(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

one tube is more then enough to make kath's face smooth as tofu. it's juz tat bobianah n i love e cream so much, we carry on using it ;)

yipeee, my mum coming to sg tis wed!
hee hee...she really misses meg. i get off days liao. will be going spa on friday.
anyone wanna join me?

all bb are cute! the cutest child is those who hv manners n well behaved. nothing beats inner beauty!

one tube is more then enough to make kath's face smooth as tofu. it's juz tat bobianah n i love e cream so much, we carry on using it ;)

yipeee, my mum coming to sg tis wed!
hee hee...she really misses meg. i get off days liao. will be going spa on friday.
anyone wanna join me?

all bb are cute! the cutest child is those who hv manners n well behaved. nothing beats inner beauty!
Guess yr no.1 somehow still jeaous of BB sis.

Reyna reject the new teats? "Ren" n jia you

U did a good job in pumping Regina. Love her chubby cheek
hi sylk,
another cutie baby here! did regina just wake up from her beauty sleep or going to doze off in this pic? she has got a very dreamy look.
hi afcai,
your bb girl won the pic of the week from mumcentre ya? congrats! that was a really really cute photo of tingxuan. such a wide big smile!

wow! spa leh. you wanna know what i'm doing this fri when you're having your lovely and my long overdue spa treatment? i'll be at bukit batok nature reserves!!! yes! there with students having a bloody field trip at 1.30pm!!!! all the way to 6!!! i'm praying for rain already.
added u in msn le. hope to see u online

Regina is chubby. so cute!

i pray for you. ask for rain hor!

aiyoh, i thought i was looking at some ming xing's photo leh. you look very nice when you let down your hair. and bb meg is so smiley. how come my nat not smiley like that one... very nice photo. submit to gorgeous mum and babe pigeon contest leh. v pretty you two!

trust me. i'm praying REAL hard for rain.
wah mbb

gorgeous mummy and babe! how can don't join contest! quick go go! can vote one or not? we sure vote for you one!
Have added u in the msn

hi afcai,
Congr your ger ger for winning the the pic of the week from mumcentre

Nice pic of u n BB Meg, how u capture ah. Go join the gorgeous mum and babe pigeon contest we will vote for u

Rain rain come please come on friday afternoon...kekeke
i send to you the address. you print out the photo and send for competition hor.

To participate, send in your photos (non-returnable) with Baby's name, Mother's name, Age, Occupation, Email and Contact No to:
Pigeon Gorgeous Mum & Babe Contest
1100 Lower Delta Road, #04-04, EPL Building, Singapore 169206.
can stand to win $100 pigeon voucher. not alot la but who knows, someone sees this and wants both you and bb meg to appear on magazine cover!!

by the way, contest from feb07 to apr07.
y'day, so tired that I accidentally pour away 80ml (abt 3 oz) of ebm. my bedsheet, mattress protector and bed all milk. today, took the mattress protector to wash the portion that stain the milk. luckily, there's a towel on my bed and it absorbed most of the milk or else, milk will stain more. milk so wasted man....

also, today so fed up, hubby just stood there and watch when my gar poo on the nappy cloth. so I asked him to help then he helped to take the usual stuff for preparation to clean up my gar. dunno why I did not put liner on her nappy cloth. so need to scurb off the poo, luckily, she did not poo much. her last poo is last thru only.

hai...so tired.gg to slp soon.

