(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Hi Alabone,
I also can't sleep tonight cos I took chicken essence at 10pm!

Hi all,
Enjoy the gathering tomorrow!! I will not be able to make it as I can't find alternative arrangements to send my elder daughter to school. Sigh, would love to be there, boohoo! Take some pictures of the gathering for those of us not going leh! Yes, the forum will be very quiet indeed, sigh.

Which block do you live at? I will be at my mom's place on Thu, which is about 10 min from Bt Gombak MRT! So, I might pop by your place! Who else is going!?

must be too excited abt tmr's gathering...cant sleep!!!

Jared n Nat....sweeet sweet

now, i m wondering should i hv another bb after seing urs n Vanessa's pic...

my bbsitter charge me $750 for day n nite.
u hv to ask ur bbsitter wat she nds coz most of them dun wan sterizer (usually they only ask for 2 mik bot, 1 for milk/1 for water). my bbsitter told me not to give her too much stuffs coz her hse no space.

tmr, u will end up being the most busy

hmmm, silly me. din realised tat Bukit Batok is sooooo far away fr Pasir Ris. yesterday at e train stn, i saw it's one end to e other. looks like west gathering i no chance to attend leh

i got e Angel wipes leh
Morning ladies,
Pumping now before going to work...

bloom, berry,
Welcome back to the work force...Confirm miss bb de .....I heard of mummy that miss bb so badly that they bring bb hanky to smell leh...Abit extreme right..

How come suddenly all bb develope eczema....Hope Pin Heng fast fast recover....

Jared is so sweet hug his mei mei so tightly....Looking at the pic make me want to try for no.2

alabone, MBB,
U ladies so cuteeeee, too excitied for this afternoon gathering till cant sleep. Like some kind of blind date hor
Morning mummies,
Yes the lucky baby carrier the bb can face inside or outside.

will be able to go to your place on Thursday for the west side gathering.
morning ladies!
Can't catch up with all postings! :p

Yesterday, I took my bb to baby massage with Mrs Wong at TMC. She's really good! Cld tell straight away that i'm hvg problem feeding my bb. She said my ger very strong-willed and fierce and is testing us and that we must be firm and discipline her otherwise at 3rd mth will be a terror! All this without me telling her my bb has been getting naughtier each week! Bb has been very fussy during her feeding and always try all kinds of tricks on us, including loud wailing and crying. Her feeding can stretch 2 hrs...eat a bit, nap, eat again, nap
So, Mrs Wong taught us how to discipline her feeding. She said there's nothing wrong with our bb as she is not sick or anything but is just "testing" us. She actually fed her and said that she's training her and that we must continue what she is doing or else we'll be in "trouble". When we got home, I tried what she did and it worked! My bb did cry and fuss but by being firm with her, i finally got her to finish her feed in one sitting. My hb see oredi heart pain...he really big softie with our ger... :p So i must continue this for the next week and hope that there'll be improvement by the end.

Och, afcai,
I was scanning the postings and saw ur qns abt combine FM with BM. Mrs Wong actually told me to do so. She said nothing wrong with combining FM and BM in one feed. I said I was using Similac and she said Similac may be too sweet for bb, and they get "je lat", so suggested that i combine both so it's not so sweet.

Dunno if i can join u ladies later as I am trying to train my ger... If I dun see you all then, you all enjoy and have a good time and show us fotos later!
I'm staying at blk 536, hope ur mum not the other end

Ladies who are coming,
Thanks for ur attendance, but jus to 'fore warn' my hse very messy and my sofa got no cushion cover (send for dry cleaning liao) and may or may not send my no.2 to my mum's plc, hence may b abit ruan, so hope u ladies won't mind.
yup, today also got gathering at united sq... my place is at bt batok, near gombak mrt and they will b coming between 12pm - 1pm. U want to join us?
I'm still having hives...jus miss the medication yesterday n got worst....hiaz..hopefully by afternoon will subside, else think I will b like monkey there.
me too! Saturday I hero, thot skip one tablet, see how the hives got improve or not...skali got worse!!!
kena scolding by hb for being stubborn. So, sunday, i had quite bad hives but still went out even tho got red marks all over my arm and neck and a bit on face. I wear long pants, but didnt cover my arms lor.. long sleeves too warm. It faded by afternoon lor.
Haiz, gotta go back to doc and take more medication laio.

I not sure if can make it to U Sq today. Partly cos i a bit nervous taking my ger out on my own on such a long MRT ride and afternoon out. :p

How many pple going ur place on Thurs?
i oso excited for the gathering today.. started packing my bag since last night.. now still going thru check... :p

sob... miss vanessa's gathering at bukit batok... i want to go!! but can't go coz driving lesson.. n juz nice tt day is my maternal grandpa's death anniversary.. so my mom suggested bring bb to pray pray n oso "shun bian" see my grandma.. my grandma really keen to see bb... coz bb same birthday as her.... even same chinese zodiac... :p

haha.. thanks in advance...
hehehe.. :p need muz book u to teach hand expression as well liao.. coz i hav no idea how to do it.. :p

wow.. ur mom really cute leh.. dare to use breast milk on her face ah... me hor, my breast milk on my hand i quickly go wash liao... can't imagine it on my face.. hehehe.. :p

jared so cute.... the photo looks like a doll hugging another doll lidat... ur jared will really "electrify" alot of gals in future.... :p

hope in future when i give birth to 2nd one, pin heng will oso dote on his little sis/bro the same way...

alabone, MBB,
u both really cute leh... can't sleep ah... me sleep like pig... :p but my bedtime was 1 plus lah.. very tired already.. :p

ya lor.. seems like eczema is a trend lidat.. hai~~ nvm lah.. i will juz apply the cream n see how...
Can request for gathering from 21-23/2 cause company shutdown for 1 week during CNY

