(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

i found the yoghurt in Frankfurt. i used to see it in States before i have Meg.
nothing special abt the yoghurt except tat i dun need to chill them (so i can take it along with me anywhere!).

the choices here are very wide.
i got alot and now my bag bag is super heavy.

also got all my NUK bottles.
darn cheap here!! juz limited design nia coz here ppl still uses glass bottles.

definitely nothing great abt veg from Germany. i juz bo liao and went marketing here. saw zucchini and decided to let Meg try lo.

but if she dun likey then waste my effort of carry it back lo

personnally i find the new Dumex Step 2 is not worth it. besides the price increace, it's 100g lesser then the old version.
overall is double the price hike!!

have you gotta sample from Dumex yet?
since last mth, their 400g sample is the new version.
you may wanna try on JT first.
and should you decide to feed JT Dumex for good, you can bulk purchase direct fr Dumex.

buy 3 get 1 free. FOC delivery.
it's the best deal i can find so far

hope JT will have a speedy recovery!

regarding Mag Mag cup.....
i got the whole set.
it leaks wen not (like wat Dora mentioned) positioned properly.

Meg is using the straw now. very slow la coz she mostly play with it.

hi all!
yesterday went to gynae for check up and weighed hannah...she's now 8.1kg. :p
Haiz, yesterday, doc detected something in my womb...he said looks like a degenerative fibroid, but not sure cos the shape is different...in short, he's really not sure wat it is...
it wasn't there before when i was preggie. make me a bit worried too....have to go for another check in 4 mths... pls pray that it will disappear on its own, or that doc and find out wat it is and it can be cured.

mandy is so cute...looks like she's got dimples?

long time no see.
how's it going with hb away? hope regina's been a good gal for u.

hannah same as PH! Sat nite, she just won't sleep! play and play, crawl around, climb here and there, smile and smile...we carry her, try to pat her to sleep, she struggle struggle want to be put down. We turn off all the lights, she still play in the dark! aiyoh!!! in the end manage to get her to sleep after like 2 hrs! lately hor, wake up middle of the nite, play play by herself, sometimes go back to sleep, sometimes will cry a bit for attention.
I'm still waiting for her to sleep through the nite! Envy those whose bb can do that liao.

I've not tried the mag mag cup...tried the avent one...dun think hannah knows quite how to drink from it yet.

tx pics very sweet.
afcai, my sis is the one taht say shaving can stimulate growth..but kate's hair really does look abit better after both rounds of shaving.. begining they will have all kinds of pattern for crawling..later will be quite fast and accomplish.. tx look so sweet..how can she be a boy?

re tiles, HDB came down yest.they say will replace the living room with some other design cos the old tiles no stock liao..but duno when contractor will contact hb..wah lau..have to move out leh...

shihui, i think my ILs hate me alot
no construction just bad workmanship..my area alot of tiles popping and shower glass shattering one..i told my hb tong 4 yrs alrady very good :p

sylk..ehehe..time to think of childproofing ur next pl

snowy great that nicole recover!

choo, good that ivan is putting on wgt!

serene, me not taking leave on that day lah.sorry...

kimi, not bad..u actually can control her to just tear one piece? how do u do that?

dora..oh no.anotehr false mealees case....
so actually soy milk better than goat milk? cos cow milk NOT similar to bm mah...
dark side buddies,
kena kicked out n too lazy to log in again liao.
gonna get some beauty slp instead.


will keep you in mind in my prayers
have tried the baby yoplait on roy he hates it. Today tried the fruity one (Expensive one) and he likes it

actually there is 1 more brand.
Fernleaf yoghurt for kids..this one is cheaper $2.xx only .. worth to try..Ryan likes it

really must come in more often...now ivan dun want nap day time!!
just put him down 10mins n he wake up liao...i cant do my own tings....but thank GOD at least for nite time he only wake up twice lah...GOD must be testing me ..give me such a diffcult n cranky bb..
n i am home alone with him...now i know why pp dun want quit to take care of bb..


hehe cos i suspect the 2nd PD 's weighing scale spoilt mah! cos how can 2mths only put on about 100+ gram? doesnt make sense rite? but now he hit the '7' kg mark ivery happy...he is a very cheeky boy...but he doesnt nap during day..make me very pek chey..


i dun know leh!!
tat wat the first PD (a male PD) told me...felt so hurt leh...i dun know why he come up with tat conclusion??maybe GOD also plan tat i shd stop BF n no nid wait another 4mths plus??

oh no..hope JT is well!
must be hard on you n her...please take good care ok!!
wow din come in forum for 1wk+ so many posts leh.