3 days ago came bck fr my mum'plc, dunno why my gar cry non-stop for almost 1 hr that nite when she was in my hse (her own hse). think she still cannot adapt to the new change of environoment. this coming thru (will be returning on sat noon), will be bringing her to stay over at my mum's plc again.of cos, will accompany her and 'monitor' my mum's the correct technique of handling her and the ebm.

ai-yo, my mum is a gd entertainer.she can dun need to eat and slp, stick to my gar every moment can liao. like that not really gd or else, my gar will want someone to play with her etc all ard the clock. I die man....
with regard to yr gal's drinking to slp, last time, my gar also got this problem. hubby is stricter, he will smack my gar 's buttok to wake her up. then my gar will like startled, sudden woke up. for me, I will use my hand to touch her hand, leg and back. she will wriggle cos it seem tickling. so now, i have been constantly reminded my mum NOT to less my gar slp. she really let her slp then told me she slp liao. I'm fed up man.

so I told her that if my gar everytime slp, she will not get nutrient when she dun drink enough. also wasted my ebm too.
Hi Shihui,
did not see yr posting earlier on cos been at my mum'plc past 3 days and so many posting to keep up with. I will be at my mum'plc fr thru - sat and won't be at home loh.

hmm...u bought the pureen diaper quite cheap for only $15. u also use pureen dry 5? I also bought m size fr kiddy palace (having promo cost $15.90) for my gar cos her s size is running out liao. I have not use it. but use the sample of NTUC brand diaper and it's too big for my gar. tonite, my gar is wearing the drypantz and it is also indeed to big for her, never mind, i let her wear high high, cover her bellybtn.

thks for taking the warmer for me.
hi all,

i'm back..back to work...so happy to b able to join back this forum again. though i might b inactive here, at least i'm more able to browse through wat u all wrote and most imptly can share my "stories" wif u all too...yeah~ ^^

i managed to find a nanny for my bb jor so i'm putting my bb wif the nanny during the wkdays and only picking him up on fri nite...hm..today is the 1st day and i m crying..so miss him. i thot i will miss him abit after all those sleepless and restless nites. now...i feel dat i miss him like crazy...haiz...T.T

btw hor, i olso started to drop hair too leh n hor, i still fat fat leh. tis really made me more gek chim ah, tik many pple seem to slim down after BF but i still fat leh~~ haiz....anyone here like me not?? sob sob....haiz....so hor, i can't wear back my old clothes and i'm still wearing my maternity wear leh...sob sob..so pie seh...T.T

i kinda browsed thru some of ur bb's pixs here. so cute..all look very special loo, got cute de, pretty de, handsome de, intelligent de, etc...^^

mbb~ so envy u leh, u look so nice in ur pix...

attached my bb's pix for ur viewing too..^^
Hi Choo,
yup, what vanessa mentioned abt the duration to keep the ebm is correct. I also read the same guidelines as her. but dunno why the pigeon storage bottle info stated that frozen ebm only can kept for 3 mth only.
hmm seem like everyone is posting their bb's photo.

let me 'advertise' my gar here....that's the pic which got her to be the winner of the photo contest

Hi Jackie
Thanks for the wishes.


Milk Milk all over my mouth but yet can smile so nice while dozing off.

can't believe this gar doze off and yet can smile.
Hi Vanessa Lu,
oic, yup, no engorgment can liao but will this dun empty breast situation reduce one milk supply?
Hi doremi,
thks for the complaint of my gar. yup, will print out the photo and show to her next time when she grow up. will also place her photo whenI return to work next mth. the cheerful smile will brighten my day man.

yr gar also veri happy lying there, guess is it after bath?
u're bk! finally! welcome welcome! ur bb v cute leh, chubby chubby de! like those japanese bb we see on e poster! ahhhh!!! i want my mandy 2 b chubby too! urs look like he's tinking v hard in e 1st pix. so funny...
how haf u been?

tingxuan really looks so happy in e pix, now wonder she won!
aiyoh, so sayang, e milk!

u really look super diff lor. if nt 4 meg, i wldn't noe u're mbb. hah hah... meg, as usual, is v pretty n sweet...

regina has v refined features n so chubby too!

