(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs


hmm yup tink Donut factory doughnuts better than vivo one...but must wait till i can buy all the flavours to try first..ya i also tink by year end the craze shd be over.
then we can just walk in to buy...no nid queue


thanks on the info on the dried scallop!!

Order for chocolate Molten Cake
Collection at Bt Batok

1. Vanessa
2. Vanessa
3. Hwee
4. Hwee (collection location ok for you?)
5. Ruffybear
6. Ruffybear

1. Jackie
2. Jackie

Anyone else? Collection on Wed / Thurs

Yah, actually I think hubby not bad lah, I'm not complaining.
cos he really very involved in the upbringing of JT. He will try to change diapers, bathe, feed and carry her when he is at home, cos he normally comes home very late, so he wants to have bonding with her as much as possible. My MIL was a bit upset with me when she realised that hubby was bathing JT, cos she tot I lazy bully hubby... but it was hubby who wants to do it mah....
By the way, do you have the address for the organic veg farm in Lim Chu Kang? What time does it open on weekends? Feel like going down to take a look.

JT is getting very cheeky nowadays... look at her smile
dora, jt is getting more and more fun each day right? babies by this time very responsive and picking up many new facial expressions and words from us....so its very fun to take care and play with them now. jt looks so happy! good job!

the add of the organic farm :
FireFlies Health Farm. 75 Lim Chu Kang Lane 2. Tel: 6793 7875 dunno if you know the way or not. its before the hay dairies.
sorry, missed out the timings.....actually dunno. we always go ard 11+ on sat. if we're busy we call them to tell them wat veg we want and they reserve for us to collect around 2 or 3.... guess they are opened when the sun is up...hee hee....

Yup, she's getting very responsive and fun.... sometimes also quite frustrating, like when she "boo" and blow all her food out... but it's also very funny... tat's why i told hubby "you4 hao3 qi4 you4 hao3 xiao4".... I just look at her expression I can't stop laughing
JT is quite a happy baby, she's always smiling. When we go shopping, she always smiles at strangers.... quite a friendly baby... but carrying her is a different story tho' :p

Thanks for the add... think I'll find my way around... oh it's also near hay dairies, I also want to go buy goat's milk to try, cos I also can't drink cow's milk.... Thinking of going 9+am so tat it's not so hot for JT....
dora, enjoy. i'm looking at tim now and i think my ger has really grown up a lot and i missed hr younger days. just yest tim managed to get to his sitting position from his leopard crawl position and i cheered for him and clapped. he also followed to try to clap. so cute! so glad i was around to see all these!

for the goat's milk, you muz drink while its cold. if not, it can get really 'goaty' smelling...hee hee.....
I even more blur ya...name of restaurant oso dun remember
I oso tot go back n check c if u got Hannah wif u 2 confirm but when I walked past din c u n didn't want to walk in further 2 check. Pai seh if u turn out 2 b somebody else then I will seem like siao cha boh, spying on u.

JT so cuuttiiiieeeee....
No one E was eyeing her at QH's.
ya.. the books r real books.. they post all chapters except the last 3 chapters online.. if want to know the ending, muz buy the book.. sian...

if i able to borrow the book, i will let u know the ending..

i want i want!!

Order for chocolate Molten Cake
Collection at Bt Batok

1. Vanessa
2. Vanessa
3. Hwee
4. Hwee (collection location ok for you?)
5. Ruffybear
6. Ruffybear

1. Jackie
2. Jackie
3. Shihui
4. Shihui

JT is so cute... she really looks very cheeky now.. :p PH has the cheeky looks now.. he is very cute.. know tt bite own finger will be pain pain.. so now he kept trying to grab our finger to bite.. :p
JT is sooo cute, yeah, indeed getting cheeky eh? mandy too... cheekier, n *gasp* deh-er... now tt her tooth is coming up, she dehs e whole day... *faint* but frankly, i guess deh whole day is better than wail whole day lah. altho sometimes her deh-ing gives me e goosebumps...

really sama sama leh... mandy has oso recently started playing w food.... until hubby was so appalled n asked me 2 put an end 2 it... i told him she only eats when she plays. 2 prove me wrong (n seeing me being so tired due 2 e mad rush rd e clock 2 tend 2 mandy everyday...), he took over one solid feeding. SPICK N SPAN!!!! n food all cleared. i've gotta hand it over 2 tt guy.... he's pretty gd at this 'mothering' thing..

mandy's oso rejecting solids. like JT, she used 2 love it an eat v well. she's teething so e same might b happening 2 JT.