Yeah I am a SAHM for 1wk so i am very happy. taking care of baby is a joy also quite irritated when bb wants to be cary & i hv to cook or do hsework etc...

where do u stay?? My frd hse also in woodlands living room tiles also mostly pop out. omg.. hv to take 1wk leave to let contractor come in to re-do. worst is cant stay there & bb hv to be at her MIL hse.

wat is the zucchini ? is it the pea?i have tried porridge with carrot.sweet potato.pumpkin n now spinach.he dun really like spinach but prefer pumpkin n carrot..tink cos it is sweet..hubby bought potato but i dun know if it is yucky to have potato porridge...now also bought zhu yao rou..to add in porridge to make it more tasty...everyday is cooking..washing...cooking ..washing....
*pat pat* altho everybody says it'll pass, i dunno bt u but i keep wondering WHEN IT WILL PASS???? i tink hor, mandy's drinking less than 300ml p day...

just now last feeding she refused 2 eat at all, milk or solids. me n hubby had 2 stand up, me sway my butt fr side 2 side n feed her while hubby shake e tambourine n dance ard... even then, she din finish her solid n drank only a few mouthfuls o milk! this afternoon went shopping at United sq oso v funny. fed her in e stroller at one o e seats, nt in nursing rm. hubby had 2 dance n kept changing e toys 2 dangle on top off her... we oso sang n sang... i tink passersby must haf tot we were crazy!!!
now tink o feeding time, super scared! *shudder*
n i understand it's tough 2 face e bb 24/7. like no end 2 it. i'm 4ever tensed, can only relax a bit when she's sleeping. so take heart, i noe wat u're going thru.... *sayang*
btw, zucchini is like cucumber. u might find it in supermkts. but lousy ones like e sembawang ntuc dun haf.

thx! yes! she has 2 dimples! i never dreamt tt my child wld haf dimples cos none o my family member (nor my hubby's) has it.

let's all wish hannah wld sleep thru soon!

oh dear. poor bb n poor mummy. *extra pat pat* how's she now? better???

eh... she's e gentle kind remember? she wld usu only tear one piece b4 reaching out 2 take another out. then i 5 5 take e box away lor. she oso neber fuss. just cont tearing tt one piece into smaller pieces!
4got 2 write..


how r u coping? has regina been gd? neber got a chance 2 chat w u on dark side these days. hope everything is fine. i tink u're a v strong mom, SAHM here, w hubby is tough enof.... but u! u r a SAHM in a foreign land, w hubby gone 4 days sometimes! really pei fu u!
Hi Bobianah and Kimi!

Heh heh, yes, I am still alive and surviving. Regina is still having a running nose, and she seems to get a fever every morning... quite strange. And no, no teeth yet. This little girl seems to believe that day time is for playing and night time is for charging her battery - she can go on for 5-6 hrs without milk in the day, but at night, she'll wake up every 3-4 hrs for her bottle. Oh well, whatever, as long as she drinks enough.

