(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

hi grace,

recently tricia also pulling/scratching her ear, so we were wondering why so. is it because her inner ears are itchy. tat y i really scan her ears and can see the er si.

hi jenny,

ya lor, i'm v scared cos heard my SIL hear, 1 of her colleague's son, er si got stuck and resulted in deafness in one side of the ear.

Garden? got smelly oil smell? their yam mooncake v nice leh, past few years, i've been buying from them. this yr, not getting any mooncakes, cos family mbrs not mooncake lovers.
crown prince hotel yam mooncakes also nice.

huh sengkang can feel? Think cause i sleeping and didnt feel anything but my cousin call me to say potong pasir earthquake.
My aunty potong pasir say was quite serious. She feels earthquake everytime and this time she carry my daughter and ran downstairs cause quite strong.
I am abit worried cause poton's pasir structure all quite old and they always experience earthquake. Aunty commented that they always take boat one -_-

I tried the durian mooncake from habour front restaurant. 1st box if using HSBC card to purchase, it will be 25%. 2nd box will be 30%. Original price is $46. Me and colleague share so we pay only about $33 per person quite reasonable and it's really very very nice!!.

I bought from Raffles place. the fair there.
Re the ear shit, just like wat pups mentioned. only deal with those outside, don't go and dig those inside hor. If not careful, will hurt Tricia. If you observe, sometimes the ear shit will drop out by itself.
If you worry with Tricia, bring her to see PD for a check.
I tasted the Garden Yam Mooncake at IMM leh, got "chou you wei", then I get very sick cos the smell like in my mouth like tat. I read with good comments, so I went to try, tot of buying mah. Ya, Crown Prince Yam super nice but the chief retired liao. But hor, I read they shifted to a country club leh, but is not done by him. Anyway got some mummies went to buy and tasted, said not as nice as before.

I think Doreen is the one who saw it. But a friend commented the helium gas that Spotlight is selling is not good enough. If you really want nice nice one, must get those professional helium tank from party shop.
I think shd be heavy bah, helium gas leh.

That's why I always dun like to go Fair with kids. Usually if really no choice, I use carrier. I never push stroller into Fair cos I always kena hit by stroller!! Some parents also very buay zi dong one, thinking got bb with them, use their stroller to purposely hit ppl, so ppl will give way. I saw with my own eyes and yes, I encountered before.
Haha, I bought Zhen Wei while in rush cos I wanna get out from the Fair before crowd come in. Who knows I got the wrong brand, but quite nice wor. I prefer to get those teochew yam mooncake who make on spot one, if not not fresh leh. Anyway, my hb finished liao hahaha... Now I left with a few pcs Marriot Strawberry Yogurt.
I know... I had wanted to just use my sling but cos the fair was not the only place we went to that day so hubby said better bring stroller. And the reason for me to carry K instead of putting him in stroller is so hubby can move the stroller around easier to avoid hitting people and not to obstruct people too much. At one point I think he closed it up.

Wah, you all eat so much mooncake already ah! Haha..
Hello ladies...

Me back... hey... me promoted liao... not at work but now I become "yee yee" liao.. hee...

My sister has just gave birth to a healthy boy who is 3.5kg this evening. Just went to visit her after dinner with my mum, hb and Rhys.

Poor thing, she admitted to MAH last mid-nite to be induced and until today afternoon 1+pm, still only 3cm dilated. And she got such painful contraction from midnite till then until she cried and cried... in the end, took her epidural in the afternoon, hoping it will fasten the labour wait.

But 6pm, gynae came and checked and only 4cm dilated, cervix swelling instead of thinning and baby head still high. So recommended my sis to go for emergency c-sect. And that's it. 10 mins later, a cute baby was borned.

Actually my sis was quite sad coz all this while she wanted to go natural and without epidural but in the end, got the opposite... but as I keep telling her, as long as baby and mummy are safe and sound, the rest doesn't matter...

I was so worried this afternoon until dun have mood to do work coz her hb told my mum that my sis cried and cried due to the pain.
I must say this leh, my sis is a person who can tahan pain one hor... I am the one who is "shio bah" one... ended up, she cannot take it... it must be really painful. I was still telling her that mine is not, and I can tahan without epidural...

