(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

actually hor, those rompers are bought by SILs when they travel to HKG. tat time, Alvis still not born yet. some are his christmas presents.
i hav to take out & let him try to ensure he can fit in. if not, waste ma...
he sledom wear rompers one...during day time since he born, only wear top wif diapers only... more cooler ma...nite time then only change to romper. my mom did comment tat my son wear so little..
u hav such a wonderful mum to take care R so tat u hav no worry during work.
we really hav to grateful to those ppl around who help us lor. like me, MIL who take care A will make sure i finish my dinner, wash milk bottle, take bath oredi, then only let me take care of A. so, when A sleep, i oso can rest liao..she is very nice lor. although she sometimes complain A very naught, but i know she is no mean tat..
thanks for telling me about Ameda pump, will take note on tat.
btw, how u use pigeon clenser to wash bottle or pump? u mix wif warm water or jz tap water? how much u put? sometimes i still feel the pump still oily after i wash lel...

R still got lotsa baby gift sets and i dun dare to open liao. he sure cant fit in now. and since i alrdy bot more than enuff rompers 4 him to wear, i dun intend to open those in the gift sets liao.

same lah, daytime, like ur Alvis, he will wear a top and diaper only mah. when its raining, then we will put on long pants 4 him.

true leh, i am grateful 4 hvg my mum ard. though my MIL whom dunno how to care 4 R as well as my mum does, she tries to handle him while i can finish my dinner and washing of btls etc. some help is better than no help.
occasionally if they wanna complain, juz let them release. afterall i took care of R myself b4 i came back to work, so i noe he is not an easy baby. somemore we all noe their complaints r harmless.

4 the cleanser, i pump abt 5-6 squirts directly onto them 1st then rub the more oily parts of the pump (like valve, petal massager and diaphragm) directly b4 adding normal temp tap water and wash wif brush.

u try adding a few drops of the cleanser onto the parts tt r more oily and rub them b4 adding water. shld b effective in removing the oiliness better.
thanks for the link. think the book is very usefuly but where to get it in s'pore? Borders? Guess i'll go there to take alook this weekend.

no, now doing it now, just reading up. oh, i mean starting on solid. anyway, i dont think KB will be ready even at 4mth old, probably 5mth old ba. i need really the foundamental like what are the cues that bb is ready, how and what to prepare for first meal, etc.. like selina mentioned getting freezer cubes, at first i dont even know what is it for.

A looks big in the pic. wah, u really letting him wear red huh...really got the "xi qi yang yang" look! i just realized i didnt get any red stuff for KB's CNY wear.

KB's feeding schedule is exactly same as C's!! i'm hoping to shift his 8-9pm feed to 11pm but very difficult lor. only during weekends is possible cos he is usually awake at 8-9pm when outside. but on weekdays if dont let him sleep around that time, he'll be very cranky. last nite, i only gave him 90ml at 8pm, hoping that he'll wake up at 12am but he didn't. we tried to wake him by talking to him for 10min then gave him hot towel facial treatments, all attempts failed! he just slept till 4am.

guess the next thing i want to do is to wean off/delay his 4am feed to 6-7am. i read from many places bb by 4mth old should be able to sleep thru liao. my fren let his gal (9-10mth old) cried for 45min then next day she slept thru liao. he told me it is easier to train them when they are young. he said cannot cry for more than 45min wo. i tried that last weekend but after 15min i quickly carried him and after about 30min he fell back asleep.

thanks for the lunch then. so many of us going to buy u drinks, u sure u can take all???

dont sounds good to me leh as C seems to be catching up on lack of milk during daytime. why dont u try to give her more during daytime?
hehe...me very kiasu. i told those ppl who wanna buy clothes for A (my mu, Sils) must buy those indicate 6mths & above one. so, when A baby time, he only wear those hand-me-soen clothes frm my sis. till my hb complain why our son wear those 'jiu jiu de yi fu'. ..

