(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs


for passport for our babies hor, the requirement is the same as we do passport right?

photo must be on a white background.. etc? oh, can we just those fotos which we took at the hospital, those package ones? or must be recent recent foto?

and how long do they take to process the application? thinking of gg on a short trip liao.. so have to settle her passport first.. heehee
oohh great! I live in Simei! Have you started work already? When will u be home? I can try to swing by to get the milk from you at night if you are working. Let me pay you too pls. So paiseh

Any other mummies/bbs want to try the NAN HA? cos i wont need the full can, dowan to waste. If anyone else wants some, we can share ok?

There's an eastside gathering today too? Yikes! Hope you have fun ladies and babies! I'm gg ICA today to change my dialect grp info on my IC and leaving bb with my mum (aiyah long story - when i was in P6, i stupid stupid told them i was Hokkien instead of Cantonese cos i actually din know!haha! now bb's BC reflect mum as Hokkien also so my dad said must go change!)

woohoo! picasa looks fun! but i am super tech-dummy... dunno how to do all this! I shall just try to upload Lucas' pic here..hm... must go back n refer to the prev post to see how to do that! haha :p
Morning mummies.

Wah...all the bb r so cute.

Van u so lucky got 3 princesses. I also wan a princess but a bit scared after hving Ewan. Think must wait a few yrs until amnesia strikes b4 I will try 4 no 2 liao.

Mandy so chubby, really can't tell she was a premmie liao. Tat's the power of BM. Good job.

Wah...tat means pin heng can usually sleep abt 5-6hrs leh...I so envy u. Dunno when will my boi start to sleep more. He seems to be able to cope with less than 10hrs sleep a day which is v strange 4 a 2mth old baby ya?! I'm worried will affect his development but the book says as long as baby's eyes r alert is ok. Ewan is very alert n still has good concentration span so I hope he is ok even tho not sleeping enuff. But unfortunately his mummy n ah mah both not very alert cos too sleepy liao.

I think all us mummies here samo samo...when bb cranky n mummies sleepy patience is short. I try to burp bb after every feed cos bb colic but sometimes he takes so long I also give up. Somemore, he gets cranky cos he is sleepy n will whine n struggle.
Any mummies hv problem tat bb dun like to lie down. Always wan to sit up n kapo kapo?? Carry him in sitting position until hand also pain liao. Even rocker upright position not high enuff for him, he will try to bend forward.

Even when drinking milk also struggle cos he will drink halfway then smile, smile or want to talk n completely forgets to drink liao...so nowadays cannot finish his milk
Waste mummies milk only...sm more SS dropping liao cos I m trying to stop bfing already.

yr bb so smily!!
so cute!!!

you n bb looks good!! why yr bb so bah bah??

*mummy choo kept wishing her bb can be bah bah soon!! *


wow! four beauties!!! happy mummy!! reyna look so different from last time i saw her!


yr Mandy looks big n chubby leh! doesnt look a premmie at all!!


when u go back work?
WAH! so may cute babies!!

love the collage! must learn!

Rotavirus is taken orally, not jab. I decided to go ahead wif it cos i dun want bb to suffer in case we are careless...it's a just in case thing lor...i KS, so went for it.

Pnuemococcal, there are some real cases of kids who die cos of meningitis etc and tho my bb is taken care by MIL, i take her out often, in church meet many ppl, so better play safe lor...soon, will take her to gyms etc, so, I rather she get the jab early.

All these jabs hor, is for our peace of mind lor...i grumble expensive, but i will still let bb get it.

passport photo requirement can find on ICA website. Must be white background and can see face features, ie, not covered up. Bear in mind, bb face change since birth, so u may want to use the most recent u have so as not to be stopped at some picky customs in some countries.

I did online application, very fast. on that day itself send me email liao. in 3 days, i got the postcard telling me to collect. I went down at the next most convenient weekend and waited only 30mins. Superfast.

my bb got her first airticket and i even took photo of it...heehee!
silly mummy...

thanks for the info..

