(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

long time never post photos liao...
Miss all those babies photos...
How abt everyone post recent photos of our babies?
Let me start first...
Here's Rhys first time lying on his tummy and he lifted his head up... hee...

And this one is with his new hat... and innocent look... hee...

can see d diff.
btw, wat's Rhys weight now? he look so much diff frm the pics u posted here when he born tat time.
dun know leh... he still look chubby in some pix leh... just not as chubby as during his 1st mth. The first pix when he lift up his head, can see he balding liao... sigh... I still like his hair when he is born... hee...

hee... ya lor, the thighs a lot of difference hor. Think 3 weeks ago, he was 7kg. Think now much more liao... Think now his face longer and slimmer while his early face are round round chubby chubby one...
Vivian, Rhys start to look more like your hb now. His eyes looks like your hb in the one on his tummy. he looks different now. More handsome than cute.

BBgrace, thanks for info on the books.
coral /freshpoison
i can't get part time maid or order catering for dinner. U knw my MIL pattern, she always compare her past generation and me then say last time what she does ....can do this and that ...looking after 3 children alone, she will sure grumble hw cum i so useless. last time when i pregnant , during the last mth pregnancy actually i told hb i dun wan to cook cos its getting more and more tiring, when MIL gets to knw it , she says "y cannot cook?" then she began her story again last time she pregnant still cook and look after children etc So now i try to do everytings myself and "follow her pattern" if not she will say i useless again. I feel very "xinku", y she dun compare me with the generations now, e.g. people at my age, many do not knw how to cook but i cook dinner for hb daily. People at her generations carry pails of water daily and they are less educated, but our batch frm birth is study..study, not those manual type of person. Its natural if we do feel tired.I feel that i can never meet her expections to be a good DIL
I am ordering catering 4times a week.

Rhys look so diff from the gathering pict. He still so cute.
My recent photo is on 31Dec06 (the gathering photo), since start wk, no time to take photo
At least your bb still drink when she is hungry, mine so naughty that she rather drink water than milk.

think so ba.. my ger maybe a small size baby.

rhys looks different liao leh.... but still handsome boy boy lah.. will try you ladies method, to mix FM with Bm to see how she will respond.

Actually was deciding between similac and enfacla... then my friend says if my gal has history of constipation, should let her try enfacla, think similac more heaty.

I really hope she grow well and healthy.

dun worry emma will be fine as well as long as they are healthy.
Desiree so cute!! Loved the smiley pix ! Too bad, the last gathering never get to see her.
Dun worry too much, she looks great!! Girl small size never mind lah...
dun scared. at least he knows he is angry...

rhys looked different in the first pix. agree with coral he looks more handsome now than cute. now pple say my or ni gu dun look so cao lao liao. all say now he looked like bb...

caleb turned on his tummy himself this morning. but his right had kanna stuck so i had to help him bring it out. now everytime we put him on his back he will try to wanna turn. so funny. my mum will tell him "jia you, jia you"...

ha ha so coincidental, yesterday les also like very helpful leh. volunteered to settle caleb for the nite. think either they can sense our frustration or prob he has been reading my posting here
either way, i'm glad.

now i dun attempt to be super woman to do everything liao. i take care of caleb, work then i dun do housework. hb will do housework. he has been doing it since i preggie. i also dun cook liao cos i not super woman so i cannot n do not have energry n time to do so many things.

i ever carried caleb into toilet with me when i had to do my big business cos he started crying so no choice. but he damn happy when inside the toilet with me.

yes. i super multi-tasking now.

try mixing BM & FM, less FM into BM so got more BM smell ba.

applied for passport for caleb so went to collect it just now. so excited cos we going on a cruise in march.
Coral & CoolMum
i said i will research tmrw but dunno will end up shopping and no time to hit kinokuinya!
i will share here if i go there tmrw.

Rhys looks slimmer now. and his eyes grew bigger! i had a pix of R on his tummy (he dunno how to flip yet) but its in my sis camera so will download and put here. i find tt he looks really diff on his tummy.

