(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Hi mummies!
Enjoy your outing today! Wish I could be there too...

Westside mummies... we must organise one gathering when I am back in July/Aug ok?

Is the CNY mood picking up in Singapore? Sigh... I'm missing all the yummlicious CNY goodies and snacks....

Hey ladies, I know you all go kai kai today. Hope you all enjoy yourselves.

Wondering if you guys wanna organise BP from preciousbabe for their new nike pants (red or blue) or old navy jeans?


Or anyone of you have better lobang? The Nike pants are $17.90 and the Old Navy jeans are $16.90.
Hi slyk,

I have received the parcel some time back liao.. how do i pay you? you have not forwarded me your bank details.. Thanks so much.. like the outfit alot.
Hi Connie! Glad u liked the clothes. Been too busy to follow up on this - was in such a mad rush leaving Singapore at that time, then upon reaching here it was another crazy period of adjusting and coping ... Anyway, will try sms u my account shortly.
Hi sylk,
haa..by then (july/aug) gathering, our bb will be much older (6 mths or more). then bb will have their bb talk (sure complain to one another).
hi ladies,
just came back fm our United Square gathering.
Guess i m the 1st to reach home, back in time just nice for my bb's 4pm feeding.

It was fun n nice meeting the other mummies.
Thanks to MBB for organising this gathering n making it a success. looking fwd to another one.
oops.. we forgot to take a group photo of all mummies).

Hi alabone n other north mummies,
Maybe we can organise another mini gathering for north mummies b4 cny?
u sooooo fast har? hee heee
yeh hor, forgotten to take group picture. wasted!!

so nice meeting u
. u very skinny leh. envy envy...

Diveera/Tan SL
sorry, din chat with both of u much. i hope next gathering can get to know both of u better.

how come din go back w Shihui? not sharing cab w her?

Meg give me face man...come back home then poo poo!!!
wah, sounds like the gathering was a success. the bb all so cute!

vanessa, qsg,
think there's some misunderstanding. rotavirus is for some diarrhea virus, pneumacocca is for some flu virus. my pd friend said rotavirus is the least beneficial amongst the vaccine choices lah.

i think mandy is quite big for a premmie liao lor. i see a lot of premmies in the cleft clinic n they r all still lighter than mandy.

gan, serrich,
madeleine growth is average average only. she barely put on 1kg in her second month. she was just born big. she's not as chubby as roy leh, dunno why.

me too, going back after cny. think i will miss bb horribly.

think ur bb is overstimulated n cranky, that's why he is crying. we try to make sure bb is not overstimulated in the evenings by switching the games we play with her thru out the day. hv to be flexible in our case, cos my bb needs to visit docs regularly, so we will switch intense play n light play time around. in our case, this usually means bb plays intensely in the late am or early pm. if she appears extremely tired, e.g. after a long day at the docs, we try to let her rest more n cut out activities we know will tire her out. this way, bb is usually quite alert in the evenings, n when everybody comes home, she is busy greeting n "talking" to everyone. light play time usually involves singing, reading n talking in the cot or bouncing chair. she's v. talkative, talks to everyone, her toys n her favourite furniture.
we also try to introduce new toys to her during light play time. more intense play usually involves some activities where she has to exert strength or which makes her a bit tense, e.g. holding her upright, tummy time, turning n going out.

oh dear, hope pin heng's eczema clears. the neonate told me that bb who r chubby r more prone to fungal infection in the folds of their skin, so must clean n dry regularly.

jared is so sweet!

how much bb drink should depend on bb's weight. the neonate my bb is seeing says take bb's weight in kg n multiply by 20 x number of feed. think the doc mbb's bb is seeing says take bb weight n multiply by 150 to get the total calorie intake for a day.

think i cannot join u on thurs liao. caught a cold yesterday, i'm still sniffing today. hope bb dun catch a cold fr me.
The gathering must be FUN FUN FUN.....

