(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

my wrist considered small... my sis slimmer than me but my wrist is smaller.. :p so body size to wrist size ratio, mine is small when compared to my sis.. :p

u muz take care leh.. doc told me tt once kana, usually not easy to recover.. need to take medication.. usually steroids will do the job... but since i bf... he dun prefer to give me oral steroid although it shdn't pass to bb.. so he gave me other anti inflammation medication.. if still not okie, got to take steriod liao.. if oral steriod still can't help, will need to go for injection at the painful site liao... tt's steriod injection.. but tt one is okie for bf mommies as it's localised to tendon area.. sure won't pass to bb...

u went for interview? changing job ah? :p me wish to change job leh.. but dun dare start applying now as i still want to enjoy ML.. :p scare later they want me start work asap den i got to forget abt my ML liao...

Hi ericwinz,
welcome to this thread. never seen u in this thread before.

yup, my gar also hiccup often. even tough when she is in my tummy, she hiccup often too. but hiccup will only last less than 10 mins.
Hi Tan SL,
my gar also got pimples (very tiny one) at the side of both her eyes. the only thing I did was to put power on her pimple (use finger). the pimple will be more outstanding if her face is red. but it will resolve on it own after sometimes.

some info regards to pimple(acne), cradle cap etc...

the advice is to Kkep the skin clean but do not disturb the pimples. They will go away on their own.
Hi Jackie,
u are right. shape will inprint there so then I always move her ard the mattress so that mattress will not sink in. but when I bought the playpen, the mattress is not included. I bought it separately at John little when it is having 20%.

so is the tailor made mattress very hard type?if so, maybe yr bb dun get use to it.
Your babies can sleep thru the night already? Thats very good! Mine still wake up every 3 hrs for feed..the longest record is 4.5 hrs and that happen only once

Welcome! My boi hiccups alot too..even after we burp him, he still hiccups too..Like shihui mentioned, hiccups is normal for babies..dun hv to worry..

My boi seems to be shedding hair leh....got bald patches on his head now..looks like gotta shave his head eventually if he kept shedding hair....
hi ladies,
want to check when to change teats?

i be going back to work next mth..very fast...sending my bb to mil place...she will bbsit for me...
i thought of getting another cot or playpen..which one is better?
Hi Bloom,
my bb also needed lot of time to pat pat to slp. now training her to slp on her own tough more time is needed, but it is worth it rather than making a habit always carry her to slp. sometimes, when she is drowsy, I put her back to her playpen and slp and she will doze off soon.

yup, even KKH also give Nan to bb. but acc to the nurse, sometimes, they will change the brand of FM. dunno why cos did not ask.

I realise that bf bb 's poo does not smell but just very 'er xin' only. the only smell is the fart. tonite, my gar is gg to poo (she poo every 2 day), will be getting ready to receive her curry sauce poo.
I also hv wrist pain..read that the pain will eventually go away but may take as long as 6-7 months...
Hello ladies

Finally have time to log in. Only managed to scan thro some recent posts, apologies if I missed out anything.

Read that Reyna is sick. Hope she is ok now. You take care too...

I want to meet up too!! I want to talk to an adult lah!!! :p But my confinement only ends next week, altho having 1st month party this sun. Will see if we can meet up the following week. Keep me informed!

Yesterday was a nitemare. My girl didn't sleep from 6+am to 10pm!! She keep fussing and fussing, then when I finally managed to rock her to bed, she'll sleep for 1/2 hour then suddenly wake up crying.... I nearly went berserk... luckily the CL is still here. she didn't used to be like tat before... then at nite hubby came back and then noticed that she seems to be breathing thro her mouth and not her nose. Then we checked and realised that both her nostrils are totally blocked by "gold"!! That's the reason that she can't sleep properly. We managed to suck out using the nose cleaner, and she finally slept at 10pm. Phew!!!

