(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

I am thinking of changing CC liao but my hb doesnt want.. this few days kim keep coming back with tons of nappy rash and she keep scratching.. haiz..

So much bad exp with this CC now.. but my hb doesnt want to change cause of convenience..

<font face="Comic Sans MS">Shirley,
I see, got what you meant.
Hmm I think next time we poll to get ourselves rather than join BP. Their exchange rate is terrible, especially those US rate, now so low, yet still they charging so ex, and din use to offset for shipment.

so getting in SG the prices are ok huh? Then in that case, no need to get online?
doreen, crayola bp got what problem? Is organiser prob or the website prob? If is website, then I think I just get from dept stores.
Any idea what's the usual price for crayola? I haven't check out anything on this yet. Maybe should buy now cos GSS.


Yeap, better prepare yourself anytime in Jun. Usually if 1st one is early, 2nd one is abt that timing, though may have exceptional case. But for mine, both are almost the same. Jolene is end of 36th week, Jaslyn is end of 37th week.
Usually at this stage, I will hope to "unload" asap cos heavy, but then also hope not to "unload" cos I miss the bb movements and pregnancy feelings haha... ironic hor.

Wow so fast maternity leave ended?
If the CC is giving you problems, it's better to change one. Convenience doesn't help if Kim keeps getting nonsense from CC. Ended you waste more leave and time settle issue with them or bringing Kim to doctor. Talk to your hb again.</font>
<font color="0000ff">adeline</font> yes i agree with jenny. convenience aside, i think the most impt issue now is the overall well-being of the child, be it physical or mental. if it is not beneficial in anyway for Kim then i think it defeat the purpose of your intention to send her to CC besides the caregiving part. i think u need to seriously talk to hb on this.

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> seriously i think this spree organisers are cashing in on the low US exchange rate now to make some money. i wouldnt mind if they are more upfront and tell u exactly what the additionals are. i wouldnt even mind if they charge like handling fee but i dun like their attitude like "you join only if you are comfortable". i think there is no transparency at all. for me i rather pay vpost or the likes the additional 5% which is more than what the spree are charging. at least i 甘愿.
thanks for the feedback on Animal Resort.

i think just forget it, cos not so convenient for me who have to rely on public transport. maybe i shld book my zoo trip 1st. haha...but now the weather a bit siao siao one lel..

<font color="ff6000">fish farm</font>
i think i did passed by that place. must jio me if you all go, okie? think this shld more easy access for me. wanna bring A to have some kampong style view.

wow..very nice puzzle. where you bought it? at toyrus?

hmm...your turn very soon. seem like you have fully prepared now.
My eldest sis also edd in June.

I also worried if send A to CC cos he still hardly to express his needs now. We have alway check his diaper whether he poo or the diaper is full. But i did check with the PIC at the CC we looking for, she assure me that they will more take note on those young kids cos they still don't know how to express yet.
so, i think shld not be too worry.
btw, A mostly will go CC after he turns 2 this oct.

so fast go back to workforce liao? must b miss kath right? so, that's mean you will bring Kim &amp; Kath back on weekend?
agreed with Jenny, if the CC is giving you problem, for kim, think you shall discuss with hb &amp; alighted to him that although the cc is near but must consider other factors too.

then A was a 'lao' bao bao. he born 40.5 weeks.

