(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

the bb pix are soo cute! sorry i couldnt make it coz i was held up at ICA.

thanks for sharing the feeding tips. and i tot my bb was the only one w this bad habit of snackin n sleeping!

oh.. some feedback on the calendula cream (California Baby)..it is really good. bb cheek now is so much better...almost completely clear n smooth (except some on eye area which i dont dare to put).. used to have red red rashes, and then like dry dry scaly skin.. within 2 days of application can see results liao..
maybe can try this cream instead of using steroid based creams.

morning mummies

pix so cute......must ve another gathering again so dat i can attend

glad dat ur hubby is such a great help......hehheh u re right, bbies smile really melt mummies heart....whenever i get frustrated, 1 smile fr bb dissolve all my frustration......u must jia you ah

wow.....ur mum like qianhui's mum....looks young ah

very happy 2 c bb different pattern everyday hor....can understand ur happiness....when bb philson 1st start 2 smile, bb talk, ......i oso so happy dat i go around telling every1 ;p
<font color="E4287C">Hi Ladies,
for those who has not collected their NTUC goodies bag fr selected NTUC (within 2 mth fr their birth date), I have collected mine.

feb goodies bag consists of:
- 6 pcks of kodomo 10 pieces of wet tissue
- 1 Dumex gold follow-up formula fr 6mth onwards
- 1 sample of nestle cereal and brown rice each fr 6 mth -24mth
- 2 pcks of 50 pieces tempscan

bag is quite nice, white and with light green stripes and waterproof. a lot of small pocket.</font>
all the bb so cute! hope there is another gathering. want to introduce madeleine to all her bb friends.
i collected my goodie bag in jan......same bag but i dun ve 6 pkts of kodomo wet tissue leh....only get the other 3 items u mentioned. where did u get ur bag? mine fr ntuc lot1
hello mummies,

wow the gathering loook so fun!!all bbies are so CUTE!!! too bad i cant join as my bb has blocked nose n very cranky..

yest he slept only 2hr naps n cried almost whole day! i lost my patience n shouted at him
i was ald very tired n needed a quick nap but he just kept crying...tried all methods to soothe him but he just dun stop.....sigh....


congrats on being SAHM!! welcome!!
really not easy to be SAHM with a baby....but me surviving the second week...

anyone using mami poko? i use for my boy bt it always leak leh!dun know if its no good or i ddn't wear properly ....wet my shorts.bed.pillow...
yup. the babies were all so cute. couldn't stop snapping away.

thanks for info regarding ntuc goodie bag. i've not collected mine yet. better bring hb to collect. goodie bag sounds good. hee

aiyoh, don't worry about it leh. nat is ok. that's the prob with bringing stroller around... takes up lots of space... so when shops don't have much space, i don't dare to go in. then i just realised something - if i bring bb out in sling and happen to find a piece of clothing i like, then cannot try leh...

my camera skills not that great actually... take some pics still blur... not suppose to one. so i've decided i shall read the manual and learn how to use it. heehee.

poor you... but at least your hb is willing to look after bb at night and he sounds like a great help ya? quite lucky in that aspect then. hope bb will be good and not give you much trouble when your hb goes away on his biz trips.
2mr supposed 2 go vanessa's pl 4 a mini gathering....wonder is it still on....never c vanessa this morning....if ve u join us with bb madeleine

thxs 4 the link
i'm using mamy poko size s for my girl and size m for my boy. never had probs with it leaking except when we leave it on bb for too long... heehee... too long for instance like for nat, i leave it for 9hrs... (sometimes forget to change... i use it for night only) is it the correct size for your bb?
<font color="0000A0">Hi alabone,</font>

u are welcome. do better collect within 2 month fr bb's birth date loh. bag quite nice. one need to bring bb's birth cert and the ntuc goodies bag redemption card which is given by hospital to the cashier of selected ntuc.

for those photo taken blur blur, one need to adjust the setting if one need to snap object near. there are few settings for distant object, near image, night vision etc...my hubby is gd at this and many ppls tot we bought postcard when we took pic of our honeymoon in NZ.
Hi Ladies,

I'm at my mum's place. Jus open a saving acct for Reyna n make use of this opportunnity to 'jump q' n change my new year notes.

