(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi Gemini,

Medium is for Milk, Large is for thicker feed.

I'm using the wide-neck bottles, I tried before NUK normal slim type with cute cartoon on the bottles, but my gal takes veri veri long time to drink juz 5oz
think she dun like the small treats ?!?

hi agnes,

oh, it's the wide-neck bottles. one thing though, my girl will drink fast when fed by my mum, but hor if by myself or hb, she take her own sweet time... *sigh*. furthermore, now she drinking lesser milk, so not sure whether to change to wide neck bottles..
hi jasmine,

normally, if the 3 of us "ji" together on the bed, my hb will suffer more cos my gal will move over to him more... hehee...
So funnie when u said u dun wanna congrats me.
actually he made the best progress for sleeping the last wkend. Dun wanna say too much here coz i really scared i jinx myself. its juz too gd to b true n i really wanna keep it this way. its wat i hv been waiting all these while and i hope he stays tt way. u mummies probably know wat i am talking abt lah.
juz dun ask me hor.

<font color="0000ff">Teats</font>
R is using pigeon peristaltic L teats. since we add cereals to his last milk feeds, my mum has specially snipped 1 teat so tt it flows faster n it does not hinder his feeding. Back home, i asked my hb to snip ONE teat n he misunderstood n went to snip ALL R's teats to a bigger hole. Flow is of coz faster when he is juz drinking milk w/o cereal but R's not choking so i juz leave it.

<font color="0000ff">Cab fare</font>
Tdy i had my 1st taste of fare increase when i took cab back home fr my mum plc juz now. I was in a Merz cab n overall the fare increase was $2 more than the old one. I wld say its not as much as i thot it wld be so i probably will stick to cabs.
i think the badly affected ones r those fr CBD + peak. 35% of the fare + CBD! CRAZY!!!

<font color="0000ff">Co-sleeping</font>
I only did tt when R was much younger, like less than 3 mths. Coz i was bfg him then, i din wan him to b so used to my scent tt it wld b hard to move him away fr our bed the next time, so i stopped. he has always slept on the mattress on the fl next to my bed. Its only on occasions when he falls sicks, he will sleep wif me while hb sleeps on the fl coz its easier 4 me to take care of R when he wakes up at nite.
Since my ILs moved out, we re-arranged furniture n i moved his cot to our room so tt he can sleep in a proper bed. this oso stops him fr getting up & crawl abt at nite when he awakes.
Hopefully when he sleeps thru, i can eventually move him to his own room.

Then R got small backside. He still using Huggies L. My niece alrdy upgraded to Pampers Active XL long ago. But i am not complaining lah! hehehehe...

Yah told u sometime ago he weaned off night feeds juz when i was abt to give him cold turkey. Like he got telepathy wif me! He weaned off b4 i cld "torture" him!
i keeping fingers cross!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Ladies
Me n vivian meeting up to pass things so tot we would open this up so whoever bored at home can meet us for tea.

Anyone interested to join us??</font>

Tea Break Gathering

Venue: Compass Point
Timing: After 2pm
Date: 21/12/2007 (this Fri)
CY must be the smallest todd here. he is still in huggies M (the tape ones, not pullups)

a bit small but bought too many liaoz, still can use so leave it...need to stretch the sides a bit lor...
AIyoh even I BTH myself suppose to post the above posting yesterday night but I posted halfway then off my com liao. BTH....

U very poor thing leh sleep on the floor alone. Should join them ma let Tricia smell more of ur 'smell' hehehe. But then again my hubby also sleep with us ma but at night hor he cannot even touch D 1 lor. This fussy little boy can touch him call Papa. But if papa so much as touch him or pull him nearer he will scream bloody murder n stick closer to me 1.

I only feel wen xin sometimes nia leh.....hahaha
I rather he can sleep on his own. Now hor really wish he can sleep back in his cot so I can rest better else very tired every morn.....sigh
Dun need to pump lah if he dun drink liao let it slowly lessen lor. When I start feeding D FM at night I also didn't pump out at all. Only when I feel very full then I let D drink abit if not full I dun let him latch slowly milk lessen by itself lor. But U always block 1 must be careful aah.

I think now only Comfort cabs increase price only right. The rest haven increase. Cos this morning my mum keep telling me she dun want to take blue cabs.

