(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Your A hair still standing like my A too.
Dun noe when will "settle down" heheeee...
I tried cap too but after every hairwash, hair
still standing...
Looking at the pix, he is still as happy as ever.. your belle look different liao hor.. her
eyes are bigger than gor gor one...

BBsitter, seems ok but now start to have abit of pattern...
I am still trying to be accomodating ... one eye close loh...
She or sometimes her daughter(pri 6) is bringing my A out almost everyday
(either compass point or at her playground downstairs)
Which i dun allow my ex-bbsitter previously.

i am abit particular especially to shopping malls cos nowadays alot of people sick,
scared my A will kana loh... still thinking of a proper & nice way to tell her to limit such places when going out.
But of cos, good that she tell me lah..

Since last Friday, they started to bring my A to the lift or even pick him up at the lift ...
Do not want us to go into their hse... dun feel confortable...with this loh..

Another one is i prefer A to continue sleep
in the playpen when we bring him there, so I will always go into their hse to place him in the playpen
and he will go to sleep. But now, they keep insist to carry him and that make him
dun want to go to sleep and end of the day they will say he did not sleep much...
Tried telling them to let him sleep longer in the morning and her reply is he will sleep if he wants...

My bbsitter flat is linked to the security system.
Everytime, need to go up will have to call her first downstairs b4 we can go up.
So when we call her and went up, she will be standing at the lift liao...
Even today when she is in toliet, her hb will stand at the lift area to wait for us and insist to carry A into their hse..haiz...

Jasmine, is he teething? If so, it's ok.. he will resume to his drinking after the 'discomfort' is gone. Apply teething gel. I lost track of my boys' teeth growth. Both got 4 top and 4 bottom but each has 1 or two more inside (are they call molars?). In the meantime, give enough fluids to him. I give cheese, yoghurt, toufu and other food stuffs to my boys esp the younger one. At this age, think they should be getting their nutrients from the main meals.

About them fighting.. depends. Sometimes I will separate them. I will try not to intervene if nothing 'serious' happen cos I dont want them to develop e habit of using 'screaming' to get the attention they want.

holiday mood.. LOL
Can fit. I have been using it this way for almost half a year already. In fact hubby timed this morning, K only takes 2 mins to drink his 220ml of milk! We never timed but know it is quite fast cos in the evening hubby will pass Kaelen the bottle and I will sit him on my lap whilst he drink. Hubby barely have time to get ready the pacifier and toothbrush to brush K's teeth before he finishes his milk. So, this morning hubby timed :p

Aiyo... Belle so sweet! I do see her resemblance with Ayden. But I also feel Belle has some of your look as well, whereas Ayden is more of daddy's looks?

You must be so well entertained by your two boys

If you are really unhappy with this babysitter then will you look out for another one?
I am not say not happy but just curious why they
dun allow us to go into their hse.. anyway we
just go to the living room so far... if nothing
to hide why act in this manner ... but my main
priority is his meals... if he is taking proper
meals(2x porridge a day) I will try to accomodate...
really hard to find a perfect nanny... so got to close one eye...
not sure is he teething. he also got 8 teeths since he was 1 yr old. but guess the molars going out soon. I know at their age know shld get nutrients frm the main meals, which he does but i can't accept that he din drink milk for the whole day.
well, y'day i was at home with him, so managed to coax him drink 90ml in the morning & 80ml at evening time.

Wow..K can drink his 220ml in 2 MINS! Really fast! If A can drink within 15min with this amount, i m super happpy already!
hmm...since i m going to try out tonite. pigeon wide bottle with soft spout, rite?
agree that very hard to wash MaMag ..
pups, two minutes ?! impressive. going to try on younger boy tonite. Watching them can be entertaining but they do get on my nerve sometime. U are welcome to come by my war zone and be 'entertained' by them..

Grace, i think i will be quite concerned if my bbsitter put my child in the house whole day. When I take care of my children over the weekend, i will try to bring them out, be it around the vicinity or some places faraway. Nothing much to do at home leh. I feel that it's gd for them to see see look look outside. I do wash their hands and feet when they return home from playground though. Probably, just ask ur bbsitter to watch out for any sick child and clean your child after play.
You expect bbsitter to be at home all day to look after your boy? Can you do that also? You are paying for the care the bbsitter provides, not to buy her freedom leh. At times, she also needs to do her grocery mah.
I feel that bringing the bb out for fresh air or interact with ppl is impt. Stay at home all day very boring leh. My gals step out of house min twice a day, exclude her play at corridor and water plants. Usually evening, if my mum/bro is free, they will bring them to downstairs to play with kids. It's good mah, interact and at the same time can exercise their body. I feel is good that she is willing to bring your kid to go walk walk. You should appreciate it.
Aiya if the kid wanna fall sick, you dun bring him out also will fall sick one lah. If you intend to enrol your boy to any class or childcare or further down the road, Pre-N, be prepared that your boy will fall sick for the 1st 6 mths, worse case is every week will fall sick, especially when he never been to one at all. It's good that once a while they fall sick, to build up their immune system. They are stronger each time after recovering.

Your bbsitter stays in condo ah? Then she's more like passing time to be a bbsitter.
Perhaps you can have a talk with your bbsitter. Is there any reason why she doesn't want you to bring yr kid to her house and why she chooses to wait at the lift area. If she is talking abt privacy, perhaps you need to let her know you need to see the place or the surrounding yourself so that you know your boy is comfortable. You need to be tactful how to tell her this. Or they may think pick up from lift area may save you some time.
If you are talking abt going into her house, which include her bedrooms. Let me share with you something. I never know that unless you are letting nanny to look after day + night, then we are allowed to go into their rooms to see see look look. I only got to know this last Sun when my aunt told me. If we are getting a nanny to look after bb for daytime only, usually the parents should not go into their rooms due to privacy. After thinking, I feel is right also. Even if we go to friends/relatives hses, we also stay in the living room, and dun intrude into bedrooms unless is very very closed.

Last time when my mum looked after a boy after he turned full mth (he stayed day and nite at my mum place), the parents never stepped into our bedrooms. They usually stayed in the living room. And in fact, they usually waited at the corridor, just picked and went off. Only when the boy was not ready (eg. need to bath/change) then the parents would come into the living room to wait. The parents are very "qing cai" ppl. They never asked how the boy was, what he did, what we fed/gave him etc. We dun say/tell anything, they never asked. And let me tell you hor, the boy's father went overseas to study for a year when the boy was barely 6 mths old. Ended, this boy stayed and lived with us for the next one year, didn't go home cos his mum had to look after the boy's elder sis aged 5. She couldn't handle. That 1 year, the boy stayed and lived with us like our own family. Even CNY also didn't go home. We brought him everywhere we went. When the boy turned 3, his father went overseas again, but this round, the whole family went over for 2-3 years. After they returned, the boy on and off still came to my mum place over weekend to stay. Weekdays, he was at childcare, then not long later they got a maid, so the maid looked after them. They grew up independent even though they had a maid. They did housework, cooked,baked etc. At age 12, they forgo the maid cos the boy said he dun need maid, he could do the housework for his mum. Now, after sch, he will prepare dinner and wait for his parents and sis to be house while his mum just needs to be home to whip up the vege. . The boy used to follow us to call our parents "pa pa" and "ma ma" when he's young. His own parents dun even get angry, though we kept correctly him. Let me ask you, which parents can stand their children calling other ppl "pa pa" and "ma ma"?? After his return from UK, his parents told him to seek my parents permission to be his god parents. The boy now aged 15, is my god brother. When I got married, when my gals' full mth showers/birthdays, he's the one involved with the preparation etc. He's just like our own siblings, my parents' son.

