(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

oo..is it? M size cannot la some more huggies cutting smaller, rite?
i wanna try my luck at Tampines Giant this weekend. hehe...
Hb asked me why i wanna try so many brand since A okie wif Nepia, i din tell him i wann tat toys, just tell him i do research for future use cos Nepia dun hav XL size. kekeke...

hi jasmine,

hehee... now i learned to be more clever, dun buy toys on impulse, anyway tricia also like to play with those stuff that are not toys...
i tot Nepia has XL size. i remember tat time i bought, 2 sizes leh, L & XL. but it's not stated as XL on the package, cant remember the size represented by what already...

hi jenny,

i see. oh, at home got 1 ride on... but hor this ride on, no features one, just sit on and use the legs to paddle only.... v v old-fashioned one...
i should be able to make it on 30Dec07(Sun):

1. dor + damien
2. freshpoison + hb? + kayden
3. shirley + zac + Lele
4. Coolmum + KB + hb
5. Vivian + Hubby + Rhys
5. Adeline + kim
6. Jasmine + Alvis
7. gemini + hb + Tricia
8. Graceapple + Hb + Able (30Dec07, i prefer aft 2pm)

If you intend to order mini buffet. You must bill us the food $$$$.
If not, i very paisei, dun dare to go .....
That fisherpricer one? Dunno, think $59.90 or $69.90. BTW, fisherprice has many types of such ride on.
You can easily find such ride on for $20+ or $30+ for those no brand one.

Nepia XL is indicated as "Big" is it?
The red ride on that my gals fancy a lot cost less than $10. A friend bought for me from Msia. No features, just sit and use legs to paddle only.
Thanx. Yah real glad everything is fine. Else D very poorthing also cos I trying not to carry him now like more fang xing already knowing carry him abit also okie.

If I not wrong I think loan for car is lower then for van cos car got more value ma. I didn't put seats in my van cos I dun want to ferry ppl around ma....hehehe
If they want to seat okie lor seat behind lah.....hahaha
Last time I know if the seat cannot be screwed down 1 means hor it will move 1 lor if sudden brake so very dangerous leh I feel. Last I heard from hubby is only 1 van legal to convert to passenger behind but need to pay more for the insurance I think.
The age gap hor actually I never really think lah....hehehe
Cos I jus ask hubby when he think we should try he jus say start now for 1 yr lor who knows immediate strike liao. Then stupid me jus tot will be 3 yr gap like my niece n nephews didn't even count....hahaha

Hehe yah still very happy hor but I feel now not as excited as last time. N time pass faster cos we still have our #1 to keep us busy

My edd 25 July......but if early like D then might be in June again lor cos D edd was 25 Oct end up he came out 27 Sept.

Not sure if the rules have changed lah so best to check out with the van agent before U decide lor but beware some agent will tell u anything u wana hear jus to get the business.
When I bought that time the seats behind hor is actually a sofa they got from Novena. Seems like the sofa from there fit behind jus nice. But the thing is cannot fix it to the van else inspection sure fail. So every yr go inspection must take the sofa out. So like I was telling jenny lah I feel its not safe cos it will move 1 lor. My agent even tell me traffic police might stop the van to give warning 1. That 1 not sure lah cos I dun have ma. My van is fully carpeted so I jus put alot of cushions behind lor.
But if can fix permanent seats liao u gotta check the insurance already cos means have to buy for passengers also.
I feel car better cos our kids age gap not far ma so both still young lor need us to constant jagar. So might as well u get a small car then even ur hubby not free u can still drive with the 2 kids. More worth it ma else wasted lor.

For me hor we bought van cos daytime hubby drive his big lorry to work van is for me to use. Only night time when he goes for work again he will drive the van so even need to transport some goods also can use.
But after #2 born daytime unless my mum not working can go out with me my van will be sitting in the parking lot liao. Was telling hubby lor if know #2 so fast I would have straight away bought small car instead liao but I bought my van during the $1 COE....heheehe
btw U know buy van need business reg hor can't buy under personal name.