Drinking Milk
THink I quite heng cos D drinks very fast. N he drinks by himself I jus prop him on the bed on pillow n let him drink. He's so fast I can't even sneak to the toilet....hahahha

i laughed out loud when i read about u sleeping on the floor. no offence pls. just that the way u posted made me imagine u damn poor mummy.

diaper size
my kb's backside having odd size, too big for huggies M but too small for L. so, currently he wears EQ M. has waited very long for him to fit into huggies L but only after i stocked up EQ, his thighs like suddenly expand until EQ like abit tight liao.

super sian
supposed to clear leave last Mon, cancelled it due to a meeting. planned to take it this Fri but after meeting, so much things to finish by this week. think no chance liao. worse still, boss suddenly told me one assignment due tomor.
no more year-end mood liao.

doreen, now u know why i want my ML to cross over yr-end?? ha ha ha....
Hi ladies,

Have been MIAing this few days coz Rhys was sick and went for worse last sunday after my hb's sister's wedding.
Last sunday was really a bad day for me. Sigh... dun know how to say coz so many things happened. I ended up crying non-stop at the end of the day. Plus Rhys coughed until merlioned out everything he ate in the middle of the night... I never seen him vomitted that bad before coz he has been coughing real bad and vomitted before. Now whenever he cough, I am so scared that he is going to vomit again. Every time he cough, his face will go all red and bluish... *shiver*
Yesterday went to the PD for second time and although PD say that his chesty cough and phlegm is not serious till bronchitis but was quite close so advise us to put him on the nebulizer. This boy cried and screamed and show us how strong he is when we tried the first time in the clinic. Heart so pain...
And PD seeing that he really resist the neb, decided to give him oral med instead and was told to go for review on friday.
Last night was very much better due to the neb in the afternoon but this evening I can hear his breathing (sounds like phelgm stuck in his chest area) again from his chest area. Not sure is that wheezing or not. Think we may got to rush down to PD tomolo again to rent the nebulizer. Really hope it din developed to bronchitis. Sigh... now he din even have appetite to drink and eat much... having mood swings a lot and easily cry and sometimes for no reason at all, we ended up so helpless coz we just dun know what he wants...

last nite then I read abt Emma... was going to call you but too occupied by Rhys liao. Anyway glad that Emma is ok now. I can totally understand what you have gone thru. Imagine the time when Emma is sick, Rhys also sick at that same time... sigh...
I totally agree on the medical coverage for kids too, coz I also bot it for Rhys when he is 1 mth old. Just hoped that I wun get the chance to do any claim from it. Mine is from GE. You take care too ok? Hope we can meet up real soon...
Regarding drinking and teats, Rhys has been using NUK since birth. We upgraded him to the 6-12mths ones liao and snipped all the teats as we find that he is sucking rather hard when we using the old teat without snip. So after snipping, he drinks much better, wun be sucking very hard, and drinks quite fast. He can finish his usual 180-210ml within 10mins i think. I dun usually check how long he takes to drink but confirm quite fast. I same as dor and jasmine, I also dun like R to take his own sweet time drinking his milk. If he is drinking very slowly, it is either the flow too slow, or he got no mood to drink, or he is playing with the teat. I dun want to make it into habit of playing with his "food". 1 hour to drink milk is really long leh.
i noe blue cabs hv increased prices but it was a Merz cab n somemore at nite liao, so cant see properly. besides, if i really flag a blue cab, how to say i dun wanna take? so paiseh. but the uncle did tell me he encountered a few passengers telling him they dun wanna take his cab aft realising his fare has increased.

When the kids r sick, its like tt. they throw tantrums, v sticky 2 u, cry for no apparent reason. is juz their way of voicing out their dicomfort. hope Rhys gets better soon. As 4 vomitting, i dunno how bad Rhys does it. But 4 my mum, she said its a gd thing as R will vomit the phlegm out. Of coz cannot vomit so many times lah. R does tt a few times n each time, we can see thick phlegm in his vomit. Yucks. But at least it helps to expel out. i realised tt none of the phlegm medication tt PD/Docs give r effective. like my mum says, it juz adds on to the phlegm coz they r taking cough medication which is sweet.
Apply vapour Rub on Rhy's chest, his back n abit on his nose when he sleeps. Also u noe those tiny little capsules tt helps to relieve their running nose? Its called Decongestant capsules tt is available in medicinal halls. I get mine at $5 for 10 capsules. So we will snip open 1 capsule, pour a few drops on his pillows or cloth nappy n leave it near him when he sleeps. Supposed to help them breathe better.
btw if u r using air con, pls stop it esp when Rhys hvg flu now. PD told us we shld avoid air con for young children n esp R got sensitive nose, so we hv to avoid using air con as much as possible. Else it might trigger flu to come. so we r all sleeping wif the fan on only.

