(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs


Think u email them to express ur interest. Ask them to call u once the stocks are in?

Well, nothing wrong spending $$ investing on educational materials that benefits our children. Kekeke
My hubby is also very supportive of me buying books, puzzles, educational videos for my gal.. Have to start nurturing them when they are young..
Tats y many pple cannot afford to have too many children in our generation..

The bb bonus nt very substantial hor! Best if they can also give us subsidies on enrichment classes! Parents now spend a lot on enrichment classes for their babies... Hahaha.

Ur gal smiling so sweetly! The pic taken when she is sleeping in yao lan? Btw, her shirt is oversize.. LOL.
Ok, finally got a more recent pix to post here.... heh heh. Here's Regina with her mummy in tow.... taken early this morning.


Hey Shihui, my hubby also just left for biz trip this morning. Will be away for 3 days 2 nights... sigh. But I have no place to take shelter at... sob sob :p
ya that's what everyone say, 2 years gap is good. Don't give up, let's jia you together and pray that we can give them the best we have.

Your bb so cute leh...
How many times ur bb wake up to feed at nite. Mine hoh, his stomach like alarm clock...he will wake up every 3 hrs for food one. The longest stretch he has slept at nite was 5hrs n tat's becos he didn't sleep at all during the day n he was super tired n cranky by nite time.

Roo13, bobianah
Ur gals both so cute so smiley
alabone..nowadays students are so rude?

kimi..ahah..pp are so funny sometimes... for me i read the premmie thread and i already feel very lucky that kate manage to survive without big issues....

bohbiahah, so scary har..so many kids get meningitis? Or is it hype created by the pharmaceutical company?

Lil, ur bb is very adorable!

roo, oh ..so thats the yao lan.i was wondering how u manage to make a cover for her bouncer..eheheh
kinda nice to be able to c pic of bb wif mummy, esp since i hv missed all of the gatherings so never got to meet the mummies. hope i can join the next gathering if there is one.

Once i manage to move house i think i will hv open hse for forum mummies, but dunno when cos v tough wif bb.
Hi LiL!

Your bb is cute and chubby too! Looks like a very fun and happy baby to play with. My neighbour was telling me that babies are born with a measuring cup and alarm clock in their stomaches... they know exactly when to wake up and how much to drink... hah hah hah.

Yah, still stuck here eating pasta, pizza and gelato.
Hey Geri,
Luckily the pic turns out ok... both of us were awake for less than 15min... heh heh. Baby Regina woke up at an odd time today... maybe she knows her daddy is leaving for the airport and wanted to say bye-bye.

Does anyone here use skype?
Hi sylk,

Nice to see you here at this time... how are you? pretty gal you have there..

did you receive the $ i transferred?

btw, is italy cold now?

i used to have skype, but think i deleted the program liao.. the reception nt clear one.
Hi Connie!
Great to see you here too! Your angel is very pretty too! Love her eyes and features.

Yes, I have received the money, thanks! It's supposed to be winter going to spring now, but this year, fortunately, it is a rather warm winter here. Temperature hovers around 10-16 degrees. Not too bad lah. Whew!
u also looked very diff since the last time i saw you! not cold in Italy?
you n bb Regina is in summer wear

welcome back!!!
long time no news fr you. bb stick tongue out. so clever n cute.
Ewan is very alert.

aiyooooooo, my bb cot still haven arrive! afternoon delivery become night delivery liao. fed up!!

how? how? sh i expect to see you tmr??

i find Hannah looked more like you.
i love her smile!

SAHM MIA?! i missssss you.
U so good luck in trying bottles?? Me also no luck...but think I'm giving in soon liao, cos I find her happier if I dun give her bottle, else her whole face will sulk the whole day.... I usually only gave her 20ml in the morning... if she dun take, I also nvr try again in the evening, cos didn't want her to feel too sad.

U looked slim too...how's life in Italy?

Welcome back to SG, haha, we were still talking abt u for our ice cream gathering... haha.. hope u had been doing well...