2day mandy kuang2 bei1 kuang2 xi3. so funny. she alternates b/w fussing n laughing e whole day... teething makes bbs kee siao???
choo..ahaha.duno how to give up then continue loh :p :p :p donut factory? me so out of touch nowadays i duno what is in or out... sighh.. mountain tortoise...

dora... sigh... kate also waking up these few days..sometimes as much as 4 times for milk! (excl those times when she cry cry and i manage to pat her back)..end up today wake up VERY LATE :p :p :p yes jt is a happy bb!

shihui, hehehe..anyway love stories..nah... i prefer scific / fantasy/mystery... how is ur new job so far?

kimi..yes..dey is better than wailing whole day long..eheheh ..how did ur hb feed til no mess? i can feed until her whole face (incl nostril), high chair, floor all got food :p kate din kee siow leh.but i suspect teething cos her poo poo are so watery its nearly leak out from diapers...
sneaking in again.. :p my aunty finally decided to visit me aft MIA-ing for few mths.. :p

haha.. i love lovestory.. romantic.. hahahaha.. :p

the new job okie lah.. alot of new things to learn.. i got to make notes everyday.. else sure will forget.. esp now, my brain like a seive... watever goes in comes out... onli able to rem bb's stuffs well.. :p
what is Molten cake? got cheese or not cos me dun like it.

Hi Bloom,
yup, had told my mum not to use the dove on bb tx. at first, she said applied a bit only lah. I told her too strong for her and now her skin so tender and soft and dun wan her skin to be dry.

ask u...with regards to the playyard panels thing,u mentioned b4 that u used to surround one side of the mattress or mat only while the other side u place box as yr matrress/mat is placed against the wall. won't it be stable? I tried to surround one side of the bed with 2 panels of the playyard (bought fr one mummies) but the stopper cannot stick there and it wobble. how huh?

so far, bb tx still cannot climb pillow, only can kick bloster/small cushion only out of the bed.

- Playyard: how come the stopper at the playyard cannot stick onto the floor, still wobble.

- recently, bb tx throws xiao jie temper, while she is waiting for the food to be served, she gek (but face not red) till body tremble. her expression so scary. has any bb like behave like that.also, when hubby scolded her noti, she ignore him after that(like dun friend him liao). when I scold her noti, she cried. ai-yo...scold her bec told her to wait cos mama need to pump milk but she won't listen.

thks, for the compliment of the photos. wow, JT so much hair...

hmm...which brand of oat cereal u buy? but mixing it with rice cereal still need liquid right? did u use warm water or milk?
Hi mummies

THanks for your compliments on JT. I think all the babies are very cheeky now

YEsterday, my MIL cut JT's hair w/o our permission AGAIN!!! so now she got no more fringe to put hair clip liao.... haiz... hubby already told her dun cut until so short liao...she said very messy and hot.... I wanted to bring her to a professional after it grow longer, but she went to cut again... haiz... so now my JT looks like a boy again

Hahahaha.... but Ewan hasn't seen JT for a long time liao.... we should let them meet some time soon

Hmmm.... maybe Mandy's original EDD was close to JT's, so their rate of development is quite similar. How did your hubby do that?? Ask him to teach me!!!My Hubby will make a bigger mess with JT, but he still insists on feeding him, so ok lor...:p
teething really makes babies cranky hor? Mandy used to be sooooo guai one... I dunno if JT is teething leh... or she just had phobia of solids cos of the mashed potatoes that she ate last week which she absolutely hate. After that she dun wan solids liao.... so I also dunno what is the reason.

After JT saw how Kate crawl, this morning she managed to pull herself up to sitting position!! Yay!!
Aiyo wake up 4 times for milk?!? and you have to go make FM somemore rt? At least BM I just latch her on, so no washing etc, can do with eyes closed even.... you poor thing leh.....

