(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

hi mummies...

taking a break from doing my reports... sianz.. ML stil gotto do... today no nap for me liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
i dont trust e maid to leave her at home either leh... we dont give her hse keys 1.. now at all times got someone around with her lor... i will worry my things go missing if i leave her home alone... cos i know she's "eyeing" alot of my son's stuff now that i've given birth to a girl for #2.. she already asking my mum if can give her ayden's stuff when she leaves...
thanks for e info abt e car... think picnic is abit "out of reach" for me too.. i only considering these 2 MPVs cos e increase in cost not so much... hhmm... i stil havent decided yet.. mayb go car-viewing after my confinement then decide bah....
hehehe... paiseh, u got Parisilk's contact number/addy???
my mum also wana go HK quite badly.. cos she see all e HK serials.. suppose to bring her along when ayden is older n im going for biz trip... but now gotto postpone again till belle is older... again, i feel bad cos "owe" her tis trip for so long liaoz...

wah... e villa does look very big n shiok leh...

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
aiyooo.. y ur sis like tat 1...
if u dont feel good, juz go let ur gynae check to get a peace of mind lor.... dont wait liaoz..
hehehe.. u stil got J8 to go leh... i cant even go downstairs ar... wait till my "confinement" over liaoz i sure chiong to town 1... hahahaha....

<font color="ff6000">grace</font>
can see able enjoying himself in e 1st series of photos... so shiok hor.. hehehe...

<font color="ff6000">shirley</font>
u also hv a maid rite??? u leave her at home when u go out???
for my case, most of e time its only my mum joining us to go out, shopping, etc... if we ask her (1 person) to take a cab seperately to e destination, she sure don't want to go, juz so not to waste e $ to take cab.. but then, i'll know she'll love to come along shopping/outing with us... if my dad is around, he got his company lorry to drive so its not so bad...

<font color="ff6000">selina</font>
glad to hear tat ur op went well n u recovering well now too...
caleb eats chilli??!?!?!? he dont feel e "spicy" ar???
hehehe... he looks sssoooooo cute with e cap n e pouch... wah, independent liaoz, wana carry his own bag ar...

<font color="0000ff">ayden refusing to nap</font>
wana ask u all.. any of ur toddlers refusing to take their naps??? dunno why tis week ayden refuse to nap... he used to take 1 nap ard 10am, another 1 ard 3-4pm... we can see tat he's very very tired.. but when my mum try to let him nap, he'll start crying n kicking up a tantrum.. pushing away whoever is carrying him, then put him down he cry even harder... any advise what to do???? he's reli reli very tired but juz simply refuse to sleep..... see liaoz very heartpain leh...

hi starz,

so poor thing, ML still have to work...

Refusing to nap
tricia is only taking 1 nap now. she used to take 1 in the morning, ard 11 plus and another 1 ard 3 pm. but now, she only sleep around 3pm. even though can see that she's v tired, but she can only sleep maybe 15 mins, half an hr or even 1 hr then wake up. *sigh* i have resigned to the fact. but then, it's gd for me that she sleep so little in the afternoon, so that she will be very tired and will guai guai go sleep at 10pm.
sometimes kids refuse to sleep cos they cant bear to go sleep cos of playing/gai gai.

i normally leave my maid alone at home when we go out. maybe i bo chap, i dont really go and check whether my stuff are missing, in the initial stage, i did check but subsequently, i dont check already. anyway, thks goodness, my maid still dare not steal my stuff.. *cross fingers".

wah, ur maid very da dang leh, dare to ask u for A stuff already... actually, if you dont feel comfortable with her, why not change the maid? rather than everyday u have to worry....
but then, there's no perfect maid....
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> i think i will get a small tin enf liao. caleb dun really drink alot of milk. max abt 500ml a day only cos he eats alot of other things thruout the day. most as advised by abbott nurtionist, buy there n mix wif what i bring to let him get used to it lor.