For the photo, by the time we bring bb out, her face features may change too ma.. customs so picky one meh?

where are u bringing her gal to? where got silly? think i will do the same for belle as well.
Hello Mummies

Wah so many cute bb photos here

You look so young and pretty even after 3 kids... really peifu peifu... I already look like a old fat hag liao

Mandy doesn't look thin wat.. she's actually quite chubby mah! My Jingting looks big cos she's long, I think the chubbiness abt the same lah... Think Mandy is doing exceptionally well for a premmie liao, good job!!

Dun feel sad okie, cos I'm confirmed a worst mummy then you. Cos I almost never burp JingTing during her night feeds if she has fallen asleep, cos too afraid that she'll wake up :p 90% of the time she won't merlion lah... but there are times when I wake up to find her shirt wet and traces of dried milk on her face... I'm more jialat rt? :p

Enjoy the gathering later!

where are u bring yr bb to?
not silly mum lah.first ticket for bb leh! must take for memory!

yest was a good day for me.my bb finally took a LONG NAP!! after almost 4weeks he hardly take nap!! i fed him full full yest nearing to lunch time then pat him...he didnt want sleep.then put him in cot..he got fuss a bit then dozed off liao..slept for almost three hrs! really so happy!! hope he can take nap like tis!!

once his day naps more stabilised..will try on his night sleeps...hope to reduce from 2feeds to 1feed...then i more than happy liao!
Morning ladies,
So many posting read until i blur blur liao. Only noe got alot of cute BBs and pretty mummy

Jovey went for his 6 in 1 jab on tue and kana fever on wed afternoon. Feel so heart pain to see him so lifeless
...Will cry whenever we feed him the liquid panadol (cant remember the medi name) but still have to force it down his throat. Lucky his fever is gone and the pass 2 nights of disturb sleep is worth it when i see him smile

Mummies going for the east side gathering, do enjoy and post more pic hor

If u dont feel any fullness and tingling sensation than shld be ok that u stop pumping. Otherwise pumping will simulate and yr ss will increase
Think talia looks like you

Nice family pictures you've. Tomorrow me and hubby took leave so to spend more time with my no. 1. Bringing the 2 gals to west coast park. Hopefully can capture some nice pics to share.
What is the age gap between your no. 2 and no. 3 ?

Kimi, Stephanie,
Your bb looks really cute leh, miss my bb now.
conniemummy, choo
not all customs so picky lar...lucky. :p but definitely newborn face and say, 3mths later, change quite a bit as the face fills out more. I am prepared hv to change her passport again after 1-2yrs. Wat to do...now biometric passport cannot just change photo.

Me taking bb to Sydney for holiday in end May. Booked a cottage in Blue Mountains to stay. Book airticket liao and I was so tickled when they send me airticket for my ger that i took 2 photos.
of cos the print very small, can't see her name very clear on photo... :p

picasa soooo fun!!!
Pai seh lah, tat photo was taken on Reyna's full mth. I luv that photo very much lor.

the age gap between the 2 r 16mths. I was pregnant while breastfeeding Renise n hang on till Renise was 1 yr plus n I was 7/8 mths pregnant.
congrats tat yur boy sleeping longer. now u have more personal time for yurself.

wow u look so young but yur girl all so big alry.. **envy**

which part of simei u stay? i hang ard simei cc often
hey wendypooh,
i actually stay at the estate behind the eastpoint green condo. but my mum's place is the block just next to the cc!! :p i'm here during the weekdays with bb cos my mum helps to look after him but only until next week then it's back to work
hi stephanie

u stay at sunbird? i use to go tat cc often b4 i had bb cos i join the grassroot there. now wif bb hard to go but my hubby still there. hope can meet up someday
thanks thanks!

mummies with more than 1 bb, esp vanessa with 3 and you are so young! i really take my hat off to you guys! now only 1 and i am feeling tired already and can't imagine gg back to work! Told my hubby i dowan to work redy but he said no way! haha! then i asked if i can ask my boss to let me work part time and he said try lor... but hor..part time means part pay! I dunno if I can tahan...cos i still need to give my own parents $ and er...i need to go shopping...hehe :p

maybe after #2 i will be allowed to stop work? :p hehe... eventual target is 4 but haha!! we shall see how that goes!