Every visit pay $100+ get 1 free tin of Enfapro....better then nothing lah....hahaha
Both times she offer me ma so take lor hopefully she will offer me every visit even better....hehehhehe

WAH.........happening sia selling lor mee aah.....hehehhe

D is taking normal food already. Wat we eat lor rice veg meat. But of cos I give him in small pieces. Sometimes he even shares my burgers.....hahaha
U preggy is it??

Actually have a relative gathering on 30th but if most vote for that maybe I jus need to leave abit earlier lor cos I not sure wat time I suppose to go anyway.....hahaha
Fine with the rest of the dates but D got jab on 2nd so unless he not well...*choy*
Starz U choose the date better lah.

i also find the playskook not very good cos it moves too fast for real beginners. my kb only interested with playing with the gadgets, dont want to sit on it or pushes it. i find the fisher price one better.

huh, the horse no good ah. hubby wanted to get it during kb's 1st bday, lucky neber.

jasmine, i tired letting him drink more but he'll just stop at 90-120ml and refused to finish the rest. wasted alot of $$$ on that liao. i tired making it thicker also, but he still wakes up.

doreen, not preggie yet lah, planning to. hv to wait till next yr cos i want to make sure my maternity leave crosses the year-end then i dont hv to do yr-end closing. ha ha ha....
Best aah u still can calculate clash yr end....hahahaha
D used to finis at most 120ml at night but he suddenly drinks 200ml now. Then switching FM he can't finis 200ml again....sigh
Morning ladies,
today last day of school so got lots of things to complete but last nite Rhys cough and vomitted twice and had slight fever this morning. Now feeding paracetemol and monitor. Maybe later afternoon got to bring him to PD if still fever liao. Worse thing is this sunday hb's sister getting married. Rhys' clothes haven bot yet... jialat... damn stress and worried now.

congrats for being boss!!! Wish you business good good, money more more har...

Rhys now also eat rice liao. Kuei teow etc he also take. As for meals, Rhys is very simple. I already almost train him to take 3 main meals + 1 before sleep feed liao.
7-9am (depends what time he wakes up): Milk 150ml-180ml or 1 bowl of cereal with milk
11-1pm (4+ hours later): Milk 150ml-180ml or whatever my mum cooks... mee sua etc
5-6pm: 1.5-2 bowl of porridge
10-11pm: Milk 180ml-210ml
That will last till next morning... but during the nite sometimes he will wake up to drink water. Btw, during the day he drinks a lot of water. Maybe thats why he not too hungry too...
In between if he tam jia, will take some biscuits or bread or our food when he saw us eat. But we try not to give too much snacks inbetween. Usually only when we bring him out.

you just decide the date lah... then we follow up from there easier.

I also saw the huggies with the penguin toy leh... A LOT new stock... but think all size M one... in NTUC Punggol Plaza. Me want the turtle leh....
was at Carrefour last nite and that fisherprice ride on I posted yday is selling at $69.90.

I see, then the additional seats will be dangerous. But I tot they should tested it and since they allow, then should be safe haha.. Hmm I tot van will be cheaper, was telling hb if only van can buy under personal name, then great. My bro even said just go register for a company and buy van to save cost haha..

Actually hor, my personal view on these walkers (no matter what brand like playskool, fisherprice, vtech), I feel they are dangerous. I dun think it helps bb to walk, neither it is for beginner walkers. A bb can't even stand or walk stable, they need something which can't move to hold on for support, but these kind of walkers which have wheels below, pose a danger to bb when they push it. From what I heard, fisherprice walker is even more dangerous than playskool one cos the wheels move very fast. I never convert it to a walker for my gals to play. They the most ride on it, but then too small for their butts or rather quite dangerous cos this ride on has no back support, where their other ride ons have back support. They tend to forget, so they also dun like.
The playskool walkers that I used to have (gave 1 away and sold the other one), are all gifts from friend and cousin. I have both the blue and green version. I realised many ppl like to buy this as birthday gift for kid's 1st birthday hahaha cos I got both when each of my gal turns 1. My cousin din even realise Jolene has 1 cos the poor playskool kena throw at 1 corner in her room, guess is not obvious, so my cousin din see that there's one at my place. Ended she bought one for Jaslyn's 1st birthday.