But I was still very worried so brought her to see PD today. PD says is normal, just have to clean her nostrils. But then realised that she has quite a lot of wind in her tummy, so gave her medicine in case it develops into colic. Then she also has baby acne... gave her cream.... hopefully she'll look nice nice this sun for her full month party.

so worrying leh... tt our bbs r not waking up 4 nite feedings, wake up liao oso like nt v hungry... strange ar? a bit worried now. cos my lousy weighing seems to show tt mandy is losing weight again altho she feels heavier... sigh..

karen wee,

wah, ur bb's 1 mth premature n he's 5kg at 6wks already? tt's gd. wat's her' birthwt? mine is 1.5mths premature, now 2 mths old liao still haven't reach 4kg... n there she is, missing her nite feedings... dunno to b happy or worried...


all e best tonite. so e new mattress shld b more comfy rite? hope jovey gets used to it soon then!


yah... hope to meet up some other day. always holed up at home oso sian... just went jogging at e park. wah, run w 2 heavy breasts full o milk q sian leh... maybe shld get a sports bra...


i took panadol twice yest n by afternoon i's fine already. just groggy n giddy... today feel alrite, esp after e long sleep last nite.

so how's ur interview?
any one has any idea if a baby will latch on after a month on milk bottles? am still trying to get my BB to latch on but to no avail.

Hi Gan,

u're so lucky that ya BB sleep thru to the morning after falling asleep at 2.30am. Mine will fuss from his 11pm feed to his 1am then sleep. but after 3 hrs he'll be awake again for his next feed. in addition to that, he normally finish his milk in 30 - 45mins then after burping him, setting him to sleep, i'll only have less than 2 hrs to sleep. it's been like this from the day we're back from the hospital
t's bcos he has a lot of wind in his tummy that'e y he's so fussy.

Any mommies have any recommendations on how to make BB sleep longer?
talking about meetup, shall we arrange our third gathering for feb? maybe during CNY that period? i don't mind offering my place but its at bishan and i think a lot of mummies actually live in the west right?


my wrists also painful.think also because i am small boned.


my CL was telling me...can change to M size teat about 4 mths but to monitor before that if bb starts to fuss at the bottle.


my ger also must marry rich hubby liao. aircon not on will start to fuss...once on aircon, will sleep like piggy
my ger's birth weight is 2.81kg.

I'm always very sian during nightfalls coz i know my baby will make things difficult for me. Let's hope this will be over soon.
juz recover from fever, you went jogging liao.
salute salute

i am figuring out a way to weigh Meg coz her next checkup is in Mar for her jab.
sian hor.....dun sleep also problem, sleeping thru also problem

how did the interview went? you send Kathleen to the bbsiter awredy?
i comfirm with my bbsitter leh. will be sending Meg over end of Mar.

i am keen for the gathering. will you blast the aircon??? then i am sure Meg will not fuss much

1. MBB
Hi Ladies,

I'm back. Reyna jus got discharge ard 5pm today. What happen tat day was we went to KKH a&e to see dr for her cough. Upon checking, dr confirmed she got bronchiolitis, airway infection, so got to admit immediate for treatment n observation. Now she's back with me, still coughing n breathing heavily, but she's alert n fine. Thanks for all the well wishes n sms.

Thanks for helping me to convey the msg...

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it
glad reyna is doing fine now..
lately the wind very cold.. be careful of the wind leh.. esp if it's the north wind.. my mom said tt north wind very cold one.. can make pple sick...

i'm keen for the gathering too..

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it
3. Shihui
halo shihui

my gal is 7 weeks liao... now awake dun wan to sleep... hopefully today will sleep throughout the nite.. seem like going a battlefield...

so how old is ur baby
Hi Afcai, oohh.. I didn't know that brown discharge is called lochia.. I wish it would go away, I have very little now, but still have to wear a pad, and it irritates my wound.

yar, I also dunno why my doctor didn't use the dissolvable thread, maybe because my wound is too big I guess. :p The pain from the wound is gone, but there is still a prickly feeling, and it is pretty uncmnfortable. Did u get that too?

You are right, baby is like sponge, not only sponge everyone's time, also sponge $$! haha..

the anti colic drop is supposed to prevent colic. I think the PD just gives to all his patients. My cousin came to my house recently and said I should use it. The doctor said I just need to put 2 drops in each feeding.
Oh yes, seahorse does tailor made mattress

The mattress is those hard type similar to the adult mattress. Now BB dont sweat so much liao

Thank u

Glad that reyna is fine, u do take care n rest hor.

