(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Vivian, Grace, Jenny, Starz & Delphine
Not sure whether she looks like the brother or not.

This is how Jonathan look like when he was about 9 months
I noe what you meant.. your Jaslyn trying to do somersaut? heheee....

I actually placed the playpen not exactly next to bed but 2metres away from bed so think should be quite safe lor.....

I am think of bring my A for trial lessons...
Anyone got lobang for trial lessons? MAybe can go join together.
Ok, I got the details for the mooncake sales for this Thur and Fri liao.

I forgot who wants the details but vendors are:

Fullerton Hotel (Thur Only)
Amara Hotel
Raffles Hotel
Noble House (Tung Lok)
Shi Yi Shao (Thur Only)
Chinatown Tai Chong Lok (Thur Only)
The Regent
Goodwood Park Hotel (Thur only)
Four Seasons Durian (Fri Only)
Home's Favourite (Fri only)
sort of lor.
My Gym Trial Class can go anytime, just join into their normal class. But need to call to check for vacancy + appointment.

Waddler class:
Sat/Sun 9.30-10.20
Tue/Sat 4-4.50 (call to check cos this is extra class, they open only got enough participants)

My mum places the playpen not very near to her bed. Somehow, this notti gal can step on anything to help her get into the playpen. I never see got bb so eager wanna go into playpen one... weird bb...
My boy does nt sleep in his cot. Been like this since he started moving ard. Day - He sleeps in his sarong. Nite - He sleeps on the bed. With my mum when I'm working, with me when I'm nt working. He doesn't like the cot cos no place for him to roll ard. He likes to roll ard in his sleep so when he hits the edges of the cot, he will wake up screaming.
ok... today is so sian that I have been seeing Rhys pix and videos in the office...
So just to amuse everyone too...
Here are some funnie photos I took recently... ENJOY...

1. "Mummie, I sms you..." - This boy loves to play with handphone... he knew where the buttons are and keep pressing them until got light shown... faint...

2. "Papa, I want biscult..." - This boy trying to disturb papa doing housework... bth...

3. "Papa, what is that har?? " - This boy so kpo... papa assembling the car seat and he immediately go and disturb... [My favorite pix...]

4. "Mummie, I dun want to wear this cap... so ugly..." - haa... never try the swimming cap on him before and he immediately cry when I put it on him... hee...

5. "Mummie, I am stuck!" - He wanted to sit in there, he hold on to the steering wheel so tight but refused to sit down. Then when his head kena the top of the car, he started crying... bth...
kekeke vivian, R so cute.
Aiyo think the swim cap must be very tight, thats why he uncomfortable. Talking abt this, my mum bought a set for my gals and I forgot abt them! Anyway no swimming for the time being till they 200% recovered.

Ok got to go.
the cap ok lah... stretchable so should be ok... this boy just dun like to wear it...he tried to pull it off but it sticks to his head, so he angry and started crying... haa... very funnie...

I think Rhys can be considered walking liao... not that steady as Jaslyn but he can walk a distance without support... but this guy so gan jiong, that everytime he will try to run instead of walk slowly. So always ended up kissing the floor...
Here's one video that I took... hee... enjoy...
Wow ah boy can walk already,,my one haven't started yet,,just learn to pull himself up only
so cute to see R photos..haaa
My G look at the sky & during hair cut..must put pacifier to sooth him 1st,,but in the middle of hair cut,,he still cried..2nd time le,,dunno why ah..
Hi Jenny,

Can i 'tong bang' you to purchase the Durian Mooncakes for me on Friday from four Seasons? Coz my hubby dunno what time then can go down.. will be within office hours.. but i scared later no more.. heehee...
Wow Vivian!!!! Rhys is the 2nd bb here who knows how to walk!!!
That is fast leh..... Congrats on him walking..... yoyoyoyoyoyo!!
I think he very steady liao...

I think the swimming cap too tight lah...
sayang his head....