<font color="0000ff">shirley</font> read on your post abt the 'busy box' thing. it does work. that's what i do with caleb's toy. i keep some of them and rotate them to keep his interest.

i think it's because of my finance background that i tend to be more prudent.
No choice, cost of living in sg is so high that most pple are in debt.
If your husband is not against 2nd hand cars, it really can be a more affordable option.
My current car is 2nd hand. I wasn't willing to settle for a jap model (no offence to those who drive jap cars, it's juz my personal preference) and a brand new one would mean that i have to take a loan for part of the purchase price. So i compromised and settled for a 2 yr old car. No regrets cos it's really a more economical option. And we don't drive the car to work cos it's so convenient to take the mrt at my place. so at least i don't feel the pinch leaving the car in the carpark everyday cos i don't have instalment to pay except for road tax and petrol.

i leave my maid at home when i go out. actually i prefer to go out without the maid cos i want some family time together but sometimes feel that she's quite poor thing so i'll bring her along.
i know some pple leave the house key in a sealed envelope when they go out so at least in the event of a fire, the maid can unlock the gate and run out. Maybe you can do the same?

If you really feel uncomfortable, then maybe go see the gynae just for a peace of mind.

Oh i recognise the villa. That's the same one that folic and fries went to.
My sis aah duno how to say her is childish or selfish. Think only <font color="0000ff">Shirley</font> know wat I mean since she knows her personally.
Think becos I refuse to admit so she purposly hit my tummy 1......sigh.....
If she didn't marry off early I will be even more ming ku 1 aah.

My gynea appt next Tue so jus wait lor cos I feel okie now. But then again never know lor cos I didnt feel anything the first time round ma n still got bad news so this time hopefully all okie lah. Cross fingers.

I got a van too mine is Peugoet. But hor U already got it or getting??
Cos I actually abit regret getting a van leh. Cos I won't be able to drive it when my tummy gets bigger n when pop definately can't liao with 2 kids. Cos I'm not confident D can guai guai sit behind by himself n not safe leh cos he's still so young. If get a small car still can put them both in car seats lor.

Aunties do that ma......hahahhaha

Think that time u jus thinking of C is it n BF so dun want painkillers. Mu ai zhen wei da.
Hope u recover fast n enjoy ur HK trip!!

Last pregnancy hor forgot liao.......hehehe
Cos maybe I enjoy life ma not working can sleep whole day so was still okie lor. But I remember the 2 weeks I was working I did run to the toilet to vomit. Now gotta care for D n wake in the mornings to make FM for D liao I will feel uncomfy lor n hungry but too early to eat leh.
Told hubby liao after next gynea visit liao 8weeks then I will be more open lor if my mum ask I will admit lor. Cos got alot of relatives gathering n a few getting married soon.
I cannot like my cousin who can still flatly says she is not pregnant when her tummy is so BIG during another cousin's wedding. N she gave birth same time as the bride who was shotgun lor. Stupid right.

Tell u hor I really blur liao when my sis hit my tummy lor cos she already suspect I preggy leh n being a mother of 3 still purposely hit my tummy. I was so shocked n blur hor I jus carry D n went home didn't bring back D's stuff. Only realise when I back home....haahha
Now try not to think about it liao jus hope everything is fine on Tue so I can stop taking the stupid medi.

I tell u lah even my confinement I also still went j8......hahahhahahha
I bochap 1 lah so long as I feel fine I cannot stay at home 1.....kekekekke
Maybe Ayden is too tired liao. Cos when D is TOO tired it will be hard to make him sleep. Or if he refuse jus try again later lor let him use up the rest of his energy. Maybe he older liao will have less nap which is longer instead.
D used to nap twice at 1pm n 5pm but for 1hr at most. Now he takes his nap anytime he's tired after 2pm n will nap bout 2 hrs.
Regarding the pix he set in the drawer.
Yes, he climb in himself and managed to climb
out too. Nowadays he like to open drawers and try to climb in or dig for things to play.

When in the hotel, he will also climb into the
wardrobe,drawer, small fridge by removing the
partition in fridge.. bth leh...
he kept on doing them in subsequent hotel rooms
we went... fall down a few times too but luckily there are carpetted floor so still ok for him.

Yes, bring 1 tin and mix .. i think i saw Gain IQ, Similac there.
If Caleb takes cereals/oat/bread, do bring some for his breakfast.
The rest should be ok to find.
I oso bot a flask(1.8l) of sin water there as well. mix with the hot water there.

