(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Hello Mommies!!</font></font>

Sorry to interrupt....i have brought in a few very nice Disney Rompers and other apparels in the BP thread

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">All are authentic Disney apparels from HK. Designs not available here. Stocks are limited!</font></font>

Do visit the thread and check out the rompers for your babies for this <font color="ff0000">Xmas/CNY</font> festive seasons! Thanks for your support of this BP!!

my heart oso jumped so fast as i was reading ur post. thks goodness tt emma is now ok.

R has been developing flu so often n it happens every mth tt i get so frustrated. each time it takes weeks to recover n i am so relieved when he does.

I kept thinkg tt R was much healthier when he was BF n indirectly i do feel bad tt aft i starting weaning him off, he fell sick more often than b4 and its so frequent.

Its so scary coz they still cant talk n we dunno wat is wrong wif them when they r unwell. Luckily u went to lift emma up when she sprawled on the floor last evening. at times when R throws tantrums, i will juz let him be while i continue wif my chores. it was a gd thing tt ur hb was ard too. its the simple things tt they can do tt sets our mind at ease. like when R was down wif flu, he was still running ard, playing as if the flu never bothered him. I felt better seeing him behave this way.

Hope Emma gets discharged soon. Keep us updated.

oh no... lucky emma is fine now. i could understand how u feel cos i almost lost KB last weekend too.

we were at my bro's place. i asked my hubby to carry kb to pull the string to on the ceiling fan (as we did that when we were in tokyo). after it was on, stupid hubby hold kb up, in the position of letting kb sit on his shoulder. we were all so shocked till not sure what to do as kb's head was almost at the fan level. in fact, fr my angle his head already over the fan level! if that had happened, his head would be gone!!! till today that image is still so vivid. after this, i tell myself i'm glad to still be able to hear his screaming.

regarding kb's waking up at nite, actually i'm not sure is it due to the tokyo trip or gain iq. i suspect gain iq like not very filling leh. thinking of switching to another brand. mummies giving bbs gain iq hv the same sentiment?

kb is using pigenon teats. i find no diff between Y or L cos i'll still cut the hold bigger.
Thanks to all who asked about Emma. We got discharged this evening and her royal highness is back to her demanding self.

I didn't sleep much the previous night. Each time i closed my eyes, the scene replayed in my mind and i was still worried about how emma was doing in the hospital. Waited till 6am before smsing hub. Hb replied that she was up since 5am and he brought her down for a walk and she got excited when she saw the poster of Barney in the Prima Deli shop. It was such a relief to hear that she's back to her usual self.

I think Joshua was also worried cos he woke up at 6am despite having slept so late the previous night. That boy chose 2 soft toys and asked me to bring to Emma. That was a very sweet gesture considering both kids are always at loggerheads with each other. haha!

When i reached the hospital, I found her sitting in the cot watching Barney with milo stains on her t-shirt and biscuit crumbs all over. So the princess thinks she's having a vacation. haha!

The rest of the day passed with her refusing to sleep much. Either watching tv or making me walk with her along the corridors, playing the the nurses etc.

Her blood test and ECG report showed no irregularities and she had to go back for a EEG (brain scan) next month. The likely explanation is that the virus could have attacked her and sent mixed signals to her brain, causing it to shut down and have a seizure. And since she had it at such young age, it's likely to recur again. We have to watch her closely the next time she falls sick.

So the one who hardly falls sick now has it really bad. What i'm so thankful about is that we got hospitalisation and surgical insurance cover for both kids. At least we didn't need to worry about cost and could afford to let her stay in a class A ward.

Don't feel bad about R falling sick more often. One of the doc told me that babies pass 1 yr tends to have more problem as they lose their immunity.

I used to take Emma's health for granted cos her case is really mild. And she was her usual self. But now i'll be watching her like a hawk when she falls sick.

Yes i'm just so thankful that we were all home when it happened yesterday. Sometimes we leave her at home with the maid eg when we bring J for his music lessons. I also sometimes juz leave her to throw her tantrums. Thankfully i was juz next to her then.