Let me share with you one of my neighour's son case. My mum looked after the elder sis, that time my mum was looking after 2 kids aged 2 and aged 1 (include this elder sis). This neighbour preggie and wanna my mum to look when the bb boy was born. My mum rejected cos she felt 2 with young age, she couldn't cope with a newborn. So, this neighbour ended with the help from her relative. This relative "locked" the boy at home all day. And worse, didn't spoon feed, just gave milk only. The boy was blur blur type, like dunno anything one lor, you gave him toy he also dunno how to play. At the age of 18mth, dunno toilet train, dunno how to eat, dunno how to walk. He's one of the "worse" case I ever came across. Suddenly one day, the relative decided not to look after him, and threw him back to my neighbour. My mum had no choice but to help to look after for a while while the neighbours went to search for a new nanny. Been to a few, not suitable cos the boy really "tu", nannies couldn't tahan him. Bo pian, and since my mum already looked after for 2 mths, they decided my mum could do the job. So, no choice, my mum looked after, and from then onwards, my mum toilet trained, taught him to eat, walk etc. It was really a surprise to us that the boy managed to do the "jobs" in another few mths time, of cos he didn't have a good time at my mum place, caused we trained him really hard. But then, just when we all tot the boy may be autism problem. He turned out not to be one. We were so glad! Somehow, I always feel, if the boy never came to us, he might really be one.

Another also damn idiot case. I can still feel angry with the way the parents did.
The parents are my 7th uncle and his wife. Damn idiot parents. They got my mum's help to look after their 1st kid. The wife is westernize pattern. They are stingy parents. Though agreeded that my mum only looked after the bb for day time only, they had the cheek to go par tok and threw the bb to my mum to look after. Imagine, there's 2 other kids at my mum place then. They never came to bring their bb back home on time, could come as late as 10pm at nite, sometimes din even bring home and not a call from them. Came to our place like their own house, without manners open the door to enter bedroom etc. So what they are my uncle and shen shen? Can you imagine a can of FM brought to and fro everyday from their home and our home? And even had the cheek to ask my mum why diaper and FM finished so fast? Imagine they asked my mum to save their cost not to use diapers in daytime. Ended, my mum used her own $$$ to buy diapers for the bb? Then asked my mum to sit by bb side to "yao" the yao lan even when bb was asleep???? My mum is not a robot leh. She has her housework to do and other kids to look after. Then never mind, 6 mths later, they got a maid. Guess what they did? They brought the bb + maid over to my mum place. Asked the maid to sit at the sarong side to continue to "yao" the sarong 24 hrs. I tell you hor, even they went home also like tat. Ended, the maid ran away. The maid was such a poor thing, that she dun have sleep nor good food to eat. The couple just went out enjoying their life, my grandma also became their maid to help them look after their bb. To the extend that each morning, the maid must prepare the toothbrush + toothpaste already squeezed on the toothbrushes for them. It really made my blood vomit. They thinked their $$$ was so big. Yes, they hired the maid, even a slave also dun do that much or rather they dun deserved to be. 1 week with the maid at my mum place, my dad got angry, and shoo their whole family out from our place.

What I'm trying to say is, not all nannies are bad (I'm not saying my mum is super). It just how nannies and parents interact. If either side is fussy, I can tell you, both sides won't have a happy relationship. The kids that my mum used to look after, still come to her place on and off on weekend and during sch holidays.

I still have my saying. If you can't stand how the nanny looks after your boy. Be a SAHM yourself. This is the only way that you can ensure your boy gets your so called 100% care. When you get someone to look after for you, there's no way ppl will follow your "rules". Even a maid also can't do it. When you are paying ppl for the job done, it is not buying over their freedom.

hehe..me too. my ILs always brings A out once i back to workplace. i always remind them to watch out for any sick child. But the palce they always go are markets, foodcourts or shopping malls. But maybe they are my families so i can more 'fang xin'. If mil sick and go to visit doc, normally will leave my boy at home with my SILs. never brings him to clinic or..

y'day when i m not feeling well, my mil volunteer to bring my son out so tat i can rest at home. i m more fang xin when my boy with mil but not fil. keke...
i love your story sharing. I always share what i learn from forum (see.when i ask opinion from you all about bottle & teat, you, pups, dor,jlyn....so many mommies gave me so much ideas) with my hb, he always ask me 'Jenny is your idol arr?' I told hb that cos both your mom & aunty are babysitter n you learn from them.
I still need to learn more from you mommies here, e.g toilet train. So far, me haven start anything yet.

fine, when A was 3mths old & i back to workplace, hb & me also thought that ILs should stay at home to look after him. then there was once when hb called back, sil lie to him that they all stay at home but in fact they went out cos MIL need to do grocery. Hb was angry that why they brought A out and there are so many virus ard. Then MILs shoot him that they love A but they also need to do their own errands and can't confine at home. at the end, hb agree to let them out but must b careful lol.
Since then, they are happily go out always lol.
the most happiest is Alvis lal. He went to so many places that even me also never been. sob sob..
but i not praise my own boy. i went back Msia last mth, everyone praise that Alvis is a smart boy, very alert. I think tha't thanks to his 3 aunties, always teach him when i m working.
i do agree wif jenny.

Even when i take care of R, i oso dun spend 100% of my time wif him. v often i am busy doing chores.

And i oso agree tt its gd tt the bbsitter is willing to bring A out. like my mum, she takes care of both R & my niece, i cant expect her to bring them out. she cant cope wif 2 tods n they run ard like crazy when they go out, even juz to the corridor. so i noe the tods r really happy to juz go out 4 a breather, even juz to the corridor. The maid is useless, she cant handle 1 tod properly, so my mum dun dare to let maid bring any of the tods even to the corridor. so when i return fr work, i try to bring R out to the void deck/downstairs for a walk. If my mum can handle, i will b so happy tt she can bring them out for a walk every day.
As long as its not her Pri 6 daughter bringing A out alone, i feel its fine.

And 4 shopping centres, i like to bring R out whenenver i can. Unless he has fallen sick n i wanna minimise contact wif pple, so i avoid bringing him out. owise, i feel no pt cooping him up at home. i agree tt need to build up their immune system. i dun wan R gong gong like tt, behave like mountain tortoise when we go out, so i like to expose him to things. unless its like SARS outbreak, then i will not bring him out. else i think kids wun fall sick so easily juz by gg out.

If this bbsitter is really quite ok, then i think u shld learn to let go a little. Else i dun think u will feel safe leaving A wif any bbsitter.

Juz my views, hope u dun get offended.
i attended a parenting workshop last wk n the speaker told us boys generally r slower as compared to girls. and GENERALLY can start potty training boys aft they turn 2 yrs old. The magic number, according to her, is 2 yrs 4 mths for boys. (I say GENERALLY hor, so dun flame me)

She mentioned we can start early, but if we realise the tod is not ready, best to stop everything n restart again in a few mths time nso we dun end up frustrated n stressing the poor tod.
Sometime I see my maid and boys doing nothing in the playard. I knw they sian with those ABC & apple orange charts. I saw maid playing with the 'magic cube' and boy sat there watching. Eventually, he got bored and crawled away. He started moving his toys machiam like 'frying vegetables'. Can see that they are really bored. Have considered putting both at cc but it's too ex to do so at 14mth cos it's infant care rate. Those 1-2 hr enrichment classes are also too ex in my opinion. Besides, i wont want to trouble my mother to send them for these classes. So, while I wait patiently for them to turn 18mth, I'm thankful that my maid & parents do keep my children entertained. Be it walking around the estate, taking them out individually, going through those charts in 'the not so accurate ang mo'.. it's still better than having my boys sitting gong gong in the playard and doing nothing.