Never intro the BB....Wonder who is who...My guess as follows
(1) Doggiebb's ger
(2) Vanessa's ger
(3) MBB's ger
(4) ???? (lost liao)
jackie..ahha.. i am not so siow i wana smell hankie filled with puked milk :p

bohbiahah, how does mrs wong know that??? what was the method that she ask u to try?

jackie, first bb is natalie (alabone's), 3rd bb is mbb's. 2nd and 4th canot rem liao :p

doggiebb, u got this s/w called Canon Utilities --> Photostitch? If yes, u click on Merge pictures then can step thru the steps to choose the pictures then merge them. Let me know if it works!
hi bobianah, do u mind sharing with me wat Mrs Wong did to ur bb to make sure the bb drink properly? my gal also like to take her own sweet time to drink her milk. always fall asleep while drinking and sometimes will make a big fuss also. thanks.
hi hi,
mbb, my girl also gave me face... come home then poo.

let me solve e puzzle.

1) my girl - natalie
2) vanessa's reyna
3) u r right. mbb's meg
4) tan sl's natacia

had fun today. thanks mbb 4 organising. went shopping w vanessa, bloom, serrich n shihui n end up buying clothes 4 nat... oh no... hope this is not a bad start to buying more clothes!

yup! shd meet up again since we're so near each other!
duuno how mrs wong know leh...but she rite on the money! maybe she experienced...see how my bb fuss, she can guess.

bloom, amore
my ger got lotsa tricks...1)cry loud loud till face red 2)choke, gag n cough (this one is "scary") 3) push nipple out 4) dun close her mouth 5) sleep... in no particular order. I told my mum, it's like the saying "u can lead a horse to water, but cannot make it drink".
Mrs wong told me that ah ger is impatient drinker, so need faster flow teat and ask me to use #3 (avent teat). I said i just started #2 cos worried bb choke and spill milk. She said no need to worry. She show me how to put 2 fingers under bb chin (while holding bottle) and if she fuss etc etc, hold her chin firm and "close" her mouth over the teat. Oso, wrap her arms and hold her close to the body. Cannot give in oso...if cry, be firm and hold the bottle there and fingers under her chin (I hold her jaw bone). If push teat out with tongue, hold bottle firmly there oso and same with the fingers under chin. If sleep, push her chin move her head a bit to wake her. My hb see oredi cannot tahan, esp when ah ger cries. :p he big softee. SO, anyway, i went to buy a few #3 teats. Mrs wong say must persevere and be firm (not give in) and over this week train her by next week shd improve. She say if not my the time ah ger 3 mths old, we cham liao.
So far, so good...i oredi see some improvement liao. Dun take so long to feed her and she fuss less than the past week (over the weeks she's been getting naughtier). Perviously she eat say 30ml, stop...nap, or scream and fuss, then 30mins later eat again and repeat all over...so hor, i can spend all day feeding her...really stress!! Then she fuss a lot and even my dad scared of her. :p Now better. Still hoping for more improvement.

Hope it works for you ladies too.
wow u all so fast post liao...
mbb,thanks for organizing...

bloom,thanks for bbsitting my boy leh...hes really a terror...keep crying..think i must bring him out more often to let him get used outside...think he's really tired...already zzz liao...

gan,u are really v v slim leh...u dun look like u just gave birth...

vanessa,thanks for teaching me how to use the sling... think i will look for second hand one coz i scared my boy dun like...btw,the sling can use until how old for the bb?

doggiebb,u gal look so fresh after her bath...sorry whats her name huh?

to the rest...i din talk much coz my boy keep fussing...

we should have more gathering in future...can learn more things from one another...

can u gals add me to msn? [email protected]
Thanks MBB for organising this gathering. So gald to be out of the house and able to meet all of u and yr babies.

Aiyoh mr gal was cranky in the cab on the way hm. Reach home still crying.

Looking forward for the next gathering. West too far for me if not will join u this thu. Any mummies staying at Kallang/Whampoa, Toa Payoh, Bishan or Serangoon area? We can arrange one gathering. Can hv it in my house if u don't mind my doggy. She's shedding now though so will hv fur flying around.
Doggiebb, u are fast man! Put up the pics already!

Had much fun at the gathering this afternoon...can't wait for the next one!

U ladies still went shopping har? I dun dare lor..scared my boy will fuss..asked hubby to fast fast come fetch me after that...think my boy too tired out..came home fuss for 1 hr then slept..aiyo..cannot imagine if this happen during the gathering...
wah... u ladies so fast log in liao ah...

my gal come back totally shacked out... sleeping till now... dunno tonight still can stick to the routine not...

want to wake her up but she cranky leh...

now pray hard later can still sleep thru the night!!!!

thanks to MBB for organizing this.... so shiok to see all the bbies... but didn't have very much time to talk to each other!!! still, it was nice to see so many bbies at 1 place!!!
That what i heard some mummy doing lar. I wont lor but will smell my bb 'chow chow' 1st thing when i reach home

bloom, alabone,
So i got 2 out of 4 right answer. Not bad lar

Can we have another gathering on weekend??? Otherwise miss out so much fun....
ha ha...u gals went shopping har?
i tot Shihui left be4 me? how come end up shopping?