But anyway, as long as they are fine, I am SO HAPPY. Too bad, din get to carry the baby coz he needs to be in the warmer. Tomolo ba... so exciting...

Being back to the same hospital where Rhys is born almost 1 year later (in fact 1 week later, will be exactly a year!!), really feels great!

But me and hb also very worried. We worried that with my sis and her baby doing confinement at my mum's place and together with Rhys, my mum dun know can handle or not. Plus my maid still quite new... sigh...

Hopefully after next week when my 3-weeks vacation starts, I can help them...

Sorry har... so lo soh... felt so excited, happy yet worried but dun know where/who to express to...
i also felt the tremours here in SK during the last quake a few months back. This time round i didn't feel it at first cos i was walking around whereas my maid felt it but thought she was giddy. It was only when my sis called me cos she stays at the same place and asked me if i could feel the swaying that i realised it.
The tremours were felt all over SG cos my parents felt it at Marine Parade also.

I read an article that the ear is self-cleansing cos no need to dig. The article says that digging could result in scratching the surface skin and cause infection instead.
For me, i don't dig Emma's ears except use cotton bud to clean the outside region. But for Joshua, the ear wax tends to get wet and harden when water gets in during swimming or bath, so i will juz gently try to dislodge it with the ear pick when he is sleeping without scratching the walls of the ear.

i've not opened my huggalugs to compare with bblegs yet. Will let u know.

I'm looking for nice baked skin green tea / jasmine tea mooncakes. Only want baked skin cos i don't really fancy snow skin. I love the Marriot ones last year but they don't do it this year.

It's during mooncake festival that i miss working. I miss eating all the free mooncakes sent over by the bankers. That's the best cos get to sample all the best ones all over. And of course i love the corporate mooncake sales also.
Congrats to being yee yee!
Wah so long! You were telling me at midnight last night that she was being induced. Double whammy, pain so long in the end still end up c-section. But like what you said, so long as both mother and baby are safe is most important.
thanks thanks bbgrace...

yah lor... I kept looking at my mobile this whole morning waiting for the call to tell me that my sis has gave birth... but nothing...instead got quite a few of my students called just to ask me stupig questions... bth...

Deep inside I was hoping that my sis wun end up like me, 15 hrs of labour coz both our case quite similar. Both of us are having BIG babies (her last scan was 3.7kg, actual 3.5kg while Rhys' last scan was 3.5kg, actual 3.8kg...) and both of us are induced.

well, everything is all fated lah... as long as everyone is safe and sound can liao...
Hi ladies!

I know i've not been active in this forum for a looong time.. but i just wanna share this with u mummies...

My Cheyenne can Walk liao! She's walking without support albeit alittle wobbly! Sooo happy coz i consider this as one of their major milestones! hehehe

now ever since she learned how to walk without support she doesnt wanna crawl anymore. just a few crawls and she'll pull herself up into squatting position, stand and walk. She can also squat down to pick up her toy.

she still cant talk much tho.. only papa (but not refering to hubby), mama (sometimes) and oh oh (for doggies) and her favourite - Mum Mum!! this greedy girl knows where i keep her biscuits. everytime when i carry her and walk past the cupboard she'll point to it and say MUM MUM!!!

just wanna share my gal's milestones here
You reminded me of the time when I was working in hospital and suppliers gave us mooncakes from all the different reknown brands! Sampled so much that I put on weight during that period. Oops :p

As for the earthquake, both times it happened, last night and this morning, we were in the car so didn't feel anything. But from what I heard from the radio this morning, the tremors can be felt almost island-wide.

Heard that the duration of labour is "hereditary" in a sense... so perhaps your mum had long labour too? But just so happy to hear that both your sis and nephew are safe and sound

My baby had only 2 lower teeth up tillabout 10 1/2 months when he cut his 2 upper incisors. I think it is ok, different baby develop at different rate and teething is one of those which differs from baby to baby
I prefer the toothless grin, actually. Haha.
sometimes stroller really troublesome hor? It comes useful when bb wanna sleep or for us to put our barang barang haha

Wow, Congrats! I think your family got "potential" to have big bbs!
Aiyo your mum doing confinement for your sis? Q siong for her wor. Gotta ask your maid to help help to look after Rhys. And also make sure bb is in playpen/cot, so Rhys can't touch him. Cos Rhys still "shi dong fei dong", dunno how to control the strength when he touches bb mah.

