(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Caleb looks so different with this new hairstyle. so cute

There is now a Fox outlet at Compasspoint. Very bad for my wallet. haha!

Pediasure is lactose-free and it's more suitable for kids who have poor appetite. I dunno what is the nutritional content between the two but i believe Gain is a normal FM while pediasure is more of a food supplement.

hi mummies,

been quite some time never post... finally cleared my deadline and now got some time to post. but wont be posting so frequently cos doing other colleague's portion.

<font color="0000ff">Happy Belated B'day to Rhys!</font>
i think he has enjoyed himself during the party which his mummy has planned so well for it!

hi delphine,

poor girl! hope that you recover soon. try to avoid taking spicy & deep-fried stuff at the moment.

hi selina,

agree with jasmine, Caleb do look a bit different..maybe is his hairstyle...

hi jasmine,

tricia hair also needs a bit trimming, but she wont sit still one..so i tik not going to be that easy to cut her hair. was telling my mum, when she's sleeping, then bring her to cut...
yeah..i went to compasspoint last 2 week where there was carebear show. i saw signboard stated Fox outlet but i cant find it le.

too bad...

hehe...i found one salon at tampines mall which $10 per cut. and each seat got tv display one.
thinking A love those advertisement. maybe he will let ppl touch his head while he watch tv.
will let u know my mission success or not
<font color="aa00aa">Caleb's hairstyle</font> tks for the compliments but think no change in his hairstyle but instead it grew longer n tis mommy no time to bring him go cut hair.

we bring him to our hairstylists who offers him haircut for free.

just brought him to cut on monday after the trip. now even shorter. will try to take some pixs and post for u ladies to compare long or short nicer.

<font color="0000ff">jlyn</font> yes next will be caleb which is this sat. so many things not done yet. n yesterday my SIL (bro's wife) throw big bomb to us saying she wanna call off their wedding which was scheduled for 4 nov. now whole family mei xin qing. dunno how to help her. she claim she dun like her hb to work shift (my bro is a prison officer) for years not the first time she knows he has to work shift.

<font color="0000ff">bb prom</font> aiya too late. all fully booked liao.
Thanks ladies for all your birthday wishes...

Well, last nite wanted to take some nice pix of Rhys as it is his 1st birthday, but who knows tis boy never take long naps in the daytime and after I came out of my bath last nite, he already fell asleep in his rocker in the living room. Even his papa also dun know that he has dozed off... so end up no pix... but looking at his peaceful face sleeping so soundly, I am contented (but this crazy mummie still take a few pix of he sleeping...haa...)

YEAH... I got my party pix liao... well, not too bad but all the pix of Rhys all stone stone face coz he too tired by evening liao... Will tidy them up first before posting it in yahoo group...

The first and last shop of the concourse level 3 do provided the helium gas. I never ask the other smaller shop. Was rushing for time that day.
In the end, I did mine at the last shop. But anyway, the first and last shop are same boss one... If you have time, you can ask ard the price before you decide lah.
Both shops i asked charge $1.50 for normal medium balloon while my big one is $8 each.

Finally can see Caleb's pix again!!! He so cute and getting more handsome liao leh... Love the middle pix... so cheeky... aiyo... want to hug him so much!! Think the 2 heng dai very long never meet liao hor...

think you and me same problem... I also need to cut Rhys' hair... think in the end will still go to the hair salon at my MIL place. Sigh... cannot imagine him screaming again...

Haa... I also saw the Fox outlet that day... but coz newly renovated, the whole shop so smelly... so I came out after I went in for 3 secs. Anyway no sales so better get out fast before I start spending $$ again... haa....
Jasmine, Tamp mall one got tv hah.. if only i can get them to play darlie and mopiko advertisements over and over again hor.. pay double for the haircut also can man.. hahaha. I also watch the carebear show. For the first time, this kind of show interests me lor.