Calynn n i did like a 5 min shopping then left leh. i was not in e mood lah coz Meg asleep on my arms.

drop dead tired. came back hv a nap coz din sleep last nite.

sms me ur add can? i mg dropby on thursday coz i will be shopping in town, so can kpo ur place if u dun mind.

i really really wanna meet Chang
bought a cute top n skirt 4 her... so cute, cannot tahan un buy... don't need to envy. your next one girl la!
wah... my gal came home from the gathering sleep till 830 still dun want to wake up for her feed... i disturb her until she wakes up screaming at me!!! ha ha... worried tat she won't be able to fall asleep afterwards... lucky she took her 830 feed, change to her PJs, now playing her "tai chi"... should KO by 10!!

missed seeing all the bbies huh? yours boi boi right??? me trying to find boyfriend for my gal!!! need to reserve... today got 11 babies but only 3 are boys!!
The pics of the strollers lined up are sooo cute! Sounds like all of u had a great time this afternoon.

At the rate these gatherings are happening, by Jul/Aug, the Bt Batok mummies will probably be so familiar with each other that you can help babysit for one another!
Most of the bbs are sleeping during lunch time today? That's good mummies can eat without holding onto them

Shihui, how does fungal infection look like? Evee got some white spots on her neck dunno if that is fungal infection...quite some time already, i applied zaricort (contains steriod) for her also no use.
hi mbb n berry,

(I still trying to lose the extra 4kgs b4 i can regain my pre-preggie weight)

hi berry,
already added u into my msn

Hi alabone,
wow a fruitful trip .. yur bb nat will looks great in the new clothes u just bought.

* my bb Hayley aso very tired.. has dozed off around 8.30pm.. but dun think she can zzz till morn. Going to wake her up n clean her n change her clothes.

Just now din really manage captured nice photos of all bb as I not that good with camera
<font color="#0000A0">Hi sylk,</font>
yup, not only bb area mummy but jurong west mummies too and of cos esp with vanesaa the experience mummy.
hi mummies

aiyooooooooooo........bbies so cute......looks like u mummies had a great time 2day
hehheh 2day only 3 boiboi ah.......haaaaahaaaa...yeah......hope there will b another gathering cos my bb philson dun mind zou yong you bao....;p

cant wait 4 thurs gathering....yahoooooooo....MBB u must come ah......i oso really really really cant wait 2 c u......everytime curious of how u look like can only go & c ur wedding pix....kekeke

how re u & bb???....hehheh.....no prob....we always look 4ward 2 ve gathering.....
abalone...wow... girls really easy to buy clothes hor...
i also hope my next bb will be gal...
calynn... i think most babies are tired by the time we reach home... haha...
mine also sleep from 5-9 then i wake him up to wipe him...
really envy u...megan can sleep from 8-7...
gan,so good u,bloom & abalone stay so near to each other, can go each other hse chit chat abt babies...
maybe we can have another gathering at 1 person's place? then can put all babies together and take pictures...that will be very cute...

CF chang...u can slowly choose your future daughter-in-law...coz really alot of cute & sweet gals i saw today...i also dunno which one to choose for my boy...haha
hi hi... i had great fun today... i hope we have more of these gatherings in future... then we can see all our little ones grow and talk about their milestones...

thanks MBB for organising it...
thanks to all the other mummies who were sharing their motherhood. it was nice to have so many mummies to share what they are going through... i dun feel so lonely... hee
ha ha...all e mummy who hv boi boi got alot of choice for gf

i booked Jackie's boi boi liao. u on standby ist can?

aiyo, u will be shock when u see me in person. maybe i should juz keep e suspense.
hihi.. finally got time to read.. bb sleeping now.. he seems really tired today... juz keep sleeping.. :p hope he can sleep thru the nite..

mine got white stuffs btween the skin folds... den can wipe away one.. the skin area oso red red..

my pd gave zaricort too.. aiyo.. got steriod one ah.. she din tell me..
shall stop asap once bb's skin better....