By the way, sk mummies putting ur children in cc at 18mth, have u all started to look around already?
Grace...and mummies with alternative views..

actually i can understand how grace feels. ok, playing a bit devils advocate here. but i think it is difficult to close one eye (or both) when we 'entrust' our children to outsiders. no matter what, in any emergencies, it's really not their children we are talking about.

personally i dun like nannies or whoever-is-taking-care-of-CY to bring him to the mall. recently let my ILs and family take CY out for the afternoon. since they were going for lunch, i instructed them to feed CY his porridge too. I even called to remind them. at the end of the day, they told me he is hungry coz they only fed him biscuits and bread the whole day.

checked the thermos, it was totally untouched. i mean they didnt even attempt to feed him!

from incidents like these, we as parents of course are worried. My FIL is generally careful, but my SIL often says nevermind, feed him anything. she let it slip on day she fed him coke!!!! i wanna pengz!!!sugar, caffeine, aspartame!!!!ok, im paranoid...but it only takes one incident to make you buay tahan...really.

ask yourselves lah, if you see bruises on your todds everyday, what would you do? thereafter, would you be paranoid? i think will loh :p
i agree tt its v hard to trust outsiders or those caregivers whom has betrayed ur trust. so i am really lucky tt my mum is taking care of R, wlse i wld hv really become a SAHM n hv to tighten my belt. coz i am paranoid abt things tt i cant see. and yes, if i see bruises, i will, of course b so worried.
its hard to strike a balance when we let others (as in not our own relative) take care of our kids, so we do tend to b paranoid. i am not sayg the bbsitter tt Grace has now is really gd coz i dunno her but i guess we r trying to make her see the other side of things, hopefully it might make her feel better. of coz there r always 2 sides to a story.
hey..thanks for sharing wif me abt toilet training. I also heard abt we shall start toilet training when they reach 2 yrs old which means they can tell us when they wanna do their business.
But is that mean that we do not need to do anythings? pls correct me if i m wrong. cos currently A is on disposable diaper 24/7. and we never let him sit on potty so far. My mum n sis kept telling me shld let him learn to sit on potty. besides that, i also think to tbuy the portable toilet sit that attach to our adult toilet bowl.
And what's abt if we intend to send them to CC when they are 18 mths?
You love story sharing ah... but my story sharing very long winded de and may offend ppl sometimes. I'm someone who talks straight lah, so may offend ppl in some ways.
You know what's the most touching thing that my mum ever did? In fact, after I married and have my own kids, I really feel my mum is a superwoman, just like Crystallized's mum.
My mum, when she's sick herself, she won't call me unless she really can't get off bed. This really makes me guilty. Luckily my bro and dad are working nite shift. So they rotate to take care of the gals, and my sis sometimes if can, will take leave to look after the gals for me during my peak.
They really make me feel ease at work. That's why I wanna move near my mum place cos I feel I'm not doing a great job as a mother. Ok, I bu yao lian, I can say I'm a good wife to hb, good daughter to my parents, good sibling to my bro and sis, but I'm NOT a good mother to my 2 gals. I wasn't at their sides when they were sick. Remember I mentioned before, Jolene had high fever and admitted to hospital one nite during my pregancy period with Jaslyn? My mum never called me and only called me the next morning to inform me. She was worried that I didn't have enough rest, she didn't want us to rush down cos she said my bro, sis and sis's bf were ard to help. I'm really very touched by them. So, I can understand you really appreciated your In Laws. And I really wanna tell you, you really have nice In Laws!
My auntie ah, she super ah. She has 24 years of bbsitting experience already. I wanna her to look after Jolene for me at first, but tat time she's looking after 2 young kids, so I turned to my mum hahaha... Ok lah, quite heng lor, cos the kids my mum looked after tat time were in upper pri liao. My mum felt they should be independent, so kept asking their parents to bring them home. My mum trained them to take public transport when they in Pri 1. She would secretly follow their back w/o their knowledge to ensure they got on the correct bus and alighted at the correct bus stop. By then she asked the parents to bring them home cos she felt the kids already quite independent already. Some more my mum said pai seh to take their so called bbsitting money cos they went sch in the morning, reached my mum place already 2pm+, then 6pm+ went home. My mum told their parents it's a waste of their money lor. Then just nice, I preggie with Jolene so quickly booked my mum. Heng ah... cos got ppl came after my mum after they heard the kids were leaving.

Toilet training. At the start is quite challenging haha... My mum complained Jolene started toilet train late (15 mths tried once, failed, so I stopped. 16 mths tried again. 17mths tried again then much better. Ended we sent Jolene to my aunt who toilet trained her, 1/2 day and she was toilet trained haha). The kids my mum used to look after, all started toilet trained at 13mths. By 14, 15mths, they were diaperless.
I'm not eager to start toilet train on Jaslyn yet, though my mum and aunt were on this topic last week!!! I think I will start when Jaslyn is abt 16-17mths old. Slowly introduce her the potty first before going diaperless. Haha I may send her for toilet training at my aunt's place kekeke...
Ok lah, if you want, get Alvis's caretaker or anyone who spends most time with him (if you want to train yourself, take few days or a week leave. I did my final training during my maternity leave at home with Jolene). Let him sit on potty, introduce to him. If you want it fast. Let him go diaperless, 10mins bring him pee once. then slowly drag 15 mins, 20mins, 30 mins and so on. Once he got the idea, he will know. There will be few incidents but is ok. Dun scream/scold him. Once you do it, he will be scare and more incidents will come along. Be patient.

Dun say you hor, Jolene also went many places eg Snow City which I haven't stepped in before hor.
My sis and her bf will bring Jolene out to play on weekends or when they on leave. My bro also brings Jolene everywhere, sometimes to his friends' homes.

Yes, generally boys are slower than gals but I realised when come to toilet training hor, boys are faster and much easier to teach. See their penis and you will know when they wanna pee.

I like this sentence "the not so accurate ang mo" hahaha.. oh well, my mum did tat too and I burst out laughing real hard. Ok lah, not my english very good, but I find it entertaining lor, at least my mum tried to teach them.

As working parents, we have to learn not to be so paranoid and learn to relax. Like I mentioned, only SAHM can do the so called 100% best for their kids, just like what you did (to be SAHM). I dun see it a point to "fan" over such issue while at work. How can you do a good work when you are there worrying kids at home? I believed you did some thinking on pros and cons before you be SAHM right? Well, perhaps when one think I can do 100% care when kids are by our sides. But once the kids go to sch (childcare, playgroup, enrichment class, pre-N), they will still be "bullied" or teachers being bo chap. If the kid is so well protected during the 1st few years before they enter sch, you think when they get bully by kids of their age, they know how to protect themselves?
What I'm trying to say is, it is NOT wrong for us to be fussy, but be fussy with yourself, but not with others. Like what you said "in any emergencies, it's really not their children we are talking about". True! Our kids are not ppl's kids. So why should or rather how they take good care? That's explained why your In Laws Family doesn't bother to feed CY. Then in the first place, why you allow them to bring your boy out? If you know their ways of doing things, then dun let them bring CY out and made yourself unhappy over such issue. If a nanny is a very good nanny that everyone is saying, but only 1 person is so fussy and keeps complaining. Where's the prob lies?

Of cos when I see bruises on my kids, I will ask until I get a satisfactory answer and not just keep quiet, scare the other party is angry. If the other party makes me feel my kids are not under safe hands, I will not let them look after. Being quiet is just "approving" ppl's doings.