I've briefed my maid on what to do if she suffers another attack. But the next time if she falls sick, i guess either me or hubby would hv to stay home with her as well.

Such a scary thought of KB almost being decapitated! I can understand the part on the scene still so vivid.

Emma has been on Gain IQ. No problem with sleeping through the night. Same with Joshua after he turned 1.
At this age, i don't think it's hunger that is waking him up, i think it's more of a habit.

Yes, agree that it's difficult to spot any abnormalities in the brain scan. Anyway, it's just for a peace of mind that there's nothing more serious. She'll do her EEG next month after things are more stable.

Ok, i'm going to crash out soon. So drained out.
To all those who have not had any hospitalisation and surgical plans for the kids, please do something about it soon.

I'm so glad that we got all them covered so costs was not a concern when we realised that Emma had to be admitted. For me, comfort for the child would be the utmost importance so class A ward is a must. For info, a 3 day stay in KKH class A is about $1900 excluding tests or surgery.

So a premium of $100 plus each year can give u a peace of mind, why not?
Hi babygrace,

Glad to know Emma is well again, I agreed it is impt to get a hospitalisation & surgical plans for our kids to give us a peace of mind.

U take care too, whenever our kids fall sick, we, parents also suffer.
my heart was dropped when i was reading ur post.
glad to know that Emma is back to her royal highness.

Thanks for your effort to take the pics.

i just bought Pigeon teat last nite but haven try yet.

luckily KB was not in the danger at tat time.
i just bought pigeon teat but guess wat. i bought wrong size, intead of buying teat for wide neck bottle, i bought the standard size one. hav to go n change it today.
btw, how u cut the teat to make it bigger hole?

I bought a pack of trial package of Drypants yesterday. How come i can see a bit of Alvis' butt when he wear drypants. when he wear NEpia pullup, the whole butt is cover.
i tot now they already update to terrible 1? hahaha...

Recently A always throw tantrum n on milk strike. i m so angry n will scold him for wasted my EBM. Now think back i shld b blessing cos he very seldom (hope i m not jinx myself too) fall sick. he still so active n eat well when he was sick.
Me feel so guilty now.
Haiz... tried posting on Sat but forum was down. I forgot what I typed liao.

You tried Drypants liao hor? Jaslyn is using L for both Huggies and Drypants, but Drypants is big on her.
Medical hall sells normal size teats, not meant for Avent wide neck bottles.
Your colourfull bottle refers to what? Those normal milk bottles? My gals have been using these normal milk bottles since born. Tried Avent on Jolene before, she refused after 3rd mth. So I never bother to use what Nuk, Avent, Pigeon etc branded bottles. My gals only love normal milk bottles with cute cartoons and normal $1 teats and normal $1.90 pacifier hee hee..
I use a scissor to cut the teat to make hole bigger. I have this hole puncher which hb bought 2 years back from Kiddy Palace, but still find the hole too small haha...

Ya I agreed with your views, cos my gals never use those walkers to "help/train" them to walk. They learn walking by stabling themselves with non moving furnitures like table, chair, sofa etc.
Cab fare, well... I will suffer the 1st heart attack tomorrow when I go for briefing... let see how much it's going to cost! It has been a long time since I last took cab, think was in apr when my hb wasn't in town haha..
You ever heard from elders that kids cross age 1 tend to get sick more frequent?

haha... Cheyenne going to be da jie da in Whampoa Market lor!! hahaha

It was so scary! Glad to hear Emma is ok now.
Yep, me too, not being pantang or what, but I learnt my lesson not to speak in front of the kids abt their health. I dun wan to jinx myself.
Jolene used to be on milk strike for mths after she turned 1. In fact, she had this milk strike when she's ard 3 to 4mths old. Very stressful period cos that time she wasn't taking solid food. It went for mths before she finally drank her milk again.
Jaslyn recently also starts signs of rejecting her milk. She can whole day drinks less than 3 bottles, less than 180ml per bottle.
hi bbgrace,

glad to know that emma is back to her normal self. maybe just ensure that there's always someone with her.