heee~ i went shopping with mom.. den met vanessa they all.. den went 2nd round shopping again.. :p
ya lor.. all along i thot it's milk rash.. :p his skin condition improved liao..
oohh.. chubby bb more prone to fungal infection.. tt's a gd sign.. pin heng is gaining weight.. haha.. :p
wah! u'all sure had lotsa fun man. hope i can attend e next gathering! alabone, got north side gathering or nt? heh heh...


i'm v happy! cos mandy laughed out loud just now!
previously she'd just smile or chuckle a bit but just now while i's burping her, she laughed!!!! 4 a while! so cute man! too bad my hubby's asleep liao, he'd love 2 hear her laugh. i really melted lor. it's so nice to c our bbs contented n happy.

n she almost finished her bottle o milk just now n managed to get past her cold turkey treatment (i refused to latch her on tho she fussed 4 a while after feeding n turned to my breast) n fell asleep after tt.. whew! v happy!!!
Hi Chang & MBB!

Am still alive and kicking...whew. Fortunately, hubby is very good with handling the baby and he tries to help as much as possible - although he cannot survive night shifts. It's really very very tough to look after baby alone, especially in a location like this where the only "tinkat meals" is pizza deliveries... sigh. Each day I look forward to hubby coming home from work, so that he can take over carrying the baby, cook dinner, bath her and then coax her to sleep... hah hah hah.

I experienced what true helplessness is when hubby was away on biz trip last week. Baby was cranky whole day leaving me with little time for anything else except to carry her. Then she wailed non-stop for 3hrs at bedtime... I was so exhausted and desperate but there was no one to turn to for help. That was a very painful and memorable night. Now I'm hoping baby will behave when hubby goes away again next week.

Of coz, all that becomes trivial when baby smiles and melts your heart. Sigh.
hi ladies,
my bb hayley super cranky tonight. Finally slept at midnight after her 10.30pm feeding. But wakes again at 1am crying for milk again. I refused till i give in to her at 2am. Just now she so tired after the gathering, thought i will have it easy with her tonight.. haiz maybe she too excitied seeing so many bb's friends.

Hi alabone,
thanks for posting the lovely pics.. yur camera skill is much better than mine.

Hi sylk,
glad u r coping well. Must tell yur bb not to 'bully' u when his daddy away next wk.
Wow the gathering sounds like fun!! Wish I was there! The picture of all the babies together look sooo cute!!

My mom stays at block 393, about 10 min from Gombak station. Will not be able to join you guys on Thu liow, cos my mom has something on, so I will not be going to her house, sigh.

I actually stay around Serangoon area too! Where do you stay! So that makes us the north gang, no?? Heh, what kind of dog do you have??
Oh than yr ger ger need to q lor cause already match with MBB's ger ger b4 our bb r born
. But i think my boi dont mind having more playmate

All the bb are so cuteeee.....So fun to see so many bb together. Must organise more of such gathering

Meg have a young po po. How yr mum maintain??

Glad u r coping fine.....BB so naughty ah, bully mummy when daddy not ard.
Im staying at Bendemeer Road. I have an Alaskan Klee Kai (miniature husky). She is 1yr 3mths, still behaves like a puppy. Too bad didnt get to meet you at yesterdays gathering. Hope to meet you in the next gathering.

I can understand how you feel. I look forward to my hb coming home each day so that he can take over. His shift is from 8pm till her last night feed. Hope yr bb will be guai guai when yr hb is away.

Thanks Alabone for taking and posting the pix online
tkz for all the picture!! very cute remarks too

my mum awredy 57 liao. she is 100 times more vain then me.

good to noe tat ur hb is so helpful n u r doing well!

try to post pic one after another instead of side by side n dun write anything next to pic instead write under e pic coz it will stretch e page. v diff to read. cheers

thanks for the pics n the cute commentary...
btw, really paiseh for dropping the clothes hangers on nat's pram...
hope i din frighten her.....

can understand the helplessness... sometimes when bb cranky for no apparent reason, really makes me mad... :p den i will juz call hubby to disturb him n complain... need to tok to a sensible adult.. else i will freak out.. :p den when he's back, will juz dump bb to him... :p luckily he sleeps late.. so he can help me with 11pm to 3am while i can rest... den i can wake up for the rest of the nights for midnight feeds..