BOO HOO HOO!!!!! no luck w bottle here too. gonna try again later... sian...
welcome back.. was just wondering abt u this morning. that pic of your boy is really adorable & look japanese! the first pic he look matured & so serious.. hehe.

regina's really cute too! like her sharp nice chin!

your bb looks so cute n so happy! very nice pic! u deserve to win.

wah.. compare your preggie photo & now; what a vast difference! yah.. think u shd submit the photo for competition.

yesterday zzz with my mum & baby, kick hubby to the another room coz he was having his usual sneezing session (due to rhinitis/sinus). last nite my bb woke up even more frequently (~1.5 - 2hours) though on FM liao! she drank like 10 - 20ml then zzz liao. My mum say its becoz she doesnt like the fm. And she keeps waking up coz she is hungry... drink a bit to satisfy the hunger then zzz liao... then after awhile wake up again. haiyo.. and i tot coz the fm makes her full so she drink less.. me really dunno how to read my bb's needs!

my mum oso say that the fm might not be suitable for her coz she poos a lot. will try another day or two to monitor. whose bb is drinking NAN HA? coz if its not suitable for sophia, i will give away the can (if anyone wants) coz very wasted to throw away.
hihi! sneak in here b4 bb wakes up.. :p

finally u r back!
wah.. ur bb really chubby leh..
still on BM? his photo very cute leh.. the first one looks like he's atanding on attention.. haha.. hands by the side n serious serious look... really cute!!

tell u gd news.. hubby said tt u look much slimmer than our CNY gathering when we met at suntec.. happy? :p aiyo.. u look so pretty in ur photo.. meg looks super cheerful too... really make me gian for a bb gal leh.. :p

ya.. $15 really cheap... but 3 packets really very heavy... poor hubby got to carry till face red red.. i asked if he okie anot.. he told me he used to it liao.. ever since i preg, he got to carry double share... cause i can't help with heavy stuffs.. heee~ :p

i never use pureen b4 leh.. onli heard fr u tt it's not bad.. so bought it since it's on offer... :p in any case my bb's butt can't take it, can sell u ?? heee~

regina is really cute... she looks dreamy leh... :p aiyo... love her "hamburger" cheek.. so cute..
mine still skinny.. :p

kimi, van,
seems like the bottle is not as gd as wat the review wrote hor? muz write in to put negative review liao.. else give many mommy false hope n waste money...
Welcome back
BB Jor is so chubby n have so much hair. U did a good job in pumping him. U still bfing him?? I stop bfing Jovey liao

Think yr ger still prefer yr nei nei lor. Give her some time to adjust. I also didnt purposely wean BB off the night feed. Somehow he just slowly sleep longer and now only wake up ard 5-6am for milk than go back to sleep. Today quite lucky, he wake at 7am which is the timing i wake up to prepare for work

kimi, van,
Think it will take some time for Mandy n Reyna to accept bottle. Hope u ladie have better luck during the next feed
Hi all,

I am back from my Tokyo holiday with my elder daughter Nicole, and now am back at work, sob sob! No time to read through all the posts, only browse through this page. Must go through archives later to see all the photos!

Who else is back at work? Am suffering from missing my 2 girls leh. Am pumping milk about 4-5 times a day, but it seems as if my supply is dipping! Must drink more papaya fish soup. Wow, all your babies are so cute!!!

Doremi, your baby looks so guai and cute.

Wow, MBB, never see you before, you and baby look gorgeous together!

Afcai, your girl girl looks super duper cute and cheery!!!!

Qianhui, wow, you look so poised everytime, even with baby! Ace looks so handsome!

See everyone post their pics, I am also posting my 2 girl girls' pic for the first time - this picture was taken last month.

hey sylk,
so nice to finally see bb Regina....
, she looks sleepy!! did she just wake up? u certainly fed her well!!!

wah.... model mum and daughter!!! definately get my vote if u participate in the contest... GO FOR IT!!!

back at work liao??? bb so cute... so much hair!!! so jealous... hee hee...
dun worry... me still wearing my preggie clothes to work... can't fit into my old clothes yet... actually if i really really want to.... i can.... but i have to stop breathing!! ha ha ha...

hee hee... we post 1 pic at a time... u got the whole album huh???
Your gal also looks very cute leh!! Laughing so joyfully, why you say she will be last of the Q!?