Your Jaslyn should be doing rehearsal for her
gym class issit??? What did you put in the playpen huh????
Thks for the waddle class timing..

Your G got nice black hair leh....
my one still botak...

Some pix to share on my A... bot him to
one of the playground in amk area...
he likes it sooo much n laugh till "gei..sa.. sa.."




U only Thurs then go back to work aah. No prob maybe Wed I pop down to ur place or Thurs then go town n get from u.
I going HK 4 miserable days only lor n seeing the things I need to pack hor sian liao lor n I'm the one doing the packing lor. Hubby talk alot nia lor bring this bring that do this do that. Ask me to pack Damien's clothes liao.
Siao lor then pack now hor Damien dun have to wear any clothes for the rest of the week lor.

He ask me to do I must do immediately 1 lor but I ask him to open the luggage n air it until now its still not done lor.
Sometimes hor I think I too efficient liao he thinks I am super woman everything he wants I definately will do for him immediately.

Wasted your few nights of sleep hor doing the things
Here my comic strips.. 1st time create, bear with me.

Someone looking at me..

It's my mummy's camera.
Mummy, you want to take my pic ar?

Done? sit till tired liao leh.

Aiya, might as well lie down let you take till you happy.
I PM you the price and sales time. I'm afriad my fridge can't squeeze in the mooncakes

huh, rehearsal? I din put anything inside the playpen except her pillow and blooster. She just like to roll here and there on mattress to rot.
The class timing may not be accurate, you just give them a call to double check.

CONGRATS FOR R!!! See lah, you still complain R no crawl, now he walks to show you hahaha...
Jaslyn also like R when she first starts to learn to walk. Another 2 weeks, R should be walking q steady, then slowly learn to pick himself up from squatting position. Once R can stands and walks from squatting position, he's "officially" musters the skill liao! Welcome to the super bo eng group haha...

Let me share a clip of lazy Jaslyn, taken 2 weeks ago. She super nua one lor, rot on floor and shoke legs. Before this, she was snatching the cake that Jolene was eating... <font color="0000ff">starz</font>, you see how I "beat" Jaslyn's mouth when she started to blow bubble and played with her saliva. (don't worry, not pain pain one cos I very light nia) She jia jia cried for attention.. worse, turned back to see if I would sayang her. When she saw I din, she ok liao. That's why I always say kids very smart one.

The resolution is very low cos I'm testing out the new software. Bear with it.
Hi Grace,
ya lo,,a lot of hair, everytime sweat a lot, tat's y bring him cut hair. Yur A seem enjoy the playground & happy look, my G is another way round. Maybe tat's his 1st time there, feel so unfamilier ba..he's v "dan xiao gui". ur boy boy look the same size as G,,wat's his weight now? my only 8.8kg,,v light o. Now even running nose for nearly 10days, think the medicine no effect for him le..dunno wat to do liao..may I know how u guy treat bb when they're running nose/block nose? u guy still on aircon at nite? or fan? really need advise on this..
Good morning ladies
Was on medical leave past 3 days. sickness was quite bad so decided to rest at home. haha just plain lazy lah


Congrats! Welcome to join MTB club! Wow u really hardworking ya! till now i still dont know when is my ovulution period. As for the sleeping, my answer is A. I have trained zac to sleep in his cot in his own room since he was 5months. Learnt my lesson after he fell off the bed. he was co-sleeping with us for in the first few months as he is very colicky. if u r determined to let M to sleep in her cot, u may have to start training her now. think it may gets tougher as they grow older.


Glad that desiree is on the road to recovery. nice pictures of D, looking so cheery.

Ignore my PM, didnt know there is taker liao. Haha

Which day lessons r u attending now? Gymboree called me but i was too sick to return call. somemore my hubby overseas so zac missed school again. haiz felt so bad. next week will defintely go!