Aiya hope Rhys get well soon, if not very xin ku at the wedding on sun.
I saw the huggies ultra come with the turtle at Giant, selling per pack at $13.95. A lot of stock.
u sms me the timing and i will arrange with hubby to wait for ur hubby as i will be working

u just choose one date for the gathering and i'll see whether can make it.

u want the turtle? i have one extra one.
can pm me
You having business oso har? how come can buy van?

I used to have a 2nd hand van too but it was bot
around yr 2000 i guess. That time dun need to have business reg so we bot and the van then
was v cheap. We also bot carseat from scrapyard and my hb did screw the seats to the van
but of cos during inspection time got to take out loh...
so far never caught by TP cos we put curtain behind so they can't see. heehee!

Normally for van, the ventilation behind is also
very stuffy so got to have a strong air con if really need to buy a van.
But i think if you are buying new van. It should not be a problem.

One more problem is when people see you driving a van,
immediately they will associate you having side business. Even boss will ask hor..
I was quite pissed off cos everytime i tell them, my van dun require bus reg, they dun believe me.
However now the regulations require, sure got people "growing green horns" when they see you driving.

Most important is your budget $$$. If
comfortable just go ahead as it is more economical and serve you travelling at ease.

i changed to car immediately after A was born cos the van suddenly not working well & near scrap
time & we dun have bus reg so get car instead.
That was the time when the COE was lowest ever too.

Actually to be frank, I have seen alot of people having normal car with 3children and maid squeeze behind.
Still ok when kids are from age 1-12yrs and maid also smaller size.
Now my A likes to sit on his own without the car sit so i just jagger him behind.
If got #2, i think will just put the car seat infront for #2. Behind still ok for A, me & maid (that is my plan).
If i need to bring my parents out, just dun bring maid lor... (hehe!)

You help to decide which date more convenient.
If majority opt for other date then i will join next round. It is ok for me one...
kim have 3 turtle.. but dunno she throw spoil already or not. u want? i can chk.. at my aunty's place since i going over to fetch kim today.

thanks for the explanations leh. i told my HB. now he plan for small car instead of van. Ya my FIL has own company so we using under his co lor if we getting van. now we thinking if get weekend car worth it or not. cause a car is mainly to move ard with the 2 kids after work or weekends. if we get normal plate, the price is double. yday hb was checking out the rates.
My A started walking when we bot the vtech walker.
It was recommended by my hb fren when we ask her why her bb walk so fast.
She mentioned her bb tried the walker everyday(she likes too) and next moment she is able to walk independently.
So far we bot and try too.. A is able to walk now.... but of cos the trip to hk also helps(carpetted floor)!

It also depend on the bb lah.. the walker sort of help them gain confident walking too
If Coolmum KB works as well, it should be ok & good.
yea..Nepia has this 'Big' size that comes after L size. I try oredi, no much diff with L size.
So, i m searching for other brand.

Fisherprice one always very exp. some more dunno he will like it or not. maybe i just let him take those $2 ride on in those shopping centre as and when we go out ba..
btw, he love the little tike turtle. always want to catch it ..

Din know tat D came out so early..keke!
2 yrs gap..just nice!

although now u can carry D, must still hav to careful. dun stree yourself.

A also same. the most he can drank was 100ml, then i let him rest 1st, n continue with the balance. but nowsdays he refuse to drink milk. very jialat!

me going Tampines Giant this weekend. tot buying a pack of huggies ultra to get the penguin.

hopefully they hav L size..
Weekend car is good only if you travel from b4
7am and after 7pm .. if majority of the time is
outside this timing, i would then suggest you
buy van lor... and van can throw in alot of
stuff too... save transport cost for purchase of
bulky items as well.

hmm seems now you want to get car then think you
should have consider the plus point liao..
Just go ahead with what you think best..
i remember u post long time ago tat Jolene refuse Avent teat, right? Then which brand/ kind of teat u change to?

Nowsday very hard to feed Alvis milk. drink 10ml then stop, then feed again. 1 bottle of 140ml milk must feed almost 1hr. tired man. i m thinking to change teat to see how he react.
How abt Pigeon one?
and what's diff between normal & Y hole?