Selina, that's a big bomb indeed. Such issue can only be resolved by the couple.. it's difficult for family and friends to get involved lor. It's really tough for couple whose spouse does shift work, need lots of compromsing and understanding.
Bear with me, I've prob posting... I wanna post this msg this morning one...

Eatzi Bakery cake ok, like their mango cake. But their design for kids cake so so only. I think I've a voucher too, forgot how much.

True lor, wait invite this din invite that. Thats why I also invite all. Want to come up to them lor.
One thing abt having celebrations elsewhere, we got to pack and carry stuff home. Scare ppl bring big big presents, then car no space to squeeze in haha... Anyway my relatives no buy gift one, they always have the habit to give red packet, more realistic kekeke... Use a big box or find an empty drawer/cupboard to put all the toys first bah, then later sort out thr out the year. Tell you hor, Jolene's 1st bday presents are still in my storeroom/cupboard kekeke... I take out 1 new toy when she gets sick playing with the current one.

My friend got the partyshop to pump helium gas to those latex balloons. She dinno latex balloon can tahan for less than 12 hrs. She was horrible to find the balloons falling to the floor the next morning when she woke up hahaha... so her hb use scotch tape/double side tape to stick to the wall kekeke...

Aiyo take care and rest well wor.

Pediasure is more for picky fussy eaters.

Nice pics. Caleb getting more handsome, his eyes can "sock" ppl.

Just nice, I wanna ask, how to merge a few pics into 1 pic like yours? Teach me step by step and using wat software?
Happy belated birthday to Rhys!
must post the photos soon.
eager to see the birtday cake from PG

Caleb looks more grown up and yan tao liao

Baby Prom
tickets already sold out le
wanna to go also no chance

didnt get a reply from the yahoo seller so i think no hope liao
I'm not sure with the difference for Neslac and Nespray leh. Only know Nespray is old brand and not many places selling except for Carrefour and Giant(?). Price wise abt the same. Never try Nespray before, but Neslac taste is not sweet.

The children hair salon, suntec got one, inside Vivo ToysRus also have one.

Call for wedding? meaning she dun want to marry your bro ah? The wedding day so near liao, most things already qi qi ba ba right? So sianz... suppose to be a happy event.
hi Babe_ong,

It's ok. thanks for your offer...

Hi Babygrace,

oh no... FOX at compass point!!! my wallet will burn a hole liao..

Hi Jenny/Gemini/Jlyn,

Thanks for your concern, today feeling much better liao after yesterday dinner. the 1st time since last wed i have a full meal.... though it's only porriage but i love lor. it's at oasis the taiwan porriage.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> i use powerpoint one. this is the only software i know how to use. once u finish your design, right click to save the picture as a JPEG file.

<font color="0000ff">vivian</font> ya lor. the heng dai long time no see liao.

<font color="0000ff">jlyn</font> but hor, she is the one who asked him to take up this job last time want leh. now complain like sala lor. aiya dunno lah. c my mum & dad so stressed i hard pain lor.
<font color="0000ff">jen</font> ya lor. sending out invite cards now. now my parents dun dare to send. yesterday bro says she very angry today wanna go find lawyer to divorce. machaim play masak like that. dun friend divorce like very ez. common lor, my bro just finished special training got 1 year bond to serve. how to quit now? my bro very qian ju her wan leh.
I see. I'm trying to find out how to do using photoshop or image ready. My colleague verbally taught me, gonna try tonite if reach home earlier.
Aiyo, your parents and bro must be very upset now. If all along she's ok with his shift work, then shd be ok mah. Maybe someone said something unpleasant to her, hence trigger the issue. Ask yr bro to have a good talk with her. Marriage is not masak.
Gaoz... hahaha.. Caleb crawling pattern very cute leh. So funny!
<font color="0000ff">Bintan</font>
Citibank cardholder, there's a promo for Nirwana Resort Hotel at $100++ for superior room till 12 Oct 2007.
The superior room very big wor. I requested for a bbcot + 3rd bed, and there's still space for another queen/king size bed.
Hi Selina,
Caleb is cute leh... how i wish my A got his hair... he looks grown up too
Handsome indeed!