Hmm i guess men in general have the same behavior, they are more passive. For my hubby, his stand is things get done faster if there is only one decision maker. which works welll for me. i remember i made him tie all the ribbons on our wedding invitations cards and he was grumbling while doing. haha and i told him "since u left me to make the decision, i have decided to make u the riboon in charge!" so for zac birthday, i have long ago assign him the role of ballonist and chalet payer. so he need to source for helium gas. so if actual day no balloons, i can tell every guests hubby is a bad in charge haha.


Cool it! enjoy the party! Congrats on R's walking!

Zac's latest development

Very happy to be able to catch his new milestone. now he can stand up from sitting position and stand for awhile, flapping his hands. hopefully it will soon he will be able to take his first step forward before his first birthday!
Hi shirley & vivian,
Congrats on your darlings new milestones.
So happy to see all our babies starting to become humpty dumpty.
Your G very handsome leh... aiyo... talking abt cutting hair hor, I very scared leh... seems like not only Rhys is tramatised after the last hair cut, I am also tramatised too.
Everyone has been telling me that Rhys need a hair trim, but I still very scared leh... seeing him scream and cry hor, super heartpain... but seeing his hair all STAND hor...
so ugly... haa... but hor, recently I found a way to solve this problem liao... haa... which is make him wear a cap!!! The cap makes his hair all stick down... YEAH...
This is the pix which his hair are down after he wore a cap when we went out. hee...

haha... just hope that my sense of humour not lame can liao... haa....

hee... actually Rhys is not the 2nd bb... think Weikuan's RuiFang also already knew how to walk. She is the oldest bb here in this thread... then Jenny's jaslyn jump queue... haa... kidding... but anyway, Able so cute!! He so happy until he stick out his tongue hor... so cute...

Desiree so cute... she look a bit different leh...but still cute and pretty... hee... her hair really stands... haa....

Thanks... see your jaslyn walk hor, so motivating... haa... saw your video... Jas so cute... the way she shake leg and laff... so relax.... haa... Rhys also same as Jas, like to jia jia cry for attention... fall down or kena hit a bit nia will cry... we ignore him hor, he will just keep quiet after a while... I always tell my mum not to entertain him in these cases... yah.. i agree.. they very smart one...

aiyo... MC ah... take care leh... take lots of rest...
Congrats on Zac's new milestone!!! Rhys still need support to stand up from sitting to standing position....
aiyo sickness that bad ah. think u must rest more dun overwork.

Kim is not afraid of pain. She can use her head and try hitting on the floor. After that she smile and crawl away. she can stand up and then let go of her hands. She cant stand properly but she not scared of falling down. i am so worried about this girl of mine. Like to adventure so much that everything she also dun care.
CAnnot walk yet and refuse to let people hold her while she standing.
What shall i do to her? Haiz..
She now down with fever, cough and flu. For me is fever and sorethroat + flu and stomach discomfort. But cannot take MC so came back to work. Last night quickly pop 2 panadol.

gratz R! soon he will be walking all by himself steadily.
Sooo Rhys will be #3 liao... not bad...
Btw, did you let Rhys practice walking?? or did he just try to cruise and later walk by himself?

My A still not ready to stand alone yet....
but sometimes, he will forget he is standing
and try to clap hands..

I suspect more lower teeth coming out soon so nowadays all his pix will have tongue sticking out one......
likes to make monkey face nowadays when he knows we want to take pixs of him.

Yes, Desiree hair now alot leh...

My A last 9mth accessment weight is about 9.8kg... he is on the lighter side... only hit 25 percentile.

I agree putting bb in playpen will make them rot one..
so i will make it a point to carry him out to play once i am free....
dun want them to feel caged.