Mommies, pls advice.
Sorry to write so many times today.. (very lor soh & aunty),
One bad point about van is when you preg.. it might be difficult to go up especially if you intend to sit with Kim behind.
npnp.. i would like to find out more before deciding..
Still deciding between both and now hb trying to find out pricing and difference. we intend to get weekend car cause he himself have bike then i work office hrs. no point getting normal plate and leave the car in my office lobby and drive to work cause city area sure jam and parking ex. Taking train easier. it's more for weekend usage when the girls are back home.
What i like about van is the back portion lor. can put alot things and can drive alot things hahahaa..
heheee... that is also why my hb like about van.
he can dump anything inside.. but now with car.. he have limited space so got to do car cleaning every week.
Can chk with you how you request the free tin of formula milk everytime you go c gynae?

Tell us your tactic leh...

Sorry.. me also wan to learn ways to cut cost.
Jasmine, what size of avent teats are u using now. If you want to use Pigeon, i think Y cut flow can be abit slow for Alvis. My boys are using L size teats. Could it be teething discomfort? Or the teat holes too small? My younger boy dislikes drinking fr bottle also. He usually drinks 100ml and has to be fed using spoons. Sometimes he prefers to drink using straw. The latest tactic my mum uses is to use a yakult bottle filled with his milk.. that silly boy thinks is yakult and he happily drinks using the straw. HTHs.
Actually for early walkers, they are ready when their leg muscles are ready and strong.
I'm not saying these walkers won't help in walking (??) or if they do (??). I'm skeptic with it. What I'm trying to say is it poses a danger to bb when bb pushes to fast. I think you din catch what I'm saying.
I prefer bb to grab hold of something non moving to stable themselves to learn to walk.
My gals both walk at 10 mths old. They never use such walker before they start learning to walk.

oh is it? Big and L no difference? A can't use MP, then you got to use Huggies liao. If not Drypants? Cutting is bigger than Huggies and I find it as good as MP, but MP is much thicker, which I dun like.
I never let my gals on those rides at shopping malls. Are you referring to those furry big "animals" ride? I find them very dirty leh. Even those that you put in $1 coin for a 1 min ride hor, I never let my gals try before. Scare they got hook and refuse to come down. I only let them sit w/o putting coins, only for a while and I already experienced them not letting go. Can't imagine if I put $.
My gals are using no brand teats from medical hall. $1 each nia, cross type. They are soft unlike Avent type.
The difference with the hole is the flow. X or cross type (watever you call) flows faster than Y.

Last Sat, I brought Jolene to kiddy palace. Told her I'm going to throw away her milk bottle. Very fedup with her leh, cos I find she sucks the teat for comfort, She can take long time to finish her bottle of milk, and is sucking air in! Her tummy bloated, brought her see chinese physician, did massage to get rid of air.
Showed her a piyo bottle with straw, then I told her use this to drink milk. She ignored me and refused to talk to me. Then went to take a pooh milk bottle and told me she wanna buy tat. Haiz... I dunno when I can make her go w/o milk bottle. I'm not against her using milk bottle to drink milk, to me, as long as she wants milk, I give her cos milk is good for her age. But then the way she suck the milk bottle teat for comfort really makes me angry cos she's sucking in the air! My mum told me no hurry to quit her milk bottle, cos tats the only way she drinks her FM. But she drinks other milk (full cream/fresh milk), she's ok to drink in cup leh.
hihi ladies...

wow..everyone getting vehicles?

serious about getting van? actually cars are cheap nowadays. might as well. safer for kiddoes too, with them in seat belts. anyway, you dun really have to transport that many bulky items these days. most outlets have free delivery for bulky items, and for normal grocery shopping, car boot is enough.just my view lah.

haha..i think we just need to ask and the PD/GP will give. all PDs and GPs actually have a LOT of free sample milk. some only sachets, but better than nothing. only sometimes they dun give, end up they give away to their clinic assistants. so lugi for patients. so next time, even for GP visits, just ask for samples :p

from my experience, they never say no...
My GP will give free milk powder in tin for preg mummies..but so far once only.
Just only wonder why Dorreen's doc so generous..
always give bb milk powder tin form instead of sachets.. may be 2nd time mum???