Although my mum is looking after my gals, I do question her when I see some bruises here and there. Jolene is in the stage where she will comes and complains who and who scolds/beats her. So how??? Do I listen to one side story? No, I will go and ask my mum what happened. Then I go and ask my bro and sis.

I'm just as lucky as Crystallized to have my mum to look after my gals. In fact, let me tell you, it's even harder for grandparents to disciple their grandchildren.
the portable toilet sit that attached to adults toilet bowl is more of those kids who are already toilet train or at least know the idea of toilet train. Alvis's butt may be too small for it, I think for a start, you may want to try potty first.

Depends on the childcare, but most childcare will help to toilet train the kids. In fact, most childcare wants the kids to be toilet trained.

Remember I send Jolene to Quarter 4 of Pre-N? She's only due for the Pre-N next year. I sent her in earlier cos I want her to get use to the class routine. She has never enrolled into any enrichment class except for mygym class. When I first brought her to sch on Day 1. I was surprised the teachers at Pre-N actually off the diapers on some kids (only 2 kids not toilet trained). Then the teacher came to me and touched Jolene's butt, and realised she wasn't on diaper, and she asked me if Jolene was toilet trained. I told her yes, but try to occasional remind her, she may forgot to go toilet when she's too engross playing. The teacher then told me they dun allow kids to wear diapers in sch. Accidents are ok, they will clean up, but we have to prepare a set of clothings and put inside their sch bags. I was so surprised. Cos some PAPs sch and childcares dun even care.
hi mummies..

juz now type so long, dunno wat button i press all gone... *haiz*...

well, nitemare came true.. ayden sick liaoz, was coughing on n off whole nite.. juz now already brought him to PD.. hopefully can cure before it gets worse lor... he tends to cough more while he's asleep (i.e. lying down) leh.. other times not so much...

thanks for all e compliments on belle n ayden... <font color="ff6000">pups</font> most frens &amp; relatives say both look like me leh.. not so much of daddy... i face them everyday, dunno how to "see" liaoz...

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
we fix it at 5th Jan, 2-6pm... my house at Hougang St 51, near Hougang Green Mall... attendance list pls...
those who havent come to my hse before, pls PM me, so i can reply with my addy... BUT if *touch wood* anyone in my house still sick by then, i'll probably have to postpone/cancel it hor... will let u all know in advance too lah, no worries...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
im trying to "catch up" on milk now lor.. on n off, i'll juz buy soya bean, fresh milk to drink.. whenever remember will take my calcium supplements (from preggy times 1) too.. hopefully wont kena lor..
hopefully will see belle &amp; ayden being close rather than fighting bah.. hahhaahaha.. dunno whether i will enjoy tat kind of "entertainment" or go crazy leh...

<font color="ff6000">grace</font>
hehehe.. i actually prefer A's hair standing as it is now leh... cos after bath his hair wet lay flat hor... i think he looks better with standing hair...

<font color="ff6000">Jlyn</font>
im also intending to put A in some form of "class" when he turns 18mths, but havent start looking yet.. if cant find by them, mayb will drag till 2yrs old then put lor.... u starting to look around liaoz??? share ur findings here hor... hehehe... im suppose to start looking during my ML now, but stil no time to do so....
of course, i can learn from those who have experience from the story sharing. Even my mil also ask me to go ask ard when we face some 'problem' with A. cos although she have 5 kids, but she already forgot how to look after a baby, &amp; according to her, last time they don't have so called 'parenting method', all babies 'lang sam jia, lang sam tua' aka 'rubbish eat, rubbish grow'. wahahahaha...my poor english!

My mil arr..her concept is 'ni dui wo hao, wo dui ni hao' lol. so far we r stay in peace. keke..
i know take care of 1 baby is not easy, so can't image those like you &amp; crystallized's mom, have to look after 2 babies. MIL always tells me that if they won't babysitter babies cos too tired &amp; too much responsible liao. But of cos A diff, cos he is their grandson.

But i also din take for granted, i do my part as a mom, prepare his all his meals, feed him b'fast b4 come to work, wash all his milk bottle when reach home frm work. I m just try not to taxing them.
so, i still consider a good mom hor. kekee..joking nia

Think i better left toilet training job to my SIL since she is the one always with him. plus my leave is priceless..can't take so much leave. and i might just use small red potty frm my 'jia zhuang' lol.
ya lor dirty eat dirty grow, last time kids all like tat one. Yet all grow up healthy. Aiya last time where got parenting method, all these from western one mah. Last time parents are listen here a bit listen there a bit type.
My mum concept also same as yr mum. Ppl treat her good, she treat them very good. If ppl dun treat her good, sorry lor. Somehow, I also have this concept. Ren dui wo hao, wo dui ren hao. But dun overstep my limits.
You are much better than me, at least you are with Alvis on weekdays. Oh well, I'm counting down too. Not long later my gals will be with me and hb everyday haha...
Jolene also using my jia zhuang that potty. Going to pass on to Jaslyn haha... Both use the jia zhuang bathtub also. So wasted to buy new one.
yah yah me too. My mum always tells me, "eh, u go internet ask if other people's kids got fight like yours or not. Check with those twins mothers, see if their twins also fight everyday".

actually quite true. quite easy to see if boy wants to pee. like u said, just see their penis. but i always kalang kaboh when i see two penis in that state leh! dun knw want to run which one to the toilet first.. hahaha. my boys usually dont wear diapers in the day. care takers will bring them to the toilet bowl and 'wee wee' them every 30-40 mins. I also dont knw when then they will tell me they want to pee. "shun qi zhi ran, yi bu yi bu man man lai" lor. btw, which pre-n sch is jolene attending, the teachers so gd.

starz, i still lookg ard for cc. will share with u after research. too many things. i want to settle the h&amp;s insurance first then concentrate on cc.
Your babysitter stays at compass heights?

Both my kids go down to CP or the pool area at least 2x a day. My parents or MIL will bring them down for a breather cos the kids drive them nuts sometimes at home. haha!
The only person that can't bring the kids down is the maid.

I think it all boils down to who you can trust.

That's why i sacrificed about 2 yrs of my career to find suitable childcare arrangements. It's a decision that i didn't regret cos i was constantly worrying about Joshua's health at the infantcare and i can't trust leaving my child with an untrained maid. That's why it took me almost 2 years to train the maid, move house and set up a support structure so that i can return to work with a peace of mind.

If stopping work to look after A on your own is not an option, then you'll have to learn to let go unless it's something threatening eg finding bruises on the child. Frankly speaking, if you could tolerate your previous bb-sitter for so long even after finding bruises on A, i don't see the current issues that u have with your new bb-sitter as that serious.
Don't mind me saying this, so long as there is this bit of doubt that you have in them, everything they do or say can be deemed as negative.

My view is that don't need to rush into this. I consider a child toilet-trained when he can hold his bowel movements and verbalise his need to go. Bringing the child constantly to the potty to pee is just the start of the process and some kids may stay at this stage for a long time. So long as they are trained b4 3 yrs old it's ok.