Shirley/ Adeline
Take care ok... preg women falls sick easily one... must sleep and drink more water ...
I really pai fu you all .. if i were you, sick , preg, still need to take care of bb.... i will sure go into depression one...
Hi Vivian,
a bit different from last time?? ya lor, hair forever standing... at rhys still allows you to wear a cap. Desiree will pull off everything on her head. clips lah, hair band lah, caps/hat.. nothing can be on her head. looks like my dream of dolling her up with those clpis on her bdae party is gone.

Hi Gracesong/freshpoison,
Hair a lot but all stand up one.. haha like dragonball "qi long zhu"

Hi Gracesong.
looks like able love to play on the playground hor.. he looks so grown up liao.. but seriously he dun look like just hit 25 percentile leh.
Kim not afraid of pain ah... Rhys opposite leh... pain a bit nia, cry... he scared of falling, so sometimes will prefer to grab us when we are near. But when he cruising ard, and we try to hold him scared he will fall, he also will refuse to let us hold him. Instead, he will use his hands and hold ours and make us walk with him... bth...
You take care leh... both of u sick ah... rest more... drink lots of water.... work so busy till cannot MC??

we only noticed that he can stand pretty well, so we started to let him stand on his own (with us behind him just in case of coz). Then we realised that he wanted to walk lor. So we hold his hand and he walks with support. At first, keep falling coz he still dun know how to balance his weight. But slowly got better. Think all these are by the child lah...natural one... we din do much... soon, all the babies here will also be walking... hee...

she look different lor...maybe not so much baby look/fat liao... looks more like a toddler... hee... nui da shi ba bian...
Cap ah... Rhys also dun like, but if he is distracted, then he will forget lor... esp. when he is very excited when we going out, he will forget abt the existence of the cap.. haa...
Plus I also very persistent...haa... he take off, I put back... until he gave up... haaa.....
Shall we have a gathering after all our celebration of little ones. A one year celebration gathering for all the Sep/Oct babies.
Any comment or suggestions?

Hi Vivian,
wa... so in the end he gave up.. desiree will scream till her top of her voice if i am persistant.
Wow, another MTB.Mango congrats!

Vivian,R forever full of expression and pattern!

Grace, your A also very cheeky!

Jackiejon, finally get to c J's pretty pics again.

Check with you ladies, my menses still hasn't return. Is it cause for concern? DO I need to see a doctor?
work is not very busy but manager not happy if take MC. Yday i pop panadol now i feeling better only left sore throat. Somemore i still have to attend lesson later. by the time i reach home it's already 11+pm. Sooner or later i gonna collapse..
My niece now 1 year 2 mths also very scared of pain. she fell down once now she dun dare to walk without holding anyone.
kim is soooo opposite from all of them. She knock or bang onto things she not scared and wont cry one. But the fall from the bed she had a real big fright. Keep crying at night.

no choice. this was very unplanned T_T
but have to go ahead with it. suffer abit in the future then enjoy
R really very handsome in his hair, some more he's white and got a round head.
Aiya they jia jia cry just ignore lah, where got so eng to keep them entertain. I also need to rest. I bian tai ma ma lah, I like to see them cry sometimes cos very funny.

Good for Kim mah, can train her to be independent, then you no need to worry when #2 comes along.
Aiyo really a lot of bbs are sick. Crystallized smsed me yday and said her R also sick. You also take care wor. Dun anyhow take medicine lah, go see doc.

No worries for Jaslyn lah. She only goes into the playpen when she feels like doing. We din throw her in one, even when I'm busy, I still leave her to explore herself. I just take a peek every few mins. Anyway, there's Jolene "keeping an eye" on Jaslyn.
Actually 9.8kg is a good weight mah. The ideal weight for now is 3x the weight of birth leh. Though it actually reflects as low percentile.

Good idea but I think it may be late? Cos I remember the 1st bb here is born on 13 Sep. Most ppl are pantang with belated bday. Actually till now, I still dunno why cannot belated when there's belated bday card in this world kekeke

Nice seeing you here again. Post pics of C leh.

Hmm wonder how's Huijun and RuiFang. The pretty pretty little gal.

