(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

ruffy, actually i have no idea when to intro yougert too :p

serene..hahaha.MIL 0 mommy 1 ! :p

bobianah, oopss.miss that posting of urs... dont worry abt it..and keep us updated of the outcome ok? i think must use anti virus.. which virus? the pic.zip one?

choo..ahaha..now u can go to van's pd too what.. dont have to wait for no 2..if u have sign up jab pkg with this pd then just go to him for jab...

dora..sigh.. hb guai guai when hdb calls ..i give up liao...actually i was asking re goats milk taste for myself not for kate :p

kimi, u r so wei da, spoonfeeding!

starluster! so scary! u better be careful.... want to get 2nd opinion... pain for 3 days is no kidding biz....

Hi Ladies,

So many postings again. I'm very sad today. I've got the job and now bu she de my kids. Reading here of what Kimi said, "experiencing the life of SAHM", I'm sad that I had to stopped half way. I will miss REyna more than any of you who had went back to work after 3 months of ML and Kimmy who had just returned work not long ago. I've been with her for the past 8 months, day and nite and tolerating her nonsenses and everyday, like Kimi said, hoping the next day will be better but knowing it will be same or worst. ARGH!!! Really a dilemna to return work, but this is an opportunity not to be missed.
Last week, I'm quite prepared to go back to work, but as I didn't received any call from my ex boss then, I'm so happy that I can continue my baking and my status as SAHM, but today, just as when I'm prepared to be SAHM for next few years, he called me!!! I do feel like telling him "NO" but really too good to miss, so I've decided to give it a try. SAD MAN!!

Relax, trust me, now u think u feel better working, but once u found a job, u will worry about Ivan's childcaring. But like Kimi said, if you feel better working and letting Ivan to be handled by someone u trusted, then it will be better for u and Ivan.

MY SAHM LIFE IS ENDING!!!! *Sob Sob* I'm really sad leh, especially when u start to talk abt seeing my kids grow!!! Seems that I'm going to miss that stage!!! Hiaz!!!

Aiyo, so careless.... glad that Sophia is alrite. R alrite bo? If the pain persist, better see dr again leh, cos you sound like having a real bad fall.
Morning ladies,

Hope that your back/tailbone is okay and it doesn't develop into slipdisc etc. That was really a scary experience. Sometimes I do forget to bring the towel into the toilet when I bathe Roy. Will carry him "wet" to the room to grab the towel as extremely not safe to leave him alone in the bathroom alone. A bit wet n naked for a while is still okay. They will build up immunity. Just remember to turn off the fan/aircon in your room so they won't get chill.

Hope that the job works out for u. Yeah..there is alway 2 side to being SAHM/FTWM each have their own problems/joys.

The other side always seem greener when you are SAHM or FTWM. If you really can't stay as SAHM then get a job and settle childcare arrangements for Ivan. No point continuing stressing yourself and IVAN out on a daily basis as it does no good to either one of you. For me I have the flexibility to choose between SAHM/FTWM and it is a concscious choice that I made to take time off work to take care of the two boys myself. I do not regret the decision as I know that it is in the best arrangement for the kids. IMO FTWM/SAHM are equally stressful jobs as both have their pros/cons . Since you have already set your priority as catering for Ivan's needs I am sure any problem that you face can be overcome with the correct mindset. Every stage in their life comes with problems and fustrations. Doesn't mean toddler is easier to handle. IT IS MUCH HARDER.
You get more irritated with them as they can rebutt you and more openly defy you. Having both of they around this whole week is super tiring esp with sick Ryan constanly not listening/ following instructions even though he is fully aware and knows how to do the things you ask him to do. Disciplining them will really put you on a short fuse by the end of the day as u will be very sick of them taunting you/challenging your authority. Whatever words you use to threaten him like " If you dont listen you will get the cane".. he can repeat back to you and twist your words around. . : If you don't listen to me mummy U will get the cane. etc.. see very pek chek talking to him.
The past few days shouted/scolded him a few times per day liao...but he knows very well that his behaviour will not be tolerated and that I don't like him to behave in a certain way and not that I don't like/love him any more/lesser then Roy. It is a harder act to balance as compared to a very wakeful Roy who sleeps even lesser with his brother at home as he gets disturbed by him very often. BTW Roy still wakes up 4-5times per night for feed n comfort. He ALSO doesn't want the bottle and to play alone. I lug him around every part of the house with me as I do my chores etc... At this stage his is still SUPERGLUE n needs lots of attention and comfort. To me even though his needs are important but mine/ Ryan's needs are equally important so he must learn that things must be proirities and that he sometimes does need to wait to be attended to. I also spoonfeed him like Kimi. IMO bottlefeeding is not really a very necessary if they can accept other forms like cup/straw but at the moment Roy is still not very adapt with the straw so spoonfeeding is the way for him to drink more water/liquids etc. Just have to go with his flow/progress and slowly guide him along to what I want him to do.
I am sure that you will be able to do the same for Ivan.
vanessa, ruffy, read ur emails..so touched that u all are basically driving urself insane just to provide the best for ur children....

van, just try it out.. if canot work out then resign loh.. so will 3Rs be with ur mom and maid in the daytime? my niece also talk back to us like ryan does..sighhh
wah... really admire u.. i think i won't be able to handle if i'm in your situation... sure cry n call mom for help one.. hahaha.. :p recently PH likes to wake up n cry in the night.. onli 2 nights n i can't handle liao.. was so tired tt i din hear the alarm ringing for the whole week.. :p have to make up for the sleep lost this weekend liao.. :p

u try try first lah..
if really can't take it, den quit lah..
hai~ undertand wat u thinking.. i'm quite sad when i can't be there for PH everyday.. it's like, i hav so many plans for him.. wat food to intro him, how i want him to grow up like etc etc.. i can't carry them out bcoz i'm not the main caregiver... i can't make my MIL follow my way.. everything i want to carry out, muz discuss with her.. it's so sian... why i need to discuss how my son grow up to be like with another woman (paiseh.. possessive woman talking here).. but hor, no choice.... i can't tahan SAHM life oso.. i muz hav spending power.. i want to be financially independent... and i want a break away fr PH when i'm tired... so i continue to work...

