(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Thanks for ur suggestion. it's good idea. since i got those toyogo boxes, mayb can use one to put all his toys in plus some "forbidden things" inside for him to play. it might keep him bz. hehe

but this A hor, will not loss interest once he take out the things frm drawer or cabinet. he will play "throw & pick" game. really bth him lel.

How r u now? feeling better?
poor gal...must drink more liquid. since u cant take milo, mayb fresh fruit juice?

so, u more of "good guy", tat's good!

tricia can stand without support now! this naughty girl finally want to stand liao! she also managed to walk 2-3 steps...
Kim same as A haha! Love taking things out and putting back in. Today another day Mc. Haven recover yet. still feeling the pain whenever i eat something.

i no intention to get maid cause weekdays noone will be at home. + kim will be going child care and with #2 coming, expenses will be quite high. I cant afford paying for child care, nanny and maid fees. will faint before i do so haha..
Anyway my mom just called my grandma and say her again lah! say i going to do confinement then now give so much problem. My grandma now changing her mind. hopefully nothing goes wrong now.
I wanna post this yday but forum was down, haha... here it goes before I read the rest of the postings.

Jolene gave me a fright ynite cos she suddenly having high fever. Now she's ok after taking the medicine. But I scare her fever will rises again in the evening/nite which she usually have. I dunno why, hb was saying maybe Jolene has a "xu" body system, tats why she always have fever at nite or even midnite. 1am, her temp was so high that her body like boiling and was very uncomfortable.

hee.. Jaslyn always did tat kind of expression that Rhys did. And she always kena beat by her Daddy for making these faces. We realised is a habit lor.

Yatch Club very nice... I wanna bring the gals go long long time but lazy hee hee... No need to be member to go in right? I remember there's a restuarant there is it?

<font color="119911">BTW, anyone knows the SAF Yatch Club somewhere at the end of Sembawang, non member can go in??</font>

I din tour ard Bali, only pics taken in the villa. Partly I have no interest with those arts haha... Perhaps next time will go again when kids are older, then much easier to travel ard. Cos we have a 3 mth old infant with us, hence, didn't want to travel much also.

Haha Oct 06 Mummies really productive man!!
<font color="119911">Doreen, you got company wor!!</font>

Aiya, flight to Bali only takes 2.5hrs nia. The to trip, I let her watch cartoon, she watched halfway and fell asleep w/o my knowledge, maybe I busy jager Jolene as well. My dear ah lao went to sit in the empty seat next to us, leaving me to look after both gals. The to trip flight only 80% fulled, so got extra seats. The return trip flight was 98% fulled, no empty seats nearby, so ah lao got to help to look after the gals hee hee... Jaslyn did fuss a bit on board, then the crew got her a toy to keep her entertained, plus we fed her food lor. Just before take-off, she fell asleep (guessed she woke up very early too lah at 5.45am like tat) and slept till we landed. We managed to get the 2nd row seat for the return trip, so we got attention from the crew too.

Aiya you dun talk so much of how to cope with #2 lah, when time comes, everything will work out. You still got a super mum to help you leh. See, the mummies here, most manage on their own already going for #2, and you still asking this qns "how to cope?"... wait till you figure out the answer, you won't want to have le.

ha you think D starts walking now, means Delphine can rest more?? I think Delphine needs to run after D wor.

Ya, we stayed inside the villa w/o stepping out, super nua wor but we all enjoyed so much. The villa was so big that it has a 9m pool, open concept kitchen and living room + 3 rooms. The only thing I dun like is the living room is open concept, quite dangerous to have kids running abt cos the pool is just outside. Show you a pic later.

Maybe yr hb say say only lah, in the spite of anger. For climbing up, I will either ignore and let Jaslyn cries or I beat her thighs till she gives up. CDs case, I will take masking tape to tape the drawer. Cos I dun wan to waste my time to clear up.
oopsss...naughty M.
My A even throw my hp. luckily din spoilt it. i always to keep those forbidden things far away frm him.
The box method works! At least for me lah. I keep rotating the toys in the big box. In fact I have a few toyogo boxes to do the change. So, my gals only need to play with a few toys. No need to buy new toys for them haha..cheapo mummy here.

yes yes... Jaslyn and Jolene also like tat, especially Jaslyn. Never mind, let her go take till she "song". When she sleeps then I clear. Anyway Jolene stops this action at dunno wat age, I dun bother also. My conclusion is, kids dun like floor to be cleaned w/o toys haha

Email or PM me for contacts. Dun think I have your email leh.
Each pregnancy is different. Just enjoy it till you deliver. Be more observant with what you intake and rule out the possible food that you are not comfortable.