Dun envy lah... we now envy you too ... got maternity leave.......
Regarding Ayden refuse to nap, Alvis also same. He used to nap twice at 11am n 4pm. each nap abt 1 hr or less than tat nia.
but now he will takes his nap at 12pm till 2 or 2.30pm.
so, the nap duration still same. hehe...

okie, update us after ur gynae visit on next tue.
n tells us how D react when he hear bb heartbeat. keke...
Good morning ladies

Babies proms
Had a wonderful time with zac at the babies prom yesterday. although he is too young to appreciate the music but i do! I tot its quite fun to mix in the symphony with story. Next year i hope to bring zac and lele there and by then hopefully he can enjoy more.

Hee has been wanted to buy the box but cant find time. Will definitely to give it a shot. hope u r recovering well from the operation. Take care ya! Have a great trip in HK!

Yup i leave my maid alone at home when we go out. I may do the same after lele is born unless i am going out alone with the kids without my hubby. I usually test my maid's honesty by leaving money around. I warned her before that I will give no mercy if she is caught stealing. I did it cos i dont want to be always on my guard with the maid, she is supposed to be a helper and not to create more emotional burden to me. Once again, this also dependent on the maid's character.

As for the nap, zac always bully my parents, he will always skip the afternoon nap at my parents place cos i think he knows my parents are soft hearted and will let him out of the room if he keep on crying. But at home, he knows he cant get away with me and sometimes i know he wasnt sleeping but playing in his cot but i just leave him there to unwind till i think its time for him to wake up and play.

I think its hard to get them to sleep if they dont want to. the more u force them, the more they resist. Mayb a walk downstair can unwind him? that is what i suggested to my parents. Now my dad brings him down to walk before the afternoon nap so that he can exhaust his energy. I notice zac sleeps better after a trip outside mayb becos there are a lot of things for him to see and exhaust both his emotional and physical strength.

i remember u went for the marriott vacation club talk right? i went yesterday night, hmm nearly tempted to sign up since my hubby and myself usually travel once a year. but hor, pull back in time cos i think the money can be put into better use. luckily i jam break in time if nt i am sure to regret. especially now with 2 kids, need to watch out on finances. but hor, quite a sound plan leh, what do u think? hee he but i still got my $200 taka vouchers and my hubby said i am very aunty so happy over the voucher! haha
Parisilk contact and address can be found here: http://parisilk.com/location.html
They have 3 outlets. I always go to the HV outlet.
Why yr maid "eyeing" Ayden's stuff? She got a son also? But then isn't her son older than Ayden then?
Ya, I think those HK serials really make our mums wanna go HK. I told her other place I will go with her but not HK. Like I mentioned earlier, unless I no choice but to go HK Disneyland, if not I won't step into HK haha...
Haha... my 2nd confinement totally no confinement one. Went shopping at least few times a week. Bath lah, on fan lah, everything as usual. My CLs also said I like not doing confinement.
For the car issue, wait and monitor to see how it goes first. Dun be impulse to upgrade.
As for nap, kid grows older, nap from 2x will drop to 1x. Jaslyn sometimes nap once only. Usually if she's really very tired, we will pat her to sleep, just let her cry for a while after that she will fall asleep lor.
Like what babygrace, Gemini and Shirley mentioned, I also dun like maid to tag along unless really need someone to help out eg gathering when adults wanna chit chat. Maybe you can try leaving maid at home for a short while then slowly lengthen the time. The suggestion to seal the key in sealed envelope by babygrace sounds good. I just feel that go out with maid very troublesome and no family time/bonding, extra expenses to bring maid out too. Gotta train them to be independent, if not they think they very good life, come here work and got to shop/eat ard with the employer. Perhaps you are too lenient with yr maid, talk to her what you expect from her and if you ever caught her stealing, bye bye to her. Test her.

Then just get a small tin. Unless Caleb drinks a lot if not no need to bring big tin over. I guess should be enough lah.

Oh is another villa. I think lbs checked with folic and she mentioned they went to Jade. The one we went is Emerald. Oh ya, I went with lbs's family, and her 2nd bb now 3mths old. This is the 2nd time we went as family trip together, seems like once a year. The kids enjoyed so much in the villa.

I have a colleague hor, her tummy showed so big liao yet still refused she preggie wor. She not shotgun or what lah, haiz... dun understand her lor. Is preggie such a disgust or what? Let ppl know one is preggie is better, at least ppl tend to be more careful mah. I dun see why can't share the good news unless got complication lor. In fact hor, her whole dept knew she preggie but she kept saying no.