I feel that still not so bad between my no.2 n Reyna, my no.2 seems to luv her sister very much... though without denied that when we r really tired, we tends to get angry with either of them lah. Like now, I'm deprived of sleep not from Reyna, but from my no.2. She will wake up in the middle of the nite asking for me.
Thks...glad to be back. Really miss forum while I was away, then heard from CF Chang tat u all were having another gathering during CNY. Too bad missed tat too

Why u buying another BB cot? For bb sitter? By the way how is bb coping at bb sitter's?
Didn't MIA lah, I misssssss u too leh.... My starhub connection was down today, was waiting 4 Singtel ppl here to connect my mio box b4 I can access to internet....
hi mummies, wow, so many posts! wish I had time to read all of them properly! now just skimming thru only!

mbb, Qh and sylk:
wow! u guys really shd go join that contest! If i looked that good, i also will join redy! :p I still can't wear my pre-preggy clothes and i am starting work next week!! My weight is back to normal but the shape is not!! boo

yuck... tax season is here again! mummies, u can refer to this website to check on the qualifying reliefs

my boy too, eyes fairly big (considering his mum n dad's eyes so small!) but only one side got s small visible double eyelid! The other side only appears when he's super sleepy! haha :p

My boy also hasn't slept more than 5 hrs at night! And he only did it once! Now still on 3 hrs Rolex timing... i'm so tired i usually fall asleep with him on my armchair with him resting on my nursing pillow such that i dun even know whether he finished feeding or not! by the time i "wake up", it's almost time for the next 3-hr feed!! so i hardly get to sleep on my bed! my MIL say i must sarong sling him in case i drop him on the floor... so I bought the sling during the baby fair but er... dunno how to use leh! ahah :p

And oh yeah, re. Rotavirus jab, I checked with the GP during the 1st jab and they recommended. Then I read somewhere I think that it's actually the least useful of all the immunization jabs??? Anyone else heard the same thing? Dunno leh... I was thinking i'll get it anyway to prevent bb from getting that kind of killer diarrhoea... otherwise so poor thing if he catches it all becos his mama din get him the jab!

But the pneunococcal one... now THAT's the one i have to think twice abt... so ex leh... The GP told me that if he doesnt go to infant care and stays home (cos taken care of by granny) then he may not need it yet since not in contact with other children. Also, if he takes it at a later age, he will need to take less jabs - less pain for bb lor.

Anyone giving their baby NAN HA 1? going back to work so thinking of getting some fm to standby in case my office pumping efforts go awry
My cousin told me NAN HA tastes bland like bm so bb won't get "addicted" to the sweetness of other fm then reject bm! Anyone try it before? Or does NAN 1 (non-HA) also taste bland? Cos if bb got no allergies, dun need to specially give HA right? Enfalac also got HA right? aiyoh...i am very confused la.

*sob* *sob*

even if i really kenna fever tmr, think i still need to come to work tmr...

firstly becos i got meeting tmr (not arranged by me la.. kenna arrowed to go)...

secondly, mine replacement is leaving tmr... so she has to do handover to me.. so officially tmr afternoon, i will be one (wo)man show in my dept liao..

nevertheless, i will still try my best to geng my way out...
Hey MBB!
I scared cold mah... so keep all the windows closed and switched on the heater all day... house is kept at 25 degrees constantly... hah hah hah.

Hi Vanessa!
Same theory as Qian Hui - wear black so look slimer lor, somemore pix taken at 5am... background dark dark... heh heh.
Ur ger so adorable, wif her pixie nose n chubby cheeks. N wow got so much hair. My boy his forehead there botak botak one. But his back very cute, the hair forms a little tail. Dunno whom he got tat from

I agree rotavirus the most unimportant one but I guess I will give anyway cos when bb join playgroup next time, very easy to catch those bugs.

Doing ok. Still tired from lack of sleep but much better now tat bb's colic n reflux problem has improved.

Wah, I pei fu u....dunno how u can cope with bb alone in Italy. We decided to relocate back to SG to hv a bb cos I knew I wouldn't be able to cope without my family in Europe. Pei fu Pei fu.
Owww.... That's a very sweet and well-taken photo! Renise looks so mischievous and Rachel is adorable. You have slimmed down a lot too!