Can I join in?? cos will be on leave that day.

Really pray that both your darlings get well soon.
Poor R. Can't imagine cheecky R cried non stop, it also mean that he really uncomfortable.
u must take care yourself too. Are you on school vacation now? at least you can accompany him.

Dor / vivian,
I really envy that Rhys & Damien can drink their milk in 10-15min. I m not hoping that A can drink so fast, just hope that he can finish his milk as soon as he can.
last nite, i gave him 150ml ebm with new bottle & new teat. after 15min, he on drank 10ml. very bad, right? i can't stand liao, cos the milk getting cold, at the end i transfer his milk into MagMag with soft spout, and he finised with 15min.
Really headache lel.

hmm...maybe i shld tell A tat mommy going to b 'cold turkey' n hope he got telepathy wif me and auto wean off.

yea...i still hav block duct on and off. so, i must gradually wean off bf, can't rush.
Erm actually hor, no good to let kid drink their milk slowly, cos the milk turns cold, will cause more wind.
When I talk abt snipping the teat hole to make it bigger, it is not tat big until kid is not able to take it aka choke. When the milk flow fill up the teat, they won't suck in air. However, if the kid is not holding the milk bottle in a good position aka high enough till milk covers the teat, they will be sucking in air to cause wind in stomach. You will get to see stomach bloated. Or you can use your fingers to tap on the tummy to hear the sound.
BTW, I snipped the teat cos I added a scoop of rice cereal to my gals' milk since 4mths old. It is a must to snip the teat, if not the cereal will kena struck and no milk can flow out. The texture is thicker, so it won't cause the milk flow to be fast.

I can't believe it when I saw Tricia takes 1hr to drink her milk.
I think it is a bless that Jaslyn can guai guai finishes her milk within 5 to 10 mins, depends on how hong xin she is. When she dun want to drink, there's no way we except hb can force her to drink.

I think if you want the free penguin that comes with huggies pull up, you need to look out for medical halls, provision stores or CK outlets. Their stocks run slower as compared to supermarket. But I'm quite surprised to see a lot of stock at the medical hall lor, and some more their stock not dusty at all wor, and selling cheap, $15 per pack. I tempted to buy but Jaslyn's usage for pull up is very slow and I still have a pack of unopened Drypants.
I can't remember Nepia Pull Up cutting size. Just remember it is much softer than MP but it gets out of shape when it's fulled. So, dun really like it.
If Avis can drink well with Mag Mag + Soft Sprout, why dun you just give him?

I had my 1st taste of cab fare yesterday too. Not too much lah, think maybe I managed to flag the cab before its peak hrs. But then I wasn't taking comfort cab, was on SMRT cab. So I think not much difference is it?
Jaslyn is also using Huggies L. Wah, your niece so fast XL ah! Pampers Active nice to use? I find it not as good as the good old range Pampers Premium (green packaging).

Small good mah, save cost leh. M size diapers is much cheaper than L or XL wor.

Sometimes I very fedup when kid's butt size is in between 2 sizes for that brand they are using. Sianz one hor, buy M too small, buy L too big. Then cannot stock up. I very lazy to go buy 1 pack one, so everytime I bought a few packs to stock up. Sometimes bo pian got to change to another brand where the size fits just nice, then after that change back. Like last time on Jolene, I switched between Mamy Poko and Pampers Premium (now renamed as Pampers Active).

I agreed with Crystallized. Usually if my gals got very bad phelgm, I will be very happy to see them vomit, cos they will be able to vomit out the phlegm. Usually after that, apply Vicks on chest, back and nose will helps. Though is very heartpain to see kids vomit, but at least they feel better after that.
Avoid aircon if able to, aircon is really a bad stuff for kids. I feel that medicine from western doctors usually dun help with flu, cough and phlegm. If really that bad, you may want to try bringing Rhys to chinese physician. Try to massage Rhys to make him comfortable.
Take for example the X teat. The blue lines is the X on the teat right.
I will use a small sharp scissors (something like the one that is used to cut nails or trim eyebrow) to snip off the red lines. Then it will form a "square" shaped hole like that.
Thanks. will check up medical hall near my hse.