and if got any lobang, remember to jio me. kekeke...
i dun want to join the ex BP but i want to spend. haha..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Selina,
bingo! I dun mind paying additional for handling charges cos it's tedious to do BP, especially big one. I appreciate their effort though, but like you, I hope they will be more transparent with the pricing. Some BP organisers very yaya. I got screen before joining BP last time. I've my standard "rules" also lah. But now with the US rate as low as 1.38 or 1.39, I feel 1.45 is too much! At least, tell me what I'm paying for the extras mah. So, I rather poll a few friends to buy our own, also not risking BP organisers running away with $.
If look thr some threads, I wonder how come so many hao xin ren bought so many first teeth toothpaste to sell at overseas spree. Overseas spree leh, got ready stock some more. Obviously earning. I did bought once cos running low with my stock and my order not yet arrived. Paying much more per tube and worse, the toothpastes bursted.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Some websites only deliver within US. That's the time when vpost comes in as a forwarding agent to deliver our order over to SG. Basically, vpost has a base charge that you must die die pay then plus the shipping charge by per kg.
vpost, I find it a bit complicated. Must email them the invoice for them to tally when they receive order, max up to 3 orders within dunno how many days (2 weeks? doreen or babygrace can help to confirm) if you want to consolidate.
You can read more from vpost website.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> precisely. what is wrong wif telling us that the additional would be used as handling fees etc. what ever they wanna call it. i dun mind but i hate it whenever they reply "order only if you are comfortable" what is there to hide lor. actually there is no risk to them hence i dun see y they need to charge so high cos we pay for everything from the start what. their risk is super min. but i do appreciate their effort but not if they are out to make quick money out of us lor. we are all mothers here trying to save some $$$.
hi doreen,

going for check up next thurs, so will call u see whether u @ home or not. cos if hb is accompanying me to the gynae, then can pass u the seat and also take the vitamin from u.
glad to know u have settled most of your stuff already...
must be getting excited liao rite?

hi doreen/delphine,

tricia was born exactly at 40 wks but for #2, hopefully, as what pple say, #2 normally will be earlier, see whether he can be a National Day baby!

hi jasmine,

i think in CC, more attention will be given to those younger kids mah...as what vivien mentioned for rhys case. i have a feeling that with my dilly tally, tricia maybe going CC or playgroup after she turns 2 yrs old.

I bout the wooden puzzle from Toy R us, they are having sales now.. u can also get from the shop at suntec which vivian mentioned earlier.

I have bout the Crayola crayons from Times bookshop.. i think a pack cost me about $12.00plus ....he likes to use it to scribble on my floor haa! u mean this brand also got the colour paint wan?

Woah! doreen , very fast hor.. your little princess is coming soon.. so happy for you.. am still trying for my no.2 ..

Thanks for the info, I think i should go robinson/isetan for shopping liao..

Think u should start seacrhing for another CC liao.. since the current CC is giving poor kim nightmares and now... nappy rashes.. if you dunt change now.. am afraid next time Kim will have a bad experience gg to school.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Selina,
In short, they just wanna earn $ by "helping to organise" bp.

Just did a quick check. I think is cheaper to buy locally when there's sale. Not much difference except for shipping charges, which I think is not worth paying unless the order is very huge. Int'L shipping charges not cheap mah.

I bought this yesterday at MPH, using SAFRA card less 10%, so it cost $9.90. UP is $11.
US website selling at US$5.99. Using 1.39 exchange rate is abt S$8.32, not yet taking into acct for US tax and Int'l shipping charges. Conclusion: small order, just get locally when there's discount.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Kareen,
Got poster colour, colour pencils, markers, crayons.

I dun fancy crayons. The most I get the other 3. But I think colour pencils no need to get so good one, I prefer the other brand... erm forgot the name now =P I only get poster colour and markers for this brand cos is washable.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">2nd time mummies,
I just received the letter from MCYS yesterday.
They attached the OCBC and SC forms with return address envelope. Basically just need to fill up the form of your preference, and send back to MCYS, thats' it.
If you opt for OCBC, can bring the form to OCBC outlets to apply also. You will get a sandwich box.</font>
Thanks for the vpost link.

keke..i got SAFRA card, but never use it. okie..will check out at MPH.

u will b on maternity when Tricia turns 2, right? hmm...then your mum can help u look after no.2, meanwhile you can monitor T.


will check out Toy R us this weekend.
oopss..time for shopping!!!
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
I dinno got discount one, saw there's a sticker pasted at the cashier, so asked the cashier any credit card for any discount. Think cashier mentioned HSBC credit card and SAFRA.
If you wanna buy, perhaps can check out major dept stores for more discount. Now GSS mah. Only 1 week plus nia, I spent like mad... going to eat grass liao. But this year a lot of good buys hahaha...
Dor Dor,
Desiree is early as well, she is born @39 weeks.
hopefully this one will stay till then.