BTW, side track a bit, anyone went to the TAKA mid autumn fair ah? Got what vendor? I need to get those teochew yam mooncake for FIL. Last year, I bought at Taka Mid Autumn Fair, they made on the spot but I forgot the brand name.
Hi Jenny,
Really ar.. oops.. didnt know that cannot
celebrate belated birthday.
have not been to taka for their mooncake fair. but just now did try raffles hotel champagne truffle, nothing fascinating leh.. very normal.

Hi Coral,
Long time didnt see you liao.. how are you and C?
Missed you and char... Still so busy huh??
As for menses, you still bfing? maybe that's why it haven come yet?? anyway, we almost due for the next pap smear right? maybe you can monitor and ask your gynae by then??
Sorry... cannot help much, coz my "auntie" every month touchdown without fail...

aiyo... poor thing... think you just need rest... still have lessons ah... must be so tiring... I still can rem my parttime course last time too... *shiver* Must take care leh.... reach home liao, fast fast settle down and sleep early. If really cannot tahan liao, take MC lah... no choice, health more impt hor... esp. when you have another one in you... JIA YOU...
Hi everyone. Yes, I'm ultra busy.SOme nights I work till daylight then go straight to work. Cos it's the peak period for me now and many of my younger staff fall sick easily so I gotta stand in and do their work too. See that everyone now busy with the b'day party for the little ones. Me have not sent formal invite, no buffet catered yet. Only a cake ordered, and design I leave it to the shop...just told them what Char likes. Took leave last month to buy the gifts for the little ones but think notenough must find time to go get more. Phew!

Update on Char, she's still not saying much. Papa, eat, Mama (or is it Mum mum as in eating???) My gal confirm greedy. But now she totally reject FM, so only morn and nite time when I BF her. DUnno how to wean her off this way.Headache. She's very manja and when I manja with her she'll also come sayang me. They're at a very playful and cute age now. Really enjoy time with her. So been thinking of having no. 2. Even thought of name for no. 2 be it a boy or gal.;P

Jenny, no time to take pic of Char leh.

Vivian, think you're right pap smear coming soon. I'm enjoying no menses but also worried, does it mean no more babies in future???

Delphine, nice to see you ladies here too. But I so busy no time to come in often.
Paracetamol i think same one?
Kim pattern depends on those more independent one? but 1 thing i dun like is that if noone accp her she will cry.

Ya today work half day cannot tahan already faster go see doc. Issue me another 2 days MC. Btw last week this doc ask me quit my job cause i overly stress. Today i go back see her she tell me "i say rest more u didnt obey.. now u come back"

Jia you for 2nd one! hehehe
Adeline, thanks. I'll only start to jia you around Feb next year cos I need to travel in Jun next year so must time properly else the airline wont let me go on board. But now with my menses MIA, not sure if I can hv bb any time soon.

Aspialle, any pic of Ted? Then we can see if they look alike or not. How's your dad?
<font color="0000ff">Haze,</font>
I've PMed you earlier but think PM got prob, so you din receive?
I can't buy you to buy durian mooncake on Fri cos I'm buying a lot and I already having prob finding fridge for storing. I scare wait buy liao no place to store, wait spoilt. If like tat, waste more $. So best if your hb can come and buy and bring home. Pls email me ([email protected]) for details where to buy if you still keen. Sales is Fri, 11am to 3pm only.

<font color="0000ff">delphine,</font>
if you see the msg, can help me pass to Haze.
Mummies who ordered received? I find the color dull and like more for boy cos of the color. I very disappointed with it. Moreover, its material is not as soft as babylegs.
halo mummies,

I have MIA for quite a few days...
have been v busy at work.at home, tricia is being v naughty by sleeping at 12 plus and waking up in the middle of the nite.. now take a slight break. my eyes are painful from staring at too many numbers....

so many topics but pai seh, cant reply to all though i have scan thro' them...

hi jenny,

my huggalegs are still with jackiejon. no time to pick up from her yet.

