(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

aft rinsing wif hot water, i dun wipe dry at all. its considered "clean" alrdy. use cloth to wipe means contamination again. then might as well not soak in hot water. somemore aft soaking in hot water, it dries easily aft assembling. i dun hv any problem leh. even aft sterilising, milk btl will hv water vapour. i juz shake them away b4 using to express.

i din use vinegar coz my fren told me the smell when is horrible when steam evaporates fr the sterilise. so wat i did was to squeeze lemon juice and mix wif water (the proportion not measured) and pour into the steriliser for 1 cycle. aft tt juz gently wipe the base and rinse wif water. then the stains will b gone. i sterilise for 1 more cycle wif clean water.

i wun 4get to pump leh. even if i 4get, my boobs will b engorged by 6 hrs and even if i dun go, i cant work alrdy! but then currently, i oso hv a tbfg coll wif me. we take turns to express. but its really nice tt we can talk abt our babies and tips to share everyday.

Ok waiting 4 u to share some titles wif me. thks!

i agree wif bbgrace. there is nothing to b shy abt bfg. i am v proud of it. at times, when my bag cant accomodate the pump and stuff aft my expressing session, i will either hold the pump or the filled up milk btl and make my way to the pantry. i dun care whether its a guy or lady passing by me. i juz smile when they look at wat i am holding. i am bfg but i am proud of it. if they ask, i will tell them its my milk.

when i 1st came back to work aft ML, some of my coll can tell me i dun look like a mummy to them coz i dun look tired! (like real!!)
and to them, i seemed to b enjoying motherhood and takes pride in bfg my baby.

i dunno why but my mum said better dun bring baby for jabs at nite lah. i try to follow but if my schedule really dun permit, i will still hv to bring him 4 the jab at nite. moreover, i prefer morning session as i can monitor him for the whole day, and if he is cranky, at least got 1 day 4 him to fuss while he can still sleep at nite. if jab is taken at nite, he might fuss in the middle of the nite. i am not sure if the effect will b so immediate though. this is my opinion lah. ultimately still depends on u & hb's schedule.

u can multi-task v well now hor?

coolmum / coral,
Must catch Emma at the right time when I read to her. Sometimes she also bo chup. I find that she reacts better to those red, black white flashcards that PD gave me.
I believe it's because i started Joshua on the habit of reading that made him like books now.
This pic was taken when he was 3.5 mths


Infantcare will cook porridge for the babies but you can provide food for them if you don't want bb to eat their porridge. But the infantcare will not cook dinner but they will help me feed Joshua because I pick him up quite late. So I will give them wholemeal cereal and jar baby food to feed him. If i pick him up early to feed him dinner, i will use the frozen food cubes and mix them with cereal.
These are some of Joshua's favourite books

1) Winnie The Pooh -Everyday (that's the one that J was reading in the photo)

Those touchy-feely books are good when they are a bit older
2) That's not my bunny
3) That's Not my Car

These series of pop-up books are very good. that's where Joshua learnt about animals
4) Snappy Little Farmyard

5) Snappy Little Colours

Books like this one can train up fine motor skills
6) Wiggle My Ears

Another thing that i find useful is the Leapfrog Little Touch Leap pad.

But let me warn you, the refill books are quite expensive. But i find it's worth it cos by 18 mths, he knows all the shapes and colours that are taught by the leap pad.
And now he has outgrown this one and i'm upgrading him to My First Leap pad for pre schoolers and the Little Touch Leap pad will be passed to Emma.
crystallized / coolmum
the reason for not bringing baby for jabs at night is that if bb has a reaction or fever from the jab, it'll be quite troublesome cos it's in the middle of the night.
So it's better to take it in the morning so that you got the whole day to monitor bb.
crystallized, coolmum,
my mum also say jab better to do in the morning cos bb body's less heaty cos usually morning time more cooling so chances of developing fever lower. she dun encourage we bring caleb for jab in afternoon.
I stay at Ponggol end there.. ulu ulu ponggol..
boring place..
she's learning how to flip.. when she fell she was 2mths old only.. i put her in the middle but her head is put at the side (erm.. i mean instead of our usual slping position, i put her the other way.. dunoe if u understand..) then think she kick upwards until no space n fell off..

u mentioned 2.5mths u started reading to joshua, will they understand? erm.. will it be too early? or can start already? havent try b4 so tats y i'm curious..

tks so much for the medical hall's name..