Wow, Pin Heng will grow up to charm many girls, man! So handsome and charming!!

Our babies are now getting more responsive - very fun huh? Kept smiling at us, making us so happy!
Wow, you look so different now and bb meg so cute

Afacai, doremi,
Aiyo your bb so cute and smiley.

Jackie, Starluster, Vanessa,
Oh, because we breastfeed during the nite, bb tends to sleep longer ? No wonder my ah ger has been sleeping from 7pm all the way till 2+3am for feed. Mmh, now i know. Now kind of got hook breastfeeding and don't feel like weaning off.

Should bb reaches 5 or 6months old, and we want to introduce powdered milk. Can i give powdered milk in the day but nite i still breast feed ? Will the milk be sufficient ?

Hee hee.. I just add those which can let ppl see ones lor.. ha ha... keep one album easier, no need to upload at a time. Plus it's a simple one to track how the BB changes over the days..
I only took 2 mths block ML. Am currently on extended ML on every Monday lor.. Quite shiok cos working on a 4 days week all the way till June!

If u are interested in the GD mtd, can prob DIY e flashcards or buy when there is BP. I have DIY many flashcards for my elder gal bt it has become white elephant ever since i got preggie wf Shania..

Bumper playmat is a good buy! I have no regrets buying it!

Most of the babies here have big and beautiful eyes. Also have fair complexion.. I am so envious.. Hopefully Shania will grow fairer after the milkbath.. Hahaha.. What matters most is she is healthy and grows up to be filial and capable. True tat nothing beats inner beauty!

My ofc also ban MSN bt i can still log in via webmsn. Maybe u can give it a try?

Yes, gotto make ur money spent worthwhile. Try to read to Pin Heng everynite.

U look so refresh and pretty! Agree tat u shld join the contest. We'll vote for u!

Congras to ur gal for winning the contest!

She must be very satisfied after her milk feed!! Can smile so happily while dozing off.

Wow ur bb is very chubby.. Have thunder thighs also!
wow, the first pic of your bb really looks very jap like. he looks serious. v v cute and chubby!

pin heng has such a nice smile. i love his eyes!

how was the trip? must be nice to go for a holiday. rejuvenated? put up a bigger pic so we can see your two darlings more clearly.

today, still relatively free at work. only two lessons so can log on. hee
saw your pic already. v pretty children.

my school also ban us from msn but can use msn web messenger. i'm using it now. hee. you have really good figure leh... so so envious... i diet until next year also cannot look like that.
dat pix hor is before bath...haha...his pamper was "fully utilised", tik can see dat his pamper weigh a ton....haha...^^

hi all,
i'm back!!! hehe...thks for the compliments on my bb...hehe...i feel dat all babies here, look very cute too loo~ ^^

i olso stop bm le...now still got abit abit nia...how to stop bm hor??

at least u can try to wear back ur old clothes by trying to stop breathing..me hor, breathe no breathe olso can't wear leh...so cham...

oo..i nid to work leow...catch up wif u all tonite..^^ so miss u all~
Wah, i wanted to tell u on Saturday, but forgot...u really slimmed down and look great!

mbb, qianhui
you 2 can join gorgeous mum and bb contest! I'll support u!

zoophonics hv sounds and actions to do??

mbb is rite, we love mustela, so buy a lot lor. Its very good, a few applications, bb skin will improve. I like the smell of the products too.
Since this may be my only bb, shower her with some nice pampering lor. :p

Welcome Back!!! aiyoh, your bb very cute!

regina is really pretty and chubby! great that she's taking to the new country well.

I too lazy to do DIY cards leh and there's no BP lately...so think of buying lor. My hb resisting, but my parents and IL are keen...so, maybe they sponsor? :p Think becos they see bb as their only grandchild! So, splurge lor... It was so difficult to convince my hb to get playmat and finally he allow. I quickly order liao! :p
By 5/6 months, they are starting on solid liao, should be sufficient, but if u still have the supply, just continue to give the BM, no need to switch to FM.