Opps Dor,
Dun get offended ok.. i am curious...
huggies ultra
Prime Mart is selling for $12.90. but only in XL size.

hi jasmine,

same thoughts as jenny. i dare not put in $1 in those kiddy rides as i'm afraid that tricia will get hooked. so far only let her sit in w/o putting in $$.
i m using the biggest size for Avent, think size 4?
so i cant buy the Y cut teat cos it's flow slow than L size for Pigeon teat. ok i will take note.
For my A case, i know the teat hole definitely is too small for him even i use the biggest size Avent teat, cos it only have 4 hole n he use to latcn on, <font size="-2">my bm flow is faster than the avent teat. keke...
i dun wan to encourage spoon feed milk lel.. cos it will b a tough job for the caregiver aka my MIL. so, i hope by changing teat will help him to drink milk faster as i don't want him to get stomach pain as the milk turn cold.

Do you know can we use NUK teat for Avent bottle?

Not no diff, is NO MUCH diff. hehe...typo. Drypant cutting is bigger than Huggies? btw, Which size of drypant that Jaslyn wearing? size XL?
i never let A try tat furry big "animals" ride cos no one will sit together with him included me! haha...i always let him take those $1 1 min those ride, he refuse to come down of course, but use food to distract him lor.

those teat sell at medical hall can fit with Avent bottle or need to buy those colourful bottle? i still sterilized all the milk bottle with my breast pump so wonder those colourful bottle can sterilise or not?
Think Nuk comes with bigger teat for wider bottles. But I am not sure if it fits Avent bottles....
I do have Avent bottles and the wider teats. Will try to see if it fits & let you know...
hi jasmine,

haha... the Nepia Xl & L not much diff, jia lat... i still got 1 more pack of XL, my L pack is still moving v slowly..

cereals with milk
hi mummies, what cereals and milk are you using?
i'm thinking of giving it a try as tricia also take 1 hour to finish 180/240ml milk.. v frustrating one...
Kim take less then 15mins to finish 240ml of milk. after that she still can eat rice with us but i try to avoid cause she will be too full but she glutton lah! greedy girl.. everything also want to eat just that she hates bread and cold stuff.

And kim still refuse to hold her milk bottle herself though she will hold her water bottle.
Hi Gemini,
no worries, although no much diff, but still slightly bigger than L size.
1 pack of L size Nepia pullup can last A for 1 week nia.

wow...envy sia. how i wish A can finish his 200ml milk within 15mins. no record shows he drink 240ml in his history. hahaha...
and i still hold his milk bottle.
btw, what's your #2 princess' name? Kath?
Kathlynn Djong but chinese haven decide yet! my aunty always complain kim lazy dont want hold milk bottle hahahaa.. apparently they know how to enjoy life :p
Now adays u see so many van on the road right cos alot of ppl jus go n register a company to buy the van think every yr pay $60 only

My hubby helping FIL doing business ma even his lorry also under company so we buy van jus put company lor. Anyway now its very common for ppl to own van already for personal usage.

Now the new kind of van same height as cars already so dun have to climb up or down liao. But anyway my hubby driving pickup n now big lorry I pregnant or carry D also like that climb up n down everyday.......heheheheh

For the milk powder hor Enfapro samples come in tins. N both times my gynea offer me so jus take lor. But I've asked for it from PD before too. Lilboymum is right they have samples is to give to patients 1 ma else keep for their own use meh.

2 yr gap jus nice aah scarly D that time really terrible 2s then I die first aah....hahahaha
U can get the pigeon wide teats for Avent bottle cos D also dun use Avent teats so I am using pigeon 1 instead.
Yah Drypants is bigger then huggies. For now D huggies wearing XL Nepia L Drypants also L.

Weekend car is they will deduct the COE by dunno how much right. Can't remember cos My fil was gonna buy then he backout in the end he was saying the Picanto bout $20K+ nia. If the timing u use the car jus nice can get weekend car then its good. Cos my hubby say its hard to sell off if u decide to change normal car cos weekend car not alot of ppl wanna buy 2nd hand.
But we cannot buy weekend lah cos I sahm if everytime I use tear the $20 coupon so heartpain.