Aiyo, there are tons of zucchini here and all sorts of yoghurts but I have not given any to Regina, maybe because I'm not particularly fond of these 2 foods myself. And since I have to finish her leftovers (which is virtually everything since she is still refusing to open her mouth), I guess that's why... hah hah :p
PH has morph into a little monster now... :p he will act act cry when i take away something he's not supposed to play with... n will stop the moment i give him back his "toy".. so terrible... it's a sign tt i muz start educating him liao... cannot always do things his way liao.. so fast know how to manipulate us with his cries... hai~~~

i finally finished reading harry potter.. hmmmm.. the ending abit lame leh.. :p like happily ever after in fairy tales.. no kick leh.. hahahaha.. :p

wah.. regina can crawl on her knees liao ah.. PH still creeping ard... :p maybe he's a comando in training.. hahahaha.. :p

lately PH loves to wake up n disturb us at night..
wake up cry cry cry.. in the past, i juz need to latch him on.. but now, he refuse to latch.. so got to climb out of bed n warm up milk for him.. so tiring... few nights onli n i can't tahan liao.. coz i got to wake up 1 hour earlier everyday to pump.. luckily hubby help me...

wah.. so long din come here chat chat liao.. how's ace doing? we shd find a day to go swimming together..

same same!! PH juz simply dun want to latch.. even when he's very hungry.. he won't even want to touch my breast.. put near his mouth he arch his head far far away... really sian lor...
yah... but it's gd lah.. we dun hav to go thru the process of weaning off breast... which can be terrible as well.. :p

tx is so cute...
she got this very girl girl look leh...

aiyo... JT very poor thing.. how is she today? better?

i will be bringing PH for a little farm tour this wkend..
will be visiting hay.. den see got any other farms nearby anot..
maybe will go qianhu too.. coz PH loves looking at fish..

ya lor... bb can be so full of energy... it's the parents who will be sooo exhausted.. :p

dun worry too much.. everything will be okie..

wah.. so jialet... hopefulyl HDB will be able to replace for u...
ruffy, where can we get this fernleaf yougert for kids?

Jen, i think all the nwewer flats in woodlands all got this problem ... yeah..i think have to move out, incl bb stuff..jia lak...

choo, what is zhu yao rou?

kimi..ahahah... so cham..sometimes hb had to dance and make finger motions while i feed kate too... sigh..we are moving tv... so gentle that she din even fuss..mandy really good gal!

sylk, could it be that the nigttime is too cold or that its not fever, just more warm cos of blanket or wahtever/?

shihui, so how much milk does ph drink when he wakes up at night? last time someone said can train them to sleep by offering water instead of milk..maybe u can try?
thks for the compliments. but hor, some aunties still said she looked like ah boy....ai-yo, bb botak will be boy meh...somemore, wear pink clothes, hat and carry a pink small pouch bag, still look like boy meh...alamak...those auntie's eye didn't tear down the stamp on their eyes man....

hmm maybe the fruity one sweet and smell nice is it? roughly what age, can start bb on yoghurt

is Fernleaf yoghurt available at NTUC?

gd time to bond with bb Selina loh. but motherhood is a joy while on the other hand 'kill".

my mum also cook potato porridge for bb tx. she likes it.but compare to fish porridge, she prefers fish to other food.

my col is advising me that can use the egg yolk (hard boiled egg) and then mash half of the cook yolk into the porridge. the porridge. will be sweet. I have yet to try yet.

btw, what is zhu yao rou? meat?

hmmm bring bb back home daily is a joy (can't see them daily) but tiring esp for bf mummy still pumping. so usually weekend, hubby will feed bb tx in the morning while I went for my pumping. we only brought bb tx home every fri after work.I also woke up half an hr (woke up at 0530am) for pump during wkday before gg to work.hai..mummy always dun have much slp.

bb tx got gal look meh...those auntie passby saw her always ask boy or gar even tough she dress in pink. hai...botak bb always be boy meh... so got to hide her hair then everytime gg out. but this gar will wet her hat with her sweat.

hmm PH still have night feed?
Hi mummies,
Fernleaf yoghurt- I usually buy from shop n safe but I have seen it in NTUC before.(can't remember which branch). When can u start yoghurt.. I think it depends on you..for me I start my boys at 7mths +.
hope JT has recovered from fever. i hav seen tat JT has grown prettier n pretteir since our last outing.

potato porridge is quite okie. u can also add in carrot n fish.. the 3 combination taste better.

yah, i tink i prefer to b working.. javier been veri sticky to mi. whenver i m @ home n within his view, he will yang ow to mi n wanna mi to carry him. even if other family members carrying him, he will still make noise n wanna mi to carry instead. sometimes i put him down to play wif his toys n sit beside him, he will grab one toy wif one hand, another hand will b grabbing my t-shirt. he is afraid i might walk away.
but i m happy coz i know even if i m not the main care-taker most of the day, he still wanna to stick to mi. n MOST important is, i tink my MIL also realised tat javier prefers his mummy to his granny.
Sayang JT. Hope she had recovered

Aiyo, hope its just fibroid. Dont worry too much hor.