hi coolmum,

that was a close shave. but glad that KB is ok.

hospitalisation insurance
this is a MUST for me. when tricia was still in my tummy, already tell my hb must buy this, life insurance is still 2nd priority. so when tricia was 2 mths old, got her hospitalisation insurance. why i'm so persistent is that due to my own medical condition, i was loaded with additional premium and some illness exclusion. i do not want her to face all this, so buy as young as possible.
Yes...y'day i went to Tampines Giant. hb said better go shopping b4 cab fare increase. keke..
then hor, persuaded by the Drypants promoter to buy drypants. then bought a trial pack n let Alvis tried last nite. hmm..i can say drypants softer than mommy poko pants. at least now i can find an alternative if Alvis cant fit in Nepia.

yes..i refer to those normal milk bottle. can we sterilized it?

Jaslyn also start reject her milk? but guess she still drink more than Alvis. He only drank 100ml frm 7am till 7pm. but i m glad that at least he finish his porridge.

i dunno Alvis reject milk or bottle or teat!
cos when i give him 180ml for hise nite feed, he just use 1 hr to finish 140ml ebm, and when he abt to sleep, he will crawl to me n sit beside me, rubbing my shirt, if i let him latch on, he will suck till empty my 2 breast, then let me off n sleep on his own. he is not nurse to sleep, right?
Jasmine, I have been searching around for the L size teats. The current ones dont know use how long already.. wanted to replace them but couldnt find it at the kiddy palace, metro, cold storage in SK. NTUC at Riverval Mall also dont have. If you happen to find it, let me knw.

Babygrace, glad to hear that Emma is okay now. I have been procastinating.. been sourcing around and couldnt decide which H&S unsurance policies to get. Can I ask which co. did you get the policies fr?

Jenny, Jaslyn used to drink how much? Whole day less than 3 bottles and less than 180ml is nothing new to me. My younger boy has always been like that. He rarely finishes his 180ml. I bought those small pkts of soya milk and just give him one when he refuses his milk. He has half a cube of cheese and petite yoghurt on alternate day. This boy pattern leow leow one. Btw, how did cut the teat with scissors? Cut '+' or just 'l'?
Can lah... These bottles are the same as those branded milk bottles. They are used to make milk which serve the same purpose as Avent, Nuk, Pigeon, Dr Brown milk bottle what... My gals not interested with these branded milk bottles. Jolene will choose her milk bottle off the shelf. Hers is a pooh and tigger pic on the milk bottle which costs only $6.90 from Kiddy Palace.
I'm not so worried with Jaslyn's milk intake cos she's taking in a lot of solid food which I'm more worry. She just keep eating and eating, dunno when she's fulled!
You can start trying by changing teat, if dun work, change milk bottle, and lastly FM (last resort). Jolene refused all teats and milk bottles until I let her used the Mag Mag Cup with soft sprout.
You are using Avent bottle and teats? Their teat is q hard, not all kids like.
What brand L size teat you are looking?
The teat I'm using for the gals is cross aka +. I use scissor to cut a hole from the +, so it looks like a square hole.
Talking abt insurance, I haven't get any for the kids yet. Need to talk to hb on this.
Are you talking abt Pigeon L size teats.
If so, i also couldn't find it at NTUC & Kiddy palace & BHG. I bought mine at a small shop near my place. think only left 1 or 2 pack nia. must chiong dowm today cos need to do a exchange.