Good that you can start eating liaoz...
Take care!
sounds like your SIL taking this shift work thingy as excuse leh... so long liao, now then say. Sigh... this kind of thing is something that none of the ppl can help except the 2 parties.
sad hor... treat marriage like that... last time I got 1 close girl friend also told her fiance 3 weeks before their wedding dinner that she want to call off her wedding coz she think they are not suitable together... all cards are out, everything settle liao and then she drop the bomb. In the end, somehow her fiance managed to convince her to carry on the wedding but less than a year, they got divorced. Sigh... what for... Your parents must be sad and worried for your bro... sigh...

Think someone wanted to see my PG cake rite?
Here it is. I just took one of their design and pass them my figurines to replace their sesame streets one...
My figurines hor, are actually bot during my Poly time leh... super old liao... haa.... even the PG staff say the figurines so cute... haa....
Hi Jasmine,

I kaypoh a bit, vivian choose triple choco and lycee martini... keke.. cos same as mine mah and somemore her guest said it's good.. heng.. chosen correctly!!

Hi Vivian,

Your figurines so cute.. yes.. i remember your theme is Smiley faces!!!
Know what? I actually wanna do Jaslyn's bday cake like yours (cos I like the name design), but replace the figurines to Pooh. Then last min, I changed my mind haha... Cos I still think PG wordings cannot make it hahaha...
Anyway I draw to PG my design liao. Same like yours, 2 tier with letter 1 on top. Die ah... looks like the 1 portion is quite big, wait my mum going to nag at me again cos not easy to cut.
Yah, Delphine is right. I took upper tier triple choco and lower lychee martini. Glad I took that coz everyone loves it.

Hey, glad to hear that you are better now! And yes, my theme of the party is Smiley... coz Rhys is all along a smiley baby right from NB... hee...

I also scared about their wordings lor but ok lah... to me still acceptable.
Actually hor, the upper tier 1 hor, not difficult to cut leh... coz I cut the cake one... quite ok leh...
thanks for ur kaypohing. hehehe...mine is 1 tier cake, so i will chose lychee martini.
how r u? feeling better & eat more?

waiting to c jaslyn cake tat design by her ma ma...
I must have scare you off with the PG wordings kekeke... Actually, if you go thr the bday cakes pics on the other thread, you should be able to find the one which I said the wordings are super ugly. Dun wan to paste the pic here, if not wait the mama saw, will be angry and sad at the same time.
Jolene's cake is 3 tier. That time I requested them to do small and thin for the 2nd and 3rd layer. My mum already nagging at me. Bo pian, she only likes 2D cake cos super easy to cut mah. If not wait cut liao like messy messy, very er xin lor.
You "cut" the 1 and place on another plate/tray? If not how to take the lower tier one cos yours in 2 flavour? For me, no prob, I can just cut from the 1 all the way down cos mine only 1 flavour kekeke... Anyway, I predict my mum sure nag when she sees the cake next Sat hahahaha... Well... I'm well prepared!

Not design by mama... lazy mama just "kar bo" a bit of design here and there this round cos lazy to think

Anyway, the cake shape is like Rhy's cake. Just that it is a Pooh theme. Hoping the colors turn out right cos I dun want the pink color which is used for gal's cake.
Hi Gracesong,

ya.. must take care now ar... if not i will be sick from my darling's birthday... drink a lot of water now...

Hi Jasmine,

Ya... now better liao, i have been drinking a lot of water... i must be well to run desiree's party!!!
ha ha... I din cut the 1 separate leh... I just cut the bottom layer a bit first, then cut the top layer lor...can see the bottom layer liao, then cut bottom layer lor... I dun care one... just cut and put the cake on servettes then put on table. My little cousins will volunteer to serve the cake to all the guests. hee...
My cake is 3kg. $125. I collect the cake myself.
I got what you mean haha, clever move!
I also got to self collect the cake cos they can only deliver between 4-6pm, my function room only can used from 6pm. I was telling them cannot deliver... delivery to "gui" ah haha...