Have not fully packed my hospital, a bit here and there.

Got the same feeling as you, one hand wanted to off load cos too heavy plus very diffculf to sleep at night nowadays, on the other hand, i will definitely missed her kicks and punches. Somemore, this will be my last child. No more this kind of feeling after she is born.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">GSS Sales
My qns now is how much discount is Isetan, Robinson, OG, John Little etc having now huh? I may wanna buy more crayola products.</font>
hihi mommies..

Need to seek your advice.

May I ask whether is it too late to enrol B in playgroup at 19 months? Cos the PG - Little Learners only started classes in Jan 09 which means by then B is already 27 months liao.

so, I actually decide to enrol him in another PG - Learning Kidz next month till dec this year... so that he can at least learn things... but my parents said its a waste of time and $$ , must as well wait till Jan09.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Kareen,
It's up to you. For me, I will wait till Jan 09 cos I'm sending Jaslyn straight to Pre-Nursery rather than playgroup. I let her follows according to MOE's recommendation. No need to stress myself or the kids.</font>
Crayola should hv 20% at robinsons now. Can't be sure but i can check one of these days (not today though cos i'll be staying back late).
Sometimes they even have 20% plus 10% for robinsons card members. i rather just buy them here than get online.

For crayons, the crayola twisterbles are very good cos it won't break unless the normal crayons when kids apply too hard pressure. My favourite still got to be those washable markers.
hi doreen,

such a coincidence! 2 more wks later (21 jun) also my cousin wedding,..., sekali we attend the same wedding... hotel i cant really remember, think is at Orchard Mandarin. is your cousin wedding also held there and same day?
Hi Mommies

Freebies for GAIN IQ formula milk

GAIN IQ is giving away "Baby Can Read" Flashcards (set 1 to 3). I bout 3 tins of GAIN IQ.. cos each tin has differnt sets of flashcard cos the flashcard is quite attractive haa!


jasmine and delphine

ya.. i like the flashcard too.. actually the content is the same as the "Baby Can Read" DVD which I bought few mnonths ago. just tt it is in teh flashcard form
Jenny, Selina, KAreen
ya i noe tats y i wanna change cause CC is few years thing as she progress to K1, K2 etc etc.. Everything revolving ard him seems to be $$$$$ he say already paid deposit everything so ex.. now change need to pay again.. haiz.. for me is usually the kid well-being lor.
like today, kat is having bad block nose, flu and coughing.. i ask him go aunty hse bring her to PD cause PD only till 12.30pm.. i took half day but i not in time to go PD.. ask him fetch kat and go.. he say so ma fan.. take cab here n there.. spend 50 bucks.. cannot bring normal doctor meh.. aunty hse here anyhow anyhow can see..
Wah i very angry lor.. pls lah!!! if i can bring her myself.. i wont even bother to beg u to help me. she not only my daughter but ur daughter also lor.. haiz.. want save $$ and neglect ur kids health???? rubbish lah..

aftr having kat so much conflict with my hb..

The cc hor.. i pay $$ for uniform liao but i haven get any yet leh.. keep saying no stock.. hope before they deduct CDA i can withdraw kim. dun care if hb like or not. kim already seen twice doctor and have fever and cough quite a few times..

the flash card is nice eh...
<font color="0000ff">adeline</font> why not you try this and see if it works. write a formal letter to the CC to feedback or complain on what is lacking in their service etc and give them a ultimatum to get things right (if you have verbally informed them several times). failing which, tell them the letter will go to the ministry and you will withdraw KIM and except some form of refund for the uniform etc.