Sounds attractive hor? Me tempted too but I jam break too. The talk was too long and I got some time to think over it, and I realised it is not a good deal after all. I rather put the $ to better use. You remember they keep mentioning using points to redeem the hotel stay something like that? When I asked them what abt airfare, they also say points but they never say if no points how or how to earn points. Some qns we asked, they din answer. Anyway I forgot wat we asked liao, so long le. Thinking back, I won't want to stay in the same hotel group each time for our trip lor. I almost opt for the hotel stay, but changed to the Taka Voucher in the end. Used them to buy diapers and FM at the Cold Storage hahaha...
Tell yr hb got free diapers and FM or watever using the $200 voucher, see he uncle or not haha... Free leh. If he dun want, I want. Never mind I auntie liao hahaha...

Shirley, i went for the 10am one today. I think it's really good. Both kids enjoyed it a lot. I thought Emma would not be able to sit thru' it but surprising she lasted thru' out till the part where the kids went onstage and that was when she started getting restless. She was happily standing on the seat, clapping and waving her balloon sculpture. Joshua told us after that concert that he wants to go again.
I guess music is the universal language that reaches all ages. And it helps that we had v good seats at the front section.

i see.... the villa looks v much the same. I was asked by them to join in then but i didn't cos the thought of packing for 2 kids is so daunting.

This place could be my next destination. The other alternative could be Marriot Vacation Club at Phuket. Friends who hv been to the resort in Phuket say that it's v good. I almost signed up also when i went for the presentation. But held back cos i was not working then, so holidays are luxury items that we could do without.
The programme looks good and quite worth the while but pay upfront for holiday which is a non-essential item, i still cant get myself to do it.
the layout may be different, I saw Jade website, the swimming pool is smaller. You should have join them mah. I didn't think too much with the packing, now is easier. But then ended with 1 big luggage hahaha... ok lah, I packed more clothings for the gals, ended only wore 3 sets I think cos got washer and dryer mah, so now I know liao, next time no need to bring so many clothings if we ever go again.
OK, I need help. Any mummy saw this oven set at any dept store? Prefer Pooh one so I can have the full set, dun mind if is other Disney Character.
The brand is TOMY DISNEY. Thanks ah...

BTW, think the villa look more or less the same cos is done by the same developers. I did some research in forum before booking Emerald.
emma was still quite young then (but not too young to juz survive on milk), so got more stuff to pack and worry about food etc. Plus all the rest have 1 kid only, was thinking it may be difficult to catch up with them if we go out. But looks like in the end, they also mostly nua in the villa. haha!
hey, that villa is a nice place to nua hahaha... ok lah, lbs's gal 3 mths old also. no problem lor. She 's the most relax one, just eat and sleep kekeke...
I'm looking out for these kind of wooden puzzle. Any idea where to get cheap one? These aren't cheap is it? Saw the price can range froM $8 to $20+! Got lobang for cheap ones?

remember you gals were asking for cheap umbrella stroller. Happened to see a COSCO umbrella stroller selling at $39.90 at CK Tangs Orchard, Level 4, baby dept. Not sure if is the same pc as this pic, but I remember is blue color too.

3 mths old is easy, juz drink milk and sleep, just like when i brought J to France last time.
The most troublesome period is when they start on solids but yet not ready for outside food, more ley chey to go on holiday.

Toys R Us got this type of wooden puzzles. About $8 if i remember correctly and they usually have a buy 2 get 3rd one free promo. But the designs are quite limited.
I closing shop already ma after #2 lol..
haven get.. intend to get in few mths time. my plan is that HB do all the driving.. unless i've lesson need to travel to jurong then i will. if not with 2 kids i dont think i am able to drive. All along i prefer van then car. though my HB prefers to get a car but i find that getting a car, expenses will be v.high which we cant afford. we now doing some calculation for van lor.

does that stroller have a cover at the top? i wanna get something like that for my aunty. my aunty prefer that. moreover yday i got $40 ck tang voucher during my D&D.. if have cover then probably i going to get that if not then i get milk bottle for #2.
ya, that's the tough period to go on tour. Sianz.
I saw the ones from Toys R Us, not nice leh.