Think PG earning bulks. On average 3kg for each party. They are earning $130 per cake w/o delivery.

They charged me $105 (3kg) + $25 (artistic charge).

Their artistic charge getting more and more ex! In the email I had with them, they told me charge $15-$20 only. But the invoice shown $25. Read in another thread, they anyhow charge the artist charge now. When a mum asked why they charged her friend $20 and charged her $25, PG changed the charge to $20 for her.
Fox is now at CP?! Eiks. Must restrict my shopping trips there from now on. Haha.

Hmm.. it is either your SIL is having wedding jitters/stress or she really doesn't want to stay in the relationship due to whatever reason. Whatever it is, try to convince your parents to let the couple decide on their own. No point stressing over something they have no control over.

I have a friend whom decided to call of her wedding about 3 weeks from the actual date. All invitations have been sent out and she told her mum she will personally explain to relatives herself. They were already ROMed for 2 years prior. But perhaps she did the correct thing by pulling back after careful consideration (things did happen along the way in the 2 years which she didn't really share with everyone) cos she is now happily married to another guy with a 3 months old baby now. I guess for couple matters, only the couple can solve.

That is the cake design I wanted for K! But I don't think we can take a 3kg cos we don't want to end up eating cake for breakfast, tea and supper for the next 3 days! haha.

Haha.. I like your idea of asking the shop to play the 2 advertisements repeatedly. Thank goodness my dad is good at cutting K's hair!

Want to check with you regarding shoes. Remember you mentioned the soles of Happy Kidz shoes were overtly soft and offers no protection? I finally managed to go feel a pair of Springy shoes. I feel not much difference leh... Is Springy's soles really better? And is Shoo Shoo's soles like Springy's? Thanks!
Hi jenny,
U r rite abt the PG artistic charge rubbish... but i 2 lazy to argue wif them. They say will call me abt delivery so dunno whether muz self-collect or nt.
Hi jenny,
U r rite abt the PG artistic charge rubbish... but i 2 lazy to argue wif them. They say will call me abt delivery so dunno whether muz self-collect or nt.
the difference can't really tell. But Springy is better than Happy Kidz. I din buy Shoo Shoo, so can't tell the difference.
I regret buying Happy Kidz cos it has never been wore at all! Waste my $, heng only $16.. All along, my mum has been letting Jaslyn wears the Springy shoes. Anyway, I stop letting Jaslyn wear these shoes, upgraded her to normal shoes liao.

Ya lor, me also lazy to argue with them. Better prepare yourself for "early" delivery. Cos Jolene's one, I asked them to deliver at 12pm. They came at 11am. Lucky my godbrother was ard to receive the cake for me. And of cos, my god bro no $ to pay the delivery man, so the delivery man went off w/o payment. I had to go down to PG to pay cash! That time they dun accept cheque.

Gal...my handphone... spoil spoil de... whole ay stucky stucky one...I can meet you.. no prob.. just let me know what time and where.. now my handphone okie okie.. but best to call.. coz.. dunno when will break down... like those ' lao pok ka'... drive a while stalled.... heehee..
Haha.. you are making me confused here. Cannot tell the difference but you still insist Springy is better :p

Oh, for PG cakes, I have heard of 2 incidences where the cake came later than expected. Guests ended up having to hang around and wait for cake to arrive. So, I guess better early than late!
Caleb really looks so diff now leh his face seems to have slim down abit liao.

Agree with some of the rest that the couple issue need the couple to sort themselves cos you never know what exactly has happened in their relationship. Hope your family will still be in the mood to celebrate Caleb's birthday n may it be a GREAT PARTY!!!!