Digging ears
was looking at tricia ears and can see that there are "er si" inside. how do u remove them? i know PD did say dont dig but i'm afraid that they will accumulate and harden inside her ear.

ok, going back work, must try to go back early today. been going home late these few days...
I brought A to chk on his ears months back with the GP near my flat when we noticed him digging and pulling his ears... they precribed some oilment drop for his ears... it will helps to self-clean when we drop the oilment into his ears. However seldom use these days as i will try to use wet cotton wipe to clean his ears weekly when i see "er si"

you may want to bring her to GP to ask for the ear drop?
The "er si" hor, I never dig for both gals, but my aunt said must sometimes use our last finger to "twist twist" a bit for the "er si" to drop out. Cos hor, if too thick, the "er si" will block and harden. Then need to see PD to get those drop for ear to loose the "er si" for it to drop out. She said very painful one cos one of the kids she's looking after refuses to let my aunt clears her earshit.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> strange leh. caleb cannot walk yet but he knows how to stand up on his own on squatting position liao leh. he can only manage max 3 steps. aiyo dunno normal or not. he can stand n squat n stand n squat non stop lor.

ok gtg work liao
I believe you are refering to Eater Palace teochew mooncake. Yes, they are at the Taka fair this year. If you are facing the fair area from the water fountain part, Eater Palace is the first stall on the extreme right row
Dun worry. Shd be q fast liao.

I went Taka yday. You are right, is Eater Palace. Anyway I was in such a rush, I got the wrong brand! But hor, Zhen Wei one taste better than Eater Palace this year!
And I went to taste Garden where a lot of ppl said nice in the other thread. Not nice one, smelly oil smell. Think they din change their oil.
Have been so tied up with work and every other thing that I have not been able to follow the forum much.

Love the series of Rhys' photos which you put up. Very entertaining leh!

Those on the outside, can gently "dig out" with the very thin Pigeon's cotton buds for babies. If too far in, just leave it alone. Our ears are somewhat self-cleansing. The wax will be pushed out on its own
But if you see Tricia pulling and tugging at her ear, then must bring to doctor.

Take care
I am sure the presence of the little one is enough to give you all the strength you require for your daily chores!

Baby's Development
K has been able to say more words now like bye, car, bar (for bus), apple (this one is quite clear! I heard it last night), but he still cannot say daddy and mummy, or gonggong and mama.

In terms of vocabulary, he is able to point to the correct pictures in his books or cards when we name the items like bird, banana, fish, etc

For motor skills, he is now able to put the rings into the ring stacker very fast and accurately. A strange thing he picked up recently on his own is doing the gongxi gongxi action whenever he is happy and excited. It is so funny cos it looks so out of context! :p But hmmm, this baby still cannot clap!
Hi Jenny,
Are you the one that say Spotlight selling the helium gas? Do you noe how big is the thing, is it heavy? If the weight is not too heavy, I would like to go & buy later. Thanks.

Talking about going to the fair makes me so angry. We went on Saturday with K in tow. No choice cos we only have weekends to go and we have to bring him along. Just because I was carrying the baby and hubby pushing the pram, we get unkind remarks from some people behind us. Actually it was not that crowded when we were there and we made sure we kept in pace with the crowd and don't block the way cos we don't want to inconvenience people as well. But there was this middle-aged couple behind us and the wife was saying something like "baby also bring here"... HELLO?! Then who look after my baby? My baby in your way meh? Then her husband was like cannot wait to overtake us and keep giving me very unkind glare. But the thing is, it is the people in front of us who are blocking OUR way, not WE blocking OTHER'S way! Ok lor.. so he overtake us, and get stucked in front of us. Like that also gam wan.

Never tried Zhen Wei before but I like the crispy taste of Eater Palace's.
Fresh and nice.