I start with changing teat n milk bottle (got 2 pigeon one frm previous time), if still din work, then change to those normal bottle (actually hor i like those with cute cute cartoon btl, but hb a bit worry lor)
Alvis can finish his milk in Mag Mag cup with soft sprout when he had milk strike during baby time.
btw, he still using Mag Mag cup with soft sprout to drink water.
yah i did hear tt babies tend to fall sick more aft 1 yo but it happens the same time i am weaning him n he is taking much longer to recover so i cant help wondering if it might b better if he was still on BM.
Glad tt Emma is back to her usual self again.
yah i did buy hospitalisation insurance for R. in fact, tts the only thing we bot 4 him.

jaslyn sounds so much like my niece! she keeps on eatg non-stop n she dunno when she's full.

yah i heard ppl sayg aft 1 yo will fall sick more easily but it coincides wif my weaning off, so i cant help feeling i am partly at fault.
u wun suffer heart attack yet coz i think cab fares will increase later this wk... diff companies diff dates so confusing. anyway its only occasionally tt u need to take cabs so its not too bad. i am taking at least twice a wk, n each time its $14+.

gotta b more careful wif the ceiling fan! i hv tt at home n whenver my hb lifts R on his shoulders, i freaked out n warned him not to do tt near the fan! v scary!!!!
R is taking Gain IQ n so far its ok. he managed to wean off night feeds aft taking FM.
i add cereals to his last feed so he can last. It was only the last few wks when he was sick tt he went back to night feeds. but now tt he is well, he stopped it alrdy.

there r times tt babies will juz reject food. there is no reason or logic. juz feed him some snacks later like cereals or wat to fill his tummy?
Like Jenny, R's teats r oso snipped so tt it flows faster.
Jenny: It's pigeon L size teats. Later going TPY Kiddy Palace to check *wink* I read must change teats like every 3mths. Since the bottles are seldom used nowadays.. I thought exceed 3 mths ok lah.. but last saturday I see the teats like cannot make it leh.. wanted to get new ones but cant find. Hope they get used to cups soon. They okay with straws but dont want mag mag. I also puzzled. Bought those cheaper range cups with plastic sprouts (not those soft type) fr kiddy palace but failed to realise that they dont come with a cover cap. Put the cup 'standing' in waist pouch, in the end water still sipped out. Pouch and pants both wet. Haiz.

About insurance hor, I was deciding bet Aviva and NTUC Income. The latter just changed its rider that used to cover the co-insurance and deductible portion. Now must still must pay 10% or an amt cap at 2k or 3k. I have some details, u want I can email u tonight. I spoke to an agent recommended by friend. The agent told me both she and hb bought aviva so her kids are covered for free but at a lower plan. I asked what if both parents met mishap then the policy how. Agent stunned and said dont knw. Erm.. I dont think I can rely on this agent leh.. not convincing.
tell me abt chgg teats once every 3 mths! so far i only chg 1 time for 10+ bottles! my logic is since i got so many btls n by using rotation, they r not really used daily. n since the teats r still in reasonable condition, it din occur to me tt i muz chg.

Glad that emma is alright now.. really have a fright after reading your post. Monitor periodically just to have a piece of mind.
Jolene loved the Mag Mag with soft sprout, she used it from 3 mths old till 1 year + then changed back to normal milk bottles.
Aiyo, tell your hb all milk bottles serve the same function lah. Even those $2.90 (I think?) milk bottle at medical hall also can sterilise. They are used to make milk with the same temp, isn't it?
Yes, you are right, the difference for the teat size is the hole size. Can just buy any and cut yourself.

The prob is... the place I'm going tomorrow... no cab will wanna go. See how lah, my company won't pay for cab booking fare. I dun care ah.. I going to wait there for cab until it shows. Can't imagine me walking all the way from this ulu place to main road bah...
Jaslyn can eat till she vomits one, very terrible one lah.

I never like the idea to have a ceiling fan at home, especially when there's kids at home.
My mum ever told me my bro's head almost kena cos he was carried on shoulder by one of our relatives! Since then, no ceiling fan is found in any of my relatives' homes.