Job interview?? Hope it went well

Blasting of air-con, Jovey love it too...Can sleep like a log

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
karen wee
hi. my bb is also 6 wks old and she is drinking 110ml of fm every 3hrs. shouldn't be a prob.

hi. my bb hiccups very often also. most of the time i just let her finish her round of hiccups. my mum lets her drink water tho...

am cutting down on expressing also. now can don't express for 24hrs and no engorgement. tried expressing yesterday and only got 50ml. when r u going back to work?

the condition sounds serious ya? pls take care. by the way, i use pet pet for both kids and it's ok. don't have to change every hr la. my girl use and can tahan max 4-5hrs so far with no leakage. my boy can tahan 2hrs max coz more pee.

i'd worry too if i were you. what about feeding her at 5hr intervals? then you still can get your sleep and she gets her feed?

2mths old bb can still drink fm for 0-6mths. my girl is drinking similac. she seems to like it much. i use two brands of diapers. pet pet and mamy poko. so far no leakage problems and rashes prob for my girl.

is your gathering for those of you who have met b4 or anyone interested?
glad reyna is discharged already. bb fall sick parents most sim tia one... you must take care of yourself too ya?
1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui

Hope can make it too.. missed u ladies

I think regarding the pap smear, the pain was because I knew my inside still not healed..

Thru out the pregnancy, no MS, no major prob, labour also ok. But the main prob is the tearing down there lor, coz think they look at my size and never thought BB will be big, didn't cut enough, then I got many extra tears inside. Else, must be hubby's fault. Must be lack of 'exercises'..
aiyo, today was so disappointing. got a call just b4 i went to kk saying that the plastic surgeon has an emergency meeting, so can only see madeleine next wk. aiyah, i prepared a long list of questions to ask him u know. then went to kk for orthodontist appt, n madeleine was sobbing like crazy when the orthodontist fitted her nose stent. think it's super uncomfortable for her. see already i also felt uncomfortable. found out that madeleine's lip/gum surgery date was scheduled for 27 mar. so far away! n her cleft has almost touched liao. even the nurses cannot explain why she has to wait 2 mths for her surgery when she already has her nose stents. usually surgery is scheduled 1 mth after nose stents r inserted leh. sigh.

madeleine was fussing the whole afternoon cos she cannot get used to the new nose stent. think this will be another 72 hrs of hell, just hoping that her routine won't be too badly affected. she already has her tiny fingers around the stent, trying to rip it off. cleaned her retainer n stent, then i realised that i forgot to add lubricant to the stent. now cannot sleep, cos i'm v. worried to wake up n see her nose bleeding fr friction.

thanks leh. sure u dun want to exchange samples? i sms u tomorrow or the day after to collect the sample?

hope ur hands r hurting less today. to recover fr carpel tunnel syndrome, u need to rest ur hand. maybe let pin heng drink fr bottle these few days until u feel better, then latch him on again.

i like pet pet cos my daughter's bum doesn't turn red in it. :p i change at every feed, cos i find that it leaks if i stretch to 2 feeds.... or maybe it's bcos my gal is outgrowing s size. if u want, i can send u a sample of the s size, think i will hv half a pack extra.

so lucky! sleeping thru the nite consistently. i dream of the day madeleine will do that. my pd said vaccinations can be taken +/- 2 wks fr the date. so a vaccination in the 3rd mth can be taken anytime between 2.5 to 3.5 mths.

my gal was drinking 120ml every 3 hrs at 6 wks too. as long as bb can tolerate the feed, it should be ok. guidelines r just guidelines lor, every bb is different.

the preliminary date given is mar 27, but we r hoping to change to early mar. if early mar, then i wun mind lumping the ent surgery together with lip surgery. but if docs think the date cannot be changed, then i will send madeleine for surgery on sunday liao.

welcome theng theng.

madeleine is like megdelene, likes aircon, dun like to sleep in the day, wants to be carried, n consolidating sleep till at night.