Congrats on the arrival of your aunty! So now you can start working for No. 2 liao!
My brain is also hopeless now... hahahaha :p

JT has no teeth yet, but she also enjoys biting my fingers :p I think babies enjoy biting anything that they can grab hold of :p

Hmmm... think I'm like bloom, prefer fantasy and mystery.. with a bit of romance inside lah... but actually depends on my mood one lah....

There's a new donut stall at causeway point coldstorage. It's not donut factory but dunno wat brand... I think it just opened last week.... I haven't tried yet so dunno nice or not... the queue also not that long lah....
i bought bellamy rice cereal and oat porridge.. bought heinz b4 too.. but like wat kimi mentioned b4, bellamy more worthwhile.. 1 scoop of cereal to 4 scoops of water/milk.. whereas heinz is only 1 scoop cereal with 1 scoop of water/milk..

now i'm still mixing the cereals with EBM..

hahaha.. no no. 2 yet.. unless i want to lose my job..hahaha.. :p but maybe tt means i able to enjoy "eh hem" more since it's not as dry as b4 liao.. hahaha.. :p think i will onli want no. 2 1 year later... wait till co confirm me liao den i start to jiayou.. :p

hmmm... sci fic/fantasy/mystery with romance r gd too.. hehehehe..
like the dan vinci code... juz nice...

aiyo.. talking abt books.. my harry potter not here yet..
still waiting for hubby to collect fr NUS for me...
Hi Ladies,
Just done with my molten cake. The pic below is my share with Green tea Ice cream on it. THe CHocolate sauce didn't really ooze out, cos I think I didn't put enough of it. HOpe u gals can enjoy it. It was really yummy beside the oozing :p


Molten cake is actually Chocolate cake with choco sauce in the middle of the cake. The Chocolate sauce will flow when the cake is cut, hence it is usually baked for 1 pax each.
i'm so sad today... PH has continously rejected latching for 2 day consecutively...
felt really sad tt he rather go hungry than latch on... feel so sian when he glup down milk fr bottle.. feel so sad tt my breast can no longer pacify him liao... hai~~ i hope it's juz a passing phase... hope tt he rejected coz now flow is slower than the past.. hoping tt when i rebuild my ss, he will start wanting to latch again..

wah.. the cake looks yummy..
can't wait to eat the cake i ordered.. :p
shihui..ahhaha... learning new (but achievable) things is part of the fun of new job right? congrats on having ur auntie back!

afcai, mine is 3 sides with panels (cos i got 4 pcs, so its 1-2-1 combination) and 1 side (supposedly 2 panels) with boxes. Yes, i agree the suction is not very good...u use it on the ground to surround a raised bed? if yes, maybe try to tie the edge of the panel to the bed frame? or a boh liao method will be to use something heavy (bricks? laden boxes?) to block the panel so that panel is between bed frame and brick? still dangerous leh..once tx kick the pillows away then she free and easy liao... hahah.nowadays kids know how to psychological battle with adults liao..ehehe

dora..ahaha..congrats on jt learning how to sit up! sometimes i think they really catch on very fast..duno if coincidental or not, kate progresses very fast on crawling and learning to stand after she saw her cousin (8 days older) doing it... but latch on middle of the night more sian cos she will drink slowly right? no queue means donut not nice :p

vanessa...ur molten cake looks good (such a waste to use green tea ice cream cs i hate green tea :p)!

no one posted the whole afternoon? server down again ah?

Oh my oh my!!! Slurp!!! looks delicious!! Can I have the recipe? Think I should try to bake again :p Used to bake this very rich chocolate cake, but dun have chocolate sauce flowing out one... This is a million times better!!

Your new workplace considered govt/stat board rt? If so should be quite family friendly mah. I got preggie 4 mths into my new job, before confirmation also... they also never kick me out mah....
I think it's because of your slow milk flow.... There's was a period where my milk flow is very slow, JT also keep unlatching. But she bo bian must latch cos I never give her bottle at home one... but when my milk flow increase then she likes to latch liao...