Tml's gathering is still on. I will b home waiting for u ladies n princesses n princes.

Anyone got Bobianah's contact? I need to sms her my add... or can MBB do it for me ? :p

Yup, my plc is lift landing, at 6th flr last unit. n yup, downstair got a RC Centre.
wow.. jus seen the photos posted by alabone. all the bbs so cutie.. how i wish to join u gals but afraid to bring bb out alone for too long : ( my boi really has his temper. dun like to sit on his stroller n i dun hav the strength to carry him for too long. sigh..
hope ur bb will cooperate n not fuss next wk.
u r doing a great job taking care of bb by yourself. jia you.

i'm hving runny nose leh, dun want to pass it to all the bb going to vanessa's place.
yee...me using mami poko new born n S size..shd be suitable for my bb leh..still leak..maybe i didnt secure it tight enough....

me same as serene...still not confident bring bb out..my bb has fiery temper....never inherit my good temper...
how did your mummies set a routine for your bbies? really so well done leh..my boy cant n recently slept very little in the day...at night stil wake up twice for milk...
really exhausted as i m taking care my self...
dunno if the hosptial where u delivered got give u the redemption card or not. the redemption card itself have specified the selected ntuc. one of them is jurong east, sembwang...forgot where 's other outlet, need to refer to the card itself(already redempt so card no longer here, can't tell u).

<font color="E4287C">Vanessa Lu</font>
2 wks ago, we also opened a trusted a/c for my gar too. desposit all her 'earn' ang pow fr her full mth into the a/c.

hmm gd, yr plc is lift landing, I can bring the stroller then. have msn my hp no to u, pls sms yr add. thks
I do passed by yr block everytime when I wanted to go bb interchange(walk with hubby to bb interchange last time).

<font color="800080">CF CHANG</font>
hubby collected fr jurong east ntuc.
u still hv e ntuc card w u?
can tell me which outlet for collection of goodie bag?
hee heee..me cheapskate. will try my luck coz stupid RH din give me e card.
xie xie ne
As copy what connie had listed out the following selected ntuc outlets:
the fairprice outlets are
-- bishan blk 510 st 13
-- eastpoint
-- jurong east Blk 135 st 13
-- jurong point
-- lot 1 shopping mall
-- marina parade central
-- orchard grand court
-- rivervale mall
-- sembawang sun plaza
Hello mummies

Wow the gathering looks so fun!!! All the babies are sooo cute!!
Too bad I couldn't make it.. sob sob... looking forward to the next gathering!!

Haiyo the gathering at your place is tomorrow ah? My cold has become cough liao, so dun think I wan to go and spread my virus.... sob sob... anymore gatherings???!

I am using MamyPoko also, it's very good, except that when we used the last few pieces of the NB for my girl, it leaked cos it's too small liao... Now change to S no prob already. you want to check if it's the right size?

Where can we get this cream that you're talking abt? My bb also have rashes
the nutc (www.income.coop/newborn) u have mentioned I think is for policy thing. I did not collect it even I have the card so they will ask to buy policy which I dun intend to buy fr any of the 'strange' at kkh outlets. only want to get fr my own agent.
berry, u r welcome... can let me test my skills on other bbs too!

kimi, so cool.. my bb only at the beginning stage of smiling..maybe cos at home no one laughs...

mbb... 57? she dont look her age leh!

afcai..wah not bad..for jan goodie bag i dont have item 1 and 2. only 3 and 4.

today is my first day back at work.sigh!
Hi Bloom,
oic. haa luckily, did the market survey fr dec - feb(feb bo biah need to collect liao) before collected.
yah... very far from us. But can use postage.. i bought the calendula and aloe vera... postage (inclusive of bubblewrap, registered mail etc) was $4.50 if i didnt remember wrongly. But that bp was organized by another pax.

the mothercare sudocrem that i am using also cleared all my ger's eczema. maybe u could try also.


tks for helping me carry my ger yesterday too! first day back at work? *pat pat* afternoon already, very soon can go home liao!
Choo, Evee uses mame poko for nite no leaks too.

starluster, the aloe vera gel is for what use?