Yah agree van is good for transporting bulky things. But hor I everytime see my van behind so messy....hahahah D's float, tricycle, stroller, carseat all behind....hehe
Sometimes abit paisey gotta shift everything nicely when my parents hitch a ride with us.

Kathlynn is a nice name I like....hehehe
Jenny & jasmine,
When i bot tt FP ride on(i din even noe its called ride on) its $49.90... i think UP is $69.90. Wait for sale. dun buy yet. i got 2 of those at home, and 3 at my mum's plc! wah kao... everytime i see these toys "parking" next to each other, i find it so funny. actually R din like these toys b4 he learnt how to walk. it was only aft he can walk, then he likes to play these toys. so actually i think its a misconception tt these toys help to "train" babies to walk. This is fr my experience lah.

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
Cant make it on 29th. Got a xmas gathering liao. the other dates r fine wif me.

<font color="ff0000">Cabs</font>
The sickening cabs r increasing prices again!
i will b affected big time coz i take cabs at least twice a wk fr my mum plc back to my own home.
i find the increase really exorbitant. the taxi companies think we commuters really so rich ah?! if so, we will drive a car liao, who bothers to take cab! goodness. the meter fare increase by 30 cents is ok, but each increase will then be 20 cents! aiyoh... sorry lah, need to voice my grouses. really feel so helpless. i asking my hb issit time 4 us to get a wkend car...
wah Enfapro samples comes in tins?! i wished Gain IA oso like tt... but apparently they hv sachets... how come my PD not so generous leh... in fact i think Gain IQ dun give samples off the shelf like tt. gotta request n they hv a record in their database, so cannot request more than once...
I think they definately got samples at PD 1 la. Jus ask the recept nurse when u paying lor. So far only ask from PD twice from diff nurse.....wahahaha
My gynea is she ask me "Enfapro want anot" so of cos jus take lor.....hahahha
Even though D now switch to EnfaGrow liao I jus add 1 spoon of enfapro in lor save abit of money....kekekke

Infact the first tin of Enfapro D had was also from her. She gave it to me at my checkup after I gave birth.....hehehe
My PD gives out the Gain IQ in sachets or tins (the same as what abbot gave us). I will ask the nurse for them if i can remember. Each time spend about close to $100 so getting back 1 tin is a comfort.

i'm also affected by the increase in cab fares. Some days if i work a little later till 7.30pm, i'll hop on a cab. The coming increase will target those who take cabs in the CBD area. With ERP at ECP and CTE and peak hour surcharges, it's really hefty. Taking a cab back shaves off about 10mins of the travelling time compared to mrt. But if the increase is too much, i'll juz guai guai to take the mrt.
yr mum live near there? good good, hope to see you soon! my unit is #01-28

no prob, if u happen to be there can come and try try

starz, jenny, vivian, dor
thanks for yr well-wishes!! just small small biz la, still dunno if can make $$ but dun lugi can liao. hehehe!

my cheyenne gonna be whampoa market kid man! haha
My MIL lives there and weekdays I will be there too since she is taking care of D for me.
That is a lucky unit no. hehe.. yesterday just went but most of the stall not open yet. urs is at morn or night hawker?
Once again "sheng yi xing long"

Haiz.. me also one of the victim for the cab fares increase. Friday, I will return to my mum place in punggol and sunday i will return to MIL house. usually fares is around 12 bucks if taken off peak. now with the increase, think have to take other alternatives.
Maybe reduce to 1 trip per weekend. but not easy with d plus now i am preggy, take bus will have to think twice. will see how ba..
I really curse that their biz will reduce tremendously after the increase for them to "fan sin fan sin" the increase is toooo much!!!
This is going to be a long post but it's the most harrowing experience i had in my life with emma today.

She had been having an on-off runny nose for a week. Brought her to the pd on tues, doc said that it was very mild and she seems alright. Its probably a stubborn bug plus the cold weather. On thurs evening , she had watery stools and we figured she probably caught it from Joshua who had a mild stomach flu on Monday. Brought her to PD on fri evening, by which time she was ok, no watery stools or vomiting, other than her not wanting to eat her dinner. Doc said theres gas in a her stomach causing some discomfort.