glad to hear reyna is discharged n fine. hope her cough disappears soon.

dun think i will join u gals for the gathering. madeleine will either be between surgeries or gearing up for her first, think i will be exhausted.
morning mummies!!!!

glad dat reyna is discharged. hope dat her cough will b ok soon...u take care 2...how's ur hives?

serene, dora, choo
great!!!!...i would luv 2 meet up 2
but i dun dare 2 offer my place as i ve 3 medium size dogs...can u imagine my 3 dogs whinning & our babies fussing at the same time....heehee...anyway, next wk is fine with me...keep me updated....btw, since we dun log in everyday, mayb can sms each other...my no is 91524833...

ohhh....yeah!!! another gathering in feb...count me in, cant wait 2 meet up with u ladies & ur babies...heard so much abt them

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang

aiyo...ur wrist pain sound serious....mine oso pain but still can tahan....u take care ah...

hope bb madeleine will get used 2 her new nose stent soon...jia you jia you ok

wow....u very on ah....cycling, jogging...u re my idol...
anyway, glad dat ur fever ok liao

after going thru ur posts, i realised my bb philson is the sleeping champion....he can slp fr 7pm to 2am....7hrs without waking up 4 feed.....last nite he even slept fr 7pm to 4am...9hrs leh....how ah??? shld i wake him up??? but everyday he still ve 6 feeds. each feed is 150ml of fm plus some miserable amt of bm fr his mummy me...anyway he dun slp much during the day....mayb 3 or 4 hrs....headache man
Morning mummies,
gd to know that Reyna is back home with you.

Feb Gathering
Tentitively what day/time will it be on? Am interested to join but need to see if I will be avaliable on that date.
gd morning!!
last night i went nap at 10.30pm.. ended up sleeping like pig till 6am!! aiyo.. woke up soak with bm... n shock tt my bb missing.. realised tt my mom carry bb out to sleep with her aft his midnight feed so tt i can get undisturbed sleep.. :p she said i sleep until i din hear bb's cry... :p luckily i got EBM in the fridge...

my boy now 6 weeks..

pet pet now having discount at ntuc leh.. 2 packets for $15.50.. if it's gd, think i will go get 2 packs to standby.. hehehee.. me now using drypers.. seems gd too..

the gathering is for everyone lah...
come come..

ohh.. can i hav a sample? hehehe.. :p u free on fri afternoon? i will be bringing bb to pd for his long overdue 1st mth check.. aft tt can drive to ur place to pick up..
u want to try drypers or pampers bb dry? i let u try try..

hmm.. got to wait 2 mths ah.. den she got to tahan her nose stent for 1 more mth than other bbies ah? u try letting her wear mittens? else if she really managed to grab the stent den jialet liao.. hope she will settle down soon...

for my hand hor, now staying at mom's place.. so she helped me quite alot.. managed to rest my wrist more... hopefully it will get better b4 i go home..
Morning Ladies,
These 2 days in hospital was like a training ground... learn abit of things and abt the illness. I stayed in a 5 bedded and a few kids admitted yesterday also suffering from the same symptons, so I think it's the virus that are attacking all the kids. Mine was lucky that she didn't develop fever, else will be a big case. I will be bringing bb for the pneumoccocal(sp?) jab due to this condition cause I'm afraid after this episode, her lungs will be weaker, so better get her to jab for that.

Aiyo, the nite b4 was very bad, cannot sleep, it spread from my limbs to my body, whole body itch and slowly to my lips. I told my hb that my lips like 2 sausages like that... Cannot tahan liao, ask hb to fetch me to see a GP, so we asked his sis to look after Reyna for us while we go to the GP in JW Extension. Didn't take the jab, cos the jab will be very drowsy and I can't afford that, so I took the pill instead. Also drowsy, but can lun lor, and the hives disappear and till today. Last nite I konked out, I fell asleep on the sofa and hb keep waking me up to bed.

My gal can also sleep from 10+pm to 4/5am w/o feed, I also can't be bothered...hahaha...

I was told by 1 mother that sometimes if bb is feeding enough in the day, they won't wake up too often at nite, so mayb Philson is the case?