vanessa, factory still open for #4?
then u can tell me how to handle next time...haha
hi snowy,
welcome welcome!

what's ur bb's name n when was he born? my lil Lucas was born on 16th dec. So sad, i'll be gg back work on 15th march jus before his 3 mth bday!

yeah near sunbird - at sea breeze rd, nearer that sleazy cameron hotel..haha
yup, hopefully next time we can make it to an eastside gathering!
Hi snowy,

Wow, so fast already plan for holiday in end May liao ah.....Blue mountain nice nice
...Enjoy the weather.

I am also tempted to quit and take care of BB n hubby told me NO......Sigh, like u can only hope for that to happen when no.2 come along kekeke
welcome to join us~

thks..hopefully, i can stop pumping..hehe..kinda tired of pumping dat miserable amt of bm cos always nid to make fm while feeding bm to my boi boi..so cham loh.
u bringing ur bb for holiday ah?? many barangs to bring rite?? my hb's bro getting married in apr (m'sia), only my hb go nia cos we feel dat bb is too young n hor nid to bring many many barangs...
wow so many posting, it took me few hrs to read each posting.

my gar is on 'hoilday' or entertainment course at my mum'plc fr wed (y'day) - fri. she really kpo so mum'plc is quiet noisy - birds chirping, vechicle sound etc. she can dun wan to slp.

I guess my gar is gg to try to flip over liao cos she stretch her head till very back and seeing this make me feel pain for her. wondering will her neck pain pain loh. so when she slanted, i pushed hger buttok and she flipped easily and hold her head. but this moment only can last for 10 mins or so cos she will scream and her face will turn red as she can't ta han the tiredness then.

Hi choo,
same same, if I were to pump ebm then I will give pacificer to my gar then she will lie there quietly. I also took annual leave (clear 06 leave) and only return to work on 2/4 same as shihui.

my gar also slp thru the night (last feed 8pm+) and I'm on tbf (give ebm). the earliest timing she woke up is 630am-7++ and then go bck to slp again after drinking if not, need to entertain her for a while before she slp at 9+.

do yr bb sleep when being carried? hmm yr boy dun slp a lot meh?

Hi Calynn
the pigeon warmer that u passed to me can fit all size of bottle. how silly of me,cos first time using it. tot need to use the green container to hold bottle till I read see the pic on the box then realise that that green container only for warming up food. so then just place bottle directly onto the warmer with half filled water. Have used it y'day at my mum'plc.

my gar dunno why cried via screaming type non-stop y'day when hubby and I bought her to my mum'plc. maybe she still need time to adapt to new environment or maybe there's wind in tummy. my mum carried her she cried but when i carried her she stopped but wailed only.

oic, I will make sure my gar finish all the ebm given to her. she always does that except for 2-3 times when she left 10m-20ml of milk.

Hi Linette
the past few days my milk supply went down cos not enough sleep. y'day, with 'good' slp at my mum'plc and eat payaya, streamed fish with alchohol (already cooked), brown rice water (fried brown rice and pour hot water in) then my ss supply went up.

Hi Jackie
is the breast pain pain during breast infection? how do u know it is breast infection? why not folow the guidelines mentioned by ruffybear of weaning of bf slowly. prolonged the pumping session or pump a bit when engorment, then ss will slowly reduce. who is looking after yr boy? maybe can pump out to let yr boy drink during wkend loh.

did u buy those ear thermometer type to scan yr boy?

hmm polyclinic dun have rotivirus jab meh?

Hi Tan SL
yup, sian, income taxes. this yr, can claim the QCR, grandparent relief (let my hubby claim) and woman child relief liao. have called IRAS but the operator said one must submit birth cert if wanted to claim the relief.

is yr gar christmas(born on 25th dec cos u stated that yr gar is 3mth on 25th) bb?

Hi Och
sorrie shd be grandparent relief NOT parent relief 9but can claim it if parent is above 55). yup. that is grandparent relief option if our children is taken care of parents.