J's previous playgroup teacher also requested the parents not to let the kids wear diapers which i think it's good. The kids will learn thru' peer pressure.
<font color="0000ff">childcare &amp; trust issues</font>
since its today's topic hor.. i also "participate" hor..

first wana ask, <font size="+1">any mummies install "videocam" or security camera in ur house ar??? i wana ask about cost &amp; installation &amp; how to view leh....</font>

u all know i got a maid to help my mum out looking after my 2 lil ones hor.. so far i've complained abt e maid a few times here.. but stil say she's not too bad lah, which is why never change her....
the thing is, my character is such that i have very serious "trust issues", i do not trust anybody outside family at all... (which is why i've always hated e idea of having a maid)
plus i think being a mum made this problem worse, n i've become quite paranoid at times. although i have my mum here taking care of them as well, and to keep an eye on this maid... but my mum also cant be watching e maid e whole day once i go back to work.. tats why im thinking of installing some cameras in my house.

reason being, im reli worried and paranoid about dunno what e maid teach ayden while she's looking after him....
2 instances ar...

1stly, NOBODY have ever hit (i.e. slap) ayden before... but few weeks back, ayden was suddenly slapping my mum's face (my mum told me), n slapped e maid's face &amp; head a few times (tis i saw)... where did Ayden learn tat from???? my mum suspected my maid slap ayden before, tats how ayden learnt it.. she questioned my maid, but maid said she didnt.... we got no evidence, so gotto give her the benefit of the doubt...

2nd instance was yesterday...
maid &amp; ayden was inside playyard(juz outside my room), i was inside e room (closed door) bf-ing belle...
i heard my mum ask maid "wat is ayden doing? wat u put there? why he do that?"
my mum came into e room n i ask her wat happen... she said ayden was trying to crawl "into" e "hole" between maid's legs (maid was sitting cross-legged on e floor). but maid answered my mum she didnt put anything (i.e. ayden's toys) to make ayden crawl there...
I GOT SO MAD AFTER HEARING THIS!!! i juz carried belle, still bf-ing, went out n stood there watching.. ayden didnt do tat anymore, but my face was super black! e maid can tell im mad.. but i didnt say anything at tis point...

maid super "kiang" at "gathering sympathy" lor... everytime she knows we r mad with her hor, she'll definitely do something to "buo2 tong2 qing2" 1...
yesterday morning n whole day hor, never hear her cough liaoz leh.. then after tis incident, evening time hor, her "cough" came back.. n she cough so loud in e kitchen for so long somemore... i pretend never hear.. then when she's not doing any chores hor (waiting for us to finish dinner), she stand at e window dazing, or stand at e fridge to stare at e papers there... hit her head at e cupboard while keeping e pots n pans... eating dinner with me &amp; hubby, she keep making e "pain" face.. i ignore, but hb ask her.. she said she too hungry, now eat liaoz stomach pain....
after my parents went home n ayden slept, i told hubby wat happened, n immed hb spoke to her n told her off... again we have no evidence that this was her "teaching".. so we could only give her warning... but we both made it very clear that if anyone ever see her teaching ayden "bad things", or if ayden do "naughty things" and she didn't stop him, or if she ever scold/hit my kids, we'll send her back immed.....

this is e reason why im thinking of installing a security cam in my house at a few locations (without letting maid know).. so tat during times that my mum couldn't monitor, i can still at some point, see what's happening... im reli reli paranoid she'll teach my son those indecent acts, etc etc.....

she also teach my son to hug her n kiss her cheek (after i made it clear to her that ayden can only kiss daddy &amp; mummy on e mouth only). i told her not to be so close to MY SON, but she can reply me when she's taking care of ayden... she cannot help being close to him, cos he reminds her of her own son........

i seriously dunno wat to do with her...
on one hand, she is doing relatively ok housework wise... n have some level of initiative... BUT e most impt thing is, she's here to take care of my children n im worried if she'll teach them bad... other than that, she's doing ok taking care of ayden... i think to some extent, she cares abt ayden...but dunno how "true"...

but then if i change her, im not sure wld i get a better 1, or another 1 tat completely bo-chup my kids... i can still "live" with tis maid lor, but i cannot bring myself to trust her....
understand how you feel. I also don't like the maid to be physically close to my kids.
My maid is v good in catching my displeasure, so she knows that i don't like it when my expression change and she wont do it again.

Since you've already told her that, no choice lor. Having a cam is a good idea. I read before tht it's not v ex. Maybe about $500?

To quote something from the maid thread, there is no good maid, only maids that we can tolerate.
Thks for your reply... just a quick one..
I managed to read your part 1, later go home then read the rest ...
I agreed there are bad and good nannies lah....
I very "sui pian" liao leh... all the "No" in previous bbsitter is now "YES" to current.
I am also those who dun ask type leh...but think got limit to everything ..
so sometime got to voiced out if we parent's think it is not right.

Those children taken care by your mum are really blessed loh.....
i just hope my current one is as good (finger crossed).
Btw dun get offended leh..
I am not relating any of my incident to your mum lah...

I am ok if it is my parents/ in laws to bring my
bb out... but wif bbsitter, unless i fully know
that person, it is really very hard to be
100% "fan xin"... if anything happens to my boy,
it is still our responsibility so i think it
should be right to tell the bbsitter nicely what is "ok" and "no" upfront to avoid unforeseen
event happening(touch wood) and later pin point here and there, who is at fault etc(we parents definitely at fault) .It will be
never ending.

As for going out, i am ok now just that i need
her to be careful. However, i still think they are paid for a
job to look after my son so they should do it
discretely and not everyday...she ever tell me
she will buy groceries during weekend so weekday seldom go out one....
(this is one of the reason why i engage her)

Here again think all mothers will want the best
or the next best for their children. If do not
have immediate family help or in law's help, we just have to find whichever/whatever best
bbsitter but got to be careful when to change new bbsitter too so as not to affect our children.

hmmm...I think my "lao Sao" affect alot of mummies. However i am just telling what are the dilemma
faced with bbsitter and hope not to offend anyone here.
Think the more i talk about it, the more "bui fan xi" so i think i better stop talking about this topic at the moment...
we talk about other things ok.....

Thks for seeing my point....
grace ah.. u are definitely not offending any mummies. I think many of us are just concerned and of cos, our children are all baobeis to us. We will definitely want to give them the best that we can afford. As for me, my point is the same as bbgrace, many of us didnt become sahm for one reason or another and so, we have to learn to 'let go'/ 'fan de xia'. Like that gd for care givers, gd for our children and us. But of cos, bruises all these must monitor lah
wah, your boys so "zai" ah, daytime no diaper!! You mean only wear brief?
Ha can imagine you carrying 2 boys to chiong to toilet.
Jolene is attending a church sch. Most impt, it's non aircon, but then the sch fee not cheap lor. But heng ah, it is an approved sch where I can use Jaslyn's co-savings acct to pay. I'm not comfortable to share the sch name here cos Jolene takes sch bus to and fro herself. If you interested to know, I let you know thr email.

I agreed with babygrace. You need the trust from your nanny. If you have no trust, everything they do/say are negative to you. (babygrace, I like this statement.) In fact, I feel not only to nanny but to anyone ard you.
I'm those ppl who see already buay song one, I will keep quiet. If I can tahan, I will tell hb and get him to do the warning. If I can't tahan, sorry, after this session you can go liao... that type of person. If you are the same as me, dun want to ask/say your nanny, get your hb to do the dirty job, be the bad man haha... sometimes women say things, can't go into ppl's ears. So, men should come in.
Nope, not all are blessed. At least my 7th uncle's gal is NOT!!! Argh, dun talk abt this family, really boils my blood one. My mum is those type of woman, you treat her good, she can treat you very good. But if she's getting unfair treatment, sorry, you will never be welcomed at her place. I believed these kids are fated to be looked after by my mum. I feel those being looked after by my aunt more blesssed. They are bbsitters who will buy stuff for the kids no matter what festival session, but never buy for their own kids!
Like what the rest of the mummies say, learn to "fang de xia", life will be easier. You need to build a good relationship with your nanny so that you will know your son is in good hands.