Talking abt changing teats. I never monitor when I change. I see the hole very big and teat looks cloudy then I change de hahaha...
Ok, re the insurance, I talked to hb just now over lunch. He said he will make appt with our agent to have a talk. Email me your details pls, I will show hb for comparison. I think I need to talk to my bro too. He's expert with insurance and investment haha..
Ok, noted Pigeon L size teats. If I see, I buy for you ok.
Yea..think babies likes us, sometimes they no appetite to eat hor.
I seldom give him snacks cos scare he will reject his main meals. heng tat he still eat his porridge.
btw, R already wean off his nite feed? Congratz!!
wow..tat's mean left my A still the 'baby' wake up for milk milk. sigh...

you mean Jolene use Mag Mag with soft sprout to drink milk? *wink* then i can try using it if he reject milk bottle.
Crystallized, u have 10 bottles to alternate, so it's ok. I only have 4 for my two boys. Last time when they were on more milk feeds, worse. The teats were worse than being 'cloudy' lor. Now only on 3 feeds, so it is quite okay. But my mil complained that the teats got 'sucked' in when my boys drink. I also dont knw if it's becos teats 'over-used' became too soft or the flow too slow for my boys that's why decided to change, prick and make slightly bigger holes for them.

Jenny, I bought le. The 2 pieces in a pack cost $6, single piece costs $3.40. It is 2 pieces pack that is out of stock. No choice, bought 4 single piece packs. So damn ex. Scar-ly both decided to drink fr cup tomorrow. Eh.. I hope my lao char boh's eyes didnt fail earlier. I only saw the Tomy stove, no oven at TPY KP. Or you want to check with that mummy who prompted u to get it at TPY KP again.
Actually hor, I tried using Pigeon teat before. It is like the normal teat from medical hall... but then the price is double.
Haiz... takashimaya said they will have stock coming in this week, but till now still mei you leh. I like tat oven leh. Maybe that mummy saw wrongly bah...
dun worry. CY still wakes up for milk at night too
only it's easier for me since im not working at his point.

Actually it has been shown that FM or BM it makes no difference to their night waking. you know lah, they wake up not coz they are hungry...most of the time is to seek comfort :p

i gathered that if im there to provide comfort to him in the limited time he is a bb, why not. dun need to force him 'grow up' or 'learn independence' so soon.

btw, CY used to sleep through the night. that is until the PD advised me to wake him for night feeds coz his is low on weight. so now it has become a habit...
i m in dilemma lal. as what u said, i can provide comfort to him since he need it, why not. but on the other hand, hope tat he will kick off nite feed n i can stop moo cow job. keke...
at least CY used to sleep through the night. Alvis never...no matter how tired he was or how comfort he was, he still WAKE UP..

actually i know the prob..is he sleep beside me, n nowsday he will hug me to sleep. so, he really need comfort...

alamak..u woke him up to feed him?
haha..yah lor.
he used to sleep from 9pm - 7am...then i woke him at 12am to feed, then at 5am, coz i need to be at work by 7am :p...now he wakes approximately these timings loh....sometimes more

yes..am looking forward to the day i stop my milk expresso night duty too :p

so cute, A will actually hug you to sleep...so wen xin leh...
waa...wasted lel. so nice that he can sleep from 9pm - 7pm. my wish lel.

hehe..he hug me n me hug him back lol.

i think u can get any size teat since by now we sure need to cut it bigger. i did like what the mummies here said, just cut an X. in fact, i find cutting an X not enough leh cos milk flow like too slow for him. i may try the teat hole puncher.

baby insurance
totally agreed to get this early. after being thru few times of such cases, it is impt that when u need to worry for the person, u do not want $$$ hinder your decision making. i got it for kb when he was 1 mth old.

waking up at nite
funny thing is that kb has stopped waking at nite for quite a while. he only started this pattern again after the trip. i tired not to feed him but there was once he really cried until very ke lian. another time after milk, he was awake wanting to play (**faint**). most of the times i'm try to ignore him but it has been more than a mth liao he still wakes up leh.

jrt, i shall not congrats u, dont want it to be a jinx! last time i used to think that kb is very guai, no fuss no cry and no more nite feed. i neber dare to compliment him, not even infront of my hubby. now? i think he is starting to become a little NOISY "monkey"!
Alvis wear Drypants can see butt aah?? I tot only huggies n pamper is the sexy 1....hehehe
Forgot liao cos I still waiting for drypants to have sale then buy keke
Oh yah hor hahahha. Like I always joking with hubby : Terrible 1, Horrible 2, Kanasai 3, Buay Tahan 4
N during last checkup my gynea still tell me the terrible 2 was really true for her 2 elder kids lor after pass the phase they okie liao. I can only say ...Sighhhhh....
Maybe that's why she offer me the FM lah.....kekeke