Glad to know that you are coping well. I really saluate all SAHM. Its a super tough 24/7 job that dont see result immediatly. However, when bb smile or coo all the sacrifice n sleepless night will be worth it liao

Yr PD not pro-breastfeeding lar.....How can BM be of lower quality???? He got medical prove bo???

Low 5...Jovey also scream when we take away thing he's not supposed to play with. Than i will 5 5 replace with another toy and distract him which normally work :p

All bbs will prefer their own mummy. But my boi hor only look for me at night. Wonder if its good or bad

zhu yao rou is lean meat .the least fat meat of pork .MIL bought a lot for me to cook for ivan but she cut into so big pieces.i will cut it smaller to cut it smaller.
tday at mum hse...cook porride with spinach,carrot.pumpkin n dried scallop .he seems to like it..my 2year old niece tried to feed him
so cute! at least at mum hse i feel more sane..

sigh..yest i shouted at ivan cos he only nap 10mins..then again 10mins them 30mins.he can never nap likle 2 hrs liao...n i scolded him with harsh words....look like i really dun fit to be SAHM...all my good temper n patience all gone liao...but hubby send me a sms said he know not easy to be sahm n he appreciated me take good care of ivan for 7mths plus liao..though initially he didnt like the idea of me being SAHM...

i decided not to listen to this PD...
ya..he not professional enf...n not pro bf one...if i have the courage to have 2nd one i will go to vanessa's PD..very pro bf!
Hello mummies

Thanks for your concern. JT is better liao, still a bit feverish at abt 37.4, but I've stopped giving her panadol liao cos the medicine made her break into cold sweat, my poor girl
But she still has a slight cough... and she is finally eating a little cereals. I dun dare to give anything else other than rice cereals to her cos she was vomitting and having slight diarrhea.... but I am glad she is eating a little.... and willing to drink a little water from her sippy cup now... she is more sticky than usual, so I am busier now also :p

I tried papaya and fish before, but doesn't seem to have any significant increase in my ss... I had no choice cos JT refused bottle, solids and water.... only want to latch.... and she was running such a high fever, PD was afraid she might get dehydrated cos I told her my ss very low... so got to eat the medication lor... anyway I will only take for 5 days lah.... and when she slowly willing to drink water etc than I can stop liao...

I told hubby abt your tiles, he said must demand HDB for compensation then they will fast fast do for you lah... like each day you move out compensate $X... then they will fast fast do mah... if not they dilly dally then faint liao

Aiyo mandy really so cranky hor.... it's so terrible when they refuse to eat/drink rt? poor you.... these few days JT refuse to eat i also nearly go crazy...

hugz hugz..JT also kept waking up since last month....bo bian lor... i know its tough lah...
you can get zucchini at lot 1 ntuc.

glad to know tat you're still coping!!! brave mummy!! by the way, i loved the zucchini flowers in italy! yummy leh!
hi qianhui,
long time never see u in the forum liao.. how is ace? u wanna to join us for the lunch gathering? i hav to see whose going. if all live nearby, we will settle in a neigbourhood shopping complex. else i m tinking of orchard area. been tinking of suntec but from mrt station to suntec is veri inconvenience for baby pram.
Hi Dora,
think heard fr one of the mummies that durian and avocado(dunno if spell correctly or not) can boost up ss cos creamy stuff mah. or one of the mummies (forgot who) mentioned drinking soem type of fm can also boost up fm. hmm when are u intending to continue bf till?