Coolmum & weikuan
actually the noise wont affect BB cos this is a way to train them to adept n slp in a noisy environment..

wah then really got to wait for him to wean off himself.. ar bo make u more tired..

did u think of getting a maid? then at least u still can work which is stil not so bad.. though will sure be worried about the maid, i think its better than worrying about when ur mum will suddenly tell u she's going to stop taking care of Ted.

As for working from home & taking care of BB at same time, i will say its not tat easy. If u r someone who get frustrated easily then I will suggest not to work from home.. cos when u r bz & happens that BB needs ur attention, u will feel very angry or frustrated one.. n its pretty hard to finish even a simple work.. say example a 10mins job can maybe take u 1hr??

but of cos if the pro is that u can always be sure that u r always there for BB & know what is going on thru out..

for me, if Charlene kp crying or wans me to kp carrying her, i will feel very frustrated.. cos i'm those who wants to finish my work quickly lor.. then esp when she wan to drink milk, i will be like haiz.. y so mah fan.. but then no choice.. this is wat i wanted.. to take care of her n work from home..
u also wk fm home? so envy. I am also very frustrated if I do my task halfway. but my poor baby have to wake up so early with mummy to go to work, I no more frustrated liao cos I feel gulity. I make it a point to talk and sing to her. as for reading story books, I saw the teachers read to her although she do not understand and I will read to her only on weekends cos I am very tired after wk. Childcare have a lot of infant and children books, but at home, my books are limited.
thks 4 the info. will check them out. sigh, i cant believe we gotta start reading to them so early. its incredible how much their little minds can absorb.

emma seems to b enjoying herself!

goodness... wat r leap pads?!

thats y 4 this reason of being able to monitor R's temp, morning will b the best. btw wats the temp of ur babies when u measure them? i find R usually measures ard 37.2-37.3 deg C. when issit considered fever?
at such a young age, they wont understand the story but they may be attract by the colours in the book but that will depend on their mood also. Generally if i find that bb is not interested, i wont press on, will just find another suitable time. Basically, i just want them to get used to being read to and being around books cos i love books too.

wei kuan,
you need to watch for signs that bb is ready for solids. eg good head support, shows interest in your food etc. what i did was to use spoon to feed joshua water to start off first and then his first meal was rice cereal mixed with breast milk. In the beginning, introduce them food just to let them get used to eating, so a few spoonfuls will do and watch if they have any allergic reaction.

that pic was joshua lah, not emma

Leap pads... another gadget to bleed parents dry lor. Haha!

Emma's temperature is about 36.9 to 37 degrees with my ear thermometer. i guess if u know R's normal range of temp is around 37.2, then if he goes higher eg 37.5 and above, then that's fever.
thanks...actually i also use the same method as you, jz shake off the water before express. juz suddenly think tat is it ok to leave the water in the bottle..silly me!
i think babygrace posted is joshua, not emma lel...

ic...must be careful oo. i understand how u put her in ur bed. i'm doing the same but make sure he is in the middle of the bed.
dun let ur bb fall frm bed again lel. pain pain for her..
Oh mind, bbgrace., Joshua looks so cute and his cheeks so rosey. Maybe I'll try with Char again on my off-days. She got lots of books, most are mine when i was a child my Mum passed many to my cousin who threw them away after her bb grew up, so sad.