Yah, i think its abt EGO. if i am so frustrated, i will welcome it when my hb wants to come and take over. this is to let myself cool down. eh ur hb si si wen wen, cant tell he got temper one. but i agree at times when they start crying & screaming, we go crazy too. really gotta self ctrl.

heng u warned us now. else i might end up over stocking!

me oso gg cruise in mar! u which date? mine 7-9 mar... haven brought R to do the passport... how was Caleb's photo taken? i am wondering how to snap his photo if he were to b sleeping when we r there.
Glanced thru the posts cos so busy at work !

gemini, jenny, crystallised (did i miss out some 1)
thanks for the advice =) actually i never use MP diaper leh, and not from M'sia..

i only use m'sia Similac, which i regretted buying, a bitscared scared..K only has 1 feed fr that can =p it should be my 1st & last can

cool cool mum, it was ard 29 ringgits : )

I love Rhys & I think he is really cute after seeing him in person from the gathering, he dun look notti at all leh

Alvis looks good in his new year clothes ! K one are neither red nor orange ; )

so happy for u taht ur hb is more zhi4 dong4..things will get better & better i bet ;: )

hehe, first overseas trip for caleb..can show us the foto u sent in for his passport...then i can use that as guideline..

will read thru the posts later..
Talking about hubby, i also have my fair share of frustration at time. He's v hands on and will help me with the kids once he's home. Plus he's v patient, so it's not likely to see him lose his temper even when he had to change bedsheet in the middle of the night (yes, vivian, this is very common). But then, he's so cool and laid back that he can't understand why i'm so frustrated at the kids at times.
For the past few days, Emma has been v cranky in the evening. I got to alternate between patting her and cooking / eating dinner while maid is busy feeding Joshua. Y'day Emma puked on the floor while i was carrying her. Maid stopped feeding Joshua and helped to clean the mess. Naughty Joshua decided to lean over his high chair and it tipped over. Luckily i saw and caught it in time with Emma in my arms.
I was complaining to hubby when he came back that evening time is like war zone and i'm dead tired from carrying Emma and keeping Joshua out of mischief. His reaction was that Emma should not be that difficult to manage. Just put her in the yaolan and give her the pacifier. Just let her cry lor. Made me super pissed off cos it seemed that i'm having an easy time at home. Told him to go ask my maid how difficult it was. And if it's so easy to handle 2 kids, then i would have gone back to work and let maid handle instead of cooping up at home.

He knows i'm angry so today he came home early to see if he could help. Who knows, Emma sabo me. She was well-behaved this evening and was happily lying in the yaolan while i was watching tv when daddy came back. Argh!!!
we are not superwomen and hb must help cos we have to work too. been to work almost two mths liao and I have get used to working life just like before. the difference is no overtime and no going out with friends after work.
Talking about hubbies I almost murdered mine this morning. He has 2 hp alarms on every morning n this morning 1 ring D woke so I pat him back to sleep. Once sleep 2nd hp ring he wake n dun want to sleep liao.

Today i do big business I let D sit in his rocker at the door n talk to him. When he make noise I jus keep calling n talking to him. In the end he cry very softly n until no voice as if I dun want him liao. Hear liao so heartache
Me too!!!! 7-9 mar cruise to Malacca/KL this is the DBS card promo. u too? hee hee
so coincidental. so long as the pix is with white background can liao. i online submit. when submitting, just crop until matches the sample given. but must make sure pix can see eyebrow & ears hor. dun choose pix where ears covered.

your hb & les sama sama leh. he also always tired one. sleep early, wake up late, at nite no need to wake up for nite feed still more tired than me. strange hor.

crystallized, jo,
here's the pix (cropped) submitted to ICA.

tis pix was taken on the diaper changing table.

yah MAN ego. but hor, from what you described your hb, sounds like me leh... but now i better liao. also with the diaper changing table, we no longer need to change bedsheet at night liao cos everyone he treat us to tea, we just use wet wipe to clean the table...

your niece tighs really much thinner than rhys.

sounds like your hb is the very cool type hor.

that's my wkend villa mah.
so every wkend go back hb will mop floor etc while i look after caleb. i very long nv do hsework liao so that time b4 the gathering, we clean the hse, a while i super tired liao...

wei kuan,
agree. we no superwoman so hb help really impt. i always console myself that at least hb helps with all the hsework.
My favourite photo becos can see his meaty arms....hehe
He was actually laughing away so alot of the photo was blur n guess what he was laughing at??
The TV!!

that time i doing biz then halfway he starts crying, call out to him n he cry even louder. no choice got to pause n run out to carry him into toilet wif me then he smile. bian tai hor like to smell my shit...
hey, seeing all the pix of bb on tummy then realised we dun have pix of caleb on his tummy. must ask hb take some liao.

i'm very happy today cos i was glad i was ard to witness another of caleb's new milestone - turning on his own. was actually talking & playing wif him tis morning then he struggle n struggle then the next thing i know he on his tummy liao. really hope i can always be ard to witness all his milestones. but as a working mum really hard lor. sigh...
hubby's the cool type while i'm the gan cheong spider.

wei kuan,
i always kenna bully by the kids. Both treat daddy better. but always v naughty around mommy.
Look like me ahh....hehe
My relatives say look exactly like me. btw my dad mistook my bb photo for D when I show it to him.
But other ppl mostly say look like hubby leh.