Not so brave lah. Still chickened out and went back Singapore to deliver. Only came back here after confinement.
talia looks so demure in e pix. she seems to haf a natural blush, so nice! she's really v photogenic!

wow! nice pix! act. u daughters do look alike. i always tot reyna looks like renise, but can't c fr this pix. did renise haf a haircut? seems shorter or sthg...

wah! early in e morning still an look so gd! regina is so chubby!!! looks so nice 2 carry!

ha... ur bb's so smiley.... happy bb... btw, wat's her name?

another handsome boy in this forum! wah! how come e boys nowadays haf such big charming eyes one huh?

re: rotavirus
initially wanted to let mandy haf e jab but read in e papers tt there r cases o bbs having their intestines twisted after e jab so i tot better o it. tho e chance is really small... as 4 pneumococcal, i might oso let mandy take when she's older lor. cheaper oso... heh heh...

just d/l picasa, was having fun playing w it. here's my 1st collage!
Mandy same as Regina, also has that tuff of hair sticking upwards... very cute right? We nicknamed it the "quacky duck" look - coz we have a picture book where the protogonist is a duck and has a tuff of hair just like that! hah hah hah

Hmm.... Vanessa, maybe because I'm using mac, so cannot install msn... let me go figure out how to go about it.
hi ladies,
finally back here again..
so many posts since i last read thru this morning.. :p

wah.. den u going to be home alone ah.. luckily onli 2 nights.. i dun think i can tahan 2 nights alone in a foreign country.. :p u slimmed down alot leh...
still as pretty.. so nice..

mine depends on his last feed lor.. till now still dun hav fixed bedtime... :p if his last feed at 12am, may wake up between 4am and 6am.. if night feed at 9pm, sure will wake up ard 3am....

the picasa software seems interesting.. shall download it to play play when i get home..
very cute n nice! can do for me?? hee heee

i am very upset w myself now....was tired coz Meg was cranky the whole day. last feed, i din bother to burp her. she merlion all her milk!!!!
i m really a lousy mum
I didn't even realise until u mentioned. Cmf u r a more experince mum hee.........

yup she in the yaolan. Her fav loh.

thanks for the compliment. I think all bb r cute


I can't help to associate u with the SKII advertisment

can teach me hw to take such nice pic?

its a very nice pic. v wenxin

Her name is Denise. Sm of ur gal pic look a bit like my gal.

dun feel tat way. Its nt easy to face a cranky bb the whole day. Denise was cranky during a few nites last wk and refused her milk. I was so tired to wake up 2 to 3 times tat few nites. Then 1 of the nite I jus put her in the cot n let her cry. I scolded her sm more when she cried louder.
sure! u send me e pix! dun b guilty lah. at least u din bother 2 burp her bcos she was cranky. mandy merlioned super a lot on once at my mil's place oso. oso cos i din burp her enof. n e reason? bcos i was in a hurry to eat my fav nian gao tt my mil made! me worse rite? but v sian hor, xin xin ku ku feed liao must re-feed again... haiz...

regina oso has a tuft o hair sticking out? like calynn's megan too!
i can't tell fr e pix u posted cos e bkgrd is dark. yap, i tink it's v cute to haf e tuft there. tell calynn nt to flatten megan's hair!

do d/l. it's v ez 2 use. i din do a gd collage lah cos all expressions bt e same... next time will do a nicer one 4 hubby 2 use as wallpaper in his office. ha!

look alike ar? u post more pix leh!
wow..so many to catch up...today i on leave, bring my bb go for vacination...so kelian, he cried very cham~ly loo. T.T

Oo..wow..so many cute bb's pixs. really made me miss my bb..he is wif the nanny till this friday loo..tink i m really not a good mum..today c doc hor, then i noe dat my bb got many problems...his ears (behind de)are sored, he got rashes cos doc said he got sensitive n dry skin then one of his eyes got infection n hor one side of his head "flat" jor cos sleeping too much on one side.....haiz...tink i really not good at taking care of my bb...hopefully, my nanny can help me to justify all my "errors"...sob sob...