Yeah, I also think they see how it's being done, so they learn very fast. Before Sun, JT kind of has been trying to sit up, but nowhere close, but I think when she saw Kate sitting up, she kind of realised what is the right way of doing it.

Dunno if the donut at causeway pt is nice or not. Maybe later I go buy and try :p

I was also using the play yard to surround the playmat against the wall. Agree that it's not very stable. Cos you see the suction pad is so small compared to the entire panel, won't be strong one lor.... In the end I bot another 2 panels, it's much more stable now.
yesterday bz man...students graduate.
forum quite quiet hor?

the cake looks so yummy! I've been trying to bake too...but hor, i cheat la...i use ready mix! heehee! only thing is, no cream, no decorations.

dora, bloom, afcai
ya, the panels suction very small, not much use... but with 6 panels, ok lar.

haiz, these few days very heart pain. now that hannah is standing cruising etc, plus she very garang, always let go her hands, she's fallen over a few times liao. good thing is, she's short (haha!) so, distance to the ground is very near. But then hor, she hit herself near the eye the other day and scratch her cheek on the exersaucer...so scary! now hv a small scar...but healing fast. then, next moment, hit her cheek on a counter...even tho the edge is "padded" her cheek still a bit blue black.
she's so fast, very hard to catch her in time...
i suspect it's the case too.. these few days i hardly get any let down... flow is super slow.. think menses really do affect..
hopefully when it goes, flow will be good..

but hor, PH won't even touch my breast leh.. the moment i bring him near me, he wail... so sad.. like he totally reject me.. lidat how to encourage him to latch on again when my flow is back... sian..

hannah so cute.. can cruise liao... PH now sit sit onli oso can fall head down.. dunnoe when will he be able to cruise.. :p aiya.. got to tell ourselves tt falling down is part of growing up.. as long as no serious injuries can liao.. i oso grow up with lotsa bruises n cuts n scars... but i dun think i ever made my mom's heart pain... :p
tink most of the mummies go to the dark side liao...

me very very tired...past four days...Ivan didnt take much day naps...n kept wake up at nite to play!!!then when i nurse him he did sleep but once put in cot he woke up!!!hubby got up cos of this...as i sreamed at Ivan
he is obviously very very tired as he kept yawning n rubbing his eyes.. i wonder if cos his upper teeth is coming out...any mummies encounter this?

made appt to see PD this sat..this PD was the initial PD bt didnt go back to him cos quite far n ex..


glad tat yr menses is finally here!! yup menses will affect ss...must drink more water n rest more ! how's yr new job?

Hannah is so strong, can cruise liao. JT only learnt how to sit up on her own yesterday. But I already very worried cos she can't sit steadily, have the tendency of falling backwards if she has any drastic movements... haiz... so now cannot leave her on the bumpermat alone liao... but she's so funny, I can see her shocked face when she is falling.... I only put my arms on the mat to catch hold of her before the head knocks the floor, but I want her to experience the fall, so that she will want to learn to sit properly hahaha... I'm a bad mummy :p

Yes, menses really affect.. and for me the worse thing is my menstrual cycle shortened.... now its abt 20 days when pre-preggie was 28 days... haiz... so perpetually low supple....

Maybe you try to latch him when he is half full, ie feed him some with a bottle 1st, then play with him a bit, then try latching him again, maybe he won't be so impatient if he is not so hungry.

Not going to buy the donuts liao... heard from colleagues that it's the same brand that supply to 7-11... Duh! Not going to waste my calories quota!
hmmm yah,think most mummies r on the dark side...

yah...actually their "shocked" face when falling is quite funny...:p we oso want her to learn from falling, but hor...like they forget very quickly leh! :p

my menses oso finally came back! :p came back not long after i stop BFg...

here's some pics of Hannah...can't show her cruising, but here she is standing and crawling from the steps of the pool...
Hi ladies,
Super duper long never post liao :p

JT really got alot of hair hor...So sweet

Jovey also very cranky when teething. Can cry in the middle of the night with eye SHUT every 2hrs. Keep telling myself he is uncomfortable n the phase will 5 5 pass

I am facing the same problem as u!!!!! Jovey like to FREE FALL!!!! Very scary. Kana bruise on the face but never learn his lesson. Still ya ya payaya hold the side of the playpen with one hand
Aiyo the forum is sooooooooo quiet can hear a pin drop leh!!!


