(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

why can't we mix ebm n fm har?

enjoy the gathering tomorrow. i'll be in kk at that time, so near, yet so far.

wah, ur bb fall asleep in 20 min? mine takes 1hr to 1.5hr b4 she falls asleep at night.

my bb sleeps in aircon. temperature set at 25.

my gal will look be tense if she goes to an unfamiliar place.

hubby also works late. i tell him if he wants to hold bb, he can wake up for the graveyard shift feed n feed her. :p just to drum home the point, if hubby insists on carrying bb after bb falls asleep, i will wake him up at 4-5am when bb wakes up for her graveyard shift feed n tell him to feed her n change her diapers. to set a routine, not only need to train bb, also need to train hubby.

my gal also takes her whole fist. i bochap her, just wash her hands every few hours.

my bb sleeps for abt 30-40 min after each feed. we dun allow her to nap after 5pm, n we prepare her for bed at 9pm. she doesn't sleep until 10-11pm though. she will sleep for a 6 hr stretch, then wake up for a feed, then sleep thru until 8:30am. if she was really tired during the day, she will only sleep for a 4.5hr stretch after bedtime. she still wakes up at 8:30am though. :p

my gal also has 1 feed at night b4 she wakes up at 8:30am.

i think it's impt to see ur children regularly lor, instead of only on weekends. my mum was a ftwm too, n she always visits us everyday, even though we dun stay with her at night. she brings us home on weekends.

when on thurs? my mum not around on thurs leh. dunno if i feel brave enuf to bring bb out.

wah, roy v. chubby. smiling so happily too. how heavy is he now?

eh.... ur boy was already 4.7kg right? small meh?
i also think it's better to latch on. it's a lot of trouble to express n bottle feed.
b4 u donate out trf to those transparent where pple sell kuen that kind of plastic bag lar. Run under tap water to let it loose abit then trf lidat can anot har? haah i also duno. realli the bag not cheap. i also cant bear to buy.

ya i stay at jurong west st 73.. 3 bus stop to JP. hehe. if u want can chio me go JP. but inform me in advance. cos my gal slp more & more late everyday. nid to bath her & feed her lor.

<font color="0000ff">Qianhui</font>
for the "ku ku lu" can be "cured" i think. i also dunno how true lar. ur bb so fast got this aldy ar. i believe my bb also will hv cos my hb got 1 sister also. My sis tell me the remedy is the aunty must buy a new pair of shoes for bb then will auto disappear lor.
BTW, why u nid to always shave bb hair?
I have added u to my contact list.
my bb also like my nip rather than teats leh
if teats she will blur blur suckle for awhile then reject. but if give my breast she will take wor.
oh... yours too huh?... ya lor... sometimes i give up just let her suck... then clean then she suck then i clean and it goes on and on... sibei tiring ah... almost give up...

esp when i'm tired... dun want to fight with her... just let her suck... then she very happy... i very happy... everybody satisfied!!! but i'll feel a bit guilty afterwards!!! ha ha..

wat happened? relax relax...
wah... u train bb and hubby at the same time ah? my hubby also very irritating.... he never feed, never bath, never change for the gal... but can give a lot of comment while i'm doing it... then every night come home want to carry her and play with her...

he sulks when i dun let him do it... complain tat it's the only time he has with the bb and i'm depriving him of it!!!...

so i let him play lor... afterwards, she became overstimulated, cannot fall asleep.... so very cranky... keep crying... then he just pass her back to me... so frustrating...

finally, i also throw temper... give the bb back to him and went downstairs for a walk!!!

come back... bb still crying and hubby almost crying with her liao!!!! ha ha... so happy... otherwise, he tink very easy to coax her back to sleep....
Is that true? haha, my SIL always like to buy shoe for them...hahaha... or pi good....hahaha...heng man..she auto...ahhahaha

She wants my nei nei dun want bottle... me can;t go out w/o her... I still need to go back to work 1 day...how??!!

preferably not to mix cos in case bb didn't manage to finish the milk, then ebm is wasted... best is to give bm first then top up with FM.