D also sleep beside me leh n will hug me when he falling asleep. Now I trying to kick him back to his cot to make way for bb next time. But.......he will cry when I put him back lor or if he wakes in it he will refuse to go back in....sigh
Think when its time Alvis will auto wean lah dun worry D also jus wean last mth nia ma.

Same for D keep eating n eating our food then can still ask for milk very scared he too full n vomit out.
yah lor, i oso like that say...wasted :p bt nebermind lor, he ask i wont reject lor...

heee...poor hb...

jasmine, dordor...
aiyoh, so sweet...mummy and boy boy in each others arms...kekeke...

you are lucky that D wans to eat. CY still doesnt like food leh. he is totally unadventurous with food. give him new food, he'll still give us the "you trying to poison me izzit?" look
Drypantz promo at NTUC till 19th dec at $16.20. i just brought one pack to try yesterday. find that huggies L size getting smaller for my gal and i still have 2 big packs to finsh. Faint!

glad that Emma is back to her normal self.
200% agree that insurance super impt.
can share the total cost inclusive of the test when u get the bill?
i brought the premium one for her hospitalisation so in case she need to be warded can choose A class

Recently i found this teats XL size from Piyo Piyo from kiddy palace. 3 for $4.90. bigger than Pigeon one but very hard to find. Seems like only kiddy Palace have it.
Thanks mommies for your concern. I'm v touched by the smses that you all sent to me

It takes a mommy to understand what i went through.

The H&S policy is from Incomeshield from NTUC.
The rider got tbe be paid by cash, i think. anyway, hubby is the one who takes care of all these matters.

i always felt that the cutting for drypants is quite small and high cut. Maybe Joshua had fat butt cheeks. MP and Nepia has bigger cutting
Hug to sleep I also got another worry. That D will kick my tummy....sigh
Food wise hor adult food D sure like n sometimes depends on where he's eating. At home he might eat alittle only but at my parents place he like so hungry I'm the one cannot catch up feeding him.

Really offer liao aah okie I must go n buy liao thanx.
I feel the teat hole puncher no use haha... cos from the X teat that I bought, I will cut the edge of the X and the hole will be like a square hole, flow is faster.

Pull up cutting
From smallest to bigger size. My view as follows:
1) Huggies
2) Drypants
3) Nepia
4) Mamy Poko

I may be wrong with Nepia and Mamy Poko. But they seems to have around the same cutting.
Huggies has the smallest cutting. So, if your kids are using L for other brands, you need to get XL for huggies pull up.

Terrible 2
I'm not sure if Jolene has this prob. Cos she's a bit cranky when I was preggie with Jaslyn, sticked to me, nobody else. Then when I delievered Jaslyn, Jolene was 19.5mths exactly. So this period till 2+, she has a sis to company her. I dun have much prob with her **CHOY TOUCHWOOD** I dun want to jinx myself.

Huggies Pull Up with free Penguin
I know this is a bit far for most of you as you dun stay in west.
I was at this medical hall at jurong west and was surprised to see they have a lot of stock for all sizes for huggies pull up which comes with the free penguin which some of you are looking for.
They also have huggies ultra with free turtle.
Helo mummies,
Think i saw alot of huggies with free penguin in SengSiong (Tekka mall).
Can go there to buy if you can't find it elsewhere...

I agree hospitalisation insurance is very impt for kids.