Congrats for Tricia reaching the big milestone!
Hi ladies,

me taking a break from all the numbers and come here to feel the happiness... hee...
so fast hor, so many of you going for #2 liao... so exciting... hee...

Mango, Jenny
actually we wanted to teach Rhys to meow when we say cat that time coz he knew how to make other animal sounds.
But instead of meowing, he show us the "neow" face lor... bth...
but this face hor, depends on his mood one. If he mood good, then he will show us the face when we say Cat. If he no mood, we say cat until next day he will only ignore or laff at us. In fact this cat face I took quite long then got chance to take... hee...
so far not really a habit for now... choy...but his temper hor, aiyo... really cannot tahan leh... want means want.... very "ba dao" lor... me and hb really dun know what to do with him about this... sigh...

poor thing... you take care leh... drink more water and skip those acidic and strong taste food for now since your tummy so sensitive now. I all along also got weak stomach, once eat curry, the same nite sure diarrhae one... but i still eat.. haa... but you better avoid lah... now need all the energy so jia you!!!

yeah! congrats on tricia standing without support and her first few steps... very soon, you will be joining our "everytime-got-to-chase-after-them-aka-the-BACKACHE" club liao... haa...
My hb like the idea of nua. haha..when we went KL, didnt stay at my bro hse but we stay at hotel, dine in n nua there.
aiyo...A spoilt my drawer lock tat hb install at all drawer. n i dun think masking tape can work. i dunno where he learn, he love to take out all the sticker, e.g he took out the sticker tat stick on the taxi or car.

Dunno my hb lal. mayb he not use to small kids ba. he told me wat happen if no.2 also behave same as A? he still scare

guess wat? MIL again said tat bcos i never 'wrap his hands" during confiment, tat's y he 'duo shou duo jiao'. faint
Oct 06 mommies very productive hor.
Let's lay our bets to see who is the next one. haha!

Ignore that aunty lah. some pple only know how to talk only.
D is such a vainpot. haha!

Don't think so much lah. there's no best time.
i always tell pple on hindsight, i'm glad that emma came as unplanned cos right now Joshua is a lot more easier to handle. So the inertia to start all over again will be so high. No doubt it may be easier for you to cope with 2nd pregnancy when R is older. but at least for now, i keep telling myself 1 year more and both kids will be easier to manage.
Yah lor... jialat hor...
this boy every nite refused to let us watch tv... he will come to either me or hb, grab our finger and drag us to the room, accompany him to his reading corner, wait for him to choose a book, pass the book to us, climb up the bed and expect us to read to him lor.
Mon and Tues is our "Heros" and "CSI" nites lor and his boy will drag and scream and scream and drag us by force lor... WANTS mean WANTS, if dun give he will show us his power in screaming... sigh...
aiyo..u shld feels happy ma..at least what he WANTS is ask u or ur hb to read to him.

How i wish A will do tat. He never sit still. When i ask him sit down n want to read to him. he will bo hiew me. or grab the book frm me n THROW away.
Thanks Thanks...

Haha.. true also lor if D really knows how to walk then i will have a hard time chasing her. but if she dun walk, i will have to carry her.. very contradicting right...

Let me guess.. maybe coral cos heard she will be TTCing next year liao..

You can join us too.. hehe

Rhys at least wants you to read to him.. D will throw whatever book i gave to her...
ya lah... i happy that he likes reading now, hopefully this will sustain to adulthood lor...
But hor, very disruptive to my tv leh.. haa... he always pick the best part to grab us one... bth...

Rhys also never sit still lah. His butt will move move move, saliva will drip drip drip... bth...

