(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

good morning mummies,

Welcome Wendypooh

Wow, so impressed with your bb. Know how to hold bottle.

So you trying for another bb now ? But you still breastfeeding how to conceive ?

So how much u paid for Pneumococcal?

Wish u all the best for piglet ger

Wow, u making me stress leh. I have not teach my boi anything leh.

I think we should exchange babies for a day!! My JingTing hardly sleeps 12 hours a day, esp during the day... When she naps, she'll take a long time to fall asleep... so much so that by the time she sleeps, it'll be her next feeding time soon, so she naps for only abt 1/2 each time...It's true she provides a lot of entertainment cos she knows how to blabber a lot now... but it's so exhausting!!!

Yah, Avent liquid talc is very good... but it's really ex. I just bought liquid talc from mothercare and its (only) $14... still very ex, but much cheaper than Avent liao... but dunno if it's as good cos haven't started using yet... haiz our daughters really know how to spend our money hor? :p

Wah you are really brave leh... I told hubby, I'm having 2nd tots abt have no. 2 liao... cos it's so exhausting to take care of JingTing now... she keeps refusing to sleep... haiz...


Wah your girl really very advanced leh... my girl always play with the teats everytime we give her bottle... play until hungry liao then she will drink... I dun even dare to dream that she'll hold the bottle anytime soon :p

Wah you mummies already thinking of the enrichment classes to send your bbs? I have only been showing her the flashcards :p
Oh Mummies...

Did you all see the giant bb from china shown on chinese news the day before? The baby was 6.5kg at birth!!! Deliver by c-section of cos... the mummy is an athelete and weighed 120kg pre-pregnancy :p I was carrying my girl when watching it and I think at 9wks, she's not even 6.5kg yet :p
Hee hee..

I want to fast fast give birth and fast fast close shop..

Hubby is no longer young, plus my mum loves children, she used to be very envy of ppl who already hv grandchildren. Now she got 1, she very happy lor, she told me while she still can, she wants to take care of my children, she even tell me got 3 children good, I told her 2 is very hard to afford liao, 3 I cannot imagine..

I hope to close shop at 2.. While I'm still young, while all the barangs from the 1st one still can be used lor... after the 2nd one, I can 'throw' away all the babies stuffs, dun nid to wait for them to collect dust.. ;p

But say is say lah, also seldom 'exercise' plus like wat Geri said, still breastfeeding, so might be harder also..
In the day i try to time my ger's nap ard lunch time so tt i can take lunch in peace. We noticed tt she sleeps better/longer when she drinks from bottle. So will give her ebm after her bath ard 11am. She'll usually be alert for a while after i burp her. Then will try n make her sleep by carrying/patting her n play her "sleeping" music. When she looks sleepy or dozes off, will place her tummy down on our bed (coz we noticed she naps longer when she sleeps on our bed). Usually she can nap for 2-3 hrs this way.

I'm quite lucky also coz my ger sleeps thru at night without much training. Will give her last feed her via bottle so tt she's full and will sleep thru. Sometimes if she doesnt wanna sleep, will give her pacifier n keep playing her "sleeping" music over n over again till she dozes off. Will keep the lights off also... Sometimes in the middle of the night she will "eh eh" a bit n brush her hands all over her face, but i will ignore her as long as she doesnt cry for milk. She will fall back to sleep on her own after a while.

Wendypooh, Tan SL, conniemummy,
I stay at punggol too... opp the church. Tan SL, think very near u right? ;)

ur ger know s how to hold bottle...so fast!
No need to feel stress at this moment. When our babies are older, u will see the enthus mummies here organising all sorts of classes for our little ones.. After which we will have reviews of the classes and decide whether to enrol our babies or nt.. Believe me, its gg to be fun for our babies and ourselves..

If u want, can start reading bedtime stories to ur bb everynite from today onwards. Sing lullabys or nursery rhymes to him every day..

Qian Hui,
If u wanna start trying for #2, have to say bye bye to ur bfg career.. My gynae recommend to rest for 3-4 mths before having another bb.. Think cos need to let our womb/uterus to recover and be ready to work again!

I started trying for my #2 when my elder gal was 4 mths old. Tat x i was trying my luck cos wasnt ready to give up bfg yet.. I finally struck when i stopped bfg when my gal was 8 mths old.
Hi decnk/Dora/Calynn/Tan SL/bobianah/Bloom/Kimi/Jackie/serrich/Geri,
my gar not so steady with bottle lah just hold there without moving. I got another shot which she hold there very still with both hand but the adjustment is not gd cos milk does not flow fully into the teat. she still need to train on that.

she loves to grasp thing and then put into her mouth. she has been 'chewing" teddy bear ear. poor bear.

can use the diaper rash cream instead to apply on her back of her head?
as for the income for parent relief, we need to submit the birth cert of our child. just scan and email to IRAS or print out form fr website and mail with the birth cert.