Congrats on C's milestones!
I ever came across bb 1 year still toothless leh. Shd be normal lah, cos once start teething, all coming out together.
congrats on Cheyenne's new milestone!! Looks like your gal more steady coz my boy hor, scared fall down so still dun dare to stand on his own without having support... hee....

Dun worry abt the teeth. As pups have said, different babies different growing rate... enjoy while you can man... I hate the teething period...

no leh... my mum very solid one... she gave birth to me and my sister like pooing like that... pop and out we goes... that is why she also cannot understand how come both of us had so long and difficult labour. She keep saying is becoz nowadays we keep going for checks and scans, do this do that... last time nothing and giving birth is so simple and easy... haa... I always tell her, of coz lah... now different era liao mah, see, nowadays the babies all so smart, not like last time gong gong one... haa.... she agree lor...

But I did found out that our family do have a history of having BIG babies... I was 3.7kg while my sis is 3.5kg. Now our babies are 3.8kg and 3.5kg too... hopefully my next one in future wun get bigger than 4kg liao... scary leh...
ya lor... all big big babies sia...
and yes, my mum doing confinement for my sis at my mum's place coz my sis's new flat not ready yet. We also scared she cannot tahan lor... but what to do... after next week, when I start my vacation, think will be better coz I free liao, can take care of Rhys myself... at least my mum not that siong... see how lor...
My maid ah... got to take care of my dad... and she still not very zai leh... and no initiative one... just gong gong sit there... sigh... I keep telling my mum to ask the maid to do the work instead of doing them herself, otherwise what for I spend so much money to get a maid...

more & more babies can walk liao!! yipee...Alvis also start walking now. but he still dunno pull himself up into squatting position, stand and walk. normally he will stand with support 1st, the let go & walk. but can walk & turn back.
very cute when see lil one walk. like humpty dumpty ..

Congrat!! u promote to yee yee liao. wow...seem like Rhys & his nephew 's weight almost same as their mom huh? all big size babies.

i received the huggalugs y'day. very rough lel, not soft at all. but the coulour is ok..btw, i order liberty.
i haven try on A yet.

my menses also haven come yet. last time i check wif GP, she said it's normal if we still bf.

I never clean A ears or nose. today a big 'nose shit' drop out frm his nose. it's been inside his nose few days liao, i knew very irritating but wat to do, he never let me to clean it.
so cute to see thse humpty dumpty hor! I love to see bbs at this stage walking, very cute!

Ya, I agreed the huggalugs very rough and thinner as compare to bblegs. I'm disappointed with both the color and quality. The color not bright enough, a bit dull. I compared the material, huggalugs is 15% nylon, whereas bblegs is 15% polyester. I also bought liberty leh. And the other pair is calm sea, color totally off. I'm thinking to get more bblegs. Very useful.
bblegs nicer, is it? me xin yang yang. & i show my collegues babytinz website. they oso wan to tumpang order.
y'day, hb open tat package when he back frm ofice. said i always bought 'we liao' things. wahaha..

yes...they walk like 'bu dao hung'..
Do your baby go infont of tv when u on it?
Alvis always doing tat lel. when i pull him back, he will do it again. i saw him move his hand like wanna grab things frm the tv. i scare will affect his eye sight lel.
R oso like ur A... i scolded oso no use, beat oso no use. so i switched off totally. at least it wun harm his eyes lah. at my parents plc, my mum use a huge chair to block it so tt he cannot reach the front of the TV.

Congrats tt u promoted to yee yee liao.
same like u, each time i go back TMC, i will think of the time tt i had delivered there. so nostalgic.