Hee... I din take good look at it. They were folded up, so I din open up to see.
Tricia and Starz,
K has the problem of being very very sleepy but not wanting to sleep also. But this makes him even more cranky at night rather than just go sleep cos he is too tired. In fact, for the last 2 nights, I think he is so overtly tired that he cried and yelled non-stop for 1 over hours before he managed to go to sleep
He totally didn't know what he is crying for anymore. I tried to give in to him by walking to whichever part of the house he pointed to but the moment I reach there, he cried again and point back to where we were. Back forth, back forth. Sigh.. really terrible for me.
Think i saw some wooden puzzle at the toys warehse sale at Blk 171, Kallang Way,
5th floor(opp Infineon, forgotten the unit #, but should be easy to find).
You can go there to find...
Sori i missed what you posted earlier on.
If it is at Kallang, it should be the one as previous. Was back by demand from 7-24th Dec07.
Blk 171, Kallang Way, #05-03
Mon-Fri 11am-6:30pm
Sat-Sun 10am-5pm

Saw alot of wooden toys there with puzzles.
You can try go on weekend.
yes...mytoys having bp 50% disc on all the item including the puzzle u posted earlier. the rpice stated is b4 disc lel.
But hor i just check the BP already closed on sunday. but u still can email to her.
Today my A is with new bbsitter.
Hope he is in good hands this time around...
However, he not very used to the environment.
Once step into the hse, he started to cry n dun want to sleep...
worried leh... managed to slip out when they distracted him w toys.. will go back later to beow again.... (on leave today)

The aunty hinted me dun need to go back later.
But i need to see how she bath and feed him.
How har.. should i go?
Anyway today first day, i think i should be there to brief her.... then again dun want to offend her as well...
Yes, MyToys was on sale previously.
I bot a pull snail from them.
Not bad leh.. you can try email her. She delivers to your hse too.
You went? What toys they have leh? Din tot of going cos far leh.
Re: The new bbsitter. For me, most probably I won't go cos if A sees you, the more he will cry lor. Give the nanny some time to let her adjust A to get use to the new environment?

Aiya closed liao ah. I dinno the price is before discount. I go check.
nvm, she mention whoever wanna order can still email her. she won't check the thread often.
the BP just close last nite. think she still can accept ur order.
quick quick email her.
sorry lel..din see ur posting cos i rarely online after office hr.
Hi Grace,

When I first placed my gal in the new infant care, me & hb stayed there for the first 4 hours when we accompany her and tried to let her adjust to the new environment and at the same time see how the teacher bath and feed her. Then the 2nd day, we left her in the infant care the first half of the day & brought her hm eariler in the afternoon around 3+. 3rd day we left her there for the whole day liao...

My girl took about 3 weeks to get used to the new infant, initially she cried so sadly every morning when we send her there, but slowly she get used to it and stop crying.
Went there, there are alot of hello kitty toys,
cars, robots, wooden toys, sesame street softtoys and bags, playstation games... but abit
dusty... alot of people went there to buy hello kitty stuff. Most of them range from less than
$10. Can go see if you want to buy xmas gift.

The previous one alot of cheap toys but quality not very good and range very limited.
This current one abit more toys...

It is somewhere near the kallang exit from PIE.
(Turn left when enter Kallang exit.)
I see... ok, I email her later.
But need $35 for free delivery and collection point not convenient for me. <font color="119911">Anyone wanna combine order huh?</font>

Hmm... dun think will be going. Lazy to go all the way to Kallang cos totally out of way for me. Thanks ah!
Just want to know anyone here use part time cleaner.

If so, can I have her contact?

I am helping my in laws looking for one.

Thanks a million

went for my gynae visit on Sat, finally see the waterbag with the blinking heart beats. EDD 31 Jul 08.

Hi Starz,
Desiree also reduce her nap to once per day. good in a way cos at night she will KO around 9pm.. then i can catch my TV show

Hi Doreen,
Looking forward to your gynae visit tomorrow??? must be eager to see D reaction.

Hi Selina,
Hope you are recovering well.. caleb looks so shy shy in the 1st pic.