just for info.
i tink better not coz diaper rash cream may b too strong on other part of bb's body. u may wanna try the liquid talc fr mothercare which Dora mentioned.
liquid talc is supposed to be moisturising. coz heat rash is diff fr diaper rash.
Hi ruffybear,
yup. know it but we mummies can also claim working mother relief and Qualifying Child Relief as well.

from the iras website.

we are entitled to:

Qualifying Child Relief - $2000
(either hubby take or you take; only one person can take)

Working Mother's Child Relief - 5% of mother's earned income
(first child is only 5%)

Grandparent Caregiver Relief - $3000 (only one person can stake their claim on the grandparent. so, if your mom is also taking care of your sister's child, you and your sister must play scissors paper stone to decide who can use this relief. or, if your father is also not working, you can claim this using your father's name and your sister can claim this using your mother's name)
thanks for the info.. will let hb take qualifying child relief.. coz he earn more then me
will claim for both boys the working mother child relief.
hi, im from Feb thread, but bb actually born in 31Jan.
Will like to check with you gals. Im preparing to go to work and also wan to cut down the nos of pump per day. Im so tiring.. looking after two kids.

Do you feel lump in your breast?
Previously, I have no problem when expressing thru pump.
Lately, I always feel my breast hard and has two hard lump on the top of my breast and left side.
After pump, it will be gone.
I only pump 3x previously. and quite irregular timing. 6+,12+and 8-9+. Esp during the night, my breast will be much harder and lumpy during the monring pump.
Now, I have increase another pump at midnight
Pumping session : 8am,2pm,8am and 2pm. And I will feel the lump also, but slight better. but my milk flow is so much slower. Takes abt 30-45 to empty two breast. Have to keep massage and pump to get the amt I wan? I also drink hot drinks before pumping and hot towel..but still can feel lumpy.

Why? How can I solve it?
kimi, kate's physical devt (neck, arms etc) also quite weak compared to the rest of the bbs here and the assessment booklet.. i always give her excuses saying that cos she is a premmie :p

wendypooh, i am a eeyore lover :p yeah, deliver in kkh

mbb, skII no effect leh.... maybe hers is really heat rash (cum dry skin) instead of just dry skin...

Qianhui, if have piglet must jia you very fast leh.... I cannot try for piglet cos have to rest as mine is c section...

serrich , so u handwrite on the blank cards or print using printer? Actually I am very lazy to send her to enrichment..like stress her like that....

Dora... kate is going to be 4 months soon... and not yet 6.5kg too! :p Yest met a mommy at the lift lobby and she ask me 'how many weeks is your bb?'

afcai, is Grandparent Caregiver Relief only claimable if the grandparents take care of the grandchild? Can b.s or not? :p Are all 3 claims claimable every year or just for first year?
Now you given to your 2nd child. Do you think the 1st child is depriving of your attention since the age gap is very near ?

Now my no. 1 and no. 2 has an exact age gap of 2 years old. And actually we do have intention to go for 3rd one. But worried that the age gap between no. 2 and no. 3 too near and we can't give no. 2 our attention. How do you feel ?
thanks for sharing ur ger's classes...she's very confident and that's very good.

pneumococcal is $100+ I can't remember how much I paid! :p

fast fast #2 and close shop is good idea. unfortunately for me, nobody else is keen for #2!

Long time never share pics of my ah ger...

Alamak, this one look like a boi! Was trying to take passport photo.
hi afcai,
your tingxuan is so advanced... can hold bottle already. my jared boy one half years old already still don't want to hold. wants my mum to hold for him then he drinks his milk...

just came from my terrible class. student was damn damn rude. he asked me what is the opposite of funny. i didn't answer immediately and then he got impatient so quicky and said 'ask teacher qn like talking to dead person like that!' see la. how to teach? i go inside the class, a class of 45 monkeys running around and talking to each other with absolutely no regards for the teacher. i feel like tendering resignation liao.
hi geri

same as u my 2 gal are 2 year gap. initally my elder is ok when bb back but as day go by she wan attention very much and fuss if we carry bb.
my elder gal developemnt is abit slow so when she reach 2 i give birth to no2 and i have no much time for her. I sort of feelign guilty and bad durign confinment. now weekday mil tkae care of bb then at nite after sch i try to spend tiem wif her
yeh... we are in the same estate, i think. good to know many punggol mummies on this thread.

mine can sleep through the night, from 11pm - 8 am, then when she wakes up, super hungry lor, will drink and play a while, so far like today, she slept from 10 - now, still sleeping. sometimes i see her move her lips, will latch on and she will drink as she sleeps and continue to sleep once she is done. she is super hibernating lor.

what is bits of intelligence ah? can enlighten me? now quite free, so thinking of doing up the flash cards, realised after reading GD that the cards i bought are too small. can i have your supplier's number?