West side ladies,
Ok Confirm Thurs between 12pm - 1pm at my place. We will order some food for lunch, mayb mac or pizza or kfc. Pls confirm ur attendance with me again. Sorry, I've lost track :p
that's my attitude too. let her suck, then i clean her hands regularly, otherwise she will wail n cry when i prevent her from sucking. :p

no choice, hv to train hubby. if i do everything too swee swee, he will think there's no effort involved. he's not home when i'm coaxing bb to bed, so sometimes, he doesn't know how much trouble it is. n he thot bb sleeping thru the night liao leh, cos he never hear the bb crying at night anymore.

but i make sure i set aside some time for them to bond lah, cos it's good for father n daughter to be close too. when he can come home early, i make sure he gets to feed bb, then i take over the burping, coaxing her to bed n all the other boring jobs so that he can rest. every morning, i will bring bb to send him off at the door lor. n on sundays when he's home, i let bb wake up to his voice n play with him b4 taking over lor, then he gets to be with bb when bb is happy, good for them to bond too.
oic. that's what i do, give bm first then fm. i thot cannot give both in 1 feed together, then i siao liao, not enough bm leh.

that's v. big! so good that he's growing well. madeleine is also 8 wks, but she just reach 6kg last wk during her op.

may i know what do u do with all the extra clothing sets, clothes, toys etc that pple give bb but bb isn't using? is it rude to sell them? n hor, i need to sell off some stuff that i never got to use, like nappy liners. anywhere to sell?
hi mummies,
my boi now 2month 3weeks old. he is more alert n smile alot nowsaday. he smile whenever we make funny faces, noise or talk to him. he also make some sound when talk to him. like he wanna to tell u someting. i really enjoy "talking" n playing wif him. he also like to perform his "stunt" wif us. whenever he lay down on the sofa, his legs will lift up n his hands also raise up. if i hold on his hands, he will try to sit up wif the aid of my hands. once he manage to sit u n i heard him laugh wif sound. from then onwards, he like to perform tis stunt. but bcos he is too young n i afraid his arm will dislocated. i forbade my hub or mil to play along wif his stunt.
sometimes really tempted to b a sahm so tat i can see him growing n learning everyday. everyday is full of surprise waiting for mi : )
your no.1 v cute. got dimples too ya? how old again?

v sad u can't go... was looking forward to meeting u. nvm. can come my pl for north mummies gathering when u better ok? y u don't want your sling liao?
oh... tat's a big problem... slowly lor... yr nei nei taste better mah! ha ha.. prob just want to feel close to u...

tot u quiting to be a SAHM?

ya... but my hubby can't even feed the bb... everything dun want to try... just want to play nia... very xian sometimes...

then when it's time to play... he disappear to surf the net... when she's about to fall asleep then he appear and want to play...

now he better liao... after my disappearing act... he realise how difficult it is to settle her down once she gets cranky...

tat's y i always tell him he never see the difficult side... always tink i stay at home whole day very relaxing...

sometimes, want to take a shower also have to be super quick... dunno clean or not!!! ha ha...
Vanessa, which part of bt batok u stay? is it near to MRT station? I am also struggling to bottlefeed Evee since saturday, i find it very stressful. Now i have to harden my heart not to direct bf her at all. Btw, did you let your gals take the rotarix vaccine? Dunno if should allow Evee to take as she will be seeing Dr Ong this saturday for her 2nd 6 in 1 jab and was told if wanna take the rotarix should be taking this time also.
i can't wait 4 my gal to smile at me... v tempting to be sahm right? me too! stay w kids happier than go bck to see bosses zhui lian... too bad 4 me financial wise can't...
madeleine too! it's a joy to talk to her everyday n i look forward to her toothless smiles n her responses.

my hb can feed bb lah, but when he feeds, she always dun finish the milk n he burps her really badly. so i take over the burping, n tell him i want him to rest.
I'm staying near bt gombak mrt, abt 5 mins walk..
stressed hor..initially is like tat one, once they got use to the routine they r ok... now I remembered, sorry to give u wrong info...my no.2 will like Evee, after latching on weekend, will refuse bottle on Monday. My mum always scold me for not giving her bottle during weekend, at least once.

yah, but I still need to go back to off 1 day to tender, plus if sometimes I need to runn errand on my own, so still need her to be on bottle sometimes.
I nvr give them rotavirus....but I heard if on pnuemoccocal, no need rotavirus. May give Reyna Pneumoccocal since she kena brochiolities.
Ruffy, the jab is due when bb is 3 months old.