Hooray tt Rhys can walk liao. now we r encouraging R to stand unassisted on his own n taking 1 or 2 step forward. this boy got mood one lah, at times he will comply, sometimes he will juz ignore u.

yest, my sis' maid whom was at my parents plc came into the room n asked me if there was an earthquake. i dismissed tt remark as my dad was blasting his radio v loudly n usually it will cause some tremors as well. so i told her it was due to tt. who noes half an hr later, my aunt whom is only staying next block called n said she experienced the tremors. then subsequently i saw in the news there was an earthquake in Indonesia. i think it was pretty mild in central area. i was totally oblivious to it.

Congrats tt ur gal can walk liao. think girls r generally faster than boys.
if only me & him, i will off the tv. but my family will on tv frm 7pm onwards ma..
normally i m the one who block his way to reach the front of tv.
yeah...let him try.
now A happily walk & walk, but after a while, he lost his balance. think too tired liao..
Hello mummies,
So happy for all the babies completing their major milestone AKA WALKING...
Dunno when will be my turn. I'm impressed wif all of ur bbs who can talk... Mine still cant. Only will babble nonsense but it's okie... as long as he's happy. Then I'm a happy mummy!!!
hi mummies...

back at work today.. after a long break, very very sianz leh...

<font color="ff6000">vivian</font>
hehehe... rhys photos never fails to cheer me up... he's sooo cute!!! n full of expressions... u also, super patient n "ON" mummy... i very long time never take "proper" photos for A liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
hehehe.. saw ur clip liaoz... reli very "prompt" leh, once u "hit" J's mouth, immed start crying liaoz... ya, saw how she look back to see if u'd "sayang" her or not.... so funny....

<font color="ff6000">shirley</font>
sorry, Dor already "choped" n collected e FM from me on tue... but i hv 2 small packets of e Enfapro3, u wan???
thanks for doing up e spree, and accomodating me on collection yesterday.. paiseh i forgot to bring e paper, will do the funds trf to you tomorrow n let u know okay.... thanky thanky!!!
hehehe... i got a "peep" at ur hse yesterday cos ur maid let me in hor... wow!!! ur hse decor very cool, n ur wedding photo very beautiful!!!

<font color="ff6000">coral</font>
welcome back!!! aiyooo... u work 24hrs ar?? poor mummy... work can never be finished okay.. take care of urself n enjoy more time with Char lah...
eh.. any chance of u being MTB #6???

<font color="ff6000">congrats to cheyenne & alvis on achieving e walking milestone!</font>

<font color="0000ff">my bday party planning got a glitch liaoz.. PG says they don't do 3-D mickey mouse ears for me as a top-tier cos they afraid of infringing on copyrights... anyone got recommendations who can do? n e cake taste nice too????? thanks in advance!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">update on my maid: so far, i find her quite okay... she's learning n doing e work per my "schedule" for her... only mistake (MAJOR 1 somemore), was to open e door for e nepia delivery guy even though i told her specifically NOT TO. but she did "learn her lesson" and apologise to me many times for this mistake...

but i wana ask for advise on this problem with her... she's a "fresh" maid, 1st time overseas... n she got a 4yr old boy at home. i can tell she misses her family very much, and i empathise with her very much.. to e extent i sometimes feel like crying on her behalf leh...

(n it doesn't help that i'm planning A's birthday, so all e party supplies keep "appearing" in my hse.. n her boy's bday is just 1 week earlier than A's).
now we let her call home once a week, 10-15mins each call... n she juz wrote letter home too. im very tempted to let her call more often... but also afraid e more she call, e more she misses home.... we keep encouraging her to look on e "bright" side n work hard cos we promise her bonus when she completes her contract with satisfactory work performance mah....
how ar??? should i let her call home more often? im also thinking of buying a gift for her to send back for her boy's birthday... is it advisable? would it seem too "concern"???</font>
I'm very tempted to order more sets of bblegs... how how how?? I have 3 sets of bblegs and 1 huggalugs. Gave away 1 set of huggalugs cos I really dun like it.
My mum also say me for buying bblegs, but tat day we went out and I let Jaslyn wore, outside sun, I just removed. And my mum said very good. Phew... if she knows this "socks" cost $16+ per set haha... I sure kena nag from her.
The TV issue, I tell you hor, Jaslyn does that. She stands right in front to watch! Best, sometimes she treats the TV as toy and goes to hit the TV screen with her hands (when TV is on or off, she still hit)... bang bang bang! **faint**