ok...will try to do tat. if not, i still can smeel fishy smell when i take out my pump after wash.
yalor, wanna wear him on 1st day CNY. but dunno he still can fit in or not.
can see A like to face to right side, hor? now, we hav to like 'xiao zou' ..run here run there to make him turn to left. tired man...but hav to
dun wake KB up lal. it's gd he can sleep frm 8pm till 4am ma...btw, wat's his next feed after 4am?
i think KB is learning to sleep thru all the nite now. giv him time, he will change his feed time slowly. if he didnt wake up at 12am, mean tat he's not hungry lol.
not gd to let him cry so long even 15min. like A, if he cry a lot during day time, at nite, when he sleep, he will 'ham min'..cry even though he is sleep...not gd lol.
ya, can see fr the 2nd pic A's head slightly to the left.

b4 delivery i bot KB's 2 tops intended for him to wear during CNY but now i dont think can fit him then. so every weekends now he will wear these 2 tops until i see already also sian. but no choice cos i think he can only wear them for another 2 weeks at most.

his next feed is about 8-9am. i will usually let him latch on and sometimes after 10min he'll fall back asleep. also, his 4/5am feed can only finish 90ml, so i think can eliminate this feed lor.

hb and i also heart pain to see him cry so on the 2nd nite we gave him pacifier to see if he only wants the sucking sensation. but in the end i still gave in and feed him.
Qns on Jab

Err.... did u all say only 6-in-1 will cause fever or 5-in-1 also? someone mentioned 2nd jab will likely to hv fever after that, is it the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1? What about 1st jab of 5-in-1? I'm going to bring KB for his 1st 5-in-1 jab on the day i return work, which is also his first day to infant centre. as he is still adapting to the new enviornment, i'm afraid it will trigger the fever.
hi gals...

weaning off...for the past 1 week, my boy will hv his last feed at 9pm and will wake up at 4am to have his next feed then at 8am ...but ever since i started work on 3 jan, he changed his feeding pattern again...now last feed 9pm, he wake up 2-3 am and wake up again at 5.30-6am.....wah...very tiring cos we used to only waking up once at nite...really hope he can revert to his old feeding pattern......is there any way to train him besides letting him cry and dun give him milk?....cannot tahan him cry, will be soft hearted....
oh ya...my boy having his 3rd jab this fri...but i am not sure whether its 5-in-1 or 6-in-one le....usually we juz bring him to the PD at Spore bb.....wats the difference between these 2 types of jabs?
Hi ladies,
Thanks. Just got the time to sit down and make a call back home to check on Rhys. Mum told me he just going to sleep and still crying lots before sleeping. But think my mum's tone is slightly better liao.
Today think I will go home early to see Rhys. So happy...

my mum not that naggy one leh. Think Rhys too difficult to handle. I know she loved him very much, but just cannot tahan him crying and screaming. Heartpain I guess. My MIL cannot take care coz she now taking care of my 2 SIL's bb plus doing biz.

I also have ameda pump. Try not to sterilise the valve (white piece) and the funnel (the transparent cup) too often coz they are quite fragile. Esp. the valve, need to be careful when handling it. What I did is that I use hot water to soak them instead. The valve can be quite oily inside so sometimes I will use cotton stick to clean them.
And last thing very impt, do keep the funnel and the tube dry coz if the tube is wet, will not be easily dry and it will cause bacteria to grow. I think Jenny mentioned it quite some time ago. Hope this helps.
Not only will i turn crazy at home, i also got no chance to wear nice nice clothes if I don't work. So no excuse to shop for clothes, shoes and bags! Plus no money also lor.

My boss is a difficult person to work for, hence u see me damn stressed at work. But on a personal level, he has been very kind to me lor.
Last time, i pump together with my colleagues. More fun like that, can spur each other on. I guess that's how all of us managed to bf for a year.
As for watching tv, Joshua doesn't like cartoons and it's not v keen on sesame street or barney. He's more interested in real people eg Hi5. His interest in watching tv only came when he was almost 1 yr old. Now he's hooked onto the tv. Keep pestering me to turn on for him. I try to limit to 30 mins each time. That's why i like the Baby Einstein series cos each dvd is about 30 mins whereas for Hi5, each vcd has 2 episodes which adds up to 1 hr. And if i switch off after 1 episode, he'll kick up a fuss.
I read some research that watching tv impedes a child's creativity. But i think moderation is the key. Joshua learns a lot of things from what he watches. I read to him a lot too and whatever he learns from books gets reinforced in what he sees on tv. Eg, he knows the names of farm animals and sea creatures from books and when he sees the real thing on tv, he can relate to what he sees in the books and tell me what they are.