when did your bb go for the pneumococcal jab? my girl wil turn 3 months this 25th. when is the advisable age?
i felt bad too. Esp now as she is very curious about things, so she will touch this do that. And many times i shouted at her not to do it. At times wonder will i deprive her of learning. Now after my bb sleeps, i'll try to spend time with her doing coloring or read books or play toys with her. And have to keep telling her we love her. But at times she very cheeky, she will say no no love love. God help....
ur bb looks so chubby, so cute!

gd that mandy sleeps. sleeping helps her development. madeleine hasn't been able to sleep well these 2 wks bcos of her cold. can tell that she is no longer as alert n willing to learn as b4.

ting xuan so advanced, willing to hold bottle! madeleine will cup her bottle with 2 hands, but if we remove our hand, she will let it drop on the floor.

u r not the only one feeling stressed. i only teach my gal to kick n hit. now i feel like i'm teaching madeleine to become a hooligan.

tan sl,
from what i gathered, can start any time below 5 yrs old. for bb so young, think we need 4 jabs.
geri, och
dunno, some pple say look like me, some say look like my hb. My mom even bring out old photos of me to prove that bb looks like me when i was a bb!

my ger go for the jab at 2mths +. Over 1 mth can go, so up to u. My MIL say dun want one shot give her 5 in 1 then, pneumococcal, so poor thing 2 jabs. :p So i gave her pnuemococcal n rotavirus (oral) liao. I KS cos infants very vulnerable to pneumococcal too...and spread easily thru sneezing, coughing and lately so many ppl sick!! Plus, i always take bb out, so want to be safe lor.
U can refer to this link for the list of words to print: http://www.geniusexplorer.com/300%20English%20Sight%20Words.html
I bgt my DIY Maths Set from them.
As for the English words, I print it RED big fonts using coy printer.. Kekeke.. Then cut out the words and paste it on the blank cards. Same for the Bits of Intelligence cards.

I flashed Maths cards, English word cards and Picture cards to my elder gal for abt 6 mths.. I stopped flashing after she lost interest in it. I am trying to re-intro to her again soon..

Frankly speaking, i didnt really spend time wf my #1 since i had my #2. I used to be able to spend time watching DVDs, play toys wf her. Now i can hardly find time to communicate wf her.. I do feel really guilty for nt being able to give her the attention she had before her little sis arrival.. Well, i am trying my best to spend time wf her when we are at home. Nw tat i am back to work, will especially value and treasure the limited time i have wf my 2 gals. It's really nt possible to divide my time and attention equally among my kids bt i do hope that i will be able to spend quality time wf them together! Nw i try to watch DVD wf my #1 while carrying my #2 bt will need my hubby to be ard in case 2 of them get cranky at the same time..

Do go try for #3 if u want. No need to worry abt nt giving attention cos somehow things will work their way out, just like in my case now. Agree that we will have a very trying time if their gap is near bt it's only for the first few years.. After tat it will be very easy for us! Jia You!
me too leh... take bb out often... k k... will go get the pneumococcal one done... me KS too...

thanks for the info too.
after the jab and oral vaccine, my ger no fever. So I think it's ok. But like Och say, when jab at young age, must go for more booster shots. If jab when older, less boosters needed. But then this is the more critical age, so I just went for it lor. At least I have peace of mind, ppl sneeze or cough, i not so panic. :p

all the cards on the link out of stock!! *grumble* :p
ha ha... yah lor... i oso tell myself she's slow bcos she's a premmie. but i wanna let her train her neck fast fast cos more convenient 4 me mah, easier 2 carry n can sit up faster! heh heh.... my mandy sama sama lah. tt day, e ntuc cashier auntie asked me "how many mths? 1 mth ar?" i said 3 mths n she's small cos she's prematured. then her jaw dropped n looked v sorry. so amusing! it's nt like she's handicapped cos she's a premmie lor, she's just smaller. another time, this indian uncle was behind e stroller. he was like beaming n v interested 2 c e bb. then he peered over my stroller, looked v surprised n went "aiyoh! so small!" i's q tickled!

ha ha... thx 4 e offer but no thx. but if can make mandy as chubby as jingting then i want!

it's true tt nowadays mandy's v alert when she's awake, she'll be like interested in everything n make all sorts o funny noises, looking here n there. but only 4 a while. she falls asleep v fast. heh heh...

wah! so fast? jia you then! but BFing how 2 get pregnant?

ha... hannah so cheeky n cute. her skin's damn gd lor. is tt e result o e mustela cream?
i think pneumococcal jab is impt, even though it's so ex. hubby knows someone whose kid died from meningitis after contracting pneumococcal virus.
her skin has all along been good...only very minor spots. The mustela moisturiser help too!
But, aiyoh, where is her double eyelids????

yup, i agree...it really burns a hole in the pocket, but gives me peace of mind!
I oso read abt kids who die of meningitis...so scary!! That's why i KS, 2mths quickly give her the jab.
NO NO.. I wont be trying for #3 in the near future.. Maybe 2 years later.. Financially very taxing on me & hubby. We will have to wait till we clear our bank loans before we can even think of trying for #3.