I do have another photo of her (qwill update my blog when I download my pic) when she hold her bottle with both hand. she will not let go and kept still. haa..dunno why.

Hi serrich
I did flash the numbering with pic flash card to my gar, she stare at it and smile. the flash card is given by one of the sponser FM.

thks for the compliment of my gar. but prize is so special that it is only a $10 voucher fr little angel. dunno what's that.

oic. anyway, I dun invest(so called invest not purchase0 a lot of bb product for my gar. seems a lot of mummmies down here invest a lot of bb products for their bb- got mat, diaper bag, sterliser, warmer etc...

I think I will only apply the power onto her back and rash will disapper in 1-2 days time.

Hi ruffybear
yup, think I will let my hubby claim qcr and grandparent relief too cos he earned more than me. I will only claim wcr cos he cannot claim mah.

Hi melody_vin
I also have the same thing as u, after pumping the hard hard thing (I dunno if it lump or whatever) will gone. last time, I'm latching on my gar so latch her on every 3 hrs or on demand. but 1 wk before cny, i started to pump and train my breast to adapt or adjust to let down every 6hrs interval. so now pumping only 4 times per day only. sometimes, if I overslept, timing will change. eg suppose to pump at 1pm, 7pm and 1am and 7am. I overslept and then delay for 1-3 hr 9of cos breast will start leaking and super hard like rock) and timing will change. but once I start work next mth, i will make sure I will fix to the same timing (12noon, 7pm (cos reach my mum'plc to transport ebm only at this timing after work), 12 midnite and 6am).

same same, milk flow will be slower when pumping. acc to the guidelines I read, if milk produce slower when pumping (if using single pump which i use), while pumping oine breast, I will try to trigger the nipple at other breast. that's why dual pump is much fast and tend to produce more let down ss.
I usually give myself 1 hr to pump. like y'day, it took me only 20 mins to generate 150ml of milk liao cos I eat payaya, fish, brown rice water and replenish my slp, hence my ss will be faster and went up too.

yup, I do massage and pump if ss is slow, that's why sometimes it took me 1 hr to get the limited amt of 150ml 9at least, need to gewt that amt). I do drink a cup of water before andf after pumping to replenish lost of water.

anyway, i also pm u too.

Hi Bloom
not sure leh, shd be able to claim yrly if child is look after by grandparent mah. what is b.s?

Hi bobianah
hmmm yr gar 's photo posted on the thread seems diff fr her real person leh. more chubby looking at her photo.

wow, bringing yr gar to syndey. I also went blue mt before, it was chaos, so sad to say that it was raining and raining, supposing to see the 3 sisters but all blocked by rain and cloud when we took the train. hai...trip to australia (melborne and sydney) in yr 2004 was kind of wasted cos raining tough it was summer time. sian...

Hi alabone
wow, didn't u train yr boy- jared to hold bottle himself? have u start to toilet train yr boy too?

wow piang, nowsdays, student or teen are really rude and no respect man. haa will u vomit 'blood" when teaching those monkeys?

Hi Geri
my gar also has double eyelids.

oic, my mum lives just a stone throw away fr west coast park loh. last time, used to go there and jog.

will be gg home from my mum'plc tomolo loh.

I usually shrink my photo using photo editor (default program when opening the photo). then fr there choose resize. or else, if one have photo shop then can resize the image fr there.

hmm yr bb shd look like yr hubby cos bb 's nose not so pian as u (I assume the pic taken with the bb is u).

yeah, my gar also kpo, dun want to lie down (only lie down when after feeding or bathing). when carry her, she want to carry in upright post so that she can see ard.

yup, sometimes, my gar also drunk milk halfway then smile. so weired but cute. she can stare at one thing and also forgotten also the milk. so usually, will go to a quiet corner and let her drink milk, dun want anything to divert her attention.

that's very helpful of u for to 'copy' the procudures on how to resize the photo. haa..

same here, last time, when bb just discharge fr hospital after delivery, the first 3 days, ss not ready yet so need to go and buy fm as bb kept on crying. the NTUC or shop n save, sheng shiong ard my hse all dun have small tin of NAN too. so hubby bought the big tin cost $27+ and used a less than 5 times and then discard within 4wks after opening. but then I hor dun want it go wasted, i scope 4 scopes and place it into my milo and drunk it during my confinement mth. dunno adult can drink infant fm or not.