I bought the book from Kinokuniya. The book was out of stock at borders when i wanted to buy it there.
Frankly it's best to prepare fresh instead of freezing if u have a choice. I was working then, that's why i batch prepare the food and freeze them. Batch cooking is also cheaper because of economies of scale. You can cook the whole sweet pototoe for many meals instead of wasting it just for 1-2 meals. Read the book and decide for yourself what works best.
my boy has weird feeding pattern too...at first he still wake up every 2 hr interval at nite, i.e.11+ , 1+ ,3+, 5+ etc recently he take last feed at 11+, then ard 3+ close to 4pm then 2hr interval resume again
i also duno how...
i tried giving plain water during nite feed, hope tat he can stretch longer next time loh

haha we are on same boat....previously my mum is looking after my boy and we agreed tat if i go to work she will take care day, and i take care nite...but she seems tat cannot tahan liao :p i always worry tat she will "zhao lor" runaway halfway so haven start new job yet,im looking for infant care just in case too....

thanks for ur website on pacifier, i ever told MIL the pros and cons of pacifier and tot that its a sharing...but instead offended her indirectly cos she says she take care of 3 sons also like tat ...its i who duno hw to take care of bb...she says i dun listen to her advise yet i listen to all these negative tings :p
since she likes to mention her generation xxxx really feel like telling her her generation not educated and dun have so much infor available,now that we are educated and scientific advance, if we dun make gd use of infor available then im really called stupid (since she always say that im stupid)
i was wondering if i wld need freezer cubes coz my mum probably preparing it fresh and i doubt she wld like the idea of freezer cubes. by then when my niece is oso weaning, she cook once but can feed 2 kids. so shldnt b a problem.
er, dunno issit 5in1 or 6in1 but i heard v common one, 2nd jab will hv fever. me usually let him take jab on sat morning, so at least got 1.5 days to monitor if he has fever. mayb u can arrange on a sat like me too.

pple say babies shld wear hands-me-down so can grow up faster and i dunno wat other benefits. i hv hands-me-down too but gotta wait till R is bigger then can fit in.

i am not the sort to let my baby cry out, esp in the middle of the nite. v heartpain. so i can nvr train him to wean off nite feed. i let him fall into a cycle himself lah.

think juz hv to let ur mum get used to Rhys pattern. he might chg as he gets older, i guess. dun stress too much.

hahahaha! u r right man! no work means cant wear nice clothings, no excuse to buy bags!

pump together wif coll??!! as in really pump together or u meant there was a coll whom was oso bfg and "accompanied" u thru the period?

oh yah now on reading to him.... hv u started to read to emma? wat books shall i get? any suggestions? i agree tt everything in moderation. kids nowadays r really smart. they can recognise things at a tender age.
my boy has exactly the same nite feeding pattern. his last and 1st feed will usually be 4 or 4.5 hrs apart, but thereafter, he will usually resume 2 hourly, regardless how long he latched! i am oso v puzzled!
hi jo,

my SILs has advise me not to buy milk powder from M'sia. It's seem to be different from those distributed in Singapore though under the same brand. So all along, we have only bought diapers in m'sia.

as for making formula milk, i will put in hot water first. for example, if 5 scoops of powder, it's 150ml hot water.
hi hi ladies..
thks..pls help me pray..do hope that things gets better for me along the way..

hi hi jasmine..
A is so cute..hmm..makes me think if i shd get Mav red color for CNY..so cute..can see that he has grown alot leh..very well-fed leh..

hi hi babygrace..
very nice leh..u get to have colleagues to pump with..can chat chat at the same time also..unlike me..esp now..like a mouse running into the room available to pump..aft that also dun really like dare to wash the pump for my next pumping session..