I got my ice cream on Monday, but no chance to try... see if I can try abit tonite...
The gathering is for all mummies who are interested. Try to make it, promise u it would be fun

How come the hospital give u such lousy date for BB Madeleine surgery?? Hope u can get a better date. Madeleine condition improve alot n u r really doing a wonderful job. Continue to jia yu

CF, Vanessa,
Wow, yr BB so good can sleep for 6-7hrs without feed....I am still waiting for this day to come...

Take care hor, no joke taking care of 3 kids when u r sick.

Shiok hor can have undisturb sleep
...Mummy still the best right...Hope yr wrist can recover b4 u move back to yr plc
Hi mommies,
I have given birth to my 2nd princess on 27 Dec. Can I join in the gathering??

<font color="aa00aa">Qian Hui</font>,
Can u add me to the list pls? Here are the info. Do let me know if u need me to furnish u other details..

Nick: Serrich
EDD: 7/01/07
DOB: 27/12/06
Birth Wt: 2860g
Mtd: Epi C-Sect
BB Name: Shania
Birth Order: 2nd

<font color="ff6000">Scholar Brush</font>,
Any of u did the Scholar Brush for ur bb? I got the brochure from Taimaobi bt I heard that their prices are quite steep.

My first daughters Scholar brush was done by babeszone.com bt I find their quality and service so-so only.. Have u all got any other recommendations??

<font color="119911">ericwinz</font>,
My gal is using Nepia in the day and Mamy Poko in the nite.

<font color="0000ff">vanessa</font>,
Wish Reyna a speedy recovery..
U stay in JW?? I am also a JW dweller!

u can still try to latch on lah. mine started w bottle n was on it 4 her 1st 2 weeks but she had no problems latching on later. it depends on e personality o ur bb too. gd luck!

MBB, Chang,

i'm e kind o who'll die if i stay still 4 too long. i need to move vigorously once in a while. plus now w so many aches here n there, exercising does help. i wanna get slim n fit n build up my stamina mah!


glad tt reyna's discharged. n u were suffering fr hives too? hiyoh, must b tough on u. gd thing u recover liao. hope reyna gets well soon!

nowadays weather siao siao one, sometimes hot like hell, sometimes rain non stop... no wonder there's e virus going ard. hiyoh, must be careful liao!

ruffybear, alabone, och,

thx 4 e info on vaccination.


must wait so long ar? then madeleine will suffer longer leh... will u ask e doc y? at least ease urself a bit... anyway, all e best 4 e surgery!


mandy slept thru e nite again. she slept from 11+pm last nite. this morn at 8+am still nt awake yet. so i went to wake her up. q happy she slept thru lah but yet still a bit worried. n felt a bit guilty tt i slept 4 so long... heh heh...

chang, can fight w ur philson liao, oso 9hrs! i oso slept 9hrs!!! oops... mummy oso sleepyhead!

altho concern bt her weightgain but since it's a gd habit to sleep thru e nite n she's acquired it herself, i dun wanna break it lah. sekali she tinks must wake up 4 feed one then how? since q a few o u oso let bb sleep thru i'm more fang xin lah..

i'm interested in e gathering!

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi

btw, it's opened to everybody lah! dun shy dun shy... come lah..
dryper seem to have linkage.. my friend and used it and i alway find my ger wrap wet wet... thus wanting to change better one for her.. since petpet not bad.. mayb can try
Ruffy, now dunno if need the bags anymore (if somebody else need, you can pass to them first)as Evee seems to be rejecting frozen milk. She kept crying and rejecting when i tried thawed frozen milk on her last nite end up have to give her freshly expressed milk. Am trying again today and next few days to see how, if she really reject then jiat lat when i return to work, won't have enough BM since i cutting down to 4 pumping sessions per day. Was thinking since she like quite picky, reject teats, reject frozen milk, scully reject FM also then how?

Mummies, any of you have given thawed frozen BM to your bbs? they taking it ok?

Karen Wee, my bb sleeps through the nite since 1.5months so din wake up 3 hourly for milk at nite..maybe bec she only catnaps for 15mins 2-3 times during the day.