Mummies bottlefeeding your bbs, usually how long you take to bottle feed your bbs for each feed? Do they keep falling asleep?
actually i ordered it when 3 or 4 month pregnant coz i was having very bad itch... and read that its really good.. so tot of tryin. But there was some problem with BP organizer, so I got the items only in Dec!

On the tub it says its for Face, Body, Diaper Area, Scrapes, Burns and Scars. Recommended for eczema & other skin sensitivities. But I havent used it yet.

Read before that the calendula cream is more effective for eczema though.

Yes! My bb keep napping oso.. Did u check out bobianah's post on how to train bb rgd bottlefeeding? Can try it out..

Thanks for the info. Hmm... maybe I'll try the sudocream from Mothercare as suggested by doggiebb 1st, since it's cheaper :p

Hugz hugz... a few more hours can go home and see your darling liao!!

BB sleeping now, think I better go and rest 1st before she wakes up again!! :p
yeah hor, i forgot tat u reommend sidocream to Bloom. i hv mothercare discount voucher. will try tat first.

how's ur first day?
clearing paper work/email?

tkz. no nd to post leh coz Afcai n Connie gave me e details liao. i will try my luck tmr
i m so tempted to go vanessa place 2molo. really veri keen to see all the cute bbs n select one gf for my boi. keke..
chang, u going also? since we jus live next blk to each other, wanna to go 2gether?
wow there is another gathering tomoro...enjoy yourselves mummies and babies...

few more hours to go and you are free for the rest of the day... gambatte

to all who have collected the NTUC goodie bag, what is in it ah? i have not collected too... totally forgot about it...hee
hi mummies,im fm jan mum been reading ur thread n saw the pic u guys hv recently so envy..can i ask a quest my gal hving pimple all over the face fm forehead spread until whole face,may i knw wats the cause of it n wats the solution n is it very common for baby?she is 1 mth n 3 days old
Linette & Doggiebb
How abt a north gathering next week? If it is on Tue, I'll hv to leave by 3pm latest. No time restriction on other days. I'm fine to go over to Doggiebb's house. Can see her furkid as well
thanks for smsing vanessa's addy!

Vanessa, chang n other "west side mommies"
see you tomorrow!

wow, quite an experience for you to be alone...I can see it's not easy for you. We are already juggling to cope here in SG with our parents support, but you made it on your own!
hang in there!

starluster, qgs
hope u hv success feeding ur bbs. Another thing i do to wake bb up is to stroke her hands or put her in her cot and rub her chest. Sure wake up. But so far, being firm and holding bottle as i described abv, worked well. I'm waiting to see what new "tricks" my ah ger is going to devise this week to challenge us! :p
Were u the one that posted the info on fridge to go. Will u be buying? I'm considering as would like to continue bf when I return to work next month.

Is it more suitable to store milk in bottles or bags when using the fridge to go. Do we need to buy ice block?
just saw the pictures of the outing. aiyoh, all your bbs sooooo cute!!!
my bb is so botak compared to all the cutie pies.

As per Jackie's request, I would like to invite you to my place on the 4th day of New year. Pls RSVP cos my place cannot take too many ppl. If the no. is too many, may need to change location liao
Or does anyone wants to offer their hse? :p

juz kpo at other thread n found tis info

Date : 2/3 4/3 (Mother and Baby Fair).
Venue: Suntec City Hall 401

wanna got together??