aiyo.. u muz be careful in future leh.. if ur tailbone continue to hurts, better see doc again for more detailed examination...
quickly post cost need to go for my brunch, pumping before settling to work(half day am leave).

mummies who bf
just a qns to ask, my col told me that if bf mummies lack of calcim, bb will also be and it will slow down the development of teething. is it true?

do u give both yr boys yogurt served chill? scared if bb/toddler will get stomachache if serve cold.

read yr email to choo, so touch, different age grp of kid will have different 'problem'. like what my little boss shared with me that her son who is 6.5 yr odl now(in pri one) always fight/outsmart with other kids and then get a call fr the school. her son always sure win the 'argument'/quarrel and then the parents has to settle the issue. they will ask tone of qns and think of all kind of 'innovative' answer that an adult won't think of. kid nowsday really very smart man....'shan nao jing' man...need more effort to discpline them.

ai-yo, some auntie/mum told me that bb tx has a sharp mouth so next time is a good talker. dunno how true. can't imagine the stage, she talk non-stop...

thks for sharing yr scary experience.so scary man...falling onto tailbone no joke.... I always remind my mum to prepare all the necc stuff for bath and she always said she know but sometimes still forgot.

anyway, do take care and hope u are ok. think eat painkiller won't remove yr pain, it's just temp. maybe try rubbing yr back or the affected area with some rheumatism oil which can used for swelling, psind, sprains, cramps, skin irriation, back ache etc......(think can buy fr medical hall).

wow, u did yr own confinement without any helper (except hubby only). hmm...bravo...hmm how come dun latch on Hayley durign confinement, save the hassle etc... I also latch on bb tx for 3 mth and then the fourth mth before gg bck to work then train her for bottle loh.

is Hayley quite sticky to u?

just curious to find out how do you cope when u bring back Hayley daily while on the other hand, u still need to pump ebm in the morning? won't it very rush to work?

did u try toys or sing to her to divert Mandy's attention to trick her to drink/eat? if bb tx is like that(sometimes only), I will do that. or else she is ok when come to feed, she so kan cheong and scream.

bringing Ivan out more often loh, tired him out. maybe u can slp side by side with him instead cos when bb tx dun want to slp even carry her on my arms, I just put her down on my bed and then lie down beside her. she will do her usual 'cycyling' stunt (legs up like cycling) then turn here and there, pull my hair, scratch my face etc. after that, she find that she got nothing else to do and she suck her finger to zz....

yup, agreed , mummy dun have enu rest. life taking care of bb is a joy but also tired. my ss this week also drop, can't pump out more than 600ml of ss liao.

hai...my mum kept on telling me that bb tx abt to wean off milk. I told her she still need milk for development stage, cannot totally cut off fr milk and give full solid. hair pulling when talking to her....sigh..
I let the yoghurt stand a while then give it to Roy/Ryan. I think it depends on the baby. some of them can take cold straight from the fridge while others can't will get loose stools etc... If you think it is too cold let it stand out for awhile before u give Tx her meal..and it will be not as cold when u feed her the yoghurt for dessert.
*clap clap* u noe hor, yest i just told my hubby tt i tink i'm too pampered. cos i noe there r SAHMs like u who work so much harder than me n yet not complain.
i really dunno how u stay sane!
hiyoh, u just dashed choo's hope tt easier life is awaiting when they become toddlers. hehehehe... eh, act deep inside i noe oso lah... i tink it gets easier bcos we get more n more used 2 it? i dunno... but w 2 kids, it's a totally diff matter altogether. ah, maybe gotta wait until both e kids go 2 sch, die die must attend e same session!

like u, i tink me being a SAHM is in e best interest o mandy so i've nv tot o finding a job.
eh, u oso spoonfeeding roy ar? is he ok? mandy has a new trick everyday 2 add 2 my prob. one day she spits, another day she 'puuuuu' into e air... now she make her mouth into a small 'O' shape n squeeze e solids out...

erm, i dangle toys, sing n dance at every feeding. i never get 2 haf free hand during feeding. one hand is ALWAYS holding a toy or sthg 2 distract her. n e other must feed v fast n alt b/w milk, solid, juice n water, depending on wat she likes AT TT MOMENT. hehehehe... she gets sick o one object v fast so i can change up to 10 objects (anything i can grab fr e table) 2 distract her so tt she'd at least open her mouth. food goes in doesn't mean she'd swallow tho. so hafta keep trying n trying lor.

wow! pei fu pei fu! must b tough 4 u 2 do confinement all by urself. at least my hubby was on hol n he cld help in e day as well. anyway, it's over.

*pat pat* altho i sometimes complain bt being a SAHM but i dun wanna go work. tink i'd cry n cry. can bear 2 leave mandy too. like e others said, u can still decide if it doesn't wk out 4 u. might b a blessing in disguse leh? u nv noe.
.. I am not superwoman.
Anyway browsed upon this for u http://www.creativekidsathome.com/games/
Some stuff where u can do for Mandy at home. Haven't tried out anything yet for Roy as yet

Roy's ths same spit /boo out food water.. block his mouth etc.. just need to "catch' him when his mouth if open wide enough. I don't distract him that much. If he is getting mischevious will leave him alone in the chair for awhile if distractions doesn't work. Then later when he starts to get bored then go back n feed him. Coz I know it is no joke trying to distract n feed with so many different things at the same time. They will respond to the entertainment more then the feeding part.
If he boos out the water will try again in a few more minutes.. or 1/2-1hr later. to make sure that at least he doest take some water/food etc.
hi starluster,
wow.. yur incident so scary.. lucky u n bb are alright.

hi Vanessa,
I understand how u feel.. since this is quite a good job opportunity for u, give it a try. If dun like, can always quit.

hi ruffy,
well-said.. i always admired SAHMs and esp my mom.