Kimi and CF Chang, wah you all have the chance to sleep thru for 9 hours...on average Evee sleeps through for 7-8 hours at most and bec i have to do other things once she sleeps usually i slept only 5 hours so still feel tired everyday.
If reject FM then may have to try goats milk, lactose free milk etc?
Roy on mixed feeding (BM/FM) bottle &amp; direct latch from day 1 so hopefully he is used to the different ways of eating so incase no BM he will take FM from bottle..so far so gd..he take all without much fuss when he is hungry.
hope your inner tears won't give you anymore probs and heal soon.

hope bb won't be too uncomfortable with the nose stents and that you can rest enough.

wow! your mummy v nice! and isn't it shiok to sleep for such long hours? enjoy the time at your mum's pl. and thanks for info regarding promo for pet pet diapers. will go get it today otherwise no more liao.

CF Chang,
wah, your philson also good sleeper hor? really can sleep v long hours. if only my nat girl will do so...

seems like more and more bbs are sleeping thru the nights leh. how come mine isn't???

you must have heaved a sigh of relief now that reyna is discharged. lucky then that you brought her to hospital soon enough.

glad medicine helped in getting rid of hives. take care.

am interested in meeting other mothers and seeing so many bbs together!

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone

your mandy and philson having sleeping competition! how to make them sleep like that? teach me please!!! nat keeps waking to drink and drink leh. think she growing too fat liao la.
great! glad dat ur hives ok liao...seems like ur GP not bad, mayb can recommend 2 bobianah. her hives like very long liao...dun noe now ok ornt

aiyah! tok abt ice cream. MBB sms me 2 sms u on fri...dat day went pak toh wif hubby (1st time after give birth) 4got 2 bring my hp....went hm saw MBB sms, was going 2 sms u but nanny called so return call then go nanny pl...after dat 4got all abt it....bad memory :p btw, wat flavour u get? let me noe nice ornt....heehee

oh ask u ah....reyna izzit cough whole day b4 u bring her 2 c PD? my bb philson oso cough once or twice per day...but only at nite...dun noe must bring c PD ornt....

kimi, QSG
mandy is the winner....her slping time better....mine slp at 7pm....dat's my dinner time, then after dat i wanna watch tv.....luv dat channel u 10pm hk show....watch until 11pm....so i only get 2 slp for abt 5hrs the most....same as QSG

mummies, yterday i start work loh.....went back 2 tuition liao....put bb philson at my nanny aka students' mum's pl....he whole afternoon dun wanna slp.....bully his nanny....heehee...i was there for 3hrs, teaching her children, so get 2 c bb philson &amp; hear him fuss....so didnt really miss him :p
Your wound down there still pain? The tear must be quite huge then cos we gave birth almost the same time and mine heal liao..but i still hv phobia doing "it" with hubby lor..scared will tear it apart!

By the way, my menses came liao..I tot breastfeeding will delay the menses?

Hipee! Another gathering! But we will most prob be tending to our crying babies than chatting lor..hehe..anyway will be very keen to look at the babies!

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
Hi Choo, MBB, Och, Bloom and Shihui,

Yup, I am finally back in Italy. It's now 5:45am, we got home about 20hrs ago and have been busy unpacking stuff. Hb and I were quite relieved that baby has been rather cooperative for most of the 18hr long journey.

I've been having a terrible backache for quite a while, anyone else experiencing that? Managed to squeeze in a hot stones massage on the last day before I left Singapore and it helped a bit... but now over here, no such luxeries,,,, sigh.

Ok, going back to bed, will try find time to catch up with the forum later today.
The ice cream I bought Chocolate &amp; Hersey n Oreo &amp; Cream.... hope to try later... drooling...

Oh, back in Italy liao.... I got a funny feeling with u back in Italy, but dunno how to describe... siao hor me? :p
wah wah! so gathering is ON...

except i just realised, i've got 2 little problems...so excited to have gathering and never think so far..wahaha

1. i live in a mansionette so downstairs no aircon...oops!