Remorseful hb??
Dunno my hb can sense my frustration or what. Last nite he didnt sleep and took care of cranky Char till 520am then wake me up to feed her so I manage to sleep from 12 am to 520am. Amazing. teh longest I ever slept since her birth! But I had lots of nitemare so didn't really sleep well. But I really appreciate the sleep, so I finally give hb goodbye kiss when he goes to work today. haha, I;'ve stopped doing that for more than a week liao.;P
today super tired. Alvis used to drink FM for a week ++ and last nite i let him latch on again. for the last feed b4 going to sleep at about 10pm, he seem not sastified after suck 2 breast. he keep on fuss. bo pian..i make 90ml FM for him and he can finish all. tot he must very full and can sleep till late like 5am as usual when he took FM. unfortunately, he woke up at 2am, 4.30am. then only sleep thru till 7.30am.

now, i'm thinking should i still latch him on at nite or jz give him FM? but then i still prefer latch him on because tat's only way we r so close together. jz tat i scare he might not full enuf and cant sleep thru the nite. confuse lel.......
ya i work from home. dun haf to envy la. at home whole day also very tiring & boring one.
dun feel guilty la. cos no choice also not u wan de mah.. treat it as training for her? cos in future also must wake up early go sch clipart{lame} haha
actually i think life with our bb files very fast!!

btw, most PD adv not to start solid food so early leh.. unless BB is ready lar.. i think cos scare wait allergy and also their body not able to take it yet.. forget le but something like tat ar..

the temperature for BB are higher than adults. for 37.3 is still consider as norm. so dun
worry. i think if i dun rem wrongly my PD told me 37.5 & abv.

ya i wont let her fall again.. that time already scare me so much liao.. jus dun understand how come she got so much force to kick til so far.. i placed her in middle also..

maybe like wat u say can sense ur frustrations liao.. haha.. glad to hear that ur HB now is taking the initative to help look after BB.
Jasmine, how abt latching him on and if he still hungry feed him some FM. That's what i do to Char nowadays. I truy not to be so stubborn anymore cos I know it's very difficult to sleep on empty stomach. So I'll feed her till I'm dry then supplment with some FM.
ops, paiseh! recognised the wrong bb! i had wanted to ask u if u shaved emma.

tell me abt bleeding us dry man. i am gonna b on leave tmrw... gg to kinokuniya 2 chk out the books u mentioned... see how much i bleed aft tt trip bah.

talk abt kissing hb, i think i nvr do tt for almost 2 mths?! now oso nvr hug b4 sleeping liao. coz by the time i finish expressing, he is alrdy asleep.

ur hb not wkg tdy? how can he managed to take care of Char till 5am?

the 1st time i slept for 6.5 hrs straight was the nite b4 i was returning to work. in fact the v 1st time i had the chance to sleep a full 6 hrs straight was the nite b4 i returned 2 work. however, i was tossing and turning till 3am b4 i finally slept. woke up at 6am... cant sleep well lor. guess its really diff now tt we r mothers.

thks, i will take note of the temp.

u same like me lah, confused. when my mum feeds R EBM at nite, he can last at least 3 hrs in b/w feeds. but when i latch him on at nite, he usually last 2 hrs only.
think tat d best way instead of jz feed him FM hor. so, tonite onwards, if my breast not so engorge, so i m sure bb wont b enuf, i better standby a bottle of FM for him. hehe...u said u will feed her till u r dry very funny. me too feed him till my breast 'pian pian' and the naught boy can pull out my nipple so hard till i tell him later no more nipple for him to suck!!
hb & me not tat stubborn anymore (esp hb who very pro to TBF) after me got breast infection & hav to supplement him FM. i oso keep on tell him tat giv bb FM better than he hungry. and luckly he wanna drink FM. (been TBF for 2 mths ++)
ya lor. if i giv him FM, he can sleep frm 11.30pm till 7am. then i'm confused should i still latch him on? not becuase tat i can get enuf sleep or lazy to latch hime on, jz because happy to see tat he can hav a pretty sleep. so far A never sleep for such a long hrs.
Jasmine, same Char first tiem slept for 7hrs straight was afterb I gave her extra FM after I latched her. Feel so guilty abt not being able to give her enuf BM to last her that long. If only my BM can let her have beauty sleep too.

Crystallized, my hb got to work today, btu he took care of Char and I too deep sleep never realise so when he woke me to feed her at 520am his eyes all red. I'm quite worry cos he's driving. Same same, never kiss hb gdnite or hug him before I sleep anymore cos always busy tending to Char. In fact the last time I hugged him was during the NYE ball. Think with bb sort of neglected hb and he also neglect me. Quite unhealthy hor, maybe should find a way to strike a balance.