Earlier on i dun wan him drink milk using MagMag cup cos i tot babies must drink milk frm milk bottle ma.
then last nite i m not feeling well, can't dee-le-lay-lay with him, and oso scare i will feedup and beat him, so decided pour his milk into magmag cup lol.

Thanks for showing me how to snip the teat. but then mine is not X teat, mine is those hole one.
so, i can cut a 'X' or '+' on the teat, right?
u juz gotta trial & error wif A then. Good luck hor!

My niece got golden backside. Pampers active is for DAY use only. She uses Mamy Poko for night usage. And my sis wants my mum to chg pampers for my niece once every 1.5 hrs or so during daytime hor.

The turquoise & dark pink pkgg is Pampers Active rite? I rem u said its not gd to use but i used it b4 n i find it ok even for night usage. dun leak.
Yah i think SMRT haven increase. actually i wld say the increase is a few dollars. it only affects those tt takes cab during peak hrs + CBD + call cab. i find the 35% of fare really ridiculous. the longer we travel, the higher the surcharge. i am not gg to fall into this trap.

Yah western medication not only does not help most times, it makes their phlegm worse. tts y i dun like to bring R to see doc when he got flu, esp when he still can run ard & v active. my mum made R take the powdered stuff bot fr medicinal hall n not only it controls his phlegm, he gets well faster. on western medication,2 wks past n R did not get any better. so frustrating.
wif regards to milk, R oso finish milk in less than 10 mins. unless he is not really hungry or see sthg more interesting, he will finish it in 5 mins. at times, if he only finish half of it, i will warm up n feed him within 30 mins.
Ok, Jenny's drawing again hahaha...
Take for example that blue hole is the hole on the teat (of cos is like a dot or very tiny hole lah, I draw bigger easy to see). I will use the sharp scissors to poke thr the hole, then cut a small cross like that then follow by a tiny square. See the red lines, thats where I snip off.

But then you can just snip the cross will do, forgo the square.

Or you can snip the cross, then just cut a quarter of the square.
hi dor/coolmum,

it's ok. hehee... i got sleep on mattress. actually i dun mind sleeping alone on the mattress on the floor, definitely more peaceful sleep than sleeping with tricia. i know that my hb will much prefer to sleep on the mattress too!
my hb also "xin teng" me, knowing that i'm a light sleeper and also i really need to sleep in peace.

hi jenny,

ya loh, 1 hr.. This 1 hr, she will drink a bit or slowly, then play a while, then continue drinking.. really BTH. i have lose my patience with her a few times and have force her to drink, she refused and ended up crying. but hor, if my mum feed, she can finish in abt 25-30 mins.

hi jasmine,

tricia has been beaten by me a few times when she refused to drink her milk.

hi vivian,

hope that Rhys is getting better. Ya, seeing them vomit everything out is very yucky and heartpain, but then this is the only way they can purge out the phlegm themselves.
u take care yourself too.
haha... like jolene's butt. Jin Pi Gu.
Ya, that's Pampers Active lor. Dunno leh, find it don't absorb as much as the Pampers Premium range. I have no prob with leakage but a lot of mummies are complaining.
Me too, if not very serious, I just give medicine. If after a day or two still not well, then I bring them see doctors. There's a period of time where Jolene and Jaslyn both got very bad flu + cough + phlegm, dunno see PDs how many times and each time the medicine get stronger and stronger. More than 2 weeks I think. Fedup, stop the western medicine and brought them to see chinese physician. After one or two doses of medicine, they much better.
Hi mummies,
I am ok for my A cos his max time is 30mins.
If longer then I might consider to snip or change to a bigger hole teat.

I did add rice cereals in his milk too and he is ok with the 0-6mths teat too...
maybe his sucking power very strong.. hahaa!

You must take care tooo...
Yes, must bring Rhys to see doc if Phelgm really no improvement ... also must limit him going out to crowded places.......
hehe....kum xia for the clear picture.

will try out tonite.

me too.. i beat him or even force him to drink. but of course he will scream.
but after beat him, i myself feel guilty, in my heart just think that what's a big deal if he don't want to drink milk? sigh...
any reason that put rice cereal in their milk? is it only the nite nite bottle b4 sleep? to make them full?
hihi mommies

Bottle teat

Brayden has been using the Avent teat since he was one month. My mum had snipped all the 6mths and above teat to enlarge the holes since he was 7months plus.. he always finished his 210ml to 230ml of FM within 10mins also.