hi hi crystallized..
thks for ur encouragement, ya, i must tell myself that Mav is drinking my milk so i must press on for his sake..despite all i m facing thru now..thks..thks..
i wanted to tell u wat gemini has said. better dun buy milk powder fr msia. i heard fr frens tt some of the milk powders hv unapproved ingredients tt SG dun hv. since milk powder is the only source of food (for the time being until K weans) now, then shldnt save on the money. besides u cant tell how milk powder fr msia affects her now. such things r long term effects. juz my opinion
hi jasmine,

tricia also loves to put her hand in her mouth. sometimes, in the middle of the night, i'm awaken by her "zu zu" sound. whenever i see it, i will pull her hand out but sometimes, i will just leave it, too tired to do that. someone was telling me that it's not gd for the teeth developement.

hi startz,

if in this case, why not consider getting a maid? my mum is taking of tricia now, though she's not complaining, (my gal dont sleep long in afternoon) but i know that she's very tired from taking care cos my gal is quite big-sized and she wants to be carried and also from doing the housework. initially she do not want me to get a maid cos she's afraid that it will add on to my finanical burden. but finally, i have decided to hire a maid.

hi selina,

tricia is also a tv addict. even when she's drinking milk & the tv is on, she will turn her head towards the TV. i got quite a number of barney & hi5 VCDs, so if u want, i can lend to you.

hi bbgrace,

oh, also got Baby Einstein VCDs? There's really a lot of bb stuff. i have lwhat's the latest or "in" stuff from my nephews & nieces.

yah, i prefer working to takin care of tricia full time. of course, on wkends, i will devote all my energy to take care of her but ask me to be a full time SAHM, i will faint... that's why i really salute my mum.
Since R been to the infant care, she seems to be very tire and sleep from 8pm and wake up at 5am for her morning feed. I also woke up at 5am to prepare top go to wk at abt 6am+. Feel so guilty, must be lack of sleep at infant care, but her intake of milk increase during the day at infant care by 20ml, now drink 170ml every 3hrs,6times a day
Her sleep during the day only abt 4-5hrs, maybe too noisy or too many things to stimulate her. Normally at hm (she fall alsleep very easy), her sleep in the day is abt 8hrs and nite abt 8hrs. total is abt 16hrs. now only abt 13-14hrs
hi selina,

thanks for the treat. if we meeting up @ punggol plaza, will be my treat ok?
i believe that hb needs to be trained to take care of bb. maybe for my hb, he's used to it. cos he has played with my nephews & nieces since they were born till now. my hb can feed tricia better than me now.
if she sleep at 8pm, I really no chance to play w her.just now went to cuddle her, feel so sad to part w her. at hm, I busy washing and she fall alseep liao got no time for mummy to cuddle anymore.
vivian, I know how u feel although R stay the night w m cos got a few days, I no chance to cuddle her and she already sleeping
really thanks for ur advice. is tat mean u only use hot water to soak the valve instead of putting them into sterilizer? and how to keep the tube dry? i know we do not need to sterilize tube & ... is tat mean tat do not need to wash the tube? i'm very bad in taking care of those stuffs one....

thanks. yeah...he has grown alot. but hor, i'm lousy mummy lor. jz brought him to PD again last thursday due to his red eyes. it's due to he always rub his eyes & dusty lor. and i did mentioned here tat PD noticed his neck muscle a bit stiff and always turn to 1 side nia...will bough him for injection this friday & ask PD to check thru.
how's maverick? has he take his injection oredi?
hehe...the way u describe how u pump is exactly same as me. always rush to pump, & it affect quntity & quality of milk flow. envy those who can pump together wif their coll. more fun hor...

hi ladies,
any commens on sterilize tablet? me tot using tat after wash pump in the office.
actually i haven use yet. tot of using hot water frm water dispenser to rinse my breast pump. do u think it's good enuf?

ya lor. very tire to remove his hand. if i keep on hold his hand, he will 'bu suang' will start fuss. hehe...oo..tricia even put her fits when sleep at night arr. A didnt do tat but he will 'ee aarr...' at nite lor. dunno wat he dream.
hi wendy,

sorry to hear about that when u are absent frm work,esp u are on maternity leave. perhaps u can consider looking around for a job as who knows whether ur management will purposely make things difficult for you so as to force u to resign.

i think M will look gd in red as he's fair like u.
maybe it's the 1st day ur mum into full time taking care of Rhys, so not sure of his pattern yet.. so tats y she complain.. let her have a few days then slowly she will ok liao..
also a gd thing for BB to stay over cos at least can train BB to be able to suit all diff environment..