If you want to start Alvis on books, my experience is to try to get those "activity" books which allows him to flip and pull and push parts of the books. I started with a lot of those and we found that he loves it. I rem Doreen also have a few.
Rhys loves those esp. when he can lift the flap, pull and see the picture changes. He can keep repeating the same book again and again. We had those books since he is ard 7-8mths old. Small,handy and fun.
Here's some of his all-time-favorites.



But I must mention something, I think the person who read the book also must makes it fun too... like makes all the animal noises, make extra "kua zhang" actions and sounds to hold their interests... just to share...
hi mummies...

<font color="ff6000">delphine</font>,
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!!!!!</font></font>
hehehe... u were juz "complaining" a couple of weeks back only rite... now u got ur wish liaoz lor...

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
take care hor... keep us updated on how you are getting along... nowadays try not to go out too often lor... till ur preg stabilises... mayb juz push D in stroller to J8 for e time being n dont venture too far lor....

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
im not sure if im thinking of e same Yatch Club as u r referring to... but its quite "ulu" n near a army camp 1 issit??? if its tat 1, then can... cos me & hb used to love going there for their fish head curry... e seating is outdoor, juz beside e sea type... when walking in from e "carpark", e walkway is narrow n u can see e yatches parked next to it 1...

<font color="ff6000">rhys de mummie</font>
hehehe... ah beng sooo cheeky!!! his hairstyle also different liaoz hor... or u juz happen to "comb down" for e photo??? he looks like a big gor gor liaoz....
I love to have #2 now... but after some thots and discussion with hb, most probably after Rhys settle down in childcare first ard 18mths. See how lor... hee... maybe I am so tempted that I may be the next one announcing good news??? haa...
Hey Starz...

Nice to see you here... how's ah seng and isabelle? Confinement going fine??
Ah beng's hair long liao, auto stay down liao. hee... no more spikey head...
He ah... in my mum's place is big gor gor lor... coz got my sis' baby there... haaa...
oo..such a cute books.

Can tell me where u bought it?
think A oredi sian with his 4 books till he tear it. pity his sibling if he have. nothing in goods conditions.
<font color="0000ff">gathering</font>
if u all dont mind.. i can also "offer" my place for a gathering after Xmas... cos im still not quite confident of going out with 2 yet... no need to paiseh.. if got interest im onz!!!

<font color="0000ff">walking</font>
eh... A stll no "progress" leh... n e funny thing is, he walks very well n stable inside his playyard can stand unassisted, squat n even run!!! but once outside he juz refuses to stand/walk n will revert to crawling... when we go out he will also walk holdng our hand, but once we let go, he'll sit n start crawling too....

<font color="0000ff">temper</font>
dunno y these few days A getting pretty bad-tempered... we've all been paying more attn to him to make sure he doesnt feel neglected.. we think he does "love" is meimei, cos when we carry belle n he sees, he'll want to "sayang" her... (n he's especially gentle when he touches belle) but we cant figure out why he's so cranky....

lastly, hope u all ont mind me asking for ur opinions on something not too relevant here ar... cos im in dilemma here...
<font color="0000ff">switching car to a MPV</font>
rite now we r driving a normal 5-seater sedan lah.. but hubby hv left e decision whether to switch to a MPV to me.. n i reli cant decide...
to change:
1. cos wih 2 carseat, it wld only leave space for 2 passengers, n its quite squeezy
2. usually its hb + me + maid + mum... cant fit in anymore..
not to change:
its going to increase our monthly expenses by quite a fair bit.. it means lesser savings... now with belle, we havent reli "experience" e full impact of e additional cost yet... so abit worried....
any advise???
hi jasmine,

can hi5 with u. tricia also same as A, wont sit still one, her buttocks got needles one... read books to her, will snatch the book and flip thro for a while, then throw it one side...
she's also WANTS mean WANT.
whenever is her porridge time, must on the "Baby can Read" VCD, or else she will refuse to eat her porridge. she dont give face one, even my dad who's watching TV also have to let her see her VCD.

hi vivian,

even though now, tricia is crawling, we got a hard time chasing after her also...
Hi Vivan,
So envy u, your boy loves to read.