Of course, I'm sure FTWMs also have their woes taking care of bb esp those still bf like Afcai, Dora etc. So every1 all JIA You

Hi Afcai,
How I wish Hayley can latch on but she dunna leh since after her 1st week. Maybe my flow not so fast, she very impatient lor. Anyway I rather bottle feed her, faster n easier.

Hayley of course very stickly to us so much during her 1st 3 month, she couldnt sleep if we left her stay overnight with my mom. In the end, we got to bring her home every night and learn to cope. My usual routine after work, fetch her, play with her, feed her, make her zzzz. Morn, i will woke earlier to pump.Very rush lor.. usually i buy something to office to munch in office.

hi kimi,
u too

Today my mom let Hayley try the zuchinni puree i prepared for her lunch. However, Hayley dun like and keep spitting out. Aiyoh.. waste of my $$ and I still hae abt 5 more cubes.
dear Choo,
pls do not be offended with my post.

like the rest of the ladies here, i am juz concerned of yours and Ivan's well being.

being optimistic is good but having too great an expectation will make you more disappointed in the near future.

as mentioned by Ruffy, diff stage of our child's growth will come along diff kind of problem for us to tackle.

non of us have it easy. SAHM is very "wei da" but working mum also have their fair share of stress.

for example, i worked for 12 to 13 hrs non stop then once i land into hk, i change in the airport toilet and rushed for the first flt back to sg.
once in sg, i rushed home to shower and go over to fetch Meg.
all i get was 3 odd hrs of slp in like 20hrs.

and when Meg refuses to drink her milk or nap....it's horrible but i soldier on.

being a clean freak, i still mop and clean the hse if hb was unable to do it be4 my arrival.

whenever i am fed up, i will draw motivation fr ppl like Ruffy, CH and the rest of the ladies here.

since i had depression history, i knew i needed help the last time i was feeling low. so i seek profressional help.

i am glad tat i did coz now i am able to enjoy time spent with Meg even more

i strongly suggest that you seek help either to manange your stress or if you have mild post natal depression (pls do not be offended!!).

dun push yourself too far off the edge.

while preggy, i read abt Brooke Shield's book (sorry, i forget the title) regarding her combat with post natal depression. her main regret for getting help so late was tat she missed alot of happy moments with her child.

take care ok
Hello Mummies

JT is still sick
Her fever is gone, but now she is coughing.. on Thur she coughed till she vommited a few times, so fri morning rushed her down to the PD again, this time alone cos hubby got impt mtg to attend... was so afraid that she will develop bronchiolitis or asthma cos I also had childhood asthma... but PD says so far its ok.. the phlegm is at the nasal area... haiz... her cough is better now, but she is still coughing occasionally.... but at least she can sleep at nite, and not wake up every hour due to her cough, which is enuf to drive me nuts! And she lost 100g in 4 days, aiyo my poor JT!

aiyo.. poor thing, I know how painful it is to hurt the tailbone.... I fell down the stairs and hurt my tailbone too.... 2 days after I tested positive for preggie... lucky JT survived the fall :p It's going to hurt for a while.... try putting a hot pack at the area while you're sitting down, makes it feel better. take care ok?

I know how it feels when bb doesn't want to eat.. these days, JT also keep playing with her food. Have to keep playing to distract her... after every feeding session, I'll feel totally exhausted....not to mention the big mess that they create... these babies really want to test our patience... haiz.... we just have to soldier on....

I'm only working PT, so actually I'm not as tired out as some of the other FTWM.....
Hi Mummies...I m back. Trip was not smooth...in fact cannot tahan so we changed ticket n came back 4 days earlier. Think E is really not cut out for travelling. Was crying alot n fussing all the time. Then constantly want to be carried by my mum nia. Dun even wan me. Then all my relatives/frens carry him also cannot. Haiyo...he is not like tat in SG leh. Then when go out by car he also cry n fuss. In SG he loves going in the car. Think he recognises tat everything is different n he doesn't like it. Guess we will be postponing our HK trip till he is older liao. Good that we went on this short trip to KL, at least now we won't waste money on a real holiday only 2 discover that we can't enjoy ourselves.

Aiyo...poor JT. That's why when I read ur earlier post I tot how come JT teething got such bad diarrhea. Usually teething diarrhea v mild nia. Fake measles got red spots/rashes one is it? I also m abit worried abt E. While in KL he developed some kind of rash and now back in SG he is abit sniffly n sounds like he's got some phlegm in his nasal passage. But no fever so so far still ok. Hope JT recover soon. Bb sick hen chaam de *Pat pat*

Aiyo...good to hear that you r ok after that scary incident. Hope u 5 5 recover ya. Be careful hor. Dun rush rush esp when carrying bb and surface is wet etc.

Do ur bb's like to stand at the cot n do free falls har? My boy has been like tat since 5-6mths. Till now still doing tat n cos he is taller now he tends to land at n odd angle against the sidebars. Aiyo...I m v scared he will twist his neck one day. How to stop him har? This boy har...if I didn't wrap the side rails think he would hv brain damage liao since he keep banging his head so often.
speedy recovery to JT. kiss kiss her for me hor.

if you are buying 300ml Pigeon Bottle, can consider buying from me?

i have 4 BN 300ml bottle. 2 with Y teats and 2 with L teats. selling at $24 or exchange with a tin of 900g BN Dumex Mamil Step 2.

pls PM me if interested

Meg have switched to NUK bottles now.

mandy was abnormally hyper today. she took shorter than usual naps, n din fall asleep as fast as usual too. she oso seemed so full o energy, as if she din need 2 sleep! i tink i noe y. cos i fed her papaya 4 one feed n apples 4 e other 2. n SHE'S ON A SUGAR HIGH!
she usu only has one feeding o fruits per day lah n has never been like tt. luckily she's sleeping now.

so mummies w hyper bbs, maybe controlling ur bbs' sugar intake wld help calm them down? no gaurantee lah but can try...
hi mummies
have you read lately the newspaper reports (recent one on Saturday's ST) about bisphenol A found in plastic bottles?
A bit scary leh cos the chemical is harmful to females... and we use plastic in so many of our eating utensils!!