think u shld continue to try feeding him at 11plus.. BB needs time to change their routine.. my ger if she slp ard 9pm, i will make sure we wake her up ard midnite for milk.. so tat at least this way can let her slp till morning.. starting her time will go heywire.. but slowly she will get used to it..

i think better dun give her too much for that 8-9pm feed unless it like early 8pm then not so bad.. cos if u give her too much, later wake up in middle of the nite then more tiring for u. if she drink less during tat feed, at most top up more for the last feed..

however if during the day, she's requesting for more, then its ok to give her more.. like my ger, she used to drink 4.5oz every 3hrly..
now for the last few days, she had been crying for more milk after each feed, most prob not filling enough.. now she's drinking 6 to 7oz..
however if she drink less than that n rejected the milk bottle, we also wont force her to finish, cos most prob is she's full..

give ur mum some time to get used to it bah.. older pple then to have prob adjusting to a new environment one.. as for using electric appliances, maybe u can write it down somewhere for her.. cos she may forget how to use..
her face black black can be understood lar.. cos long time nv take care of bb liao mah.. so dun be so sianz.. at least is ur mum taking care n complaining to u rather than bottle up.. if bottle up next time very easy will quarrel one..

Charlene also got many clothes as gifts during her full mth.. unlike u, i am worried that she couldnt fit in when she's older, i unpacked them so can wash n let her wear.. but MIL say she also nv wear one.. dun unpacked kp in original packing next time give pple.. wait unwrapped liao wash also nv wear.. so pissed..
but cant say much.. cos she is the one washing BB clothes.. i wanted to use washing machine she say BB clothes must use hands.. then she insists that she wash..
now BB only wear those I LOVE MOM clothes.. everyday the same.. only diff color nia..

u all so lucky got pple help.. me only got hubby and at times when go back mum place got mum.. sometimes i wanna eat i got to eat quickly like some hungry mad woman.. cos my room on the 3rd lvl, n dining on 1st lvl.. wanna do anythin must rush like mad..

if hubby going out, i must make sure i bath/go toilet or do watever i wan 1st.. cos that time i left BB on the bed n went toilet, when i came back, she was already on the floor.. fell off the bed... haiz.. was so guilty then.. now i dun dare to leave her alone.. even wan go toilet also must ren.. unless the maid happen to be in or outside my room
oh btw, do anyone remember which medical hall is it in sengkang that sell cheaper milk powder & pampers?
going to stock up.. but forget where the link is posted at liao..
i feel no need to b so clean thoroughly, esp in ofc. coz no time leh. since i pump twice in ofc, the 1st session means my pump is sterilised fr home liao. so aft this session, i will wash wif the pigeon cleanser then soak everything in hot water and assemble 4 the nxt use. i feel tt as long as we wash properly and use water to rinse off, its quite clean alrdy. bsides, its to slowly get our babies adjusted to not a so clean system. tts my view lah.
where u stay actually? u sound like me. my roon on the 3rd lvl, n dining on 1st lvl. morning b4 i go to work, if my baby still sleep, i hav to rush down to hav my breakfast & doing my stuffs, but cant stay long then hav to rush up to see my bb wake up or not, up & down, very xiong lor. told hb, tat's my daily exercise. very soon will slim down.

how come ur bb will feel off the bed? she knew how to flip oredi? think u should put her in the middle of bed, tat what i do now. but if he know how to flip liao, i wont do tat ...better put him back in his cot...

actually tat's wat i doing now. jz tat my hb think hot water frm dispenser not so 'hot' enuf to sterilize & he bought me sterilizer tablet.
btw, do u use towel to wipe ur pump after sterilized?
Hi mummies,
sorry I don't come in so often, I was very busy especially after I started work. I saw the babies photo taken at the gathering, they were so lovely, my baby was very excited when he saw the photo as if he know them. I'm now on 2 weeks leave cos my eldest boy is in P1 this year.

esther mummy,
I saw you mentioned about this Yu Guo Chinese Physician Acupuncture & Physiotherapy Pte Ltd,
my dad sometimes feel pain at the joint of the knee, can I bring him there for this problem?