Jaslyn will only bully me nia. If is hb, she won't cry or get him to sayang one. This notti gal always bully mummy.
You wanna check if smiling orchid does the cake? PG sure dun do one. They dun have copyright license. Sweet secrets, bengawan, swenson got copyright license but no customized cake design.
Your maid issue, I know what you mean. Scare wait treat maid too nice, wait they "bully" us. But if treat them no good, like we so bad. Thats why my hb never wants a maid. I think once a week is enough bah. Some only get to call home once a mth leh. As for your maid's boy's bday. If I'm you, I will get a gift. Sort of like "buying her heart over" so she can rest her mind with her family and do a good job to your family. But up to you to decide.

Regarding Maid

I used to think like you do previously and that is my BIGGEST mistake. Dun be too overly concern.. maids will tend to think you cannot do without her... and will go overboard with each thing that you let her do..and slowly, they will take things for granted.. for example.. buying gifts for her son to send back... calling home every now and then ...she will think that all these are well deserved by her be it she's very very good or bad. So now, with this current maid, i do let her call home, but restricted to 1 and half weeks once and as for letters, once a month. I buy for her necessities for now coz she have no $$, but it was agreed that once she gets her full pay, if she wants to get her own brands of stuffs to use, i will stop buying for her and she will fork out money herself to buy. And this goes for the phone call thing.. actually now, she is paying for her own calls home already with the overseas calling card. It's only when they need to pay, they will feel the pain, they will try to restrict themselves, and be more hardworking. I'm really speaking from experience coz I had 5 maids before the current one i had...
thanks <font color="ff6000">jenny & haze</font> for e advise...
you both juz reflected my conflicting thoughts... *haiz*.. sometimes its reli "hao ren nan zhuo" hor... too nice kena bullied/taken advantage of... be more fierce/strict, its not in my character to do so...
with regards to phonecall, i think i'll stick to once a week bah... cos i dont restrict her letters home...
i dunno how "smart" she will turn out to be, cos its her 1st time working overseas.. n she seem to be from e "poor countryside" type of maid lor... she doesn't have off-days either, n even if she goes downstairs, she'll be "monitored" by my mum.. we don't intend to let her go down by herself as of now.... so reli dont know if she will come up with all those "funny ideas" or not...
To share...
Mummies who want to know the contact and location for the party shop at holland v. You know where the standard chartered bank, swensons, burger king is? The party shop is along this stretch, right at the end. At level 2. I just went on Tues and realised they sell cheaper than shops at concourse.

concourse loot bags selling at 20 pcs for $7.50. They sell at $6.50.
Those simple round shape helium balloon, concourse quote $8.50 and they are selling at $6.50.

Party City
277A Level 2
Holland Ave
Singapore 278994
Tel: 6462 6011
Operating hrs : Weekdays till 7pm, weekend till 6pm. I forgot to check what time they open, think is 11am. Call to check.

Another branch at:
252 North Bridge Rd #03-28
Raffles City Shopping Centre
Singapore 179103
Tel: 6336 2161

Email: [email protected]
I think Haze is right. Get her to pay for her own overseas call. Like that she will feel the pinch and restrict herself to call. As for letters, I think as long as she finishes her work, up to her but maybe like post out once every 1 or 2 week time.
As for gift, I think a small and not expensive one should be ok. Anyway only once a year. We also want the maids to treat our kids good mah. The maids are afterall other parents' kids, who wants their kids to be mistreated.
ya lor..dunno how to teach him dun go near to the tv except pull him away. Jaslyn very cute...bang the tv. Alvis hor..grab 'things' frm tv. wahahahha...
u wanna order more bblegs? my hb oso ask tat socks so exp huh?

me jialat...havent decide on my cake yet...thought of ask PG design for me ...easy job. haha...

cant help u on maids issue.
the most impt is she treat Ayden nice.
<font color="0000ff">MAID RECOMMENDATIONS</font>
Never knew I will need this help so soon but yes, I need recommendations on good maid agency cos need to get a maid for my grandparents. My grandma is very sick n both are staying on their own so grandpa wanna have a maid to help look after grandma n do the hsework too.