Btw I KPO also my sis's SIL also ROM n stay with her 'hubby' then she suddenly MIA no one knows why. N contacted my sis like 6 mths later n met her with a BIG tummy. Now she's a mother of 2 with the guy she ran off for. But till now I not sure she married him already anot cos her 'hubby' refuse to divorce her lor say she commit adultery n blackmail her.

Okie I better get back to packing my luggage....wahahahha

<font size="+1">Adios ladies...</font>
hi vivian,

tricia cake will be quite similar to Rhy's one, except it will be 1 layer & the figurines will be pooh & friends. It's 2 kg, as I'm afraid if order 3 kg, cannot finish, will be like pups, our breakfast for the next few days...

PG artistic charges
PG charge me $15 leh, is it depending on the wt? cost of the cake: $85 (2kg) + $15 (artistic charge).

hi selina,

i think the problem will have to be resolved between ur bro & SIL. my eldest bro had a v big fight with my ex-SIL before their marriage, but they patch up, went ahead with the marriage but after 2 yrs (not too sure, quite long ago), they divorced.
as for shift work, my hb used to do shift in his previous job. so for our 1st yr marriage, if he's working am shift, then i will be at punggol, if nite shift, i will be at SK. my parents worried about me sleeping alone. so in a wk, i will be at punggol for 2/3 days, then the rest of the wk, in SK. but whenever he's on nite shift, he will call me. i know the inconvenience but no choice, i have to accept it as it's his job requirement.
Wow, lots to catch up on.

Belated Happy Birthday to Darling Rhys!!! Time files, I still remembers the joy this first bb nrought to lots of mummy here. He got me so anxious and excited about seeing my own bb. That was 1 year ago liao!!

Delphine, glad to hear that you're recovering. 4kg in 1 week is no joke. Hope you'll have energy by next week to celebrate with D!

Doreen, enjoy your trip!I'm having no luck in weaning Char off. She's not drinking from bottle, so if I stop she'll go without milk.
Not really vexed.At first worry no milk for her, now worry how to get her off my BM...

Jenny, I was also wondering why PG need to charge artistic charge when i drew the design for them. Isn't workmanshippart of the cake already? But well, shall not argue with them. Had wanted the same design as you and Vivian, but in then end opt for round cake, 2 tiers with cubes of alphabets and numbers as Char always get excited to see them. Also opt for CHar's name to be made into solid form.

Selina, Caleb's got such beautiful eyes. Love the middle pic too. Char dont crawl like him, but she'll be in that position when she poo. Very funny, she wont sit down when she poo so will lift her butt that way.
Emma's cake is also similar to Char's. Also have blocks of alphabets but hers is square. Looks like both girls with the same birthday also has similar cake.

Actually my first choice was this hi5 cake and cupcakes by someone i know online but her orders are full for oct liao. Else i know Emma will sure like it since she likes jup-jup in hi5.


think you need to have the 2 pairs and feel them before you can tell the difference. Anyway, haiz... no need to buy so many pairs lah. It may be good for the 1st few weeks when bb knows how to walk. Once they can walk, these shoes are not suitable for walking. They need a proper shoes.

Think for 1 tier, PG consider that as "normal" design bah. So the artistic charge is for the pooh figurines. If that's the case, q ex for artistic charge. Actually hor, if you dun have a theme for the cake, you can just order a normal 1 shape cake. Then put on the figurines yourself. I read somewhere a mum did that, she even took pics to show, q nice. Cos it is ex to pay PG just for them to put the figurines onto the cake.
And how come you are charged for $85 for a 2kg cake? You order any special flavour? Cos usually is 1 kg $35 leh.

You are right! I design my cake design and yet still kena charged for artistic charge. In fact, if they are the one designing, they charge it, is ok hor. Seems that they are having easy job here. Realised a lot of mummies ordered the same cake shape. So easy for PG to do now, cos they dun need to think the shape and design. Just copy some from this cake and some from tat cake. I wanna order from Smiling Orchid but ended took PG cos I want the orange zest for cake flavour.
Oh I think I know how your cakes look like le. Very cute and sweet one. Post pics after Charlotte's party ok?
Today is Jaslyn's lunar 1 bday. Going to do some praying and also to let Jaslyn does her 1st pick in the afternoon.