Cleaning Steriliser
I saw someone mentioned about cleaning the steriliser with vinegar. The method is to wash it with vinegar or to pour it in then steam it?
yes, i used to pump with 3 other coll from my ex-dept. 2 of them whose bb is 1 mth younger than joshua and another one 3 mths younger. We will hijack the meeting room and put a sign outside to tell pple to come back later. at least got company to chit chat and someone to remind me to go pump, else i will just work work work.

i started reading to joshua when he was 2.5 mths. i've started on emma but not as frequent as joshua cos sad to say, Joshua still takes up most of my time. i have a few of those cloth books in red, black and white cos those are the 1st colours bb can see. but actually, any type of books will do. Right now at this young age, it's more of getting them used to the idea of being read to and sitting down to see the colourful pages. i'm lucky to have inherited a good collection of books from SIL and hubby and i buy a lot of books too. we feel that we should not stinge on books. We rotate the books and keep some of them cos of space constraint. Later when i have time, i search thru' some of the titles for you.
why don't u dare to wash your pump? Don't worry, bfg is very wei da leh. i don't care, i just wash anywhere. The last time i was washing my pump in the pantry and one of the directors came in wanting to wash his cup. He saw my pump and smile at me. Nothing to be shy about.
if your hubby feel that the water from dispenser is not hot enough, do you have an electric kettle to boil your own water? What i do in office is to boil a kettle of water and pour it over my pump after i've washed them.
hi ladies..
back from lunch.. today weather makes me even more sleepy.....

ur massage lady is mdm naini is it??? i heard she's very good... ya, she's right, those osim n uzap cant use too soon... pref after 6mths...

char do look quite big liaoz.. see girl girl so cute.. e clothes pink pink so sweet hor... during preggy time i keep wishing for a princess... but now, very happy with ayden too...

i got similar boobs.. right is very very much bigger than left.. n right side can produce 3x e milk compared to left side...

how many capsules u taking per day???
i just found out tat eating oats helped too.. cos yesterday morning had oats for breakfast.. afternoon late in pumping abit only, got engorgement on my right breast...

mixing EBM with FM -
i realise my boy "prefer" drinking milk this way leh.. (but i warm up e EBM to room temp b4 mixing).. after a number of times "experimenting".. he tends to drink much more mixed milk, then FM or EBM alone... funny....

i wanted to hire a part-time maid, those who come to clean a few hrs on weekends only, but my mum "don't allow"... she'll tell me save e $$, she'll do for me... but so far never do, end up stil me n hb do at nite or over e weekends... she cooks her own lunch and our dinner nowadays.. but also always complain no time to prepare e food to cook.. we always tell her not to cook if no time can ta-bao, but she also dont listen... then keep complaining to me....

my mum not very old leh.. 54 this year.. still ok mah... i also donno her lah...
hi hi selina..
thks for the treat..really appreciate u & hubby alot..u r v nice to have open up ur house for us..thks for being thotful to arrange for the bfg room also..thks..

hi hi jasmine..
maybe can use boiled water to wipe his eyes these few days to lessen his irritation ba, hope he gets better..Mav went for his 5-in-1 jab last Thur (4jan)..then he has slight fever & we fed him alittle bit of the pink panadol for children..for me, coz i think esp now in the current situation, i like thief like that, got to pump out when no one is looking & be fast fsat one lor..duno hw leh..yest i feel like crying out when i m pumping aft the change in roles & resposibilities..but i remembered what Jenny told me b4 that dun let my mood get affected, if not, no gd for the milk we expressed out..
ok...maybe i shld get a kettle. thanks...
dunnno lel. me still not used to. whenever i wanna wash pump, feel paiseh when saw my male coll around.

yeah...been doing tat & put the eye ointment given by PD. oso change his mitten often. now better liao. pity him... poor boy not taking well by his mum.
dun cry..*hug*. for the sake of Mav, everrything oso hav to 'ren' lor. like others mummies said, prove to them tat they r wrong. jia you!!!
BBgrace, how does Emma react when you read to her? Char looked bored, so I stopped reading leh. Maybe I should find time to continue. She seem to like singing so I sing lots to her(though I tone deaf) with actions.