however, as for falling sick n seeing doc you might not have a case cos it is common that kids attending cc will fall sick. most of the time, the parents got to really tahan till they pass the phase and build up their immunity. however, i personally feel that if you can prove that her seeing doc is due to negligence from the cc caregiver, you might still argue your way.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">babygrace,
thanks for info. Sianz... got to go down robinson... I just went yday nia.
I've cancelled my robinson card le.
I prefer poster/color paints and markers. Dun like crayons leh, I hate the smell. But hor, like not much colours for selection huh?

relax... Kids entering sch or cc will usually get sick for the next 1 mth. Think this way, all along they are at home, no interaction with other kids. Suddenly now exposed to many kids as well as virus. It's a norm to get sick. Remember I mentioned before Jolene went sch 3rd day got sick, then on and off for the next 1 mth, she was sick abt once a week.
No offence, but to me, there's nothing wrong to see GP, especially those who practise medical for a long time. My gals now see the GP at my mum place, convenient for her and for me. This GP seen me since birth, and now my gals are under his care too. He's popular with the kids and babies, and doesn't anyhow give medicine.
Of cos, some GPs are careless with kids medicine. </font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Adeline,
"aftr having kat so much conflict with my hb.. "

The above statement is something that you should not link your conflicts with yr hb. It's not healthy to the couple relationship.

Kat is here to enjoy the love of the family and to bring laughters and joy to the family, not to cause conflict.

If Kat knows you think this way, she will be sad.

You have been too busy and stress. Time to have some couple time without the gals.
It's normal for couples to argue when #2, #3 etc arrive. But pls dun think this way. Slowly talk and have things work out.

I've been through what you are going thr now. I also had the thinking that I shouldn't have carried Jaslyn, cos it caused so much conflicts then. We quarelled till almost divorce le hor. So, pls dun talk/think this way. Men are insensitive, but they dun mean it that way. Cheer up!</font>
<font color="0000ff">adeline, jenny</font> i think GP is fine if they specialise in children. but most GPs are not so the med they give might not be suitable. i am citing example cos i ever brought caleb to my regular gp and realised the med he gave are adults med but just he make the dosage very low. also he dun take the weight n height or bb which i understand is use to determine dosage for med. hence i stop bringing caleb to him. but i bring caleb to my gp at punggol which specialises in seeing children so med similar to what kk, pd gives. guess have to test out to find out which gp is more suitable.
Hey little

I bout the GAIN IQ from NTUC Fairprice.. try those big outlets wan.. they sure have stock..am sure your hubby also care for kat.. just that his perception is diff.

Hi Adeline

Try to relax.. and take things easy.. i know is not easy on your part. I also quarrel with hubby alot since B arrived... but ultimately, we become closer and understand each other better.

have a good talk with hubby and remain clam.. am sure things will turn out fine ya..
Hey little

I bout the GAIN IQ from NTUC Fairprice.. try those big outlets wan.. they sure have stock.

Hi Adeline

am sure your hubby also care for kat.. just that his perception is diff.

Try to relax.. and take things easy.. i know is not easy on your part. I also quarrel with hubby alot since B arrived... but ultimately, we become closer and understand each other better.

have a good talk with hubby and remain clam.. am sure things will turn out fine ya..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Selina,
You different from me haha..
I only bring the gals to see GP at my mum place. He used to be my mum's "doctor" last time during pregnancies with me and siblings. Last time where got gynae. In fact, he's looking after "kids" of my age and our children age now, he looks after the whole neighbourhood, from young to old. Even those who move liao, still come back to him. Eg. Me, will travel all the way froM SBW back to west side to see him.
However, I dun bring the gals to the GP at my place. That GP is new, cannot make it!

can i know which GP in punggol you bring Caleb to? guess if really no choice have to do that also cos PD timing sometime can be very restrictive.

I agree with Jenny, dun put the blame on Kat. If I am kat, i will feel sad cos seems like by me entering into this world, i have caued unhappiness in the family.
Mens are like that, try to talk to them nicely. They will give in one eventually. Dun shout/ scream/nag at them, they just dun like. If your husband do that to you, you will also feel buay song right? Cheer up!!

the gain IQ is 900g or 1.8kg one?
hi ladies..
sorry for being MIA for awhile..was busy at work..hope i didnt missed out too much..keke..

sorry i hvnt got time to "action" ah...pie-say..hee..will do so soon..thks..