Hannah is really cute!! Esp the photos in swimsuit

MIL cut JT's hair on Mon w/o my permisson, so now look like boy boy liao
Have to wait a few months before she looks like a girl again....
Aiyo poor jovey, bruise on the face! Hehehe, he's a boy mah, trying to be tough!

JT has also been waking up every nite, sometimes refusing to sleep altho she is extremely tired. I'm also very tired... like today come to work like zombie like tat... but think it's a phase that will pass, get hubby to help out if you're really tired, try not to lose your temper lah... like last nite, I woke hubby up to tend to JT because I was really so exhausted that I can't get out of bed... i know he also needs to work lah, but ask him to help out occasionally is ok lah...

Mummies who are going to the Taka toy fair tomorrow

sob sob I can't go leh.... but can someone update wat are the good deals on offer? Then maybe I go this weekend
it's part and parcel of life, as long as it's not free fall from bed, it's ok la.

and when they dun cry....means the pain is bearable

Meg is trying to stand without support nowadays. it's worst!!!
so be prepared that Hannah will attempt tis stunt very soon.

regarding swimming lesson, i tink i will let Meg have private lesson liao (after her 1 yr old bday).

can Hannah swim yet? she have alot of diff swimwear....lucky gal

cant join us tmr huh?

will feedback if it's worth the trip.

aoyooooo, why your MIL cut JT's hair again???!
nevertheless, she is still a cutie pie

anyone tried Frisocream before? gd?

I dun get letdown everytime too nowadays...I oni latch in the mornin for 5 mins...n pump once in the afternoon...tatz it...I hope tat my AF doesnt come so soon...

Hi Bobianah

Cae is cruising ard his playpen too...but at least he falls on his mattress...n yeah...he likes to hold the playpen wif oni 1 hand...

Hi Mummies

Cae is drinkin so little tat I m goin crazy...up til now at 1945hrs, he has oni drunk 150ml...he refused a single drop of his mid mornin and evenin feed...he was hungry in the evenin...as he was wailin n crawlin towards his bowl of cereal instead...the moment his lips touched the teat...he started to play wif the teat...n turn his head away...I wonder if it is due to his upper tooth comin out...but I dun c any redness in his gums leh...n he doesnt take plain water...wat shall I do...gosh...y is my bb lidat...I m goin crazy wif tis bb rearin biz...

i'm so relieved now... mandy's sleeping! LALALALALA!!!

now tt she's teething hor, can't sleep well. yest refused 2 latch at her last feed. i tot she wasn't hungry n let her cry 2 sleep (rocking, patting etc dun work on her cos she's used 2 falling asleep by herself. i did try 4 a gd hr tho). then she woke up crying at 1am, still refused 2 latch. so i let her cry 2 sleep again... 4 one hr! so poor thing..
just now last feed she refused 2 feed again was abt 2 start wailing!!! then i 5 5 made cereals n FM 4 her. she ate hungrily n fell asleep as normal!

so i tink she was actually HUNGRY yest but too pain 2 latch!!! poor mandy, i STARVED HER!!!

now she doesn't latch hor, me v qi cham... cos she doesn't take bottle too.. so i've to SPOONFEED HER MILK!!! *faint* no choice lor....this afternoon tried 2 feed her 5 times (4 one feeding hor). add 2gether she only drank 60ml during tt 1.5 hr... sigh.... only 6 kg oso dun wanna eat more...
dun like this teething biz....
thks for the explanation of the molten cake.

hmm...u gg to preview for the NDP loh, me gg for the actual day...but cannot bring ny kids or bb cos they also need a ticket too.

how much is the bellamy rice cereal? can it get fr NTUC? cos bb tx dun seem to like the banana breakfast Heinz cereal but we still give it to her and mix it with the mulitgrain Heinz cereal cos dun wanto waste the cereal as already bought liao. but she still eat it in slow manner.

oops, aunty coming to visit u..dunn gd or bad news? my aunty has not come since I have lochia for 8 wks after delivery.