btw hor, u all hor made me so jealous leh. so slim de...T.T sob sob sob....y i so FAT?? sob sob....tink i must try to "chase" THEM away before THEY become "PR" in my body...sob sob...HELP~ got any good remedies not??

yalor, my bb look like my hb hor? many pple said dat loo..
when u call ur gal "meg" hor...i feel dat u calling me leh..hehehe...^^

thks for ur info. last nite and today hor, i din pump leh cos dun feel the fullness or needle pain loo so i tik no nid to pump kua....err...dunnoe like dat rite or not hor?

if i din pump hor, will it stop?? will i hv lumps?? err....i dun feel the fullness or needle pain leow leh so can dun pump?? or shd i pump until there's no bm then stop??
dun sad...i'm a worse mum than u cos my boi got so many problems...tink ur merlion milk is still considered small case if compared to mine. cheer up, u are doing just fine. my boi olso will merlion his milk once awhile especially when he tends to do "stretching" while drinking milk..haiz...then i try to pat him to burp, either he dun burp or he just merlion loo~ haiz...u are not alone...hehe...got me to accompany u!! hehe...^^
No pbm. Ur gal does look like a boy. Many pple will mistaken her for he if shes nt dress in pink!

Tan SL,
Bits of Intelligence cards are picture cards with 10 facts abt the thing in tat picture. For eg. A picture of DOG u need to flash then behind the pic are 10 facts abt dog. I printed the pictures and pasted it on 10x10 cards bt do not have the facts!! Initial stage just need to flash the picture and say what is it. As we progress, can tell a fact everytime we flash.. If u DIY, need to search for 10 facts abt every picture. 1 impt pt to note, if the picture says CAT then u can only have 1 CAT agst a blank background and nt show a picture of CAT in a garden wf lots of trees and plants. U understand wat i mean?

U can contact Alice from Hiap Moh at 6266 2688 or email her at [email protected] for a quote on the price for the blank flashcards. This is the coy website: www.hiapmoh.com

Teachers in this era very cham!! Got so much work to do still gotto bear wf rude students..

Ur gal so chubby.. She got natural curls?

Ur 3 little princesses are so adorable! Reyna resembles Renise..

After seeing ur bb's collage, I am inspired to do a collage for Shania too.. Will try to get it done this weekend!
you v pretty and slim also leh. bb regina also pretty like mummy. really admire you. can stay in foreign country and handle bb by yourself when hb goes for work trip. good job.

your bb so adorable. wide eye look. very cute.

bb so smiley! love smiley bbs. my little nat doesn't smile v often leh.. quite dao leh.

how come the pics you take always turn out so nice one huh? very shi qing hua yi feeling. really like this pic of talia ann. she looks really sweet lor. so princessy! teach me tmr when i go to mbb's pl.

i also inspired by your collage so went to download it and try it out. i did the collage with picture pile but they overlap the pic leh... then cover the face... and i did a movie. but don't know how to add music to it leh... you can teach me?

mandy looks really nice in the collage. she's also so smiley leh. and her tuft of hair there also like nat's one. very cute hor? my stupid brother keep trying to keep it down. say the tuft of hair makes her head look big.

tan sl,
ya lor. i super pissed off. then kena headache and all each time i go that class... must find some way to defeat them.

you are not lousy. it happens. when i feed nat at night, i also lazy to burp her. sometimes she spit milk also. when bbs are cranky, it gets to us as well. don't go too hard on yourself.
i got a big tin of NAN HA (coz the stupid ntuc near my place dont sell small tin), used for 3 nites feed only & just opened last saturday 3rd march(coz it states must discard after 4wks). it's not suitable for my bb, coz she seems to poo alot after taking that. if you want, can pass it to you. me stayin in tampines, workin in kranji.

i love all the babies (& mums) photos posted here!

east side gathering today - enjoy yourselves! post lotsa pics later okay?
u're going later? no need 2 go sch ar? so we can finally meet! heh heh!!!!
how i teach u? i've only just d/l-ed e program nia. i only noe how 2 do collage lor, which is done by e prog anyway, just need to select pix. got movie ar? i go n try later cos i just took lotsa video clips o mandy yest.... but, hmm.... i tink picasa doesn't do vid clips....

