Forum and dark side super quiet wor. All busy super???

The mag mag cup really so good ah?? I have not start training Jovey on it. He still use bottle. Lazy mummy :p

How PD determine that quality of yr BM drop
???? Though the body will auto produce milk that is suitable for our own bb???

Weekday outing very difficult wor. Enjoy and post pic for us to see k

quite??? coz me nor ard??! hee heee....

honestly, the mag mag cup is not very good.
i m getting Meg the combi version liao (shhhhhh coz i am a Hello Kitty fans!)

sooooo happy! i finally found yoghurt for bb tat dun need to be chilled!!

may i know how you do the zuchini (sp?).

juz got some and will be letting Meg try on thursday. she better likey man...imported from Germany

i also find tat Mandy is getting more chubby.
must be tough for you to spoonfeed everyting.

juz be happy tat Ivan had put on weight.
why go and suspect tat the weighing scale kaput??
go where on 10 Aug?
Shd be able to make it..but must know location can

What yoghurt for bb did u get? Sounds interesting haven't seen it before. Roy hates the petite miam for 6mth old ones....maybe try the fruity ones next.

Mandy looks v.gd in the picture
What brand FM are u giving her? Maybe she doesn't like the taste? I thought Roy likes the MAmil gold 2..coz he happily drank it last 2 weeks but this week he doesn't like to drink it...haiz!.. maybe try again later this week or continue to put it in his cereal.
i wash e zucchini thoroughly, peel off e parts o skin tt doesn't look v nice. then cut into small pieces. steam until soft n puree. frankly, i dunno if tt's e rite way but mandy likes it. if u dunno by now, i steam n blend like, EVERYTHING!

wah, wat's so special bt german zucchinis???
btw, u haf e mag mag straw cup rite? no gd? mandy drinks fr it leh, not now lah o cos. it leaks hor?

thx 4 e comnpliments.

feeding similac. she seems ok w it. then she started rejecting BM, wants only FM. now, she just totally rejects milk altogether..
good mood still wld drink a bit lah. hubby said we shld buy e dumex w immunofortis (sp?) BUT SO EXPENSIVE!!!
Just share some photos of bb tx which was taken on 21/7 (225 day old) and 22/7(226 day old)

What am I doing here?

My first attempt to crawl but....shaking backside is the best.

Ready get set go...

So sian...

Poster gal...

JT is sick!! She started to have fever yesterday. Then this morning at a high of 39.5!! the PD says it's most probably false measles... and she's so cranky the whole day.... dun wan to drink water from her sippy cup, dun wan to drink EBM from the bottle... dun wan solids... only wants to latch... but my SS has dropped like siao liao so not enuf... the PD gave me medications to increase my SS, hopefully it works... and she is so cranky she keeps crying and crying, carry rock pat everything also no use.... haiz....and she is so tired but stil cant sleep....I want to go crazy soon liao...
And at the same time I feel so sim tia when she wail none stop

I got the 5mth+ spout tip mag mag cup, not the straw one. Oh, regarding the leaking, you know you have to put them in at a certain position? The handle have to be at the sides with the mag mag logo in the middle. Then the spout has a little triangle which you have to align with the ring.. err.. I know it's very poor explanation... hope you gals know what I am talking abt, cos initially I also keep having this leaky issue, until I figured out this alignment issue.

I personally feel the mag mag cup is good lah, cos it's quite soft compared to others, and there's controlled flow.... I think it's good as a step between teats and real sippy cup.. I was desperate to get JT to drink water the other time, so it was a saviour for me... but if Jovey is ok to drink water from bottle, then you might want to train him to drink from a real sippy cup direct.

I stopped the moisturizer cos she is having a mega flare from her virus.... so now it's back to steroids and the ultra expensive Mustela repair. I bought isomil to mix into the cereals, she is ok with isomil in cereals, but dun wan to drink from it direct. The goats milk FM is FM specially formulated for bbs, not the fresh one from Hay's. You can get it from coldstorage causeway pt. The name is called Karihomme or stg like tat. It's very ex, $22 for a small tin. According to my PD, goat's FM is 60% similar to cow's milk, soy is 30% similar... so the chance of having allergy with goat's milk is 60% and soy is 30% for bb with cow's milk allergy.

Aiyo.. think you can go complain to HDB lah... I think your area got previous case one, cos my friend stay somewhere near you and I remember she said that her neighbours kenna.....

I'l let you know if we'll available next week. Hopefully JT is good as new then.

Forgot to ans your que... Yah, I brough JT to Hay's farm... if you're afraid of hygiene, then just stay in the front portion where they show the milking of the goats (9-11am)... it's very clean.. the back part where you can feed the goats is a bit smelly lah....but I think they are too young to appreciate leh... JT preferred to look at the ceiling fan rather than the goats :p

dunno why bb are got so much energy man...can wake up and dun need to slp. even tough, they are tired, they still like to look here and there.

ai-yo, dun be sad that PH reject yr breast. there will be time when bb self wean off breast.

gd man...like that more 'secure'. bb tx anything also put into her mouth. do Mandy suck toes. y'day morning, woke up by bb tx 's noise...OMG, her suckling of toes sound so loud man...

oh...wondering how JT got fever. chill at air-con rm?

err. got medication to increase ss meh...why not eat more fish, payaya etc...natural ingrediation to boast up...

Quote from one of the mummies that "there are yogurts availabe meant for babies. These yogurts are less sweet, no preservatives or unnecessary additives. And they are sold in really small packaging. Cold Storage has better stock as compared to NTUC. There's Yoplait Baby Yogurt (sour!!!!) , Petit Miam (really nice but exxxx!!!!) and Meiji brand (the container got Mickey Mouse design). "