Sleeping on matteress

Have been trying to wean Brayden from sarong quite sometime.. but he still prefer his sarong to matteress leh.. He tend to wake up a few times if we put him on the matteress to sleep at nite..

Cough + Flu
I totally agree with Jenny.. sometime I also find the chinese med more useful.. I brought Brayden to this Chinese physician... the name is Yuguo located at Eunos... very popular...


After reading your post.. I was so relieved that Emma is fine now.. Take good care ya..

You must be very tired ya... Hope Rhys can recover soon... Take good care ok.
Err why add cereal ah.. Well, my mum's theory is milk alone not fulling. So I just follow her way. Mine is added for all feeds, not just the nite feed.
You know last time the elders start semi solid when bb turns 4 mths old? They feed rice cereal thr spoon at 4 mths old, while now most of us start at 6 mths old.
I just do at my mum's comfort since she's the main caretaker. Actually I have voiced out to her recently if we should stop adding rice cereal cos my gals intake a lot of solids now. Milk is more like extra to them.

I dun mind letting the kids take chinese medicine cos it is more "bu". western medicine is more "san" causing kids and even adults downsy lor.
I find chinese medicine dun do much harm compared to western medicine. Anyway, as long as it can "bu" the body and let the phlegm disappear fast fast, why not hor.
I find that after my gals started to see chinese physician, their immunse system seems to be stronger **choy choy touch wood** Hope I dun jinx myself haha...
I used to let A have rice cereals added every feed before he change nanny.
This is to ensure he is full cos old bbsitter refuse to let him have 2nd meal.

Now new bbsitter provides two meals a day so the
milk for morning & noon time is purely milk.
Only night time, i will add rice cereals to ensure he sleep thru and not wake up feeling
hungry. I might want to stop till i finish my last pkt of rice cereal(still got a few pkts at home).
Think with proper meal given, rice cereal
is not necessary.
hi mummies
sorry i MIA so long. real bz at work n home n travelling. finally done with my last event for the year yesterday. today last day at work cos flying off to hk on fri. so no mood to work.

wrote somethings to post yesterday but was so bz that i forgot n now all gone. so have to remember n try to post now.

<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font> take care and hope Emma gets well soon.

<font color="0000ff">coolmum</font> caleb takes 3 solid meals a day since abt 7-8mths old. as caleb still have only 2 lower front teeth, i hesitate to give him real solid stuff but this greedy boy just wanna eat watever we are eating. despite just his 2 pathetic teeth, he can eat biscuits (marie biscuits), pizza crusts, macaroni & cheese etc. his schedule as follows to share. he snacks alot in between meals, taking bits of what we eating and he also drinks at least 500ml of water a day.

8am: Breakfast cereal with 150ml milk
10.30am: 150ml milk followed by morning nap
12.30pm: Lunch (usually porridge)
2.30pm: 150ml milk followed with afternoon nap
5.30pm: Dinner (usually porridge)
9pm: Last feed of 250ml milk (this last him till next day)

<font color="0000ff">teats</font> i snip caleb's teats since he was a couple of months old. now even using 6-12 mths teats from NUK, i stil snip them. the longest time he takes to finish his milk is abt 20mins max (but this is on occasions when he is super playful which hardly happens).

<font color="0000ff">vivian</font> hope Rhys recovers soon. Went home after event last nite to realised that caleb has slight flu n vomitted in the day. mum didnt tell me cos she knows i bz so she monitor him herself n fed him flu & fever med when she realised he got slight feverish. now better but still sneezing a bit. hope he gets well fast otherwise go HK dunno how man.

<font color="0000ff">karen</font> i think you need to let him get used to it and no choice beginning stage sure be more difficult for parents or caregiver. think once he is used to it, should be ok. in the past, caleb needs to be carried to sleep b4 we place him on his mattress but now, he refused to be carried and instead, i had to threaten to carry him to make him guai guai lie down on his mattress to sleep. i always tell him "if you don't wanna sleep by yourself, than mummy will carry you". than tis boy will lie down n pretend to want to sleep. i have to do this a couple of times b4 he really lie down n fall asleep by himself.