Jaslyn 1st time on beach keke... cute to see her blur look when she saw the different texture of the sand
Jenny, Pups,
hee... I bot another pair of Shoo Shoo for Rhys liao... hee... same design as his old one some more coz relli relli like that design. Everyone commented that the shoes looks so cute, like some soccer boots... anyway, was thinking not buying liao coz Rhys started walking but no choice, my mum say 1 year old, his ah mah MUST buy a new pair of shoes for him.
Think he still not suitable to wear the hard sole shoes yet, so we went searching for shoes again. In the end, no time to see Springy or Happy Kidz, just went to Punggol Plaza and bot the same one but 1 size bigger. Cost $34.10. Still cheaper than mothercare which dun have designs and sizes liao...
If any punggol mummies interested to see the shoo shoos, the shop is called Jumping Beanz... it is at the ground floor along the OCBC atms. Quite easy to find.
Here's the shoes I bot. The stripes in shiny silvery color... very cool...

Jenny, btw, what type of proper shoes you bot for Jaslyn har? Where buy? Happy 1st lunar bdae to Jaslyn!! She look so cute in the pix... hee.. is that the bblegs?? hee... so sweet!!! Rhys first time see the beach hor, STONE leh... haa.... really just stand there and STONE for at least 10mins!!!! haa...

ya lor, time flies hor... seeing the poster that my godson did which shows Rhys' pix from NB to present, I also cannot believe he has grown so fast and SO MUCH!!! hee... can't wait to see your party pix too... long time never see Char liao hor... still chubby as before?? hee...

haa... you still cannot let go of the Hi5 cake huh? haa...
You PMed? Think PMed not working. Can email me instead? Click user profile for email. Thanks.
No, we were at the beach early in the morning after breakfast. Just took the gals for a walk and play with the sand for a while before we went for swim.

Jaslyn was curious with the sand texture. She kept turning to look at both sides (diffferent texture on her left and right side). Stood there stone stone, only after she figured out, she started to follow her sis's action to use her leg to "squeeze" into the sand.
Err... think dun waste $ buying Shoo Shoo/Springy/Happy Kidz type of shoes liao. Rhys should be walking steady in another 1 mth time. By then, these type of shoes can no longer give good support to his feet. You know there's another type of soft sole shoes but looks like a proper shoes but is not hard sole kind? I think you will know, is usually white based with dots. If you dunno what I'm saying, take a look at disney shoes (those in box at infant area). The size 1 to 3 are in soft sole, while Size 4 to 6 are in hard sole. Get something like the Size 1 to 3 soft sole. More stable for Rhys to stand and walk outside.
Jaslyn got ba feet leh. She can't squeeze into any size for the soft sole for Disney shoe (size 3 super tight!!). I searched high and low and only managed to find Cerisi got the soft sole with bigger size. So, she's wearing this pair of cerisi shoes first. My mum bought her the below pair of kitty shoes for her lunar bday. Hokkien tradition, wai po got to buy a pair of "grandma shoes" (read in hokkien is ah ma wei) for grandchild. Pls ask me the purpose, I dunno. And yes, tats bblegs.
I bought Jaslyn this pair from Cerisi... Wanna get a pair of white one with flowers, but that pair dun have her size. So, she gotta make do with this pair lor. The base is soft one, not hard.
i emailed to your yahoo account.

ya lor, i cant forget that cake. I'm gonna discuss with her way ahead of Joshua's birthday for his cake.

You can also try Colette for Rhys Shoes. But recently the shoe design (for gals lah, I din take note for boy boy one) not nice. So I switch to other brand shoes for the gals. Jolene has been wearing Colette shoes all the while. Q good.
There's outlet at Vivo and United Sq. You can find some at BHG, OG also.