My hb bot from AIA and the rider needs to pay in
cash too. Initially he wanted to buy from NTUC but after some tots,
he decided to buy from our agent AIA as we heard alot of people mentioned NTUC claim always very mah fan one...
hi grace,

i'm here. i got read thro the posting, did not post only.

hi jasmine & dor,

envy both of u. both A & D will hug you. tricia does not even want to find me, she want to find daddy to sleep with her. so now, both she & my hb sleep on the big bed whereas for me, sleep on the mattress on the floor...
she will still wake up in the middle of the nite, normally, we just pat pat her and she go back sleep.

hospitalisation insurance
tricia's one is from Great Eastern (GE).

seems like tricia is the champion here. she can take to 1 hr to finish 180ml milk. after drinking about 50-70ml she will push out her teat and play a bit and then continue to drink again. v pek chek. must go home and cut her teat already. any mummies using NUK teat? most of you who have posted are for other brands teats.
Me use NUK. Actually I am ok with A drinking slow.
Btw, he is still using the 0-6mths ones.
Avg drink time (max 30mins when he is asleep).

Change to bigger hole teat, he refused to drink so still remain 0-6mths ones.

Dun throw stones at me hor...I dun think it is advisable to cut the teat to
let them drink fast. Think will gallop in more
wind in this manner. I prefer they enjoy and
take their time to drink milk then rushing thru...

Most of the time, My A will refuse milk when he is teething...
i will just have to apply the teething gel
first, let it take effect to soothe his gums then continue to feed/let him drink milk...
So far ok with him.

As for changing of teats,
i have not change since he is born...
cos i rotate the bottles and ensure all are clean properly.
So far all of them still in good condition... no tearing as well.
hi grace,

that time when tricia was abt 9-10mths, the teat was tearing and no choice, then have to use a new one. changes 6-12mths and she refuse it for about 1 wk. at first, we still thought that cos of the silicone smell, but even after a few boils, she still reject. then we realise that she's using 0-6mths teat and the 6-12mths teat hole is bigger than 0-6mths.
after a few more trys, she finally accepted the 6-12mths teat. i also did not know that 6-12mths teat is the biggest until a staff from kiddy palacce tell me this. no above 12mths teat. really blur mummy...
no offence here, but 1 hr in finishing a bottle of milk is much too long and i dont want her to develop into a habit in drinking/eating so slowly. so will try to cut the hole slightly bigger.
D oso will hug you when he fall in sleep. feel 'wen xin' hor?

but you must b more careful cos a lil one inside your tummy. like A, he will sleep n turn 360 degree one. my whole body ache every early morning.
I really hope that he can auto wean off nite feed asap. but that also mean i hav to pump out in the middle of the nite. ..

Think Nepia cutting bigger than Mammy poko.
Thanks for letting me know huggies pull up come with penguin. if i happen to see that, sure will buy a pack. kekeke..

why don't u sleep together with them? At least u have the bonding time with Tricia too. soon later she will clcose to you.

same as Gemini, i also don't feel good if our child take too long to finish a bottle of milk. the milk will turn cold and definitely they will gallop in more wind.
A can finish his milk within 15min if he in good mood. That's why i m worried he take abt 1 hr to finish his milk.
hi jasmine,

we did try before, 3 persons but hor, next morning, me & hb suffered from backache. our bed is a queen-sized bed. furthermore, tricia sleep also 360 degrees, she want to sleep a bigger space,and my hb also afraid that he will "squash" her, so if sleeping on the big bed, will be 1 person and her.
We're using NUK 6-12 mth (Medium), my gal also takes a long time to finish her milk, she'll usually drink then stop to play with the treat or just push the bottle away. I'll then put the milk bottle in a cup of hot water to keep warm & try again later

Am thinking of changing to NUK 6-12mth (Large) but last June during great Spore sale, kaisu bought alot of medium sizes one, so hv to wait till I finish them off
hi anges,

that what we do also, put the milk bottle in a cup of hot water. furthermore, my girl wants to drink hot milk and not lukewarm one.
oh, NUK 6-12mth still got Medium and Large hole? i only saw got for thin liquid and thick liquid only.

yeah...our bed also is a queen-sized bed, n three of us 'ji' together, normally i m the one who have the little space.

but no choice, our room can't accommonadate another mattress even single mattress.