<font color="0000ff">starz</font> i would love to join the gathering. let me know when. prefer 29 dec lah. but if all prefers 30 dec, then i will try to make it.
I'm also not in favour of kids taking more than 10 mins to finish their milk (i shant mention anything about mine in case i jinx myself). Not only there's wind, there is also risk of tooth decay cos the milk stays in the mouth for a prolonged period. For this reason, some dentist feel that kids should be weaned off the bottle early.
Any kind soul has Spring Maternity card??
Or Spring maternity dun have discount card aah?? Cos their things a bit ex leh(as with all maternity) but I like a shorts.....keke
Let me know okie. Thanx alot.
dor dor...
Spring maternity discount card only 10% off. very not worth it. they have sales quite regularly...better buy then :p

I have the card tho, if you are thinking of shopping around town area can pass you coz wont be using it anytime soon :p
Tea Gathering on 21/12
Only Delphine wanna join in right?? Then I sms u direct since no other response. Should be meeting around 2.30pm confirm via sms K.
I have been using the soft spout from Mag Mag cup for K since he was about 6 - 7 months old. What I do is to use buy the soft spout and screw it onto a Pigeon wide neck bottle. (the one that comes with the wide neck peristaltic teat) My main reason for using this bottle instead of the cup is for ease of cleaning. The cup as more crevices and I am afraid if not washed properly, milk will stay in the crevices and breed bacteria. Milk bottles are smoother and easier to wash. Now that K is taking larger volume of milk, Mag Mag cup cannot take the volume also. So bottle still the best
You can try this way.
hi mummies...

tough few days for me.. BOTH my mum &amp; my maid sick... so i been trying my best to take care of both ayden n belle, cos worry they will fall sick too if too close to either... thankfully, both mum n maid recovering now... but think ayden mayb infected co today he threw up his lunch poridge n cough a few times on n off... if tmr stil hear him cough wil bring him to PD liaoz... hopefully he's ok, else i think i'm breaking down soon.....

<font color="ff6000">babe_ong n agnez</font>
thank u soooo much for ur gal's clothes... hope it wasn't too inconvenient for u all tat day when hb went to pick up... thanky thanky!!!

<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
thankfully emma is ok now... hope all her test results will come back with good news declaring her in e pink of health... ya,it reli takes a mummy to understand how another mummy wld feel... my heart had tat "sinking" feeling as i was reading ur post... u r reli a strong mummy...
actually i dont know abt e H&amp;S plans for kids, had my agent over when ayden was 1mth old n was intending to buy some life-cum-savings policy for him, but e agent recommended this instead.. agreed that tis is e most impt policy for our kids to hv now... will be getting it for belle as soon as can arrange for agent to come...

<font color="ff6000">vivian</font>
oh dear, ah beng sick too... i think now they start to "feel" more liaoz.. like us adults sick also super "meng zheng" lor.. mayb cuddle him more, n give in to him during tis period of time... hope he get well soon n u take care too...

<font color="ff6000">adeline</font>
nice name for ur 2nd princess!!!
hehehe... ayden also like Kim, simply REFUSE to hold his milk bottle himself to drink.. but after finish liaoz, he will hold his bottle (n wont let us hold it), until he sees my maid n will ONLY pass to her for washing... *faint*

<font color="ff6000">coolmum</font>
OMG... close shave for KB... thankfully nothing happened... unfortunately i also hv ceiling fan in my hse, n hubby love to carry ayden "high high" to play.. every single time without fail i will be there "nagging" "Don't play this at the living room!!!" cos reli afraid one day hb "forgot"....

<font color="0000ff">bottle teats</font>
ayden using e NUK (eh, brown colour 1 is latex or ???) teat since newborn till now... but he only "progressed" from small hole to large hole n still on 0-6mths "size".. he dont like e 6mths &amp; above sized teat so we let him be lor...
im also not in favour of him taking a long time to drink his milk.. nowadays he finishes his 200ml usually within 10mins.. n he's pretty "firm" nowadays that once he stop drinking, means he dont wan liaoz.. no matter how we try to coax him to drink e remainder, he wont drink, so we'll throw e remainder milk away immed lor...
my "problem" now is, i've been "training" isabelle to use e bottle n teat a few times tis past week... n she still doesnt quite "get it".. drink half, spit half.. *haiz*... if 1 more week stil like tat i was thinking if TMC will allow me to bring her back to their nursery for e nurses to help me "teach" her how to suckle e teat or not...