Her appetite came back today. We even went for a photoshoot in the morning but thats another story. After dinner, she was sitting on the floor playing. I was next to her when I suddenly saw her sprawl on the floor. She has a habit of flinging herself on the floor when she is frustrated. I tried to lift her up and realized that she was shaking. We didnt know she was having fits or choked. Hub turned her around and thumped her back but by then she was turning blue at the lips. Both of us ran down to the clinic downstairs. I tell you, those were the longest and scariest 5 mins of my life, as we raced down with hub carrying her limp body.

She came around when we reached the clinic and I called for an ambulance. The doc there checked her heart beat and temp and lungs, all seemed ok. But she looked really drowsy. So I decided to still take her to the hospital by the ambulance while hub joined us later by car.

She was greatly distressed in the ambulance, probably because of the loud siren. She kept crying but at least I was glad to hear her cry. She fell asleep when we almost reached so that made it easier for the nurse to take her blood pressure and heart rate upon reaching the hospital.

But she woke up when I tried to weigh her and she started crying inconsolably for the next half hour, till we admitted her to the ward.

She started getting curious of the things around her bed. This was a relief to hub and I cos before that, we were wondering if the seizure had affected her in anyway. This was especially, during the checkup at the A&E, she wanted the medical officer to carry her instead of me and for a moment I was wondering if she could recognize me.

The nurse brought in hospital gown and a bear and when she saw the bear, she said, Bear bear You can imagine how happy hb and I felt at that moment. We later let her come down the bed to walk a few steps. So that was another relief.

Managed to put her to sleep and then the doc came and took her away for ECG and blood test. But the stupid junior doc decided to take her blood first b4 the ECG so of course she woke up and cried. I could hear her from outside. She refused to let then draw her blood and kept pulling it away. After 15 mins, they brought her to me and said that they will try to make do with what they had and ECG was not done yet.

Made her some milk and managed to lull her to sleep. She was all exhausted and sleeping soundly when I left her with hubby to come home.
Hb will watch over her at the hospital while I came home to be with J cos he refused to go to bed and was waiting for me when I reached home at 11.15pm.

They will do the ECG tmrw morning and a brain scan to make sure that everything is ok before she can be discharged.

Each time I think about the harrowing 5 mins, I start shaking and tearing. That was the scariest moment of my life. I really thank God that nothing serious happened to her.

The next time i'm going to keep my mouth shut about the kids' health. Recently i have been telling people on separate occasions that emma is a lot healthier than Joshua. She hardly fell sick and even if she did, it's not serious and she'll recover very quickly and she hardly had any fever. See, how i jinxed myself like that. I'm never ever gonna say anything like that again.
So scary hor. Children' health really hard to predict. Sometimes dun even know where n when they caught a stupid bug.
Hopefully Emma is already well n the seizure is jus a 1 time thing.
i'm going to be v paranoid the next time the kids fall sick.
hopefully it's a one time thing also. Not sure the cause till they complete all the tests.
dun worry, it must be coincidence. wont jinx yourself or emma one...must be a horrid experience. take care of yourself
think our kiddoes will always make our hearts stop quite a few times in our lives

hope emma gets well soon
That is frightening ... i can understand how you feel...
hope Emma is ok but again take care of yourself too.
Hope all our little ones are healthy & strong...

I oso believe not to talk anything about bb health to anyone... my A will be affected too...
U can say i am pantang or watever... but to some degree, i believe it.

Oops!!! Sori if i catch no ball earlier on about the walker...... it was just my tots only....

Thks on the van and the free milk sample thingy... next time, i will try diff nurse at counter ... me cheapo.. heheeee....

hi bbgrace,

can understand how u feel, it's a v scarly feeling...
not trying to add on your fear/worries, wont be able to tell much from the ECG and brain scan. understand from my neruologist, that kids under 2 yrs old is v hard to detect any abnormalities as their brain is still developing...
emma should be alright, dont worry too much, this should be a one-time off incident... perhaps next time, just make sure that there's someone to keep a lookout for emma.