Huijun, can't say my problem resolved, but think it shows that hb willing to try to make thigns better ba. So will have to find a chacne to discuss. But staying with inlaws not much privacy and with bb really diff to find time to communicate.
i think we should give our hb time ba..my hb also same. for him, he never with a bb all along. and the bb who he 1st play wif is my niece who already 1 yr when he saw her.
hb did mentioned to me tat he need time to learn & take care of bb. i also hav to keep on remind him about dad' s responsibility. now he seem better liao, can feed bb (i prepare FM for him), play wif him. but he still dunno how to pat A to sleep. and A oso very clever, he know tat Dad is the one who play wif him. he wont sleep when hb is around. so, whenver A wan to sleep, he will pass to me. at least my role still there.
Hi ladies,
last nite rushed back to my mum's place to see Rhys and he just woke up after 30mins nap. I immediately carry him and you know what, he looked at me and started "talking" to me. He "eh..eh.." softly, gently and continuously for 10mins, without moving his eyes off me!!! My mum said he complaining to me... hee... He never behaved like that one leh... So I keep talking to him until he got sleepy and starts to fuss and cry (he always do that when he wants to sleep).
Finally, he fall asleep after a few mins in my arms. Looking at him sleeping with his mouth big big, so cute... like an angel...

BUT last nite, 2.30am he woke up crying for milk, I went to make FM while hb starts to change his diapers. Dun know is it my hb haven wake up or what, this time he kinda slow. Rhys was crying SO LOUDLY and SCREAMING the whole house down until hb a bit frustrated liao and THEN... Rhys pee before hb can put on his diaper... the whole bed was wet, pillow is wet coz hb din lay the rubber mat properly. Hb SWEARED loudly (he seldom swear one lor) and anyhow throw the wetwipes.

Then, he continue to dress Rhys but as Rhys kicks and cries, my hb starts to become very rough. He was almost hurting Rhys liao. I can see that he is really angry liao so I pull his arm and tell him I take over and he just shake off my arm and continue until Rhys is fully dressed. By then, Rhys already crying until almost no voice liao. I so heartpain and immediately my hb walked away, I carried him and feed him, and he quiet down.

After tat, hb just went to toilet and go straight to bed without cleaning the mess. Rhys was so hungry and he finished his 120ml in 5mins. After that, fell asleep. I got to clean the whole mess up and wash bottles before settle down. Sigh...

I knew hb is angry but regretting what he did. Sayang him liao and he asked me if he is normal. So I told him angry is normal. And he kept quiet. I knew he is angry with himself. But dun know what to say. First time he lost control like that... In the end, I let him sleep thruout while I feed Rhys in the morning before I pump milk. Now so tired... Very scary last nite... *shiver*

So happy to hear that your hb is helping you.
Jia you!!
talking abt the books bbgrace intro here hor, I remember I saw the wiggle my ears book in Popular bookshop leh. Got quite a few different titles. Think might be cheaper than kino. You might want to take a look. Got popular card can get discount.
I think I might be looking out for books too. Same as you lah... going to bleed big time... haa..

the leappad very interesting. Where can find them in singapore har?
Don't buy all the books at one shot lah. wait for borders or kino sale or like what vivian mentioned, some books are available at Popular.

Actually i din shave joshua. he doesn't have much hair at birth

i'm so happy for you

Just give your hubby some time, i think it's slowly sinking to him.
Joshua's cheeks are rosy cos we were in France then and the weather was so cold that his cheeks became red and dry.