Yes, peer pressure! It really helps though I dun like to compare with other kids. I'm just glad Jolene was toilet trained before she joined the sch. So, she won't cause any accidents at sch haha, if not teachers will be so busy. Remember the 1st day, the form teacher actually told the kids who were on diapers to take a look at Jolene. Cos those kids are all a year older than Jolene, and Jolene was off diapers. It really helps cos the kids will guai guai let the teachers took off their diapers.

My colleague showed me his security camera/videocam, but I didn't ask. I remembered he mentioned his is quite cheap. But his camera not those powerful one lah, can't rotate that kind. He mentioned rotate ones are more ex. I remember there's a thread on this, perhaps you can do a search or ask ard.
Re: Maid may be teaching negative actions. I dunno where Jaslyn learns from. But Jaslyn did slap us on our face/head. No one taught her. We suspect she learns from TV Show. So, we beat and scold her to let her know that slapping is wrong. Sometimes Jolene also did something that can shock us. I feel slapping is a kind of thing that everyone will know how to do, w/o teaching.
Re: the acting or faking sick. This needs to give her some warning. Dun try to be funny.
Re: Being close to kids, I know this can't help. But I believe the caretaker and the kid really has this close bond, especially your maid is a mother too. Seeing Ayden reminds her son. Give her a firm talk, list down what are the not to do list to your kids.

Toilet Training
I prefer to wait till my kids at least know how to signal/tell me when they wanna pee. Not eager to start too early cos I lazy. It needs a lot of time and patient for the 1st few days/weeks. But I will want them to be toilet trained before 2. Jolene was fully toilet trained by 20 mths. Although she will wakes me up at nite when she wants to pee, but I still dun dare to let her go diaperless at nite. Her nite diapers are 100% dried for dunno how many months liao. I know I have to take the step first, but perhaps I will wait till next year. Her diaper usage very long then 1 pack, so not an issue.
U know why will leak anot??
Becos the pigeon teats r not high enough to reach the top of the cap. So u shake the milk must becareful n if u tilt it will spill lor else no prob 1. Cos D is using all pigeon teats but I use both avent n pigeon bottles for him.

I think ur bbsitter jus trying to ease ur burden by going out to meet u. Maybe to them they are being nice by helping u carry A in so u n hubby can carry on going to work dun have to waste time waiting for everything to settle then go off.
I think ur bbsitter bring A out everyday is a good thing which u should be glad. Would u rather ur son watch TV only all day n do nothing?? How will he learn anything?? I feel VERY guilty if I dun even bring D downstairs for 1 day which is very rare. Becos how do u expect an active toddler to stay at the same place doing the same thing 24 hrs.
Everyone has their own pattern of looking after kids. For me I never force D to sleep at a certain time everyday. He will sleep when he wants to be it 1pm or 5pm when he takes his first nap of the day or sometimes no nap at all. For me I feel if he doesn't want to sleep why force him n make everyone unhappy.
I agree with JRT I dun think u will feel comfortable leaving ur son with any bbsitter if u want things done exactly ur way.
Personally for bbsitter I feel so long as they are taking good care of the kids n the kids enjoy being with them. I dun care wat methods they do so long as they r not ill treating them or teaching them bad things.

That day at my dad place I was changing D's diapers n my dad tell me dun let him wear lor ask him to tell when he wants to pee. I was like HUH he dun even know how to say when he poo u want him to tell u when he want to pee.....hahahaha
Think I also yi bu yi bu lai lah. Cos if really potty train liao go out abit troublesome leh...hehe

Same as u have serious issues on having a maid so I bopian lor SAHM....hehe
My sis is the opp u know hor last time she got a new maid during her ML n she can safely leave her new born bb n 2 kids at home with the maid after her ML. Endup we so worried we ran to her hse to look after them instead.
btw I feel u SHOULD tell ur maid u have camera installed. Jus dun tell her where jus tell her u can see everything at home from your office so she will not even dare to try anything funny at home.

For the slapping hor think they trial n error themselves 1 la. I never slap D before but he also slap me and my dog before. Cos think they in a phase of using the hand in this pattern so will slap slap often.
Maybe can tell ur maid that u know Ayden reminds her of her son but she must remember he is not her son lor n u dun like ur son to be kissing other ppl becos got germs. If she cares for Ayden then she won't want Ayden to be sick.
I hope i didn't give you the wrong impression. When I say the soft spout can be used with pigeon wide neck bottle, I meant the spout with the base. The entire thing just screw onto the bottle and not to put the soft spout into the base for the peristaltic teat. I have not tried it this way... just screw the entire spout and base on.

Haha... trying to imagine you racing through your mind what your drill steps should be when both boys need to pee :p I have yet to start on any form of toilet training. K is still waddling in his diaper everyday :p

Actually, I don't think kids need to see slapping motion before they imitate. This seems like something they are born to know :p
Think our older generation think toilet train is easy hor? Last time kids more gong gong mah, now kids so "jin" (aka clever).
Think no hurry lah, at least wait till they know how to express themselves, if not we are "zi xun fan nao".
ok lah... fan de xia..... i try lah...
i noe your gd intention but bth your very long reply nia. heheee!!

My hb useless one lah... tell him, he will strongly agree at my face but no guts to tell aunty one...
always act gentleman &amp; push me to be the bad guy...
i will always "clean" his ears whenever i reach home ... he bth me tooo.. heheee......
Anyway he is those type who don't like to scold ladies one.. if you put a guy infront, he will totally opposite.

I am those who can tahan one but always give
people 3 chances... but dun noe why i can "lun"
my pre-bbsitter for close 1yr.. maybe motherhood
taught me to "lun" more.. but sometimes, my hb
say that aunt must have "xia jia toh" on us...
make us soooooooo forgiving....even seeing A with bruises....we still think maybe he really
naughty ... but sometime her excuse really "Not solid" to convince and happen so often so i think it is time to break the spell...
(aiya, dun noe wat i am talking about)

Btw, my current nanny not stay in condo lah... just that
flat is the only one in punggol with security system.... (all mummies in Punggol will know
which area i am refering too)

My A will also slap my face, aunty, his daddy sometimes but i dun think he learn somewhere.. it is a natural way he is defencing himself lah..
But i think you just have to watch your maid carefully ....
Another possibility is your mum dun like her??
I think if your maid is sick, bring her to see doc to confirm, she might be really sick since your mum, Ayden sick too...

Good to install camera .. soo you can see what really is happening.
Toliet Training
I got a fren whose nanny toliet train her child from 4mths onwards.... but i think abit too early
to teach them b4 1yr old.. imagine everytime they want go toliet in shopping centre, we have to chiong toliet to let them relieve themselves.

But good point is can save alot of $$$$ on diapers..

Think two year old onwards should be the right age to teach them...
Going Out
I am bring my A out every nite after work.. to everywhere... so he is definitely not a mountain tortoise hor....

Actually i am offended by your long reply even though i haven't read.
I noe you very straight forward one so "forgive" you.. hehee!

Me also super "bu yao lian" one.
Want to learn alot of things from you, so got to "lun" you(oops!) .....
halo ladies,

wah lao... so many posts... so serious somemore...

ok, first, just some updates abt Rhys. Thanks for all your concerns, Rhys is slightly better now.
He partially cleared his PD review today coz his cough is much better now but still got a lot of phlegm.
So doc gave meds for 2 weeks... hopefully will get better real soon.
But hor, we realised that during this sick episode, he really "ah-po" leh... any and every little thing will whine and scream and cry...
I think today Doreen already seen that. He will keep throwing tantrums and making lots of noise. Super sticky to ppl esp. my mum and SUPER SUPER sticky to his tu-tu... sigh... Sometimes he will just stop and start screaming and crying without any reasons and nothing can pacify him. Before he was sick, he was never like that. At first we thot he was really feeling unwell but seeing that everytime and regularly, we are afraid tat it is turning to a habit more than being unwell... sigh... dun know what to do... hopefully as he gets better, this habit will go off too...