Wow this Mrs Wong so good ah!!!! See only know your ger ger character already. Lucky u lor, got someone to teach u how to train yr ger ger
feeding nat now. going to go over to my mum soon so she can bathe her.

u also ah... too excited till can't sleep! hee...

jackie, shihui,
jared quite sweet. hope this continues.

i also leh... tt time when still bfing, will test warmed up ebm on my wrist then after tt quickly go wash away... serrich's mum really steady... my own i also don't dare to taste...

looks like won't be osting much today. see ya all later! can't wait but a bit frustrated coz NOTHING TO WEAR!!!! still too fat for pre-preggie clothes... ARGHHH!!!
I dun mind if there are ppl wants to comes

Jackie suggest to hav another gathering from 21 - 23/2 chhose 1 day. Any one got objection?
i wish i am nearer to the west side....u gals so happening every other day.

yeah lor....last few gathering also very calm but tis time round maybe got Meg kua, so v excited. too bad my future son in law aka Jovey cannot attend
morning ladies

enjoy ur gathering 2day.....aiyo i soooooooooo envy...rem 2 post photo 2 show us ah....

vanessa, count me in on thurs....heng ah still can attend west side gathering if not i sure cry ;p
Sob, sob...Dont remind me abt this afternoon gathering
must share share the pic hor....Me miss taking a look at my future daughter in law n Jovey's future wifey kekeke
Vanessa, i starting work on 21 Feb 07 so unlikely can join the gathering already. Dunno why this time feel so unprepared to go back to work in fact a little afraid. Heard alot of changes in office also plus really sianz have to lug the whole PIS bag to and fro everyday so heavy and looks strange to match with my working clothes. You dun bring your PIS home every day right? since you latch on at home?

Afcai,actually i started bottle training quite a number of weeks ago just that after Evee more or less accepts the bottle she started to reject it again on and off so its very challenging to feed her.Just finish struggling with her since 9am.

But will you be joining us this thurs? I leave my motor in the office n only bring the bag to n fro cos I still need the top compartment for my funnels n ice bricks.
aiyo...they will envy u cos u no need 2 wash bottles & bring alotsa barang barang out......i understand cos i feed fm somemore so troublsome....i always wish dat my ss is gd then can feed as & when bb wants
going out is convenient if u r bringing her along, but wat if u dun wish to bring her leh, u want to go for a movie leh? all can't be done w/o her taking bottle leh....
Cool man, i envy the fact that Reyna love yr nei nei more than bottle leh. Jovey already forgotten how to suckle liao and love his bottle so much.

N CF is right, bfing less barang to bring. I am more than willing to trade with u
Vanessa, i wanna go but one thing is very far plus it clash with Evee's feeding time and as she is not taking bottle well i will be struggling with her there instead of enjoying my food and talking so decided not to go. Struggling with her at your place is at least not as bad i think.
halo.. im back to work now. can anyone advice me? i have expressed a bottle of milk here.. and putting it in my ice box. Can freeze it later after 3 hours when i back home?

Yeah, I'm all ready, waiting for time to come, jus finish showering bb n myself...haha, I jus need to change my pants n I'm ready to go.... exciting ah!!
I transport EBM by Avent thermal bag and not ice box leh. Ok right cause bottle still cold cold when i reach home. Than will feed BB when he hungry.

Enjoy the gathering k.....Me so sianzzzzz
Hi Vanessa Lu
is yr unit lift level cos if so, I will take the stroller with me when I came to yr hse. if not, then will not take. hmm yr blk downstair got the rc ctr hor. my hse also same same, a lot of things just dump aside no time to tidy up.

===bobianah ===
hmmm...dunno leh, that's what the advice fr kh nurse that cannot mix fm and bm together.hmm maybe can dilute the milk power if it is too sweet.

yeah, much healthier to use ebm than carnation milk. can also add to the coffee/tea too. my mum said my bm fishy smell, I think she can't stand it loh.

hmmm the photo so cute. yr boy boy really adore his me mei.

did doc mention what is the cause of yr boy face red red? maybe bec of what we(mummy) consume the food so bb when intake the bm it will be like that.

===Bloom ===
oic. I only use those sample of the breast pad.
ok, I think I can go your place on thursday.
Can SMS me your addy?
Yesterday I took cab to TMC, wah, bb scream halfway there! I so scared scare the taxi driver...:p lucky on the way back she sleep. A bit leh chey take cab for me alone with bb cos I put her in car seat and it's a bit heavy. :p

yah, Mrs Wong not bad...I got for bb massage, she teach me how to feed my bb too.
But as for other areas of discipline, I must kaki do oredi...nobody to teach me...

sorry, can't join u ladies at U Sq today...haiz, we meet up another time...

This weekend I going to stay at Pan Pac! Quite looking forward to it! :p
anyone is interested in getting a carton of baby wipes of 24 packs @$45?
no.of wipes per pack is 80pcs.
brand is angels baby wipe.
very cheap per pack only $1.87 outside selling $2.30 per pack
interested pm me
oic. I think might use the pump next few days(till now have not used it b4) cos my gar has been sleeping thru the night. y'day, so surprised she slept at 0845pm and got her to wake up at 1am to change diapers as I saw her wriggle.before that can't help, try to squeeze out a bit to relieve pain but still unable to do so cos breast is rather hard then at last, she really release my engorement man....bb is the best pump man.......

I'm tbf but dunno how much my gar consume, sometimes less(can empty my breast only in 3-4 feed) , sometimes more(can empty 1/2 of my breast in 2 feed).

afcai, thanks for ur reply... how about others? my bb consume 3 ozs of milk at the moment. not sure is enuff for a 2 month old bb or not. Now I start to prepare 4 ozs milk for freezing..