thks for the suggestion with regard to the playyard.

with regard to the play yard thing, my brother bought me the 3m masking tape and suggest to use it to stick it. but hor, scare when stick it, next time when wanted to move, the floor got some patches liao.
dora..ahha..yes yes go and learn..then we have 2 sources of delicious cakes :p JT is a fast learner! alamat...7-11 donut sucks..only junkie queen like my niece like it...

bobianah, using ready mix better than nothing lah..i have not bake anything since home econs days in sec sch :p u never let hannah wear her alisan hat anymore? wahh... hannah not afraid of the slippery area of the pool leh.very steady!

shihui, beginning is like that one... kate always always do 'sit and reach' when she first started to learn how to sit....

choo, does ivan use pacifier? if he is just latching for comfort maybe can use pacifier to replace?

jackie, i see a future parachutist in jovey..free fall leh! :p

mbb, wahh..meg is always the fastest... what fm did u feed her?

fizz..some bb just auto wean off fm one..no choice then feed solid food loh...

kimi, feed mandy solid then pump out and store? u and fizz wei da leh..feed using spoon.i think i will go crazy!

mommies, my dark side very unstable these few days.always kena kicked out... then canot get back in...
but she botak la...:p at least JT have hair, even tho short...i try to let hannah wear dress when we go out so look more like ger...or i get ppl asking "boy or ger ah?"

hehe! I only hv a very very small tabletop oven/grill and use hand & beater to mix (no machine...quite sad hor? bit then, only using readymix...no need good equipment yet...i too lazy to measure out stuff and buy ingredients.
Hannah still wear her alishan hat...just that we hvnt take pics.
the hat protect head, but not the face! hahah! :p

actually for proper swim strokes, i think can only learn when they are like 3yrs cos too young to understand. So now, it is more like water appreciation and fun.
where u going to hire pte coach from?

mbb, fizz
ya, ya! it's lidat now lor...hannah will climb anything, pull all the table cloth, stand and let go one hand and another, take steps that are waaaay too big, lick any surface...

tell u wat i'm tempted to get: High Chair & Trolley Cover...scroll down: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/891684.html?1185382512
Manage to get some donuts from the outlet at Raffles City. The q is rather short ard 8pm and i bought all the remaining donuts (8 piece only hor). Really super yummyyyyyyyyyyyyy, now i know why there is alway such a LONGGGGG Q

kimi, fizz,
Saluate u ladies.....Hope the teething phase 5 5 pass for everyone

Future parachutist in jovey???? I fanit ah........Now i see a dare devil in him, cant imagine when he try to stand without support like Meg
...I better get the first aid box ready, sigh....

I'm covering my colleague's class today so can't join you gals at taka... so sad!!! Yes yes, pls update after your shopping spree!!!

JT also at one time dun wan to latch, dun wan bottle, coax like siao then drink a bit... I also tot she was teething, but till now dun have leh... But now she drink liao, but dun wan solids... but I realised that if I just place the solids in her mouth w/o the spoon touching her gums, she will eat....so I think it's really her gums!!
Have you gals tried sippy cup instead of spoon feeding? I was spoonfeeding water until I peng san... and she was drinking so little until constipation. Then I let her use the pigeon sippy cup, it's very soft like teats. And it's non-drip also. Now she can drink like 40ml of water per meal.

Short hair also look like boy mah... that time I went to buy hairclip for JT, I let her wear the hairclip immediately after paying... then the salesgirl said, "oh, its a girl ah? I tot it's a boy!" Faintz....

You are making me drool liao!! But hor.... there's no way I can go queue leh... hmm.... how ah how ah??
Hehehe... Jovey is so gung-ho... very manly wahahahaha!!!
Dun worry too much lah, as long as he doesn't knock his head, it's fine lah

Yah lor... the 7-11 donuts really not nice, had it once and not having it ever again!

I think the double sided tape will stain the floor, and I really doubt it can hold if baby really put her whole weight down on the panel. The other alternative is to stick it on the sides against the wall, or like wat bloom suggested, put things behind the panel.
afcai, yup, bring bb for the ndp need ticket too! I actually have 4 tickets so can bring bb but since he's recovering now, guess i won't bring him. so now i have an extra ticket.

vanessa, tried the choc molten cake liao. nice! yum! hubby also like it.

jackie, wat flavours did you try at the donut factory? tot they're quite sweet except the chocolate ones... :p

bobianah, hannah is so stable.... she'll probably take her first step at 9 mths +....