Thanks for the reminder on using the vapour rub. Almost forgot abt that. As for aircon, we seldom on it. Unless it is the extremely hot season. All the while from NB, Rhys has been sleeping with fan... good also lah... save money... hee...

Ah seng also sick ah... take care leh. Try to prevent ah seng from getting contacts with belle for now. And remember to wash hands and keep clean when handling btw the 2 kids. I got to remind my maid and mum to wash hands after handling Rhys before handling my sis's baby. Sometimes they just forgot and need to be reminded again. But unfortunately, after all the prevention from my side, ended up, my sis's baby also sick, spreaded by his own papa who is coughing... sigh... poor baby... everytime i see a baby crying when feeding medicine, sure bth one...
Aiyo... the pix are so nice! I esp. like the "Da Shao Ye" eating biscuit one... cool...

ok, i know a lot is going on abt this babysitter issue. Just some views of mine.
I understand when you are not happy when you heard that the nanny brot A out. Coz when my maid brot R just downstair nia, I already angry. I think trust is the word. I dun trust my maid in that. But I dun mind my mum, sis or even my close friends (who are R's godparents) bringing R out without me knowing where they go or when they go... coz I trust them. Although there are times when my mum told me she fed R some food which I dun think I want to expose R so early yet. But I learn to let go coz I know that whatever it is, my mum wun harm R. Sometimes she is just clueless. However, I will make my point to my mum after that so that she knows what I dun want and dun like. If after thinking thru, it is just something small and harmless, I will shut up and let it go. That is good for me and her. I know my case is different coz thats my mum and yours is a nanny but I guess sometimes we got to take it as it is.
As for going out hor, I rather R goes out and have fun than staying at home and stick to the gay dinosaur on TV lor. Maybe just mention to your nanny to be careful when going out coz a lot of ppl sick nowadays plus weather also not very good.
I agree with dor, that maybe your nanny is trying to cut short your trouble by waiting at the lift. Esp. they knew that they have he security system so troublesome liao... My mum also tells me dun need to go into the house in the morning when i bring R over before work. She will come out and carry Rhys if he is still asleep.
Ok, abt the maid hor,
#1, the slapping part, dun think is your maid coz my Ah Beng is an expert in this and no ones shows him that. This boy can do some stunt in front of us and if I not looking, he will stop, come to me, slap slap my thighs or face to tell me to look at him, then do his stunt again. Sometimes he think the slapping is fun. We got to keep telling him cannot slap or beat ppl. Actually I am trying to change my method now on correcting this bad action of his. Previously we tried beating his hands when he beat ppl but I realised it dun work and he seems to learn from that and think that beating is normal, even is painful. We beat him, he beat ppl. So since the usual method dun work, now I trying to change my method. By talking. When he slap or hit me, I will talk to him and explains that its painful and should not do that. Although at this age, he might not totally understand, but I do realised that at some instant, he do understand. So now when I say pain pain after he hit me to get attention, he will stop immediately and sayang me. Then again, this is still in progress. He still hits ppl...esp. me... haa...

As for #2, maybe ah seng just crawling and playing with your maid isit? I am not there to see it, so I cannot make comments but this thing abt maid hor, I understand lah. I am sort of lucky that my current maid still ok with R and my sis's baby. She dun kiss R, or ask R to kiss her but coz R himself loves to hug ppl, he will run to her and hug her. That I am ok coz I know he does that to ppl who are close and I cannot take away that closeness coz she is still one of the person who takes care of him most of the time during the day if my mum is busy. She can carry him and play outside at the corridor but NEVER go downstair with him alone WITH OR WITHOUT permission. That is my limit. She did that before and I scolded her upside down coz even my mum dun know when she brings him downstairs or where... After that, she dun dare liao. I think I make myself very clear that time.

Sounds like your maid got a lot of pattern too hor. For me, I bo chup and let her act whatever she wants. If she say sick, go see doctor right away and dun act in front of me. I am the kind of ppl that if you want something, tell me up front. Dun play games with me. The more you play games with me, the more "bu shuang" I am. Stories abt that, can go all the way back to my first maid. Some of you already know the stories.

Your maid seems like trying to be close to A, and give excuses like he reminds her of her own son. I personally dun like that too. She seems to be using your soft spot coz she knew you are also a mother and will definitely understand her feelings. Not that I "wu qing" but if after so long, she still miss her son so much until need to get so close to ppl's son despite all your warnings, then maybe she should not come here to work. She should be back home with her own son until she can let go or her son is older. If not, how to work in peace? I will tell her up front that I dun like to hear abt that anymore. If she does that again and she already knew that I dun like that, it is time for me to consider changing another maid liao. She has her life, I also have a life, I do not need to be so affected and troubled just to let her have the feeling that her son is right by her side. That is MY son, not hers. Sorry har, abt maid, I sure talk a lot one... These are just my views and what i will do lah. But think most imptly, is yourself. What you can tahan, what you think is not. I know what I cannot tahan, so if my maid cross that line, I will not give chance.

sigh... if I having my #2, I got to get ANOTHER maid leh... straightaway my thot of having #2 gone liao. sigh...
If you really want to keep her then having cams might be a good idea.
Starz, when I was almost hitting post-natal blue, sleeping just 2-3 hrs everyday during my boys' 1st mth, my 1st maid (Filipino) told me that my elder boy liked her breasts. She was trying to tell me that my elder boy loved to sleep on her chest but I cannot take it..I was already damn pek chek cos i couldnt bf. After that, I 'pork' her. Mths later, i got my 2nd maid (Indon). Ok lah, 5 mths with me already. Most importantly, dont let them feel that they are indispensable. Ur maid is to focus on housework only is it? Or to take care of children? If it's housework, consider changing. Once things like that happened, i rather change than to have to 'ti xin diao dan' and constantly keep a lookout. For workig mum hor, it is impt to have 'a peace of mind' when we are at work. Just my opinion lor.

Jenny, dor and pups, I am the lazy sort (hi 5 to jenny!). I defintely didnt start my boys on potty training. It was my mum. Since 2 month, they already poo poo in potty every morn. Once or twice hay-wired lah, they will still poo in potty but timing 'run'. Since 3 months ago, my mum and mil let them diaper free during the day. Bringing them to the toilet to pee every 30-45 min. Accidents sure have lah. But no, they cant tell they want to pee yet. I will put them on huggies pull ups when outside. Just pull the front of the pull up to one side and let them pee. So got accidents also okay cos pull up is there. For me, I chose to do this 1) to reduce incidences of rashes 2) to save cost (oei.. the $ i spent on diapers solid solid one) 3) and i hope they will learn to tell they want to pee earlier.

Vivian, couldnt stop laughing at ur 'gay dinosaur'. My boys like to watch the gay show leh. I have many of these discs at home. I quite like some of the songs and infact, i do sing these songs to make boys mabok (dont know if it's the songs or my vocal) and sleep during the nite. Confirm the dinosaur gay meh.. how abt the other two tiny ones?
Hi Doreen/Vivian,
Pai seh, yesterday didnt turn up for the afternoon tea cos desiree suddenly having running nose and cough. haiz thought of bringing her to PD on monday for chicken pox jab but got to postpone again and see PD for flu and cough instead.