Can get leap pad from toys r us, robinsons, isetan. most major dept stores.
Hi Mummies,
have any one here experience your baby not wanting to drink milk? My Desiree dun want to drink her FM,have change from NAN to Enfalac but still reject. She only wants to dink my BM but i dun have that much for her. Just went for jab on sat, she is under the ideal weight... getting very stressed out. dun know what she wants.
thanks zuoer

anyone with maid can share their experience with me?

sometimes my boy just wana stick to me, the moment i leave he cries...he likes to sleep on me too so at times the sarong , mattress, bed everything don't work.he can sleep soundly on his chest on me but the moment i put him down to sarong, he cry again so really quite tiring, dun even have time to go toilet leh. Like yesterday i doing my 'big business" he cry and scream the house down then i have to quickly rush to him

My hb sometimes work 7 days a week and unitl 9pm everyday so even he is willing to help me, he does not have the time , poor ting too

Feel like going to burnt out soon, new year coming, have to do spring cleaning somemore ....haiz

she is 3 month plus and her weight is only 5.4Kg. she should be 5.8kg according to PD. But my BM really low, can only treat as her "Tim Sum"
getting a maid also depends on luck
if lucky can get a gd maid on the 1st time..
but main thing when get a maid is not to give her to much chores to do at a time.

cos if main purpose is to take care of BB, with too many additional workload, she may not be able to cope.

& ur mum does not mind, then ask her to pop by help to c c look look.. so tat at least u will be sure that the maid wont do something when no one's at home.

but if ur mum minds & u r worried, u may wan to set up those internet camera to monitor her.

sometimes my ger also dun wan drink milk.. jus wan her pacifier.. but then when she's hungry, she will drink more lor..

maybe ur HB still not fully awake.. then with BB crying all those made him frustrated ba..somemore slp halfway wake up, even worse..
i think its human nature bah.. of cos his part on swearing, then maybe a bit over la.. but is due to him unable to control his own temper at that pt lor..

i think u shld give Alvis FM as he can slp thru out til morning, which is also easier for u. If u wish to latch him, maybe not the last feed?
Vivian, I thibnk your hb wast awake thus so frustrated. I ever experience what he went thru. I was hodlign Char so tightly I know I'm abt to hurt her. so quickly let hb take over. it can be very scary. Lack of sleep + a wailing bb = lethal combination!

aspialle, how about getting a part time maid to help with the spring cleaning. Can get them them come in either once or twice to spring clean. that way you wont feel so tired.

This morning i saw a man push a bb in a stroller and hold a toddler (1-2yr old) in his hand. Immedidately i feel like saluting him. In the past I wont think much cos I always feel it's not too difficult to take care of bb/kids, but now I salute pple who can handle more than 1. Well, unless he's really lucky to have 2 easy bbs. Now I'm also afraid of having 2nd one. If as cranky as Char, then who can help me take care? Even with maid also diff.
yah i agree our maternal instincts r so strong, i totally neglect hb. funny thing is, he seemed to b more tired than me, though he sleeps earlier and wakes up later (i get up earlier to express milk). so i always asked him "who is the mummy here? u or me? how come u always more tired?"

mayb i am the impatient sort. if i see my hb hurting R like tt (which i can guarantee he will nvr do coz he handles R more gentle than me) i will chase him away and refuse to let him chg anymore. coz men's stength r def stronger, and they might unintentionally hurt him w/o realising.

we kena R's "fountain" so many times. each time, i will quickly spread the new diaper b4 i open the old he is still wearing. then within seconds, quickly chg over and cover 1st even if i dun tape it.

i will recce tmrw lah. mayb not gg to buy yet. i got popular card and yes, i was gg to recce there 1st b4 u ladies mentioned.
wait 4 sale better hor? muz source 4 the best deal. haha
2 days never log in, so many posts. Read until 'cock-eye'...

Hi coral,
Glad things r improving between u & ur hubby. It shld get betta fr now onwards.

Hi aspialle,
Mayb get a part time maid to come & spring clean the place for u. Dun hav to be on a regular basis, juz once or twice b4 CNY? @ least u dun hav to worry abt the house.

Hi babygrace,
I agree the leap pad is very useful & the kids simply adore the device. I only nt so impress wif the Little Touch so prob wont buy that. Will only buy the Leap Pad when my boy is older.

Hi vivian,
U wait for toys r us sale. Can get the refill books cheaper. Their offer usually buy 2 get 1 free. Very worth it cos each book is damm ex.
Hi jenny,
I prob wont b calling ur contractor cos skipping the sink for now. Budget constraint. Prob will do only yr end. Thks anyway.