Wah Caleb can turn already ahh. D keep doing half turn at 2mths make me so happy now very lazy dun even try at all put him down he just lie there.
Congrats to Caleb for reaching his milestone!
selina, i tell you, there will be times you wish he won't flip so much cos diaper changing will never be the same again. haha!
This is D with my hubby both wearing white polo. So nice hor. Too bad I couldn't get a bigger size polo for D else can wear for new year so nice!!
Look like daddy or mummy huh.

Hi doreen,
Wah, ur D really "bhak bhak" arms. Like michelin bb.

Hi vivan,
Not sure the exact price for Little Touch. I think is $60+. The leap pad is $70+ and each book is either $29.9 or $39.9.

Hi aspialle,
Ur mum-in-law really one kind. Nxt time she say things abt her generation, u tell her LAST TIME POLICEMAN WEAR BERMUDAS!!!!
Hi bbgrace,
Ur TOP 08 izzit? Sure come earlier. My TOP was supposed to b dec07 but sep06 TOP liao. I last to collect cos deferred.

Hi selina,
Ur caleb veri fast. Can turn already. My can only lift up his head like vivian's.

Hi vivian,
Ur boy nt so chubby already but still veri cute.
wah... so many bb pics to view again.

i find D looks more like u.

can feel the joy in you seeing C turn to his tummy. i'm waiting for my turn too but guess still hv to wait for a while cos K still refuses to lie on his tummy.
wah, so fast C's hair growing back liao ah?

crystallized, coral, bbgrace
i just came back from JL sales. Bot 2 Brainy BB VCD liao, itchy hands can't stand the temptation. Original price was $31.80, promo price now $19.90 less 20% less 5%, so i thot it is quite a good deal.

Talkative KB

Nowadays KB love to talk, esp in the morning. He'll talk when we leave him alone, and he likes to literally chat with my FIL. When my hb calls back from work, i place the phone to his ear, he will smile and talk back to his daddy. But when i talk to him, he usually just stare at me.
Hi selina,
My mum super woman, she help me take care of my boy, never hear her complain except say my boy much naughtier than my nephew. She full time look aft my nephew (he's 11) since birth. I really admire her man! Thks goodness for her, otherwise dunno how to go back to work.
Oh yah wanted to say my sis bought leap pad for her daughter cos she say can buy the books from msia very cheap but the system more expensive or same price as sg.

U sure can 'ren' hor. If me I sure no give face 1. How can ur mil say u stupid. Ur hubby never say anything aah.
Sleepless Nite...bcos of hb
From 1230am Char kept falling asleep while latching yet wakes up when I put her to bed. So from 1230am to 2am I've been put her to bed, and latching her again until I was so frustrated. She would suck a mouthful of milk then let it spill out cos she fell asleep so she's wet and I'm wet in the end hv to change her. I finally gave her 2 slap on the butt. It pains me and I quickly sayang her. Hb saw it and said to let him take over but I say she wants to suckle, so he say when she fall asleep let him carry her to sleep. So finally she fell asleep and he wants to carry her but she wakes again and I latch her on again. Then he snatch her over and ask me to go make FM for her. But I say she'll cry very loudly if you unlatch, if you really want to give her FM, can let me continue to latch her and you go make but he refuse, snatched her and push me out. This got me crazy. What can be more cruel than to snatch away a bb from Mum while she's feeding her and let the Mum hear the bb cry. My instinct was like that of a lioness trying to protect her cub. I turned back to snatch her but he pushed me out. Char was wailing so loudly I had no choice but to go make FM cos hb refuse to let me hv her back. I was shouting loudly as I go to make FM. Why do you want to make her cry why do you want to make her cry? Does it make you happy to hear her cry? I continued to chant until I bring the milk to the room. And I continue to question him agressively. In the end he couldn't answer me and gave Char back to me and said he didn't hear what I said when he snatch her from me. I was so angry. I said how could you not hear that? That was the only thing I said and I repeated myself so many times! He then say next time anything to do woth Char he'll not give any more comment and then he went to bed. I manage to latch Char on and settle her to bed by 230am. But myself just cant sleep at all. His tryign to help deprive me of sleep. He did not undertsamd what happened at all. It was not bcos I had no milk to feed Char why must I give FM? I already did not want to argue with him on that and agree to give FM straightaway although I'm afraid it'll affect my supply. But why must he snatch Char from me and let her cry so pitifully? Now I'm trying so hard tlonot be upset and end up giving CHar toxic BM, but I'm just so affected. And I just want to fall asleep cos lack of rest will make my supply dip, but I'm just so upset that I can't sleep at all. I'm feeling so lost now! I can't even shout out to release my frustration. And I have presentations to make today. I wonder if I can survive at work today!
wk from hm still able to see Caleb milestone. I think I am the second person to see R flip. The first person is the nurse at infantcare.
Both our baby can flip liao so very dangerous if we leave them on the sofa or the bed. So trying to buy the bumper mat like yours to leave her there but still cannot find the time.