Since baby time, we hv been trying to read to LA, but she never sit still for us to finish a really short story book, she'll try to grab the book fm us, then try to flip the pages, finally put into her mounth
Now she even tear the pages out

We went to Republic Spore Yacht Club @ West Coast, its open to public. We went to the the cafe at 1st floor near the pool for dinner. Price quite reasonable & the portion is generous
Advise to go during evening when the you can feel the sea breeze, afternoon can be very warm.

Tough decision to make leh...

It's good to switch to a MPV, cos I think for a normal 5 seater sedan, 2 car seats really take out a lot of space.
Masking tape no use, but at least make kids do a bit of work before they get the things they want. One day they will be sick of it.
Wat wrap hands lah, the myths said preggie dun eat crabs cos will duo shou duo jiao also wat. I ate for both pregnancies lah. My god mum never eat, but my god bro super duo shou duo jiao wor.

the yatch club you talking is sembawang area right? not west coast de hor?
If so, then should be the same. I only know there's one yatch club in sembawang. I wanna bring the gals there at least once b4 I move out from sembawang. Been in this area for 4 years plus, but I super blur with this area, practically go home nia.
My hb changed to MPV after Jaslyn arrives 1 mth later, we got the MPV just when Jaslyn was abt 3mths+.
Reason for changing, very simple, cos our car is Vios, you imagine how small the car is, and how to put 2 carseats? Put 2 carseats behind means the kids manned on their own leh. I so fat how to squeeze behind with 2 carseats? For the 1st 3 mths, we had a carseat + infant carseat. Still managable, cos you know infant carseat dun take up much space compare to child carseat. Actually for us is still ok, but for weekends, we need to drive my mum and sis as well. That becomes a problem. Hb decided to upgrade to MPV so my mum and sis can have more space as well as for me lah. And you are right, the monthly expenses increased a lot, almost double. Hence, we work out the sum and decide instalment shouldn't over certain amt, but our loan is much longer now (10 years loan). Petrol cost increased double.
My intention is, once Jolene starts on booster carseat, I want to downgrade car. Or in fact, we may forgo the car cos kids older can take public transport, at least no more barang barang to take along. I struggle w/o a car for my 1st pregnancy, so I dun see why we can't live w/o one in another few years time.

On the other hand, a friend of mine also driving a Vios. They were considering if wanna upgrade to MPV cos of the carseats problem too. Ended, they manage to work out with some changes and continue with their Vios. What they did was, they shifted the elder one with the carseat to the front. The other carseat is placed at the back, so 2 passenger seats are free. But then, cos you have a maid, this move may not solve your problem.

I think the car price increase recently right? So, now is not a good time to upgrade wor. I got my MPV for $81K, sold off our Vios at a loss cos it was not even 2 years.
Now we also let him watch his fav 'the wheels on the bus' to keep him entertatin during his meals time. but he also watch news, my fil said he love to see the pretty reporter.
ya lor. mil always it's due to we din wrap him but hor i told her my cousin wrap her son for 2 weeks, her boy still very 'duo shou duo jiao lel. aiya, actually old time ppl wrap the baby bcos they dun hav mitten n they afraid bb will scratch their face wif fingernail lal.
i very good gal hor, never eat crabs during pregnancy..hahaha ...kiasi lal.

u sure wanna sold out ur car in future? i found that wif children w/o car very inconvenience lel. some more u got 2 lel.
So nice reminds me of CARS.
I like ur club name hahaha n yah very true me now very sian have to keep bending down to pull him up as well cos he likes to sit on floors

Ur gal so pretty in the dress....so envy hope I get a girl this time can dress up....hahaha

Gemini, jackiejon
Soon lah Tricia will be walking all over then headach liao....kekeke

Very vain hor sit in car also can keep looking at himself at the side mirror n smile....BTH
Take care aah ur intestine so sensitive u must watch wat u eating already

Think Ayden need to build confidence first cos D was like that initially he can walk on his own on those soft surface infact he knew how to standup on his own on our bed before he can walk. That's why that time I keep bringing D for gym class cos he only walks on that kind of surface.
Temper wise I think cos they r growing up n more aware of things around them already n start to 'feel' like D used to sleep over the drilling sound (cos building lift right outside my flat) now hor he must hug me or he will cry 1.
As for gathering at ur place I"M ON!!!!......hahahaha
Now stuck home liao gian gathering already.......hehehe