Hi Gracesong,
Hope able can adapt to the new babysitter. think give a few days ba, if you pop up today, might seems like you dun trust her..
just my personal opinion lah.
hi delphine,

forget to ask u last sat, ur gynae at Raffles Medical in Compass Pt? Think i saw Desiree foto on the board.

hi jackiejon,

saw joanna foto and ur family foto on the board at Raffles Medical... was there cos bring my mum for a health check up and was looking at the pics...
will sms u the PT cleaner i used previously, probably tonite, cos now biz at work...btw, still owe u the $$ for the huggalegs...
Wow, another 2nd time Mummy. CONGRATS Delphine! Hehe, I may not be the one to share the good news next, cos hb and I having second tot. We are actually very tired form everything...If not for the sake of Char, we now hope to stop at one. Had a hard time finding a suitable maid and like Doreen, we really dislike stranger at home.

Looks like I'm the least enthusatic abt hol. I hv no wish to go overseas for hol no that I hv Char. I prefer to stay put in Spore. Even contemplating not to visit hb in US next yr...

Almost change our car, but like most Mummies, I think saving $ most important, so perduaded hb not to so that we can be car-loan free. Anyway, my parents-in-law neighbourhood is very terrible, pple keep scratching others car. We repainted ours now got scratch again. So why buy new one for them to scratch.

Doreen, are you alright? Hope the hit form your sis is harmless. Me also having second tot abt maid after trying hard to find a suitable one.

Jenny, your villa damn impressive, your gals must have had a great time!

Mango, you she de to leave no. 2 in Spore when travelling ah?

Starz, Belle already settled down? You're one lucky Mummy.

Vivian, Rhys' meow expression really looks catty! Hehe.
Hi Coral,
Take one thing at a time... know it's easier said than done.
Am stopping at 2, too ex to keep up with the high cost of living in Singapore. everything increase EXCEPT our salary.

Hi Gemini,
You sure?? my gynae at thomson medical, level 1 at compass point. near the MRT. scatch head leh, how come D photo there, most prob your eyes play trick on you.
Thks! I actually tried 3 days with my previous
bbsitter. Now this current one, i try to be more careful nt to offend her. Told her i need
to show her which cream to apply for A after bath and she actually say dun need,
just tell her which cream for what purpose and she will apply and dun really need me to come and show her. But i
still went and she is very quick... finished
feeding and bathing A when i reached...

She will scold A and show him like want to slap him(i am there too) when he trys to climb the playpen and also touch the vacuum cleaner...
I abit heartpain cos no one scolds him except me and hubby, now got another stranger scolding him.. if i am not around, dun noe whether he will kana beat by aunty...
My hb say shld be ok and he think aunty want to scare A only, becos it is for his own good and he need to know what cannot be touch.

Congrats again and you must be very happy right to see the blinking heart beat...
No offence but just wanna tell you, if you dun want ppl to scold/beat yr kid, then best you be SAHM to take care of your own kid. I can tell you 200% that NO bbsitter won't scold/beat. Even if they dun do in front of you, they will still do behind your back. I feel it is a good thing that the nanny did in front of you, at least she didn't intend to hide and acted as dote yr kid so much in front of you. Or rather you want her to do nothing when she saw yr boy doing dangerous act? From the way you mentioned how she bathed and changed A, she seems to be q experienced. Give yourself and her more time to adapt to each other's routine.
I used to take cane to threaten the kids tat my mum bbsitted cos they were doing dangerous act. I rather scold/beat them then having them get hurt. FYI, my bro also scold/beat my gals when they are notti. He used cane on them too but is more for threatening them.
If you are so worry with the new nanny, and not giving any trust, I can tell you the nanny won't treat your boy good.
Kids can be dote but not for spoilt. Just my advise.
hi delphine,

hehee... wrong gal then. the baby looks like D...

hi grace,

my personal comments, no offence ok? i felt that since u have decided to leave A with the new nanny, have to had trust with her. have to learn to let go a bit, or else u will be worrying the whole day wondering what the nanny doing with A. know it's easier for me to say. but normally i adopt this thinking when my gal is at MIL place and i'm not around.
perhaps u can ask the nanny during the evening, how's A behaviour during the day ?

Hi mummies,

Looks like I'm the one who dun trust pple easily, that why I choose to put my gal in infant care centre rather than babysitter when my parents & inlaws are unable to help to take care.

Unless u really know the babysitter & her family members well enough to trust her, some get to know the babysitter thru recommendation or thru agency... how much trust u can place on her, really depends on individual.