Hi babygrace,
I will be collecting my keys soon, think nxt wk cos I called my developer to serve the notice to my lawyer. My lawyer confirmed received already. Now proceeding to fulfil all the payments. Yippee...so exciting!
Wah liew so many postings, read until my eyes cocked liao, dun have time to finish reading... Yday on leave to bring Jaslyn for her 5 in 1 jab and she got slight fever at nite. Argh, one day leave nia, come back so many work! SIANZ!!

so fast wanna wean off milk??
For a start, I will sugggest you intro spoon to your boy first. You can try feeding him with plain water, till he knows how to "eat" from spoon before serving cereal with milk.

Your punggol place sounds like hotel. You dun go back everyday one ah?
I do agree that your hb still young, thats why he hasn't "settle" down yet. Give him more time. You are in the stage that I was in last year when I gave birth to Jolene, where hb couldn't even help in diaper change or feeding.

Selina, coral,
Continue to train your hbs. They will do as well as you are one day.

I know that kind of "sian" when your mum complains and complains. Super sian one. I mean what's the use of complaining bb crying to us? We can't tell or stop bb from crying mah. You know sometimes I will just replied "she wants to cry let her cry lah, cry till she tired, she will shut up".
Give your mum some time to settle down. Perhaps she hasn't been looking after a bb for a long time, this is something "new" to her. once she got R's pattern, it will be easy. My mum also had a hard time to handle my 2 gals. Jaslyn is guai guai, is Jolene very notti. I told myself to give my mum some time, if really cannot, I have no choice but to send Jo to childcare. 2 weeks since I return to work liao, and things have settled down. In fact, yday I was chatting with my mum to put Jo into childcare and she dun like the idea.

Just use kitchen towel or any clean cloth to wipe the bellow to dry before you pluck the tube to start using. This is to prevent water from entering the tube. Then for the valve, when you remove it, just your finger to hold on the round part instead of the V part. Other than that, there's basically nothing to take note liao. Dun worry, they are not as fragile as wat we think.
To "lengthen" the usage for the valve, just wash and soak in hot water, dun throw into steriliser. Same for bellow.
You just need to wash the funnel, bottle, valve, bellow. The rest (motor and tube) no need to wash.
Using hot water to rinse the pump is enough. After that you can assemble it and put in a container till next usage.

Me too, dun dare to buy FM from Msia. Diaper is ok but I heard the material is a bit different. My friend said Mamy Poko SG and Msia one is different. I dunno lah, I never buy diaper and FM from Msia one.

Yeap is Naini.
Crystallized, do share your research and alert us when you know of book sales. I'm planning to stock up for Char too. Wonder if there's any BP here. Cos my Mum and I always dunno what to do with her when she doesn't want to sleep. My Mum end up opushing her in stroller in aimless wlaks. So if i stock up nooks she can start reading to her.
Crystallized, do share your research and alert us when you know of book sales. I'm planning to stock up for Char too. Wonder if there's any BP here. Cos my Mum and I always dunno what to do with her when she doesn't want to sleep. My Mum end up opushing her in stroller in aimless wlaks. So if i stock up nooks she can start reading to her.

Freshpoison, Thank you!
hi hi mummies..
thks for all ur encouragement..i will hang on & try my best to prove them likewise..i guess certain things are beyond my control..this is my last chance..see hw ba..anyway, thks..i will be strong & continue to express out at work..