D is v understanding &amp; obedient leh..will listen to u explaining to him u cant carry him..Mav will just stick on to me nowadays...nw i carry him at the side but can feel the "weight" frm him lo..he's v super sticky leh..i also like "aiyo..why like that..."

time passed v fast leh..u gg to start A on his june playgroup sessions, right? r u gg to take leave for the 1st few days he's gg there?Mav dun like to go playgroup leh..he will cry all the way from the lesson start to end..i m getting worried he will bully the teachers &amp; students if we "park" him there on the 2 hrs daily CC..

oh..u went back to work liao ah..wow..it seems to me like u just popped not long ago..then nw gg back to work liao..correct me if i m wrong..is it true that u will feel more unbearable when u hv to leave both kids to work?do take gd care &amp; hope u get enough rest..cheers~
yes i feel very unwilling to place kat with my aunty and kim in Cc but i do not have a choice though.. cant be SAHM hehee.. i pop on 7th march..!

my aunty trust that GP alot but i'm abit worry if kat sees the GP.. the GP's patient and usually old aunty and old uncle.. i feel better bringing her to PD esp now she's only 3 mths.. but for kim, usually i just bring her to GP. if i bring her to GP, will there be any medication for kids as young as her? Her nose is totally congested which is causing her to cough and have alot phelgm.. she have difficulty drinking milk and keep crying non-stop.

Thanks.. i think i would do it your way.. i've been voicing out.. but the reply i get is out of stock.. since i register the cc.. the uniform is already out of stock till now!

i didnt think of it that way and of cause i dun blame kat and i know what do you mean. I cant help but feel that kat is very pitiful..
Actually lots of times, i have been trying to talk to him but hor.. he always okokokok and usually is 1 sided.. i dun even know what he thinking.. loL..

Maybe cause too stressful over my side thus i am handling it the wrong way.. Time to review.. i realise totaly neglect him.. all my attention is spent on the kids..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Adeline,
You mean for Kath? I'm not sure with your GP. But the GP that the gals are seeing, do have medication for kids. In fact, all along, I find his medication for adults also quite mild. This GP quite careful lor. My mum place estate is 30 years old le, so you can imagine the old ppl. If happen meet those quite sick coughing or sneezing away, I just bring the gals to wait outside the clinic. Jolene only went to PD once after discharge from hospital. Jaslyn went a few times to PD when the medication from GP doesn't work. Then I realised their medications are the same. So I switched to chinese physician. For me, if is cough and phlegm, I will bring to chinese physician.
You refer to Kath for congested nose? Pls get the nose suction to suck out the phlegm. Disgusting but you have to do it. She will feels uncomfortable crying away, but you have to do it. ONce you clear the phlegm, she will feels better.

Yes, a lot of times after #2 arrived, we tend to divert all attention to the kids, and neglect hb. So, watch out for this. Try to get some time off to sneak out for a movies or dinner. Men are babies, they need attention too
ok thanks
does those chinese medicine, like worm syrup works?

funny ting is tat i never let my boy eat anyting sweet at all, i restrict him so duno hw cum he still like tat

hi all...

am finally without maid..booted her out lah, coz she has such lousy attitude. anywayz...coping fine without one loh. will see if everythingis still manageable with #2...

think it might be the strain of everything on you and hb. financial strain might be eating into your hb and also the stress of having 2 lil ones on you...

take some time to recharge and relax else not good for your health too

GP is fine. frankly just be sure you have some medical knowledge. everything is very basic one.
1. children;s medicine IS THE SAME as adults but very low dosage (you know animals take the same medicine too? but thier dosage adjusted to their size).
2. the status quo (at least thats what works for my family) is to start medication as soon as possible. start with mild medication first...
3. then is to start with very low dosage
4. have some regular medicine in your cabinet.
(eg leftose, liquid panadol etc)

hope this helps.