2. i've got a little white doggie too, not sure if some mommies want their babies to be near dogs.

how how? any other volunteers for a better venue.

if not and if you all dont mind, then what i can do is

1. we all periodically hide upstairs in the aircon room when it gets too warm

2. and i will confine my doggie

i also got a bumper mat so all the babies can lie on it together.
oh....ur menses is back? so fast? i thot mine will b one of the earliest here cos partial bf...mostly on fm...but until now still no sign...hope dun come so fast :p

oh, u back in italy oredi...do keep in touch

drooling 2......sound yummy....

heehee....all the babies on the bumper mat must b real cute :p
I just try a spoon each. Think chocolate n hersey taste good... Oreo only so-so, but must take 1 big cup then can really taste it out...
shihui, ahhh.. i see... cos my wrist is small too.. so i was wondering if its bcos wrist/tendon is smaller so cannot take as much trauma as the rest of the mommies so we got more problem.... steriod!!!!! u r kidding... i am going to stop expressing..hopefully the wrist/joint/tendon will recover on its own... i don't want more medication leh..had been taking so much during pregnancy got phobia liao .. my ML ending soon mah..so can start thinking abt changing job.... 8 hrs of sleep! lucky u!

afcai ,suspect kkh will change when different sponsors approach them , cos i saw glass bottles of enfaclac before...hope my training works..cos alot of times she will wake up again after putting her back to cot... like today wail for 1 hour after feed at 6am as i rest abit more before bringing her to bbsitter's place... hahha..u r so funi.. like waiting for the poo to come on schedule....

Dora..so scary ah..I thot someone said the nose is self cleansing and we do not need to clean it?

kimi, mbb, jackie, interview was not really good..they require me to work OT and come back on odd hours....
and of course i do not fulfill all their criteria

kimi, wahh..still got time to go jogging.. i also told myself I must go jogging soon..... must train back my stamina after i had been holed up for 3 months...

mbb, so non smoker? :p will she be with bbsitter for day and night or daytime only?

Vanessa, good to hear that reyna is back....

alabone, u power leh! can dont express for 24 hr!!!!!yest i do a quick one at 5am (cos got interview in morning and bb was fussing so no time) then by the time i reach home at 3pm kena block ducts everywhere liao... so painful..now using cold cabbage ...hope it will reduce supply... at first still think of tong-ing till end of this week then start reducing ss but last night it was so painful i cannot sleep and feel like throwing up..... i will be going back to work on 7th feb..which is 2 weeks time...

och, maybe its time for u to be nasty and write letter and complain..sometimes govt hospital busy and short handed then they bully some patients..dont let it be madeleine

QSG, my bb is taking thawed frozen ebm ok leh..maybe its the temperature of the bm or the teat?

sylk, i tink all of us have backache.... :p at least i do...weather is freezing cold htere now right? bb taking it ok?

doggiebb, i dont think ur bumper mat will be big enuf for ALL the bbs right?

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
10. bloom (if can make it)
Hi Doggiebb,

I am staying in Bishan too. :D Would like to join in the gathering.

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
11. Mabellsh


Thawed / Frozen milk will change the smell and taste, some bb don't like that n totally rejected it. I've got a few calls complaining abt it in the BMSG hotline, so it's rather common. It's either u try the hard way out ie either she drinks it or go hungry, else u just got to give her fresh bm everyday. Last time my bb was given fresh bm everyday, cos I usually pump at work and safe it for the next day, only when it's on Monday, then she will take thawed milk, other days, she will have fresh bm. It's better to give fresh bm than frozen one anyway... If u r able to store the stash, u shld have enough for her in the day.
hi ladies,i wish to join the gathering too if u all dun mind...coz i have nvr met u gals b4...

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
10. bloom (if can make it)
11. Mabellsh
12. berry

my boy started to suck his mittens...try to give him pacifier but he "pui" out... wondering any ladies facing this?

its fine wif mi: ). hope to meet up b4 cny.

1. MBB
2. Vanessa (If I can make it )
3. Shihui
4. Jackie
5. Qianhui
6. CF Chang
7. Kimi
8. Alabone
9. Dey
11. Mabellsh
12. berry
13. serene