if u give bm to JT, will her eczyma better?
I have always been wondering about those zucchini flowers. Sometimes they sell zucchini with flowers attached... then some pple pluck off the flowers before they buy. While other times, I see them sell the flowers on its own. So, didn't know whether it's for eating or for decoration :p How to cook?
Hi mbb2,
saw yr link to the video clip. haaa by placing meg face in there, such an interesting video. imagine meg know how to speak in jap language...wow and also she is promoting the advertisement for the pc wor..
hmm..a great sense of "man zhu gan" (satisfaction) letting the caregiver (esp mil or mum) know that afterall our bb still close/stick to their mama.

with regard to Ivan's freq woke up issue, maybe u can take him downstairs and walk walk, let him see thing till his eyes tired. then maybe this way, he will be tired and slp more. bb tx always like that, took her out, she kpo look ard and then my mum feedback that she will slp like log or slp a lot on mon and tue cos every weekend, took her to west mall/imm/ntuc/cofeeshop/neighbour stall to shop shop.

Hi mummies,
Check out bb tx 's ABC adventure http://www.myabcadventure.com/index.htm?Detid=357199-5O7P5O4I3F1M5N4

I also got into the ABC adventure loh.it is indeed fun.
thx 4 e site! it was such GREAT FUN!!!

but i'm not so interested in e video, i'm interested in e diff hairstyles!!! wow!!!! here r some o my fav:




hope mandy grows up 2 b tt pretty!

Think I forgot to answer your que re goats and soy milk. My PD's advise is to go for soy. She said if bb refuse to take isomil, can try frisosoy. Her reasoning is that goat's milk still has 60% of chance of allergy, and its sooooo expensive, and from her experience, a lot of bb dun like the taste of goats milk.... but she is very pro-bf, trying to tell me to try to stick to 100% bf, keep saying mummy's milk is the best... I also know lah... but my ss drop mah, not as if I want to quit intentionally.... so you might want to try isomil on Kate and see how it goes. at least it's much cheaper than goat's milk (goat's FM is almost double the price!!)

Thanks for your advise... I think for me hor... whatever I eat also no use one, I just have to eat a balanced meal, which sometimes I dun even have the time for when I have to rush my marking and take of of JT alone.. and also must have enuf rest, but how to have enuf rest??! esp now that she's sick, she's sooooooo sticky... she used to be very independent one, now she keeps wanting me to carry her.... so tired how to have enuf bm?? I intend to bf her till she's 1 yr old, then start to wean her off slowly... hopefully her eczema would be ok by then and she can take normal milk.

I was having homestay in italy at that time, and the mum was a superb cook. If I remember correctly, she cooked the chopped flowers and the sliced zucchini with eggs, something like our fried eggs with tomato.... But think she cooked the flowers and zucchini to soften them 1st then add the eggs in... I loved to see her cook, altho we couldn't communicate at all!
I hope I didn't remember wrongly cos that was like 10 years ago!! But I really loved italy, the people in the small towns were really warm!

Wahahahaha Mandy really looks so cute.. haiz dunno why can't get into the website that MBB posted leh

lucky me dun have any of the toys!

i found a new method of cooking zucchini.
i baked it for 20 mins till it is tender then puree it. Meg enjoyed her lunch

we only rent toys dun realy buy toys..


ya we really understand how each other feels.esp we are first time mummies n we are taking the bbies by ourselves n no one else!! suffocating leh!! ivan has been taking cat naps for past 1 week liao...can u imagine how tired i am.?? n total one hr nap whole day!! despite tat..he still cant sleep thru...wake up between two to four times at nite..n almost every time when i pat her..i nearly fell off from bed cos i was very tired...people always console me..'this phase shall pass'.but i also wonder WHEN?? n will it ever happen?

must be tired for you to spoonfeed Mandy? so is she taking FM totally? i have also tried spoonfed water to him but he know how to spit it out..


we have tried..bringhim out walk here n there...he nap a while in the stroller...but back home..he still cant nap well...

i noe i noe. i tink e spoonfeeding phase 4 mandy won't pass liao, it's here 2 stay. she doesn't take bottle n doesn't wanna latch even when she's starving. i can't possibly nt feed her rite? act she can take a bit o cup but will b q messy n she likes 2 smack e cup. end up, she eats less n more work 4 me. so 4 now, i just spoonfeed lor.