Anybody know where to find glass baby bottles??

Sorry to hear Ewan cranky at your trip...I think take a while to adjust. Good thing u discover early. Nevermind, he'll grow out of it soon.
Yes, Hannah like to free-fall. I oso say she'll knock out her 2 teeth one day. Haiz. No way to prevent tho. I just baby no bump hat, protect her head, but not her face! :p Just hope that she'll get more steady soon and fall less.

aiyoh!! scary scary! glad you are ok. Yet another reminder for us to be careful

Sigh, this mns virus...like no cure.
i dare not use msn now.
sneaking in and 55 post.

so tired , felt like 'dying' these 2 weeks. chest is very tight esp when I woke up on sat at 0330am, felt breathless and when stand up felt a bit dizzy....bb tx is flipping on her play pen and then doze off after that. today, also chest tight but better, still need to take a lot of deep breath.

hmm bb tx has not been drinking fm 2 wk liao and 3 days ago started the fm and got constipation. gek till face red red and backside also red red. cos ss descrease liao and hubby was telling me to reduce and stop loh. tought I'm so dead tired (morning like zombie, at night like floating 'ghost" cos sway here and there) and felt like dying everyday, I still persist on till my ss run dry (how I wish dry so my bf career will end earlier but on other hand ....still not willing to stop...). my friend who as 16mth son also told me to stop and mum's health is more impt.hai...anyway, I only pump for 20mins (1 let down only) then stop liao.

also so many ppls on mc at workplc. my little boss also one of them. ai-yo...so scary, she said she has heavy massive bleeding and mentursal cramp (she always like that since her birth few yr ago) that her blood pressure so low and need to monitor.

hai...my mum sterilise via boiling method till the bottle cap tented, tips soft. got to change it again. so I told her not to boil for so long. again, she all kind of excuses to cover herself, saying she needed to hawk eye on bb tx in the morning(7am).I told her she can use the play yard (2 panels and block one side of the mattress) or use 2 mattress to combine so that bb tx has more space to 'crawel' n flip. hai...

ask or need advice u u the following:

1) last mth saw white white thing on bb tx gum but now disapper liao, dunno why. dunno when bb tx teeth is coming out?

2) hubby feedback that he was sick of my mum who always repeat that bb tx dun wan papa to carry, only wan her or me (mummy) to carry only.when papa carry, bb tx wail etc. hubby carried, bb tx sweat etc..like if bb t won't sweat when my mum carry huh.(so pissed off and I told her bb tx is a good sweater...anyone carried also sweat) she repeated a few times etc. shd I bring this up to my mum to ask her to tell her not to repeat? last time, feedback to her certain issue etc and mum so senitive and give black face. hai....sian...

dunno if any mum have this kind of situation as me:
- when bb tx was in the arms of someone, I went over to say 'bao bao'(hug hug) with arm fwd and bb tx just lean over me with her hand twd me. so this showed she was very keen to let me carry. I got no problem with that, what I meant when I did the bao bao action, bb tx will sure wan me to carry.

when hubby did that action, bb tx just smiled and looked in other direction only. hubby dun encounter bb tx lean fwd him action.

when my mum also did that action, bb tx also will lean fwd. but only sometimes ....depend on her mood. bb tx will do that when she was at my mum 's plc esp at night when she want to slp.

so my mum will always repeat that see bb tx wan her to carry etc...so sick of her repeating.

oic. thks for the tip on yoghurt.

hmm..maybe mandy dun like the food u intro her or is she full. bb tx will eat slowly and not kan cheong when she dun seem to be hungry. but still 'force' her to eat (make funny noise and face and she will smile) cos already 4-5hr interval fr her last feed.

hmm...not gg for no 2...huh...?

err..feeding Mandy so much fruits, scared got diarrea loh (touch wood). bb tx only get to eat fruit - apple on sat (I fed her) only cos my mum said too cooling for her so she won't intro her.

admire u for doing confinement yrself man...so hubby help u wash clothes during the confinement?
for me, bb tx also could not get used to my mum 's plc when I brought her over 4 wk (stayed a few days with her) before I started work. she cried and cried the moment she reached my mum'plc. it took her almost 2 mth(no joke 2 mths) to settle down.

oic. yup, very tiring too has to wake up earlier than usual timing. how long do u pump? so will u be giving tbf to Hayley till 1 yr old. hmm....u fetch bb Hayley yr own daily?

hmm how does zucchini look like? what color is that? hmm maybe Hayley first time trying new stuff so that's why her reaction is like that. think she need to get used to it. bb tx also like that when try out new thing, so far she did not spit out but just struggle to swallow it with hand, legs like cycling action, face expression quite funny etc...hmm maybe u eat the zucchini yrself to see what is the taste like? nice or not?
really admire ur patience with ryan n roy. the most amazing thing is that i hardly hear u complaining, even though we chat so often on the dark side. u r a super mummy.

aiyo! so glad to hear that sophia is unharmed. i hope u r better now.

just received ur sms. muark muark. dun need to think i'm super human, i think u r the super human. i dunno how u can keep ur flying schedule, ignore jetlag n exhaustion n just rush home to take care of meg. but u must eat ok? dun keep dieting, u do look pale at taka toy fair.

think this bisphenol a issue was discussed in this thread when we were preggie n choosing bottles right? bisphenol a leaks out when the bottle is scratched (e.g. fr washing) or when it's been subjected to high heat for long time. if u want to buy glass bottles, pigeon glass bottles r readily available in taka, tom n stephanie. cheong choon will also order for u if u need them.