<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
actually u shd b happy A using mag mag cup to drink milk better mah... so many parents wana wean their toddlers off e milk bottle n progress to using e cups... (like me), but A stil prefers e bottle so let him be lor...
when i was young, i was "forced" by my auntie (who helped take care of me together with my granny) to stop using milk bottle when i was juz over 1yr old... n since then, i stop drinking milk liaoz.. now i worry will kena osteoprosis earlier than "normal" cos im deprived of milk so young!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Gathering</font>
paiseh ar.. so long never come in update on this... last min have something planned for e 29th &amp; 30th weekend leh... so shall we hv e gathering on e next weekend, i.e. Saturday 5th Jan 2008??? afternoon.. can be "open house", u all can come anytime from 2-6pm??? let me know who's interested k... if ALOT of u coming, then i'll order mini-buffet like e last time lah.. if not so many of u coming, then mayb juz buy something to snack on can liaoz lor... wat say u all mummies???? juz let me know ya....
You take care too. Lots of pple sick now.

Yes, H&amp;S insurance is more important than life or savings one for the kids now. So long as you have some form of savings for their education and life insurance for yourself, that should be sufficient for now.

As for bottle rejection. What about trying a different type of teat? I gave emma NUK teat cos Joshua used that but she refused cos i think she didn't like the shape. Then my CL suggested using tollyjoy cos it's round and smaller and she happily drank.
paiseh ar, today i very long-winded.. cos very long time never post liaoz.. n i feel like so many things wana share/ask.....

<font color="0000ff">walking</font>
is ayden e only one left that's not reli "properly" walking yet??? actually on monday, we brought him to compass pt library hor.. carpetted floor, n let him walk around there... he is actually walking very stable-ly liaoz.. n he even walked out of e library to e "normal" flooring... but when we brought him home n put him on e floor, he refuse to walk again n reverted to crawling...
today my SIL tried again, n ayden took his first "walk" at home.. but holding my SIL's hand.. he have tis tendecy to "chiong" leh... there's no slowing him down, n i'll b worried tat he will hurt himself... on one hand happy tat he's walking on his own at home liaoz, but on another one more thing to worry abt him constantly.. how to teach him to slow down??
i think ayden got a "rush" character.. even drink water he also like tat.. end up always choking... we always have to "chant" "slowly... slowly..." to him when letting him drink water 1....

on another note, something A did tat warmed my heart to share... i've not been going thru ayden's sleep routine nor "put him to sleep" since e last few mths of my pregnancy liaoz mah... juz now i did... n while patting &amp; singing him to sleep, he crawl towards me n lay on my hand such tat i was cuddling him, then he fell asleep in my arms, with his head in e nook between my shoulder n head... it was such a "wen xin" feeling tat he did tat lor...

<font color="0000ff">sibling jealousy</font>
i tink ayden sometimes showed some signs that he does feel jealous towards belle... think 2 weeks after belle came home, he started being alot LESS smiley... n u all know he's usually very cheeky n smile/laugh easily 1... so i tried to pay more attention to him, n spend more time playing with him... most of e time he's still "ok".. he will sayang belle gently when we ask him to.. but there are a few times he will point to belle, then point to e sofa (e spot that i always let belle lie at), n make a sound tat sounds very much like "PUT", i understand tat he's telling me to put belle down! then he'll wan me to carry...
he also will "observe" how e adults "behave" around him and around belle liaoz leh...
other than spending more time with him (which im trying to, but sometimes belle reli takes up too much of my time liaoz...), is there anyway to make him feel better??? my "problem" is, belle still not taking e bottle n teat well, still total bf-ing.. so i cant leave belle at home to bring ayden out for some "US" time either... *haiz*.... my mum n hb tells me its alrite, n tel me to concentrate on belle.. but i cannot help feeling this immense guilt towards ayden....
<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
thanks!!! i will try ur suggestion n try another teat for belle... ya hor, i never tot of tat before, cos her mouth "smaller".. e initial few days also had problems latching her on...
for both hb &amp; me, we hv life policy liaoz.. but no real "savings" for e kids education yet.. now stil hv alot of loans to service.. but everything will clear in 3.5yrs time, n by saving e amt tat we r paying loans rite now.. we r pretty comfortable both kids would hv enough for their tertiary ed...
i am fine with 5th Jan!
Hopefully its confirmed soon.