Starz, I do agree that bb gal's clothes more interesting. But Boy's clothes also very cute lah. We as parents will spend lots to doll them up.
thanks for telling me Kinokuniya also selling. i also prefer to prepare fresh so hv not purchases and freezer cube yet. also since bb going to infant centre and they dont allow us to bring food there.

i'm thinking of bringing him for the jab on Fri nite but the PD only available on Monday nite, else i'll hv to take leave. since i just return to work, prefer not to take leave and Sat morning always alot of pp. will discuss with hb and see how.

wei kuan
i also notice infant centre is quite noisy lor,also worried KB will not be able to sleep. but i guess as long as they continue to put on weight, it should be fine.

wah, u all started reading to bb so early ah. i tried showing him flash card he also not interested so i thot even flash card is too early for him.

140ml not little leh...hmmm....maybe she just misses u.

u must stay positive hor...i also think maybe it is just an excuse to make u leave. guess it is better that u start looking for a new job, who knows it's going to be a better one??
bz @ work today. scheduled meeting for the entire day so no time to login.

i got the book from kinokuniya after bbgrace's posting earlier.

i have barney & hi5 but think they are too advance for caleb now so i nv let him watch.

i tried for an entire wk but he not heywire, he zun zun wake up at 3am & 6am. now if he sleeps at 9pm, i'll just let him sleep. the most i just wake up in the nite to feed. i think too young to force him to wean nite feed. i will let him wean himself off.
hi gals
Now he is reaching 3rd mth soon but he is v "sticky"...i have to do housework, cook dinner do the nite feeding etc really feels tired

anyone knw of gd infant care in west area to recommend?

my mum may backout again, im a bit pissed off liao cos everytime she promised she will help take care at least one year...but she will grumble tat she duno whether she can tahan cos its tiring bla...although i say she does not need to do housework just taking care of Ted if i go to work. She waivers a lot that i do not have the confidence of going to look for job, i have gut feel that halfway she will give up and i will stuck in between.....Now i haven go to work, testing her to take care Mon to Fri, but many a times she have her own activities and "pontend" and went back....

really feeling a bit burnt out cos no one to help me look after Ted and i really need to go out and earn an income cos need to pay off insurance, etc
Think same problem comes back again.Headache :p

i knw u taking care of bb and working frm home, u taking care alone? how u manage?
yes it noisy. also good to train them that day time is noisy. think she is beginning to learn to have deep sleep in very nosiy place liao.
My infantcare allow parents to bring food leh. will just let them know what time I want them to feed R the food I want. They will prepare porridge etc... Some mother bring their own food and will heat up by teacher. there r two register nurse there and my R quite attach to one of the nurse cos whenever feeding time, she will drink her milk very fast if feed by that nurse, so funny. if not she took her own sweet time, look here and there
how i manage? if caleb is good, will play with him while he awake for a while then go back to do some work, when he fuss, then attend to him. training him to self entertain.

if he is notti, need carry, then will carry him n work at the same time lor. i put mattress in the living room so i can work n he sleep next to me on the mattress.

once he sleeps, i will quickly go do what i have to do to try to accomplish as much as possible during his nap times so i can entertain him when he awake. or i will go pump, wash bottles, sterilise etc. but i dun sterilise after every feed. just use hot water. at times i pump, work & carry him all at the same time.

today me came back later from office (ard 5+) so when got home, changed, mum made remarks that caleb today very notti kept crying in the morning until both she n dad also dunno wat to do. she not complaining just telling me. dad said mayb caleb misses me cos nv see me whole morning. felt so bad to put my mum thru this but really bo pain. at least now caleb can self entertain at times without fussing. we only attend to him when he fusses.

see how u look at it.
take it as a challenge and prove then wrong so u can work there happily. if u think u can't do it, can think of another job. If I were you, I will continue and prove them wrong man.
I been stab at work but I still make myself work happily at office. I also dun feel like complain cos no use. I work for money as well as for R cos she is there and I must wait till she 18mths then can consider resign. maybe that time I preggy again, so must wait till I give birth then can resign or wait till my 2nd child is 18mth. wow lei, I may as well make myself happy and do my own job.sometime thinking of resign is only a moment and I know I will regret if I resign.