my honest opinion is that u need to bring the issue up with ur mum. nobody will like it if there's someone constantly telling everybody that his bb dun prefer him. any black face is temporary. if u dun bring it up, ur mum can continue her behaviour indefinitely.
yah, i think we've ever discussed about bisphenol a in the past...lastly this resurfaced again a few weeks ago at another report and last Satruday. That's why i revisited the issue esp since when we sterilise bottles it's always subject to high heat. i was at some dept stores looking at pigoen bottles but only found plastic versions. Hmmm, will look again.
Tiong Bahru mummies, walau...tat TB PD dunno how he graduate one. Just now my boy cut his finger while he was playing with the oven door. A piece of flesh was gouged out n was held to wound by some skin. He was bleeding profusely n it wouldn't stop even when I apply pressure. We panicked n the first Dr who came to my mind was tat TB PD (just downstairs mah). We went there n tat physco Dr kept prying open the skin/flesh again n again, n E was screaming. I got annoyed n said just need to press the flesh/skin back together n bandage rite, n it will stop bleeding n wound will seal back. U know what he said to me...he said he was thinking whether the skin/flesh can be saved or not (N while saying this he kept flipping the piece of skin/flesh off the wound n of course blood keep pouring out). I said what do u mean, of course the skin can grow back one what. He said wun grow back wor...lucky kena cut finger nia not somewhere else. Then he gabrah, quickly bandage finger until so tight n continue applying pressure. I asked him if later still bleed how...he said come back wor. Walau...already 8+pm, he will be closed liao lar. Silly fella.

After we came out of his room, I told my hubby lets go Mt E A&E cos I scared he bandage finger too tightly might cut off blood flow n finger might die. The Dr there also shake his head n ask me if he is really a PD. Then the bandage so tight the Dr remove E's finger blue leh. A&E Dr also say skin sure will grow back n bb cells heal v fast one...prob wun even have any scar. Then he also say same thing as me...just put the skin flap back onto wound n press together with proper bandaging can liao. Then he explain to me how to stop bleeding if necessary (unlike the other Dr).

Scary Dr...this kind of small wound also cannot treat properly, how to trust his medication rite. Actually think back now also funny...one small wound cost us $200+

Have kissed JT for you liao. Thanks! You are ever so sweet!
Aiyo you dun diet liao lah... you are already so slim and gorgeous still want to diet, make me feel so guilty... still so fat and still eating non-stop :p You're really 1 super woman, you must take good care of yourself before you can take care of meg okie? Go for your retail therapy often lah hahaha

OH NO!! Poor Ewan!! Must be really painful.... sayang....Think now that they are super mobile, really have to watch them... Haiz think tat PD really cannot make it lah... I think you go normal GP maybe will do a better job than that, and definitely much cheaper.

JT didn't have false measles. The PD said on Mon "suspected", cos she didn't have any other symptoms then, and running a fever of 39.5. But after that her running nose and cough came, and no rashes, so it's not false measles....

I think there is a bad flu virus going around. Today I was back at work and at least 4 other colleagues have babies/toddlers having the same symptoms as JT... so have to be real careful ok?

JT finally crawled properly over the weekend, and she is pulling herself to standing position, tho not always successful...but at least I feel more assured that she was not weakened by her cough or anything.

Personally I also think you should stop bf if it's really affecting your health. You need to be in good health to have good quality BM in the 1st place. Also BF is only a very small part of motherhood. If you are not in good health, you won't be able to fulfill your other duties as a mother as well as you would like to....

Has Made gone for her surgery yet? You mentioned she's going for 1 in Aug. Wish her speedy recovery!

Yah, the bisphenol A issue is quite an old one... haiz... for me worse lor, cos I store BM in the bottles leh... even my breast pump is plastic one.... haiz.... I think bo bian leh...But if you can, try to avoid lor....haiz nowadays really dunno wat is safe liao.... lead in paints, chemicals leaching from plastics...the more you know, the more paranoid you'll get... I am a chemist by training, so you can imagine how paranoid I am when I give things to JT
I hvn't looked at taka...everytime i go taka look at toys! haha! ok, i'll go take a look there. thanks!

aiyoh, poor ewan. Sigh, that PD real jia lat man!! think he panic...how old is he? young chap ah? Your description so detailed that i feel the pain too. :p

ya, everything is harmful howadays...mercury, lead, chemicals...and it doesn't help that some manufacturers (eg those china cases) are dubious. The more we know the worse it gets...i think in the past, things were a lot simpler, so less chemicals too. Oooh...u chemist by training? stress! :p

Btw, Mummies who Blog, can share what is the memory allocated for blogs like Blogspot, LiveJournal, Wordpress etc? And why u prefer the one u use? any advantages or disadvantages to look out for?
Hi mummies
ask u hor, when giving milk to yr bb, do u carry them or let them let on the bed/mattress? since bb tx is 3mth, we dun carry her during feeding. till she is 6mth. as advice by mummy that one shd raise up the head when the bb is drinking milk.

thks. I am slowly cut down my ss naturally since ss dropped liao.

so do the medicial that PD give to increase ss help?
Dora, Bobianah
Ya lor that PD har...maybe he buy his degree??? He is youngish lah...maybe early to mid 30s but he surely wld hv done his tour of duty at the hospitals mah...shd have seen lots worse cases. This one small cut nia. My hb came into PD's room later but he managed to catch the Dr flipping open the wound again n again while E was screaming. He said he wanted 2 punch the Dr
Then the Dr abit camp making him even more irritating. Worse he told us 2 rebandage using gauze + plaster. Ask us 2 go buy gauze. My HB ask him 2 give us some...he said they dun hv enuff wor. Walau...what kind of clinic is it. More like a zoo.