My gal still refused to walk on her own. Need to hold on to our hand and then she will walk hand in hand with us.
on e "brighter" side... share some photos of both my precious with u all...

my "da shao ye" enjoying biscuit at e sofa in my office... when we went to distribute belle's full mth cakes...

tis one while belle was particularly alert so can finally "see" her eyes.. hehehe...

n these 3 are my favourites at e moment.. cos difficult to catch him smiling soooooo happily n cheekily recently....


ok lah... enuf of "us" liaoz...
<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
forgot to add... i hv e spring maternity card..but hv to check if got expiry date... i'll check it tmr... in case i forgot to get back to u, u juz go ahead n call/sms me hor... hehehe...
Maybe try changing the teats for Isabelle cos when D started bottle at 1 week + he also cannot use avent bottle will keep spitting milk out but he's okie with pigeon teats so I jus stick to pigeon 1. So u try diff teats on belle n see how lor.
As for the chionging hor D used to do that before he started walking. N now that he is walking hor machiam ah pek 1 very slow. I always must walk infront of him like running away then he will walk after me faster.

The pic of the 2 of them hor really look alike....hehe
Starz.. belle and ayden look so alike! My twins only the eyes look somewhat similar, other than that.. nothing same same. Belle looks esp lovely in the 3rd pic.. melts my heart leh. My elder boy knows how to walk but is super lazy. 2-3 steps and he rather crawl to his destination. Younger one worse, simply refused to. But I am not rushing them yet. As of now, chasing after two crawling in different directions is already very tiring.. cant imagine these two fella running in different directions.

Mummies, anyone keen to have the gain iq vouchers? I have the buy 6 get 1 can 900g free (+free delivery)vouchor and $3 off for purchase of a 900g. Voucher expiry 31 Dec 07. Collect fr my place in sk.
How's your new bbsitter?

woo hu... today flying to HK hor. Enjoy your trip and cold christmas!

drink soya bean milk. I'm drinking a pack everyday now since after giving birth to Jaslyn. Hb keep threatening saying women get osteoprosis easily, especially after giving birth haha... I dun drink milk, so the other alternative is soya bean milk. Heard it is better than milk, cos body digest milk slower.
Re: Walking, I think most kids feel more secure, comfort to walk on carpet. Cos they know if they fall, it won't be as pain as on hard floor.
Re: Rush, Jaslyn also like this, in fact I feel most kids are like this. Dun worry, they will figure out themselves.
Re: Sibling Jealousy, it is a phrase that every parent has to go thr. Just be fair to both, no biased. Ayden is still too young to understand. I feel, as long as he dun take things to throw/beat Belle, no need to worry too much. When Belle is older, like 7 months onwards, you will see how close they are. Perhaps Ayden dun understand why Belle has no respond to him. You should worry when Belle turns 1, the 2 start to fight... like my Jolene and Jaslyn... Fight machiam like sumo.
Belle really looks like Ayden wor. Aiyo... infant so cute! See my 2 "monsters" at home, I wanna faint liao.

Fix a date at your comfort bah. Will prefer Sat PM cos Sun is mostly reserved for family day.

How ah? Tempted to try for #3 hahahha... Try a gal liao.
Your twins are so far the ones that I see hor, not alike one de...
Ayden becomes big kor kor liao after seeing both of them taking photos together. Agree with
doreen that both do looks alike.

Desiree also still cant walk stablely on her own, we hold her then she walk. after letting go, she will just sit and crawl. she can only take at most 10 steps on her own.

ok. will see you and vivian at compass point later.
Jenny, no lah, me no guts. I very very scared to kena two again. Every morn, my boys see each other, they will smile machiam like see long time friends but u will hear them screaming at each other in less than an hour time. Tell me abt sibling rivalry manz. But they can be quite funny sometimes. They like to take each other's things, like bottles and pacifiers.. as if the other one 'tastes' better. The gorgor likes to call his didi gor gor and the didi will call his gorgor didi.
Yep, I love to see them fighting hahaha... call me bian tai, but very funny to see the siblings fighting and sorting out their quarrels themselves hor.

The soft spout from Mag Mag cup can fit into Pigeon wide neck bottle? That's great! i can try if he still refuse to drink milk.
Thanks for the suggestion.

That day i use wide neck peristaltic teat to fit into Avent bottle, but the milk will leak out.

Altho both are wide neck bottle, but their teat still diff.

How's Ayden now? feel btter?
Belle really looks like her gor gor, especially their eyes..exactlly like 'ping4 ying4'
I dunno whether he reject bottle, even i give him milk in magmag, he stilld rink slowly but faster than drink frm bottle lal.
now hor, a day (frm 8am-8pm) he only drink 150ml nia. very little, right?

me also can't make it on 29 Dec, m fine with 5 Jan.

Jenny/ Jlyn,
so, when they fight, both you just sit there see them fight huh?
some sort of entertainment?