serrich, alabone,
hang in there. u all teach sec sch ar? i tell u hor, after i quit teaching (oso sec sch), i still haf nightmares at nite 4 a while.... was 1 traumatised... act nt so much by e students but by e system... so i understand wat u all r going thru...

dun blame urself lah. we're all 1st time mums, sure wld make mistakes one!

so excited bt e gathering later. can take lotsa pix! yeah hoo! u all go swimming, while i click away! dun worry, won't take u mummies if u dun want me to. heh heh... but can take mum n babe pix when u all r fully clothed? ;P
thks for comforting me...somehow, i tik i really very jiat lak one..haiz...
btw, u all hving gathering today ah?? swimming session?? oO...i very long time no go swimming leow ever since i pregnant. tink now no courage at all to wear my swimming costume...tink no size of mine too~ haiz...anyway, enjoy~ ^^
*sob**sob* i cant join the gathering later on... din get the fever which i hoped for.. u mummies have fun, take more fotos, and pls with mummies included hor.. if nt cannot associate the person to the nick ma...

kimi, u make me wanna try out the collage too... heehee should try something over the weekend.. if sucessful will show u gals on mon..

mbb, dun be sad ok? i also never burp my ger tis morning after feed, cos i m too tired... once she stopped sucking, i put her down on my bed (too lazy to walk back to hers) and then i continue to sleep.. after 2 mins she starts to fuss asking to be fed again then i realised that i pulled her off before she finish her feed.. bad mummy.. only wants her sleep and left daughter hungry hungry...
cheer up okie?
Morning ladies,
Gt this rota virus jab info fr a fren working in Biotech field - "The one availabe in Singapore is RotaRix(GSK) not RotaTeq(Merck). Rotarix has only ONE weakened virus whereas RotaTeq has FIVE."
Mayb can double check with the pd.

wat is the website for the collage software?
The pic tt looks like Mandy is in my hp. Will try to post the pic when I gt the bluetooth device.

this is the 1st pic of her smiling aft trying for 2.5mths. keke.....
I saw u hd posted a few of Nat's pics. I feel tat she is a happy bb too.

Those mummies gg for the gathering, enjoy the outing

Happy Woman's Day to everyone
good morning every1

so many posts 2 catch up....c until i yan hua liao luan ;p

all the bbies pix re so cute......cant wait 2 c more

hi doremi, Lil, welcome back

welcome wendy

mbb, doremi, connie, kimi
aiyo talk abt bad mummy, i thk is quite common cos i m oso like dat
this morning after feed oso didnt burp philson cos i m very tired, wanna slp 4 awhile more......juz throw him back 2 his playpen...juz now when i carry him, i realised his clothes all wet lor then i kn he merlion out his milk......poor boy

mummies n bbies at the east, enjoy ur gathering n swimming session.

yesterday went shopping with bb philson 2 jurong pt. dat's our 1st shopping trip without hubby. i brought his pram hoping dat he can stay in it but he dun wan lor so i ve 2 sling him, push the pram n big diaper bag n shopping at the same time.....siong man
bought him a toy then go hm realised is not working......wow piang sianzzzzzzzzzz......hope can change. anyway, after the trip we re so tired. philson slp at 5pm yesterday without his last feed n i slp at 9plus....this morning wakes up can still feel the tiredness ;p
Morning Ladies,

Don't feel sad lah, think alot of mummies here are guilty of our 'crimes'...heehee.... I'm also one of them..haha... as usual I'm always the lazy one who don't blurp her aft every feed. Worst still, I cause her to fall sick... now she got cough n sneezing, but I'm unwilling to bring her to PD....
gd morning!!!

dun be sad lah... we get cranky when bb is cranky oso.. i oso bad mommy... once when i quarrel with hubby, i was shouting loudly until pin heng scare scare.. he was crying initially.. den he suddenly stop crying for a few seconds like in shock lidat.... den aft the pause, he wail in a pitiful way... felt so sorry tt time..