JT recover liao?...good to hear that she seems unaffected by her recent illness. Also congrats JT can crawl properly. Ya must watch them carefully now. I dun actually let E crawl much cos he will do everywhere n pull himself up on furniture etc. Worry he will slip on smash his face. I usually put him in his walker. But he drive his walker everywhere n will open oven door lah, kitchen cabinets lah etc. I also dunno how to child proof the house short of shutting d doors to all rooms.

We still carry E when feeding milk but that's only because he will turn over if we let him lie down on mattress 2 feed. Even if I let him lie on mattress I will raise his head with his pillow.
aiyo, sayang ewan for me. dun let him near the kitchen liao. buy safety gates to keep him in safe areas. there r also cabinet locks that u can attach to handles to prevent him fr opening up cabinet doors. think u better invest in these safety equipment to ensure that the home is safe for ewan.

madeleine's surgery is on 21st aug, assuming she recovers fr her cold. sigh.

u were looking for baby einstein dvd right? there's a bp for those brainy bb stuff. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/911449.html?1186464939#POST3365549. this ljp lives in bt batok, which is quite close to u right?
yup, i was...i oso took ur recommendation and tried hollywoodclicks. Borrowed one baby einstein and one brainy baby DVD for her. Turns out, very difficult to get hannah to watch tv (which shd be good thing that she dun wanna watch tv rite? :p). She preferred to climb/crawl around, play with her toys then watch tv. So, I guess I won't get the DVDs for now. hmmm...maybe I shd ask for it for christmas pressie! hahahaha! by then, she shd show some interest in watching tv.

The brainy baby board book looks interesting tho...

Hope Made's surgery goes well.

what a strange PD...reuse bandage? ugh. better dun go there next time.
thanks for the good wishes. hey, madeleine is the same, prefer to play with her toys than watch the dvds.
there r a lot of sprees for leapfrog dvds, which r meant for 2yr olds. maybe u can ask for those as christmas pressies also?
aiyo.. the TB PD really jialet leh.. i think i can do a better job than him lor... :p poor Ewan.. how's his finger now? dun worry.. like wat the Mt E doc said.. bb recover very fast one.. soon, he will be okie again..

best wishes to made..
hopes she recovers fr her flu fast fast..

u take care leh.. dun let bf affect ur health leh.. like wat dora said.. u muz be healthy in order to take care of bb tx..

i always carry PH when i feed him milk.. coz he bad boy.. if i let him hold bottle, lie on his own n drink, i think he won't even take a sip lor.. :p

hee~ same same lah.. u chemist i biologist.. :p oso very panaroid.. i always worry abt germs n bacteria... super obssessed with sterilising bottles etc.. hahaha.. :p once bottle is out of steriliser, i consider it dirty.. :p den i even feel tt steam steriliser is not gd enough.. i shd hav a autoclave at home.. hahahaa.. :p
here's a photo of PH eating porridge.. so cheeky looking.. :p heard fr my in laws tt he kept jumping with joy when he's eating porridge..

Hello mummies

Now I am down with cold! Haiz.... this is the 3rd time I am down with cold since giving birth to JT... so I get a cold every 2mths plus or so... I have always been quite weak lah, but this is ultimate leh... think motherhood is really taking a toll on my health....

The medication did increase my SS lah.... considering I had no sleep, and having very heavy menses at the same time, I think the increase was very good... abt 180ml a day... but I stopped taking liao cos JT is eating solids and drinking water liao... so now ss dropped... also because I am having cold lah...

JT's cough is quite ok liao, except when she gets too excited then she'll cough a few times. But her nose still seems quite stuffed....
err... PD clinic got no extra bandage?!!? Please don't go there again!!!! Rather see a GP! Is this the same PD that Roo tried to complain the other time?

Hahaha.... I am paranoid abt sterilizing too much cos I am afraid the plastics will degrade... :p
You really ah... want to buy autoclave!!! wahahahaha!!!
sh, dora,
wah! u still sterilising bb stuff? i've stopped sterirlising months ago. act read n heard tt once they can put things into their mouth, sterirlising is not necessary anymore since they oso get into contact w other germs. me v lazy lah, i dun even use bb detergent n i just rinse e cup n spoon tt i use 2 feed mandy water. hehehehe.... eh, so far, she's nv been sick lah. so dun worry. too sterile oso not gd, in fact, i make an effort 2 keep her surroundsings not-so-clean.

PH is always so charming.

eh... Made hasn't recovered ar?
she will, she will!

erm.... memory allocated?? i dunno bt such things. sounds so cheem 2 me... hehehehe.... i used blogger bcos i tink it has e nicest layout n there r ready 2 use tenplates tt r v pretty. easy 2 use oso.
hosting pix is ez too, just upload. maybe u ask doggie n ruffy. they're not using blogspot.

oh dear. poor ewan. like och said, better child proof ur home. esp since ewan is so active n u put him in a walker which gives him freedom o mobility. i tink i read on e KKH website b4 tt walker accidents take up a big portion o e cases o their chdn A&E. so must b vigilant lah. even if he's in a walker, gotta watch like a hawk! how's he now? much better I hope.
tt doc can oso b considered a PD? pui! i agree tt even GPs r better. BOYCOTT BOYCOTT!!!! n all mummies in tt area, pls boycott too!

hiyo, poor u. 5 5 get well. ya lar, motherhood really can weaken our bodies. so must take extra care hor. good tt JT is better n eating well again.
hi mummies,
long tm nv log in liao. a few mummies n bbs unwell. hope all of u get well soon.

cmf that PD cannot make it!!!! hw can he dun hv extra bandage???!!! wan to earn money lah. if u said u pay he sure give!! last tm he oso only give 1 syringe for 5 medications. He dunno there is such thg called cross contamination uh!!!

dora, shihui,
me working in the lab so I shared the same thinking as u gals esp the part SH said when the bottles out of the steriliser considered dirty. I tot I'm the only 1 who think like tat haha.......