she spits out all e time too... everytime after a feeding, my thighs wld b full o milk cos she doesn't wanna drink n wld just spit out. i'm used 2 her having milk all over herself after every feeding. just clean n wipe lor
i still pump twice a day so she's still taking some bm.

i find tt if i just accept tt she's gonna b like tt n live w it, life gets easier. i turn on music i like when feeding. if she doesn't wanna eat, i stop n just chill n listen... ignore her 4 a while. then try again... i dun even track how much she drinks nowadays.... but i noe roughly lah, must b at least 50-60ml per feed then i let go.

maybe u plan sthg 2 look 2wards to? 4 me, i'm going picnic on nat'l day. just tinking bt it makes me happy n i can cope much better.

eh, she's nt being cranky. every feeding is like tt now. hehehehe... i'm more or less used 2 it.

thx. u shld go try. it's great fun. did some 4 doggie too... go 2 her blog! talia looks soooo sweet!

4got 2 say. recently, i've oso started 2 wonder y i became a sahm 2 torture myself. hehehehe... then i spoke 2 some other sahms whose kids r already toddlers. they agreed tt it's v tough w a young bb but it gets easier n it's v rewarding. all their kids turn out great. n they're really enjoying it. remember y u wanna b a sahm in e 1st place. 4 me, i haf no choice cos wat me n hubby want 4 our child, can only b achieved if i'm a sahm. so tink bt it n just lun.
having said tt, i tink sahm is nt 4 everyone lah. still dunno if it's indeed 4 me. but if u feel too stifled n strongly feel tt both u n ivan r better off if u go out n work, then i tink u shld indeed go out n work.
these bbs hor, like 2 test us n throw us surprises now n then. we just hafta go w e flow n encourage one another leh.
tell u hor, yest i asked my hubby if he wanna exchange jobs w me, he shook his head violently n kept saying now. cos he took over one feeding n bathing yest n he wanted 2 die liao.

so it's really not ez n we shld b proud o ourselves.
ar, y am i so 4getful...

i wanted 2 say hor, act baking is a healthier alt. more nurients wld b retained. but i'm lazy 2 bake.
hi all,
long time din post lor.. hope every1/bbs are doing well.

Just now during lunch, I went to cold storage to buy one small zucchini and it costs me $2.15. Wow.. so ex for a 'cumcumber than avocado. Anyway, going to let Hayley try it tomor then.

Hi Kimi/Choo,
a big PAT to you all.. peifu the SAHMs. Jia You.
I cant imagine if one day I am a SAHM, hee.. my only nightmare is during my 1st month learning to cope ALL on my own during confinment period with my hubby's help at night.

Hi Dora,
hope yur bb gets well soon. Sorry I din get to read all the postings.. do not sure of the head. Hee

hehe actually i like to stay at home..wasnt so sure of being SAHM though...but we have no one to take care of bb...my mum taking care of niece..MIL working..bt even if she volunteer to quit to take care of ivan..i wouldnt agree..infant care n maid n nanny i dun trust..so no one else except me,myself n CHOO!!!

ya hubby also said when he heard me scolding ivan he also dun said anyting...cos he also cant stand whole day at home ...n wat more with such demanding bb who doesnt nap,doesnt want bottle,doesnt want play himself in playard...

kimi,i look forward to ivan being one year old or a toddler...i know toddler sure have his own sets of problem...but at least toddler walk on his own...i cant be carry him whole day if he is not sleeping...n he realy dun sleep now!!
hi mbb,
tks for sharing to bake zucchini.. hope i got time to try doing it tonight while juggling with Haylye. Otherwise i will use steaming method lor.
wen Meg dun wanna nap, i carry her to slp in my arms.
after awhile, u will learn the trick to slp together.

now i am not so mang when she is trying to escape nap. mum nad babe will slp together lo.
somehow, when Meg is on my arms, she find it soothing and will decide to nap.

maybe you wanna try it with Ivan.

it's really tough for you!!!

i can totally understand coz i have been and AM still there

juz tat i PT and dun comment on Meg's feeding pattern nia.