Hi Snowy
welcome here.

Hi stephanie tham
can anyhow change 'paritcular' in bb 's birth cert. acc to ICA last time, the person said if want to change name esp, then must go lawyer and thru legal produrces.

yup, same same. someone mummy is cranky and frustrated. daddy just stand there doing nothing or etc...

Hi CF Chang
, didn't u hear philson 'shout' or scream for help when he merlion...haa...think u zzz...is it.

Hi roo13
my mum said not gd to let bb cry for long. they will grab a lot of wind and also not gd for their voice. my mum will usually pop the pacifier into my gar's mouth to stop her fr crying. anyway, sometimes this work but sometimes it dun.

Hi kimi
yr gar seems to be so contented and let u take the photo. so nice...

hmm taking pneumococcal jab at different stage of age cheaper meh? hmm...

Hi Vanessa Lu
hmm this pic u have posted on yr msn right...
yup, yr no 2 and no 3 looked alike. is yr no 1 toilet train esp at night already?

what 's mio? a kind of new internet provider? I only know singnet, pacific and starhub.
If u still have bm hor give to your boi boi lor. Abit is better than nothing leh.

Breast infection hor is when the infected part become red red and pain to touch. Than the worst part is milk also become green or got pus...Scary hor. Kana once before during ML and once when back to work. So no choice got to take medi and stop ss
Hi jackie,
when I pump for long, my nipple will be red red and sometimes, my breast when hard, quite pain.ek...yuck, kind of scary esp when milk become green.

what's the cause of it? is it did not pump for long so will get infection?

hmm do polyclinic have rotivirus?
Hi Shihui,
yup, for me, my gar started on m size pureen liao. ok, sure will buy it fr u if yr bb 's butt can't take it. hmm, maybe I shd let u try some example of the dry 5 diaper mah.

me, might be switching to cheaper diaper - maybe EQ or NTUC brand. NTUC brand still quite big for my gar as I think the cutting is really big compare to m size dry 5.

haa..my poor hubby also, also asked him to carry this and that. also help out in hsehold (continue to do so since pregnant till now...)
Mio is the latest plan by Singtel whereby they combine all the 3 services into 1 bill. Broadband, hseline n hp bill all plus together only $68. It was advertise on TV.
Not at this moment I'm planning for #4, aft all I'm not working liao, how to tahan the expense of 4 kids + 2 maids (me n maid) with 1 income. Unless I got my own business, else dun think tat is possible, by then my mum too old to take care for me liao.
Not at this moment I'm planning for #4, aft all I'm not working liao, how to tahan the expense of 4 kids + 2 maids (me n maid) with 1 income. Unless I got my own business, else dun think tat is possible, by then my mum too old to take care for me liao.
hi mummy,

anyone can tell me? I breastfeed my baby. But my baby not poo poo for few days oredi. But he farts smelly..
why this happened? is this normal? not sure for how many days he no poo poo oredi. I was sick last few days.. took flu and cough medicine. didnt take antibiotic. will the medicine cause my bb constipate?
Jackie, doremi, afcai
Heehee! Wld u believe it, i planned the holiday while preggie...real desperate...at that time oredi waiting to go holiday! This time, hb n I cannot do our usual walk-a-lot, very little english spoken, budget style of holiday liao, so opt to go Sydney which I'm familiar with and is rather similar to SGP in terms of modern conveniences and where English is main language!
Plan for that time of the year as we like cold weather and hope to get fresh air.
Yes, must bring a lot of barang like steriliser, etc, but becos Sydney is not too backward, I know I can go supermarket to buy diapers, bb food (if bb on solids by then) etc...so not so worried lor. Can always buy when there. Just that this time, i booked apt/cottage as i need a kitchen facility to prepare bb food...better than just hotel room. This is more of a R & R holiday...not a explore/sightseeing type holiday.