see, I already at office at 7am, damn early. baby always sleep in the morning so I just leave her at her babycot in the infantcare and go to my office. really tire and still feel gulity to wake her up every morning
see, he is soooo cute. In real person, he really look a bit like mix ang moh.
saw his passport photo, I going to submit her photo liao. long time did not go out of singapore since preggy. same a u, all the while hb do all the housework even before preggy. so kind of he used to it and know that his job. he like everything to be very clean
so sorry to hear that. I think it really time to have a good talk w hb. both of u so tire and do things both of u do not intend to. try leaving c w ur mum for a while and both of u can go out for movie or maken
did ur baby start to grab things. R start to grab her toys liao. I am so happy. she grab her bell toys and put in her mouth and I am so touch by that even though very dirty to do that
tink ur hb also dun wan u to be too tired latching her so ask u to make FM. dun take it too hard hor, hope that ur presentation is fine for u

my bb start to talk and laugh loudly early in the morning.His cry change frm formally " Ng Eh" (yellow in hokkien) to now "ma..aahh..ah" sounds like calling me "ma" haha i so happy, hope that he will call me ma soon
wow...ur son really meaty lel. very cute. whenever saw D or Rhys turn to his tummy, remind me of A. when we put him lying on his tummy, he cant lift up his head, & wat he do is 'tian' bed sheet. dunno he still dunno to lift up his head or he too 'tan zhi' ...

Selina / crystallized,
same here. Hb & me also wanna bring A to cruise but still haven decide the date yet. somemore we oso wanna bring him back to my hometown. hav to arrange properly for the date.
btw, if u bring C or R to overseas trip, any jab tat they need to take b4 going?

so sorry to hear tat. btw, r u working today? sure u lack of sleep. try to catch a nap whenever u can.

Hi ladies,
any method to make bb lift up his head when he turn on his tummy? or am i too 'gan cheong' liao?
wei kuan,
the passport pix is caleb.

i still think D looks like u. alot.

**sayang** dunno how to console u. take care hor.

tks. but he only did it once yest n no more liao leh. yest whole day waiting for him to flip again. yah think i will start to regret later. now at least can leave him alone on the changing table while i prepare for his bath etc. guess will not have the luxury to do that liao.

let A have his tummy time than slowly he will lift his head. i also dunno how to help bb lift head. think they do it by instinct ba.

talking abt jab. i dunno. will check wif PD end tis mth when i bring caleb for his 2nd dose of rotavirus vaccine.

that pix was taken the day he got shaved. tt's the cradle cap area where the hair cannot b totally shaved due to the cradle cap. but all cleared liao n hair growing out too.

Smile while Sleeping
realised caleb likes to smile while sleeping. dunno if he having good dreams or what. sleep also can smile. really wonder wat kinda dreams bb have hor that can make them so happy. he always smile while sleeping, more so when he in deep sleep.
How abt use use your keys or any bell toys to attract his attention when he is on tummy, every baby develop diff. Give him some time and all baby will eventually be the same, just diff time. My R too KPO always want to see see look look, like zuoer girl, always do sit-up and not interest in lying. Try to let him sit more
Huijun, Char has started grabbing things too. She'll grab the milk bottle to push it away when she doesn't want to drink. She also always pull her own hair. Ya, think the two of us need to talk soon. All the tension and unhappiness probably due to lack of communication. Sms hb to tell him we need to chat. lets' see what he say.

Aspialle, I'm very l;ucky, they decide to postpone the presentation to next week.

Jasmine, I'm working today. Now very tired, keep popping mentos to keep myself awake. Luckily got lots to do so wont fall asleep. i'm just worried abt my afternoon meetings, hope my eyes wont shut down.
Oh selina,
That is caleb ah. He got so many face, everytime diff look. I go hm and edit R photo to submit. U know the teacher always place toys to touch at the back or front of R hands (toys touch only, did not let her grab), then she feel and lightly grab it herself slowly since last week but yesterday is really grab fiercely and put at her mouth. Think she took a week to learn.
Coral, drink chicken essence. It gd u decided to talk to hb all ur unhappiness.
Did C grab toys place near her and put in her mouth. It impossible to clean all toys. All baby put toys in their mouth. Must ask babygrace, what do u do when Joshua place toys in their mouth. Although I very happy she grab toys place near her to put in her mouth, but very worry of germ, especially at infant care. Sign