<font color="0000ff">maid issue</font>
Guess next will be me coming in to "complain".
With no 2 coming, i have no choice but to employ maid cos my mil has currently 4 children to take care(including desiree) with no 5 coming, dun think she can handle liao.
But the maid haven come, i already have prob to employ one. My sil is a very selfish person.
1st, she dun want my maid to be at her house
2nd, my mil has to take care of her children at her house.
Then what, she expect me to place my maid and baby alone in MIL house?

I mean be more accomodating lah, if you dun want my maid to go your house, then bring your children to mil's house for her mother to take care till after dinner then bring them back, at least someone is around with the maid.(you know what is her lame excuse, her children got nothing to play at mil's house).

toilet training
heard many a horror stories on toilet training...hahaha...procrastinating for now. so far, CY can signal to me when he wants his diapers changed (coz taught him to sign)...but when he wants to pee, still not yet loh

maybe you ask your sil 'solve' the problem for you? then maybe can 'force' her to say what she really wants.

your filipino maid is dumb or crazy. dare to tell you your boy likes her breast...siao lah...
Think your sil is too selfish ...they just wan to have convenience for themselves so dun need to bring her childrens to and fro mah...

Ask your mil opinion what she prefers...
Or best get your hb to talk to them...

Think everyone will have problem with maids like
what i have with nanny but they are ultimately
human too so we got to give n take abit on
things we dun like hear from them etc...
Just turn deaf to them and warn them not to do it again...

So long our child is ok with them, they dun do
funny things to our child .. i think we have to
close one eye. MUST LEARN TO "FANG DE XIA!!!!!!"

IF they are happy working in your hse and do what you tell her to do &amp;
there is someone close to you to watch over
them, it should be fine.
I dun think they will do anything extreme if we treat them well.
Hi Lilboymum,
Yup, my hubby going to sit down with her to discuss. My mil is already 60 yrs old liao leh, she as a daughter never consider her mother's age still have to handle children. only thought for herself. really bth lor.

Hi gracesong,
Exactly, somemore they have car plus it's only 10 mins walk from her house to my mil house!! wah piang, very diffculf for her meh.
And my hubby mentioned that with my mil around, what will the maid dares to do? she mentioned she heard a lot of bad stories about maids, very panaroid about them, what if they do something when my mil is taking nap. haiz.. then she expext a preggy daily carry desiree &amp; pram to and for 2 places meh.
Think they are cooking up reasons not to come your mil hse to watch over her kids..

Just a suggestion :
Maybe you both give n take abit...
tell her you not very convenient to bring
desiree since now preg and gynae say you cannot
walk &amp; stress too much ... for the time being till you
give birth you need your mil help to look after all the kids in mil hse.
Later if maid ok then your mil can go over....
but by then, see how loh... heheeee(sori i very bad hor) !

Think alot of families does have these type of
problem one... some just have to take it or look for alternatives.... or "keng" ways to do it their way loh...
but of cos it also depends/respect what the
caregiver prefers. So ask your mil first see what she thinks.
You can choose to read or not to read. I'm just sharing the real cases with you and the rest of the mummies.
And also I know my posting will offend ppl, not only you, so I dun need ppl to forgive or lun me. I dun live to make ppl happy by wearing a mask. So, it's either ppl like me or hate me to death.

Is like that one lah. When kids are sick, parents/caretakers no rest one. They are super cranky and screaming is the best they can do.
What's this gay dinosaur? Barney is it???

Wah, not bad leh, you save a lot on diaper. Well, consider your spending is double cos you got a twins!
Yes I agreed, whether having a maid at home or a nanny or infant care centre to look after kids, we need to be at ease with a peace of mind when we are working. I won't want to be in office everyday thinking or getting worried what's happening at home. I will die from heart attack or high blood pressure.

Yr SIL is yr hb's sis? I can't believe it man, yr MIL place only 10 mins away and got car somemore. She never think for your MIL's convenience ah? If your SIL dun want the maid to be at her place, best is she brings her kids to your MIL place and everything solve. I dun see why your MIL needs to travel over to SIL's place. Her kids should be older right? How inconsiderate she is!
But then, I think the final say is your MIL's decision.
i agree that having maids can be problematic.
And sometimes even more so than babysitters.

At least bbsitters are usually experienced in baby care, most maids are not. Even if they are experienced, the standards are different. In SG, children are treated so preciously.

We read in the papers of baby having broken limbs cos maid swing him around too hard, baby choked to death cos maid fed him while lying down, baby died because maid got fed up and shook him too hard, baby got thrown down from flat cos maid not happy. We hardly read of babysitters doing that to babies.

So how to "fang de xia"?

So why still employ a maid?

Many will tell you that it's out of no choice, especially if there are more than 1 kid in the household as this is the most practical and economical solution.

Yes, there are things about the maids that we will have to learn to let go, so long as the child is treated fine. But it's harder to turn a blind eye or deaf ear on a maid's actions on things that we don't like cos of the paranioa after reading and hearing so many horror maid stories.

And plus the maid stays in the same household, so the chances of seeing them do something that we don't like is higher.

sigh.... so be it maid or babysitter, there is no perfect solution unless you choose to look after them yourself.
Thats why when people told me to employ maid when #2 comes along, i refuse and i dislike having another stranger at home. Luckily for me, my aunty takes very good care of kim and she is very willing to look after them both together.

That time when i found out i was with #2, she told me.. she will go thru this period with me and help me look after and now in fact. she didnt even want to collect nanny fee for #2 from me leh.

Very gladful that i have her and luckily i dont have to worry about maid issues. However, a maid might be necessary only when they go to primary sch.

My aunty also always do things that i dun really like but i just close one eyes cause sometimes old folks believe that why last time people can but we cannot? Well as long as nothing happens to kim, i am already happy and my aunty treat her very good.
Hi Jenny,
Yes, my sil is my hubby's sister, her kids oldest pri 3 and youngest already 4 yrs old.
She cant have the best from both world. She never consider her mum's(aka my mil) age where she need to take care of so many kids at the same time.
She always dislike the idea of having a maid, ok fine, then bring your children over to her mother place for her to take care.She said her children have nothing to play at MIL's house, somemore her own house is bigger so more place for her children to run about.
I tell you her children really spoilt, everyday i knock off and reach her place, her 2 elder sons always stick to the PC playing games. only when their parent are back soon, they will act hardworking, switch off PC and do homeworks. My mil talks to them, they ignore. Somemore so old already still have to have my mil to feed them meal. And worst thing is her oldest son already pri 3, still drink milk from the bottle!!! wah piang, i will never let desiree be like that lor... at least some degree of independence, this is too much!!

Sorry for my long post, am just "bu man yi" her firm decision of not having a maid.
Am just need a helper to lessen my burden, not that i am into maids.

Poor thing aah ur SIL very man bu jiang li. Some ppl r like that 1 always want things their own way never consider other ppl's feelings.
Sigh.....hope u can get over this problem soon.

haha agree old folks got their own idea of things that are okie. Like my dad he feed D his packet of crysanthamum drink. 1 sip I keep quiet then he gave again so I scold D cannot drink lah so sweet. N know wat my dad say.
"This is the less sweet version so he can drink"
Wah piang eeh. But I still insist lor still sweet drink ma n he still bb leh. Then my dad got the message liao so even if he gives D is 1 sip then he will say cannot drink already u bb leh......hehe
Better then nothing lah.

Totally agree with bbgrace. Maid n bbsitter is totally different issue. Both at the start already come from different background.