when bb was 2 mths, i oredi did a "practice" holiday by staying overnite at Pan Pacific hotel...heehee! It was quite fun lar...bring steriliser and breast pumps even!!

dunno leh, maybe bb laughing thats why look chubbier...or lately put on more weight liao?? :p


dun worry, its normal for breastfed babies to not poo for several days.. it shows that ur bb is able to absorb all the nutrients in the milk, hence no output lor..

were the flu & cough med prescribed by doc to be breastfeeding friendly? oh, checked with u.. do u experience lesser suppply after taking flu med? mine ss dropped twice after taking flu tablets, so i m rather scared of taking tat tablet.. but my nose is super sensitive.. i can have running nose every other day.. so wanna find out is there any flu med tat wun reduces the ss one..
Kana breast infection cause didnt know need to train breast to new pumping schedule. So go back to work n didnt empty breast (without knowing) than kana liao lor

Polyclinic dont have rotivirus jab, Jovey took his at family's dr clinic.

so no worries for that? but he fart quite smelly.. like adult one.. hopefully he poo poo tonite.. i didnt keep track for how many days he didnt poo poo oredi. normally how many days ar?

since u mention about the flu med.. i oso feel my ss drops... about 2-3 ozs .. i pump thrice every day and direct breastfeed my son at nite. not sure i took how many flu tablets. i think i took 2 flu tablets last few days. every time i took flu tablet i will feel sleepy. now i recovered.. start to eat and build my ss.. :|

according to my doc, he say i can continue breastfeed my son if taking the medicine. I wont take those medicine that stop me breastfeed. I usually pump 16ozs daily.

according to my doc, he say i can continue breastfeed my son if taking the medicine. I wont take those medicine that stop me breastfeed. I usually pump 16ozs daily.
now i put my boi boi at the nanny's house so hor i'm abit sian to bring dat miserable 40ml or 60ml BM to her house to ask her to feed my boi boi. my boi boi now drink abt 100ml to 120ml so abit troublesome to feed 2 milk bottles hving interval in btw the feeds. my boi hor may refuse to continue sucking after the interval or usually he tend to play wif the treats loo..haiz...then if i were to keep the BM till friday nite, somehow feel dat the BM not so fresh leow..now hor, my BM got very faint colour...tink very diluted leow..tik i got many excuses for my laziness lah..hahaha...

wow..u really lihai~ think i really cham one, wif bb, i dare not to go here or there..hehe..tink i really lazy. no wonder i still so fat..haha...
hiya mummies,

just got back from the gathering... my gal all tired out from her dip in the pool...

quick quick upload some pics:


And here are the bathing beauties !!!




My poor gal got no bathing suit!!! Mummy too cheapskate to buy one !!!! hee hee
my boi boi's fart olso very smelly and he tends to poo alternately or sometimes only poo after 2 days. i asked my nanny abt the smelly fart. she said cos my bb is too heaty. i din feed my boi water at all previously cos he got diarrhoe and the doc advised dat no water shd b given till he recovered. the nanny said dat water must be given to bb to reduce the heatiness. erm...if my bb's condition improved, i let u know. i will b bringing him back this friday nite, ie tmr..
WOW...CUTE CUTE...very cute leh...^^ so many babies swimming..hehe...so funny. then all oi oi together..hehe....so funny~
all these babies are whose? (tik i c mbb) all girls? u all enrolled your babies for swimming lesson ar? or u all just bring them to play water yourselves? very cute leh...calynn, ur gal very chubby..hehe..no bathing suit is ok lah since she still very young. she is very fair loo~
oic, than really very diff if nanny stay far from u plc. Maybe u can freeze yr BM than combine n feed yr boi boi lor

Wow, u show Megan's nake pic ah?? Hahahaha... BBs must have lots of fun, the 2 hulk is it Mr doggiebb n Mr Calyn?? Must show us more pic k


we went over to MBB's house... for a great lunch... then went down for a swim... so shiok!!!

the swimming babies in the 2nd pic starting from the left is BB Talia (doggiebb), BB Megan (Mine) and BB Meg (MBB)