Vanessa, why if on pnuemoccocal then no need rotavirus vaccine?I tot they are different type of virus. These jabs are so expensive.If bb can accept easily between breast and bottle how nice and convenient for us.
Ya lor, our bb dunno consider stupid or too smart... stupid in the sense they rather starve than taking milk in another container and smart in the way thry know it's not nei nei....

There are some kids whom will accept breast n bottle easily... I've got a fren, bb age jus 1 day older than Reyna, manage to accept the bottle w/o fuss even though it was intro to her recently nia... hear already buay tahan man!

As for the jab, I think it was OCH who mentioned it.
QSG, Vanessa,

haiz... i mentioned b4 mandy has no prob w e bottle rite? now haf liao...
she'll still take e bottle but won't finish it. she'll take bt 80 ml then start searching 4 my nipple. if she dun suckle fr my nipple, she nt shuang leh n won't sleep.... haiz... n she doesn't take ebm fr e dec batch liao. only wants fresh ebm... so my 20+ bottles o ebm wasted. now must start pumping again... sian...


pneumoccocal jab even more ex than rotavirus rite? reyna on pneumoccocal jab? i'm oso tinking if i shld let mandy take rotavirus jab. pneu is out cos too bloody ex liao!

hiyoh... u want me 2 go tmr 2 entertain u huh? heh heh... but really cannot leh. i'm sniffing q badly... tho i'd really love 2 go but infect ur bbs then nt so gd lah!


ya man, looking 4ward 2 seeing u too, esp since our bbs r so alike.. too bad... let's wait 4 e north mummies gathering...

ruffybear, och,

boo hoo hoo!!! when can my mandy even reach 5 kg??? n she's bigger than roy n madeleine...


since my earlier batch o ebm wasted, i'd like to use them 4 facial or bb milk bath too. can teach me how? does ur mum just apply e ebm on her face direct? need to add anything? as 4 bb bath... erm, u use cotton or wat? dun tell me u haf soooo much ebm tt u can fill a bath tub w it???

4got 2 ans u.... i dun want e sling cos got carrier liao. + i'm v clumsy, sling's too hard 4 me to use. heh heh...


if u dun want e gifts, just give away or sell lor. as long as e giver doesn't noe, no harm done wat. i dunno where 2 sell tho. i've got this bb walker tt i dun want cos walkers r nt gd 4 bbs mah... wanna try 2 take o e wheels n convert it into a seat. dunno can or nt.. heh heh..

haiz... v sad tmr can't go....
hi kimi,
a pity u cant join us tomor.. in fact looking fwd to c u as u r my nearest neighbour in my area. Nvm, next time loh. Meantime, take care n recover soon.

hi alabone,
hmmm.. do u still want to meet up to go together since we just 1 mrt stop away. Will pm u my contact n u sms me if u want to go together.

hi och,
wow yur bb nearly 6 kg.. a sign she growing well too. think mine just abt reaching 5kg.

i also added you to my MSN..

Cya ladies tomor then

Really ah, But hor, I dun think she will buy new shoes for him. She a bit niao leh.
But she got pass those which her children worn before to my son. So can or not ah?

I dunno leh, I think he looks cuter when being shaved.. ha ha ha.. Aiya, boy boy ma, shave nvm wan lah.. only thing is that at nite when sleep he need to wear hat lor..

U stay near Jurong pt ah.. ha ha.. if u pass by there this sat around 4pm, remember to come find me ok?