I am really clueless when it comes to maid cos i nv like having 1 and nv thought of having 1 too.

Anyone kind enough to help me here.

<font color="0000ff">littlekid</font> i went to check out the helium tank and they have 2 sizes. small one comes with some free balloons and cost $69.90 while the big ones cost $79.90 without any balloons. Not very heavy lah. manageable i think.

I hired this current maid from LGS Maid Agency at Coronation Plaza. U can look for Carol. So far so good, a few of my friends had their maids from her before i took mine from her. They never change, i think the most is change for a 2nd one oni.. due to criteria mismatch.. their Filipino maids got very good attitude and very hardworking. She actually came up to my place at night to show me interview videos and port folios of the maids. Of course, first things first, you gotta let her know your criteria.. like what is most important, what you cannot tahan..If you are able to select the maid on the day, she will actually make a call to the maid immediately and let you speak with her, so that you can do a short interview as well. her number is 97632318.

It really depends on the character / nature of your maid. Some will feel extremely homesick after each phone call home and then will cry or no mood to do work. my sis' maid is like that whereas my maid seems ok cos she is used to being away from home when she worked in the hospital last time. Plus my maid dun call home often cos it's v expensive to call myanmar.

I think once a week is enough. If you are paying for it, then i would say that once a week is sufficient. Don't need to be overly nice in the beginning cos they may take you for granted after that. Maybe if you are happy with her performance thereafter and can reward her with a once off additional phonecall. That way she knows that she has to earn the priviledge. that's what i do for my maid.

As for her son's birthday, you can get a small gift or let her call home on his birthday.

It's a delicate balance. you have to let her know that you are a good and reasonable employer who will reward her if she performs well. And a happy worker is a motivated worker. But yet you cannot be overly nice else she will take you for granted and expect more.

My maid has no off days and neither do i allow her to go downstairs on her own except to wash the car. This is to minimise the chances of her mixing with other maids and picking up all the bad things.

Firstly you have to decide which nationality of maid you would like. Each has its pros and cons.
Then you also have to decide you want a fresh or experienced one.
I usually read the maid thread in this forum and have come to the conclusion that getting a maid is really a matter of luck. No matter which agency you choose, they can't guarantee you the maid will be a good match and afterall they are running a business so they will tell you that their maids are good. Most importantly is to choose an agent with reasonable agent fees, allow you multiple replacements. You have to look at the terms to make sure that you are not disadvantaged. If you want to get a myanmar maid, i can recommend you my agent.


I won't be coming to forum often as I am very tired nowsaday therefore this is my LAST mail.

Take care!

gtg now.
thanks mummies!!! they look so funny and cute when they just learnt to walk. C walks with 1 arm up and the other down, like Statue of Liberty. That's her way of balancing. hahaha! and yesterday while she was staggering around, she had hiccups. looked like she was drunk lor. very funny..

cheyenne's very garang kind, so she dare to walk without support. fell down a couple of times la, but i guess she learnt from there..hehe
hi mummies...

its friday!!!

where is everyone???

thanks everyone for e maid advise.. i've managed to "hold off" allowing her e 2nd call.. so will prob continue to let her call once a week lor...
after monitoring her for these few days... dunno leh, i kinda feel she's abit on a emotional roller-coaster.. sometimes see her sad, other times, she like very cheerful (i guess she might be "pretending").. so am abit worried abt her... hopefully she settles down soon...

<font color="ff6000">selina</font>
i cant help u much there... tis also my 1st time. i went to maid agency at Hougang Green, Home maid (e one with Chen Liping ad 1).. cos its recommended to me by quite a number of mummies... service wise is ok lah.. but no such thing as video interview to review lor.. all see based on "paper resume", which may/may not be accurate too....
i got a filipino maid for (1) english speaking, (2) supposedly they r more "advance", i.e. hygiene... so will feel safer when they take care of A n baby #2... so far, my maid's english is only like 3/10 but at least we can understand each other... n (3) my family can die w/o pork.. so filipino usually r christians, no need to worry abt them eating/handling pork or fasting during puasa month...