Maybe u want to wait a few more months n see the expenses before u decide cos the petrol will also cost more. Or try looking for cheaper MPV lor so the diff won't be too much.
jialat leh... trying to post tis msg formore than 30mins liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">vivian</font>
paiseh... massage lady came liaoz.. so had to quickly logoff first...
ah seng n isabelle, both showing us "pattern" everyday.. like i mention, duno why ah seng these few days very bad tempered... for belle, most of e time spent feeding/changing her... but im reli thankful she's not on US time anymore, and after midnite feed, she'll only wake once and e nex feed is morning liaoz... *crossing my fingers i dont jinx myself*...

wat confinement?? im bathing everyday... then wherever ayden is, fan is sure ON one... whole hse fan can b on at times, how to "siam"??? then havent reli eat "bu" stuff cos wan to wait till 3rd week n see if belle's jaundice is reli going down... i juz hope i dont regret nex time for not taking care of myself nia...

<font color="ff6000">agnez</font>

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
ya, i referring to sembawang 1.. if u do go, muz try e curry fish head.. last time we love to go there for this dish.. hope e standard never drop...
abt e car, thanks for sharing ur experience too... for me, im already "thinking of using" ur fren's configuration, but stil no way to fit all of us in lor. somemore i will feel bad if i dont bring my mum out when we go out, cos everyday she's "cooped up" at home with my 2kids liaoz.. then we go out n leave her at home, i'll feel super guilty 1... on e other hand, i also wont leave my maid behind, cos need her to help out when we r out too mah..... tats y dilemma..
wat MPV u bought? i "found" a pretty good deal for toyota wish/honda stream which im eyeing... cos tis co. no need us to pay up e "loss" up front.. but "add" into e loan of e new car... so every mth instalment wise will increase abt $200+, not counting petrol, road tax & insurance... hb tells me we can afford it lah.. he take care of e car expenses, while i take care of e household expenses mah.. but i stil worried lor...
btw, can u share e contact of e shop which u mention sells electrical appliances cheaper?? my nephew (student) wana buy a digicam... ur panasonic digicam is wat model?? hehehe.. i remember u mention its $300+.. think juz nice for him lor... TIA!!!

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
hehehe... u saying me stuck at home or u stuck at home???? no prob with me... depending on turnout, we can either order delivery food/send my maid to tabao for us from downstairs lor... hehehe....
maybe reli like u say A not confident of walking on hard ground yet lor... he can walk so well inside his playyard n playpen... n on our beds n sofa too.. juz not on e ground...
jialat leh... trying to post tis msg formore than 30mins liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">vivian</font>
paiseh... massage lady came liaoz.. so had to quickly logoff first...
ah seng n isabelle, both showing us "pattern" everyday.. like i mention, duno why ah seng these few days very bad tempered... for belle, most of e time spent feeding/changing her... but im reli thankful she's not on US time anymore, and after midnite feed, she'll only wake once and e nex feed is morning liaoz... *crossing my fingers i dont jinx myself*...

wat confinement?? im bathing everyday... then wherever ayden is, fan is sure ON one... whole hse fan can b on at times, how to "siam"??? then havent reli eat "bu" stuff cos wan to wait till 3rd week n see if belle's jaundice is reli going down... i juz hope i dont regret nex time for not taking care of myself nia...

<font color="ff6000">agnez</font>

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
ya, i referring to sembawang 1.. if u do go, muz try e curry fish head.. last time we love to go there for this dish.. hope e standard never drop...
abt e car, thanks for sharing ur experience too... for me, im already "thinking of using" ur fren's configuration, but stil no way to fit all of us in lor. somemore i will feel bad if i dont bring my mum out when we go out, cos everyday she's "cooped up" at home with my 2kids liaoz.. then we go out n leave her at home, i'll feel super guilty 1... on e other hand, i also wont leave my maid behind, cos need her to help out when we r out too mah..... tats y dilemma..
wat MPV u bought? i "found" a pretty good deal for toyota wish/honda stream which im eyeing... cos tis co. no need us to pay up e "loss" up front.. but "add" into e loan of e new car... so every mth instalment wise will increase abt $200+, not counting petrol, road tax & insurance... hb tells me we can afford it lah.. he take care of e car expenses, while i take care of e household expenses mah.. but i stil worried lor...
btw, can u share e contact of e shop which u mention sells electrical appliances cheaper?? my nephew (student) wana buy a digicam... ur panasonic digicam is wat model?? hehehe.. i remember u mention its $300+.. think juz nice for him lor... TIA!!!