I most prob can make it
to your house.
ya lor. veri tempting to throw letter. but finacial not allow ; ( but sometimes when bb get cranky, i wish to go bk to work.. haha.. veri contridict hor.

seeing their smile n laughter really bring happiness to us. now i treasure my maternity leave veri much. will b bk to work after cny holi ; (
hi gan n bloom,
have got your pm. let's meet n go together. bloom, if u coming along i meet u at admiralty mrt @ 1130 then we meet gan @ semb mrt @ 1145. take train 20mins, slowly walk there reach 1230 juz nice! any prob w arrangement? i will pm u 2 my mobile no. too
mi also wanna to bring bb to ur hse. but abit worry if bb willing to stay long at ur place. he might get cranky n will not sleep wifout his yaolan.
tat day bring him to visit choo who is staying few blk away from mi. he start to throw temper less than half an hr there. but later he manage to sleep on my arm.
your bb don't take nap in the afternoon? how do you do that?

how do you ensure that ur bb don't take nap after 5p.m? i tried to do that just now but my boy kept crying till we had to rock him to sleep. my maid, myself and sis tried to entertain him le....put him on bouncer, car seat, bed, etc but he kept crying.
for those who are interested in buying the fridge-to-go to keep yr ebm, you can visit this website


the seller told me that Fridge-to-go product is an ideal cooler for breast feeding mothers.

Most of the mothers bought FTG-1200, mini fridge. It could keep cool 10 to 12hrs.

The price is $45, they have black, dark blue and red color now. they provide free delivery with order of $60 and above. If not, a small $6 delivery fee will be levied.
Hi Calynn,
u are right. agreed with that even now we are training very hard for bb to adjust to the the fixed feeding and sleeping time but when sending bck to mum's plc(for my case also, bb will be looking after by her after I retutned to work), everythg will be change and mum might used their traditional way of handling bb. hai...that's why conflict start during my confinement mth(mum doing cl for me).

then we will be jialat if bringing bck fr mum's plc over the wkend.

haa..my gar will scream her lung out, face red red, voice high pit bec of pain, tear flow and sometimes watery nose if she pull her hair. so fr tat time, I dun dare to take out her mitten. if I wanted to take out the mitten, I will make sure her head is covered with cloth or cap.

I did not place booties on my gar during day time. for me, only change the set of booties and mittens after her bath(usually 7pm++) on wkday and for wkend at 1pm+ and change again when come bck fr in laws or mum's plc.

haaa guy are like tat, wow, dun u told yr hubby that the bb he also got the share mah. I let hubby bath my gar cos let him bond with her. sometimes only, let him burp her as well.
I told him that carry bb till pain liao, sometimes, bb latch on for so long. not only hand pain, neck and back also. no mood to do anythg.

same, makan need to super quick, dunno food can digest well or not. bath also super quick, dunno clean or not. anyway, I bath twice, if hubby ard then can take my own sweet time to bath if not cannot.

my gar tmolo will be 2mth. she also like to smile esp when she woke up in the morning. so happy but when night came, nightmare will soon began....

she like to stare at ppl's face, I made funny expression to her and she smile. when I placed her hand together and said "gong xi gong xi", she smile more. she also smile when I placed her hand in her mouth to say "pan kiss" and bye bye.

yup, bb loves us to play with them.

wow, yr boy so cute, laughing with sound..hmm...

yup, agreed, if finance do permit of cos, every mummy do like to accompany their bb at home and see them growing.

yup, nurse has mentioned before not to mix fm and bm. one can give either one must then followed by another.

if u want to sell yr items, u can sell them in Marketplace & Exchange Corner: Want To Sell http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/449183.html?1170668444

wow, so u started to train yr bb bottle fed? I think I will gave my gar a taste of bottle with water this sat when I go to my mum's plc. see how 's her reaction?
bloom,how much your bbsitter charging? when u going back to work?
och,think i will go visit bb everyday...if i miss him too much,i will bring him back at night...
abalone,calynn,mbb,think i just carry bb take cab...dun think i can carry stroller put in taxi...also dun think i can use stroller take NEL den go dolby ghaut change to north south line...too shiong..
so bloom,may need ur help to carry my bb...hehe...
ruffybear,your boy is very very cute...where the pic taken? does he get jealous of your Roy?
Photo was taken last week at the suspension bridge at Sentosa beach. He doesn't really get jealous of Roy but loves chanting" Roy go to sleep so mummy can play with me."
the lucky baby carrier u mentioned b4.
can let baby face outwards one? i m tinking of buying either a sling or carrier. but dunno which is better.
Hi ladies,
Enjoy tml gathering hor and must share share the pic k.....How i wish still on ML...Sob sob, regret going back to work early liao