hi hi crystallized/babygrace..
actually i m not pie-say abt expressing out at work..just that now with the new responsibilities, i m not sure if my new boss mind i not being ard at my desk for a while when i m pumping..also my offc not enough rooms, only 1 conference room & 1 guest room..in fact, this am i was nearly asked to go to the toilet to pump..aiyo..so sad lor..coz this wk auditors are here..and starting today they are occupying the guest room, i cant go in to use the room like yest..conference room my technical guys are using it for discussion..i got no more rooms available..i talk to them telling them to let me have the room for a while..they are ok..so i proceed to send an email reminder to inform everyone (just that i didnt state the reason why i need the conf room) that i will be using the room for max 30 mins..then my Fin mgr came out of her room asking how come i didnt state the reason that i need to use the conf room..i was thinking in my heart, she's also not using..how come she wants to be involve..but i just nodded my head & forget abt it..shortly, as my MD need to speak to the tech guys..so he let me use his room instead..i was really thankful..if not, duno got to go where to pump lor..so sad..sigh..
I got try to stop him from continuing changing Rhys but hor, he shake off my hand lor. Those very angry kind. So scary. He not like that one leh. I dun want to quarrel in the middle of the nite and anyway he is finishing liao so I wait till done and then take over lor.
Actually i dun blame him lah. There are times when I felt that way too. Usually I will let other ppl take over before i lose control. But my hb dun lor. Maybe it is back to the ego problem again... sigh... MEN...

you all mention the leappad so ex... how ex har?

Dun need to be too worried abt Desiree's weight. Few hundred grams is not a lot. Actually what the doctor have is just a guide. Some bbs are just smaller lor. They will catch up one. As long as they are growing, eat and sleep well, healthy can liao. My SIL's bb more serious. BB is 2KG underweight and she dun like to drink milk. Like to drink water only. BM also dun want. And becoz of that, PD told her to make FM with rice water.
Think for your case, dun worry too much abt the weight. Try mixing FM and BM as what the rest of the mummies suggested. Slowly get desiree to get used to FM taste.
Here's a photo of my SIL's bb (2 weeks older than Rhys) and Rhys.
really thanks for ur advice on how to take care of ameda pump. how about urs? hav u sell out oredi?
is tat mean bb take 5 in 1 jab also will fever?

maybe ur daughter is small size bb lor. 5.8kg mayb is just a average weight. some bb may smaller & some might bigger. as long as they grow up well, tat's more impt. try to mix FM wif ur EBM for her to try.

Rhys looks so cool in the pic. ur niece very pretty & fair gal oo...she doen't look like 2kg underweight, but look chubby lel..
that happened to my boi when he first discharge fr the hospital. first few days after he came home he was still ok with Similac Special (given while he was in the hospital) but suddenly he don't take. at first we thot he only wants BM or something wrong with him. Then i bot Similac infant and he is ok with it. i must say i'm lucky that first trial and he accpeted. i heard NAN is already very close to BM, so if she is not taking that then maybe she is just chosing FM like my boi. Quite a number of bbs here are taking similac, maybe u wanna get a 400g for her to try? (**I'm not advertising for Similac!!**)

i find the leapfrog touchscreen very interesting, but EXP! will get one if there is a sales. actually i dont like to read but my hb loves it so i hope to start KB early in hope that he will follow his dad.

J now looks v different fr bb hor....so much more handsome.
Don't get too many at one shot. In any case, bb's attention span is very short, so it's not all the time that they want to be read to. And the strange thing i noticed about them is that once they like a particular book, they don't mind reading that again and again. i repeat till i also sian. haha!
You can check out tokomama.com who has a BP going on. Alternatively can try http://www.wonderbox.com.sg/
i've gotten from them before
I also dun think she very underweight leh. But maybe you look carefully in the pix hor, see her thigh and my Rhys' thigh, you will see the difference... hee.. anyway, my Rhys is big lah...
collecting keys soon? How exciting! My place is only ready in end 2008 and now i'm already looking for designing ideas!

Don't worry too much about Desiree. Babies will have milk strike every now and then. i don't think she's underweight. I think Emma is even smaller.

Don't get the leap pad too early. I got for J when he was 6 mths old but he showed interest in it only when he was about 10mths old.
Ya lor, J looks different from when he was a bb. his eyes became bigger and double eyelid came out.

wei kuan/bbgrace
forget to tell u the infant centre i'm sending my bb to already told me cannot bring cooked food in cos they said no pork and many mummies put in pork.

must remember to post here if got lobang lor cos i also want to "chiong" to stock up...bb books are too expensive...

i think your hb is trying to help out but due to lack of sleep and this happened in the middle of the nite, he just lost control lor. i'm sure he feels bad too.

your SIL's bb really dont look small. Hee...Rhys looks more like gor gor than di di.