I m oredi gifin Cae 2 solids a day liao leh...


I put Cae in the Fisherprice rocker durin his meal times...


I tink I may try the trainin cup...I hv 2 at home liao...
Get your hubby to Q

Jovey hor is "stu stu" not manly lar. He dont know the danger involve and does not have any concept of pain

I try the double choc and love shape donut. That the only 2 flavour left. Abit too sweet but really
Mummies, its been more than 1 week since i posted. Had a challenging past 1 week as my elder gal got tonsilities kept having high fever and very cranky. Just yesterday hb also sick so its very tiring for me to handle 2 kids on my own
He still on MC today.

Mummies going to the toy sale, what time you gals will be there and who are those going today? I on PM leave to see physiotherapist. Last time got tingling in shoulder now become numbness in hands and legs and back pain getting worse
, the price of motherhood is really great. Will drop by the toy sale too. Wanna see if can meet up with any of you.

come come!!! we are having lunch at marriot first then troop over to taka. reckon we should be at taka from 2pm onwards. do you have any of our numbers?
My physio appointment at 2pm at paragon. will go look for you gals after that. I dun have any of you contacts in my hp. Can you PM me your contact now?
Hi Mummies

Anyone who hasnt started porridge for their bb...like me...???...how do we cook porridge...wat ingredients do we put inside...do we hv to mash up all the ingredients...how much rice do we use...anyone who is using a slow cooker for porridge...how long do we cook...???

Sorry for the long list of ques...
hi 5! or shld i say.. low 5...

ahhhh, she din wanna latch 2day again... so spoonfed her again...spoonfeed milk hor, really can die.. n so messy somemore... sigh... wat 2 do? hope it passes quickly. another prob is hor, i tink my BM ss wld dwindle v quickly lidat cos she doesn't latch n i neber can pump out as much. sigh... she's still nt proficient at straw cup/bottle yet... if my ss really drop, next time how? *shake head*

i'm starting porridge tmr. went 2 c a PD n she said mandy can haf 3 solid meals a day liao, one cereal n 2 porridge. brkfast, lunch, dinner. i'm q relieved cos altho she's reluctant 2 eat a lot o solids but it's easier 2 feed than milk... i'll just add more milk lor.

i neber try sippy but i use straw cup. she can drink fr straw cup. she usu drinks water thru straw. now i'm training her 2 drink milk thru straw oso. once, she managed 2 drink 85ml o FM thru straw! i's so happy... but it's a fluke lah.. just like e one time she drank 80ml fr bottle... sigh... now tt she's teething, she doesn't wanna haf anything in her mouth, she just accepts spoon... bobian lor... sian thing is last feed use spoon v troublesom n risky cos i might dirty her clothes n she's used 2 having her last feed quietly in semi darkness. so i've 2 prop her on my lap, juggle e cup o water, cup o milk n bowl o cereal at e same time...

*pat pat* must b real tiring 4 u. it'll pass. tak great care!

ladies going 2 e fair,
come bk w report ok?

kimi, fizz,
spoonfeed ah? very siong ah coz last time i saw my sil spoonfeed my nephew oso. he will only drink water from bottle but not milk. milk he want straight from his mother's boobs. hehe! i remember seeing in KiddyPalace those feeding spoon that connect to milk bottle.. dunno whether that will facilitate in spoonfeeding or not though.

sophia still cannot take those sippy cups lei.. think she cant cope with fast flow.

wah.. meg really fast! my gal sit oso still wobbly.

for porridge, can put in stuff like broccoli, round spinach, pumpkin, threadfin fish, potato etc. but intro 1 new food at a time better. we use blender to blend the porridge. as for how much rice and how long.. err.. dunno coz my mum cooks for her. i usually do purees only.

can't go to the fair today coz can't get leave. maybe tomorrow. don't grab all the toys hor... do leave some for me