<font color="ff6000">storm</font>
share some of C's recent photos her leh... u got take video of her "Lady Liberty walk" or not??? very cute to see babies "toddling" around now...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
u stuck at e mooncake fair huh??? hehehe... nv see u ard today....
hee hee... you caught me ah kekeke... ya, yday and tomor stuck at the fair. Bought a lot for relatives/friends yesterday, today is for my immediate family and myself kekeke... four season durian very good buy, buy 3 boxes get 1 free while stock last leh, they having very good business.
Hi selina,
I ordered my balloons from Grefio. Too lazy to buy the helium tank and inflate the balloons myself... So muz pay a little more for their svcs.
wah... <font color="ff6000">jenny</font>, sounds like reli good deal hor.. too bad ur office too far for me liaoz.. else i cheong down.. but then again, my fridge already "FULL" liaoz.. cannot fit anymore "goodies" for me le...

mayb next year bah, my office be moving to somewhere near u liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">freshpoison</font>
me friday no mood to work.. somemore tis week i on leave till yesterday, lagi worse...
heheh.. i "ordered" helium gas from grefio... already bought e balloons liaoz... which day n when u celebrating K's bday ar??? paiseh i cannot remember...
the fridges at my office all fully booked today. colleagues were desperately looking for fridge to rent haha... Mine fulled with my own boxes liao. No space for other stuff, I gotta remove my stuff in the fridge.
So much durian mooncakes in the fridges, I was telling my colleagues today, just rob the fridge will do liao hahahaha...
Oh I think most vendors having good sales, especially Four Seasons Durian Pte Ltd and Raffles Hotel. Four Seasons is giving 30% off leh, on top of that, buy 3 boxes get 1 box 8pcs mini snowskin free. I bought 3 boxes of durian, and they gave me a free box of 8 pcs mini durian leh. My office having durian mooncake fest today with all the free boxes of mini mooncakes. Then Raffles is giving 25% off, Tung Lok is giving 30% off... the rest I can't remember liao.

Yr office moving somewhere near to mine next year? Ok lah, I inform you if got good deals kekeke...
I very toot leh jus saw u posted video n hor. I agree RHYS is considered WALKING liao lah n quite steady leh. My hubby ask D to watch the video n say D see lah korkor walk liao u still dun want to walk......hahahha
D few steps is the flying kind too fast n the body lunge forward kind. N now hor he suddenly want to crawl when we make him stand he will fa pi qi lor. But the crawl still commando style.....sigh

Congrats on your 'Promotion'......hahaha
Make you more gian for #2 hor kekeke

Gymboree called me to inform Sunday 4pm class no more liao. So I tell her I try to make it for the 3pm class last week lor. But this week n next we not going cos going to attend birthday party n my HK trip so dun wanna rush as my hubby also can't really make it for the 3pm class lor. The next also dunno going anot leh cos chalet checkout dunno tired anot.
Anyway I think for me left 1 more class only leh.......hehehe
Opppss.I chop the FM faster then u hahaha

The helium gas tank is actually very small not very heavy. There's 2 sizes i think they do write how many ballons it can fill up think 30 if remember correctly.

Thanx for the FM aah. n Ayden is forever so smiley....kekekeee

Storm n Jasmine
Congrats on them walking.

Sama sama. Means our nephews both pri 5 wor. I still remember I sec 4 only when promoted.....hahaha
<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>... very tempting leh... i'm a durian lover.. but got to finish up e raffles hotel mooncakes in my fridge b4 i can buy anymore, cos hb keep nagging and nagging, say i buy so much (1 box snowskin & 1 box baked) for what.... (very much meh?!?!?)

<font color="ff6000">dor</font> hehehe.. thanks on behalf of A...
Hello, I'm from Mar 06 thread.

Need help. Anyone uses Mac Book with Seagate 80 gigabyte harddisk? Or knows anybody who does?

Willing to trade in the disk drive for a higher capacity drive. No worries cos warranty will not be void but will be assured. Will transfer all the data and systems to your new drive. Also throw in a 6 months data recovery warranty as well.

Please PM me if able to help me. Thanks!