YES, he is the wan!!! while going thru the old magazine I'm shock to see tt he is the consultant for baby plus. FAINTZ!
PH so cute! his eyes big big!

Dora, SH
you 2 funny ah, paranoid abt different things.
Anyway, u ladies make me feel better. hahaha! Although my IL and HB considered quite ok in terms of cleanliness, but i oso think i become more cleanliness freak after giving birth to bb lor... i keep telling myself now, nevermind la...too clean oso no good. "la sup jiak, la sup tua". But of cos, hv to draw the line somewhere. I'm oso a bit worried abt harmful effects of chemicals...haiz...

take care, hope u feel better soon. did u take some vitamin supplements to boost ur health a bit?

sometimes i look at my fren's kids (abt 2 mths younger than hannah) and like to watch tv, i think, wah, so lucky...can use that to distract her!

I was cracking my head abt wat to say when pple ask me what i want for Hannah's bd present...now I know wat to say! hahaha!

Madeleine is truely amazing. What's her surgery on 21 Aug for?
PH so cute! his eyes big big!

Dora, SH
you 2 funny ah, paranoid abt different things.
Anyway, u ladies make me feel better. hahaha! Although my IL and HB considered quite ok in terms of cleanliness, but i oso think i become more cleanliness freak after giving birth to bb lor... i keep telling myself now, nevermind la...too clean oso no good. "la sup jiak, la sup tua". But of cos, hv to draw the line somewhere. I'm oso a bit worried abt harmful effects of chemicals...haiz...

take care, hope u feel better soon. did u take some vitamin supplements to boost ur health a bit?

sometimes i look at my fren's kids (abt 2 mths younger than hannah) and like to watch tv, i think, wah, so lucky...can use that to distract her!

I was cracking my head abt wat to say when pple ask me what i want for Hannah's bd present...now I know wat to say! hahaha!

Madeleine is truely amazing. What's her surgery on 21 Aug for?
Hi mummies
Thx thx for ur concern. E better liao...in fact as soon as we got home frm hospital tat nite he was using his injured hand like usual. It's as if he doesn't feel pain. Then play his toys so roughly some more
In fact when he cut himself he also din cry leh...I dun even know he hurt himself until I saw blood on my arms when I was carrying him...search search then only discover he cut his finger.... Haha...me bad mummy.

Hahah...of course I know of those things but if want to install security gates etc might as well just close door to the rooms. Cheaper n look better also

I childproof...close doors lor
Actually walkers r safe lar. The only time not safe is when house has steps or uneven surfaces etc which may cause the walker to topple. Agree wif u n Dora...GP better but I dun know any GP near my place at the moment leh. No time to explore my new neighbourhood yet.

Aiyo...u v chaam leh. Do u take any ginseng/chong chao to strengthen ur immune system. It works for me leh. Now everyday lack sleep so I take ginseng daily. So far so good...no illness/headaches etc. N my husband was cold/flu king but since he started taking ginseng/chong chao (frm Eu yan sang) never fall sick leh...a few times seems like gonna come down wif something but passed really quickly. Try it if u haven't.

YA YA...i think same one lor...the thomson medical one rite? Aiyo...now my mum wanted to do pap smear at the women's clinic next door (cos convenient) she also scared liao.

PH so cutie as usual. E also loves porridge now. How many solid meals r u giving PH nowadays? Me still 1 nia cos scared he cannot poo poo.

I agree wif Kimi shdn't steriliase so much now. Too clean bb immune system will be weak. Heh heheh
Me pulak Biotechnologist by training but opposite from SH n Dora. Nowadays I only sterilise milk bottles (esp teats) cos the shape quite hard to clean n milk residues grows bact v easily.
Hi ladies,
Cant access forum the whole of yesterday

OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, for Ewan....Hope he is ok now. Boycott that lousy PD!!!! Och and kimi is right, must child proof the house especially our bbs are more mobile now. Plus Ewan is so active (mine too n me alway worry he is hyper
) so must watch over him like a hawk.

Must take good care of yourself hor. Motherhood is really tough. I also have doubt about no.2 now

bobianah, och,
Yr gers dont like TV...Mine.....HE LOVE IT, faintzzzzzzzzzzz
glad tt Ewan is better liao.
snowy ever mentioned to me there's a GP at Bukit Ho Swee which is gd in handling kids. Guess the st across ur plc. Paiseh I can't remb the name of the clinic.

think beta dun lah. once bitten twice shy. ur plc to Selina's clinic shd b quite convenient oso.
Hi Jackie
So busy these days until cannot access forum ahh? Think all other mummies also v busy...forum not v active these days liao.

Jovey also super active...dun worry lah, dun think he's hyper. When I went home 2 KL, I met a fren wif 8+mth old bb. When I carry her bb ger she also wriggle like worm like tat. Tot only E so hyper...my fren's GER also leh. Think nowadays all bbs like tat, more curious than older generation bbs. Sigh... tat's why whole day so busy...watching E like a hawk mah. But as my fren who is an experienced mum says lor can never fully childproof hse one lah...can only do ur best. Think already quite heng E has never smashed his face/bang his head anywhere even tho he is so active, until his daddy always say to me not good tat he is so protected else he never learn tis/tat action = pain wor.
...maybe I shd unwrap his cot.
Good GP at BT Ho Swee ahh? Ehh...never c any leh, only c alot of TCM shops nia. Must check out...really imp to know where the good clinics r for emergencies. Ya...I also scared liao so I told mum better make appointment 4 her with Selina
But strangely enuff, u notice those clinic always full of people...think not many clinics in TB tat's why.

Oh dear, Made also down with cold ah??! Poor girl... hope she recovers soon... JT sick for more than 1 week liao.. still sniffing away

Actually I only sterilize breast pump and the bottles cos I freeze my EBM for 1 week. And milk is an excellent medium for bacteria growth. If I am express and let JT have it immediately, then I won't sterilize. I dun sterilize the bottles now liao, I dun even sterilize the teats :p But MIL still do lah...