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
hehehe... u saying me stuck at home or u stuck at home???? no prob with me... depending on turnout, we can either order delivery food/send my maid to tabao for us from downstairs lor... hehehe....
maybe reli like u say A not confident of walking on hard ground yet lor... he can walk so well inside his playyard n playpen... n on our beds n sofa too.. juz not on e ground...
Forum down last nite man... was trying to post this msg but cld only do so tdy...

jenny & bbgrace
wah now u both are ambassadors for asking Oct mummies to quickly "produce" huh? hehehe... i got plans coz i wanna pass my driving n reno my kitchen 1st. i got bad MS when i had R, so i dun wanna b stuck when i conceive again. n if i preggie, cant reno kitchen liao. bad news is my driving test is in Apr which is really late. i am hoping to get an earlier test date. and all contractors r busy this period, so they advised me to start reno only aft CNY. sigh... none of my plans can proceed yet.
i got super mum but worried she over tired lah. but coz i oso scared the later i delay, the more tough it is for her to take care as she gets older. but cant rush now lah.

the yacht club no need member can go in. my hb always goes there 4 lunch wif his coll. juz need to sign in at guard hse. according to him, ambience is nice. he ask u to bring kids there during wkends, seems like got activity.

oh the flight is 2.5 hrs nia... i thinkg to go HK, flight is 4 hrs leh. i dunno how to entertain R on flight coz space is a constraint n he sure want to come down n walk.

i realised R likes those books tt can touch n move the animals. where u got those books ah? i am keen.
belle is such a good girl. Just 2 feeds at night? Lucky you... You so good can on fan ah? My nightmare about confinement is HOT HOT HOT lor. I love the food though... Hee.. I also get to bathe everyday, with herbs... dun care...
Maybe you wait a bit more then can start eat "bu" liao... must build up your body leh... now got 2 kids to take care...

I bot those books from popular. Most of them I bot during those book fair that was set up in compasspoint main hall. I think also from popular.
Me siao one lah, everytime go any bookshop sure look out for books for R. That time the book fair, I bot over $100 of boardbooks for him. Now got a mini library liao.
Yesterday, I just pop by popular in compasspoint and realized they still have 1 or 2 of the books I shown but quality not good lor. Otherwise, will buy for you and Jasmine first. Will keep a look out for you all.

There is a bookfest coming up from 14-23Dec in suntec hall 401-404. FYI.
Oh... I just received this...
HARRIS (Popular related) is having an opening sales 20% storewide in Suntec level 2 from 7-25 Dec.
Not sure abt their book range but no harm popping by if you are ard that area.
Just to share...
Hi all,
Try to download pix but this forum was down...
Will try to load tonight.

You want go HK too? Think you must request your
agent to ask for sitting at the front row seating. More leg room and also ask for
late chk out of hotel during the last day if your flight is late at least can rest or pack
abit long....

i dun get to sit in the front row coming back
cos taking the budget airline( 1st come 1st serve)
and alot of people infront us.End up A super cranky(got runnng nose) & cant come down to stand or walk &
the plane super cramp too.
Cried the whole plane down for 1hr+(super loud some more)... can
imagine all the people staring at us for disturbing them.... end up my hb just carry A
to toliet to cry...... poor boy...

I consulted Doc about the ear pressure thingy when taking flight..
she mentioned bb ear drum channel is straight so they will not feel the pressure one...
if worried just let them drink or eat something will do. So far A is ok taking flight(except the flight back), turbojet boat.

I intend to try for #2 when A go childcare too.
Maybe when around 20mth+.
Belle so guai, think she same as Ayden hor. Both of them can wean off nite feed so early, din let the mommy suffer 'panda eyes' good good!
how i wish my day come true. hehe ..

hmmm...thanks for the info.
Will chec out Popular this weekend. Think A lost interest of those old books he have. Today i giv him the new calendar, he flip it like reading book. surprise me!