BTW, i have a brand new box of pigeon disposal breast pad can pass to mummies that is still bfing....Just let me know k
shihui, can..no problem..... i can carry pin heng provided he likes me :p if engorged then no choice use hand to express loh..i did that once when i bring pump but not motor to mom's place.. in the end hide in toilet and hand express..ahahha

Jen..wahhh.. u can bring bb to marketing har.. I dont dare to do so.... so I think next time can only leave her with hb then can go market... cos even with sling I need one hand to sppt her..the other how to count money to give stall owners?

kimi...canot compare mandy with nat lah.. mandy is pre mature leh.... u wan to try bottle feed ebm during nighttime so that u can establish a routine? anyway, for sahm no routine is not that bad..its the working mommies that have to be more concern abt establishing routine...

afcai.that time i always wear nursing/M bra at home so that i can stick the breast pad on.... oh..u use hankerchief thats why ur usage of breat pads is not high.... i was spending so much money on breast pads...

calynn, hahah.maybe tomorrow u all dont order noodles type lah..things that can be cut then i cut for u all then u all eat with the fork :p i am THE MAID tomorrow. ur hb sounds like mine.. think he can handle bb but always give up after a while cos bb cannot be appease in 5 min!

och..ahahha... u r good.. if i do that to hb he will murder me on the spot :p

alabone, ok with arrangement. i have driving lesson in the morning but will definitely reach there on time..so if u sms me in morning and i did not reply immediately means i am driving hor.... pls sms me ur hp instead of pm just in case i did not get a chance to login again...

berry, my bbsitter is charging $550. that is the normal market rate for daytime. day and night usually $800. will have to add about $50 more once bb start on solid food. i will be starting work this wed
no prob carrying ur bb for u if ur bb like me.. now i am hot property :p
ruffybear,oh the pic is taken last week only..so cute your boy... good that he's not jealous help u to coax Roy to sleep...
bloom..me startin work nxt week too...i think your gal coming to 3mths soon lor right?mine turn 3mths on 18feb...
where ur bbsitter stay?near ur place? i think additional 50 for solid food quite standard..are u using steam steriliser?so must buy another 1 at bbsitter's place?another 1 at your place?
how abt bb cot?ur bbsitter provides?
brought bb to pd again juz now.. bb whole face red red.. den he kept rubbing his face.. suspect tt it's itchy lor.. pd said bb got eczema... sian...
den his neck area (those fine lines) got slight fungal infection.. so she gave me cream to apply n powder to keep the neck dry... hai~~
Yah lor, I also find her quite adventurous to use my EBM to wash her face. I cant tahan the fishy smell of the frozen EBM, dont have courage to apply on my face yet!

I am available on Thurs noon.. Count me in for e gathering. Can u pm me ur contact & address??
U staying somewhere near Gek Poh SC? I am stayin at st 65.. Next time we can go JP shop and makan tog.

Wow Roy is really a michelin baby!! My gal is 4.1kg at 5 weeks old..

Madeleine must be a chubby bb too.. I think my gal prob only 5kg at 8 weeks.
U so innovative, can think of adding EBM to soup. Maybe can try that when cooking fish soup hor. Replace EBM wf carnation milk.. Hahaha..

Jared so sweet, knows how to dote his mei mei.. It's really very wen xin to see the elder one hugging and kissing their younger sibling.
yes! it's v heartwarming. every afternoon when i bring nat over, he'll go to her to hug and kiss her. then when she cries, he'll be the first one to go to the room to see his mei mei. when natalie was born, i told hb to give one of nat's many present to jared (a building block set) and tell jared that it's a present from mei mei. wonder if that helped somehow. heehee.

can't fall asleep... everyone sleeping soundly but i'm wide awake... perhaps too excited abt the gathering later on (hb said so)... tomorrow the thread here will be pretty quiet since many of us will be out. can't wait...