baking is healthier then steaming huh?
tats good then.

can make full use of the oven liao.

hee heee...the hairdo thingy very fun hor?

hb said i super bo liao wor.....

zucchini is so ex in NTUC?
i hope Hayley will enjoy her lunch tmr
I KNOW!!!! i noe u've been struggling 2 feed meg since long long time ago. so hor, when everybody told me it'll pass, it'll pass... i was q sceptical... told myself better nt to haf hi hopes... cos maybe e time tt it gets 'better' wld b when she can self feed... which is another set o prob al2gether... hehehehe... so ya, spoonfeeding's e way 2 go 4 at least e next few mths...
yaya, e hairdo thing so funny! thx 4 intro-ing. got anymore such sites or nt?

btw, how long do u need 2 bake e zucchini?

erm.... i was act. sceptical tt life wld b easier when they grow older but e other sahms said so... so now i can look 4ward to it lor. i tink e worst thing bt being a sahm is tt u wake up EVERY morn, knowing tt day wld b as tough as e previous one n tt it's e same mundane job over n over n over again. there's no break, nothing 2 look 4ward to. even if u wanna pull ur hair out already, u haf 2 face another day o exactly e same thing (if nor worse). n sigh, noeing tt it'd go on n on... w no respite... we can only wait it out.

u oso din haf anybody 2 help out? no mum, mil or confinement lady? then we same same... how did u cope then? we refered 2 many books n internet in e 1st month. 1st bath, we held open one bk, one mag, one read out n one followed. in e end, still 7 hand 8 leg. tough hor? but i find it worth it.
hee.. sneaking in again b4 i off work.

Hi mbb,
where u now? in sgp?
sun plaza ntuc dun sell the zucchini, so got to buy fm orchard cold storage. maybe more ex here.

hi kimi,
yeap.. as my grandpa passed away tat time just few days b4 i gave birth. So accordingly to traditional custom, my mom/my family members not supposed to touch the bb, very pantang. My mil only help me for 1st 3 days and I cant stand it due to internal problem too which I dun wish to elaborate again. So I got to learn to handle bb on my own based on maternal instinct. Not easy esp waking in the night to feed bb every few hrs n to pump ebm for Hayley as she dun latch. Now it over.. i tks my blessing in disguise.

Hi Choo,
Jia you.. u can do it too.
helo mummies,
something scary happened to me...

three evenings ago, after bathing sophia, as i stepped outta the bathroom, i slipped! in the split second i quickly tried to cuddle/cushion her tightly as i fell right on my tailbone and hit my head. praise God she is alrite, aside from the shock she got. Coz after i fell, i shouted for my parents to carry her away. Maybe she got scared coz of my shouting :p After that, she was cryin n i was cryin too.. coz i was so so scared that she was hurt.

Actually it was really carelessness on my part.. i bathe her but forgot to bring her towel to the bathroom, left it on my bed.. which is like 1 meter away from the bathroom nia. then the bedroom door wide open, so i was afraid she catch a cold so wanna to quickly get the towel and hence didnt really dry my feet on the mat. and then whooosh~

Baby is fine but mummy is not so. The impact of the fall is quite bad since i didnt break the fall (was more concern about wrapping my arms around bb). I couldnt even stand after the fall. Had to sit and wait till the pain subside. Tailbone, buttock and waist area feeling sore till today. Went to see doctor but just given painkiller. But okaylah, so long as baby is fine... that's most important

Anyway.. when i think about it, still gives me the shivers lor.

So mummies, hope my incident will be a refresher to all of us that we have to be extra careful esp at wet/slippery floor...
omg! hope u r ok! glad that sophia is fine.... mummy is really very wei da rite...when falling or any mishap happened, sure think of baby first... luckily ur gal is ok..
u must take good care also... doc only gave u painkiller... means nothing serious rite... no bones sprained/broken... must monitor har...
i think of it also shiver leh...not to mention u... aiyoh...

just to add...ya, must be really careful when in bathroom...the other day i almost slipped also... when preparing my boy's bath water...scary...