And thanks 1st if u buy for me. i believe ur 'yan guang'..hehe
I like those books too. I've got the Who lives here and the Whose Hat is that? But both books kenna destroyed liao. Both Joshua and Emma loves pulling up the tab and they pull so hard till the whole piece came up.

I considered changing to MPV before Emma came along cos my previous car cant even fit 2 child seats. In the end i still end up with a 5 seater cos the running costs of an MPV is higher. Plus i'm a sucker for continental cars and conti MPVs are limited and not to mention expensive and at that time our decision was not to take up any loan for the car, hence we didn't want to spend too much.

As for what your car agent proposed on paying a higher monthly instalment, I have some reservations about it. I'm quite against having a huge car loan either in terms of high principal amt or long loan tenure. In an uncertain market situation where car prices can fluctuate, you could end up in a negative equity situation if car prices drop in the future. That means should you decide to sell your car away, the proceeds may not even be sufficient to repay the loan. My advice is always not to take too high a loan.

What about a 2nd hand MPV? Those are usually cheaper cos the 1st owner has taken the brunt of the steep depreciation already.

Right now there's only enough space for my maid to come along. If my mum comes along, my maid will stay home. I'm luckier in the sense that my sis also stays at the same place so sometimes we borrow her car as well or get everyone to go out together so she can fetch my parents. Worse comes to worse, occasionally I had to remove Emma's seat and i carry her but hubby is quite against that.

haha... the gah men should pay me for the effort in trying to encourage you all.
as for the flight to HK, request for bassinet seat when u book ur tix. That will give u ample space at the front row.

Thanks for the headsup on Harris. I can drop by during lunch today
<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font>,

Hey long time time never hear from you ..
how's everything ?
would like to chk wif you hor, that time when u doing the confinement, did u engage CL ?
I dun know whether to engage one cos got very bad experience wif the CL last time. This time got a helper, dun knoe whether should i still engage one...very headache to find a good one .
Can share your experience ??
hello mummies

i picked the wrong time to post, when the forum was down last nite.

wah...wah... congrats to those mummies who are preggie with #2 and starz on your arrival of belle! me planning TCC early next year.

just an update on KB. he is still happily crawling, only started to try to stand by himself 2 days back. me can't wait for him to start walking and running so i can bring him to the park, etc...

here is the pic taken abt a month back.

and this one taken in mid-oct when we were in tokyo! looks like girl or not??? ha ha ha....

My CL is v good. She part of the reason why i enjoy confinement. Nice food, takes care of everything for me. Don't nag at me when i bathe / wash hair or go out, gave me lots of tips on babycare. I used her for both kids. Even though i got a maid by the time emma came along, i still need a CL cos my maid cant cook, never look after newborn. My maid helped to look after Joshua and do the household chores while CL looked after me and emma. And my CL trained my maid how to handle and bathe emma.

it's up to you, a CL is a great help if she's good.
<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font>,

Really can pm me your CL. She seems to be good ,how much is she charging ?
My Last CL huh, give M cold milk for 2 weeks , she just too impatient to wait for the milk to get warm and shoved into M mouth.When i discovered its too late liao ..so angry that time
Hi Coolmum,
Yes, 2nd pix really looks like girl.. cute!
His hat too small har..... heheee.....

I think he looked abit like my A.
Your KB seems grown up and taller too.
i will sms u her contact after this. She gets booked v quickly by "repeat customers" so you may be a bit late liao.
I dunno what's her current rate now.
Give her a call to check?

Hope u can get her!
<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font>,
I got your business card already .
Thanks . . i better give her a call now..
Thanks so much!
<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font>,

Alamak.. she is fully booked till July already ;(
Anyway tks for the contact..will keep her contact , maybe can use for #3 hahaha
hey..so long din c ur posting here.

KB grow up n taller lel.
u brought him to tokyo? did u brought him to Disneyland? m sure he enjoy a lot!
do post more here..

hi coolmum,

how have u been? KB has grown up.. still find that he looks like u....
yup, 2nd pic really look like a girl...
wah, tokyo! had a fun time over there??