Actually JT is not eating well... she is PLAYING WITH HER FOOD!!! Initially I tot she was not eating well because she's sick... but now that she is better, it's worse!! SHe is thinking abt playing 24/7!! She can't sit on her high chair long enuf to finish her food. She needs me to sing song, make face, etc then she'll open her mouth. And she keeps snatching the spoon from me. Aiyo it's such a challenge feeding her now. I was very sick yesterday mah, and she was trying to be funny during lunch, took 1 hrs and we're still only 1/2way done. I was so exhausted , almost lost it and shouted at her. She looked at me in a stunned look and nearly cried. I was sooooo guilty after tat and keep sayang her.... haiz....

hee hee hee... yah lah, tat's why I cut down on sterilization liao...

I am still BF mah... so not sure can take all these herbs or not.. I do boil lingzhi in soups occasionally.... think safety gates are better than closing the door lah, at least bb still can see what's happening in the other room mah...

Wanted to say PH's eyes can really "talk".... very electrifying!
Err... how do you make PH interested in his porridge?? Can teach me?

I also having doubts abt having no. 2 liao... Was discussing with hubby, true tat JT will be very lonely lah, but if mummy keeps falling sick, then it will be much worse mah...
Jovey is not the only TV addict, JT also... I dun let her watch, but hubby always like to carry her in front of the TV.. haiz...

I discussed with hubby and decided to engage a PT cleaner. Cos I work PT, then on the days that I dun work, I still have to do marking and take care of JT.... really no time to do house work liao... hope with the PT cleaner, I won't fall sick so often....
Anyone has recommendation for CCK area?
Busy yes...But cant access cause forum is down....But than how come u all can access???

U have not see my boi in action b4 hor....Ask those that had witness it b4. Super duper active and think he scare some hubbies too kekekeke
Here's a pic of Hannah in her new wetsuit. We decided to buy it cos it should help keep her a bit warm and provide more protection from the sun even tho we use sunscreen. Sigh, I really prefer the cutie little swim suit she used previously, but I guess this wetsuit is more sensible?
Anyway, the wetsuit's kinda cute in its own way and a bit big for her...tho hannah looks more like a boy...but quite pro lidat. Heehee!
tok abt cleanliness, the other day at Carrefour, i put hannah in the trolley...before that, i wipe the trolley handle etc, all the places she will chew on. True enough started putting her mouth on EVERYTHING! even twist her body around to chew on the railing behind her! Then, this maid who walk by and saw pointed out to me "eee, so dirty!" Haiz, like i dunno meh? but wat to do??

kimi, you;re rite, shouldn't keep things too clean! afterall, cannot totally prevent lor...
I also took ginseng when bfing. Initially was also scared esp since E had jaundice but my relatives ask TCM etc...they say ok wor. Anyway, think mayb E's constitution also better because of tat. But if u hv any concerns then u better not take. Each to his/her own n all tat u know. To me having security gate is pointless cos I never let him go into a room if nobody is there with him mah.
hahaha.. u muz let me noe more abt chemicals.. den maybe i will cut down on sterilising the bottles.. hehehe.. :p

how abt taking multivit etc? i'm taking multivit now.. since we still bfing, muz make sure tt we hav enough nutrients.. else body sure weak weak one...

my MIL cook porridge with pork and carrot.. he likes it so much tt he's jumping with joy... hahaha.. :p

now i onli sterilise the bottles and pump accessories.. den for his bowl, i juz use hot boiling water to rinse b4 i use lor.. trying to stop myself fr being too clean.. :p now his toys i dun really chap liao oso.. onli wipe 1-2 times a week.. :p

hi 5! hahaha.. i think we r lab trained liao.. too stringent liao... my mom can't tahan me.. i wash my hand with soap before i touch the sterilised bottles.. den hor, i dun wipe dry my hands lor.. coz if i wipe dry, i will be touching dirty surfaces n my hands will be dirty again... hahaha... so extreme.. :p

hee~ seems like many of us worry too much hor.. :p ya lor.. i got to keep reminding myself not to overdo things... heee~ :p

hannah is so cute in her new swimsuit... looks really pro leh..

me too leh.. when i put PH in highchair outside, i will wipe every surface tt he will possibly chew... :p

gd for u.. u r not affected by ur work..
i rather i noe less... at least my life will be easier.. hahaha.. :p my hubby said i made him feel like he's super unhygenic.. :p now trying to be less paranoid lor... :p

PH still 1 meal a day.. i intro meat porridge to him liao.. he loves it... :p think will increase his solid to twice a day when he's 8-9mths bah...
Blogspot- can add the most stuff- sing/ moving pictures/ own blogskin etc... space I dunno.. however privacy issue is compicated. If you privatised only friends who have google acc can access it.
no fancy pictures n cumbersome to upload pics.

can privatise individual entries 50mb space.
Think the forum was not really down, just that this thread is missing from the topics pages. I bookmarked this page then can come in liao

The bisphenol A that Bobianah was mentioning lor... the plastic can leech out this that can cause reproductive problems such as fibroids, PCOS, etc... but PH is a boy so no issue for you.... so think you can continue to sterilise your bottles lah! :p
Hehehe... think I'm the laziest lah, I only wash JT's toys when I remember to.... terrible mummy hor? :p

PH will guai guai eat his solids? Wow!! How I wish JT will do that!

Hannah looks really cool in the suit! Like some surfers hahaha

Actually that's the reason why I dun dare to put JT into the supermarket trolleys, cos she'll bite everywhere. Till now we still have a stroller + trolley everytime we go supermarket :p

Which lab you work in? In woodlands... BD?

Forget to tell you that PH got dian1 yan3....Next time u will be super busy answering his phone call :p

Hannah really look like some professional swimmer/surfer. N all our bb sama sama lor, love to bite everything within reach. Sigh.

OIC, for one moment i though what happen