Oh realli? I didnt pop in to check on the flashcard status ley.. Maybe u can collate orders from the mummies here and ask for discount for ur big orders?? Think i was given 10% discount cos we group buy from them..
Hi Mummies...I m finally back in SG. From a quick read of the postings sounds like everyone is coping very well with ur bb's which is good news.

Me...I hv been in KL for the past month to get some much needed TLC from family n friends. I feel much better rested now n so far hv been coping better with bb even tho bb still not a good little sleeper. Really envy those mummies whose bb can sleep from 11pm to 8am.

Just remembered tat I hvn't posted picture of my bb for all to c yet so will try to do so now. Hope it works. If not maybe will email to Qian Hui n hope she is willing to post for me.
think both parents can share the qualifying child relief too. n those with maids also qualify for maids levy relief.
hi ladies!
at my mom's place.. will be staying here for 2 weeks coz hubby going on work trip for 2 weeks.. it's -20oC in finland now!! if not for the time constraint n air ticket price, i would hav join him there..

as usual lah.. the posts are so many tt i can't rem much liao.. heee~

welcome back!! i was still wondering where u r.. :p my bb oso not a very gd sleeper... still need to wake up to feed everynight.. afternoon nap oso not alot.. usually he onli nap a while den wake up liao...
Halo everyone,

the forum is moving very fast. Din hv time to post cos started work this Mon. Jus managed to screen thru and pop in awhile to say hi.

All the bb pics are v cute.

Wanted to post my gal pic here but dunno hw to shrink the size. Will try again.

Hi Och & Calynn,
I felt more assured when I saw the feed intake from ur gal

Hi Ruffybear,
Thanks for the info regards the diaper bags.

Hi MBB & QH,
piao liang mummies. U both will hv my vote too. GO GO GO!

Hi LiL,
Is ur gynae Selina Chua? She is my gynae too.
hi mummies,

i found out I have one small lump under my armpit. Actually I have few lumps under my armpit during my confinement and now left one. Is there anyway to get rid of it? it's almost 3 months oredi.
anyone experience this?

worry mum,

yes at 2 they are very curious and active i cant catch up wif her.
i alway scream at her or lost my cool to her on weekend when bb around.
when she see me carry bb she very upset. when bb drink milk she also wan sigh.... so sometime i get stress and got teh tot of regret havign no 2 so fast but ppl alway say 2 yr gap is good.
Arghh...I can't seem to resize photos with paintbrush. Can someone tell me how to resize the photos before posting? Me not to IT savy obviously!!!
found this instruction from Nov thread on how to shrink & post the photo here. thanks to that mummy.. (dont sue me for plagiarism

1. u right click on the picture
2. Open (choose "paint" if your pc has it)
3. Go Image
4. Choose "strech/skew"
5. key in lesser percentage (%) to reduce your picture size" (not more than 500x 500)
6. save as another name if u wanna keep original size
7. then go to the forum as u alway do your posting.
8. u see "upload attachment"? then click
9. then u will see "browse" to attach the pic
10. up to u if you wanna give description, I dun, coz lazy...
11. the click "upload"
12. then will ask u to close the window, u just click on it la
13. then can continue your message/posting in the "Post:" box
14. U will be able to see your pic when u click Preview/Post message. They will tell if your image/picture too big. then u repeat again. so better to make sure your pic not more than 500x500.
Hi Roo13.
Yes Selina Chua my gynae...she's good rite altho most people find her scary cos she can be very stern n serious.

When I went for my post natal pap smear in KL by another gynae...she was impressed cos she could not see where the episiotomy cut was...yeah...no scar.
thanks. will try it out

yes yes!
I'm very comfortable with her. Cos I hd 2 m/c yet she still very +ve of me getting pregnant. Never regret to hv her as my gynae. A few of my frens n colleagues oso seeing her.
sometimes i can see her double eyelid line...guess i hv to wait patiently! :p

ya lor, all no stock...now im looking to buy the GD math set n english set... haiz! everytime spend money! so much for baby bonus!

wah, ur bb eyes very big!!!
Cheng Gong Le...Thanks Starluster. But dunno why the description didn't appear. Anyway...here's the description.

Pic 1 - My baby boy, Ewan. Tat's his stunned look while being burped by his daddy.

Pic 2 - BB in good mood upon waking up on the morn of his 2 mth BD.

Pic 3 - Me n BB. This picture taken just today esp for this forum. Note the wild looking mummy with crazy hair n racoon eyes :p
